The Todd Herman Show

The Government Attack Against US Farmers; Are We Any Better Than The JFK, Jr-Hating Kennedys Ep-1820

RFK Jr. is going to be a vital resource to President Trump in terms of saving America. RFK Jr. was on a podcast earlier this week where he talked about the attack on family farms around the world. It’s happening in our country, particularly in Pennsylvania on the farm of Amos Miller.
Kerry Kennedy, apparently RFK Jr.’s sister, is really upset about her brother’s political stance. She's distancing herself from her own brother saying, “ I completely disavow and separate and disassociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. And his flagrant and inexplicable, inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father's memory”. Do you still talk to family members with whom you disagree politically? 
Kamala Harris flunked a CNN interview for kindergartners, but did she really? There's a lot riding on this, such as electoral math that could have the Republicans win 48 states and still lose the national election.

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Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2024
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- Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. - Communications on the Presidential Campaign Trail and explosive communications for Hezbollah in Lebanon. There's a new hybrid warfare at home and out of town. And we're gonna explain exactly how that works. - Author, columnist, managing editor of Podcast host to conservative policy advocate. - Dismiss history at our peril. - Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. ♪ He's been up over here ♪ - After investing billions to light up our network, T-Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus, right now, you can switch, keep your phone, and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon and AT&T at - Up to four lines via virtual prepaid cart, a left 15 days qualifying unlocked device credit, service, ported, 90 plus days with device and eligible carrier and timely redemption required. Cart has no cash access and expires in six months. - The free, stories, version of the Todd Hermit Show is about to start. The government attack against you as farmers. Are we any better than the JFK Hating Kennedys? And Kamala Harris flown to CNN interview for kindergarteners. We'll get started now with the help of and with God Almighty. The Todd Hermit Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. No. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City X-I, Todd Hermit. Today is the day the Lord has made in these of the times to which God is the side of his show. R.F.K. Jr., and we'll talk about this next week, is going to be a vital resource to President Trump in terms of saving America if President Trump really chooses to listen to R.F.K. Jr. R.F.K. Jr. is on a podcast earlier this week where he talked about the attack on farms around the world, family farms, but also how this is happening here. And what he spoke about was it's not a good idea for land to be centered in the hands of very, very few people. That's, we get this, this is a leftist point of view, and it's not good for very few people to own land. Private property is one of the hallmarks of a functioning republic that you can have private property. Even if your property and my property is smaller than that of far wealthier people, we still have it. But food is different. And R.F.K. Jr. talked about food security in terms of securities and democracies is exactly right. When entities are allowed to buy up all the farms and government is putting pressure on farms to shut down and ranches to shut down, they're going after the small guys and it's the big guys who win that cannot come out well. You know, when Stalin decided to kill Ukrainians, it was that famous quote, "Why waste a bullet when we can use famine?" Now, I'm not saying that the government wouldn't do that, but I'm not saying they wouldn't. Look at the things they have been willing to do to us. Look at the era into which we're entering. They want to control speech and thought and movement. Why would they not want to control food? The very fact that the people who are producing fake meat like Bill Gates have said that there should be regulatory pressure in what he would call the developed world. We can wait a little bit in the less developed worlds, but in the developed world, we need to put regulatory pressure on people to adopt fake meat. That is a bottleneck behavior. And if you watch and you're listening to the show for a while, you understand that I look for bottlenecks of power because it's a way to recognize a pattern. RFK Junior recognizes this. President Trump should be using RFK Junior to look at all the regulatory agencies. He makes a strong case that there was this push to move farmers over to specific sorts of fertilizers. And after they were moved over to that, then the government came along and said, "Oh, wow, those fertilizers are really bad. We've got to need to shut you down." But it's an attack against a family farm in Pennsylvania. And it's not the most exciting, visually interesting video, but I want you to watch it if you're on the video service, if you're an auto, I'll describe it for you. I want you to know what's going on. I think we owe it to the farmer to actually witness this with him because it's happening there. But it's only one guy, just like it was only Alex Jones that was going to be banned from Twitter, only one