The Todd Herman Show

How To Selectively Edit God’s Word To Support Illegal Immigration And Reparations; WNBA and ESPN Bosses Hate White Women Ep-1828

The devil is using open borders to destroy the country And it's against our laws. When you use the word refugee and you're not using the word illegal immigrant, you're not recognizing the frustration. The frustration is we have to follow the laws. They don't. If we get pulled over for a DUI, we rightly go to jail. In separate countries like Washington, Oregon, and California. They don't. In California, people who grew up there are having to flee either economically or culturally to places like Texas economically because they can no longer afford a house. Illegal immigrants are being given $150,000 to purchase houses, and then they don't have to make mortgage payments according to one program. Please, if you are a Christian leader of note and you have an audience, what you say about illegal immigration in relation to the Word of God matters.
We will also look at the racism of the WNBA. It is astounding particularly when it comes to Caitlin Clark. They hate white women and it shows. And, does anyone remember what joy feels like? 

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05 Sep 2024
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Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You've got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Chevy has the SUVs you know and love, and now there's one more. The first ever all-electric Blazer EV. With the latest tech, incredible range, and easy charging, this head-turning electric vehicle is Motor Trend's 2024 SUV of the Year. When you're ready to go EV, Chevy's got you. Get all the exciting details on the 2024 Chevy Blazer EV at your Colorado Chevy dealer today and learn more about EV tax credits and take advantage of current offers going on now. Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman Show, how to selectively edit God's Word to support illegal immigration and reparations. In the WNBA, an ESPN boss is hate, hate white woman. Well woman, well, because she represents white women, we'll talk about this. And does anyone remember joy? Not the person, the feeling. Talk about this with the help of God Almighty and our YouTube channel, Thank you, Lord, for making that thrive. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Ennold City Exide, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times in which God has decided we should live. There's a pastor I've just learned, and the honor has read his books and it seems to be a good guy's name is David Platt. So I've got to believe this is not something that he's doing on purpose, but it's done all the time. And some people do do it on purpose. It's taking God's Word and finding ways to have it applied to circumstances where it doesn't apply. And again, I don't think David Platt's doing that given his background as an evangelical pastor, and I trust out his views on this, and that is a good thinker. And she's someone who also is involved in worship leadership. So I know she walks with the Lord. I watched the clip, and it made me sad. It made me sad because of the conflating of one single word. If we are going to be pastoral leaders, and I'm not, I'm not qualified to be a pastor, I've been through a pastoral residency, but I've not been ordained and probably shouldn't be. If we're going to be spiritual leaders, Christian leaders, we need to really, really be careful with words, particularly when we're going to talk about political topics, because the enemy wants spiritual leaders, particularly Christian leaders, to be distrusted. Actually, he'd love people to trust imams and others. He wants people to distrust Christian leaders. It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto ship, and there are only a core set of products that I do that with. Out of them is mass seams, because I've noticed when I don't use mass seams, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort if you know what I mean, but I also learned more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. That means you're getting more food for your money, and for someone like me, who's gone through a lot of effort to drop fats and to build muscle, even at my age, this helps preserve muscle. It also helps you enjoy a diet of any sort, even if you're not dieting. Paleo, high carb, low carb, protein based, 40, 30, 30, 50, 25, 25. The pills I take three times a day make this all very, very easy, and the quality is unquestioned because it comes from bi-optimizer. So go now to to get your bottle of mass seams with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams. Go to Start your journey to better health today. This is Pastor David Blatt. A problem when Christians in the United States are the most resistant to refugees in our communities. Like we believe Acts 17, God orchestrates the movement of peoples among the nations that they might be found by him and the way God has put in so many communities where we live. People from other places in the world, even from places specifically in the world that have little to no access to the gospel, where it's hard to get to those places God's brought people from those places to our doorsteps. Right outside, where we live and where we work, so let's be intentional to love them with the love of Christ, to help them amidst all the challenges they're walking through just as a picture of doing justice and loving mercy, loving our neighbors as ourselves. And as we do that, let's share the greatest news in the world with people from the nations that God has brought to our neighborhood. Yeah, I sense from him a great, great love of the Lord, do you? So I truly believe he believes this and I'll tell you something. One of the things I miss about living in the big cities is the smells and the languages of different cultures that is so enriching to me. To be able to go to a restaurant, just a restaurant in Seattle, I hope it's still there because they've destroyed that neighborhood. Black