The Todd Herman Show

Kamala Harris Decided To Slime Gold Star Families Ep-1821

People who run Kamala Harris decided it would be a good idea to take on a bunch of Gold Star families. They thought they could take one of President Trump's key strengths, which is the support he enjoys from members of our military, and turn it into a weakness. It didn’t work out too well for Kamala and Walz.

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 7:15-20 True and False Prophets
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
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03 Sep 2024
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We'll talk about how this is going for them with the help of our YouTube channel, plus and with God almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. When I lived in Washington, D.C., before my family joined me there, I was living, obviously, by myself and my family, and joined me. And I didn't know D.C. well, so I'd made a lunch date with some people I met at the committee. They were working for me and with me. And I decided to do this little, there's a little mental game I played with myself back in the day. When I first started running again, I found myself mentally capping myself at how far I could run. It was like I was mentally capped at a mile for a while. And so I purposely did these things. I'd leave my gym very early in the morning and make sure that I only had enough time to make back for an appointment if I ran. I had to run a mile away from the gym knowing, okay, well, now you ran your mile. Now you have to run a mile back where you're going to blow this meeting. I wouldn't take a phone with me so I couldn't, you know, call into the meeting. I did everything I could just to trap myself. It worked and it blew past that mental limit. I decided to do this in D.C. to go out and run, not knowing where I was going. Just I'm going to run this long and know if I don't make it back. Well, then I, I'm going to blow this meeting. So I don't remember how far it was. It wasn't that far, but I was running. Rules were no fun. I took some money with me in case I got hurt and had to take a cab. Took an ID in case I died. Rounded a corner and I saw some grave markers. Okay, it's a, you know, very old place, Virginia. Our old civilization, old city. And then I saw it. I saw the white grave markers. And I was overcome. I remember I wasn't that particular out of breath, but I stopped and put my hands on my legs. That's good Lord. That's Arlington. And from time to time, I would stop on the train. There's an Arlington stop. And I jogged up to the base of Arlington before. So yeah, it shouldn't be politicized. It is. I mean, we can produce figure pictures of the figurehead traipsing through there, wearing his black woke mask, looking at his watch, of course. And then this weekend's Kamala Harris and figurehead Biden were both invited to be there with the gold star families and they chose not to go. Some of the things that happened this weekend. Brock, who's saying Obama, God bless Rush Limbaugh, put this, this image up. He thought this was a fine thing to say. It's him and his beige suits and Kamala and hers, how it started, how it's going. Ten years later, and it's still a good look. Right, she's the extension of you. You're still running things. There's a reason you're on the left. She's on the right. She's your junior. But this also happens. This is from CNN. And the headline reads, Israeli American hostage, Hirsch Goldberg Poland has died. Family confirms via statement. Ah, no. As someone has corrected CNN and read writing, he was murdered. It didn't pass away. That happened weeks or a week after the Democrat National Committee met. And Kamala Harris pretended to be very serious about backing Israel. At the same time as she was, well, not pretending, but is very serious about backing Hamas. They did this while the figurehead was sleeping on a beach. We have no president in America. That's very, very clear. So how's it working out for Kamala Harris and her team to attack Gold Star families? I'll tell you about that in a second. This responded to an email from a listener who sent me a request for the name of the company that makes our oxyleaf two thunderstorm devices. It's Eden Pure. And the website is When you go there, you go to and enter code Todd3. You're going to have savings locked into your shopping account. Okay? That's locked. They make devices other than the oxyleaf two. And we can talk about those later, such as an infrared heater. The oxyleaf two thunderstorm is what we use to keep the studio fresh. Smelling it does. It smells like a thunderstorm was in here the previous day. This will work in any cramped quarters. So if you're traveling across country, this comes with a USB connection. They have an RV or a car. Boom, put that in there. And you don't have the smells of that. You are in a small quarters like a dorm. You get kids are going to college. This is perfect for them. And I can get you three of these at a $200 discount. This will provide whole home coverage. And it's just simply a plug it into the wall. It produces ozone. The ozone molecules attach themselves to the molecules of the things that are causing bad smells. It changes their actual molecular structure. You're actually rewriting the molecules. The molecules are then inert. They don't cause smells. Compare this to an air filter. Those things you buy the shell and then you rent it. Because every year, two to 400 bucks, you replace the filters. They're