The Todd Herman Show

Brazil Banned Twitter-X, Does Kamala Want To Ban It Here_ President Trump Is WAY-OFF On Government IVF Payments Ep-1824

Brazil bans X (formerly Twitter) and it sounds like Kamala Harris would like to do that here. And, President Trump is way off. God help him. He wants to force you to pay for IVF surrogacy for everybody. And in Colorado, Democrats are going back and forth denying that there are Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings.They admit it and then going back to denying it. 

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03 Sep 2024
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And Colorado's Democrats, back and forth denying that there are Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings and then admitting it and then going back to denying it. We'll talk about all this with the help of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by Big Pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high and mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. We're living in times that we used to say Orwellian and kind of have a smirk or that's Orwellian. We are actually in Orwellian times. You are actually living through a fascist revolution and it's not just in America. It is in America where we have a nominee who's not a nominee, a woman who literally before our eyes seized power from a man who literally before our eyes was the recipient of a rigged election. Probably stolen, absolutely and arguably rigged. You're living through these times. The great news is you're living. There's been people who have thrived through fascist times like this and God always uses times like this to his glory. That's happening again with more and more young people waking up to the reality of Jesus Christ as Savior. So let's give God praise. He deserves for them even as it becomes scarier and scarier. We'll get to this later this week, but Keith Ellison, the attorney general in Minnesota, of course, that's where Tim Waltz is from. Keith Ellison, who used to pretend that Antifa was an idea even after he got caught carrying a book, the Antifa handbook, he has congratulated Brazil on banning Twitter dash X. He loves this idea. Elon Musk doesn't, of course, so Elon Musk is fighting back. He's going to try to get some seizures of some of the assets of Brazil. He writes, "The oppressive regime in Brazil is so afraid of the people learning the truth, they'll bankrupt anyone who tries." So Brazil's Supreme Court says anyone using a VPN to access Twitter dash X is going to be fined up to $8,874 per day. You can probably guess where Kamala Harris comes down on this anywhere she's supposed to come down, because Kamala Harris doesn't actually exist. She's a person devoid of any form of moral base, moral architecture. She's someone whose morality can be foreported into any container, and right now, that container is the fist of communism, restyled after Black Lives Matter Incorporated. So I'll give you her own words here in just a second. Even as she brags about power, right, to quote, "straight from her mouth." You can't ignore material reality, well, you can for a while, but the material reality comes for you. You can't ignore forever, say for instance, the need to make sure that your house is tidy, right? You can ignore it for a little while, but even then, you just start to build up on you mentally, fatiguing, and when you've been away from your house for a while, maybe you've been on summer vacation, or you get ready to close up the cabin for the winter and the fall, you can't ignore that those places are going to end up smelling bad, eventually. And if you smoke, well, then you know that's the case. If you're a long-haul trucker, or you have an Airbnb, someplace where you rely on people coming in and having an absolutely pleasant experience. If you're a long-haul trucker, you don't want a rotor on the stink. In Airbnb's, of course, you want your clients to come in and say, "I love it here." Here's an easy solution for all of this. It's Go get code Todd3, you'll save 200 bucks on the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2. Plug it into the wall, it produces ozone, that goes out into the air, those O3 molecules bond to the bad smelling molecules, and they change their molecular structure so they disappear. We've got it in the studio where we cannot have the doors and wait this open. I've got two of these at home. Just was looking at YouTube comments today, one of my long-time listeners-viewers just purchased one of these, the latest to do this. It's, enter code Todd3, breathe the breath of fresh air again, and save 200 bucks. Kamala Harris appears to believe that the First Amendment is a privilege. He has lost his privileges, and it should be taken down. And the bottom line is that you can't say that you have one rule for Facebook, and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop. She was arguing, by the way, for taking down a President Trump's Twitter account. He's lost his privileges. Well, Elon Musk doesn't think so. And Elon Musk's owns that publication. Twitter is a publication. Let's not pretend it's a platform. I hate that. Platforms have rights that publications don't, and Twitter's a publication. Elon Musk takes down things he doesn't like. I'm not going to pretend he does otherwise. He's not a free speech absolutist. He's far better than they were. But Kamala Harris is what she's saying here. Is this has to have some oversight? Then just step back and think of this. That woman is acting in dramatic plays, pretending to be a Detroit street girl. You've seen the accent switching, right? The code