Lives Matter Incorporated in Antifa destroyed that neighborhood. It's called Chinatown. They've tried to rename it the International District, but it's Chinatown. There's a restaurant there called Shanghai Gardens. And we used to go there as a family and they've got the most incredible barley green noodles that they hand make and no one there speaks English. I mean, it's a place where you point and they can understand maybe the English, you know, Anglicized words for the menu, but to hear the language and to see the way they present their culture, it's a gift, truly. The conflating is this, I don't know Christians who are anti-refugee. What I see are Christians who watch what the devil is doing. If you believe the United States is the home for displaced peoples, mathematically 5% of the world's population, we've taken in 20% of the world's displaced peoples, you want the home to continue, right? You want to be able to continue to practice your faith. The devil is using open borders to destroy the country that has been the home for this and it's against our laws. When you use the word refugee and you're not using the word illegal immigrant, you're not recognizing the frustration. The frustration is we have to follow the laws. They don't. If we get pulled over for a DUI, we rightly go to jail. In the separate countries like Washington, Oregon, and California, they don't. In California, people who grew up there are having to flee either economically or culturally to places like Texas, economically because they can no longer afford a house. Illegal immigrants are being given $150,000 to purchase houses and then they don't have to make mortgage payments according to one program. They simply stay in the house and it appreciates in value and when they decide to sell, quote, their house, the bank gets first up money and the illegal immigrants get second up, having never made a payment. God tells the powerful to not lord their power over others. He tells them there's neither servants nor master Greek nor Jew. In other words, the Lord in the bite of Christ wants to view us all equally. He says in the Old Testament, use equal weight and measures, honest weight and measures. He says in Romans 13, we are to obey the authorities. Well, in our country, the authorities have an authority and that's a constitution and we are to bring laws to bear equally on everybody. Please, if you are a Christian leader of note, you have any audience, you're making disciples of something. Now, I fully believe that pastor is a man who loves the Lord Jesus. I fully believe David Platt is making active disciples of Jesus Christ. But there's also this accidental discipling into this. Wow. Even the Christian leaders don't recognize that illegal immigration is designed to harm this country. And if they don't even recognize it's designed to do that, how can I trust their words on things like refugees and God's word, please recognize the reality. Our country is under attack and I think Satan's a good part of that attack. Story number three, I can't believe I'm going to sit here and talk about the WNBA. You probably remember the story I talked about when I first went or had the opportunity to go to a WNBA game. Some, okay, I can't call her a friend. She used to be a friend. She's someone I worked with at Microsoft and she is a brilliant woman. She is a successful woman. She is a creative woman. She is a hardworking woman and she is a very much to the left woman. She's a creature of the sexual left. Creatures a terrible word. She's a person of the sexual left. She was one of the early owners of the Seattle WNBA team. And I got noticed from her that I could take my daughter to one of their first games. And I wrote back and said, wow, this is phenomenal. Thank you. Of course, this is, you know, this would be incredible. Congratulations on being a partial owner of the team. And I told my daughter, hey, let's grab a friend and let's go to this WNBA game. At the time, my daughter was a competitive athlete. So she was on a really highly ranked speed skating team. So some of her athletic girlfriends are going to come with us. I went to go get seats to honor the tickets that my friend had offered us. And I realized that the first two games, I believe, were fundraisers for Planned Parenthood. In fact, we were all supposed to wear pink. And I brought my daughter in and showed this to her and said, here's what they're celebrating. Do you still want to go? Because I don't think I can. And she said, wait, they're abortion. That's where you kill a baby. I said, well, she goes, and she looked at me, she said, why, why? Why is this not just basketball? That was my introduction to the WNBA. So I had to write to my friends. And I think this is where she became your former friend saying, gosh, I'm sorry, I can't go to the game. I cannot support Planned Parenthood. I didn't hear back from her. The WNBA was born effectively as a grievance league. And somehow this is the marketing they've undertaken. But this is just a guy looking at it from afar. I mean, I could watch the games and appreciate the athletic talent, just like anybody else. Basketball is not my game. But when I'm watching a woman set scoring records, rebounding, well, no, not rebounding records, scoring records, field goal records, defensive records, and not being recognized for that by ESPN and the WNBA, I'm watching a grievance league come around and fall. I'll show what I mean, including an assault. What are the countless assaults against Caitlin Clark? No, I mean, countless. You won't believe the percentage of assaults she suffered in a league that has been run by and for black women who support the sexual left. I'll tell you about this in a second. In our studio, just like his ESPN studios, we've got expensive lighting, maybe not as expensive as they have. God built the studio with his money. I mean, he didn't build it, but he gave us the money to build it. So I'm surrounded by lights. I've got a light to top of me. There's a microphone you can't see behind