The Todd Herman Show

“Kamala the ‘Yes Queen’ Vs Jesus the True King; Trump talks about pharma lobbyists Ep-1818

God bless a bunch of conservative journalists and media activists who used cameras to show that at the DNC reality is mocked and therefore reality itself doesn't exist to democrats like these. The degree to which they're lost in comparison to the true King is what's so fascinating to me. Every single one of these people would vote for the good guy in any dystopian movie, but in reality will vote for someone like Kamala. There is an eternal cost to this. 
President Trump had a discussion with Theo Von about pharma and lobbyists. As President Trump went through discussions on this, the topic of money came up. So what do we do? How do we confront this money? Well, one of those things is President Trump having JFK Jr. on his side. To hear President Trump beginning to lean in to doing something about pharma is promising.
A man has discovered a terrible terrorist plot against the people of Ohio. This had to take a lot of work. Now I have absolutely no, no sympathy for acts of terrorism, particularly in this case, it's against school kids. Thank the Lord that this guy had the bravery to go to a platform and share about this. Because he's exposed something nefarious and frightening. And he did it in a very, very dramatic way.

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 Showing what happens in schools is terrorism.

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29 Aug 2024
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- Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. - Communications on the Presidential Campaign Trail and explosive communications for Hezbollah in Lebanon. There's a new hybrid warfare at home and out of town. And we're gonna explain exactly how that works. - Author, columnist, managing editor of Podcast host to conservative policy advocate. - Dismiss history at our peril. - Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. (dramatic music) - You spent a over here. - Now at T-Mobile, get four 5G phones on us and four lines for $25 a line per month when you switch with eligible traders. All on America's largest 5G network. - Minimum of four lines for $25 per line per month with Autopaid Discount using Devider Bank account. $5 more per line without Autopaid. Plus taxes and fees and $10 device connection charge. Phones would be a 24-monthly bill credits for well qualified customers. Contact us before canceling entire accounts to continue bill credits or credit stop and balance under required finance agreement too. Bill credits end if you pay off devices early. - Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman Show. Kamala the Queen versus Jesus the true king. Trump talks about pharma lobbyists, a conversation he had with Theo Vaughn. And a man discovers terrorism against the government schools in Ohio. We'll get started with the help of our YouTube channel, and with God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disciplined by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. No. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times so which God has decided we should live in. The times were shown very, very clearly at the Democrat National Committee. God bless a bunch of conservative journalists, media activists using cameras to show that at the DNC, reality is mocked and therefore reality itself doesn't exist to these people. They're lost, we know this, but the degree to which they're lost in comparison to the true king is what's so fascinating to me. Every single one of these people would vote for the good guy in any dystopian movie. This is the meme and it's made it around social media and it should have. You voted for Katniss in the Hunger Games, why are you voting against her in real life? More importantly, in an eternal sense, how is it that you don't notice that the lies, the promises being made by this society, by the liar Kamala Harris are things, well, she can fulfill perhaps. But there is an eternal cost to this. Of course, it's a self answering question. So many of these people have no relationship with the Lord Jesus, no knowledge of what is actually in the Bible, which is God's word. There was a fantastic series of people doing interviews, posing as members of the left. And they did such a good job of fitting in that people didn't even realize that we're about to show you for who you've become. This first one has to do with queen, yes queen. It's disturbing if you think about it, thinking about someone as a queen, someone like Kamala Harris who was not nominated, but instead placed in this position after she seized power. This is this interaction. Free abortion. Yes queen. Free gender firming care for migrants. Yes queen. So child tax credits for dogs. Yes queen. Band standardized testing. Yes queen. Yeah, like my ADD is so crazy. Get rid of those things, please. Yes queen, yeah. Amazing. Different tax rate for white men. Yes queen. Amen says they love you. Love her energy, which is a yes queener. Yes queener. Every single one of those things would involve government being powerful enough to take everything you have because