switching? She's pretending, and I'm using the phrase girl on purpose. She's pretending to be a street girl. Just like she pretends to be a southern fried, washed my collard greens in the bathtub, raised outside Atlanta, southern woman. She pretended for four years that Joe Biden was well. She pretends to this moment that she's always held every position that her positions haven't changed, even as she explains they've changed. She participated in the Russia hoax. And yet she's saying that Twitter needs oversight from her. It's very clear to anybody who's watching this, what they want, of course, is the ability to shut you up. They're desperately frustrated by the fact that you can, with your own eyes, witness the results of their policies, such as what's going on in Aurora, Colorado. They can't stand that. She got a taste of something that's vitally dangerous, and it's power. I've never had real power, have you? I mean, real power. I had power by proxy. When I had Microsoft walking around money, I could open any door. Are you doing a business I wanted to get into? At any level, I want to go to the CEO of Taco Bell, okay? Hey, I'm with Microsoft. I run to the vision here where it's not a division. Run a group where we're looking at online television behaviors. Can I get you and your staff together? Put a column to the CEO's assistant, and guess what? Two weeks later, there we are in Burbank. Mini with the CEO and the team. That felt like power. Hey, you want the ability to buy and sell companies taught in your next job? Okay, we can do that for you. Felt like power. Well, I never had what Kamala Harris had, but I abused what I did have. I abused it personally. I used it to belittle people. When people got in my way at Microsoft because I had some power and air cover from executives on high, I could be flat. Well, I won't use the word I was going to use. I could be a blank to them, and I was. Thank God I was convicted. Well, by the Holy Spirit to go back and apologize for that. Kamala Harris has never need to apologize, because Kamala Harris has never faced a tough decision, because Kamala Harris does not have a moral structure, certainly not that of the word of God. Here she is bragging about power, not in terms of repenting, but getting high as she talks about it. No, this is her going back in and hailing her exhales. I learned, I think I was, I don't know, 22 when I started that work. I learned that with the swipe of my pen, I could charge someone with the lowest level of fence. And because of the swipe of my pen, that person could be arrested, they could sit in jail for at least 48 hours. See that from smile? They could lose time from work, and their family maybe lose their job. They'd have to come out of their own pocket to help hire a lawyer. She's smirking as she's saying this. I mean, she's really, really trying to hold back the smirks, but she's smirking. Loose standing in their community? All because of the swipe of my pen. There it is, that's a smirk. She loves this so much. She's getting high talking about it. Weeks later, I could dismiss the charges, but their life would forever be changed. So I learned at a very young age, the power. Underlying italicized and bold, the power. Kamala Harris seeks one thing. Water seeks its own level. She seeks for own gratification. God warned us about people like this. He was very, very clear. They're going to come to take your kids. She's doing that. Don't we'll train your kids for if you don't like that? They're going to come to take your land. Well, they're doing that. Your food. They're also though coming for the word of God. You shall not lie. They intend to force us to speak. And of course, they're stealing right before our eyes. It's remarkable to think of a container into which her morality would not fit, particularly when she's got the complicit media to help her along. They continued to be amazed. I think that there was no big balance after her appearance on CNN. Incidentally, did you hear that they were actually interviewed Waltz and her for 41 minutes? All of 18 minutes made it on the TV. It wasn't a huge. I don't think she moved the ball that much forward. I don't think there's a policy separation that they've created with Biden. Obviously, she gave a kind of personal defense of him. Now, you might not like the way she answered him, but she answered him as a capable qualified leader. And I do think she... I think she moved the ball forward a little bit. You know, maybe she didn't score a touchdown. I think the two biggest issues coming out of Biden for her are the economic policies, which she clearly wants to embrace. But also the immigration policies. Dana asked her if she had anything to say about what they did for three and a half years, leading up until the back and forth this year. Completely sidestepped it, did not answer it. She goes back to her time as Attorney General. But again, absolutely nothing, nothing. No responsibility, no reflection at all on the day one executive actions or anything else they did for three and a half years, or anything she said in her previous campaign, which was to have the most permissive immigration structure. She's trying to skip a block of time. At the debate, Trump cannot allow it. Scott Jennings is a good job of being a conservative on CNN and remaining a conservative. Kamala Harris clearly wants control over everything. She snuck around behind Joe Biden. She waited until it was a moment of weakness. I'm going to bet she was on the team that said, "No, no, no, let's let's let Joe debate at night." "No, no, no, no, let's not give him the drugs that he's been taking. Let's let him