The Todd Herman Show

George Soros’s NEW PLAN for The 2024 Election in the U.S Ep-1823

I have to confess, I hate election season. I hate it because there's nothing to say about Kamala Harris that's new. She's fake, craven, racist, willing to do anything for power, empty, intellectually vacant, corrupt, lying, and avaricious. Tim Waltz is an empty, avaricious, lying, power-seeking, oofy, fake-looking white dude who lies about everything. President Trump is the alternative. We can color it up, and we'll do that. We can talk about the polls and the horse race, and oh, it's going to save America. No, it's not. I strongly prefer President Trump. Can we start with the cultural moment? Because I think it speaks to something far more eternal, and I think it also indicates why so many single white women are being deceived into destroying the country via emotional deception.

What does God’s Word say? 
Psalm 37:13 13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,    for he knows their day is coming.
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03 Sep 2024
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Tim Waltz is an empty, avaricious, lying, power-seeking, oofy, fake-looking, white dude who lies about everything. President Trump is the alternative. We can color it up and we'll do that and we can talk about the polls and the horse race. No, it's gonna save America. No, it's not. No, I strongly prefer President Trump. I'm gonna vote for him and, well, I was gonna say to vote for him twice, I won't commit vote fraud. So can we start with the cultural moment? Because I think it speaks to something far more eternal and I think it also indicates why so many single white women are mathematically, mathematically in terms of the electorate being deceived into destroying the country via emotional deception. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. The day is the day the Lord has made and these are the times in which God is the settler we should have. If you've ever seen a mother who is forced to do anything for their daughter or son, you've seen, I think, some of the best of humanity. You've ever seen a mother who is, say, concentrating like my wife does a couple of times a week, sitting in that tiny little closet. If you're watching video, if you're listening, I'll describe it, but if you're watching video, it's from here to here, it's a boxy little bathroom, counting out beads of pharma that's largely me. It was my mistake. I gave in to fear and put my daughter on some drugs when she was in treatment and my wife has been the one who has engineered my daughter coming off those pills and sitting in this little room, measuring out beads because shockingly, pharma won't do that for you. They don't give you step-down kids. They want kids addicted to this for the rest of their lives because pharma, in large part, particularly Pfizer's evil, or shaving down the tablets using a file and a scale you would use for jewelry. You've seen that or you've seen a parent up all night with a child in the hospital, a parent giving bone marrow, a parent who has moved across the country to save their daughter from transgender ideology they lie there of. We watched that happen. We've helped kids help parents do that. You've ever seen a mom step in the action to physically defend their daughter, her daughter against a stronger attacker. You've seen some of the best of humanity. This is a post. It's social media. I don't even know if it's true, honestly, but the response is a real Russian market picture here of an ice skater carrying a little baby. After her younger daughter cried, the multi-time champion couldn't perform calming, decided to share this stage with her daughter instead. She lost the competition, but in the eyes of millions of viewers, she was the real winner. And Red-headed libertarian on Twitter wrote, "I love this and as a mom, I get it." Next to the same exact post, a woman named Hannah Cox replied, "The only people who think this is beautiful are the people who believe motherhood should consume a woman, becoming her only identity, fulfilling her every desire, determining her entire value. The woman sacrificing her goals, her training, her hard work, her potential, all two, and then we don't get to see the rest of the post. I guess I could have looked it up. Which way? Well, what if there's a way to measure this? What if we move outside of human wisdom and we employ God's word? No greater love has a man than to lay down his life for his friend. In this case, lay down a skating meet for her daughter, and one is an eternal decision to lay down your life. Another is temporary. This black and white thinking, this woman making this decision at this time in that competition equates apparently to Hannah Cox as being a permanent decision stating her entire worth rather than a moment in time, where the baby's cries move to her degree. She said, "You know what? Right now, I care more about that than this." The black and white thinking is on purpose. Young women have been emotionally cornered by a party