the camera. There are a whole series of devices that Niana's at. There's a monitor, a television monitor. There's these three cameras in front of me. So we get all these different views. Niana can go camera one, two, three. There's Niana sitting over there with a board and a roadcaster pro. So there's a lot of money in this studio and we had to build the space out. Christopher and Niana went through and they sound treated the room. You can't see that either. But there's a reason that the sound sounds so good. So you can't have something like an air filter running during a program like this because it would drown out all that hard work and it would not be good stewardship of God's money. But just as well, we can't spend six hours a day in here recording as we often do and not have fresh air. Windows are not an option because of the sound quality. So plugged into the wall over there, a stone's throw away. In fact, I could toss a tiny penny at it is the Oxileaf 2 thunderstorm device. As you are listening to this, it is producing ozone. Those all three molecules bond to any bad smelling molecules and they destroy them. So think through some scenarios. Rooms in your house, maybe a basement is just permanently musty, thunderstorm. Maybe you have cats, thunderstorm, Oxileaf 2. Maybe you have an Airbnb and you have a very successful Airbnb business with people in and out of there. The Oxileaf 2 will make sure it smells exactly like the day after a thunderstorm no matter what the previous guests do and obviously you clean your Airbnb. Think about your kids in a dorm or in a military barracks or someone who is a long haul trucker or someone who is out in an RV all the time. All these scenarios apply. It will absolutely change the way the space smells. So breathe a breath of fresh air, go to, enter code Todd3 and I will save you $200. Three of these devices, so you breathe a breath of fresh air again,, enter code Todd3. This is a highlight reel of Caitlin Clark and she is just absolutely killing it. It's a mini highlight reel doing the step back for the three berries in the bucket one more time from the outside almost a side shot boom three, boom three, boom three, boom three, boom she is so confident in her abilities. In such a competent player that I've learned a phrase the step back I didn't know what that meant you dribble the ball up before the three point line you realize you know what I'm just this this defenders step back I'm going to step back behind the three point line and boom bury the bucket bury the ball in the bucket see I don't do basketball but I can watch her dominate this league when she came in she became an enemy of certain people such as angel Reese I think there are people who have built their brand on I'm going to be the black woman beating up on the white woman and this has happened time and time and time again people who track sports are tracking some interesting statistics suggesting as the Clark report does that Catherine our Kathy Engelbart needs to make it clear that teams that this behavior will not be tolerant she runs the WNBA Caitlin Clark has received almost 20% of the fouls in the league 80% of those from one team the Chicago sky she's assaulted again and again and again this is a quick one easy enough to describe for people trust arena the fever really stretched out this one Caitlin Clark takes a pass as we look at done she starts down the court Caitlin Clark and this player for Chicago comes over and buries his shoulder into her it's not a basketball play she had no opportunity to get to the ball no opportunity to even reach into the ball so instead she buries Caitlin Clark into the floor Caitlin Clark on many occasions has had to argue for a enhanced penalty there is a penalty you can have where the penalties particularly grievous or particularly obvious and I guess it's from two shots to three at the foul line Caitlin Clark is being targeted but not just by fellow players ESPN has released its WNBA rankings for 2024 rookie of the year they've placed seventh round draft pick angel Reese again this is from Clark reports at number one and first round draft pick Caitlin Collins at number two so the author of the tweet went to go look this up it's oh poverty this is a Mary King writing a Mary King tracks sports as well he went to go look up the statistics head to head side by side angel Reese versus Caitlin Clark in the regular season angel Reese is one and three Caitlin Clark is three and one overall statistics goals Caitlin Clark slightly ahead at 32 points per game Caitlin Clark way ahead she's at 18.4 angel Reese's at 13.2 total rebounds per game angel Reese leads there's pretty impressively 12.9 versus 5.7 for Caitlin Clark some of that has to do with the position Caitlin Clark plays assists per game 8.3 for Caitlin Clark 1.8 for angel Reese it continues throughout the entire rest of the scoring blocks per game she leads Caitlin Clark almost double field goal percentage 0.419 for Caitlin 0.386 for angel Reese three points 0.337 for Caitlin Clark 0.167 for angel Reese every statistic bought rebounds Caitlin Clark leads but ESPN has decided that angel Reese needs to be rookie of the year you remember in the Olympics that a black woman had to give a medal back do you remember this oh it's in skating she had to give a medal back why because the judges went and looked at the footage and said no no the white woman actually won the medal here when a league in a society becomes obsessed with reparations it's not it's not just going to be money it's going to be achievements it's going to be things earned and this should make sense after all men can steal the trophies of women the scholarships of women the championships of women why would it be any difference in race the WNBA players for years have argued that they are underpaid in comparison to men okay they also under produce revenue at a very impressive amount in comparison to men but let me ask this question why are women in fashion paid so much more than men why are male models paid so much