go out all natural. Let's let him sink or swim on his own." Knowing that he would sink. What do you think she's doing with policies in her cities? Let him sink. People will come with their hands outstretched to get help from the vitally nice and moral Kamala Harris. Story number two, President Trump, God bless him. God love him, God protect him. I'm going to vote for him. I'm pretty sure that most people in the podcast family are going to vote for him. The things God has done through President Trump baffle me. For years, people have talked about the existence of a deep state. President Trump proved it exists. People who have talked for decades about the Kennedy assassination used to annoy me. Why are you talking about this? This is ancient history because it applies to today. Because the same things are being done today. There is a backroom deal government. There is a permanent power structure. President Trump, God working through him, exposed that. He exposed the degree to which the media is not just bias. That's been the case for 30 years. 40, 50 years, probably forever. The media has been biased. President Trump exposed them as participating in election fraud. He exposed them as walking side by side with government to create official narratives. Now, a narrative is bigger than a lie. A narrative is a reality construct. It's a construct of reality. In other words, it is what people believe to be their world. People believe through media narrative that the United States is on solid financial footing. It couldn't be further from the truth. The United States is on a precipice of a financial collapse. Now, it probably won't happen because they'll continue to create fake money. But eventually things that are fake get found out. President Trump helped reveal that. God working through President Trump helped reveal how committed the deep state is to always on war everywhere, for real reason or for a reason. They don't really care. Maybe a reason is nice for them to have, but they don't need it. He caused people like Mitch McConnell to admit that they're going to warn Ukraine partly to rebuild the manufacturing base in the United States. After all, our weapons are old. We'll give them to Ukraine in a hopeless war, and then build more here in the American taxpayer will underwrite the bill on both sides. President Trump, God working through him, revealed this. Recently, he's revealed how corrupt the judicial system has become under sorrows type prosecutors. Again, God working through him, God blessed President Trump for this. I also think that God working through President Trump showed that God has a hand in this election. I think God's hand is showing us this. There's one degree of absolute evil, which is the Democrat Party, and a degree of being spiritually lost. That's the Republican Party. President Trump, in other words, has allowed God to work through him in some magnificent ways. President Trump is way off, way off on what he's doing with in vitro fertilization, even as I have dear friends who've used this technique. President Trump is talking about expanding industrial selling of babies. I don't think he knows that's going on. Most people don't. Even most very well informed people do not know that baby selling is a massive business. And we need to talk about it, because it's not just the health of these babies. It's the health of their souls. It's the health of these nations that are engaging in this, and the souls thereof. It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto-ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto-ship. And there are only a core set of products that I do that with. One of them is mass zooms, because I've noticed when I don't use mass zooms, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort if you know what I mean, but I also learned more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. That means you're getting more food for your money. And for someone like me, who's gone through a lot of effort to drop fat and to build muscle, even at my age, this helps preserve muscle. It also helps you enjoy a diet of any sort, even if you're not dieting. Paleo, high-carb, low-carb, protein-based, 40, 30, 30, 50, 25, 25. The pills I take three times a day make this all very, very easy. And the quality is unquestioned, because it comes from bioptimizer. So go now to to get your bottle of mass seams with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams, go to Start your journey to better health today. Tim Waltz lying about how he and his wife conceived their children, he pretended it was through IVF. Even on CNN, they didn't let him get away with this. It's about our infertility issues, because it's hell. And families know this. And I spoke about the treatments that were available to us, that had those beautiful children there. That's quite a contrast in folks that are trying to take those rights away from us. And so I think people know who I am. They know that record. They've seen that. I've taught thousands of students that have been out there. And I won't apologize for peaking passionately, whether it's guns in schools or protecting of reproductive rights. The contrast could not be clear between what we're running against the vice president's position on this has been clear. And I think most Americans get it if you've been through that. I don't think they're cutting hairs on IVF or IUI. I think what they're cutting hairs on is an abortion ban and the ability to be able to deny families the chance to have a beautiful child. Give Tim Waltz just a credit. Just like the devil, he's good at lying. Just exactly like the devil. I mean, it's