that seeks only control. That's the only thing they want, because once they get the control, they can sell us back our own retirement funds, they can sell us back our own houses, they can sell us back our own nation, they can sell us back our own kids. This is being done to single white females who are going to vote for Kamala Harris in huge numbers as black people are moving away from the Democrats, 22 percent now support President Trump, and that's getting bigger. Those numbers are changing. As you could say, the party's changing, and that's true. The parties are changing, and they're also becoming more like one another. With the exception of those messy social issues, shiny shoes don't like to talk about, because they involve the human body, right? I think they involve a lot of things that in a closeted sense, Republicans want to be able to do and feel okay about it. I don't think they like going in public and pretending they dislike these things. I think a lot of them like them in private. There's things that you do with your body that throughout time, they're just going to create attrition. I know that when I get back from seal fit, which is coming up at the end of this month, I know I'm going to be hurt. I am praying I'm not injured, and I'm not going in with the mindset that I'm going to get injured. I'm going in with the mindset saying I'm going to get hurt. You can't exercise for that many days without sleep, without getting hurt at my age, but I know I've done everything I can to prepare my body, including going outside the insurance equilibrium, just to think of this. When I had my last shoulder surgery, my insurance company would prefer that I would go to physical therapy for 38 weeks, twice a week, so that I could regain movements in my shoulder. Now for me, full range of motion means being able to do pull-ups and push-ups and snatches and cleans and jerks and muscle-ups and things like that, hopefully get muscle-ups back. They don't care about that. They care about you can lift a cup of coffee to your lips. That's your insurance company. Meanwhile, of course, oh, you need to change your so-called gender. Okay, great. We'll do that. It's corrupt. When I present the alternative, hey, how about if I just fly down the Mexico, go sit in a hyperbaric chamber about four or five times, get injected with stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords, stem cells that have never been exposed to the mRNA injections so that they instantly fight inflammation and speed the healing. So instead of 38 weeks of physical therapy to get pull-ups and push-ups back, I'd get it in 12 weeks. My insurance company said, "Hey, that's on you. You want to pay for that? That's fine." And I did. Want to know why? Because the cost of that is less than the cost of being on drugs, both physically and financially. If you're being told by insurance company, one thing, and you're wondering if there's actual health care available, just go to It's,, whether it's neurological issues, lower lumbar issues, issues of neuropathy, recovering from surgery, or many, many times, you don't need the surgery. These stem cells can regrow tissue, muscles, and tendons, okay? It's Please tell them you're a member of the podcast family. Single white women have been emotionally-crowded in devoting for Democrats based upon the single issue of access to abortion and, of course, definition of motherhood, as we just talked about. On the other end of this, there are married women who are going President Trump's way, even married white women, though not in the cities. Suburban white women who are married are going to President Trump. Mike Lee, with the tweet. That's off to Speaker Johnson for attaching the SAVE Act to the September spending bill. If it's a non-starter with Democrats to deter non-citizens from voting, they're going to have to explain that. So the SAVE Act is a measure that would enforce some laws to make sure that people actually have voter ID before they vote in our elections. This is a good move. It's a good move to do it in September. It would have had a better move to do just before the elections, to put the focus on this. And what they're hoping for is a continuing budget resolution, so if President Trump makes it past the attempt to rig the election, which is ongoing, and the attempt to steal it, which they will bring to bear if they have to, and he gets in, they want him to be able to control the budget. I'm so sick of this game. Honestly, can I be honest with you, please? This is why I hate election season. I hate sitting here looking in your eye telling you there's going to be big changes. The system is the system. The inertia is the inertia. Yes, President Trump is the disruptive force. Yes, if President Trump has control over the Senate in the House, he could do some major things. Yes, there's some incredible things that God has done through him. Praise God for that. The inertia of the system is so, so large that really I would rather we focus on what's going on in your house. How's your wife? How are your kids? Are