The Todd Herman Show

School Shooting & Psych Meds. Plus … For Me, The Definition of Minor Hell is Talking About Kamala Harris for a Living Ep-1827

In a sane world, you would have a big series of questions about pharmaceuticals and people who use guns to murder kids in schools. I see correlations not causation, but there's a ton of correlative evidence that kids who are on these psych meds or coming off these psych meds are at risk to themselves and others. Some of the black box warnings on antidepressants, in fact, say they can cause suicidal or homicidal intent. And, about one third of teens in America on some form of psychotropic.

What does God’s Word say? 
Luke 15:3-7 NIV
3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
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05 Sep 2024
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There would be some easy ways to employ some sanity into these situations, and we should do that. And by the way, you're looking or listening to a guilty man. I gave into fear when our daughter was consistently suicidal and we were pouring money out of our veins to have her in a treatment center, $35,000, $40,000 a month, cash adds up. Even if you've been blessed with money, we're not rich people. That was a lot of money for us. So when the pharma came a way to get her out of there to not be spending that much money, I gave in and I regret it, particularly this week. I won't go into details, but praise God for safety in our family. But that's not the case in Georgia. I don't know if this kid was on pharma, I bet he was, but I know this. He was on the FBI's radar. Of course he was. We'll talk about that and then I'll do my duty, which means a definition of minor hell. We'll talk more about Kamala Harris because election season. 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Go now to to get your bottle of mass seams with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams. But to starts your journey to better health today. And of course, we'll do this as we ask God Almighty for mercy on a nation that is drugging our kids. Today is the day the Lord has made in the vis of the times to which God has decided we shall live. So you're listening to and are watching a guilty man. We could talk about pharma and some things that could be done, should be done to keep kids safer from this Fox News suspect and deadly Georgia high school shooting was flagged to FBI over a year before in murders. He'd been apparently threatening to do a school shooting. Most this morning are that he had been threatening this for a little while, that apparently the morning of the shooting, there was a threat. Don't know what the school resource officer did there, the safety officer. We do understand that the shooter or they would be murder, murderer surrendered when a cop pointed a gun. In other words, the good guy with the gun thing worked. You know that Kamala Harris wants to demilitarize our schools because they're militarized. Well, they are in the inner city where they've been run by the Democrats for decades, a century and allowed to become these little prisons that they are. You've seen the movie, The Cartel, haven't you? Have you seen that? This is a movie that was put on by a guy, created by a guy who was trying to promote government schools and he intended to show how good the system was and what he learned was how utterly corrupt it was. There was this scene where he had his epiphany. He'd been to these poor schools in inner cities in New York where kids are locked inside the doors are chained so gangs can't get in and murder people and consequently, kids couldn't get out during a fire, incredible fire code violation. When he visited them, he'd watch these lotteries where kids and their parents had to put in a, you know, it's literally a lottery. It's like with the ping pong balls and the little shaker that they could end up going to a charter school or a satellite school and he watched these parents dissolve into tears flopping in the floor crying. Their kids had to go back to these prisons and he took his camera out to where the school administration building is, he's driving through the parking lot and he's filming and he has the epiphany, the awakening, Lexus, Jaguar, Mercedes, Cadillacs, Escalades in the administration building but not at these government schools where these kids are trapped in these prisons. Walter Harris wants to see them demilitarized. Well that's the inner city and the magic of the inner city is this. The Mockingbird media gets to pretend that these black swan events, these, these statistically speaking, once in a lifetime, you are more likely to be killed by lightning than killed in a shooting in a school, but they are terrifying. They are terrifying for parents because you get this belief, these happen all the time. The Mockingbird media loves this. They know most parents can reasonably say, you know what, my kids are not going to be exposed to gang warfare because we don't live in Chicago or Los Angeles or Detroit. Most people don't. As that stuff spreads, it will be harder for parents to have that comfort but the Mockingbird media understands all kids go to school. Well that's not true, most kids