almost like they're twins. Or even the same being. You know, very good at lying. I have some friends of mine who felt they had to turn to IVF and they did. Praise God. They're the exact sort of people we want to be parents. The world would be better with this baby in it because of these two parents. I have not faced the pain of not being able to have a baby. It's not something I've been through. I've faced the pain of watching loved ones lose two, three pregnancies. I've sat with them through that. Yeah, it's real. So is the industrial level selling of babies. And I'm talking about cash and carry. President Trump, in an effort to win this election, decided to take this issue away from Tim Waltz and Kamala Harris. Now I'm truly torn. I hope the president is lying about this. Well, do I? I don't want to say that. I hope the president has this calculus in mind. He can make the proposal. It's going to get shot down in Congress, except it won't. Forma loves this. They love the idea of you being forced to underwrite IVF payments for everybody. And hear me when I say everybody. If you think this world needs more kids growing up in single family homes back IVF, if you think this world needs more kids growing up without a mom and a dad, just with two dads or two moms, then by all means, back this. If you think you want forma to get more of your money, then back this. This is President Trump making this promise. I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment, fertilization for women, IVF treatment. Smattering of applause. Factually speaking, no, President Trump, your government will not pay. The government has no money. It's utterly completely and inexorably bankrupt. We will pay. Secondly, President Trump, the insurance companies can be mandated to force us to pay, which is exactly what will happen. Just like with Obamacare, our insurance becomes more expensive so that there can be industrial level selling of babies. President Trump is so far off on this. I don't know whether to hope he's lying or he's been deceived. It's a campaign promise. He thinks won't come true. Here's the true evil behind this. We had her on my program and I guess we should go back and get the videos and play this for you. Katie Faust is a dear friend of our family. She runs the organization then before us. That's them being kids, us being parents that we should look at kids first. Kids have rights like knowing their parents. Katie wrote an article at The Federalist revealing five pedophiles who mail ordered babies. I told you about a sixth case which is being investigated now in Detroit, a veterinarian who was famous on TV as a dog show judge ordered a baby, was in the process of purchasing the baby, decided to put online pictures of the baby clothes he was buying for the baby, while at the same time admitting to the men with whom he was chatting, he would be raping that baby on day one. And later, he'd invite them over to do it. Katie Faust's article at The Federalist. Psychiatrist Eric Joe Broin held a high position in Norwegian social services responsible for child protection and was involved in several high-profile cases of child removal. He also acquired two boys through an Indian surrogate. In 2018, police discovered 20 years' worth of child pornography in this possession, more than 20,000 images in 4,000 hours of video, depicting child sexual abuse, including boys masturbating each other, fixed sexualized violence against children, anal sex by men with boys or oral sex of children, including toddlers, ungrown men. He was sentenced to less than two years in prison. Some sources report the boys have been returned to his care, his care. An unnamed German pedophile hired a Russian surrogate for 60,000 euros who birthed the baby in Greece. He then flew the child back to Germany. In 2020, a regional court found him guilty of child abuse and producing possessing child pornography. His child was subject of 16 of those cases between the ages of two and three, the fin that was in possession of 175,000 images of child pornography. He was sentenced to five years in prison. The child was removed from his custody. 2013, Mark Newton and Peter Trong were convicted of subjecting their surrogate-born son to the worst pedophile rings, if not the worst rings I've ever heard of, according to one investigator. After paying a Russian surrogate $8,000 to carry the child, the pair began to violate the boy as a newborn. The abuse began just days after his birth, or six years the couple traveled the world offering up for sex, offering the baby up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boys Lovers Network. Police believe the pair created the boys through surrogacy for the sole purpose of exploitation. And I could continue, though I'm getting sick. I've told you about the separate country of Washington State, where you can purchase babies in bulk, 20 or more at a time. All you have to do is show up once, well, oh, and you got to have the money. Very few same-sex attracted men would ever harm children, very few. The ones who will and want to can go purchase babies with no background check just so long as they have the cash. If you've ever adopted a child or know people who have, often you can't even leave the state in which you've adopted the children for a period of time without permission of the state. What President Trump is proposing is more of this, because once the government steps up to pay, they're not going to have any ability to screen the men. They're not even going to try, and it will be men. Doubt me? Go check out a website called Look at the corporate sponsorships and understand you're looking