The Todd Herman Show

Best Of Youtube Ep-1830

I made the reluctant decision to embrace doing business with YouTube and I'm glad we did. We did it to reach young people. A great team of talented people works behind the scenes to make this all happen. Now, this is going to be something you can listen to in audio and enjoy and can also be watched. So this is what's doing well on YouTube and the good news is this is something that's reaching young people.
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06 Sep 2024
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Get all the exciting details on the 2024 Chevy Blazer EV at your Colorado Chevy dealer today. And learn more about EV tax credits and take advantage of current offers going on now. So, I made the reluctant decision to embrace doing business with YouTube. And I'm glad we did. We did it to reach young people. And because YouTube is the biggest podcasting platform in the world, and it's not even close. So, our program does super well in audio. If you're listening to this on audio, God bless you. Thank you. We're still in the top one, half of one percent of audio podcasts. But man, we got far, far behind in relation to video. So, a great team of talented people works behind the scenes to make this all happen. Now, this is going to be something you can listen to in audio and enjoy. It's also something you can watch in video. So, we've made the decision, well, I've just made the decision to make it free for everybody. So, anybody can access this video so you can watch it to see what we're doing at YouTube. These are some of the top clips we've had on YouTube. What if, I don't know if we're going to play, because it's only 60 seconds. It's me talking about RFK Junior. No, you don't want to start with that, Niana. That thing blew up into one week. It got 250,000 views this week, and it's like three weeks old. It's going to get another 250,000 views this week. A 60 second clip I recorded while I was taking a hike about RFK Junior endorsing Trump. So, this is what's doing well in YouTube, and the good news is this is something that's reaching young people will do this with the help of God Almighty. RFK Junior goes through a drops out of the race, suspends his campaigns, the legal thing if they quit, they have to give the money back. He endorses Donald John Trump, and as he's on CNN, explaining what the mockingbird media has become, what the Democrat Party did to him, suing him off ballots, his VP candidates as they infiltrated his campaign, allowed him to debate, installing Kamala Harris, who has no support, all of its artificial, all of its has been shoved down people's throats, and they're enthusiastic, so on CNN cuts them off. Of course, CNN cuts them off, because CNN is controlled by the Democrats and pharma, and this should be a major turning point. Thank you, RFK, Jude. I was sitting in Los Angeles in my beautiful office of my own late night talk show. Soon, I would be driving my hybrid car to my beautiful f***ing home, to kiss my two beautiful and healthy children, and my husband who had taken the year off to parent so I could focus on my career. She seems fulfilled and happy to me. Her husband took the year off, so she could focus on her career. Look how much peace she has. Peace like a river. Priest that transcends, peace that transcends all understanding, and I have all of this, all of it, because, because- What's she gonna say? Everybody play the guessing game. Because of Jesus? That was a lame thing they did in Sunday school. We'll talk about that in a second. Who's was shaming you into being quiet? You have all of this because you had abortions at 15, sweet. You couldn't have done any of this with those stinking weights around your neck of those stinking babies. I am into being quiet never again. I will never stop talking about my abortion, or my period, or my experiences in childbirth. My appeasionomies, my yeast infections, or my ovulation that lines up with the moon. Dang, that's inspiring. I feel really warm for her. I feel great sadness. Is that an energy you want to invite in yourself to speak from a metaphysical, new age perspective? Is that an energy you want to welcome into yourself? What was she celebrating? What was she worshiping? See, we all make disciples of something. If you have any influence in your life, you're making disciples. But of what? Now her form of teaching there, she's not saying she's a preacher, so she's not putting herself at risk that way. But it's sort of an inverse thing of something that Sunday schools do, lame Sunday schools. There's this thing they'll do that they'll bake these cookies, Jesus cookies. And when the cookies come out, they ask the kids, "And who do we thank for the cookies?" And kids sit there awkwardly. And finally, a kid raises their hand, "Yes, yes, Jimmy." "Is it Jesus?" "Yes!" "No, I mean, the yeast and the flour, that's all common blessings, but no, Jesus didn't bake the cookies. We can thank him for the common blessings. When you're going to reduce Christ to a cookie, kids get that. When my daughter decided to be baptized, she said, "Does your church, do they do Jesus as a cookie?" No, they tell them, "I don't want my daughter doing Jesus as a cookie. And man, I do not want to see the day where my daughter is screaming about these things. Yeast infections and periods, yep, that's part of life, part of the design. And to be honest with you, it's part of the miracle that is the female body. I don't think men can ever really understand that. It's one thing to go out and scream and rage, "Oh, look, if you've never had the experience of being so, so emotionally over-rothed that you needed to scream, God love you." I've been there, like probably more times than I'd like to admit. I have. Really, really, when things were so scary for our daughter, there were times where it just added up and workouts didn't get it done and I screamed. I'm not here to tell you that I thought that was particularly manly. But I did not pay $4,000 to go into the woods and stomp on sticks. In fact, I checked into this. You can go out for free and stomp on sticks. Or beating the ground with sticks that's free too. That probably feels