loud. You don't want them running away. I've guessed there. These are silence. You can't hear them in the background in our studio. You can't hear them in our home where they take care of cat smells and pet smells and my wife kindly cooking my fish. So go to You'll be asked to enter a code. Enter code Todd2DD3 and boom, those savings are locked into your account there. It's code Todd3. So as you're out pretending to be, you know, very serious about protecting the country and protecting our allies and such. Bill Ackman writes this about the murder of this American-Israeli hostage. Consider that Hamas chose to execute an American hostage with a bullet to the back of his head during the last two or three days, along with five other hostages whose parents just spoke at the DNC less than two weeks ago, while hostage negotiations were under way. Consider the U.S. strategy over the last 30 to 30 days has been to pressure Israel to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza, including through the withholding of weapons from Israel, and periodically by leaking our failure to support our ally to the media in the midst of hostage negotiations. Consider what pressure, if any, the U.S. is brought to bear on Hamas and our friends in the region who harbor Hamas's leadership. Why? Why has your leadership adopted this failed strategy? Because POTUS Biden, who's been on vacation for 16 days, and Kamala Harris, who just skipped a ceremony at Arlington Cemetery to honor 13 fallen soldiers from the failed Afghanistan withdrawal, along with their advisors in D.C., believe they'll lose important votes in key swing states and from Hamas supporters on campuses. It's been proven time and again the only thing that terrorists understand is brute force, and that's a fact. This statement continues on, but let's just behold. What they're trying to do is take President Trump's great strength, one of them, which is popularity with the media, then turned it into a weakness. Gold Star families were not amused. They've gone now to social media. President Trump is gathering these things up in interviews. There's now, I think, 13 or 14 of these. The mockingbird media is even being forced to respond to some degree to this, although just this past weekend, PBS called President Trump going to Arlington. The lowest were one of their commentators. The lowest political moment in her lifetime. Gold Star families disagree. We're trying to paint it as if Trump uses this as a campaign ploy to gain votes. And it couldn't be further from the truth. I mean, if you look back to when we asked the White House to get together and have a family roundtable with them to discuss everything that happened, it was crickets. There was no reply whatsoever. We asked that of Trump. He said, "Absolutely." He was going to give us two hours. He ended up being six hours. The man was a leader. The families asked to be part of the RNC in Trump obliged by that because they believed in him and they wanted their kids' names heard in that convention hall. And it was astounding as you probably saw a thing when all the people that were there said their names back. I mean, that's what these families want. That's what we want. And for them to turn this around and make it look like it was just a political stunt is quite frankly a kick in the, you know, what's at the families? They're trying to hurt Trump ultimately, but what they're doing is just adding more salt to the wound for us. And these families wanted Trump there. And I'm glad that he was there. Some of the contentions are that President Trump's team made this into a campaign event, which is illegal, but they didn't take the footage. According to every family member, it was the family members who took the footage. According to Senator Tom Cotton, it was the family members who took the footage. They're the ones who posted it because they wanted this recognized. Kamala Harris and the people who run her cannot afford to have this conversation. Tim Waltz lies about his service. He lies about his rank. He lies about having been into war. They cannot be engaged in this. They cannot allow themselves to be side by side. I think the fact is they would have been confronted by these gold star families for what they did. The rank incompetence of the Afghanistan withdrawal is as bad. Well, it's, it is a, you know what? It's very similar to the assassination attempt against President Trump. In the case of Afghanistan, they announced when they were leaving in advance so the enemy could plan better. They decided to let the enemy choose one airport on which to focus. We had two airports, a highly fortified military airport, our military built for themselves, and a less fortified and less fortifiable commercial airport. They shut down our military airport and they steered everybody to one commercial airport. When our troops got word that there was a likely suicide bomber on the way to the airport, lawyers in Washington, D.C. got on the comms and said, "No, you don't engage. You don't get to kill him." That person was allowed to continue to the gate and are probably the people among the people who blew up the gate and killed our 13 service members. They can't have this conversation. Tim Walts can't do it because he's a liar. He's a stolen valor liar. Kamala Harris can't do it because she can't speak coherently about anything at all, ever. So they know this. When I was working for the George Jubbie Bush Foundation, there's a library. Now, look, I disagree with President Bush on a whole lot of things. I