at a $20 billion marketplace. If this must come to pass, it absolutely must have background checks. It absolutely must limit the number of children. The children must be tracked. They must be checked on just like in the cases of adoption. Purchasing babies is a sin. God looks at human life as a gift, were created in his image, male and female he created us in his image were his masterpieces. God did not mean for human life to be bought and sold. I pray that President Trump will think better of this. Story number three, watching the Democrats try to dance around the fact that they have destroyed the cities of Denver and Aurora Colorado is absolutely phenomenally entertaining to me. It goes to the root of corruption. Corruption in our country isn't just at the local level. You know it's at the national level, it's at the financial level. We're talking in less than what? It was in November, it's just around the corner. I've never do math live three or four months. We're going to end up with a decision on this election. Can President Trump make it through the attempts to rig the election? Perhaps try to steal the election and get into the White House? If so, we have one set of economic policies to which we can look forward. If Kamala Harris pulls this off, either through lying, cheating, rigging, stealing or all the above, you can look at another. You can look at reparations because this is something she said she will do. She promised the Reverend. I don't know what he's a Reverend. She promised Al Sharpton that she would sign a bill into law forcing people who never held slaves to give money to people who never were slaves. That's risk. You'll look at more inflationary environment. Even as this week, the Fed is talking about cutting rates again. Just as Zach Abraham said they would. This creates massive risk. This is like going from floating down a river on a raft to heading into class three and then class four rapids. When you're floating, who cares? Drink a beer. Listen to Led Zeppelin. Class three, you better start to strap in. Class four and class five, you better have a guide with you. If you are five, 10, even 15 years from retirement, you are going to need a guide. Here's a way to start. Get Zach Abraham's free common sense investing guide. Absolutely free. Read it. It'll talk about risk management, how the fund does this, how active management of portfolios can actually reduce risk and volatility. And then measure that against how you're managing your money or how it's being managed for you and make a decision. Maybe Zach, the guy you should hire. Maybe you can do it on your own. Go to That's Ask for a free copy of the common sense investing guide or call them at 866-779-RISC. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advisor recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate. An actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek 24308. It's fun for us. It's not fun for the people who live in Aurora, Colorado to watch as the Democrats can't decide whether to admit this is going on or not admit it and what's going on. Venezuelan gangs have taken over apartment buildings there. This has been confirmed by the Department of Homeland Security. Was forced to admit this. But you had people like the mayor of Denver saying there's far bigger problems. You had the mayor of Aurora saying this was made up by one woman. Just one woman posted that this isn't really happening. They can't get their story figured out. This is Mayor Johnson in Denver talking about what the real problem is. Any population you'll have very small subsets of folks that don't follow the rules and we hold those folks accountable. We actually know historically it's always true that we have lower levels of crime around migrants than we do among our general population. So that is the biggest absolute most farcical lie in history. In cases like Denver and Seattle, they won't charge illegal immigrants with follow on crimes. It's a massive lie. When you've entered the country illegally, you committed a crime. In other words, 100% of illegal immigrants are criminals. That is, there's a risk of misperceptions about this population is more dangerous causing more trouble. That's just factually not true. But we are aware of it. We have overt and covert operations going every day to intervene. And where we know there are risks, we're going to be aggressive about making a risk, about pressing charges and if needing to porting folks. But I think the much bigger risk is that you'll have a perception that all of the newcomers in the city are dangerous and I think it'd be farther from the truth. There's that phrase newcomers. Remember I told you they were using this newcomers. Remember that? We've always been much to the chagrin of the Native Americans. We've always been newcomers. And guess what? Tribes of Native Americans were newcomers to other tribes. What are you doing in our land? You're a land. This is our land. The sin issue crosses all racial or tribal boundaries. All of us sin. Hey, they have a better fishing spot than we do. Let's take it. We can create a justification for it later. Maybe your grandfathers held it. It's a sin issue. There is no perception being created that all newcomers are dangerous. There's facts being created. The fact pattern is this. Venezuelan gangs did take over a mall. They did block traffic. They did gather three to four thousand people at a time. They did fire guns in the air. This was while they were waiting for the results of the presidential election. Because of course that's Colorado. This is the creation of a country within a country and it's tribal. A