great to scream and rage with a lot of other people. What pattern is it building? What's it teaching your brain? What's it teaching your psyche and your soul? You are not going to be figurehead again. You have never been president. You are headed in to the literal last years of life here. But you are an eternal being. Whatever faculties you have left, I pray God will use someone near you so that you can see God's face through them, so that you can repent of what you've allowed yourself to become so that you can beg forgiveness and receive the free gift of redemption. The way you would do that, Joe, is to weep, to truly feel remorse. I hope that someone near you actually falls to the Lord so that you could repent. And as I say these things, I am well aware that I fall short on a daily basis, that I've got my own wrestling matches. Oh, Jesus correctly demands that we look at the forest trees, sicken out of our own eyes. The more I've learned about healthcare in America, the more enthusiastic I am to see people refusing to play in this field. The more enthusiastic I am to see doctors setting up their own clinics, getting outside the insurance equilibrium, I have a friend of mine who set up his own medical practice. So he's a sports med doc, and I used to work with a medic clinic that's a fine clinic. It's run by a good Christian man who I consider a friend, but his business model is tied at the hip to insurance. So when I would go in to see my friend, I would get to be with him for about 15 minutes. And then I would be sent off to a junior person. That's just the way it had to work from a billing perspective. Now that my friend that establishes his own clinic, when I go in, he gets to work with me for an hour and he can ask questions like, what are we doing today? In the insurance world, it would be, hey, well, all I can really do is your shoulder. My shoulder is not a problem today, but man, my ankle is killing me. Okay, yeah, I mean, we need you to fill out and they're just so I can go get treated as a whole person. Yeah, it costs me a little bit more. Okay, it costs me a lot more, but I'm getting actual healthcare. Now, this is very, very serious when you are dealing with things that are limiting your ability to live life, such as your inability to walk, such as your inability to go upstairs, to sit for long periods of time, to work, to use your hands, to have grip. You may have been told the only way to approach this is a series of surgeries going through and scraping your tendons. That's the only way to do away with this carpal tunnel like thing in your ankle so that you could walk again, or you could grip something again, or to get a word from this neuropathy, or to undo the pain in your lower lumbar. It's not true. In many, many cases, ethically gathered stem cells can take care of this. Why do I say ethically gathered? For the following reasons. At, these come from umbilical cords and placentas, only period, no abortions. They have not been exposed to the mRNA injections, period. They don't do that. The strain of cells I use there have never been exposed to this stuff. Lastly, they underwrite the health care of the women who are giving birth all the way through the process, even though they screen out some of the stem cells, a large percentage of them, because they do not meet their quality standards. Once those stem cells are in Mexico, they culture them. That is, they multiply them, they create more of them. So I got 42 million in my shoulder, 12 million in my ankle. First thing they do is those cells go in and they destroy inflammation, and I have felt better the very next day. Instantly, the inflammation is gone. Even nine days after surgery it was gone, then they go about building. Those stem cells are packed with the capacity to build muscle, tendon, all sorts of fibers in the body, and that rebuilding happens at record rates. This is actual health care. If you're suffering from anything like I described, go to, renew There's a link in the show notes, and tell them that you are a family member of the podcast, So the Southern Baptist Convention is back at it. They're debating the Nicene creed, we'll talk about what's in the creed and why this would be controversial, I don't know, other than the Southern Baptist Convention has effectively become Satan's basic church. From Full or theological seminary, one of the world's most popular theological colleges is poised to become the first evangelical seminary in the U.S. to permit same-sex relationships on campus. Fuller says the document was created by a human sexuality task force consisting of two deans and three faculty members solely "for reflection and debate" in the midst of ongoing discussions. While the board could vote on it, there's no specific timeframe, which it's expected to do so. The stream attained a copy of the rise community sexual standards for students and learners, which, if passed, will allow students to marry their same-sex partners. While the seminary embraces the historical Christian understanding of sexual intimacy and marriage, we acknowledge there are faithful and thoughtful Christians and churches that have different interpretations, the draft notes, therefore we expect all members of this global evangelical and ecumenical seminary student and learner community to live with integrity consistent to the Christian communities to which they belong. Okay. So the fuller theological seminary has decided to divide the body of Christ. They've decided to re-crucify Christ by dividing him. The fact that some Christian faiths have departed from what the Lord Jesus taught about marriage, that is that a man leaves his parents and clings to his wife. He didn't say partner. He didn't say significant other. He said, man and wife, the Lord did not come to erase the New Testament or the Old Testament. He came to fulfill the law in the Old Testament. These things are non-controversial until now. The Apostle Paul may have been the one who wrote most about marriage and sexuality. And it is because, of course, he had been dispatched from having been someone who wanted to preach and did preach in the Jewish temples, he'd been sent instead to preach in Rome. And among the