guy. As a Pennsylvania farmer, his name is Amos Miller. He is a guy who just provides good, healthy meats to people, good, healthy milks. You know, it's Amish land. He doesn't use the preservatives. He doesn't use hormones. And also, he doesn't pasteurize his milk, which has been the case for most of human history. For most of human history, milk was not pasteurize. If you've ever had raw milk, it's actually really good. There are farmers out here who sell it and you can get in trouble for selling it because it's very, very bad, except it's not. You can get sick on any food supply, but no one's reporting an illness from this man's farm. No one is reporting getting sick from his meat or his dairy or anything like that. He's a threat because he's not folding. His job when the feds came at him was to fold because they were gonna create a case. They were going to go to other farmers and say, everybody we've come to with this has ended up folding or settling. He won't do it. They want to build a track record. They want to build momentum. It's like this. The federal agencies like this want to be like pirates. I'm not saying they're gonna go rape people and slap throats, but they want to be like pirates. And here's what I mean. The pirate flag was one of the greatest brands in history. Truly, I used to teach this when I lectured at UCLA Anderson's school for MBAs and returning MBAs. I used to lecture about media and I'd use the pirate flag example. And I had this screen where I would uncover one was the Red Cross, one was Coca-Cola, one was a pirate flag and I'd remove a square from each of those logos. And it was always the pirate flag that people saw first, always, it was that indelible. But it was the brand promise that mattered. See, the reason that they raised the pirate flag eventually, they'd be coming at you. You'd see a ship across the horizon and they'd be flagged this from Norway or something. And then the Norway flag came down, the region flag came down, up came the pirate flag and instantly here's what the brand said. Stop, let us board you or we will destroy you. If you let us board you, we'll take some of your stuff, some of your women, not all of them, and we'll let you go, why? Well, so you'd go tell others. Hey, this ship came and had a black flag and it had a white skull and these bone crosses from these bones and here's what they did to us. That's why they let people go. Now if you fought them, they'd destroy everything and put some of you in a lifeboat and drop you off somewhere, why? Same thing. So you'd go tell your friends, oh my gosh, this ship came along and it did this to us and here's what the flag looked like. So Amos Miller's farm was once again shut down. This was now the state coming at him and there it is. - Mr. County, Pennsylvania looking inside the window into Amos Miller's farm store operation here. We have multiple state troopers inside. We have coolers there on the ground that have been filled with products from Amos Miller's operation. They have multiple people in there. They've been inside Amos Miller's building here for hours, not allowing media in, searching the premises. - Now it's a basement that looks like, not well, it looks like it's basement. It's sort of these exposed lights and yeah, it's a packing portion of his farm. It's not the active portion, it's not the growth portion. Looks like it's the packaging and the mailing. And yep, there's some coolers open and what are they doing? - I was told by one of the troopers that they are executing a search warrant and I was instructed that I cannot be inside. Again, if you follow Amos Miller in the past, you know that he's a local farmer here in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania who provides organic products to his private buying club. People voluntarily choose to buy from him. I actually just spoke with a customer who came several hours today to purchase products. He's been a customer for 20 years. Never been sick, never gotten sick from, never gotten sick, I should say, from Amos Miller's products. And here you have these two men coming over pointing to these coolers. Again, these coolers have at least been partially filled with products from Amos Miller's store. Looks like they will be hauled off. You have these tyrants coming in and searching. And here's the problem with you have these state troopers and these other, I am assuming they work for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. These people are at the heart of our tyranny problem in America. They are, they'll tell you, I'm sure, I'm just doing my job. I'm just doing what I was told. State troopers, I'm just doing my job. This is the problem we have in America as long as there are people like this who will execute, who will follow the orders of the tyrants, the bureaucratic tyrants at the tops. - It's exactly right. It's the same issue that we saw with another thing. Well, you remember, you know, you can't go out unless you're wearing that thing. Remember that? The attack on farms and family farms is coming on the heels of some other things. You remember some news stories. Do you remember there was a news story that informed us that your home garden was actually worse for the environment than mega farms? Do you remember those stories? I do. They all came out suspiciously at the same time. You growing seeds in the dirt behind your house to maturity, picking them, washing them, and eating them is worse for the environment than it being trucked in from around the