think he's a globalist. I can't stand what he's done against Trump. But I'll tell you this. He legitimately loves our troops. He does an event, and to my knowledge, he still does it, where he takes our troops wounded veterans out on motorcycle rides and bike rides. And he does this on his own, out of his own money. I got to see footage of this when I was working for the Bush Foundation. And I asked the library. I asked, "Can we use this?" And the people came back and said, "Well, ask the president, but he's going to say no." Both he and his wife said, "No, no, absolutely not." Those are private events. We showed them to you so you can see the man's heart. And that was there. President Trump is a very similar heart for our troops, but let's look at the fruits. President Trump did not send our troops into endless wars. Biden couldn't wait to do it. He can't wait for this to turn into something with Ukraine. I mean, he can wait now because he's napping on the beach. Kamala Harris is happy to fund both sides of the war. They don't view our troops with any sort of love or they'd have restraint. President Trump was willing to use troops, but he wasn't willing to abuse that privilege of leadership. More gold-starred families spoke out. Steve, to this day, have you ever gotten an apology from this administration? No, we have not gotten any apology or and we've tried to reach out to them to find out, you know, what were they thinking? They've never gotten back to us, and we've never gotten any condolences from them after Dover, especially from Kamala Harris. She's never reached out to us. And I thought, perhaps maybe on Monday, she might have done that, you know. Maybe she would have really changed the course of what this administration has done. And she didn't. She doubled down on it and, you know, avoided the sacrifice and service of our kids. Now, if you put yourself in the position of the parents, what, what are we supposed to call Kamala Harris in terms of her job description? She's vice president, right? Oh, she is. She was also the last person in the room, and she bragged about this when they made the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, and she's not willing to show up. President Trump's team has taken out a multi-million dollar ad buy using the words of the gold-star families that these people decided to post on their own to their own social media accounts and rolling this up into an ad. Is it going to persuade? Well, who exactly? It might drive turnout. It might drive sympathy, but exactly whose minds are going to be changed by this. Sadly, the Democrat party has put itself into this position where they're ruled by emotion and their followers are ruled by emotion. Now, these are very emotional ads, but they've also been put into a position where they believe nearly every single hoax about President Trump, including the hoax that he called our military members, suckers and losers. Maybe it can persuade a few people, those other things that could, such as this. Why is Kamala Harris so visibly afraid of these families? This is the question they should be asking. They should be simply asking for a meeting. They should be asking in a call to action that Kamala Harris have a town hall event, that she sit down and clear the air with these families. That should be the ask, let the families do the questioning, take President Trump out of it, do this through a pack. How about a talk about our kids pack? Kamala Harris could not face this and Tim Walts wouldn't dare attend an event like that. Newsmax and others have covered this later this week. We'll go straight through some of the comments unedited. Well, except for language, you do have to edit some language by some of the families who put cameras in their own faces. But this has not been a good week for the Kamala Harris campaign and it shouldn't. Only Barnett invited the former president to Arlington. Her son, Marine Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, died at Abbey Gate. What would you say to people who may be pro-Trump, anti-Trump, whatever their politics might be, who just feel like that's not a place for politicians or for politics? I would have to say, are you in my shoes? I invited him. My son was murdered under the Biden Harris administration. So she's the one who did the invitation. Great question. Are you in my shoes? No, it's an NBC News reporter. I can show you image after image of Biden walking around with his woke mask, checking his watch at Arlington. But that's not a campaign event. Sadly, in America, everything is a campaign event. When it involves the White House and their own photographers, everything is a campaign event. There's a lot of other reasons. This has been a bad week for Kamala Harris, not that the polls are going to reflect it. Some of the polls are showing up six points. Others are showing them some real dangers for Kamala Harris. We'll talk about some of these polls. Mark Halprin, who's a probably pretty left-leaning commentator, has some warnings for Democrats. Ron DeSantis had some comments about Kamala Harris, and Kamala Harris decided to go out. And once again, pad her resume in the weirdest way has to do with fast food. It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto-ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto-ship, and there are only a core set of products that I do that with. One of them is mass zims, because I've noticed when I don't use mass seams, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort, if you know what I mean. But