The Todd Herman Show

On The FBI’s Radar: A Look Back at 9/11 Attacks Informed by What We Have Learned About FBI Bosses Ep-1,832

As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, we need to look back while informed by what we now know about FBI bosses now. There are a few books I highly recommend you read on this topic that I will share with you. And, how many metric tons of utter trash do human beings eat in a lifetime? By the way, what is it doing to our bodies? Plus, speaking of bodies and trash… Bill Gates? He's not trash. He's a human, but Bill Gates plans to shove digital IDs into the bodies of newborn babies

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Broadcast on:
09 Sep 2024
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And how many metric tons of utter trash to human beings eat in a lifetime, and by the way, what is it doing to our bodies? Plus, speaking of bodies and trash, Bill Gates... He's not trash. He's human. Bill Gates planned to shove digital IDs into the bodies of newborn babies. We'll talk about this all with the help of our YouTube channel, and with God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by Big Pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City X-I. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times in which God has decided we should live. There is a dynamic, a play in Washington, D.C. that's also a play in every major city in the United States of America. It's a dynamic that speaks to an illness in government, an illness of government, and an illness that is almost completely unique to government. In every other fact of life, there's accountability for actions, equal opposite reactions in terms of scientific, rigor, and in fact, accountability for when we do something wrong. It eventually comes back and gets us, eventually. That is not the case in government. Looking back at 9/11, there's a whole series of questions that are on the tip of my mind. How about yours? I remember 9/11 this way. I remember waking up from a long road trip, I'd flown across the country the night before, got home at God knows what hour. And it's sucked in. I remember waking up and turning on the TV back when we had TV. As I looked at the TV, they were showing a view of an American city. They were sweeping the American city with cameras. I didn't recognize it. Turned out it was New York City. I remember they were downtown, the cameras were downtown, there was some smoke, and I was thinking, "Wow, it's a city in a river. What is that? Pittsburgh?" And then they swept uptown. I saw the Empire State Building, and I remember I said, "Dear God, the towers are gone." I had no idea what had gone on until I fumbled around and turned up the sound. And then I saw the same things you saw. I remember calling my wife, it was at that point my girlfriend, "Yeah, we were living in sin. God forgive us." At school to make sure she was okay and that she saw what was going on. She was teaching kindergarten. They weren't talking about what was going on, but they were aware of it. But I thought of this. I thought of an elevator operator. A guy I'd never met. Well, that's not true. I met but didn't know anything about it. He simply took me on top of the windows of the world, the World Trade Center. A friend of mine in New York City learned that I had the weekend free. I got actually called to stay over on the weekend in New York to finish up a business and negotiation on a Monday. First time I'd ever spent the weekend there. First time I'd ever had unstructured time in New York City. And I asked Rick, "What should I do? Should I go see the Statue of Liberty or go up in the World Trade Center?" And he said, "You know what? I actually suggest you go to the Trade Center." It's a very special view of the entire city, so I did. And there was a guy who was operating the elevator. Never got his name. Simply talked about our kids a little bit. So on that day, I thought about him. Of course, he did nothing to anybody. I wondered if he was there and I could never check, I didn't have his name. So what were your thoughts? As I look back on this, and 9/11, of course, is Wednesday, I say, "Look back on this. I'm beginning to think about some commonalities between governments, of all size. It's a sickness in government and a sickness of government." And we'll talk about that in a second. Sicknesses in our life, we're going to come and go. But the healthier you are, the less likely you are to fall victim to really important or catastrophic illness. A lot of that's exercised, a lot of that is making sure that you drink enough water, and most Americans don't get near to enough water. And supplementing where supplements are helpful. You know, there are a range of supplements I use. Very few though, on auto-ship. I gave permission to buy optimizers to auto-ship me a series of their products. You've heard me talk about magnesium breakthrough. I haven't been cleared until lately to talk about mass Zymes. So this is a digestive enzyme mix that Matt Wade at Buy Optimizers spent 