country. No one can believe that. Well, except safest, most secure election in history. Except Joe Biden is mentally crisp. People do believe it. Here's my suggestion for President Trump. With RFK Jr. with him, let RFK Jr. go do the dismantling, the attacking of the agencies, the taking them apart, agencies that would go do things like this and help rich people and huge corporations like Monsanto corner the market on all food, destroy that, tear it apart in every capacity. President Trump, on the other hand, should build this. A tax credit for family gardens. Just a simple tax credit for growing your own food. Why? Food security. It makes it harder for big nefarious organizations to come and attack our food supply. A tax credit. For small family farms, a generational tax credit to stay in the business of farming and some protections against organizations like Monsanto. President Trump with RFK Jr.'s help could build a bulwark against tyranny that would frighten people like Gates. Because they've been trying to discredit our own gardening and having our own food and our own unpasteurized milk for years. It's what God designed. It's one of the common blessings. Thank you, Lord. (air whooshing) Story number two. Speaking of RFK Jr., Carrie Kennedy, apparently his sister, and she's really, really upset about RFK Jr. and his stance on things. Ew, but why do you feel so compelled to speak out at this moment? You know, I think this is really, the stakes this November couldn't be higher, which is exactly why my whole family will be fighting so hard to re-elect Kamala Harris and Coach Waltz, who have been champions for the billions that my family has fought for a year. Donald Trump is the polar opposite. He's the threat to most basic freedoms that are core to who we are as Americans, the right for women to control our bodies. So, just pausing for a minute because this, I find this interesting. The core of being an American is abortion. Ha. Now, I would actually think you could look at the core of being an American in our founding documents, the pursuit of liberty and happiness, which starts with another word. Oh, that's right. Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. That's interesting. It's interesting what has now become a core to being an American. But this isn't a topic of politics. It's a topic about God and family. Back to Kerry Kennedy. The right to living communities take from gun violence to love who you love. And I think if my dad were alive today, the real Robert Kennedy would have detested almost everything Donald Trump represents, his lying, his selfishness, his rage, his cynicism, hatred, racism. Batch his sympathies. Deliberate misinformation about vaccines, criminal felony convictions. Daddy was the attorney general of the United States. His rape of the Eugene Carroll, his contempt for the board and suffering for ethics. You're spotting on this, right? All the Trump arrangement syndrome stuff. You're spotting it. I know you are. He's not crazy healing his cruel sneering at human rights for suffering people in American around the world. And these are the causes that love so passionately by the real Robert Kennedy. So I'm outraged and disgusted by my brother's guardian of seeing embrace of Donald Trump. - So she's distancing herself from her own brother. And we can talk about the politics of this, fine. - But she says that she is gonna distance herself. I'm outraged and disgusted by my brother's guardian. I've seen embrace of Donald Trump and I completely disavow and separate and disassociate myself from Robert, Kennedy Jr. and his flagrant and inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father's memory. The politics of what she said, of course, President Trump was not convicted of raping Eugene Carroll. It was a civil case. Those aren't convictions. She knows this, she comes from a family of lawyers. It was some form of sexual assault. The case itself was a clown show. One woman who did not remember this for decades and then suddenly remembered it, but not the date. She had no explanations to why she was a fan of his television show after what he did to her. She had no explanations to why her story matched up exactly to a TV screen drama, same thing. You saw the same. My sister could do the same thing to me. She could. I dearly love her and she and I are on the opposite ends of President Trump. So I've had to go at this a different way. And it's something I think, well, it's not what I think. I want you to hear this because I want you to understand some things about family and God. Maybe you already do. Sometimes things can slip by us, particularly in an era like this. It's easy to slip by what you can do in your home to make it a better place, more comfortable. I mean, it's always nice. I think to have the countertops cleared. That's a great mental space for me. And I'm not great at it. You'll look at the bathroom. We did one I use. This countertops full itself. Every time I see it, I feel like it's a mess. It makes me feel psychically heavy. But what we don't have in our house are bad smells, period. We don't because we use the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 devices that produce ozone. So yeah, we clean the house. We want to make it orderly, but we have two cats and a dog used to be two dogs and two cats. They produce odors. My wife is kind of to cook my fish for me. That produces an odor. We smell like things. I sweat in three workouts a day. And that goes in the laundry store somewhere. So it's all