I also learned more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. That means you're getting more food for your money. And for someone like me, who's gone through a lot of effort to drop fat and to build muscle even at my age, this helps preserve muscle. It also helps you enjoy a diet of any sort. Even if you're not dieting, haleo, high carb, low carb, protein based, 40, 30, 30, 50, 25, 25, the hills I take three times a day make this all very, very easy. And the quality is unquestioned because it comes from bi-optimizer. So go now to to get your bottle of mass seams with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams. Go to Start your journey to better health today. Ron DeSantis is building up to something. He's probably building up to something again, maybe on a national stage with better planning this time. He'd be wise to start a movement. He would be wise to start something going against political correctness. He's known for this. He'd be wise to start a national movement based on this and use that as a platform to run after President Trump, God willing serves four years in the White House as he's able to make it to the vote fraud. DeSantis is calling out Kamala Harris as he should be for something for which he's well known. How should voters look at some of the changes that you've made that you've explained some of here in your policy? Is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward? Multiple choice question for her. Of course, she can pick one. Dana Bash is trying to give her a legitimate answer. Dana, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed, and I have worked on it, that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States of America and by extension, the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As an example, that value has not changed. My value around what we need to do to secure our border. That value has not changed. I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California prosecuting transnational criminal organization violations of American laws regarding the passage, illegal passage of guns, drugs, and human beings across our border. My values have not changed. Rod, the Santh has posted that with a very simple message. Vice President Ward-Salads strikes again. And yet, remember, she sat there black and female next to an oafish looking white dude mission accomplished. Is that persuadable? No, but this is. Kamala Harris padding her resume to act like one of the folks. If you're a black viewer or listener, can you just tell me something? Do you wash your collard greens in bathtubs? Kamala Harris actually said that she washed collard greens in bathtubs. She grew up in Berkeley, California, not, not Atlanta. I don't think she washed collard greens in bathtubs, and I don't think she worked at McDonald's. In fact, just waters at Fox News did a search on this. I believe even McDonald's corporate has come along and said, "Yeah, actually, we don't have any record of a Kamala Harris as an Indian American or a black American working at McDonald's." Think about it. Two middle-class kids, one a daughter of Oakland, California, who was raised by a working mother. I had a summer job at McDonald's. Now, let's just come up. All of a sudden, she had a summer job at McDonald's first time we've ever heard her say that. She will read any words put in front of her. There's a great follow on Twitter, a woman named Ebath, Ebath 360. She made a prediction. She said soon. Republicans claim Kamala Harris served as vice president to Joe Biden. Well, she got to point out that she's just about right. Remember this headline from last week from Politico? Our corrupt leadership, Vance tries to tether Harris to the Biden during Michigan rally. J is called his VP. There's much more of an attack going on against J.D. Vance. Of course, there is. J.D. Vance, by the way, this weekend, I was on YouTube. We're going to show you some videos on Friday that have just taken off on YouTube. Thank you for the support of our YouTube channel is The reason I mention this is we want the channel to grow. YouTube is the number one podcasting platform in the world. I don't want to be doing business with Google. You think I don't feel nervous about this? We already have one strike out of three. It was on our first week doing YouTube that gave us a strike. Of course, the intent is sensor us eventually. So we're trying to be wise as a serpent, gentle as doves. This weekend, a leftist troll left a comment for me and he said, you people are just weird. That's the attack from three months ago. It didn't work then. It's not going to work now, but they're continuing to go after J.D. Vance as if J.D. Vance is weird. The Kamala Harris campaign said about J.D. Vance, they said, on Earth audio, J.D. Vance says teachers who do not have biological children disorient and really disturb him. Is that what he said? Teachers who don't have children, J.D. Vance just decided to come out and attack them. Here's J.D. Vance. And I think our conservative idea is that parents and family should determine what children were and what values they are brought up with. So many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they're people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children. And that really disorienting me and it really disturbs me. Randy Winehart, who's the head of those powerful teachers union in the country, she doesn't have a single child. If she wants to brainwash you and destroy the minds of children, she should have someone growing to