243 enzyme experiments before they'd created a product that they would put their name on. And that it would fit into the category of breakthrough. A breakthrough product. Mass Zymes is a breakthrough product. They did a study looking at protein absorption into the body. They used a birch international university at Bosnia. They tested protein absorption. When people use mass Zymes, they released a staggering 1,200% more amino acids compared to just the digestive system alone. Amino acids and branched chain aminos are the building blocks of muscles. They sustain muscle. So one of the best ways that you can ensure that you absolutely absorb all the food you eat and to maintain muscle, particularly if you're on any form of restrictive diet, is to get the proper digestive enzymes, enter mass Zymes. So go right now to to get your bottle of mass Zymes, 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Go to to get 10% off mass Zymes and start your journey to better health today. Looking back on 9/11, let's look first here at the country. Fox News reports. Suspected Trende Aruga, gang members in Aurora, Colorado, released on a $1,000 bond. The Aurora Police Department decided to release gang members who had seized control of an apartment building on a $1,000 bond. This despite the fact that ICE had requested a detainer for both of these guys, because they're in the country illegally, they're part of a violent gang that is seizing properties and, according to many of the people in these apartments, actually charging rent, which is exactly what they would do in the neighborhoods from hence they came. Why would they act differently here? Just because they were allowed to come across the border illegally, they're suddenly going to say, okay, our life of crime is behind us. Now we need to be good citizens. No, they're not who will be held accountable for this. No one. A unique disease of and by government is there is no accountability. Sadly, some of this is built into a constitution, which makes it very, very difficult to sue an elected official for official acts. They're pretending that President Trump's the only one who got such a waiver for what he said about the election. They're pretending that this was giving the president the ability to murder people. Well, people who run cities are aiding and abetting murder and blackmail and extortion and threats of all kinds by how they refuse to bring any accountability to the gangs. They're doing this for politics. They're doing this to bring discord into the cities. They're doing this for electoral college votes. So why did they allow 9/11 to happen? I am not saying it was a government setup. I'm asking why they allowed it to occur. See, we know something about the FBI now. There's no accountability. But we know worse than that. We know that they are the enemies of free speech. We know that they're avowed enemies of conservatism. We know that they're avowed enemies of anyone who questions the power of the state. We know that they're willing to lie to the most powerful court in the country, which is not the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has to open and has to operate in public view. They have to issue their decisions. The Supreme Court hearings can be watched and reported upon. The FISA Court is a secret court, uniquely un-American. We know that the FBI lied to the FISA Court about President Trump. What else did they lie about? Looking back at 9/11, there's a whole series of people who have very, very important questions. There's a professor named Dr. Leroy Holesley. He's from Alaska. He's not a political dude. He became very, very curious about World Trade Center 7. He looked at the footage of this and said, "Wait a minute. How did that happen? How did that collapse?" So he's a structural engineer and he teaches forensic engineering. His job is to examine how something fell apart. He has a lab in Alaska where he's allowed to look into this. He's paid to look into this. He had graduate students help him do an analysis of World Trade Center 7. And you know what he came back and said, "Fire did not take this down." The internal workings of the building did not melt. That beam did not fail through fire. Something else took it down. It is his belief that explosive took it down. That's frightening. And an FBI willing to land rhetorical explosives into the body politic. Why would they have a problem with explosives in a building like that? Where rhetorical bombs like President Trump is controlled by Vladimir Putin. Where rhetorical bombs like the Hunter Biden laptop story is propaganda, Russian propaganda, or cultural bombs, allowing criminals to cook up massive attacks against America. Now, is it hubris, pride? Is it a reluctance to shake the boat or all those things? There's a series of books about 9/11 I suggest you read if you've not, if you're curious about the topic at all. The first one's called the looming tower. Acadia and the Rhodes 9/11 by Lawrence Wright. Not a drop of conspiracy theory in this. The predicate or the