non-Jewish populations, and in those non-Jewish populations, homosexual behavior was, well, not rare. It was happening all over the place. So Paul, being that disciple, had to go deal with that reality. So he was more prone to need to teach this. The consequence of that is that Paul more about this than the other apostles. The other apostles never departed from this. There is not an instance in which the disciple of the Lord Jesus said, yeah, actually, same-sex marriage is okay, that never happened, or this form of our mouths are okay, or adultery is okay, because it never became okay. Now, again, I can say this knowing that I have another family member who same-sex attracted. I have the same exact love for that family member that I do pee, and I know that family member better. And this is something that's deeply, deeply important to him, and it's deeply important to me to be the family member who stands by this. And if that young man were to say to me, do you think that I'm going to hell because of this? I would have to say, I don't know, but I would tell you this, I want you to get to know Jesus, and you'll know, you get to know Jesus, you allow the Holy Spirit to reign within you, you allow the Holy Spirit to indwell in you, the Spirit's going to convict you of sin. What does the Bible say? It's sin. Yes, it does. Am I the judge of who gets into heaven and hell? I'm not. My worry is that right now you are divorcing yourself from God. That is my worry for you and better to get more and more like God than further and further from God. And this is why I'm calling this episode Satan's Basic Church because as the Southern Baptist Convention is going, they're following and nearing and nearing culture. This is an image of a pride day event and please don't make any mistake. This stuff is on purpose. They're showing you exactly who they are. They could say they're mocking evangelical Christians and they're just funny. Satan don't fun. On top is an image of the rainbow flag people are marching and it says Satan loves. And then if you would extend the flag, it would say everyone or gay people down below is a t-shirt, a guy's wearing. It's an image of the satanic goat with the satanic star on its forehead and it has rainbow horns. It says, not today, Jesus. When people show you who they are, believe them none of my same sex attracted friends or family members would ever sponsor this or frankly that I don't know. I don't believe any of my family members would sponsor. I pray to God that they wouldn't sponsor the Satan thing, but this, but the Southern Baptist church is getting closer and closer and closer to that. You can become so inclusive that you become exclusive only of God's word. When you're that inclusive of the world and you are changed by the world, you're changed by the things in this world, you are guaranteed to move yourself further and further from God. For instance, this comes from Twitter. It's a picture of a pride event in Boston, took the family downtown to walk accidentally emerged into Boston pride, both the penis and the ice cream were overpriced. So his young son, it looks like his son, he's blanked his face out, is carrying an erect penis that's about half the size of his body. Kids are not sexual beings. How do we know this? Because they repulse at the idea of sexuality when you talk about it to them at that age, because their bodies are not ready for this. The minds are certainly not if their bodies are not and if their bodies are, their minds are not. The Southern Baptist convention is getting closer and closer and closer to embracing this because they're becoming more and more and more clownishly, clownishly inclusive of everything of the world. You're called to be in it, not of it. If you're becoming of the world, you are doing everything you can to depart what Jesus said. Do not be changed or altered by the things of this world. The Nicene Creed is being debated by the Southern Baptist church. Here's for those who don't know what it says. It's been a while since I have, I'll repeat this because we used to do this in the Lutheran church. We don't do this in the Evangelical church. But, but I don't know that I, I'm unfamiliar with any Evangelicals denying the Nicene Creed or the importance of it. The Fuller Theological Seminary wants to divide the body of Christ again by saying wherever you come from, come and practice your quote, Christian tradition, you're no longer a theological seminary. You're becoming of the world. You open the door to dividing the body of Christ and you're next, you're going to have adultery. Why would you not on the Fuller Theological Campus have troubles and people who engage in adultery or open relationships? Why exactly what would be the reason why not? I'll tell you because not enough false teachers are teaching that, that's why. The Nicene Creed is an encapsulation of what we believe in the Christian faith. It's a neat and tidy encapsulation of it. Is it all the detail? It's not. But it's a quick way to tell people, here's what we believe, and here's what Dr. James Merritt posted on Twitter. We have no need for a creed. We have the Bible. How can you improve on that? Any quotes Adrian Rogers have having said that. Okay. So with due respect to Dr. James Merritt, I agree, you can't improve on the Bible. So why say the Ten Commandments? Why when we take communion? Why speak of the elements? I mean, we've got the Bible. Why focus down on a verse in a sermon? I mean, we've got the Bible and with all due respect to Dr. Merritt because people are going to ask us what do Christians believe? I think the reason they don't want this at the Southern Baptist Convention is because the Nicene Creed states what Christians believe, but there are people who are asking that it be debated and confirmed, T. Andrews Brown wants it confirmed. In the morning, Mr. President, my name is Andy Brown, I'm a messenger of the First Baptist Church of Starkville, Mississippi. I move that the messengers of this annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention affirm the Nicene Creed. The Creed states we believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, maker of heaven and earth of all things, visible and invisible. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of God. The Father before all ages, God from God, the light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made, being of one substance of the Father. By Him, all things were made for us and for our salvation. He descended from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary and was made man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried on the third day, he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. He shall come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdoms shall have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, and who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified. He spoke through the prophets and in one holy, universal and apostolic church. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins and we look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the lives of the world to come, amen. So it's an encapsulation to what the Christian faith contains and I think this is why it's controversial at the Southern Baptist Convention because when you can neatly explain what Christians believe, it's harder and harder and harder for false teachers. But I'm a little careful, a little skittish about too much ecumenism and I think that I see in creed while generally is a very good creed and it's certainly been accepted by many traditions. There are still a couple of issues of wording in that in that creed that could be interpreted to foment or to produce doctrines or concepts of doctrines that we as Baptist would reject. But exactly is objectionable to a spot on encapsulation of what Christians believe. The Southern Baptist Convention pretending that God did not create male and female pretending that God did not intend for marriage to be between a man and a woman is now pretending that it's controversial to encapsulate what we as Christians believe. I don't stand with that. There is an awakening happening and I want to make sure that this awakening comes with truth wrapped in grace. Praise God, again the President Trump's okay, praise God for the secret service. But what's occurring to me now as I'm thinking about the outcome of all this is President Trump takes this heroic status as a guy who survived the shooting. He is unafraid. He rolls forward. What are they going to do now to make him appear weak because they've been trying to play this game that President Trump is weak and decrepit. You're not weak and decrepit if you stand up after you've been shot at, right, and you stand up with vigor. Look, his attitude looked very much like bringing it. 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So go now to to get your bottle of mass seams with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams. Go to Start your journey to better health today. Marie, you shared with us this image of the political spectrum and for people watching the video service is clear enough in front of you. For people listening, let me give you kind of a heads up on this. It goes across the political spectrum from faith and flag conservatives somehow presented on the left, but we'd call that stage right. There's 10% of us and then progressive 6% on the far right that stage left. In other words, there's 40% of us to the right, 45% to the left. And as you see in the next, or as you would see then, given the numbers, there's about 17% of people we need to persuade. So when you look at this political spectrum, I think what you told us is we cannot win without who. The moderates. It's the people in the middle. Those of us on the extremes tend to be the loud voices that we hear on all sides of the media spectrum, but it's the people in the middle that make every single political decision in the United States of America. And when they go at this, I want to go through some of these categories. You start with the flag and faith and flag conservatives, committed conservatives, populist right. Let's talk about some of those. I'm a faith and flag conservative, I think. Yeah. I think I would have obviously identified there myself as well. The categories were those devised by Pew Research at their spectrum. And I think what they were attempting to do is find a way to give a name to these people without using Republican and Democrat, because it's more about they're trying to identify ideology than party. And sometimes that meshes and sometimes it doesn't, which is why the strict middle is probably that 17% you're talking about. But moderates can actually be a broader coalition than that, because there are things that truly touch base with everybody's political ideologies. Is the populist right? Is that sort of new at that number? I mean, populism. I've always been afraid of populism because unguided, it can be very, very dangerous. I describe myself as a Christian, conservative, constitutional populist. That's a mouthful. I'm not a Republican. It is a mouthful. Right. It is. But those are my priorities, right? Conservative, constitutional populist, because I want to be guided by God's word. And I think God inspired our constitution and inspired what has led to the blessing of the American experiment and what is actually, actually special about America being governed at the consent of the governed. Have you seen, as populist girls, I know this is Pew's data, but have you seen populism increase? I wouldn't say that I have, I think that the thing to always remember about politics and human nature history, especially, is there's nothing new. So the rise of populism, ebbs and flows as what we like to refer to as the overton window shifts. Yeah. But it's never, it's in my opinion, it's never a huge number overwhelming, as you can see from the spectrum there, it grows a little and it shrinks a little, but it's, you know, I think people on the ground don't identify with that statement because they, most people don't even understand what that means. They don't understand what liberal means, they don't understand what progressive means, they don't really understand what the Republican party stands for. So we use all these labels and nobody knows what they mean. Yeah. And then you get to the labels in the center. The ambivalent