less than female models because of course the market for me my models models is greater they sell more clothing they sell more makeup most men do not regard what male models wear is something that they should follow we're much more likely to look at a t-shirt one of our favorite athletes would wear if you're impressed by anything like that the WNBA should recognize this Caitlin Clark has put the league on the map and it's drawn attention from people like me i now look at WNBA and the NBA highlights because Caitlin's white no because i'm looking at a level of play that i've not seen before in the WNBA and looking at the statistics nor is anyone else she is the record setter in terms of being the rookie with the best performance in the history of this league instead of promoting this and promoting her ESPN is set and obsessed with making sure a white woman does not steal the metal of a black woman who actually doesn't deserve it statistically speaking it makes sense in an era of reparations and to ESPN understand this you have already kicked people like me out of watching football on your network i don't watch your network i have no exposure to your network if you keep going this way you're going to win a whole bunch of treasures in heaven oh sorry i meant on earth in the body of christ god is very very clear he wants to view us equally and he does in the body of christ neither servant nor Jew Greek nor master god invented all the so-called races including white women like Caitlin Clark god loves angel Reese and Caitlin Clark equally why can't ESPN story number three do you remember joy like the last time you just felt a surprise load of joy there's been some occasions recently where i did my wife gave me a really really great birthday surprise she'd never met some of my crossfit friends so we went out to eat and i kind of knew my life was so furious that i knew i kind of knew because my friend ben is not an effective liar and he didn't lie he doesn't lie he's a very honest man but he said something about oh your birthday is coming up i said yeah yeah it is yeah and he's and i said hey you should come and do birthday workout with me let me get ready for seal fit and ben's response sold it i got it oh wait oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait something's being set up here then my wife was taking me to my favorite restaurant embers on the lake and house her Idaho go down there and try the herminator pizza or the uncle charlie pizza those things are well the herminator is obviously named after me uncle charlie i helped design embers on the lake and house her Idaho so we go down there and i know we walk in the door and one of the young ladies i know said hey how many tonight Todd and my wife steps and she goes four no wait no pardon me she said five five oh okay five wait a minute this is somewhat of kids a kid oh wait i knew exactly what it was going to be he's been on his wife and his kid i knew it and my wife was so sad and upset that i knew this i said no this is great i like to guess these things it didn't kill the surprise to me at all when i saw ben's truck come around the corner the thing i was sad about was that his little boy didn't get to come but we got to see them the day before this is actually the day before my birthday and his son praised god was born on the same day as me that was a surprise amount of joy loved it when was the last time you had surprise joy delivered to you that way i can think of another time it had to do with music there is a clip that's quote resurface this is a trick on youtube resurface clip has to do with one of my favorite artists being put into a position that i remember what he did this i remember talking about this but imagine being a live audience that does not know a legend in music is behind a curtain when you walk in to this bar and sit down i'll show this to you in a second then i'll tell you about the surprise joy that my friend matthew and i had that simply blew us out i got this note and it's not joyful it's hopeful you know we work with alan soaps at that's the soap company that employs young people who the party would have rather seen aborted young alan is 13 he's been through about 18 operations he's nonverbal but he invents fragrances of soap from his memory important days he's nonverbal he can communicate using a a kind of ipad device from time to time when he needs to and he can tell us about things he remembers like hey remember when grandma cooked lunch or brunch and she gave us this watermelon basil salad he remembers the scent of that or another grandma with a honey with a with a cedarwood chest and the smells of that the fragrances are very unique so is the mission to employ young people like alan he and now works there's brother a young woman who's not in the family works there all these young people are equally impacted by things like autism and down syndrome that's why alan soaps exist the soap is high quality it's made in america all natural absolutely gentle the family that makes it for john and alan they have three generations of soap making expertise but i want to pause on that and just ask you to pray for john he changed his life he redirected his life away from digital marketing to run this company so his kids will have a place to work the dignity of work he's battling cancer he's on treatment number three of eight of chemo so simply want to just take a pause this is a guy you've never met and just ask you to pray for john would you do that please do that this was a setup for a tv show people invited in with a comedian filming a key in tv show hey free beers so they're in this bar and they're sitting down and then people begin to go to a jukebox on the wall and it's a really obvious jukebox there's nothing else there so they approach the jukebox and they start to select some songs now interestingly there was a limited number of songs in the jukebox whoever have a cheeky little drink in the store woman hits a button on the jukebox it sits down curtain's open and he's there that's