The Todd Herman Show

What does it ACTUALLY mean to “know the Lord Jesus” Kamala Harris Flunks A Test Where She Has ALL THE ANSWERS Ep-1822

What does it actually mean to know the Lord? I'll show you an example of people who know the Lord through their emotions. Then, I'll show you an example of someone who should know the Lord but doesn't even though she is a bishop.
The fact that the media continues to insist that Kamala is the nominee should tell us so very much about the world in which we live. “Nominee” should mean something just like “President” should mean something. Even as we recognize the fact that this woman is not the nominee, but she's done her job: being black and female. It's pretty simple and yet Kamala Harris is figuring out ways to flunk it.
Do we have Social Responsibility as Christians? And if so, who decides what that looks like?
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Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
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Now I'll tell you I live in an area of the country which is the high mountains of free America, Idaho and here people ask themselves, ask each other a pretty common question. Where do you go to church or even the phrase, do you have a church home? When we first moved here and we were getting questions like that, it was very, very refreshing because in the separate country of Seattle, that's not a question people ask. People find out you go to church, they think you're weird. There's also this phrase over here that is often used and maybe it's an evangelical circle thing. Do you know the Lord? Do they walk with the Lord? How's your walk with the Lord? It's a very different thing to know Jesus than to have read about him or just put it this way. Last week I get to sit and interview a friend of mine who's very far from Jesus, very, very far from Jesus. He's a good and moral man. He's a kind man. He's a philanthropic man. He's a funny man. God's blessed him with great, great, great intelligence and I do believe the Lord is working through people to bring this guy to himself. He's surrounded by too many Christians who are far smarter than I am and it can't be accidental. His name is Greg Glassman. Greg founded CrossFit and he now works and has founded the Broken Science Initiative to correct broken science that led to some of the abuses we've all seen. Well, I'd read plenty about Greg Glassman. I'd seen videos of Greg Glassman. I'd read his work, I mean, and I'm talking hundreds and hundreds of hours of his work. I'd passed a test to be a CrossFit level one certified coach, be it on the online version because of the COVID lockdown, so I had to do it that way. I didn't know Greg Glassman. When I found they got a chance to meet him, he's exactly the opposite of what I thought he'd be. He is self-effacing. He is funny. He is absolutely, instantly open to friendship and he is a giver. He gives of himself. Now, I'm not comparing to Jesus because Greg doesn't know the Lord, but I'd read all about him. People can read about Jesus and not know him, so what does it actually mean to know the Lord? I'll show you an example of people who know the Lord through their emotions and then I'll show you an example of someone who should know the Lord but doesn't, even though she is a bishop. It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto ship and there are only a core set of products that I do that with. One of them is mass zims because I've noticed when I don't use mass zims, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort if you know what I mean, but I also learn more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. 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Some of those fundamental differences make women better than men and some of those fundamental differences make men better than women. What are the fundamental differences that you're referring to? Like women are more adaptive compassion, which I think is the thing that makes us most human. Men are more adapt to perseverance, which makes you successful in today's day and age. Which I think is a fallen state of the world. You think the world isn't a fallen state? Absolutely. Are you contributing positively or negatively towards the fallen state? Be honest. I hope positively, because I'm following the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch. What you know about the Lord Jesus Christ? He saved me. He got me out of a place no one else could. Wait, so you know the Lord? I know the Lord. Does he know you? Absolutely. He speaks to him every day. I hope he knows me. That's pretty fire. I like that. That's bass. That's dope. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Do you know the Lord? I do know the Lord. Oh, everybody. I'm so glad you're there. Okay. If you're watching the video, see the joy of their face. If you're listening to the audio, you hear it. Let's be very simple about it. I read about Greg Glassman. I'd never met him. I met him. I found out he's warm. Oh, he's tiny, by the way. Not a big dude. Very, very -- I was going to say quiet, but he's not. Very loud, very outspoken, but incredibly kind. Knowing the Lord means this. You know his voice. Wait, you've never heard the voice of Jesus. Yeah, I have. His word is his voice. When we're making decisions in the world, we can do it based upon knowing the Lord. For instance, would the Lord ever tell you, take that thing that doesn't belong to you? It's okay, never. Would the Lord ever tell you, "No, go ahead, just strike out an anger just this one time." No. Would the Lord tell you to pursue a relationship outside of marriage? No. What if it's your soulmate? No. You