The Todd Herman Show

Why are SO MANY people with NO IDs registering to vote. And, Gold Star Families SMACK DOWN Kamala Harris Ep-1825

Confession again, two days in a row. I'm having real challenges talking about this election. We are going to cover the Gold Star families and the statistics on states allowing those with no ID to vote. But prior to any of this, I have to obey what I'm hearing from the Holy Spirit and unload what I think I'm supposed to say.
What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 29:12 ESV  
If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.
Proverbs 16:12 ESV  
It is an abomination to kings to do evil, for the throne is established by righteousness.
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Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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Well, it's not a stupid tweet, it's actually a very helpful tweet, and it has data straight from the government that shows they're loading up to rig the elections into pretty key states. One of them might be your states or your state. We'll talk about that, but prior to any of this, I have to obey what I'm hearing from the Holy Spirit and unload what I think I'm supposed to say this morning because sometimes when this microphone turns on, I feel like God takes over, so I'm going to obey. We'll talk about what just got put on my heart with the help of, and I believe at the strong urging of the Holy Spirits. Amen. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. So what's it mean if this has never happened to you, to have the Holy Spirit convict you of something that the Holy Spirit wants you to say? And for me, it's this, I cannot proceed as planned, that I don't think I could possibly do it as planned, that the urging is too great, and I had a plan. I could, well, you know, I just want to be on camera, that's her choice. She doesn't want a voice here, but she can testify to the fact that we were just editing a video, she was editing, I downloaded it, and we're just last second putting the show together because there's some things you wanted to add. I didn't do that for fun, Niana's not here for fun, she's here to get paid, and I pay her to be here, and I'm lucky to have her here. I just said this sense that God's heart is breaking. And the reason I say that is all this focus on these two people, Donald John Trump and Kamala Harris, and all this investment that they're going to make it better, they're coming to the rescue. In the nature of the program and my political beliefs, I am a Christian constitutional conservative populist. The importance being in that order, clearly, I'm going to vote for President Trump, clearly. There is no Christian, constitutionalist, conservative populist argument for voting for a woman who seized power in a coup. It can't be made. A woman who's happy with a Satanist serving in the administration, case cannot be made. But I guess what is on my heart this morning from the Holy Spirit is, what about me? How are you voting for me? I remember when I was a kid, when I would get frustrated with my mom, and I could be a jerk, a real jerk to my mom. And when refusing to do things and cursing didn't work, I would say, I like my stepmom more than I like you. What wasn't true ever, and I don't want to get into that because that would be cruel, but it was far from true. The opposite was the case. And so I'm just imagining God knowing he works all things for good. There's not a thing he does to harm us. There's things he allows us to do to harm ourselves. He exacts discipline from us or disciplines us often by saying, okay, well, you wanted it, you got it. Enjoy, Bubba. But at best, I mean, the nation's focused on a couple of step parents, and not even that, of course, we don't identify President Trump or God forbid Kamala Harris as a parent. But here we are with media cycle, after media cycle, after media cycle, you know, I can pop out of Fox News. I know what I'm going to see just about the opposite, equal opposite what I'd see at MSNBC. Dem leader, former GOP governance Senate race, despite one in three not knowing who she is. Video services of Dem's top aid accused of spying for China pushing wokeness. Watch another politician who left the Democrat party endorses Trump for president. I mean, yeah, there's some legitimately big stories there, another Dem hanging out with the Chinese spy. And then there's this we know. We know about the Confucius Institute. We know about the program where China has been funneling money towards Black Lives Matter Incorporated and Tifa. We know that they're in favor of critical rights theory and DEI. We know that they're pushing that here. And we know that they helped with the World Health Organization to push into our country, the lives of transgenderism, we know. And we can drive the outrage machine on it or we could say, Hey, what if we just took our eyes off this? Can you imagine? I have this dream of retirement and my wife says, you're not ever going to really retire. Probably not. But I have this dream. Here's my dream is we live up in the mountains and my wife and I've talked about this and isolated from town and we're a little bit isolated now, but not really. And my particular dream is, you know, we've