right, the stress side liners, outsider left. And now we're getting into this area where you have given us this framework for how to speak to people ambivalent right, I assume that means people who maybe there are one issue person, you know, I want to keep my guns, I'm against abortion, but I'm not really going to be bothered to go vote in municipal elections or state elections. Maybe I'll go vote for president, stress side liners. I'd like to talk about that. Outsider left, maybe I don't have a home because I'm actually a communist and I want actual just people just to take over the country, the communism, I'm reading into this, but is that relatively accurate? Then I want to talk about these stress side liners. Yeah. The only thing I would maybe shift slightly in what you said is the stress, the outsider left is more of what I think you and I would consider a classical liberal school. Oh, good. Okay. Who, who, we, you know, back in the 80s, when my dad was involved in school board elections, we could have conversations with these people and we would find the areas that we disagree, but it wasn't heated and it wasn't, you know, you were my enemy and I'm the, now those people have, as the Democrat party has moved further to the left in some of their outspoken views, those people have found themselves in that category. You talked about, a lot of us want to think it's our intuition, our intuition, or no, pardon, our reasoning. Our reasoning drives our decision. Our reasoning is not automatic. It's explaining. It's conscious. We use it to persuade to persuade ourselves. So talk a little bit about our reasoning because a lot of us want to think I have reasoned my way into these positions and maybe given the self selection of an audience base like this, the viewers of this program, the listeners of this program, maybe that's true because we do more thinking about that. But let's talk about this reasoning and maybe it's not how most people make decisions politically. Yeah, at least at the beginning, it's not how most people make political decisions. The majority of the decisions we make are based on our intuition. It's an automatic subconscious or unconscious decision that is made based on our moral foundations, which is the core of what this, my presentation and this class is all about, which I don't want to take credit for, Jonathan Hight wrote a fabulous book called The Righteous Mind that digs very deeply into the subject. But our intuition is what is triggered by those moral foundations. So when we see somebody kick a puppy, for example, we don't reason that that's wrong. We feel that it's wrong. That is our intuition that tells us that. And so we have a whole chunk of the right in particular who love to believe and probably are factually very logical people, but our reasoning is much like a tiny lawyer who lives in our brain, whose job it is to defend all of our intuitive decisions. So when we make the decision, that lawyer kicks in and starts telling us why, why that's right and why that's the correct assumption that we've arrived at. And unless we are self-aware enough or presented with the proper evidence, we don't often change that. On the screen, if you're watching, you see a screen that says caring fairness, sanctity authority, loyalty, liberty, caring fairness, sanctity, authority, loyalty, liberty. This screen sets us up for some ways that people's intuition functions, as I understand it, which runs upstream of our tiny lawyer giving us defense for our positions the way Andrew Breitbart said, cultures upstream of politics. Our intuition is upstream of our reasoning. So these words are important, why? Because they underheard all of our decisions. Why we think something is right or wrong, why we're willing to engage on an issue, why we take action. They are the moral foundation of society. So let's run through some of them because I think some of them are self-explanatory or maybe they're not. I know that you feel that liberty is not and liberty and freedom gets sort of confused with one another. But let's just talk about caring. Is there a universal sort of interpretation of caring or is it more of a feeling of feeling like you're being cared for and caring for others? Okay, so all of them are definitely more on the feeling side. All of these moral foundations are things that are going to stir up feelings. So harm is the opposite of the caring one. So anything that causes harm to children, for example, I really struggle to watch some movies that my husband loves because children are in peril. It triggers my caring moral foundation. That is probably the easiest way of kicking a puppy like we talked about earlier. These kinds of things that we see as harming an individual are things that trigger the caring moral foundation. Brilliant, brilliant description and you just keyed something in me. You've heard the phrase harm reduction. Mm-hmm. Okay, so harm reduction is how the left cells giving away heroin needles. Absolutely. We're reducing harm, right? And we're going to give people heroin for free because we're reducing harm. We don't want them to get the bad heroin. We want them to have the good healthy wholesome heroin, right? So they use words through these lenses, very, very well fairness. Yeah, so just to tack onto what you said, it's the same way they justify what's happening to children in the gender ideology movement. They, we, these children are struggling and they need transitioning surgery to not suffer anymore. So absolutely you're right, they twist these moral foundations to their purposes. We all do. I don't want to say it's just them. Yeah. Fairness on the other hand is exactly what it sounds like. It's, it is justice. It is what is currently being triggered in everyone who sees anything wrong with what is happening with President Trump and his, his verdicts. Right. Just there, we're talking about the, the gender ideology. I am someone who has been using the phrase mutilation, chemical and sexual mutilation. And thinking through this, this framework we're about to talk about the caring and fairness framework. There's a far better way to do this through caring and fairness. Now in this audience, I think everybody