leave ours. He's talking about a specific person who's very specifically doing specific things to kids. Reverse pornographic sex said and racism in the schools, "Woke masks, you are a walking biological terror to your grandmas." He wasn't talking about teachers. He spoke about a teacher. He didn't say teachers who don't have kids disturb him. He said, "Who teachers who do not have kids talking about Wine Garden and seek to brainwash other people's kids really disturb them." I think it's reasonable to be disturbed by anyone trying to brainwash your kids, particularly people who don't have them. That can persuade. That can persuade mothers and voters. President Trump is not going to win single white females, period. Single white females were probably, if President Trump actually loses the election, I mean actually loses it. It would probably be because of single white females and because of a single issue, abortion. That'll probably be the reason. But he can win people whose kids are grown. Women whose kids are on the way to being grown, on the way to college because they're able to see the results of the mind mess and the attempts to con kids. Let's watch their kids come back from college. Changed. They've tossed their Christian values, they've crossed their conservative values, they've tossed them out the door because they've fallen for false prophets. In Matthew chapter 7, verses 15 through 20, and this is speaking specifically the Lord Jesus is speaking of false prophets, but let's apply the patterns in the teachings. Watch up for false prophets. They come to in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they're ferocious wolves. By the fruit you will recognize them. The people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles. Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, thus by the fruit you will recognize them. What are the fruits of the college campuses? Rampant anti-Semitism, gender confusion, gender denial, and racism. Let's can see this as our kids come back from college. How about ads persuading that Kamala Harris is on the side of all this? There's a big picture change in voting that Mark Halpern is calling out. There is a change towards Trump. President Trump has some bellwether numbers that matter. Mark Halpern made a warning to what I think are fellow liberals that he likes to pretend to have no political point of view, although I think he leans pretty far to the left. You'll hear this discussion in a second. I had to talk this weekend with a very smart woman. I don't know her politics. We haven't talked at that level yet. I'm just getting to know her. She's going to be careful here. My wife and I are getting to know her. I'll just be careful here. I've never talked politics with her. I'm going to guess, I think, in our politics, but we talked about stem cells. She's a doctor, and I just mentioned that I had stem cells in Mexico. She said, "Yeah, yeah. I do that in my clinic, too." I said, "Oh, tell me about that." She said, "Okay, so will I take people's blood, and then we process it, and we pull the stem cells out, we spin it, we concentrate it, and we put in some..." She said, "I don't know, 30 CCs back into the body." I said, "Okay, so my own stem cells." She said, "Right." I said, "What I'm talking about is I use stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas. We get these in Mexico, they culture them, and then I go down there and get injected." She goes, "Oh, yeah, yeah. I do that here, too. We can do that." She goes, "I just had this question about where the stem cells come from. I wasn't comfortable with that." She said, "Well, because abortion, et cetera, she's anti-abortion." I said, "Okay, we'll pause." I work with in part of Art to Mexico. There's nothing no aborted fetus involved in this at all, ever, placentas and umbilical cords only." She said, "Right, yeah, but I have this question about..." She said, "I can do this here, but the FDA has to do something to the stem cells." You know what the FDA has to do? My understanding is they have to lice them. What does that mean? Spin them around to such a degree that they're inert, they can't help you. In the case of Port of Art to Mexico and renew, they pay for these women's pregnancies all the way through all their hospital care, they write the checks, they take the very best stem cells, and then they take them to Mexico. They use the Wharton Jelly stem cells, and then they culture them. What does that mean? In a lab, they take stem cells and grow them, so it's not 30 cc's of something. In my shoulder, it was 42 million stem cells. In my ankle, it was 12 million. These stem cells do not have roles assigned to them, so they will grow whatever part of the body they're inserted into. If it's muscle, muscle. If it's cartilage, cartilage, and if it's tendon, tendon. This helps with everything from neuropathy to recovering from surgeries to avoiding surgeries, to doing away with lower back pain, lumbar pain is a huge thing for these guys. They've even turned around incredible neurological disorders, like hemispherical parallelization. People going into renew in a wheelchair, leaving by walking. So find out if they can help you get out of pain, avoid surgery, or recover from surgery. It's easy, and it's free to find out. No obligation. Just go to, tell me a part of the podcast family that's renew, Mark Halprin, I think, is pretty far to the left. He's got some warnings for people who think that Kamala Harris is going to walk away with this. This election right now, people