know the Lord's voice. Knowing the Lord is also working with the Lord. You get to know people often by working with them in ways that you can't otherwise. For instance, how did they respond in times of massive stress? Do they lose it? I can remember when I was working on my first startup, and we'd gotten venture capital funding. And we were in the midst of a very, very important product launch, and things weren't working. We had done a distribution deal with real networks at the time, big, big company. And their tech was blowing up. It wasn't us, it was them. And I had the press coming at me and partners coming at me, so I made a tough call. Shut down real networks, go straight over to the Microsoft, make it 100% Microsoft. Real networks can come and try to sue us. I remember afterwards getting a phone call from a guy who I'd been lucky to create as a mentor. I didn't create, but given as a mentor, he called me and said, "I learned something about you today." What? You don't fall apart. That's a tough decision you made, and real networks is going to be angry. He'd been a senior vice president there and said, "All call Rob, we'll smooth it out." That's just business. But in times where your faith will be, you know, really, really tested, they're given an opportunity to rely on the Lord's voice. Do you hear it? Would he ever suggest these things? Knowing the Lord also means knowing his word. That's his voice. There was a time when we had a fire alarm in our house go off. My wife and I woke up, and I think it was psychosomatic, but I could smell smoke. So I said to my wife, get dressed, we're leaving, and just trying to respond quickly. A little girl sleeping in the next room, my daughter was probably below the age of three. She's sound asleep even if this alarm is going off. I walked into a room and said her name. She instantly woke up and said, "Get dressed." She started to get dressed. I'm not the Lord, but she knew my voice. Knowing the Lord is having walked with him, but we don't get to walk with him. Know what we get to read as others did, and then there's this. Knowing the Lord comes through spending time with people who've known him longer. For instance, "I know Greg," Glassman, "I count him as a friend." You know who knows him better? His wife. Now, I don't know Maggie as well as I know Greg, but she knows Greg a lot better. Safari sit down and ask Maggie, "Hey, I'm thinking about getting Greg a gift. What about this?" She could say, "Yeah, probably not." But she knows him. Just as people who are more mature in the Lord know him better than we do. This woman should know the Lord she doesn't. Her name is Karen Oliveto, and listen to her. She talks about sin, and some things she says here are very appealing. Well, unless you're listening for the Lord's voice. Why is our standard of beauty so small? Why do we fear instead of honor human diversity? As a person of faith, there is only one word that sums up the fractured nature of the human family. It's a word we progressive Christians don't like to use, and especially those of us who are queer it's been used so much against us, but dare I use it today, I will. It's the S word. It's nothing less than sin. Hear this. It's nothing less than sin that makes outcasts of siblings who aren't quite like us. I know many of us have had the word sin used against us like a club, but it's important to reclaim. What is sin? We've recently put sins are those actions that break relationships, ironic, isn't it? Because the word has been used against us to break relationship with us. Okay, so no, sin doesn't always break relationships. Sometimes sin creates the relationship. There are people watching and are listening to this who are in sinful relationships right now, but they're in the relationships. Sin can create relationships. You can have relationships, sexual relationships outside of marriage, and from that you can have children. Now you have a relationship. Sin doesn't break relationships. Sometimes it creates it. Sin separates us from God. This is why, of course, progressive so-called Christians can't say that because sin separates us from God, they need to obscure what sin means, and the so-called bishop continues. But I have to say that sin is anything that breaks relationship with God with others and with ourselves. Okay, so she says it, breaks relationship with God, others or ourselves, no. Sin can affect relationship with others. I have friends to this day who are married and the relationships began in sin. I've mentioned the fact that my wife and I, when we got together, we weren't, we weren't really discipled, I was pretending to be an agnostic and I knew God existed, but I was pretending to be an agnostic because it made me sound smart. I thought our relationship started and forgive me. It started sinfully. My wife and I recognize this. Some of the greatest Christian friends I have who served the Lord Jesus and mightily, some of them with six kids, their relationship started that way. Sin is exclusively about falling short of God's expectations for us. His glory will always fall short. Sin is also sometimes a choice, an active decision to say, "No God, I'm going to do it my way." It causes alienation and isolation. Make no mistake, it's never love that's sinful. It's never love that's sinful. Love is one of the most abused words in all the progressive Christianity. The Bible defines love as a series of verbs, patience, kindness, seeking to serve others rather than to be served. Some things that you don't do, don't be boastful, proud, don't be loud or abusive. And there is a feeling that we have, right? Emotions. Look, you can have feelings for people