agrees, watches and or listens to the show that it is mutilation of children. You're making them usually incapable of having kids. They'll never have full sexual satisfaction, even in a marriage, if they're ever married. Um, but by saying those words, you're triggering them in people who can be persuaded that, wow, that's not fair. That's not fair to call that. After all, these kids are trapped in the wrong body, um, and they need to be them, their, their true selves and bring their true selves out. So I want to make sure we talk about that. Um, let's get through the sanctity authority loyalty. Um, let me touch real quickly on Liberty because in your presentation, you had Liberty highlighted in a present, in a picture of a very, very happy looking president Donald John Trump. Uh, so let's talk about that and we'll get them into these magic words. Yeah. Liberty is one of my favorite moral foundations because it is probably the most controversial and the most difficult for people to agree on. The left, when we talk about Liberty, they are talking about to freedom from evil, overlord capitalism, right? It's big businesses. It's things like that. It's freedom from bullies like they view Donald Trump to be. Um, on our side of things on the right, you tend to view Liberty as freedom from mandates and forced vaccines and making sure that you have to mask your kids. It's government overreach. So we have very different approaches to what Liberty is. And I think part of that is because we've, we've actually lost the definition of Liberty. When we look back at our founding documents, very rarely do they ever talk about freedom, but we, that's all we talk about nowadays, we have the freedom of speech. We have, we're a free country, we're the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have shifted our vocabulary to talk about freedom. Freedom is one end of a spectrum and it is the, if we lean on that end of the spectrum, it's actually toward chaos. True freedom is the ability to do whatever you want, irregardless of the consequences. It's absolute anarchy is at that end of the spectrum. Liberty is the other end of that spectrum where we are using our freedom, our God-given agency to its proper use. It has a moral connotation. It takes into account these moral foundations. It is, in my belief, the following of the Ten Commandments and the things the Lord has set forward for the safe use of our freedom. And so the founding fathers thought the same way. Anybody who thinks they were irreligious people is sadly mistaken. They knew that and they use that word very specifically. So if you're watching in the video service, you see this, if not, let me translate. On the left-hand side, the strong endorsement of some things and the strongly rejecting of some things, those things boil down to this. Very liberal people only care about two things, caring and fairness. Moderates really only care about two things, that is caring and fairness. Thus conservatives, we care about all the things. All the things are right in the center of our square. For the liberals, the caring and fairness is at the very top. They don't care about these other things even a little bit. Moderates maybe care a little bit, but they really care about caring and fairness. So these, Marie, if anything are magic words in politics, these seem to be magic words. They absolutely are. And there are words that we've kind of lost because as conservatives, we care, like you said, about everything. And so when we open our mouths to make an argument about why we're voting for Donald Trump or why we think abortion should not be allowed at a certain stage, whatever the argument we're making is we struggle to make it from a purely caring and fairness perspective. We talk about the right to life and the economy and the things that Trump has accomplished and we fail to first connect on what people care about. I think foundationally, we have this concept of people, the moderates. How are we going to get the moderates to vote for Trump? It's a wee bit of a misnomer. There are ideological moderates, but the majority of people in America are not moderate on Trump. People have had a very long time to form opinions on this man and on President Biden. Very few people are confused about what they like or dislike about these two people. What we are failing to do as conservatives is connect from a caring and fairness perspective beyond these individuals to the ideology that they represent, that they push, that they are the representatives of or that we are representatives of to actually get a moderate to consider voting for Trump or changing their vote from somebody they've previously committed to. I think is a perfect example of where conservatives actually struggle to understand the concept that you and I are trying to get across. Securing the border. We want them to approach it from a caring perspective, which is there are children that are dying on the border. There are women who are being raped on the border. Thinking of the things that are harmful that are happening on the borders, how we know that we are approaching it from a caring and fairness perspective, but the logical inner lawyer of most conservatives goes from what you said, we don't have a country without a border and I care about my country therefore this is a caring argument. No, no, it's not. It's not a caring argument. So being able, that is where I see many conservatives stumble because they care about everything and they can't extrapolate out to actual harm to a person, a place, a thing, all this stuff. And so approaching it from what harm is being done to an individual, in this instance on the border, in a school perspective, if we're talking about that issue, it would be what harm is being done to children, like they're not learning. Sometimes they're getting, because discipline is out of control, there are children that are being harmed in schools, teachers are being harmed in schools, those are the arguments that are going to resonate with moderates and those that lean left, rather than, like you said, we're not a country without a border or, you know, Americans should have the best education system in the entire