it's powerful enough to give you everything you want. From a spiritual perspective, what was Satan? Yes the world's first politician, for sure. Using wedge issues and crafty, gentle, appealing lies. But else is he? He was the yes king. The Lord said you can have the run of the garden. Yep, you're going to tend the plants. You're going to tend the garden. We're going to talk together. You can eat from all the plants, except that one. Because that is a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You can't eat from that one. That was the one rule. And Satan came along and said, no, you can eat from that. Now you're good. You're going to become just like God. There's the lie. See, Satan promised mankind something he couldn't deliver. He can't deliver eternal life. He can't override the word of God. If you listen to the yes queen, yes queen, yes queen responses, it is a response to a need this woman perceives, an emotional need. You have choices prior to having sex, and unless you are raped, and in that case, that is a decision that I can't fathom having to go through. It's a joblike decision. But unless that happened to you, God forbid, you have a series of choices to date or not date, to be sexually intimate within a dating relationship or not, to have your tubes tied or not, to insist that your partner have his tied or not. At that point, it's a choice between two adults. The moment a new life is introduced into this, you are now making a decision on behalf of another human being, and you are saying things that I don't think you've taken the time to understand. Your womb is like a garden of Eden, new life, and you come to snuff it out. The way the Lord would not do that to us until we made that original mistake, because we listened to the lie. Now, I want to compare this to a conversation that happened on a college campus. And it is about trusting the Lord Jesus. Is it really though Him we trust, or is it the promise of the Bible, or is it Christianity? It's a really cool interaction. I'll show you that in just a second. In our studio, just like in our home, just like in my friends' homes and in their medical clinics, now in their gyms, by the way, there's a whole bunch of oxyleaf to thunderstorm devices being installed. It's stalled as a pretty heavy word. You plug them into the wall and they produce ozone. They're not air filters. They're not loud. They're not sucking air through them and putting out particulate matter. They produce ozone, O3 molecules that float through the air and negate bad smells. I told you the other day, I found out that my favorite perfect princess white cat decided to poop in the room, more I store my athletic gear and hiking gear. My fault, she got locked in there, but it's stuck. And so I cleaned it, of course. So I just grabbed the oxyleaf to thunderstorm device, put it in there for an hour. Every bad smell was gone. In fact, the entire room smelled like the day after a thunderstorm. And this morning, I went into that room, the oxyleaf had been gone for 24 hours. And it still smells that way. It's that powerful. You have to have any space, any home, any apartment, an Airbnb, long haul truck, an RV. This will zap any and all bad smells and it'll save you $200 on three devices. Just go to, enter code Todd3 and you save $200 and you breathe a breath of fresh air again. That's, enter code Todd3. So the prince of the air promises things he cannot deliver. He promised the Lord Jesus, you know, stand in this high place with me, see all that you survey, all give this to you, all you have to do is bow down to me. And of course, the Lord Jesus quoted himself because he was the word and pointed out to the devil that no, I worship God with my entire heart, my entire soul. The whole interaction is just simply the Lord quoting the Lord. Satan didn't have that to deliver. He can give it to us as a rental. He can give us access to things as a rental, but he cannot give us access to things that God doesn't allow him to offer. And that includes eternity with the Lord. Satan can't stop death. He has no power over it. This is a fantastic interaction on Instagram and I wish I knew more about it. A young man asks an older adult and is professor, I presume, about Christianity and why he trusts Christianity. It's a great response. Why Christianity over other religions? Well, the first point is I don't put my faith in Christianity. Christianity has been used to justify the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Salemic trials. I put my faith in Jesus Christ. Christianity has been used to justify slavery in the United States. I would never put my faith in Christianity. All right? Tons of problems Christianity. Jesus Christ is different. He's reliable. His sinless life, his amazing ethical teachings, his death on a cross for giving his enemies and his resurrection from the dead convinces me he's reliable. I could promise you, sir, if you die and rise from the dead, I will listen very carefully to everything you have to say. So that's why I trust Jesus. It's a great, great, great, apologist approach. Christianity is the human construct in response to the Word of God. The DNC is a human