outside of marriage and you could even construe that as love, but the Bible says it's sin when you fornicate or have adultery or involve yourself in same-sex sexual activity. Yeah, you can have the feelings. You can also really, really want to take the thing that doesn't belong to you or lie for convenience sake. That sin, that lie may not create a break in a relationship. If you don't get caught stealing, it might not create a break in your family, et cetera. You see the way they have to obscure this? Love is that which draws us closer to God and closer to ourselves. No, love in a biblical sense is something that we do when we're given the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the device through which the person, that one part of God, that personality of one God, three personalities, is what allows us to love in a biblical sense. Don't ever believe someone who tells you your love which seeks always to connect with and honor another is sinful. If your love seeks to connect with another in a way that is forbidden in the Bible, you are drawing that person into sin. You are separating that person from God. God will not look kindly upon you engaging in separating one of his kids from himself. What is sinful is someone who tries to stop your loving. What is sinful is making someone feel unworthy. What is sinful is making someone feel like they're less than human because they don't fit a certain norm or standard. There is not a moment in this presentation where the bishop standing behind the pulpit uses the word of God. It doesn't reference it. We can go to it's not good that man is alone, therefore God created woman. A special helper for man, by the way, that word is something that God uses to describe himself, that helper word. We can go to the description the Lord Jesus gave of a man leaves his parents and clings on to his wife. We can go to the description of one flesh. A married couple is one flesh. We can go to the description, a biblical love is provided by the apostle Paul or the fruit of the spirit. We can do that, but she doesn't. Now, it's just her wisdom and human wisdom is a fail. Human wisdom will always fail. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of true wisdom. Sin is insidious systems and institutions are sinful if they seek to divide rather than unite us. That means political systems that rest on winners or losers can be sinful, economic systems which divide us into classes and create chasms between the haves and the have nots. No, they cannot be. Systems like that can be wrong. They can be abusive. Sin is this. It is the breaking of relationship between ourselves and God. It is to act against God's will, sometimes on purpose, sometimes intentionally, sometimes by slipping. It is that which can separate us from God. They have to do it this way. On one hand, young people who know the Lord, on the other, a woman who has neither heard her's voice or sadly pretends to have heard it when, in fact, she is choosing to not listen. And none are so deaf as those who refuse to hear the words of the Lord or to know his voice. Great number two. It's still reverberating that Kamala Harris is flunking tests where she has all the answers. The fact that the media continues to insist that this woman is the nominee should tell us so very much about the world in which we live. Nominee should mean something, just like President should mean something. This past week, as we saw an American-Israeli hostage murdered, we watched as Biden slept on a beach in Delaware. We watched as President Trump was taken to task for going to Arlington because he was asked by the Gold Star families to go to Arlington. They took the videos. He didn't take him. His team didn't take him. He was asked to go there and he obliged. Kamala Harris was asked to go there. Tim Waltz was asked to go. They couldn't go because they can't go because Kamala Harris cannot put herself next to the failure of the abigate withdrawal in Afghanistan, the withdrawal which led to abigate. Tim Waltz can't be around service people because it might be that the veterans might come to him and say, "Why July about your rank? Why are you stealing valor?" It might be that the Gold Star dads or moms might go to him and say, "Why didn't you go fight? Why did you quit the National Guard before we were deployed?" But it should absolutely flabbergast us that a woman who's given a multiple-choice response, all she had to do was choose answer C and she could have passed this thing, couldn't do that even as we recognize the fact that this woman is not the nominee but she's done her job. She has been black and female and that is her job. It's a pretty simple job. Should be really, really hard to flunk and yet Kamala Harris is figuring out ways to flunk it. It should be a simple difference to explain. This is the embarrassing smells you have in your room, your business, your RV, and what you want it to smell like. It should be a very simple thing to make that happen. You can go through the house and maybe you've done this. If you smoke, you go through and spray the air cleansers or you do this in your car, you're going to drive people around so you put in the fake new car smell. I did this. My wife, when she first rode in the truck I bought a few years ago, she said, "You know that someone smoked in this?" I was like, "No. No one smoked in this." She goes, "No. This is the truck. This is the smoker's truck." So I had to go through this process of buying the spray and then praying it through my heating system and do this five or six times and you know what? That's all a mess. It should be really easy and it is. Go to, enter code Todd3, they're going to