world, like these are things that are other moral foundations that do not work with moderates. I'm thinking a lot about Airbnb owners these days. It's a big business. There's some big companies in it, but there's also a lot of individuals who's invested a lot of money in this. In owning rental homes, maybe the Airbnb's are short-term rentals through BRBO. And there's these seasons where they get really heavy up, like maybe it's a ski condo you own and maybe you're there a couple of times, a winter, a couple of weeks, but the rest of it's rented out. When I give you a tip that one of the big things that expects the psychology people in a space like that is they open the door, what does it smell like? Back in the day in startup land, we used this trick, we used to cook, we had a kitchen in one of the buildings we rented and we would cook popcorn and chocolate chip cookies. And it was subtle, but it was this relaxation, it was this smell of home. People felt at home and we wouldn't even talk about it. Sometimes venture capitalists would acknowledge it, "Wow, did you guys cook cookies?" "Oh, yeah. You want some?" "I've got popcorn, too. Yeah, yeah. It's just a cheaper way to feed the staff." But it's a psychology. Same thing for your business. If you've got an office place where you share with others and maybe there's a whole bunch of heavy cologne use and you don't want that or maybe it's a medical office, you want people to feel like it's clean, here's a simple way to do that. It's not noisy. It doesn't cost you $200 to $400 per year to replace air filters. It is silent. It produces ozone in the air. Those O3 molecules float around and when they find anything that produces bad smells, be it from cat litter, be it from the last guest at the BRBO. Maybe they didn't smoke, but one of their friends came over and did smoke. Maybe they cooked something that could be offensive in the kitchen. Maybe like I said, you have an office place and the guy next to you, he splashes all sorts of cologne all over his body. It negates those smells and what people smell instead is like the day after a thunderstorm. So breathe the breath of fresh air again and save $200. Go to, enter code TOD3. You'll get three of these devices, whole home coverage, whole office coverage., enter code TOD3. This one is painful and difficult and I am not someone who has studied the country of Israel in enough degree to sit down and do this in an academic sense. I'm going to do it on an emotional sense. Yeah, I mean, we do some fact checking, et cetera, but I really want to just address Christians in this. Candice Olin years ago, when she came under the scene and I could go find the radio show I guess where I said this, I said that she's going to be one of the most important voices in conservative politics because God has gifted her with a great, great, great ability to speak. She's gifted her with a big intelligence and a huge and vibrant and almost irrepressible work ethic. She was recently, I guess not recently in the past six months, separated ways with the daily wire or was fired or sent packing, not really clear what happened. She at one point offered to debate Ben Shapiro about Israel and she said, but that's probably not going to happen. To that effect, Ben Shapiro then produced a text exchange between them, where Ben had in fact, according to his text, or at least the screenshot of his text, Ben had in fact said, sure, let's do it. They the wire studios on this date. And so far, that has not occurred. So Candice is done with a lot of people have done, including me. She has a bigger footprint. Let's admit that. But Candice has gone independent, just like Cheryl Atkinson went independent so many years ago. Catherine Harridge is now independent, Tucker Carlson. It's an era of people taking advantage of platforms like this to have direct relationships with people who followed their work like you and I have together and thank you for that. So Candice Owen did a home, I guess it's a home office or home, I don't want to say rant, but she really went after Israel in some ways that make me particularly uncomfortable. But it's just because of this, there's a special relationship between us, Christians and the Jewish people and you can go look all throughout the Bible to read all of the ways. There is this special relationship between us. Now God didn't go out and choose the Jewish people because they were really, really important people or particularly clever. He chose them because Abraham at the time Abram had faith, faith that God existed and Abram, while he screwed up big time a bunch of times, he still had faith in God. When God told him to go to a place, he went and did it. So I'll get you in a second what Candice Owen said or at least part of it. And let's talk about this from a Christian perspective and also perspective of kindness. And let's just do some pattern recognition and a what aboutism or two. This is Candice Owen talking about sort of a supposed cult of, I understand this, sort of a supposed cult of non-Jewish Jewish people, something like that. Many moons ago before they decided to establish Israel as a country, I know you've read like the short version in the classroom and it was like, oh, the Holocaust happened and then we realized it was really distinct. No, that's not how it went down. That's not how it went down at the F all, okay? Catholics and Christians were going missing on Passover and then they would find bodies okay across Europe and they were able to trace them back to Jews. Blood libel, they weren't Jews, okay, these were Frankists. And so just like Leo Frank killed Mary Fagan on Passover back in 1913 and 1914, I can't remember the exact date, he did it during Passover for a reason. This Frankist cult, which is masquerading behind Jews, still participates in this shit to this day, okay? Why would you want as a small nation that is the size of New Jersey, okay? Why would you want the pedophiles to flee there? Why would you want the pedophiles to be procreating, hmm, unless, unless the nation of Israel may have been established by some Frankists and it's looking like Theodore Herzl's family was from the exact same area in Moravia and in Bohemia