got family, we've got church. I have this dream on a day when I'm by myself, maybe I go to the gym or whatever that I run into someone in town and they taught, how are you? Hey, good. Good. Yeah, we're up on the mountain and how are you and how's the family and hey, what do you think about the presidential election? And you know what my dream is to go, sorry, the what? The presidential election. Oh gosh, you know, I am not tracking that. Now, that would be weird, right? But what if instead I was really tracking my prayer life, my walk with the Lord, my walk with other people, helping them with their walk? I wonder if it would fundamentally change things and yet as Christians were called to be engaged. What if we make it 10 to one? What if we decide in the closing hours of this campaign, closing months to give it one hour a day on this stuff? And I promise if there's something that's legitimately important, we'll put it in the show, even if the show goes long, but what if we just did one hour a day and 10 hours a day on things that matter, things that we can actually affect, like our relationships at home with our wives and our kids, like our relationships with their friends and their walks with the Lord, like maybe building something that really matters. Something that helps people live a better life. What if we did 10 to one and schedule it? I mean, you're not going to learn a lot. You're not going to learn anything about Kamala Harris that's going to change your mind. You're probably not going to learn anything about President Trump that's going to change your mind. So if we scheduled a half hour in the morning and a half hour at night and let us do the rest and when we find things that are important, we'll tell you about it because there are some important things such as you can see this rigging in real time, Wall Street apes is all over this. It's one slide and we'll get to that in a second. It's important and it's a thing you can see. Sometimes the things you can't see are creating an impression. I'm thinking a lot about Airbnb owners these days. It's a big business. There's some big companies in it, but there's also a lot of individuals who's invested a lot of money in this in owning rental homes. Maybe the Airbnb's or short term rentals or BRBO and those these seasons where they get really heavy to up like maybe it's a ski condo you own and maybe you're there a couple of times a winter, a couple of weeks, but the rest of it's rented out. Can I give you a tip that one of the big things that affects the psychology people in a space like that is they open the door. What does it smell like? Back in the day in startup land, we used this trick, we used to cook. We had a kitchen in one of the buildings we rented and we would cook popcorn and chocolate chip cookies and it was subtle, but it was this relaxation. It was this smell of home. People felt at home and we wouldn't even talk about it. Sometimes venture capitalists would acknowledge it. Wow. Did you guys cook cookies? Oh, yeah. You want some? I've got popcorn too. Yeah. Yeah. It's just a cheaper way to feed the staff, but it's the psychology. Same thing for your business. If you've got an office place where you share with others and maybe there's a whole bunch of heavy cologne use and you don't want that or maybe it's a medical office, you want people to feel like it's clean. Here's a simple way to do that. It's not noisy. It doesn't cost you two to 400 bucks per year to replace air filters. It is silent. It produces ozone in the air. Those O3 molecules float around and when they find anything that produces bad smells, be it from cat litter, be it from the last guests at the BRBO. Maybe they didn't smoke, but one of their friends came over and did smoke. Maybe they cook something that could be offensive in the kitchen. Maybe like I said, you have an office place and the guy next to you, he splashes all sorts of cologne all over his body. It negates those smells and what people smell instead is like the day after a thunderstorm. So breathe the breath of fresh air again and save $200. Go to, enter code Todd3. You'll get three of these devices, whole home coverage, whole office coverage., enter code Todd3. Those are the molecules you can't see, some of the things you can see. Wall Street Ape started as a site that was really about that. It was about Wall Street and about the corruption of Wall Street. They pulled a slide from the Social Security Administration, U.S. Social Security Administration website, HAVV Data 2024. There's a massive number of people registering to vote without ID in some key states. Some of those states that are key are like Texas. How about 300, about 3 million, 3.25 million people registered without ID in the state of Texas, in the state of Missouri, 1.6 million. And some of the states here on this list, we just think about who would think about the complex. They're desperate to flip Texas to pretend that conservative Texas has come to see progressivism as key to America's future. So Texas, of course, is on top of this. Also, it's the most populous state. Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, Nevada, Missouri. This is very much like allowing people to walk into a bank and take money out without ID or to set up an account without ID because they're not necessarily taking the money out. But try this. In fact, this weekend, my wife and I went to visit with our daughter and her boyfriend, they were out with her boyfriend's mom. They were down at the river in Washington state, beautiful place called the Bolin Pitcher, by the way. So we went down to see them. We pulled in and I realized I'm going to have to pay for a day pass to go into the park and so it's 10 bucks and okay, fine, I'll pay 10 bucks to go into the park. And I'm talking to the guy who was, you know, the ranger on duty, had a cool looking ranger beard, you know, kind of red looking, saw the looking beard. And he asked me for my ID. Now, granted, I was using a debit card, but I thought it was funny that I was being asked for ID. And I said to him, you know, so ID to enter the park, but not to vote. And he goes, yeah, I don't think that would work. I go, what checking ID when you voting, see, I don't think that would work. I said, in Washington state, that wouldn't work that he had a smirk. He was being professional. He was a very professional, very helpful man. He had a smirk. It's about to crack up loading systems with registered voters who do not have ID is loading the system to put signatures behind votes that don't really exist. The sole reason the Democrats fight against this is clear and obvious. They want the capacity to commit vote fraud on a massive scale. And God says, last night, 30 million men watched porn. They watched images of my children being abused. Yes, vote fraud is wrong, it's lying. The Bible says you use equal weights and measures, but I'm asking you honestly which statements concerned you more. Yep, the vote fraud is theft. It is destroying our country. God is allowing it to happen. You could say it's allowing the porn used to happen as well, okay? Which one's eternal? Which one is a sin of eternal nature? No, the people stealing votes is stealing. You continue to do that. You're separating yourself from God. That could land you. That could be your decision to spend eternity apart from God. And hell, that could be your decision. True. The porn use is doing unto others, and yet it doesn't affect our emotions as much. It should strike us with the same sadness, with the same sense of outrage, and yet somehow it doesn't. You are living through a fascist revolution. This is true. It's true, not just in America. It's true across the world. And this is how it feels. And what about God? If we went to the Lord and said, "Lord, Lord, Lord, they're installing fascism, they're installing authoritarianism, they're canceling free speech." The Lord could look and say, "I'm right here. I am right here. I know. Why don't you trust me?" This is happening for good ends. I am letting this happen. Don't you do it. It's a winnowing. Don't you see that things that don't bear fruit are going to be tossed into the fire. Don't you see that I'm taking care of my word? I said these things would come to pass. They are coming to pass. I'm right here. This judge in Brazil has ordered a complete ban of Twitter-x, and he's notoriously left wing, his name is so-called Justice, Alexandre de Moras, and the courts now have gone along with him on this. Elon Musk was fighting back and said, "Oh, I'm going to use every tool at my disposal. I'm going to go take some of your money." And now Elon Musk this morning is announced, or at least Twitter-x is announced, "Okay, we'll shut Starlink down so people can't access the Internet without permission of the government. Keith Ellison, who is the so-called attorney general of the state of Missouri, has stepped up to congratulate Brazil on doing this. He's an attorney general in the United States of America, a Democrat. There's 300,000 missing children, at least, and this is in the past six months. The Department of Homeland Security just done lost track of them, and they say, "Yeah, we have no idea if they're being trafficked for labor or sex or both, we don't know." Honest question, which one caused you more upset? Keith Ellison or the kids? And we can be upset about two things at once. Over which do you think God whips most? I mean, we don't talk about degrees of sin. There's only one, as I read the Bible, unforgivable sin to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I don't even know what that means. I don't know anyone who really has an eloquent explanation for what it means, but you lost my kids? I mean, think of this from a perspective of non-government. Let's say you let someone stay in your house for the weekends. You're gone, "Hey, yeah, go stay in the house. It's a nice house." You come and let's say that they've gone through and they've edited some of the books in your house. Hey, by the way, there was some nasty words and some bad thoughts in some of the books in your house. So I went through with the magic marker. There were magic markers. What do you call those now? What's the pans you'll use in your generation? Sharpies. So I went through with a Sharpie and magic marker. I went through with a Sharpie and I edited that for you. You'd be furious. You watch. Yeah, I edited some of you. You shouldn't be reading that trash. We are what we read. And then you go, "I can't believe you did this. By the