construct in response to you choose. Human desire for power, Satan's lies, you choose. Christianity is flawed, Jesus is not. But to answer the question a little bit more, why Christianity? Let's go through that real quick. Let's start with believing in a God, okay? If you don't believe in a God, here's what you believe. You believe absolutely everything came from absolutely nothing with nothing starting at no spark, no invention, no movement because nothing, sure nothingness, it can't move. It's not there. If you believe that, congratulations. Don't know how you got there. I don't believe that. Everything started this. What could possibly start everything from nothing? Something that pre-existed. What could pre-exist have always existed, never not existed, a robot, a super intelligence, a bot? What built it? Something would have to predate it. I say that's God. Okay, but that's just a God. So why Christianity? Well, let's start with this, polytheism. What would that be like? If there were a bunch of gods like the Romans believed, what would that be like? If they were all gods, they'd be fighting over the world, right? It takes a lot for me to trust a product to the degree that I will put it on auto-ship. In fact, this is the first year I've ever put products on auto-ship and there are only a core set of products that I do that with. One of them is mass zims because I've noticed when I don't use mass seams, I'm uncomfortable. I have digestive discomfort if you know what I mean, but I also learned more about why I love this product. It delivers to your body 1,200% more amino acids than simply digesting food will do. That means you're getting more food for your money and for someone like me who's gone through a lot of effort to drop fats and to build muscle, even at my age. This helps preserve muscle. It also helps you enjoy a diet of any sort, even if you're not dieting, haleo, high carb, low carb, protein based, 40, 30, 50, 25, 25. The hills I take three times a day make this all very, very easy and the quality is unquestioned because it comes from bi-optimizer. So go now to to get your bottle of mass seams with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Use mass seams, go to, start your journey to better health today. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites and schedule countless earnings. Oh, don't forget to send us your information. At least I'll collect your 10% off. 10% off. 10% off. 10% off. 10% off. Sound complicated? Renners Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do West. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best in class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse. Unless they all sat down and agreed and everything's going to be the same, does that sound likely to you? If polytheism were true, we'd see a lot of different rule sets. You might go to India and in fact cows can speak. Right? They're sacred after all. They can speak and have a conversation with you. Please don't eat me. I'm a cow and let's have a conversation about it. There'd be parts of the world where down is up and up is down. I'm not talking rhetorically, but literally down is up is down. You wouldn't have the neatly organized species, phylum order of animals that we do. You wouldn't have the DNA that we have because some things would be created without DNA. Some God says, "Yeah, I just prefer to have things appear." I don't think polytheism can stand that test. So let's break down then the Abrahamic faiths, Islam. Do you observe God at war with us? Do you in your heart believe that smashing a baby's head against the rocks is the right thing to do if it will get that person's parents, that child's parents to convert to your faith in your heart? Do you believe that? Does anyone really believe that? I mean, a very small group of people do, but what does your heart tell you? See, the Bible teaches us that right and wrong is indwelled within us. Even if we don't have the Holy Spirit, once we get the Holy Spirit, we have the kingdom of heaven that's different. So I reject Islam on that basis and many other bases, including the fact that Muhammad was wrong about everything, including the birth of the Lord Jesus. On the topic of Judeo-Christian values, some people say that doesn't exist, sure it does. Judeo-Christianism, Jesus was born a Jew. Jesus checked off every single messianic prophecy, including where he was born and when and to whom. And then he checked off the major one, that is conquering death. See something happened to a group of disciples who were terrified hiding in the upper room lest the Jews, that is the Pharisees, go find them or the Romans go find them. Those same people who hid behind closed doors suddenly went to rooftops and proclaimed what had been whispered in the dark when Peter gave his first sermon in front of 5,000 people and almost certainly in front of the very people who murdered Jesus, well, for three days. And then he rose again. That's the separator between us and Jewish people. We see Jesus Christ as the Messiah. If you look at the actions afterwards where Peter and others gained the ability to perform miracles, but only in the name of Jesus, then