go to school. So they understand how they can use current events to terrify people into becoming anti gun and pro authority and pro Kamala Harris. They get that. They're experts at using current events, but they do not want to talk about the current view that many of us who have lived the life of kids on big doses of pharma, what we know, my wife knows far more about it than I do. She's a member of a massive community of parents and some healthcare providers who help kids step off pharma very, very carefully and have talked in detail in the show about how my wife does this in this tiny little room, stepping our daughter off these pills. This past week, our daughter made a decision to skip some pills, tiny little shreds of pills because she's almost praise God towards the end of her time on this trash. And she's more grown up. She told us the effects psychologically what was happening to her praise God she told us. Current events can change your view on many, many things and if current events such as the specter of a Kamala Harris presidency has you concerned, then you're thinking like a proper American praise God for that form of skepticism and awareness. My friends and brother, Zach Cabraham, chief investment officer at Bullwork Capital Management is doing a free live webinar. It's an absolute look at current events and how the Bullwork risk management strategy is set to deal with times like this, which involves the active management of every portfolio. Let me give you an example. This is a great example. Zach has been purchasing stock in small regional electrical utilities and he said clients come to him and say, wait a minute, wait a minute, we've got these tech companies sky high. Why am I putting my money into these small regional electrical utilities? Because Zach says, because the government's going to force everything to go to electric, they're not making new electrical plants. These companies have record cash flow and profits and eventually people are going to figure this out. As he's saying this, then the next week you see this $800 billion drop in value in these companies where the money goes in automatically through electronic trading platforms, but not at the small regional utilities. That's an example of risk management. These webinars are free, but you have to register to attend. Go to, that's, this new webinar's coming up. Thursday afternoon Pacific time, September 26th. Go to and now because the government makes us play this. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advisor recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek 24308. There you go, very entertaining. An article from a guy who tracks psychological effects of drugs with the organization called the Citizens' Commission on Human Rights International, Mental Health Industry Watchdog. You will see people on the left say, "Oh, this isn't a real commission. No, it's not a government commission." It says right there the Citizens' Commission on Human International Rights and there will be people who will come to me and say, "You know this is the Church of Scientology." Okay, Church of Scientology can be right about some things. They're wrong about faith, completely wrong about faith. Elrond Hubbard, don't get me started because I actually don't want to be sued by the Church of Scientology because they'll do it. The data in this is not that easy to manipulate. Let's go through this. Alec McKinney, 16 in Devon, Erikson, 18, opened fire in a classroom of STEM students at a Highland school ranch and killed one and entered eight others. The shooting stopped when three students charged Erikson and his gun jam. McKinney attempted to commit suicide after the shooting but couldn't figure out how to operate the gun safely. McKinney had been hospitalized twice in the previous years for mixing the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and alcohol and for cutting himself well on vacation according to witness testimony from Robert Benghy, a psychiatric nurse practitioner who counseled McKinney. In 2018, he prescribed McKinney ADHD meds in addition to antidepressants and mood stabilizers that the teen was already taking. We can go through Parkland, we can go through the Austin, Texas shooting, we can go through Tallahassee, Florida, we can go through Seattle, Washington, we can go through Milford, Connecticut, Sparks, Nevada, St. Louis, Missouri, Snohomish County, Washington, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and on and on and on. We can go all the way back to Columbine and the mess of the lives those kids had made. Now, there is a sin issue connected with this, obviously. There are the separation of fathers from homes. There are the separation of people from church, from faith, but there is this through line of pharma. This would be easy enough to address. A curious media would say, "Okay, the church of Scientology claims this, but you know who else does?" Parent groups who have no connection to this, who have watched their kids, tried to step off these drugs and become suicidal, become homicidal. I'm aware of a case where a girl who had never had an aggressive bone in her body had never been in a physical altercation once, chased her mother through the