hundred percent of illegal immigrants are criminal for breaking into the country. When cartels notice this, it's a land grab. It's just like going back to the tribal wars. Hey, I covet what America has. We covet this mall. We covet this apartment building. We've already been allowed into the country. I'm not penalized for that. Why would we not do more? So it's not just one woman who's been calling this out. There's many people who've been going online for weeks about Aurora Colorado. You've seen it on the program. Here's one such mom. So what's going on with this like gang thing? Because like literally I'm seeing it everywhere. I'm a mom. Some of my friends are moms too. And it's gotten so bad to the point. We don't even want to take our kids to the park without being in a group. And even in a group, we have to make sure that someone has a taser. We have some type of like pepper spray. We have to have some type of protection. Me, I don't mess with guns. That's just personally me because guns, they scare me. So it's just like, I don't know. We need to figure out something because like I'm not going to lie. This is terrifying. And I understand they're coming here for a better life. But at the same time, is this life getting any better when you're bringing what was there here? I don't know. We need to figure something out. Because literally me and my son are too scared to even go to a playground. And that's not right. Great question. Is life getting any better in America when you're importing what ruined Venezuela? No, of course it's not. This is the governor of Colorado. Absolutely the most despicable act of pandering. Dancing around, bouncing around. If you are Hispanic or Mexican, like they make that interchangeable, Spanish and Mexican is not the same thing. But if you're Hispanic and you're watching this, do you feel warm and fuzzy that he really gets. So really, yeah, he feels that you can tell man he feels. He is not a white dude acting creepy. Feliz Navidad, Colorado. I once had a friend ask me, this was several years ago. He came to me in an attempt to relate to me. And he sat down and said, "So I don't do a lot of hunting potatoes." I don't, I don't hunt anymore. I grew up doing it, but I don't. Grow potatoes, you know. We don't do this to people. If you're Hispanic and that doesn't make you itch in the brain, I don't know what would make you itch in the brain or make you feel oogee. That's the creepy guy touching you at the mall. I mean, he's actually touching you, but it's very much the same thing mentally. The governor of Colorado, Jared Polis, that the dancing bear, the fake, I like Mexicans, because Feliz Navidad, dude, he said there was a conspiracy behind all of this. Councilwoman Derensky, who has been amazing. My first conversation with her, she said, "Do you still live there?" And I said, "Yes." And she said, "I'm going to get you out of there." Wow. She said, "I'm going to take it my work." So you're singing her praises. In the meantime, the Office of Governor Jared Polis is saying she's making all of this up. Listen to what his spokesman said. According to police intelligence, this purported invasion, I guess, of these apartment buildings is largely a feature of Danielle Derensky's imagination. What do you say to that? You can't fake video, and Polis would last five minutes on that property. Wow. Here's what Danielle said about it. Here's what Danielle said about it. Let's hear this. I absolutely did not make any of this up. I love that that is how our governor has quickly rushed in to say that that's the actual problem here. But the actual problem here are his weak policies that have turned this state into a breeding ground for this gang activity. The fact of the matter is this, this is all on purpose, as you know. It's all about destroying the Electoral College. It's all about changing the power in Congress, and they simply do not care what happens to people in this wake, unless it hurts them politically. After he got caught doing this, after he got caught pretending to know this is going on, Mr. Feliz Navi Dodd. Mr. I love Mexican people, so I do bad white man dance to Feliz Navi Dodd. His Facebook put out a statement. He didn't some 26-year-old type to step for him. Colorado's a zero tolerant state. Feliz Navi Dodd for illegal activity taking over buildings has no places in Colorado. Feliz Navi Dodd, I'm confident the City of Aurora shares this basic value and enforce the law. Feliz Navi Dodd, if it's being violated here. I urge them to do so quickly and in a thorough manner. Over the last month, I've been in regular contact with the City of Aurora and the Aurora Police Department. They've offered any and all state assistance to support their efforts if requested. The state has been ready for weeks to back up any operation by the Aurora Police Department needed to make Aurora safer. But you just said earlier there was no problem, so how are they ready for weeks? Feliz Navi Dodd. Lord, thank you for reminding us. There would be times like this. Thank you for reminding us that when you choose kings, they're going to come for your kids and your lands and your belongings and your morals. Thank you for giving us the ability to know that you, Lord, still reign supreme. None of the surprises, that gives me such great commitment. This is the Todd Herman show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drop out the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew, sound complicated? Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualified tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. 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