there any teens in your neighborhood who need extra help? Are there any struggling small businesses you could go give money to today for something you need rather than a corporate chain store? How are your friendships? Have you checked on a friend? Have you said to them, "Hey, how are you?" And they say, "Okay." Have you stopped and said, "Wait, wait, take him aside and say just okay." Tell me about that. Recently, I've been gathering on my friends. They've been gathering around me. I'd much rather us focus on that because guess what? Those are things you control. You're outraged to others. You control that. You're opening this of heart. You control that. Well, but politics, yeah, politics, the inertia. The so-called Department of Justice has decided to sue small towns in Wisconsin. And the reason being, they refuse to use voting machines. This is from Deborah Heine at American Greatness. The Biden-Harris Department of Justice has threatened to sue small towns in Wisconsin, or the refusal to use electronic voting machines. And to cast and tabulate votes, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. In July, Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clark threatened to file a lawsuit against the state of Wisconsin, the state election commissions and administrator Megan Wolf in the towns of Thornapple and Lawrence, as well as the towns' clerks and boards of supervisors. Because the towns allegedly did not offer voting equipment at their polling places in the April presidential primary election. Clark warned the potential plaintiffs in a letter that by not offering voting equipment for people with disabilities, they were in violation of the Help America Vote Act of 2002. Yeah, people who have disabilities should be allowed to vote. Blind people should be allowed to vote. As we mentioned on the show yesterday, we used to do this with braille ballots, or with ballot helpers. The obsession with voting machines is a control methodology. It hasn't speeded the counting of ballots. In fact, it slowed it down if we believed their excuses. Anything that can be coded can be hacked. That's a fact. It's just a matter of finding the door into that. Voting code can be manipulated by the coders just this past week. The political reported that some election software that was built in the magic and most important country in the world, Ukraine, for American elections, guess what it included? Yeah, an audio file of the Ukrainian national anthem was put in there because funny, funny joke joke. Why on earth? Well, I was going to ask the question, why on earth would we have Ukrainian vote or Ukrainian technologists coding our elections? It answers itself, doesn't it? Gosh, I wonder which politicians they would prefer get more votes. Those who are all in for more money for Ukraine or those who are not at such a mystery. Who would know? George Soros contends it continues to want to be involved in our elections. In this case, it's more money for the Center for Democracy and Technology. He's breaking about putting in just 1.5 million. It's barely, barely a rounding error for one single small checking account for George Soros, but it's just the beginning. He's also doled out about 80 million groups, 80 million dollars to groups who are pressuring big tech to help election officials fight. Guess what it is? Guess what it is? Come on, come on. You got it. It's disinformation and misinformation. They want more diss and misinformation shut down. This information, like for instance, Kamala Harris is tethered to Joe Biden. You remember this past week as political and others, New York Times and others said that the right wing is trying to tether, tether Kamala Harris to Biden, who of course they call president and they call her vice president. One of the women responsible for the spending these buddies is named Alexander Reeve Givens. She was speaking at a world economic forum type event talking about the need for more control over this and misinformation by the beautiful, beautiful tech companies who love us so very much. You're thinking that companies and countries should be trying to implement as they get ready for elections. Sure. Well, I'll pick up on a theme that I think you were just getting to, which is one of the most crucial intervention points is how we surface authentic, trusted sources of information. And you're absolutely right that the media has a critical role in this. Some of the tech companies do, if you're a search engine or a social media platform, I think it is your duty to help surface the trusted sources of information. But we spend a lot of time with election officials helping them understand how to navigate this new normal and how to boost the trusted place to go to for your polling information. How do they rapidly respond when there are mis- or disinformation campaigns going on in their jurisdiction? And really that is a crucial element, and there's some low-hanging fruit there. Again, forgive the US focus and the study I'm about to cite, but one piece of research that my organization did looked at