you begin to understand how we view this differently. So Queen Kamala, the Esquim, give you anything you want, but there's things that she really can't offer and she can give in to us as rentals, but she doesn't even have that power anywhere near eternity. I think I know where she's going unless she repents. And I think she'll find out about this, but then again, I've got my own problems. The Esqueen versus the King, there's no contest or Jesus is King. Story number two, President Trump had a discussion with Theo Vaughn, a comedian, and I've got to confess, I've never seen one of Theo's bits. I'd like to see that because he's obviously a guy of some very, very good political views and he's good at asking questions. Plus he's got a killer mullet and that's a big advantage in entertainment, super-killer. They had a discussion about pharma and lobbyists and as President Trump went through discussions in this, the topic of money came up. So what do we do? How do we confront this money? Well, one of those things is President Trump having JFK or RFK Jr. on his side. RFK Jr. understands everything about pharma. He's wrong about a lot of things like his obsessive support of abortion at any state of life. Like his insane idea that the NRA is just as responsible for school shootings or any other form of murder using a gun as the shooter themselves, his insane belief that world leaders who will not believe that the climate catastrophe is killing everybody should be put in prison and in other things he's spot on. Like his assessment of pharma and incidentally, he just spoke about the attack on family farms in America. There is so much that RFK Jr. and President Trump can do together. Most of it, I think, pointed at the deep state. So to hear President Trump beginning to lean in, to doing something about pharma is promising to me, very promising because there's been two things missing for me with President Trump. One is humility. Because if we're truly walking with the Lord Jesus, we have humility. The other has been a recognition of pharma, so I am so glad to hear this. If you hear the beginning of our show, we talk about our show being universally disliked by technocrats and tyrants, you know, the technocrats I'm talking about, largely medical technocrats. Look, I'm still to this day on Notice at YouTube. There's things I can't talk about at YouTube. So we don't. We talk about that in our full link show on sub stack on the audio platforms. It's YouTube's platform. They've made it very, very clear. But I can talk about alternatives to pharma, and I can do it in a very personal sense. I truly wish my dad was still alive when I became a tool waken to what it is to truly be healthy. Because I'd say things to my dad. He'd say things like, "Hey, Todd, will you go hunting with me again?" I'd say, "Dad, I can't." If you fell down, I couldn't get you out of the mountains. You're not healthy enough for this. And it's sometimes make him cry. My dad was a difficult guy to make cry. See, my dad refused to deal with health issues. So he was radically, horribly, sadly obese, and he suffered from tons of inflammation. Well, I, not being obese, being pretty obsessive about my health, also suffered from a ton of inflammation, even as healthy as I ate. Now mine is probably driven by a lot of high volume exercise. That's why I have this inflammation. Yours might be driven from having a whole bunch of sugar or a whole bunch of acidic foods. You may be off balance. Please address that. I'm going to use ibuprofen. Ibuprofen causes inflammation. It's one of the brilliant things pharma does. Mask the symptoms of the problem you're causing. Instead, do what I do. Go to and pick up this product, which is 6,000 times more observable than vitamin C, 500 times more observable than vitamin E. Comes from the waters of the Antarctic, the purest waters we have, and for me, I simply do not need ibuprofen with this potent omega-3. So visit to see the deals that are waiting for you today. Here's a hint. I just did this this week. The more you buy, the more you save, I even got free shipping. It's Theo Vaughn, chatting with President Trump. Which is a bigger problem in our country, would you say? Opioids. Bigger than alcohol. Oh, for sure. I think it's that's one of the biggest problems. And compare that to fentanyl? Oh, yeah. Well, that's the problem is people are making fake opioids because they can't afford real winds or they're just getting them off the street and then they put fentanyl in them. Fentanyl's like laced into everything now. It's horrible. It's horrible. Yeah. They found some in a baby rattle somewhere, I think. I don't even know where that was. But one of the things I wanted to ask you about was like, so there's like the big pharma lobbyists. Like there's 1,800 big pharma lobbyists in Washington, D.C. There's only 535 total representatives or senators total. So just the fact that there's this whole other almost drug government that's there kind of pushing the, you know, pushing agendas and influencing things, like how do we stop them? And it just seems like it's obviously killing people, like people are dying, you know? It's like, what