way, where are my kids? Okay, on that, we don't know." Sometime Friday they disappeared, we haven't seen them since. It's Monday. Yeah, it sucks. We don't know where they're at. Which one breaks God's heart, Mark? I hate campaign season because we're not going to learn anything about Kamala Harris. She doesn't intend to have any substantive issues, discussions, debates. She's wearing headphones, getting off airplanes to pretend she's talking on the phone. How do I know she's talking? Because the earbuds are in her ear and she's holding the phone up to her head. Campaign season's frustrating to me because it creates this imbalance where there are great big, huge issues being overtaken by the small issues of Kamala Harris. And it's not small that she's trying to seize the country and she sees power, but in an eternal sense, we have God saying, "Yeah, I know. See, I'm letting her do that. And it's for a pretty good reason. I'm letting this happen for a pretty good reason." It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto-ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto-ship. And there are only a core set of products that I do that with. One of them is mass zims because I've noticed when I don't use mass zims, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort if you know what I mean. But I also learned more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. That means you're getting more food for your money. But for someone like me, who's gone through a lot of effort to drop fats and to build muscle even at my age, this helps preserve muscle. It also helps you enjoy a diet of any sort, even if you're not dieting. Paleo, high carb, low carb, protein based, 40, 30, 30, 50, 25, 25, the pills I take three times a day make this all very, very easy. And the quality is unquestioned because it comes from bioptimizer. So go now to to get your bottle of mass zims with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass zims. Go to Start your journey to better health today. There are signs of fraud around us. There's signs of authoritarianism around us. Kamala Harris, and I hate talking about her because she doesn't exist. Kamala Harris made a promise to the reverend and boys he reverend, Al Sharpton. But in the area of reparations for descendants of Africans in the state. If you elected president, would you sign that bill if it came across your desk? When I am elected president, I will sign that bill. Oh yeah. I'm still joyful. So joyful. Kamala Harris intends to go to people who were never slaves, steal money from them. Go to people who never held slaves, steal their money, take a rake for DC, and a commission for herself, turn around and give it to people who never were slaves, whose descendants were never slaves on the other side, whose descendants never held slaves. It's fantastic and joyful and she's so joyful. And the reverend Al Sharpton being part of this because he's so revered. Yeah, it really upsets me and God. He is not a big fan. I think. Well, I don't know this. I don't know that he's a big fan of saying I told you so, but he told us so. You want a king? You want human kings? Great. Good stuff. In God's word, we could point back and say he told us Proverbs 29 verse 12 from the ESV. If a ruler listens to falsehoods, all his officials will be wicked. Check Proverbs 16 verse 12 ESV. It is an abomination to kings to do evil for the throne is established by righteousness. This is a picture. If you're in the video service, if not, I'll kind of explain it to you. Hey, look, it's the figurehead walking through Arlington. Hey, there's Obama walking through Arlington. Figureheads weren't a woke mask. Obama's not, but understand that's not a campaign event. That's an official act of the president of the United States of America or the figure Trump putting on a campaign event. Hey, look, here's footage of Cammy. Well, I said I wouldn't do that anymore. Kamala Harris and figurehead Biden, look, they're walking through Arlington pretending to be deeply in thought and mourning for our servicemen and women who gave their lives. And look there in the woke masks. Kamala is all in blue. Hey, look, you know what? Her blue matches the blue on Joe Biden's tie. And the black on her gloves is in contrast to the black jacket he's wearing in his black gloves. And look, it matches the carpet. You guys see that? That matches the carpeting. And they're standing right here in front of the wreath because they love our servicemembers. Biden salutes, Kamala doesn't, but she does cover her heart. She looks on. Wait, wait, is it now? Oh, wait. What's that song? Wait. Is that Tupac Shakur? Cause he's my favorite rapper. He's my favorite living rapper. Tupac's been dead for 25 years. I keep doing that. Yeah, I hate campaign season because we end up talking about people like her. Here's everything that should be said about Kamala Harris. She's a covetous, lying, water-shaped morals, person with no foundational beliefs other than I want me some power and I'm willing to do anybody, I'm sorry, anything in order to get it, slope of the tongue, so to speak. We could provide a synopsis of President Trump, a deeply flawed man with narcissistic tendencies who has an unbelievable capacity to be used by God. Think of all the