the domains that election officials were using. Were they using a trusted .gov domain or something like And only one in four election officials in the United States was using a trusted .gov domain. That is low-hanging fruit and thank the Biden administration has focused on this as one of their areas to prioritize. Yes, we can trust the government when it comes to counting our ballots. We can trust them. The same government that came along and said Donald Trump works for Vlad Putin. We can trust them, surfacing trusted information from trusted sources. Like the ones who said that Hunter Biden thing is oppo. It's propaganda from the Russians, trusted sources, safest, most secure election and history, safe and effective, all the trusted sources. Joe Biden is not mentally decrepit. What are you talking about trusted sources? Hunter Biden doesn't have a drug problem. He did have a drug problem, trusted sources. Joe Biden's the one true hope for the Democrat party. They can't possibly toss him out trusted sources. What do we trust? What if we could turn to the word of God? What if we could go to the Bible simply to couple lines from Psalm 37? In fact, just one line, verse 13. But the Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming. So why don't we laugh? How is your laughter? Once the last time you devolved into laughter, I mean, really cracking up with a complete sense of joy and abandon. This doesn't happen to me as often as I wish, does with friends. I'm probably responsible for it not happening enough at home, it's probably my fault. Life can seem so serious. So how about you and laughter? It's past weekend. My wife and I were with the kids, kids, legal adults down on the river. And I got to use a paddle board first time ever kind of laughing as I got on it nervously. I got to watch my daughter stand up on hers, second or third time she's ever used one. And of course, I don't care how old you get, how old your kids get, you're still proud of them. I mean, paddle board is not a big deal, but it was so peaceful, it was so quiet. Remember going in that river as a young boy, we could swim in it all day. I was referring this to, I was talking about this with my daughter and her boyfriend. Good kid, man. I'd like that kid and I could swim this whole day. It wasn't cold. It's the same river in which we soak in the winter, but somehow in the 90 degree heat, somehow it felt extra cold. That's weird. 14 degree day when we go soaking that river in, yeah, it's cold. It didn't seem that much warmer, but man, it was fun. It was fun to have this silence. I hate election season. There's nothing new to say about Kamala Harris. She is lying, craven, avaricious. She has no moral center, no moral framework at all. She is a complete con in every possible manifestation of that, including her racism towards black people. Yeah, I mean that. It's very, very clear, her racism towards black people. It being down in the river like that, smelling the trees and the sun, are there scents that return sort of great memories to you, pine needles and hot weather? Make me back to my father's property out north of Spokane, remembering long days that they're riding motorcycles or simply hiking the land or my cousin and I out building tree forts. Those smells bring me back. You can have in your Airbnb, your rental, your business, a smell that when customers come in, it brings them back to good state of mind. Second, they open the door. They can say, wow, it's this cool. It smells like a first thunderstorm in here, the day after thunderstorm. So just think about this. How does your business smell? The next time you go into Airbnb, maybe you don't have the cleaning service. Maybe you go in. What do people smell? What if it's always fresh like a thunderstorm? You could make this happen today with the click of a mouse or your phone. Go to, enter code Todd3. You're going to save 200 bucks in the device we use in this studio, which is basically hermetically sealed. No windows open, no door open, sometimes we're hitting her for six hours together, me and the on with me, bark, bark, bark talking. I use this at home to make sure that our house smells good, even though we've got two cats and my wife has to cook fish, doesn't have to, chooses to cook fish for me once a week. We've got a dog who gets wet, got to take our swimming one more time. If you smoke or you do anything like that in your house, you know the smells. This is 03 molecules in the air. It's not an air filter. There's no filters to replace, so you save two to 400 bucks per year. It's almost completely silent and it's potent. Three of these devices will give you whole home coverage, be it for your Airbnb, your business or all your places. Go to, enter code Todd3 to save 200 bucks and breathe a breath of fresh air again. That's, enter code Todd3. When I'm around black people, I like to say things like I, they like that. You know, truly black people like it, we say, yo, they love that, man. Black friends, I come up and give them the bro hug. Kamala Harris in Detroit and then Kamala