where the Frankist cult was founded. Okay, let's start with a, let's start with this. Let's start with the word aboutism, which are very useful. There are, there's a pedophile problem that existed in the Catholic Church. Why? Well, let's go back through this, the Catholic Church became a place for same-sex attracted men to effectively hide because there was a time where they had to hide and same-sex attracted men may decide to act upon, they've lost the sin impulse and they're probably unlikely to do that with grown men because of the risk. So having access to boys, being in tempting situations, if this is your particular sin issue, camping trips or what have you, God forbid, confessional time, you have access, you have the sin issue. And I think little by little, it became clear that, hey, you can go do that here. So elements in the church covered that up. I've spoken with people who've been victimized by this. He took the most extraordinary phone call one day on Rush Limbaugh's program, God rest in Maha, from a woman whose daughters were abused by some Catholic priest and in some horrible ways. And I'm talking about invoking holy water during that abuse, the use of religious items process and such, in the abuse, it was utterly satanic. We took a ton of calls that day and we verified all of them. Team EIB is very good at that. We invented and I find all of them to make sure we were talking to people who actually went through this. There was this element, pedophiles have the same process. They groom, they isolate, they act. They escalate, escalate, escalate very, very carefully, very mindfully with this little bit of tickling and this little bit of hugging and then. So that's the pedophile angle. Catholic church was set upon by that. Government schools have this problem. None of them were founded by cults. The other issue with this that I want to approach with Candace, because it seems so similar to something through which a friend of mine suffered, a dear friend of mine who is a very, very dear and committed Christian man, went through a period of time where he worked for one of the most famous media executives in history, who is very much and very vocal about being Jewish. And around the time of Christmas, my friend got a phone call from this very famous media executive and the media executive said to my friend, "Hey, the numbers look bad. I need heads, heads." This is corporate nomenclature for this, that I need you to fire people to make up for some lower revenues, a couple of weeks before Christmas. So my friend was running a group of media companies for the sky and he pulled together a meeting of his direct reports. He was a boss of bosses and said, "Look, here's what the bosses want us to do, the big boss. They want us to cut heads. Can we find other ways to make this loss up, make up these revenues?" They found it. On Christmas day, he got a phone call from this guy on Christmas day, one of the most holy in the Christian calendar. Phone rang and rang and rang, finally he picked up. He said, "I don't see any heads." We found other ways to do this. We've made up for the loss, the first quarter looks good, we should be good. And then he got this, "Well, then it's going to be even better when you get me my 14 heads. I want them today, Christmas day." So my friend quit, have someone else do it, someone else did. For just a little while, for a very short while, my friend viewed this as something Jewish people do. Certainly there are Jewish people who do this, certainly there are Jewish people who don't. There are non-Jewish people who do this. There are white people who do this. There are Christians who do this because business is business, church is church, which is a lie. That is a lie. We're to treat everybody the same. So I don't know if Candace is doing this as a result of what went on in the day of the wire, or this is symptomatic of why there was this separation. She clearly believes this stuff, but I'd also say this, Candace, and you know this. The tribe of Israel existed, tribes of Israel existed long before this time period you're talking about. God recognized them as his chosen people. That's biblical, and you can't get away from it. There's a covenant. Right now, I think the country of Israel, the nation-state, is absolutely lost. I think they bowed down to the sexual left and pharma. I think they're probably deeply, deeply corrupt, like almost every nation on earth. God did not make a covenant with the Knesset, or with the president of Israel, or the prime minister. He made it with the Jewish people, and that nation, Candace, that nation came from nations. It wasn't founded by pedophiles. In a way, you could say it was founded by God. I really hope that this isn't a trauma response with you, or maybe I hope it is. In any case, I'm going to pray that you will be able to see this through love. I'm not here to say you're anti-Semitic, that's not my charge to make. I am here to say, you know better as to how the nation of Israel came into me. God allowed us to see in rescuing President Trump is a continuing version of the curtain being ripped in half. The curtain of the temple was torn in half. A thick, I think, three feet thick curtain between the regular people and the holy of holies. As the Lord Jesus died, God said, "Okay, now it's between you and me. You don't need an intermediary anymore." I think that when that bullet hit President Trump's ear, President Trump put to the ground, the well-trained agents went to his defense. The DEI hires hid and fumbled with their guns. God is saying once again, "Behold." Behold your human kingship. Behold your kingship in comparison to my sovereign hand turning that man's head two inches. And here is his life saved, and now let's behold your leaders in the dishonesty. God laughs at evil schemers. As he knows, their day will come. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drop the lease at rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Runner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualified tenants? Check. Check. Maintenance coordination? You got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. 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