ways that God said, Hey, let me show you something. Look, let me lift the curtain back right here. See here, your intelligence services, you've been taught your entire life to respect nation's law enforcement, the FBI. They're fighting against you. They organized a scyop against you because they didn't want Donald Trump to be in the presidency. Why? Narcissistic tendencies. No, everyone who's been president has narcissistic tendencies. Why? Because he made money. Well, nearly everybody who's been president made money, maybe not Jamie Carter or Bill Clinton, but they all became rich afterwards. Maybe not Jamie Carter. Why? Because he doesn't get the joke, I mean, that's a synopsis campaign season when you have someone like Kamala Harris ends at she's a covetous woman beset by hubris and desire for power willing to do whatever is required of her. Her morals are shaped like water. They'll fill any container. I guess that's why I wanted to give voice to the gold star families, an opportunity for them to be heard and seen and for them to speak the names of their kids. And it makes sense that I would do this given the attachment I have is attachment the right word, innate and heartfelt deep respect for people who serve our nation, particularly people who've done that in combat. Every every service job in our military is worthy of respect, all of it. And no matter what you did in the military, you did a hundred percent more than I did in the military, a hundred percent. But that combat role, that's special to me. And I guess it's because I've been blessed to get to know people who fought like that for us. My friend, Tim Crookshank, founder and CEO of Bone Frog Coffee is one of those guys, three deployments on be on our behalf as a seal, then as a buds instructor teaching other people to be seals. And Tim, incidentally, when he was a buds instructor, he was not that guy who be yelled at you. I know what I'm getting when I'm going down the seal fit. Tim's told me, oh, they're going to belittle you. The moment you walk in the door, they're going to identify you as the old man. They're going to try to find ways to break you mentally. That's what they most want. Yeah, they want to rebuild you. But first they could bargain to break you. They're going to break you physically. And I said to Tim one day, I said, you are so quiet and so gentle and so unassuming. How did you yell at guys? And you know what he told me, he goes, Oh, Todd, I never did that. Nope. At day four, two o'clock in the morning, when I saw you struggling, maybe you did very poorly in an evolution. Maybe you lost an evolution for your team, maybe your last place in a run or a rock. Maybe you fell off the ropes and you're running on the beach and you're freezing. I would jog up next to you and I would say, Hey, you know what, I've really gotten to like you while you're here. I really was hoping you're going to succeed, but you're not. But between you and me, you are not going to make it. But I don't want you to have to ring out in front of your friends. So look, let's do this. Peel off with me. I'll run you up to the hot tub and you can get some donuts and some coffee and stuff. And we'll get you checked for medical. They'll find something. I mean, everyone here has hurt. They'll find something. I didn't come back. I come back next year and I said, Did that work? It goes sadly it does. He left that pursuit, came home and found that a coffee company called Bone Frog Coffee. Every single bag on it says, unboned frog coffee says God country team in the closing days and summers, you could try the ice coffee. You just take two of these packets, put them into your fridge overnight and you have ice coffee in the morning or go with what I drank this morning, which is serving me well. It's door kicker. It's a light roast. The most caffeinated blend they make, either way, go to, get 10% off your first purchase, 15% off subscription coffee,, or Tim might call you at night and say, you're not going to make it. I would do that. I've talked to Tim about Abigate and I don't know a veteran who's not upset by Abigate in the SealFit community that's led by Seal's Mark Divine was a Seal Commander. We did a thing in the SealFit community to honor the victims of Abigate. So I just wanted to give voice to some of the Gold Star families who are speaking out. They should be heard. They should be seen. Vice President Harris, my name is Kristi Shamblin. My daughter-in-law, Sergeant Nicole Leanne G. was killed in the Afghanistan exit at Abigate. On August 26, 2021, this year for the third year anniversary of her murder, we welcome President Donald J. Trump to Arlington to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with our family and to visit Nicole Graveside. President Trump and his team were respectful. They listened to our stories and didn't talk much at all. We welcomed them that day and they were comfort to our family. Vice President Harris, I ask you, why won't you return a call and explain to us how you call my daughter-in-law's death a success? Vice President Harris, why will you not express your condolences yourself? Why have we never heard from you? And finally, why would you take a day where we celebrated the death of our loved one and use it to disparage not