Harris, five hours later. You better thank a union member for the five day work week. You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time. Let's reload that and hear it again. And if you're watching the video, watch the head movements. Watch the affectations. No, he didn't. He, he, he, he, my, he, my, that is baby mama. No, she didn't step up. You better thank a union member. Look at the lips. Have you. Work week. You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time. Time. Someone referred to her as fall corn leg hard, no, that's Detroit girl. That's how the black girls in Detroit speak. I'm using the phrase girl quite purposely because of how she panders with the soft bigotry of low expectations. Kamala Harris is water. She's poured here into a mug shaped like Detroit girl and she's comfortable in it. So she was raised in a house by two PhDs born not in Oakland and Berkeley. She didn't work at McDonald's and I doubt very much she washed, called her greens and bathtubs. I hate political season. There's nothing new to say about her. She does not exist. Proof. Here's Kamala Harris five hours later, basically the same lines, it's simply a change of geography. So Kamala Harris pours herself into another shape. In this case, it's just Kamala the way Kamala's always spoken. The system moves on that woman is not the nominee. No one voted for her. There was no convention. There was no election. She's been placed into that position because she had the power to destroy the party. As the VP, there's hundreds of things she could have done or said. She's also perfect for this because she doesn't exist. Okay. I really need to okay at the risk of saying something truly horrible. Kamala Harris is a political blow up sex doll. You can do whatever you want and it's meaningless, but you wouldn't be doing it to the sex doll. You'd be doing it to someone else, forcing people to be involved in it. I hate election season. I'm excited to vote for President Trump. Are you? I'm excited to vote for him versus that. Well, then again, God, the design said such brilliant works for President Trump. I don't know why God chose President Trump the way he did, but he clearly chose President Trump for some reasons. And we're headed into the debates. You know that the Kamala Harris team said that they wanted President Trump's mic shut off. President Trump's team had agreed to that, not just President Trump's, but both mic shut off until you're speaking. Your mic's on when you speak, when you're not speaking, your mic is off. They tried to change these rules. The Kamala Harris team said they want a President Trump's mic turned on. Now why was that? Because it's another chance for her to act to play act. She did this to Mike Pence, and can I tell you something about Pence? I mean, I don't know him, but I spent a good couple hours with him. Most bizarre thing. We were doing a big push at the RNC against Obamacare, and we had this massive thing we put on in the television studio downstairs. It was like 24 hours of us protesting Obamacare. We had all of the Republican proposals for health care down there, and there were a ton of them. We delivered them to the White House. They wouldn't let us in, but we delivered them there. So we had this stack of plans for 24 hours. We had members going in and out of the building and doing this. And so we saw, you know, all the big wig members, Eric Cantor, when he was a thing, and Paul Ryan, when he was a thing, and many of those people, when they were all things, and I'm sitting in my office and I get this knock on the door, I look up, and it's Mike Pence. And so I stand up. I said, "Oh, Congressman. Oh, pardon me. Todd Herman. You know, Chief Digital Strategy." He said, "Todd Todd Todd. Just call me Mike." Sit down. Congressman in public, Mike in private, shook his hand. He sat down on the couch. He had a... I don't... I don't... No, because he doesn't drink. It was a root beer. He was drinking a bottle of root beer, and he said, "Hey, do you want a root beer? There's some out there." No, I'm good. Mike. And we talked for a couple hours, and he said, "I understand that you hired a bunch of people from Indiana for your tech team. Why'd you do that?" He said, "Well, you got great tech talents, and tech talent here is way of a price, and in D.C. is practice this protection racket where people are operating on this code that no one writes, called a code fusion. I needed people who could write modern code, so I found them in Indiana. Here's the way we found them." And he thought it was a fast and extraordinary story on how we found these coders, and that they worked out of Indiana and visited. So he was very thankful for that. And we talked to the family. He said, "I understand you don't live here." I said, "No, I'm not moving here, and I have this apartment, and right now my family's back home. They were here during the summer." He just shared. He was very, very laid back. And you know what he was? He was reflexively polite, starting with a knock on the door. A lot of congressmen would just walk