the smells of life. So you can use an air filter and they buzz and hum in the background and they're loud and they're sucking on particulate matter in there. Or you can turn and use the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 device that's silent. I'll prove it. Listen. It's running in the background. It's producing ozone under studies where we cannot have the windows and doors open for sound quality and video quality. And those O3 molecules simply bond to the molecules from the bad smells, things as bad as a dog defecating. And yeah, clean it, obviously, but the smell lingers or baby puking in a car. It has happened and it will happen again. This stuff will clear it out forever. Breathe the breath of fresh air and save $200. Go to, enter code TOD3 and it's yours. Whole home coverage three devices and you save $200., enter code TOD3. My sister is someone who is on the opposite political spectrum of me. She's not an insane leftist. She's a classic Democrat. And I want you to know this. During the period of time, our president Trump was running to be president. And running against her choice. This was the last time around. My sister committed four days a week, four hours a day, to building a house for us. She didn't do the hammering and the nailing, but she was the general contractor. We knew we had to leave the separate country of Seattle for our daughter's health, her mental health. We knew that for her safety. Well, none of us could get over and spend the time to make sure that the house was done the right way. My sister did that. Even as that political process was going on, even as she knew I was on my radio program and often on Rush Limbaugh's National Radio Program, talking about President Trump and the necessity that he went. She knows that. To this day, my sister finds President Trump, frankly, horrifying. And we have dinner, but every two weeks. I want to be better than the Kennedys, better than Carrie Kennedy, because understand this. God cares far more about your relationship with your brothers, your actual brothers. I mean, and I know, the Lord Jesus is who is my brother and who is my sister, but I should say your birth brothers and sisters, then he does your politics. I guarantee it. How do I know? Because God didn't want politics. There was no politics in the Garden of Eden. There was one king and began with two subjects. I would imagine God would have had more than two since man and woman make child. There were no politics. God encountered, well, knew the first politician would come and that was Satan and what did he initially do. He said, husband against wife. The first argument. The first throwing under the bus. When the Lord came to Adam and said, if you eat in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam turned and said, no, it was the woman who gave me. She, she, that was the breaking of the first family. So it's a Carrie Kennedy, who, of course, is a very strict Catholic, what with her abortion stance and everything. Are you willing to stand in front of your creator or rather kneel? Because you will kneel, every tongue will confess. Everyone will take the knee. Are you willing to sit there underneath in front of the Lord and say, but we disagreed on politics? See, when you come down to God's priorities and you look at kingdom priorities, we can't think like God, but we could know some of his nature. He's always existed and always will exist. Therefore, eternity matters to him far more than anything temporal to him. This is a blink. It's a moment. Attorneys forever. Are we better than the Kennedys? Do you still talk to family members of whom you disagree politically? I know this. When my sister needs to express herself about the fear she has, for what President Trump could do, I know I have this. I'm sad that you're afraid. I feel worried for you. And truly, if there was ever a policy whereby the government could come for your kids, they'd have to come through me. Anyone who tried to harm your kids would have to come through me. I wouldn't murder, but I would kill for them. Let's remember God's priorities. Family is far more important to him than politics because he invented one. Sin created the other. Story number three. Kamala Harris flunked to see in an interview for kindergarteners, but did she really? There's a lot riding on this, such as Electromathic could have. The Republicans win 48 states and still lose the national election. There's also a guy named David French. Remember, he used to be at National Review. He was a conservative. He has some accusations about faith and voting I want to get on because, of course, Kamala Harris is a person absolutely defined by her faith. She sat down for an interview with Dana Bash, and it was obviously, obviously, scripted. They had Tim Waltz there, not necessarily that they think Waltz is going to be super persuasive, but so that the time is balanced, so that Kamala Harris has to answer fewer questions. But even on the most elemental question that could ever be asked a politician, she utterly goes down in flames. But remember this, it was a huge success. No, I'm not kidding. Kamala Harris created a huge success for herself. I'll explain that in a second, because I know it seems really, really strange. Some things are strange. They're unexpected. I remember the first time I had actual farm to table eggs and meat, first time. I can remember thinking, what's the big deal? Everybody says this is a big deal, and it was actually a life-changing event. The eggs came