paul macaque he's there he's literally playing live with his band at the hopter bass these people are five feet from him i'm looking at a woman in her sixties dancing like she was when she was 18 and next to her there's a young guy looks to be in his 20s the older ladies white lady now listen here listen here so people race over to the jukebox this is a brilliant idea i know that kimita has a name i can't remember his name again is mccarky so people are figuring out outside that she can go on and do this why this song this is a trash feeder song john lennon hated that song by the way john lennon called that mccartney just writing trash that's it but here we go that sounds like it did on the record so paul macartney has the capacity to bring joy to people i really wish paul was saved he's not paul believes because his mother said some words over him when he was young that he has his gateway into heaven he doesn't it saddens me because macka has met a lot to me his music it's met a lot of joy a lot of introspection and i'll tell you about a surprise moment of joy my friend matthew and i had that was so cool it was the more theater in seattle and we went to go see a band that was on the rise a band called crowded house by my estimation neil fin the chief songwriter of that band is probably the most gifted pop songwriter since lennon mccartney he works often out with his brother tim who's not as equally gifted but great great singing voice tim was in the split ends and brought uh brought to neil fin into that band so we went to go see crowded house this is during the temple of low man tour and the big songs they had at the time or don't dream it's over into temptation it didn't go up the charts i could shoot a beautiful beautiful song song called i feel possessed and uh better be home soon so we went down to the more theater and we're the straight you know non drinkers non smokers non-druggers in the audience and we sit down and we're probably six rows back and excited to be there and the lights come up a little bit in some dude walks on stage and it's like okay who's this this is not crowded house there is no warm up act announced but it's a guy with a guitar he walks up to the microphone and matthew elbows me because that's a rickenbacher that's a 12-string ricky sure enough it was a 12-string rickenbacher guitar electric one guy steps up to the microphone kind of strums it and says hi my name's roger mcguyn grace to write a lot of songs with a band called the birds and crowded house said i could come on stage and play something for you some from my new record a legendary artist who happens to be a quiet christian was on stage roger mcguyn very quietly goes about the country sharing the word of christ i truly wish he would be more open about it but maybe this is how god's told him to do it quietly he lit up the ricki and started to play some songs from the birds my back pages you remember that one and he played a new song from his record called i'm going to cast chat horse if i can and it's supposedly about pursuing this beautiful beautiful racehorse that he sees in the mountains and so you realize that it's actually the pursuit of faith actually the pursuit of the living lord jesus that becomes clear the lyrics then some guys came walking from offstage and they're in street clothes they're not in performance clothes crowded house dresses up when they play or they used to and off the stage or on the stage these guys walk and it's the house crowded house and they stand behind roger mcguyn they play eight miles high and i want to be a rock and roll star absolutely stunning stunning harmonies rhythms hey we are five rows from a legendary rock star matthew and i built our connection based upon music and that connection is what led me to becoming a believer in the lord not just someone who entertained the idea but being a believer it was music that was that bridge i remember talking with him late at night it is dad's home about why music touches us and he was the first one to ever share with me that god designed us to be able to receive joy like this there's no evolutionary reason in the world why you should enjoy a particularly beautiful song or particularly beautiful harmonies there's no reason in the world that music hit music is also mathematically predictable in terms of chord structure and music theory that's not evolutionary that's like dna i believe god signs his work i believe he signs the heavens and their beautiful design i believe he signs dna in its elegant code and i believe god signs his work in how a one four five chord structure that you've heard over and over and over again made me with a minor sixth why it appeals so consistently through time he gives certain people like mccartany to be able to deliver to us emotions in music the chords of which can't exist without god because it's his air that carries them and his signals that reach our ears designed by him there's no evolutionary reason for that if you have this gift god's given you how can you use it to do what Matthew and i did in that conversation where he brought me to the lord or which roger mcguin does quietly going and letting people see god's face through him as he goes around playing lichen dar music to whom much is given much is expected you've given musical talents much is expected if you have you used that this is the Todd Herman show please go be well be strong be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of christ owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready determine a competitive rent price market the property schedule the showing screen tenants drive at the least recollection handling its request maintain communication sound complicated runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list qualified tenants check rent collection check maintenance coordination you got it go to runners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for or call 303 974 9444 because from now on the only 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(dramatic music)