ship you at a $200 savings, three devices. They're the same device, but three versions of them. Here's how hard this is. Open the box, take the box out the three boxes, take the product out, plug it into the wall. That'll take you about a minute. Three minutes after that, you're going to smell the difference. Be it in your business, your home, your RV, a car that you need to fumigate, a boat you need to fumigate, your kid's dorm rooms. That device will immediately begin to produce ozone and blow that into the air. Those all three molecules have a magic quality to them. They bond to the molecules that create bad smells and they change to the molecular structure all the sudden, in about three minutes, your room, your house, your Airbnb smells like the day after a thunderstorm. Never have embarrassing smells. Again, breathe a breath of fresh air. Go to, you're going to see something where you enter a code. Enter code TODD3, that's Todd3, you'll save $200 on the EdenPrear thunderstorm 2 devices. They're in our studio, they're in my home,, enter code Todd3. Anna Bash gives Kamala Harris multiple choice responses and she still fails this, but notice that during this entire time period, she continues to be black and female. Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made, that you've explained some of here, in your policy? Is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward? Dan, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my-- Kate, can we pause for a second? I will play this later this week, but there is a professor, happens to be black, who says that this isn't her thinking at her feet, it's not her filling space, it's her providing eloquence. He talks about her using triplets, true, rhetorically there's something called the rules of threes and fives, people consume information better that way, but this woman is thinking. She's providing filler sentences instead of saying, um, um, um, she's gotten practice it saying, but Dan, I think the important and then she goes through these threes, watch the pattern. It's not changed. You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed, and I have worked on it, that the climate crisis is real. I have always believed and I've worked on it, that the climate crisis is real. See the construct? She is right now leaning back trying to think, if you're watching the video version of this, see how incompetent her team is. Tim Walts, who's being paid to be white and Uphish, is sitting next to her, but he is placed higher than her. Now he's probably taller than her, but this is a staging thing. They don't care about any of this. They don't care about winning, she's been installed. I think that they're supremely confident in their ability to rig this election. That it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. Pause again. We should create metrics for ourselves that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. That is a fancy way of saying we should have deadlines. It's a busy way of saying we have deadlines. There's nothing there. Anybody who's ever worked on a smart goal gets this. We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States of America, and by extension, the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as an example. She just repeated goals with deadlines of time. Do you remember the original question? The original question was about her value is changing. Of course she's not going to answer the original question because no politician is going to answer a question like this, but what you are watching is a great big huge mass of zeros. That value has not changed my value around what we need to do to secure our border. That value has not changed except I've gone up and down walls, no walls. Now you're back to wall. Now you're back to secure the border. I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California prosecuting transnational criminal organization, violations of American laws regarding the passage, illegal passage of guns, drugs, and human beings across our border. My values have not changed. Except for this, we can go get the footage of parents who had their kids murdered by illegal immigrants who were not supposed to be in the country. One guy's kid was run over and then the killer ran over him three times. The boy's name was Drew. Kamala Harris let that person off. So even with multiple choice answers, all she had to do was pick B. She could have moved forward. She has to use filler words and filler thoughts because I truly believe Kamala Harris knows that there's nothing there. There's nothing deep inside her. In fact, news busters put together a reel of some of the worst moments in this hand-picked interview. Do you think the President Biden met the moment? He certainly met the moment we're hearing from some Republicans that it was too political compared to what. President Biden has entered the March Madness chat. CNN's Koi Wire is here. Koi, good to see you. What do you make of the President's bracket? Turns out even Jack Smith can't resist a $5 foot-long new and exclusive CNN video of the special counsel at Subway. I've spent time with Doug Amhoff. By the way, side note, I just have to get this in there because I love this. The video that played before his speech, narrated by their son, his ex-wife, produced it. Right. There's a lot for President Biden to tout. Americans don't seem to be giving him the credit. Why is that? And what does he have to do to turn that around? The former president falsely claimed that the vice president, quote, happened to turn black for political reasons. You are the only black woman right now serving in the U.S. Senate. What do you make of all this? Three