in, or worse, they'd have their staff do it, and they would summon you. You get to look at the door, and there's not a knock, it's just someone glaring at you. "Hi. Yes, I'm with congressmen. I'm as chief of staff. Can you come with me? I'm busy." That's things you didn't say. So when Kamala Harris was play-acting the tough lady, standing up to the man, like she stood up to Joe Biden for four years, Joe Biden, who was mentally decrepit the entire time, oh, she stood up to him. No, she didn't. She snuck around in the dark, and then stuck a rhetorical pen into his brain stem. So I'll show you why Kamala Harris and her team want the mics turned on, because it's a trick that she wants to pull, and give them credit. It's a slick trick. It is. It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto ship, and there are only a core set of products that I do that with. One of them is mass zims, because I've noticed when I don't use mass zims, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort if you know what I mean, but I also learned more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. That means you're getting more food for your money, and for someone like me, who's gone through a lot of effort to drop fat and to build muscle, even at my age. This helps preserve muscle. It also helps you enjoy a diet of any sort, even if you're not dieting, paleo, high carb, low carb, protein based, 40, 30, 30, 50, 25, 25. The pills I take three times a day make this all very, very easy. And the quality is unquestioned because it comes from bioptimizer. So go now to to get your bottle of mass zims with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams. Go to starts your journey to better health today. Kamala Harris doesn't exist. She'll be poured into any container that is helpful for her in seeking power. Here she is pretending that Mike Pence is interrupting her. Mr. Vice President. I'm speaking. I have. I'm speaking. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. Well, I'm speaking. Be important as you said the truth. Yes. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking. Okay. If you don't mind letting me finish, we can then have a conversation. Okay? Please. Okay. It's my answer. You know. The American people deserve a straight answer. I will not sit here and be lectured by the Vice President. I'm speaking. Yeah. I'm about to. I will not be lectured by the Vice President. You can do this again and again and again, rightly medias all over this with compilations of the same thing again and again and again. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I have. I'm speaking. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. Well, I'm speaking. Be important as you said the truth. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. If you're watching the video, you can see her with a broad smile cackling. She does exactly what she's doing. The pretense is the white man is interrupting the beautiful. At this point, she was an Indian woman. She was concentrating on that portion of her background. She wasn't yet concentrating on being black. You're speaking. Okay. If you don't mind letting me finish, we can then have a conversation. Okay? Please. Okay. I'm trying to answer you now. The American people deserve a straight answer. I will not sit here and be lectured by the Vice President. I'm speaking. Yeah. I'm about to. Saturday Night Live got into this. They grabbed this and turned it into Kamala, the hero, standing up to the rude white man who was interrupting her during the debate, you know, trying to get his part taken, heard. Oh, incidentally, the debate moderator who just got done interviewing waltz in Harris for 41 minutes, they turned that into an 18 minute television program and it was god awful. Imagine what the rest of the time is like her husband, Jeremy Bash. Her name is Dana Bash. Her ex-husband, Jeremy Bash, was one of the 51 former intelligent officials who falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Imagine that. Can you see why they want the microphones turned on so she can continue to play that game? There's a massive game being played with our constitution. People are aligning against our constitution. They're lying against it to make sure that we don't get to live under it. They're playing a game and the game is that suddenly the constitution that was watched went sacrosanct no longer matters. And if there are things that deeply, deeply matter, it matters to me that on this program, we made a promise on day one that we would take inventory and we would always leave slots open for companies like Alan soaps. One soaps in all reality couldn't afford to be on our national radio programs. They couldn't afford to be here. We are honored to work with them because the company means more than soap. Now, number one, the soap is amazing. It's made in America. It's all natural. It's made by a family with three generations of soap making expertise and young Alan creates many of the fragrances. You know this. He's 13. He's been through about 18 operations. He's so high up