out from our neighbors, chicken coop, brought into the house and cooked. The beef had been slaughtered the day before. I'd never had anything like this, and I was 14 years old. When it was cooked and sat before us, it was just good old breakfast. It's farm breakfast, but I remember going, OK, I get it. The eggs were that much better, that much fresher, and full of taste, and it really changed me. Like, this is the things I want to have. Here's another big change for me. I was taught that it was omega-3 oils that made all the difference in fitness. I went home to the day, and I looked, and you know what? I have like four bottles of fish, omega-3s. And I rarely don't use the supplements that I buy, but I went and found all these bottles, and I was laughing. There's like 400 pills there. Why did I stop taking them? Because they didn't do anything for me. They made no difference. So when I tried native path krill, which is not fish-based, it's a crustacean, I had the same exact expectation, nothing. So when it actually fought inflammation in my body, it actually changed me from having to take ibuprofen, I can tell you I sat here the next day legitimately stunned. Talking about this with the same enthusiasm I have now, I just understand it better. In addition to fighting inflammation, like nothing else, it reduces joint pain, it boosts metabolism, and the reason it's so potent goes back to its antioxidant abilities. It is 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C, 550 times stronger than vitamin E, and it comes from the world's cleanest waters. That is the Antarctic. If you are still taking ibuprofen for inflammation, you are probably poisoning yourself. It destroys your gut lining and actually causes inflammation. That's right, ibuprofen causes inflammation. Here's what you can do. Click over right now to Go check out the deals they have waiting for you. It's and know this 'cause I just did this this week. My delivery should be here tomorrow. I bought more and I saved more, I even got free shipping. Here's Kamala Harris getting a question that every politician knows they're gonna get when they're running for an office like the presidency. If you are elected, what would you do on day one in the White House? Well, there are a number of things. I will tell you first and foremost, one of my highest priorities is to do what we can to support and strengthen the middle class. When I look at the aspirations, the goals, the ambitions of the American people, I think that people are ready for a new way forward in a way that generations of Americans have been fueled by hope and by optimism. I think sadly, in the last decade, we have had in the former president someone who has really been pushing an agenda and an environment that is about diminishing the character and the strength of who we are as Americans, really dividing our nation. And I think people are ready to turn the page on that. So what would you do day one? Day one, it's gonna be about one implementing my plan for what I call an opportunity economy. I've already laid out a number of proposals in that regard, which include what we're gonna do to bring down the cost of everyday goods, what we're gonna do to invest in America's small businesses. Everything she says is a platitude and a lie. And it's not said well. She's in articulate. It's like she didn't expect a question. She uses a whole series of filler words. I can see her trying to burn the time. I get that. It's a success. Here's why. She's visibly of darker skin than Dana Bash. Someone say she's black. That's a part of her background. She's chosen to emphasize these days rather than her Eastern Indian background. And next to her is this observant, stupid, oofish white dude with his collar on a place. Looking every bit, the dumb white sitcom dad that Hollywood has invented and placed upon US fathers. In other words, they're being exactly what they were hired to be. Kamala Harris is there because she gets to talk about her blackness and because she's a female. Tim Waltz has that role because he comes from a state they need to win and because he's oofish and subservant to Kamala. And that way they did exactly what their job description describes. Identity politics will be the ruin of us if we don't get used to talking about it and speaking about it well. And the math is not on our side. There's a guy named Dan McLaughlin. He's a very smart political analyst. He's a political activist by background. He's mathematician and he's great at modeling. He created a scenario in America. And this is what he wrote on Twitter. He's @baseballcrank on Twitter. I use this hypothetical example. Republican candidate wins 48 states by identical 54 to 46 margins. Democrat wins California, New York and DC by 75 to 25 margins. The Democrat wins the national popular vote. Who should win? Now obviously this is an argument we would say for the Electoral College. But the left has so, so embedded in people's minds that the Electoral College is unfair that of course they would say, no, no, no, it's a national popular vote. The reason I bring this up is we're not far from this. We are not far from that outcome. Now the idea of a Republican winning 48 states move far from that outcome, but we're not far from this outcome mathematically. We're also not far from it in terms of electoral votes in the Electoral College, the mass invasion. Go back to Kamala Harris. Her job is to be a BIPOC and a woman. Tim Walts' job is to be white and oofish because he works for the black