of the sitting justices were appointed by Donald Trump. Did any of the justices recuse themselves? You were among the Democrats that did that. This is the woman with whom Kamala flunks an interview. When there's nothing there to that degree, here's what should frighten us. Kamala Harris is an intellectual and moral vacuum. What do we know about vacuums? Nature abhors a vacuum, you and else abhors a vacuum, human morality, human intellect. It's going to be filled with something. In the case of Kamala Harris, it will be filled with whatever brings her earthly power. Power she seems to think is permanent, but I'm here to tell her, you only have the power over us that God allows you to borrow and Kamala. When it violates the Word of God, your orders violate the Word of God, watch how quickly we choose sides because I guarantee I'm not going to be violating the Word of God on your behalf. Story number three. There is a phrase called the social responsibility theory and it's something that have been making the rounds in Google search. I've started to pay attention to what young people are searching for because we've made this investment in time to go work within the YouTube environment. Incidentally, we're going to be showing you some of our videos later this week that did super well. We had one video that I made, I was hiking with my dog. It was a recovery hike and I got this note that JFK Jr. had stepped out of the race to spend the campaign of the endorsed President Trump and of course, being in the business of man, I'm like, okay, I need to respond to this. So I took up my phone, made a 60 second video, recorded it and sent it to the team. Now that was on I think Friday, Saturday and Sunday it didn't do much. Within a week, it got about 250,000 views, nuts. It's blown up our channel. It's moved us well ahead of where we were in terms of YouTube. It's in fact helped us triple our audience there and we're just getting started on YouTube. I make that point because we're not doing this. I'm not doing this because I want to work with Google. I'm doing this because it's the number one video platform in the world and young people are there. So I've started to pay attention to what young people are searching for. I've made the point before that they're searching for words about the Lord Jesus. They're searching for faith. They're also searching something called social responsibility. This is how talks about social responsibility theory. The social responsibility theory is founded on ethical practices. Now just read this as a question. The social responsibility theory is founded on ethical practices. According to the social responsibility theory, before making a decision or completing a task, one must ensure the decision or act is ethically sound. This is especially true for the decisions or actions that affect others. The theory is based on the moral values that are common across society as a whole. What most people believe is right or wrong. It is every person's responsibility to behave in a way that benefits society or act morally right or ethically right. There are several assumptions of the social responsibility theory, including that everyone should individually work for the good of society. Everyone's able to make a change for the better and one person can make the difference. This is an example of how social responsibility theory is impacted in society's recycling. Recycling gain popularity in the 90s has only grown since then. Recycling's become a norm in many societies with recycling centers and services offered for communities. Most people believe recycling is good, as it helps society by reducing the amount of trash and landfills. Recycling fulfills the obligation of social responsibility theory for people completing an action based upon a benefit to society. Okay, we'll talk about that in a second, including that specific example. But is this biblical? I mean, if you're paying close attention, you'd certainly see it's almost certainly not. As a pastor who does very, very well in social media, who talked about this, his name is Chris Zannauer, you'll hear him in a second. I do believe there's social responsibility companies or companies that are socially responsible. Alan Soap is socially responsible. I'll tell you why. It's a soap company with a value far greater than the product. Their value is to employ people who the party would rather see aborted, even after they're born. Named after Alan, Alan is 13 years old. He's been through about 18 operations because of his placement on the autism spectrum. He's essentially nonverbal, but not not stupid. In fact, he's a brilliant kid loves his Minecraft, loves to invent soap fragrances. He's the chief soap officer at Allen's. So some of the fragrances you're going to find there are so unique because they come out of Allen's minds. His mind. Once he remembers from brunches with grandmas, Cedar with Jasmine from a memory chest, when his grandma's had watermelon basil from his other grandma cooking brunch. This means we're locked into his mind. The soap was produced by a family with three generations of soap making expertise. It's all natural. It's made in America. And because of Allen's other health challenge, he is very, very, very sensitive. This is some of the most gentle soap you'll ever have. When we started working with Allen's, there was Allen and his dad working there. His dad runs the place. Allen's chief soap officer. There's now Ian Allen's brother and a third employee, also, also high in the autism spectrum. See, Allen's is more than soap. All lives really do matter there. Go to to get 10% off all their products. That's And yes, social