on the autism spectrum that he's effectively nonverbal doesn't mean he's not a brilliant kid. When we started this together almost three years ago, Alan was the sole employee. His dad, John runs the company, Alan's a chief soap officer because of you purchasing soap. Ian now works there and there's Ian's blend, which is a liquid soap. Great to put in your businesses. Great way to share all lives mattering with business people, associates and customers. Now there's a third employee because it's the success of the soap company. Go to, get 10% off all your purchases there. It's, earn loyalty points and prove that to you, all lives do matter. There was a Columbia professor, his name is John McWhorter. He's defending Kamala Harris, defending her because she doesn't speak in words, salads - no, she's speaking very, very effectively like this. This is him estimating that we're not going to get him. I have to listen to her in the right way. She actually has learned a really effective way of speaking smoothly. She does these triplets and she'll say the ambitions, the hopes and the aspirations of the American people. Those three things are really all the same. The reason she did it is not because she's stuttering, it's because that is her way of not saying "um", she's avoiding saying "um" or hesitating. She wanted to say aspirations and then she'll give the synonyms as she waits. That's a form of being articulate or if you watched her last night, then you could see that what she was really doing was she wanted to do two things. She wanted to talk about economic policy, she had a list in her head, and she wanted to keep saying, you got the feeling she had been told and she agreed that we can't look backwards. Anything else that Bash said to her, her thought was, "How can I bring it back to that?" And that meant that you couldn't listen to her like she was trying to write an article or something like that. What you say isn't always what you mean. She speaks ritualistically like a politician. If somebody asks you, "Do you have the time?" Your answer is not, "I do." Do you have the time? Yes, it's four o'clock. Well, you have to understand that words don't always mean what they mean. You also have to understand this, Kamala Harris is very, very often trying to think of what she's supposed to be that's different from thinking about what you're supposed to say. When you can be poured into any moral container, sometimes it's hard to remember which moral container you're in. There's a reason why big touring bands have on stage where you can't see them. It's either electronic or maybe to this they still written down the name of the city. It's all over the place. You can't see it, but they can so that when they come and say, "Hey, good evening Chicago. We love you in Chicago because you don't know. You have no idea where you're at." This happened to me back in the day when I was raising money for our internet radio startup. I never forget waking up in a city, it was somewhere like zero dark 30, some two o'clock, three o'clock in the morning. I woke up and I had no idea where I was. So I look over at the nightstand. Sometimes there used to be phone books there, no phone book. There's no menu. I can't find the name of the hotel. I walk over to the window and you have no idea how hard it is to not know where you're at. I open the window and it's a street with garbage on the side, garbage trucks. I'm thinking, "Okay, this could be Manhattan. It's probably not Chicago given the neighborhood. It could be." I finally got on the phone. I called zero and front desk picked up, I go, "Yeah, hi. Where am I?" And the voice said, "You're in 403 search." No, no, no. I'm sorry. What city is this? San Francisco, sir. Thank you. And it went back to sleep. Come on, my Harris isn't thinking about what to say. She's thinking about what accent do I use? No, he didn't. Oh, I always do that. I always forget Tupac Shakur is dead. He my boy. It must be a very difficult thing to have to remember who you are. Nancy Pelosi doesn't worry about this. She's just whoever she is, wherever she is. The California lawmakers just passed the law. It hasn't been signed by Governor Newsom, but giving government assistance to undocumented immigrants to buy houses. That's kind of a different place than the Democratic Party used to be on immigration. It's a non-mock, I say, "That's what the country's going to do." But that's certainly where California is. Well, let me just say, immigration had always been a bipartisan issue. I refer you to the-- But not free houses. Well, it's not free housing. It's the American dream being available to more people. But I understand this about immigration. The best speech on immigration was by President Ronald Reagan. This is the last speech I will make as president of the United States. I want to communicate a message to the country I love when you talk about the Statue of Liberty and the beacon of hope it is to the world and what America was pre-eminent in the world because our door was always open. And we will cease to be pre-eminent