only them, but us? President Trump has called, President Trump shows up, and President Trump takes the time to hear our loved one's stories. Why won't you do the same? It's a great job. It's questions that should be asked, and they're being asked, and praise God, we get to be just a small part of making sure people hear this stuff. This woman spoke about her loss. My name is Coral Du Lero. I am Corporal Roberto Sanchez-Mother. This is my statement of what happened on August 26th, 2024. My son is not Barry and Ardenton, but I really feel like my, when President Trump won and pay tribute and pay his respect and Ardenton's for our kids, it was not just the ones Barry in there. It was for all of our kids, and it was an invitation that the families actually extend to him, and it's not the first time that he actually, like, meet with us and share time and with our families. After three years, until now, like Kamala Harris and President Biden didn't even say their 13 names. They called the withdrawal of Afghanistan a success, and for us it was just sadness in this race. They are the responsible persons of murdering our kids, and until those days, they did not give us a meeting, they did not accept to meet with us and give us an explanation of what happened. Being him, the Commander, and Chief, he definitely left our kids behind and just to feel the agenda of his prior commitments. I am by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden to accept the meeting with us, and meet with us and explain as what was the whole deal behind the withdrawal in Afghanistan. I think as parents, we deserve an explanation, and we deserve the truth of what happened with our kids that day. We all deserve the truth. It's all something that we should be told to be explained. They're not offering the truth because they don't want us to understand the degree of incompetency involved in this, and it's in competency, the right word, truly, the decision to abandon a very secure base, which was built up by the military, and to take us down to exactly one exit point, a commercial airport that cannot be secured in the same way, is an act of not just incompetence, rank incompetence, and then some. So there's that. There's this. As the suicide bombers are on the way to blow up the people at Abbey Gate, and our troops get word of this, "Hey, these people are coming. They're identified as S bombers. Here's the car. Here's what they look like. Here's their ETA, and our guys on the gate are saying, "Okay, can we take them out?" And lawyers in Washington, D.C., are saying, "No." Lawyers in Washington, D.C., who are completely behind secured fences and gates, with secret service agents everywhere, 13 of our troops were killed. And Jesus weeps, and he says to us, "I'm still here. I'm right here." I hope all of them want what I didn't do is arms. I hope every single one of them went straight into his arms. There's so much money in war. In some ways, the hippies were right. They're wrong about this. There is sometimes a case for war. There's just wars. We're fighting an evil enemy in the case of the Taliban and Hamas, but we're not really fighting Hamas because we're funding them. Oh, plus, the figure had funded the Taliban with a billion dollars or so in weapons. It's utterly corrupt. Our financial system isn't far behind than corruption. In fact, the Federal Reserve may well fund military activities. We don't know because we don't get to audit the Federal Reserve. In these current events, in this closing out of this election period, we have swinging in the balance a woman who's already said she will seize the patents of companies. She's already said that Elon Musk and Donald Trump had lost their privileges, their privileges to free speech, privileges, mind you, that she'll seize companies, and she's bragged about, "Oh, yeah, I have the heart to do that. Absolutely. I forgot when I was 22 years old as a prosecutor with a signing of my pen on a piece of paper I could change someone's life forever with a tiny little charge, not even a felony, a misdemeanor." These are precarious times in terms of your finances. Your retirement portfolio was probably not constructed predicting a fascist takeover, and yet that's where we live. Suzak Abraham has put together a free live webinar focused on current events to talk about them and how they might affect our retirements. What sort of portfolios are going to be set up to perform best in an environment like this that is so utterly risky, because believe it or not, there's money to be made. In an inflationary environment, there's things we can do within our portfolios to make sure we make some money on inflation, even as we might lose money in other areas. It's called risk management. That's what animates lower capital management. Risk management, they do that by actively managing every single portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility. This free live webinar is yours to attend. You have to register. It is free. These things do sell out. It's September 26th. Zack will explain these current events and how he sees them, how they can affect things in our portfolio. He'll talk about bulwark capital management performance, and he always takes time to answer questions. It is free to attend, but you have to register at Or call 866-779-RISC, and now because the government makes us. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual around any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate. And actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results, Trek 24308. The corruption. The corruption of the media has kept a lot of these people silent. They've been on Fox News a little bit. I think the president should invite every single Gold Star family to the debates. I think ABC would block that, but the president could host them across the street and he should set up during that debate. There here, Kamala, do you want to have a conversation with them? More from some of these parents. Vice President Harris. My name is Jim McCollum. I am the Gold Star father of United States Marine Corps, Lance Corporal Riley McCollum, killed in Afghanistan, August 26, 2021. Your recent remarks related to Trump's visit to Arlington are filled with nothing but lies in deceit. How do you sleep at night knowing it was you, this administration, you and Biden, you being the last one in the room, are responsible for the death of our 13 kids? You have failed for three years and eight months to acknowledge our kids, to acknowledge me. You don't know me. You've never spoken to me. You've never reached out to me. You have failed in your duties as vice president. You have been nothing but disrespectful to up to me and the families of the 13, yet you're claiming that you will always be respectful and show respect for our fallen. You've been absent for three years and eight months. You've proven that you're not capable to do the job that you have, let alone the job that you seek. You know nothing about honor, courage, commitment, respect that President Trump does. President Trump has been there for us. He's been a rock for us. He showed compassion for us and he showed he truly cares for the families that truly do know what the ultimate sacrifice really is. You have the day you deserve. You have the day you deserve. This gentleman has made highlight reel after highlight reel after highlight reel. It is inexplicable how human beings connect with certain human beings. This guy's connected with a lot of people. He made a statement in some of its blunt and we mean don't disrespect at all by having to, well, edit some of the things he said slightly, slightly, don't mean any disrespect. Mark Schmitt's be able to say what he wants. We just know what's Apple and some of the podcast people would do to us if this stuff airs here. We want him to be heard and we don't want to strike. I know that seems selfish. We've got to have commercial viability to be able to spread the word of God. This is Mark Schmitt's Gold Star father of Marine Lance Corporal Jared Schmitt's. Here we are in a beautiful holiday weekend day. I've got to stop what I'm doing, spending time with what's left of my family to address a heinous, vile and disgusting post put out by Kamala Harris. Trying to incite those that don't follow the truth, the President Trump was in Arlington as a political stunt. Shows you how much you know about the 13 families. We invited him to be there. Groundwork was put into place by Congressman ICE's office to make sure we followed protocol. Why did we want Trump there? It wasn't to help his political campaign. We wanted a leader. That explains why you and Joe didn't get a call. Imagine for a second that your kid has killed and there's a President in the United States willing to take you under his wing and listen to you. That's what we found in President Trump, certainly not you and certainly not Joe Biden. You have 13 families who have been waiting over three years to so much as get a phone call. Just so much as you hear our kids' names said aloud in the halls of Congress that a state of the union, hell anything, the irony behind your posts that you give a rat about our military or our veterans, Jared's brothers and sisters in arms, the rest of the 12, their brothers and sisters in arms, is an outright lie. We're living proof of that. You're despicable. You have zero business to running this country and I pray to God, Americans, wake the hell up and get your ass out of office. You have spit in our face for the last time. I don't think he hates campaign season, I think he's excited to vote for someone who they'll flawed and with narcissistic tendencies, evidently loves the troops. Guy was shot and stood up and said, "Fight, fight, fight." I hate campaign season, but I'm going to vote because we're called to be good citizens. But I'm also going to go 10 to 1, much more about being around God, with God, with God's people, than campaign time. We'll keep track of the big stories here, that's what we pledge to do, but I also want to from time to time just remind us that God sees, he's still right there. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream, until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen time, strap at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance, request meeting, and communication. Whew, sound complicated? This is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check, rent collection, check, maintenance coordination, you got it. 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