do we have to do that? Our own government won't help us. Well, you have to stop listening to lobbyists. You know, I was not a big person for lobbyists and if they have even a little access to like a president or a senator or a congressman or woman, they get a lot of money. And in some cases, they just take the money, they don't do anything, but you have a lot of lobbyists in Washington pushing and certainly a lot for the, for all of the things that we're talking about including alcohol. When you're at work and you're having a discussion, let's say you and your team, maybe you lead a small team, maybe a large team, and you're having a discussion in a conference room. If your boss walks into the room, do you go, hey, what, what are you doing? You do not have my permission to be in here, out. You didn't apply. Try it. Try it sometime. The solution to so much in Washington, D.C. is radical transparency. This is the solution. We should be able to observe every single staff discussion that occurs in Washington, D.C. on our property. Every room should have a camera in it. It should be fully miked. There's no private business when they're doing business for us. Now you can make some exceptions, war rooms, in a declared war status, investigative meetings for criminal acts, and of course, the people in D.C. will then try to make every single meeting that and we have to fight it. The other thing we should do is radical transparency in terms of written communications and we should put teeth into these things. If you avoid the cameras, if you take meetings off grounds, if we find out that you had a public meeting off ground discussing our business that you did this to avoid the cameras and the microphones, that's a felony for every time you did it. And that's a clawback of your entire salary. It's that serious to me. You've been in government for 10 years and you go do this a couple of times, there's your felonies, maybe it's five years per felony. We're going to take back 10 years of earnings. Don't say that that's draconian, that's done in startups. If a venture capitalist finds out that you violated fiduciary duty, they can use what are called clawback clauses, they're in your employment contracts. They can clawback your equity, they can clawback your pay, all of it. They can turn around and make you liable for the money they invested in your company. We should also have every single email that they generate stored in the cloud. We should be able to go look at them whenever we want to. And again, make the case, hey, this is an active criminal investigation. This is an active planning for war. This is an active response to a terrorist in activity. Great. Put a time of it on it. Then we get to look at it. See, people do things differently when they know they're being watched. We shouldn't. And there's that old saying that you're defined by the things you do when no one is watching you. Well, they're defined by the things they do when no one's watching them, which is bribery. If we take these steps, we can end up with something else. And insight into who doesn't care that they're being watched in Washington, D.C. and a turning of a corner, a very, very important corner. It was not uncommon for us at Microsoft or elsewhere to have a boss walk into the meeting. It wasn't uncommon in Washington, D.C. for me to walk into a meeting with my team. Sometimes I did that on purpose. I wanted to go see how the meetings ran when I wasn't there, walk in about halfway through. Hey, are we still in the chit chat phase or have we gotten down to work? Wasn't about spying on people was saying, look, there's accountability. I might just walk through the door. You do it with your kids, right? Yeah, I knock. And then I enter. They're not our kids, but we need to remind them they're doing our business on our dime on our time. And we'll look at anything we want to story number three. A man has discovered a terrible, terrible terrorist plot against the people of Ohio. This had to take a lot of work. Now I have absolutely no, no sympathy for acts of terrorism, particularly in this case, it's against school kids. Thank the Lord that this guy had the bravery to go to a platform and share about this because he's exposed something nefarious and frightening and he did it in a very, very dramatic way, which I'll show you. I hope this man's able to sleep, given the forces that he's taken on, he's taken on some magnificently powerful, terrible, terrible, dark forces. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream, collect a rent, and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites and schedule countless, "Oh, don't be a sweet answer for your information, or at least I'll collect your attention." Whew! Sound complicated? Runners Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do West. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse. Man has discovered a terrible, terrible act of terrorism against the people of Ohio. Tyra Raichik is a terrorist. She targets people based on how woke they are, has nothing to do with protecting children, has everything to do with taking away their education. The goal is to destroy public schools. As Donald Trump has said, over and over again, he will eliminate the Department of Education. They do not want our children educated. They want them controlled. If we allow Tyra Raichik and her allies to do this in Ohio, she will come for your state next. It's not acceptable in America. You can't run some kind of stazzy secret police force in our schools. If anyone sees her or her operatives running around spying on your kids, call the cops. All this out, don't be silent. Chaya, fuck around with our kids and find out. That sounds like a threat to me. Efron with our kids and find out. Of course, he's talking about the woman who runs lives of TikTok. The act of terrorism is making public what occurs in public schools. It is terrorism for a child to take out a cell phone and record a teacher teaching them how to, you know, touch themselves for fun, pleasure and experimentation. It's an act of terrorism. For a student to film a teacher teaching white kids that by virtue of low melanin, they are racist and they can't overcome it. They can only mitigate it by going through a North Korea-China style struggle session where you admit it. It doesn't matter if you're a poor white kid from a single parent home whose families have never graduated from high school. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that your dad is a derelict drug addict doing a second term in prison. You have white skin. You are an oppressor. That's an act of terrorism to show the public what the public employees are doing to their own kids. This is a level of number one narcissism and number two paranoia that should shock us, but there is a desperation. Now I can't figure out if this is because the demons who push stuff like this are feeling extra strong, going through one of those periods of time where they've deluded themselves into believing they're winning. We're going to destroy Israel. We're going to make God a liar. We're vandalizing his kids. We're mocking their bodies. Look, we're winning. Forgetting of course that the Bible warned us there'd be times such as these including an increase in lawlessness or are the demons really frightened. Man, our time is short. They can smell it in the air. The Lord Jesus is coming back. Let's grab as many souls as we can. Maybe it's a combination of the two. They hope they're winning, but they fear they're not. Maybe that's more likely. What we're talking about is simply taking cameras to things that people would already be proud of. You would think a teacher is very proud of what goes on in the classroom. You would think a teacher would say, "Yes, fill my classroom. I care for these kids and I deliver great levels of education." I get to listen to my wife, tutor kids. Sometimes I get to watch it out of the corner of my eye. My wife doesn't go around bragging about it, but she's very, very proud of her kids when they do well and she might come to me and show me a lesson or two from time to time. I've worked in the government schools. I was a discipline coordinator in a gang impacted government school. I've walked into classrooms. I've stood in the doorway and observed and smiled. I've also had to rush into classrooms and rescue kids from teachers who'd flat lost their minds. And sometimes rescue teachers from kids who'd flat lost their minds. I've seen it all. It is not terrorism to show in public things going on in public. We have bleeped the audio from this, but we have not bleeped or overridden the words on the screen. So if you're watching the video version of this, sorry, it's there, but I think you'll live through it. This is an all age drag show in Dallas, Texas that was, yes, sent to the people at Libs of TikTok. By the way, her, her, the guy pretending to be woman, her lady parts are burning. Good burning. Please help me. Families and children. Oh, you performs a specific oral sex act for these seats. There's a teen girl. All ages. Notice something about terrorism. This guy who accused Chia of terrorism. I mean, he's talking about sarcastic terrorism. He's talking about threats. He's talking about doxing. None of that's going on. She's simply showing what's happening in public. But notice this, somewhere along the line in the past eight years, it became very, very, very important that kids become overly sexualized. It became vital that kids watch grown men pretending to be part porn star, part cartoon fake Jessica Rabbit woman, reading to them books and libraries and twerking for them. It became vital. In fact, it was a civil right. In fact, it was terrible parenting to block it and now it's terrorism. So you tell me, is this the demons feeling like they're winning or fearing that they're losing heads up? I read the end of the book. They all lose. This is the Todd Herman show please go be well, be strong, be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drop the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do list. Qualified tenants? Check. Rent collection? Nation? You got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 because from now on, the only thing you need on your to do list is to call runners warehouse. 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