thesis of the book is that it was massive, massive corruption and arrogance between two federal agencies that allowed this to occur. The FBI and the CIA. What you'll learn in the book is both agencies knew the terrorists were here. Both agencies knew they were planning to seize jetliners. Both agencies knew this was happening, but one person at the tip top of the Bill Clinton administration, a woman named Jeremy Garelic. Had erected a law, a probably a wall between the FBI and the CIA, where they weren't allowed to talk to one another about events like this. The book partially blames that wall erected by Garelic for these agencies not connecting the dots to stop this terrorist attack, and they absolutely knew one was coming. That book will prove it to you. Incidentally, Jamie Garelic was also one of the persons involved in the decision to force banks to give loans to people who could never pay them back for houses. She helped create the housing crisis. She retired comfortably from government, as did Bill Clinton. See, if you look into the FBI with what we know now, you have to ask a series of uncomfortable questions. Who was held to account for that? Who was fired? Who was made an example of? And to step away from 9/11 to go back to the plot against the Oklahoma Trade Center, or the Oklahoma bombing, the Trade Center in Oklahoma City, Jamie Davis wrote a book called The Third Terrorist. This is the most remarkable book you're ever going to read about the Oklahoma City bombing, because you probably don't remember The Third Terrorist. You probably do not remember all of the testimony of people who saw a Middle Eastern Man hanging out with Timmy Meevay, driving with him, renting trucks with him, or this. The day of the bombing after they went down and found bodies and search and began the search, they came across the leg of a guy who matched the description of the Middle Eastern man, wearing what he was wearing. Jane and Davis followed the plan to blow that building up all the way over to Al-Qaeda, and the book is airtight. She was a national award-winning investigative journalist, a former head of the FBI endorsed the book. The FBI also knew that those people were in the country. We have to ask questions now based upon what we know about the FBI. Did they let 9/11 occur, or was it just hubris and pride, or competition between two competing agencies? The last book can reasonably be called, kind of an opposition hit against Bill Clinton, it's called dereliction of duty, and there's a very, very key passage in it that no one questions. This is from Lieutenant Colonel Robert Buzz Patterson, the United States Air Force retired. He carried the football, the nuclear football. He talked about the fact that Bill Clinton, had an opportunity to take Osama bin Laden out. No questions asked. A quick hit in the terrorist was gone. Bill Clinton was on the golf course when he got this opportunity. Bill Clinton said there was no legal controlling authority that would allow him to do this so he took a pass. His FBI took a pass on talking to the CIA. His CIA took a pass on talking to the FBI, and yet everybody knew the attack was on the way. There's questions we need to ask about 9/11 given what we know about the FBI now. Was it on purpose? Was it to destabilize the country? Was it to draw us into a war, or was it flat incompetence? We have reason to ask about flat incompetence. The secret service right off the heels of President Trump just about getting murdered and Corey Capitore being murdered is taking action, swift action. They're sending agents to an LGB so-called TQ summit at Disney despite all the scrutiny after the assassination attempt. Senator Mike Lee ridiculed the secret service saying she had held a conference called how to protect presidential candidates and former presidents or maybe don't leave a rooftop unattended and said the secret service holds events like this one. Secret service is not the FBI, but they're kissing cousins all the way up into the DOJ. Given what we know now about the FBI, some questions. Why did the 9/11 attacks occur when you knew the terrorists were planning the attacks? Why has no one been held to account? Why is the agency allowed to get away with this by the Senate and the Congress? Is it because the FBI has something on everybody? Because there's been FBI directors who've said we've got something on everybody. Story number two, since I decided to change my health life, gosh, 18 years ago or more. No, it was actually, yeah, it was my daughter's adult. No, it was 21 years ago, 21 years. Yes, it was when my wife and I decided to get married, 21 years ago. I decided to change my health life. I refused to continue to be fat and out of shape and flabby and I did not like the way I looked. I didn't like the way I felt. Since then, what I have learned about our food system, it's almost by accident. It's by watching what's happened to my body as I have taken control over what I eat. I'm always on the lookout for little bits of metrics about all the trash we put in our