say, will be close, and it might be, but I want you to consider a narrative here, which is not implausible. As I would say, I'm not predicting this or rooting for it, but it's not an implausible story. And there's some new data out and coming that suggests that this story could be the story. If you go back a couple months or weeks and ask yourself, "How is it that Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee so easily?" Really, the easiest walk to a major party nomination in modern times, she basically made a hundred phone calls and she was the nominee. How did that happen? It's particularly curious, because if you'd gone back a few weeks before that, many of the people who played a big role in anointing her as the nominee would have said, "Well, if we get rid of Joe Biden, we can't possibly let Kamala Harris be the nominee," because she can't beat Donald Trump, she can't win a general election. And yet, those people and others stood aside, at least publicly, and made her the nominee. No, no, Mark, no, she's not the nominee. She's been installed, nomination means something. It means people together nominate her, suggest that she should be the candidate, and other people suggest other people. And there's a discussion and a debate and a vote, and one nominee becomes the nominee. So no, she wasn't. Your greater point is, she was installed by the powerful in the party. So he's making this suggestion that that move has given the veneer of excitement, the veneer of momentum, and then he warns people who thinks this is going to be, who think this is going to be a walkover. It may be that by the middle of September, when things have calmed down, when the Trump campaign have had time to prey on some of the weaknesses that I suggested, that he's ahead in all the Sunbelt states, and ahead in Pennsylvania, and competitive in Michigan and Wisconsin, which would be roughly where Joe Biden was before the debate, with a single path to 270 electoral votes, the three Great Lakes states in Nebraska too. And that would be a scary position for the Democratic Party to be in from mid-September through election day. Because then they'd have a candidate who'd never won a presidential election, never won a primary caucus, had run for president once and failed, had been for most of her time as vice president, not a short-footed person on the national stage. Again, I'm not predicting this will happen, but I think if the data I think is expected to come out comes out, the people who either helped her secure the nomination without a shot being fired, and the people who've long been worried about her against Donald Trump will either been, I told you so mode or oh no mode or both. They didn't help or secure the nomination. They seized power. This please use words correctly, Mark. Here is Nate Silver's look at this interactive polls. Nate sees President Trump right now, 52.4% for Trump, 47.3% for Harris and there's a downturn for her. The big picture of who's going to win the presidency, now that's a national poll. We know that this is going to come down to some key states. So in those key states, here's some key happenings. It appears that the Department of Justice wants to sue two small towns in Wisconsin. For what? I'll tell you about that in a second. It's corruption. I know that's shocking to you. When you track all of the things that are corrupt, all of the big business corruption, all of the political corruption, you track all of that and you start to see these patterns, you want to make sure you're making decisions based upon knowledge that this corruption is real. You want to invest with decisions, retirement decisions, et cetera. There's a reason that when he comes on our show, Zach Gabraham comes on once a week. He's the chief investment officer, board, capital management. There's a reason Zach knows all these things. I can have a conversation with him about nearly any political event. It's not that he's a junkie for this stuff. I mean, he does find it interesting and he does share a lot of reviews, particularly in the conservative front. And he's a Christian guy who's looking at it from a Christian perspective, but he pays people to track this stuff. His current events, unfortunately, can really affect our retirement, especially this close to an election and where money is now meaningless. When money is meaningless, that can't last forever because there is going to be true value. Not the hard worst door. There's going to be true value in terms of return to things that really, really matter. When the economy takes a huge dive and eventually it has to, the value of things like food is going to really, really skyrocket. It has to. You know that saying everybody hates a redneck to the truck burns down? How about this? Everybody takes food for granted until there ain't none. We've seen the constriction of the foods applying and their efforts to destroy family farms. Zach is tracking that. You know what else he's tracking? Now, keep this in mind. Has your fiduciary or financial advisor come to you and said, "Hey, are you buying stock and small regional utilities?" No? Why would you do that? Because the entire power structure is trying to force us to get off of gas stoves and to use electricity for everything. You know who's going to benefit from that? Regional utilities. You know what they have? Regional monopolies. And yet if you look at their stock, it has not been purchased really in any serious sense for the past three years except in the case of people like Zach Abraham who are