house with a very sharp steak knife. Her mother locked herself in the bathroom and the girl stabbed the door and the wall. The mother was forced to call her husband to go home and try to neutralize the situation she did not want to call the police, would you? If your daughter turned in that, what happened? A step down from psych meds wants to step up occurred. The girl went back to not being herself because she wasn't herself. She went back to being drugged. Talk to another parent who watched their kid lose the capacity to retain information through reading, always been a great reader, excelled at it, got put on, I forget, three or four meds, also in a treatment facility like our daughter was in, and lose her capacity to read. I mean, she could read the words, but she couldn't retain the information. And this was a girl who had read from a very early age and had retained information, both materially useful and fictional and artistic, who could recite scenes from books by memory. One day in this parent sent a note around about this to the support group. One day she was looking in the backyard and her daughter was reading. She was reading the Iliad for fun. This was after the girl had gone from four meds to one. This would be relatively easy to address. If pharma cared, they would put clear labels on the boxes of these meds saying they are addictive. In fact, they would be honest about them. Some of them are as addictive, if not more than fentanyl. They would say that on the cover. And for young people, or really for anybody to take these mind altering drugs, now that we know there is no serotonin imbalance, that was never a thing, that stood, did not get enough attention, that showed that there was no serotonin reuptake and imbalance problem. That never happened. Now that we know this, and we know these are black box drugs, it would work this way. There would be a series of steps doctors would have to take, particularly with kids, before they ever ingest a pill like this. In other words, it would put teeth into the Hippocratic oath. You know that part about first-do-know harm? Scott Cher was on our program, his daughter, Grace, and my judgment was murdered using the hospital protocols, the COVID hospital protocols. He makes a compelling case, he's got a lawsuit that's proceeding, judges agree that this was apparent, judges appear sympathetic to Scott's family saying that this was civil assault of their daughter, Grace. He makes a case that the Hippocratic oath itself is a problem because it is an oath to a foreign God. But the do-know harm scenario, let's talk about that. Yes, then I promise I'll do my duty and we can talk all about Kamala Harris. There is some funny stuff actually coming out, particularly from fans of Kamala Harris, and they're very passionate. They just simply don't understand that there's English, there's language other than English. No, it's really funny. Someone's put together a new, it's mega, but for the brat generation. The more I've learned about healthcare in America, the more enthusiastic I am to see people refusing to play in this field. The more enthusiastic I am to see doctors setting up their own clinics, getting outside the insurance equilibrium, I have a friend of mine who set up his own medical practice. So he's a sports med doc. And I used to work with a medic clinic that's a fine clinic. It's run by a good Christian man who I consider a friend, but his business model is tied at the hip to insurance. So when I would go in to see my friend, I would get to be with him for about 15 minutes. And then I would be sent off to a junior person. That's just the way it had to work from a billing perspective. Now that my friend that establishes his own clinic when I go in, he gets to work with me for an hour and he can ask questions like, what are we doing today? In the insurance world, it would be, hey, well, all I can really do is your shoulder. My shoulder is not a problem today, but man, my ankle is killing me. Okay. Yeah, I mean, we'd need you to fill out and they're just so I can go get treated as a whole person. Yeah. It costs me a little bit more. Okay. It costs me a lot more, but I'm getting actual healthcare. Now this is very, very serious when you're dealing with things that are limiting your ability to live life, such as your inability to walk, such as your inability to go upstairs, to sit for long periods of time, to work, to use your hands, to have grip. You may have been told the only way to approach this is a series of surgeries going through and scraping your tendons. That's the only way to do away with this carpal tunnel like thing in your ankle so that you could walk again, or you could grip something again, or to get a word from this neuropathy, or to undo the pain in your lower lumbar. It's not true. In many, many cases, ethically gathered stem cells can take care of this. Why do I say ethically gathered? For the following reasons, at, these come from umbilical cords and placentas only, period, no abortions. They have not been exposed to the mRNA injections, period. They don't do that. The strain of cells I use there have never been exposed to this stuff. Lastly, they underwrite the health care of the women who