bodies. See, I used to weigh almost 400 pounds. You're looking at me now if you're watching video, if you're listening, you're hearing a guy's voice who's hugely different. You heard me when I talked when I was fat. I sounded so much different. I weighed 210 pounds this morning. That's about where I'm locked in right now. It's 210 pounds. I used to weigh almost 400 pounds and when I was that big, I didn't sleep well. I didn't do well. I didn't cognate well. None of it worked. So I've started to almost accidentally pick up health signals. There was a fantastic discussion about rising illnesses in people and chiefly women has to do with all the plastic and the garbage we're putting into our bodies. Jillian Michaels is a woman who, by the way, is becoming a little bit red-pilled. She's threatening to leave the state of California. She calls herself Jewish and gay, meaning same sex attracted. She's called out the madness of California, particularly on the topic of transing kids, which is health care related. There was a discussion they had with Dr. Casey Means about some of the links between all the garbage that we're eating and our bodies. This comes in the heels of the New York Times asking questions like, "What if ultra processed foods aren't that bad for us or you saw this from our own government?" Hey, what if frosted flakes and lucky charms, fruit pebbles, fruity pebbles are actually better for you than a steak? There are researchers who are paid to come up with conclusions like this. Later this week, no, it's next week. You'll see the full Greg Glassman interview, the CEO, the founder and former CEO of CrossFit. He's taking on junk science. Can't wait for you to see that. We'll get to this discussion with Casey Means and Jillian Michaels in a second and how it relates to what you can do to refuse to be the person that Washington, D.C., wants you to be. Refuse to be the person that science, so-called science, wants you to be. And look, we're not against science in this program. We simply want it to be what it is. It's a process. It's not a conclusion, and there's no such thing as scientific consensus, but there are observations. I make this observation. Prior to putting in the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 device into our home, when my wife, who's kind enough to do my prep cooking, cooking fish, which she can't stand, she doesn't like fish, she cooks it for me, it used to be that the entire home smelled like fish for the day, not any longer. By putting the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 into the wall, it produces ozone. All those O3 molecules, as she cooks or brings the fish in from outside from grilling, it bonds to the molecules of fish, it changes their molecular structure, and the smell is gone. It's replaced with the scent that you would experience the day after a thunderstorm. Another observation. In this studio, which is small in which Niana and I often spend six hours a day recording content, I often bring in my gym bag. Sometimes, in the training for seal fits scenarios, I came in having worked out for a couple of hours without the advantage of a shower. In the summer, yeah, I swam in the river, but I still stunk. It wasn't as bad at all because the room smells like the day after a thunderstorm. You can have this in your own home, your business, your Airbnb, your RV, your kid's dorm, your kid's military barracks, and I'll save you 200 bucks. Go to, enter code Todd3 to save 200 dollars, whole home coverage, whole RV coverage more than good enough for an entire dorm room., enter code Todd3, you'll save 200 bucks. Dr. Casey means talking here about these links between what we eat and what it's being done to our body. This coming on the Jillian Michaels podcast. Colorectal Cancer is in breast, right? Those are the two in particular that are still. Let's talk about its colorectum, esophagus, extra hepatic bile duct, gallbladder, liver, stomach pancreas. What are those all having common? They are the gastrointestinal system. We are poisoning. We are putting straight up, like cigarettes and lungs. This is the parallel food. It's our GI tract. No, that our GI cancers are going up. We're eating nothing but toxic food. We're feeding goldfish to two year olds in preschool, which is filled with artificial colorings and crap. Like this is not a mystery. I cannot stand that all the cancer doctors are like throwing their hands up. Like this is a mystery. We're eating 50 metric tons of trash in our lifetime and we're getting GI cancer. Like I'm sorry, but like this is it just we people need to hear this. You know, you cannot. And of course, the way the research is done, no one's willing to say like, Oh, it's the red 40. Oh, it's the emulsifiers. Oh, it's the preservatives. Oh, it's the 50 grams of ultra process sugar in that smoothie. It's the cumulative burden of all of it, which is very hard to study. Oh, and the thing that was I was saying, this is going to get you worked up. You look at some of the studies and you hear some of the rhetoric with the cancer doctors at these elite institutions about what's driving cancer. And they all say, well, it's very complicated and mysterious, but it looks like obesity might be the cause of why a lot of this cancer is going up. Obesity seems to be a big thing. There's an issue with that statement that a lot of us will just gloss over. If we say that obesity is the cause of why the cancer is going up, which to some extent is true. It creates a pro-inflammatory state, right, increases estrogen levels on the idea of one. Then what's the solution? We have to draw the obesity to drug it, which means we can give everyone the obesity of Zempic. And then we're going to be better. The cancer issue. One of these scientists, so-called who contributed to the paper that suggested that frosted flakes and fruity pebbles are more healthy for you than a steak, is apparently one of the doctors involved in pushing ozempic for kids in Washington, D.C. There's so much to peel away from this. Let's start here. God designed us to be able to visibly identify foods. When you walk through a garden, you can visibly identify a food. That fruit is a food. Your body can visibly tell you can pick it up and smell it. It smells like this smells good. There's things that smell rotten and we shouldn't eat. Our bodies give us that. It could be the same apple, but it's weeks old off the ground. You smell it. Whoa, I'm not going to eat that. Why? Because your body says that could make you sick. Our bodies are designed to be able to identify things that God gave us dominion over. We have been given dominion over the plants and animals. The further things are away from God's design, the more they have human intervention in them, the more they have human designs in them. Designs used to be for convenience. Hey, how can we preserve food for a little bit longer so it doesn't rot on the shelf? Well, it started with refrigeration. God designed cool areas. A root seller is a very godly thing. I don't think it's ungodly to have refrigerators. It's basically replicating a root seller, but with electricity or natural gas. But when the preservatives become more than that, it becomes this human desire to how can we make sure that this food lasts long enough so that people think they've got this good value and it goes worse. So much of what you're eating is designed to make you want to eat more. It's very, very smart of Julian Michaels to compare this to cigarettes. A comparison I've been making since I decided to change my health. The presence of things like high-fructose corn syrup in chicken breasts and it's there. Check your chicken breasts is not for taste. It is to make sure that as you eat that chicken breast, you want more and more and more of it. This is capitalism unmoored from any form of morality. Yeah, I am a free market capitalist. I am not an amoral capitalist. When I decided to change my health for the better and I started to have very simple ideas of how to do this, don't eat a thing you can't identify. No one's going to walk along in on a road and come upon fruit leather and go, "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to eat that." I know that sounds weird, but really, if you're walking on a road and you look down and there's this thing smeared on the ground, you're not going to get down and go, "Wow, that looks good. I'm going to eat that." Dogs do that. My dog tried to eat the other day a two-week-old fur smearing of a squirrel in the ground. You don't even eat that at home. Why would you do that off the road? The more we identify foods, like there's a banana, the healthier it is. The food companies know this. I cannot say this clearly enough to you. Capitalism unmoored from morality gets you things like distancing. Do you know what distancing is? Distancing is a technique that is used by big food. The less something looks like what it is, the easier it is to sell and the more margin you make. A steak is meat. That's a very, very obvious statement. It's very difficult to get extra margin out of that steak, so sometimes I'll add spices to it. Now it's a spicy steak. Now there's more margin. Sometimes I'll cook in an event. Now it's a spicy steak that all you need to do is microwave, "Hey, now you can earn more margin." Or, now it's steakums. You seen steakums? It's fake, terrible for you, beef jerky that is absolutely filled with emulsifiers and preservatives and salts and all chemically designed to spike your blood sugar. Now you got margin, baby. Capitalism works. Free market capitalism works. A moral capitalism works. So how do we put morality back into capitalism? We can't. No, I mean, if you run a company, you can. If you're on the board of a company, you can. You can choose to buy from companies that are moral and in that way, you can, but we can't. Because it relates to the sin problem. The desire to control others. The desire to have more of their money, even if it comes to lying. Steakums aren't steak. Stop being steak 16 processes ago. Stop being steak. But what we can do on our side is to return to the garden. The seven-day Adventists have some things right. For instance, returning to the garden. Returning to our design. Now I'm not going to give up eating meat. There's a belief that in the garden of Eden we didn't eat meat. Didn't matter. We didn't require it. But I am going to continue to purchase foods I can identify with a look. That's an apple. That's an orange. That's a slice of fish. That is a slice of steak. The closer you do with that, the closer you are to God's design. And remember this. He didn't just design the food. He designed the bodies that receive the food. Praise God. Story number three. Bill Gates views you as incomplete tech. He views you the same way he viewed the computer world in a brilliant, brilliant take. He, and I don't know to what degree bomber was involved in this. No bomber came later. Paul Allen. Paul has never really talked about before he died. He never really talked about. Did he see it the same way Bill did? Legend is that they did. Myth is that they did. What's the reality? I don't know. But I know that they saw a coming wave of cheap computers. They saw hobbyists that were building computers that could one day begin to rival what IBM built. IBM didn't see that. IBM thought they had invented the computer. They would always own the market for the computer that these little hobbyists were little jokes. So like a little radio shack things. Bill Gates and bomber with help. I mean, Bill Gates and Paul Allen with help saw the coming revolution based upon Moore's law processing power doubling every 18 months. These processes getting smaller, therefore cheaper, easier to access. Gates and Allen were part of the computer hobbyist world. They could see the trajectory where these devices were going. The change in view was this. Rather than make the computers, Bill Gates and Paul Allen said, let's make the software rather than sell the software directly to consumers, which they started doing. They said, let's license it to the makers of computers because that's going to be easier. We'll make the software once, sell it tens of thousands and millions and hundreds of millions and billions of times if we license it. So when they went into IBM on a fateful day and Bill Gates had no negotiated the sale of DOS to him and Microsoft, I think it was $80,000 from a computer repair store in Kent, Washington, the guy who run that store, ran that store, had invented an operating system. Bill and Paul had responded to a request from IBM for a meeting. IBM called and said, Hey, do you make operating systems? And they said, they lied. Yeah, we do. So they went licensed one and they took the disk operating system, DOS, Windows DOS to IBM. They did a presentation on how it works. IBM made them an offer. Bill and his partners, I think it was bomber at this point, said, we want to go differently. We don't want to sell you the operating system. We want to license it to you. It'll cost you a whole lot less money. Now those two guys, legend goes, when they showed up to the meeting, they actually had to buy ties. They learned that you don't go into the IBM building. You can't get in without a tie. So they actually had to buy ties. So when they went upstairs, it's in bottom ties. That is a word, by the way, bottom. When they left, IBM had agreed to license rather than purchase the operating system. When Bill and Steve got down to their car, they laughed hysterically. They couldn't believe what they'd just done to IBM. Upstairs, IBM executives watched those two clowns, walked to their car, and they laughed hysterically. Look at what those two idiots just did. This is from a book called accidental empires, by the way, describes this really, really well. Bill Gates saw a whole world of clone computers that would need operating systems. Bill Gates sees your babies and you the same way in complete tech that needs operating systems and apps. He wants to be that person who provides that or installs it. See, he views things differently than we do. We view human life as something created by God and God's image that God loves human life. We do this to the degree that we even make decisions about companies we work with. We work with Alan Soaps at This is a soap that's made in America. It's all natural. It is absolutely gentle because Alan, he is real. He's the chief soap officer there. His skin cannot stand anything harsh. Alan has some very unique health conditions. At the age of 13, he's been through about 18 operations. The last operation was fusing some vertebrae in his neck so that he could move more naturally. He's also very, very high up on the autism scale, profoundly impacted by autism. Alan is effectively non-verbal, but not stupid, not at all. He's a very brilliant kid. He's the chief soap officer for real. He creates many of the fragrances, and he has a tablet he can use to communicate with his parents. John runs the company on his behalf. John's the actual business mind behind alansoaps, but there's something to change at alansoaps. It's not Alan. They're working alone anymore. Ian works there. That's his brother. There's a young lady who works there now. She's not even a family member. See, alan's exist to do this, to give meaningful, good, dignified work, making a great product to people who the rest of the world with others he aborted. No, the doctors said, "Hey, we can see alan's going to have a lot of problems. Let us kill him for you." Well, Alan was in the womb. John and his wife said, "Not a chance." After all, he's made in God's image. Go to Get 10% off your first product there. That's There's subscriptions available so you never run out of soap or just keep buying them from big soap companies that don't really particularly care about your values. Media reporters finally talking about Bill Gates and his plans for the human body. Of course, they're not American. Why would they be American media reporters? Now, it even gets worse. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is continuing its global push to support its so-called government-backed digital ID programs, and this time setting its site on Kenya, where it will advise the government on that country's Maishan number digital ID initiative that is currently under development. So, according to a Kenyan news agency, Gates' role is assisting the Kenyan government in his development and the rollout of Maishan number was announced after a recent series of the closed-door meetings with Kenyan president William Ruto. According to biometric update, Maishan number is supposedly expected to address different challenges, such as identifying and authenticating citizens, safeguarding primary registration documents such as birth certificates and national identity cards, and improving the management of the social programs and government operations. The project has been met with skepticism in some parts of the country. Rights groups have also been expressing concern over the possibility of discrimination and the erosion of privacy. But listen, I just told you in a very nice way. Now, let me just put it blatantly to you. The program targets the birth of new babies. So, once you have your baby before your baby lives the hospital, you no longer get a paper birth certificate, but then you get a digital one that is somehow implanted somewhere on somebody's body. Think about that, but have a listen to this. The digital ID which has been a big problem to us for a very long time is now on a testing mode for the next two months. I have been assured by all the stakeholders led by the ministries concerned that by December we will be able to launch digital ID where every Kenyan don't have to carry any paper plastic or otherwise as an ID that they should be able to be identified digitally using their iris or their fingerprints and we can't transact without the necessity of people struggling to identify who they are. I shouldn't have to say it, but I will. It's not necessarily the mark of the beast, but it's coming. Satan is a planner. He runs this organization like a military concern and he's going to prep environments. He's going to normalize things. I don't think Bill Gates has any idea who he's actually serving. He's talking about inserting these things into babies. Bill Gates looks at the world and he sees a bunch of people who have bodies that are codable. Our DNA is code. It's the most elegant code ever written. It's readable. It's writable. It's repeatable. It's understandable and it is beautiful. Bill Gates can't help but think with all of these little creatures running about, how can I be the provider of the operating system and it's not the operating system, the apps? How can I have that control? Yeah, it's prepping the environment for the market of the beast, either buying or sell without it. It's important to understand something as we head into this time about which God warned us. It's very, very clear that it would be a time where people's hearts would grow cold. They'd not have the capacity for love or the capacity to hear his word in any material sense to hear it, but maybe not understand it rather. When there are people like Bill Gates, given these positions of power, it's up to us to let them show us who they are. I can't mention the way he took a run at this before because I'm hoping that we can put this video up on YouTube, but you know what I mean. And I don't want a second strike, so I'll stop there. I don't want a digital ID put in the kid's bodies. Do you? Who does? Well, people who believe it would never be used for ill. If you can point to me one technology, one, that ultimately governments didn't begin to use against the people, we'll give you a prize. I mean, social media is being used against us. Right? Well, it's not being silenced. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. This iHeartRadio station is brought to you by Vitamin Water. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft up the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew, sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You got it. 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