responsibility, sure. But how did this happen? Because when Allen and his wife, or probably when John and his wife had Allen, there was the first child who had structural health problems, challenges, and autism. And the doctors said, "Let us kill the baby." They looked into the womb, saw the structural challenges, and said, "He's going to have a hard life. Let us murder him." You know what they didn't? Because God said, "You shall not murder." Maybe they were socially responsible because God was their determining factor for what morality means. Pastor Chris Zannauer talked about social responsibility and how it should be natural for Christians. I don't usually do this, but I'm going to say the most important thing in the sermon right now. If you promise, you don't check out for the rest of it, okay? I'm going to say the most important thing right now. Social responsibility is the natural outworking of a Christ-centered and spirit-empowered life. If you are living, what we talked about two weeks ago, this Christ-centered, spirit-empowered life, the natural outpouring of that is taking responsibility for what is happening in your society or social responsibility. Again, they are linked together. If you are pursuing Jesus and you are filled with his spirit, you have to be socially responsible. You cannot view the world the same you did before he renewed your life, before he gave you new life, before he transformed your heart. Because when the Spirit of God is welling up inside you, there are certain kind of problems that you can't just walk by anymore. When the Spirit of God is welling up inside you, there are certain things that maybe you used to just turn your head and be able to go by that you can't just turn a blind eye to anymore, amen? It does change us. When we let it, when we let it, social responsibility theory or social responsibility theory says things must be ethical according to what? It must be good for society according to whom? I have a truck that sometimes frustrates me. It's got a little bit more tech in it than I'd like. I made a phone call once on the road. There's a great, great shop I use in North Idaho, great shop, Silver Lake Auto by the way. I called Eric one of the techs there. I know a lot of the team there. I'm very, very loyal. When I find a good business, I'm very loyal. I called Eric and said, "Hey, here's just going on with my truck." It seems like the back wheels are disengaged and he gets, "Tot, tot, tot, tot, tot, stop." Did you click that button again? Oh, wait, what button? "Tot, do you disengage your drive train? You got to go back in and go, okay, all right, right, okay, sorry, Eric, sorry." He laughs. See, he knows the system of my truck far better than I know it. I haven't taken the time to get to know it. The people who produce the truck know it far, far better. You know who knows us far better, God. If you're going to talk about something being ethical or good for society, what's the best measure of that? You have to remove yourself from it. Yes, there are things that are commonly good. Don't steal. Hey, that's in the Bible. Don't cover your neighbor's possessions. Hey, wait, that's in the Bible. Don't lie. Hey, wait, that's in the Bible. But then there's also this. We are responsible for letting God change us. It is one thing to have faith. The demons may not have faith, but they know God exists. It's one thing to have faith. God is good for me. God wants what's right for me. It's another thing to say, "I'm going to let God change me." In James, chapter 2, verses 14 through 26, we read this. What does it profit my brethren? If someone he has faith but does not have works, can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked in destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled, but do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also by faith itself, it does not have works, is dead. That someone will say, "You have faith and I have works. Show me your faith with your works, and I will show you my faith with my works." You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble. But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith that works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his own son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works in faith he was made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, not by faith only. Likewise was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messenger and sent them out another way, messenger, and sent them out another way. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." Now of course we know that the Lord Jesus taught that faith in him, accepting him as the Lord Messiah, allowing him to change us. That's the keys to redemption. It's a free gift we cannot earn. What James is talking about here is a measure of your commitment to seeing Jesus as Lord. Repent, accept him as Lord and Savior, then how do you know you've done that? There's the intellectual, I spoke the words. Then there's pragmatic reality, "I've allowed the Lord to change me. The things I used to do, I no longer do. The things I desire to do, and yet I know they're against the word of God. I don't do." Your responsibility to one another has to have a measure, ethics has to have a measure. As for me, I choose the measure to be the one who made us all. I choose to measure that by God Almighty. To me, it's the only sensible metric. I guess I could quote Kamala Harris, "We should measure ourselves with metrics, you know, with time and such." Okay. The time is short. I hope you've made your decision. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. 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