are giving birth all the way through the process, even though they screen out some of the stem cells, a large percentage of them, because they do not meet their quality standards. Once those stem cells are in Mexico, they culture them, that is they multiply them. They create more of them. So I got 42 million in my shoulder, 12 million in my ankle. First thing they do is those cells go in and they destroy inflammation, and I have felt better the very next day. Instantly, the inflammation is gone. Even nine days after surgery it was gone, then they go about building. Those stem cells are packed with the capacity to build muscle, tendon, all sorts of fibers in the body. And that rebuilding happens at record rates. This is actual health care. If you're suffering from anything like I described, go to, renew There's a link in the show notes. And tell them that you are a family member of the podcast, The step down process would be one thing in pharma, but there'd be some other things if they actually cared and it would go like this. In order to give teens, psychotopic drugs, you would first have to go through a checklist of items. Number one. Are they getting consistent sunlight and exercise? What? What? Right. Being outside and getting exercise helps reduce depression. Being locked in a room away from sunlight and the natural environment helps create depression. Number two, how much time are they spending on screens versus with people? They need to be exposed to people, so they need to be in a support group setting. Either a family setting, a church setting, a helpful setting that's therapeutically created where there's other people who are conquering problems, not wallowing in it. Because there's plenty of support groups where you can go in and kids have contests to see who's sicker. If you think I'm kidding, go get exposed to one of these groups. They actually have contests. Oh, I'm getting tube next week because I won't eat. They have contests, so actual therapeutic settings with kids who've gotten through this stuff. Structured settings for exercise. Structured settings for sunlight. Then you start to look at family relationships. Is the family solid? Because I'll tell you what, it's broken kid, broken family many of the times. So before we put the kids on psychs, let's bring the family in and talk family dynamics. All these steps should be taken before there's ever any consideration of these drugs, and they should be tried for long periods of time. But the kids will kill themselves. That sounds very familiar for anyone who's ever seen gender jackers at work. There's always a risk of that. The risk does not necessarily go down with the psych meds. What does happen is kids get addicted to this stuff. Every single parent that has presented these pills should also be presented the following facts. They are addictive on a given scale. One being coffee, ten being fentanyl. They should have to sign a piece of paper that they understand. When you take these drugs, this is not going to be for a little while. This is going to be perhaps for life, unless you're willing to do what my wife has done and lock herself at a small closet-sized bathroom and shave pills down using a jewelry scale and a little tiny file. Most parents won't do that. Most people can't. They don't have the time, they don't have the focus or the energy. When our daughter was put on these meds, the psychiatrist who prescribed them originally said, "None of you girls should ever be on the meds for the rest of your life." And I truly believed he thinks it's possible to get off these drugs. He's never tried it. He's never been involved in the step-down processes. Doctors who prescribe these pills should be ethically bound to help guide the step-down process, including being morally liable for what happens. Pharma should have to create step-down kits. Once people are put on these meds, it should not be a life sentence. Pharma should be forced to create dosages that time after time, week by week, day by day, as slowly as necessary as possible to be necessary or to be safe, they should be forced to create these things. We regulate them right? Well, not really, because of course the FDA is a pharmaceutical company. But guns. It's guns. It's never what leads up to someone taking a gun and abusing it. It's the gun. It's the destination point, not the trip that got people there. Republicans can run on something like this. Run on actually keeping kids safe, but they won't. Pharma has way too much money in way too many politicians' pockets. But everything I just said you can do. If your kids or grandkids are ever given the "opportunity" to take these drugs, you, the parent or the grandparent, please don't make my mistake. Stop and say, "Wait, no." Before we even consider that, let's start with sunlight and exercise. In other words, let's start with the things God gave us as common blessings. Family connections, friends, sometimes that's hard, but isolation, depression and loneliness are sectioned, loneliness, isolation, depression, it's a lid. Those are the things that lead. The kids believing they need these drugs. The Lord tells us in the Bible, in Luke chapter 15 verses 3 through 7, Jesus is speaking here. Jesus told them this parable. Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Listen to he leave the 99 in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it. And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, "Rejoice with me. I've found my lost sheep." I tell you that in the same way, there would be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who do not need to repent. Obviously, he's talking about the kingdom of heaven and the saving of souls. But I'm talking about this, the lost kids, lost to pharma. When our daughter was on pharma, she forgot her childhood. I mean, not amnesia. I'm seeing the reconstructing of reality, full on forgetting full years, because my wife has gotten her off these pills and spent a joy sometimes, sometimes not. Often it's been a joy. She said, "I remember that. I did that. I achieved that." You can't know, unless you've ever been there, what a joy is to see someone rediscover the positive portions of their upbringing. You can't know. It's just a surprise joy. Imagine that you walk into a place that you know, for instance, I keep thinking about people who own Airbnb's or other businesses that produce these really bad smells, and you know you're going to go in and clean the house, and it's Airbnb, and the new guests are coming. Okay, we can clean, we can wipe down all the surfaces, we can vacuum, but dang it, it smells like the people were here, or in your house. Ding dong. Oh my gosh, just guests here, we haven't changed the litter box, and oh, wait, wait, oh, we'll be right out. We're all naked. So you make some excuse. Wait, no, we're doing a weird painting ceremony. Hold on, or your pretends you're not there. Never do that ding dong. Someone, the neighbors are coming over, and you're hiding behind the couch. I see you hiding. Sometimes it's a smell in the house, particularly if you're a smoker, aye, I wish you'd quit. We just talked about pharma. I wish you'd quit, or you're going to be trapped in a small place for a long time, maybe long haul trucking, or your kids are going to be in a dorm, or God forbid, a frat house, please don't put them in a frat house, please don't put them in a frat house, please. I beg you, please, please, please don't do that. I don't know that dorms are any better, but they don't have to stink. Go to, enter code TOD3, and use what we use in the studio, in my home, in which now 10, 20, 30, hundreds of podcast viewers or listeners are using. It's the Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2. This thing is so potent, you plug it into the wall, it produces ozone, and the ozone molecules float around, and they literally change the molecular structure of bad smelling molecules, be it sweat or a stinky person in the Airbnb smell, or the smells that come from cat boxes, or even up to and including kid puke that has dried overnight in a car with the windows locked in 91 degree North Idaho weather. That happened. That's a true story. That really happened. If you're plugged into the wall right now, it's silent. I don't have to spend two to 400 bucks a year on new filters because it's not an air filter, it's an air purifier. Go to, enter code TOD3, and you saved 200 bucks on a whole home coverage, three of these devices,, enter code TOD3. Kamala Harris wants schools demilitarized, okay, they're not militarized unless we talk about the inner cities. Her fans, and I'm using that word advisedly, fans, fanatics, people who don't understand the thing about her, have produced a viral ad. It says Kamala, mala. In other words, make America love again. M-A-L-A. Wait, aren't they the culturally sensitive ones? Do you know what mala means in Spanish? It's the feminine usage of Malo, translation for Malo or Malo. Malo, grave, Fuerte, incompatible, severial, duro, dumb, incorrect, bad, negative, horrible, terrible, humiliation, ha, ha, wicked, evil, wrong, bad. Make America bad, wrong, evil, poor, wicked, again. Sometimes truth slips out, doesn't it? You can take a lesson from Canada for what is eventually headed here, eventually headed here. Justin Trudeau, who is Kamala Harris' ideological bedmate, oh wait, no, I'm sorry, he's not her elder and can't do anything for him, politics. I apologize to Willie Brown. Justin Trudeau decided to go out and campaign to some manual laborers, some steelworkers in Canada, praise God for this guy. And couldn't it be done here? Couldn't it happen here? Oh, it did. Remember that? When figurehead Biden was talking to some auto workers and a guy who was a retired marine asked him a question and Joe Biden ended up threatening to beat him up, I'll take you in the parking lot, give you a weapon. He says to a retired marine, like one third his age, okay, push up Joe. Here is Justin Trudeau and Donuts. We got Donuts over here if you want to thank you for your hard work. I can bring something like this, right? The 25% Harris, we just brought in from Chinese Steel to help you out. That's going to keep my job. What about the 40% taxes in Spain and I don't have a dog here? The 400 million dollars in the rest of the investment in a car. That's what it's about. I think you're only here for another year, we won't see around probably another year. That's what elections