looking at current events as a way to manage risk. If you're 5, 10, even 15 years from retirement, you've got to get with him. No obligation. Have a free conversation with you. You can go to the Seattle area, meet with him personally or he will get on a video call with you and your spouse or just you. What do you choose? Go to to get this done to set this up that's know your or call 866-779-RIS. Investment Advisory Services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor, the opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results Trek 24308. In Wisconsin, the so-called Department of Justice has come along and has decided to sue two small towns. Why are they doing that? We'll talk about this in detail coming up on Tuesday's show, but let's get to the outlines. They're doing it because these towns will not use voting machines. Now what they're basing this upon is the American with Disabilities Act. There was a law, I think it was in 2002, access to voting for people who have limits in their site so people might be blind or site limited. They need to be able to use machines. Well, but wait a minute, blind people voted forever. How did we do that? We did it with Braille ballots. We did it with ballot helpers. You could be certified to help a blind person vote. Did we stop doing Braille? Did we stop having people willing to help their family members to vote? No, as a matter of fact, we've got vote harvesters who will go around and collect ballots and then just of course keep them safe, not change them or put their own votes into there. We had people go through nursing homes in Wisconsin voting for people for whom they didn't have legal authority to vote. They didn't have attorney notes saying they got to do that power of attorney. The Department of Justice clearly doesn't care about voter integrity. They care about one system, machines. As I've said many, many times, if it can be coded, it can be hacked. President Trump can't go around making this an issue, but we can. We can make it an issue in every state where we have any swing at all. I will fight tooth and nail to make sure that I still go down to my voting area in Idaho and vote in person on a given day and love having my ID checked three times. President Trump had his own misstatement this past week or bad decision. He decided to make it known how intended to vote on amendment floor in Florida. This was a terrible mistake. You want abortion to be a states rights issue in Florida, the state that you are a resident of, there's an abortion related amendment on the ballot to overturn the six-week ban in Florida. How are you going to vote on that? I think the six-week is too short. It has to be more time, and so that's, and I've told them, that I want more weeks. So you'll vote in favor of the amendment? I'm voting that I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks. Look, just so you understand? We wanted Roe v. Wade terminated for years, 52 years. I got it done. They wanted to go back to the states. Exceptions are very important for me, for Ronald Reagan, for others that have navigated this very, very interesting and difficult path. What this would have effectively done is enshrined abortion into the law in Florida by some readings, even the late term abortion. President Trump did something he doesn't normally do. He issued a statement rolling that back. It's being called a clarification, rolling that back. Praise God for that. Now, I pray President Trump will roll back his promise to force us to pay for IVF fertilization for people. At a dear friend who did this, I'm unbelievably blessed with him as a friend. The baby that exists now is going to be blessed with great parents. I'm not talking about instances like that. President Trump is talking about forcing taxpayers to pay for IVF for everybody because it will be for everybody. At an industrial scale, and that's what's happening, this is being used by same-sex-attracted men to purchase babies to sexually assault, 99 point, whatever percent of same-sex-attracted men would never consider assaulting a child or really even harming one. We have to say that, otherwise it's tempting to hate. I have trouble not hating pedophiles. Real challenges. I also know that God can redeem. When President Trump made this statement, I'm torn. I want to think he was lying. It didn't really intend to do it, but then he'd be a liar. I want to think that he knows it can't get done, but it could. Farmer would love this. They're targeting same-sex-attracted men. Just a reminder, in the separate country of Washington state, you can purchase babies in bulk, and I mean purchase. Twenty mothers, they're to carry babies to term. You show up once, visit the parent, the womb-havers once, and you leave with the babies, all twenty of them, without a single background check. President Trump walked himself back on this promise on the abortion law in Florida. I pray to God almighty. President Trump will walk himself back on this IVF promise, or think better of it. I'm not going to pray lied, because that would be wrong, but I'm going to pray this does not happen to our country, or more importantly, to the children this would affect. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream, until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determinate competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tennis, drive the lease at recollection, handling its request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? 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