lady. That's the math. Well, it's the math plus the emotion. It's the identity. Enter David French. David French used to work at the national review. David French used to be a conservative. Then he got the Trump arrangement syndrome and he got it really bad. That's now his career. Now funny things happen when you are a somewhat well-known conservative who suddenly sees the light. What was it that Rush Limbaugh, God rest him called it? It was a strange new respect thing. The strange new respect theory. That the media would develop strange new respects for Republicans who had matured, gained nuance. That's what Rush called it. So when David French spoke out against President Trump, David French was suddenly invited on television where David French hadn't done a lot of television. Like, I know this works. I was very critical of President Trump during his first election and all of a sudden, man, I was brought into all sorts of liberal shows. They had me on until they realized I was gonna go on and say, here's what conservatism means. I know it was an effective spokesperson for that, but man, I got on him because I criticized President Trump. David French's career got bigger the more he criticized President Trump and the more money he made. Now, I don't know his soul. God knows his soul. I know he served our country honorably. I need to mention that. But money does weird things to people. So does losing your influence in Republican circles and David French to some degree lost his. He just tweeted the most remarkable thing on August 27, 2024. The next couple of months are gonna be full of accusations that a person can't be a Christian and vote how they're voting. Ignore those voices. There's no credible argument that our vote defines our walk with God. Well, that's fascinating because he's the same guy who wrote an article with this headline. There's no remaining Christian case for Trump. Trump decipaled the church more than the church-discipaled Trump. I want to get to my response to this. Obviously, since it's my show, but I also want to give some time to Sean Davis. Sean M. Davis. He's the managing editor of the Federalist, and he wrote to David French. You personally claim that Christians who voted for Trump sold their Christian witness. You accuse Christians of personally hiring Trump, of hiring to hate for them, to be cruel for them. You exorated Christians specifically for electing a cruel, hard man. You say Christians sold America a cruel, a vicious, incompetent man for voting Trump. You then seized at the 70 to 80% of, quote, white evangelicals in this country who didn't share your obsessive hatred of Trump. You explicitly accused Christians of violating Christ's commands to love their enemies by voting for Trump. Remember, this is the person that the white conservative evangelical church put in power and stands by today. You preined in 2020. Debate literally entitled, "Should Christians Vote for Trump?" Now you're going to sit here and pretend you're above it all. There aren't words to fully describe the depths of your dishonesty and sanctimony. The only proper response to your willful, malicious deceit and your abject hatred of tens of millions of Christians in this country who oppose gay marriage, child sexual mutilation, drag queen story hour, and abortion on demand is simple. Get behind me, Satan. To David French's point, great note by Sean M. Davis, but to David French's point, let's think about this tweet. What if I could destroy this tweet in three questions? I can. David French. The next couple of months are going to be full of accusations that a person can't be Christian and vote how they're voting. Ignore those voices. There's no credible argument that our vote defines our walk with God. Question one. Can Christians vote for Satanists and remain Christian? No. No, you cannot vote for Satanists and remain Christian. This Kamala Harris in her role as vice president, employ a Satanist. Yes. Responsible for health policy in relation to the MPOCs virus. We're not supposed to call it monkeypox anymore 'cause it can make people feel bad. Question number three. Would a Christian woman employ a Satanist? A Satanist? No. You can tie our votes to our walk with God. And let me ask you this, David French. In a country that's killing babies at industrial scale, when we're not selling them, should the highest bidder through industrial level IVF, that has seen more than one pedophile purchase babies, knowing they were going to sexually assault the children and then doing it in a country that constantly mocks God, or attempts to because God will not be mocked by pretending girls are boys and boys are girls, in a country like that, David French, in a country that has absolutely no tie to morality of war. Now, there are sometimes just causes for war and David, I know you fought in one. We're funding both sides of a war between Israel and Hamas. In a country like that, what would you say our voting pattern communicates about our walk with God, our collective walk with God? I would say it shows exactly what our walk with God is. In a country where about 15% of people hold a biblical view, I'd say it's pretty predictable. Our country as a whole cannot receive God's blessing. You can tie our voting patterns to our walk with God. Individual and collective. I got up mercy. Let me say that another way. Dear Lord, please have mercy. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew, sound complicated? 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