are for. That's right, that's right. And I look forward to everyone exercising the right to vote. The basic choice, we're going to invest in you and your jobs. I don't believe you for a second. Dental care? Do you know anyone who got dental care? Yeah, I pay for it myself. Okay. We're like three years behind. We keep the job in coverage. But we've got seniors. We've got seniors. Every time we go for a dental visit, it's called us to be about 50 dollars in the pocket per person. Okay. Why? I have a good job. You're not really doing anything for us, Justin. Well, actually, we just invested, so happy million people have been with the dentist. It's probably like my neighbor that doesn't go to work because she's lazy. It doesn't go to work. She lives the same way by it. He's going to be able to stick up to the trailer. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Wait, the other guy's got, they got the donuts. Excellent. Oh, goodness. Oh, it takes a lot to get me out of to laugh at a political thing. Oh, listen. Oh, I should get it to static. I need to control. I'm not going to get the laughing on Mike. So solid. Tries to shake his hand. No, I'm good. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. But the opening. Can we see that again? I love this. I'm paying a 40 percent tax rate in a country that says we've got government provided free healthcare. I'm paying 50 bucks to go in. I got four kids. I'm three years behind on my dental payments. Our country's being overrun by islamists. Here's Justin Trudeau walking up. We've got donuts over here if you want to thank you for your hard work. I can bring something like this dude. Hey. We've got donuts. Oh, please try that somewhere. Now, you think about the planning in this and how this goes on in the back series. I'm just I'm picturing Justin Trudeau's 26 year old press people. Okay, Mr. Prime Minister, we know that steel workers are stupid. They like to eat sugary foods, so we're going to take them some donuts that have high degrees of sugar and lots of trans fats in them. So just speak donuts. Don't get into a substantive conversation. I mean, they're not going to know anything. They're steel workers. They're stupid. You're just going to say donuts. Mmm. Creamy donuts. Remember the Homer Simpson thing, the satanic donut. Mmm. The satanic donut, they really do hate us. They really do think it's as simple as donuts or showing up once a year. I wonder what Justin Trudeau felt. I'm guessing nothing. Just total emotional blank. It's a guess. It's a pretty solid guess. You seen Kamala Harris? Kamala Harris now when she steps off airplanes are out of her limos, she's always got the earbuds in because she's busy on the phone. Fake salutes. I'm talking on the phone here. I can't I can't take questions because I'm I'm on the phone or I'm listening to two pox Shakur, my favorite living rapper who's been dead for 25 years. I keep doing that. I keep forgetting my favorite living rapper is dead. Okay, there. She got it. If you're watching the video and if you're not, let me describe it to you, but the reason I stopped it is she's got earbuds in because she's on the phone, but she puts the phone up to her head. Again, it's a 26 year old staffer. Okay, look, we've got to keep her away from the cameras. People are asking her questions and she can't respond. Oh, she does this cackle. Well, she's joyful, but it doesn't come across. I got it. I got it. Busy female boss lady. She's on the phone. She's doing deals. She's working on world peace. You know what? No, no, no, no. She's free in the captives. That's what she's working on. We're going to get the donuts delivered for the little people. Bring them donuts. Group supporting president Trump has an ad. It's pretty effective. It's Kamala and Kamala. Every day prices are too high, food, rent, gas, back to school clothes, that is called Biden comics, a low spread cost 50% more today. Brown beef is up almost 50%. There is not much left at the end of the month. Biden comics is working. The price of housing has gone up. It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead and we are very proud about it. That's super well done. Oh, it's approved by Trump by Trump for president official ad. Did you see this? When on team Kamala decided to create NFL posters, this one in Philadelphia, it's Kamala Harris wearing a Philadelphia Eagles helmet. Kamala says the Philadelphia Eagles immediately responded on the Twitter machine saying we're aware of counterfeit political ads being circulated and we're working with our advertising partner to have them removed. In fact, within a day, they were gone. This is a thing of utter beauty. Someone created a fake blackometer and this is running across the internet. So, I would describe it visually for people who are listening, it's super simple. All they're doing is adding a little slider below that shows, well, the slider getting blacker and blacker and blacker as the statement rolls on because that's how she speaks, never, of course. The reason I concentrate on this so much is if someone is willing to change how they speak in front of an audience that is of a specific race, they're willing to change anything. I mean, that's axiomatic about Kamala Harris and that she doesn't exist, but there's other aspects to this that I think are very, very important and that's how this must land on black people. I can't find verification that this is a real quote, but man, wouldn't it be cool if it is, Tiger Woods, Kamala's fake black accent is embarrassing and extremely offensive Tiger Woods. This came from Tour Golf. It's PGA Tour and I mean, they cover golf. It's not the actual PGA, but everything else in it's a legitimate store. I can't track down that quote beyond that source, but of course it's offensive. It's offensive anytime you pretend to be deeply connected to a person. You pretend someone said something to me the day and I don't remember the context where this came up. Just telling stories, just bros, telling stories and I shared this story about back in the day that's, and I've said this on the show before, so I won't make a big deal about it, but my program director made me go to a strip club. He wanted us to have strippers on the show because he wanted us to appeal to young men and I pointed out like we lead with young men. We own the young male demographic. Both of our shows own the young male demographic. We take him away from some of the biggest FM shows in Salt Lake City history, which is why they copied our shows. They would literally tune in to see what we were talking about in between songs they would steal our topics. In fact, one day we decided to go down to the radio station. We took a big stack. We went and bought a whole bunch of copy paper and went down and stood in their lobby and asked for these two guys to come out and they didn't and we said, "Oh, we'll leave this for them. They'll make it easier for them to copy our work." What we should have done if we've been smart and not egotistic, a little jackass, is we should have gone and made friends with them and tried to get a show at the big, big station. We weren't smart enough for that. We weren't humble enough for that. So my program director said, "We're going to have strippers in our shows." I said, "No, I'm not. I will be happy to talk to a woman or take her clothes off for money. I'm not going to call her a stripper because that's an identity. I'd be glad to have a conversation about why she does it because I think most people who do this are in some form of abuse." My program director said, "No, you at least have to go to the strip club. I won't make you have a stripper on your show, but you have to go to the strip club." Okay. So I was just telling this story and my friend said, "Why didn't you want to go?" He said, "Were you a Christian?" Then I said, "No." I said, "Because it's flat out manipulation, it's emotional manipulation because you think strip clubs are emotional and manipulative?" "Yes, yes. The pretense is you have a chance with these girls. They're taking their clothes off for you. She made eye contact with me. Oh, she's into me. I mean, she even came out and sat next to me. She offered me a private dance." Now, of course, the thinking part of your brain saying, "Okay, this is for money, but your flesh is saying, 'Now, this is for me.'" I think she's probably got a heart of gold. Maybe she does, but not for you. That form of emotional manipulation is exactly what Kamala Harris does with language. I care so deeply about the inner city Detroit black girls that I'm going to try to talk like one because I'm deeply connected. In fact, I don't think you're currently to understand you. Your wife's been on your years, things like that. It's not just here that this is happening and it's not just bad news. It's good news to see even people from Great Britain television beginning to recognize how far down the fascist rabbit hole their country's been pushed, wait till you see this guy or hear his commentary. We're not lost. I mean, we're going through a fascist revolution. People survived these things. That happens that Christianity tends to grow during these periods of time because God is expert at using evil for good. It's one of the things God does all the time. And when we are in moments like this, it's still very scary even if we are aware that God uses evil for good, but we've still got good people on our side. The people at are very, very good people. Run by Tim Cruickshank, my dear friends. He is a retired Navy SEAL and Buds instructor. Tim founded the coffee company to, let's be honest, provide a living for his family, something that they can build wealth upon and the company's done well. He's walked through the storm, as this has been going on, trying to help his wife Liz survive cancer. She fought that battle for almost a decade, linked in her life. She finally was called home to the Lord and the coffee company survives. The girls are working there. In fact, the coffee company is thriving due to you. The coffee is based upon excellence. God country team, it says on every bag, Dave Stewart, a coffee legend, mentors Tim, teaches him how to roast coffee. In fact, Dave roasts some of the coffees on his own. He's the guy who built Seattle's best coffee, a legendary coffee company. This morning, once again, I'm having the door kicker roast. This is a light blend, but the heaviest in caffeine that they have, door kicker. The other one that is one of my very, very favorites is goat locker. That's a dark French roast that took Tim three years to sign off on, because he would not have any of the abitterness associated with that other coffee company, the one that hates you. Go to, enter code Todd to save 10% on your first purchase, 15% off subscription coffee, God country team on every bag, Ben Leo is a commentator in the UK on Great Britain television, which is a censorship nation. Listen to what he got away with saying in Great Britain and compare it to here. Now, look, you don't need a weatherman to tell you it's raining outside, just like you don't need some sort of geopolitical expert to know we're fast hurtling towards a totalitarian state. Soon, I predict we won't be able to even talk about illegal migration without being called racists or bigots. Soon, I predict genuine debate about this country's migration policy will be so censored and diluted that people just won't bother to talk about it anymore. And soon, I predict that anyone who dares, raised concerns about random men arriving on Britain's shores unannounced and unidentified will be made to pay the price by the state and its obedient society. Just look at what later MPs think about people who even mention the small boats. Here's Clive Lewis. You're talking about small boats, you're talking about asylum seekers, well, sorry, because if it were like slowly we're being nudged into believing that even the very conversation about the small boats crisis is something mucky that only the bold and brave dare talk about. Just earlier today at a child's birthday party, a friend of my sons actually, one mum told me how their church service that morning, this morning, was all about condemning people who were against dingies of migrants rocking up to Britain. She told me, as we snacks on crisps and ham sandwiches, that the congregation in church was ordered to embrace diversity and multiculturalism and open their arms to the world's needy. And anyone who objected to that was somehow ungodly. Then she finally admitted to me that she doesn't even bother talking about immigration with friends or acquaintances anymore because she has to be so careful about wrecking her life. And let me be clear, this person, this mother, wasn't someone who was ingrained daily in politics or news or government policy, like, you know, some of we are, just a normal mum working hard to put food on the table and raise her children. She told me, and I quote, "It feels like you have to work out which people you can have that kind of conversation with or not. It's constantly treading on eggshells. If I say I'm worried about illegal migration and my family's safety in Britain, someone might go and report it to my employer or my child's school, then we'd be finished." We live in this world now, and maybe you've had these conversations. I was having a business discussion with someone who may turn out to be a partner in the podcast. It's another healthcare company who's noticed how well this audience adapts to new healthcare. There's actual healthcare. And we're having a Zoom call talking about their approach to delivering actual healthcare versus insurance bill and the topic of the COVID shots came up. We both looked at each other, and I said something about, "I'm very concerned about what these shots appear to be doing to people." And he leaned into the screen and he said, "You mean safety-wise?" I said, "Have you listened to my program?" I have to be honest, I've listened to some episodes, but not a lot of them. I just know this show does well, okay. These are not vaccines. He sat back in his chair and looked behind. There's no one in his office, but no one is his office. He looked behind him, and he said, "Okay, I was wondering who's going to be the first to say it." I said, "Yeah, it's that way, isn't it? It is." So, we may or may not say that on the air when he's on the program, but I can tell you, we live in a world where a conversation like that among two guys who are looking to do business together mirrors the conversation that's going on on this program about media and questions about pharmaceuticals and kids who go shoot up a school. In each case, we know this, God's not going to leave anybody behind by choice. He's calling everybody. The kids who are lost to pharma are lost sheep. The people who are lost to fear, unwilling to speak the word of God, are also lost sheep. It's our job, those of us who are being changed by the Lord Jesus, to bring them all back to the fold, both societally but much more importantly, internally. This is the Todd Herman show, "Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every efforts to walk in the light of Christ." Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determinate competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants draft at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance requests, maintain communication. Whew, sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Chevy has the SUVs you know and love, and now there's one more. The first ever all-electric Blazer EV with the latest tech, incredible range and easy charging. 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