when we shut the door. Now, that's-- I don't do justice to the great communicator. Google is the fabulous speech and George Herbert Walker Bush continued in that respect for the diversity of America and the rest. California is always in the lead. Maybe others will follow that lead, but that's up to those states. But we are very blessed here with beautiful diversity. Do you vote for this law? Excuse me? So you'd vote for this law? Well, I don't-- I'm not familiar with exactly what it is, but making the American dream of home ownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are now. It's not a four-year visit. It's just undocumented. This is for the undocumented. Well, what I would like to do is move them to documented. [applause] I'd like to make them voters. That's what she said. So Nancy Pelosi's got a face stretched. She's got all the surgery, all the makeup, all the fake hair, all the blowouts. But when it comes down to it, she'll just admit what she is if you ask her enough questions, she wants power. And she'll pretend to like Ronald Reagan who the-- then she pretends to hate. She doesn't care. But she exists. Nancy Pelosi's firmly radical always has been firmly, firmly corrupt, always has been, but she can't pour her into any moral container. And that way, she's almost more respectable than Kamala Harris. All containers are fascinating things. There's a professor, John McCorder, oh, we just talked about John McCorder. No, there's another professor, it's a Berkeley law dean. He says it's time to rewrite the Constitution. You know what's funny? Is he used to love the Constitution? He railed against President Trump violating the Constitution. He said that President Trump was a threat to the Constitution, that the Constitution was so sacred that how could we allow President Trump to violate it? Well, he's changed his mind. In other words, he's pulled to Kamala Harris. He's now completely on the other side of this. This is the law dean on MSNBC. Joining us now is Dean Erwin Chemerinsky. His new book is titled No Democracy Last Forever, How the Constitution Threatens the United States, and Chemerinsky, thanks for being with us this morning. So how in your view does the Constitution that this country was built on and has been for nearly 250 years is a threat, actually, to the country? Choices that were made in adopting the Constitution have come to haunt us. The electoral college increasingly is choosing the president who lost the popular vote. Two senators per state is undermining democracy. In the last session of Congress, there were 50 Democratic senators and 50 Republican senators, but the 50 Democratic senators represented 42 million people. Life 10 year for Supreme Court justices is increasingly problematic. For much of American history, the 10 year for Supreme Court justice was an average of 15 years. Since 1970, it's been 27 years. All of these are choices made in 1787, but they become much more salient in recent years. Professor Tamarinsky, I understand, this is Gene Robinson, I understand that there are lots of outdated pieces of the Constitution. There's also some really good stuff. I think it is probably true that the founders would be astonished that we haven't altered the Constitution to fit our present circumstances. On the other hand, though, in the real world, how wouldn't it be madness to try to change the Constitution at this point when the country is so polarized, so angry, and so on able to agree on anything, all of the foundational principles, freedom of speech, freedom of freedom, freedom of our freedoms would be in jeopardy, it seems to me. You're right, the country is deeply polarized, and that in itself is a threat to democracy. Our governments lost the confidence of the people. In 1964, in a Pew Research Survey, 77% of the people at the best conference in government. Last October, it was 20%. In the book, I argue that much that's wrong with the government can be fixed by statute but also be fixed by constitutional amendment. In other words, unconstitutionally through statute, constitutionally through the amendment process, the founders foresaw a need to change the Constitution. They made it very, very difficult to do. I don't think they foresaw people like Kamala Harris who could be poured into any moral container. Remember this about our founders. When they signed the Declaration of Independence, they signed their death warrant. That was evidence, all the evidence that King of England would ever need to hang them for treason. Kamala Harris isn't going to sign anything like that. She's not willing to give up a fake accent because it might lose her vote. She doesn't exist. I hate campaign season. How's your family? Lord, thank you for being a God of priorities. Thank you for reminding us that the areas in which we have the most control is where we need to be most watchful and making sure that we're honoring you, remembering that you have already won. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants drop at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication.