Kap & J. Hood

9/11 9 AM: Fixing The Bears Offense

Hour 3: The guys discuss how the Bears can fix their offense for Sunday's game against the Texans. Will Shea Norling have to buy Kap the most expensive Steak at Chicago Cuts if the Cubs win 86 games? Auburn QB Payton Thorne said sports bettors have requested money from and the Kap & J. Hood Classic Cut Of The Day.

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - Good morning, Chicago, and welcome in to the Captain Jay Hood Morning Show, on ESPN 1,000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you, we've got Shay, we've got Jay Moore, we've got you. Here on this Waddle Wednesday, thanks so much for being with us, watch our show, and all the shows here at ESPN Chicago on YouTube. look for ESPN Chicago as well as on Twitch,,000 Chicago. Got a lot of things on the table here this morning, including the Chicago Cubs with their victory against L.A. Dodgers, Cap and I stayed up so you wouldn't have to. That's why they have built this show for us, Cap, because we know people are busy going to bed at normal times, but you and I, there is no normal bedtime when there's West Coast baseball with the Cubs season on the line, taking on one of the best teams in Major League Baseball and the Los Angeles Dodgers. And the Cubs beat the Dodgers twice already, but yesterday's win extra special thanks to Pete Croiram-Strong. Cup fans, you got a guy. I know you may not be happy with the team, the mediocrity of the Chicago National League Ball Club, but you do have a guy in Pete Croiram-Strong 'cause he was sensational yesterday, had a couple of game saving catches at Chavez Rivene. - He was magnificent in the catch he made on an Otoni blast that came up short of the wall and he doubled back, kind of looked and with his left hand, kind of bent his glove back and caught it, had Cody Bellinger laughing. But then the last play of the game, you're up 6-3, Porter Hodges having a panic until he gets so over amped that he has to take deep breaths so the trainer Nick Frangela is out there with Craig Council and then he takes some warmups and I'm like throwing 96, he looks okay. And then he got it done. The ball to end the game. Max Muncie already had a home run in the game. Takes one way deep. Way deep. - Yes. - And then that happened. - And then this happens right here. Wow. - High fly ball out towards right center field. Pete Croiram-Strong at the wall. Jump. - Ah, he made the catch. - Oh, baby. (laughs) - Pete Croiram-Strong steals the holder from Max Muncie and that is how this one comes to an end. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Nothing like a little West Coast baseball for sure. - Late night West Coast baseball stayed up and of course I didn't get the text from Sylvie that says. - Okay. - Still alive. - Come on, Sylvie, if you're gonna fire on me when they lose, you gotta fire when you're wrong. Still alive for back. I'm not telling you they're going to the World Series to them alone, but it's entertaining. Just leave Sylvie alone. - I love Sylvie, we're in a good place, but come on, man. I get the text. Still alive out of nowhere. Like, you know, out of the darkness here comes this text. Oh God, what is this? Oh, great. - And then they went to or over the Dodgers, not a peep. - Norley? - I love Sylvie, were you? You didn't love Sylvie when I told you in the break. Then he texted me saying, "You bet steak, not dinner. "I'm with you. "Dinner as drinks, dessert sides, that's a few hundred dollars." It was clear listening back then. You didn't love Sylvie in the break. - I just said I thought he was wrong. - Oh yeah, you didn't hurt that thing. - You didn't have so many words. - We have not heard them. - Yeah, I'm not. - Oh. (laughing) - Let's take that. So, I just, again, if you wanna send me the unsolicited text mocking my still alive, that's fine. It was funny, I liked it. But when they went to in a row, how about a little text? Hey, wow, Cap, still alive, actually. - Nothing. - Thanks, Cap. You set up there five o'clock hour nicely. - Damn. - There you go. - Tyler. (laughing) - Nice job. 905, right? There's, there's Cap talking about me again. (laughing) Play it, Miller, right? - And you know what's funny about that? - It's gonna be, it's gonna be a trouble. - You know what's funny about them? - I guess I'll in trouble again. - Like, when they want me to come on, 'cause he wants to ask me if I'll eat poop, if they do something, whatever it is, yeah. (laughing) - They have Tyler trained so well. - Train it. - Oh my, who's your dog? - Yeah, pretty much. - It's my friend. You don't know him like that. - Tyler, he's great. But they have, this is how the call goes. He doesn't shoot you a text. Hey, are you free? The guys would like to talk to you. He doesn't call and go, hey, the guys would like to have you on. Are you eva, it's, I go, yeah, what's up? Hold on, bam, and I'm on the air. He doesn't tell you anything. Now, fortunately, I listened to their show, so I knew what was coming. I was in the car with Brett, headed to the Cubs game, but they've got him trained. - Train? - Where? I'm like, hey, what's up? 'Cause I saw you, you texted. What's up? And he's like, bam, you're an oral call. I think this one, Tyler called him like, hello, he goes, yeah, bam, you're on the air. You don't even get a chance to respond. Folks, as you heard from David Kaplan, if you would like to train your producer to be able to just call someone and immediately you put them on hold. Folks, we ask you to just click on the QR code in the bottom of the screen. (laughing) Because you see it's not easy to get a rescue. As a producer, I'd immediately put on a Hall of Famer, David Kaplan. Folks, it's a very tough time in our community. Dogs need a home too, so if you could train your dog to be able to just immediately put someone on hold and put them on the air, my God, you're doing God's work. QR code in the middle of the screen right there. Just click on it, make a donation, and you too can have someone who's trained to be able to put someone on hold. Thank you. - That is an unbelievable choice of words. Like, Tyler just pops a big cat on hold and Sylvie lobs him a treat through the door. (laughing) Tyler catches in his mouth. (laughing) - You see that in the head commercial? - Good job, boy. - You see that commercial with the hot lady with her husband, and they're in the, I think the Nissan Rogue, and she on her phone. - Yeah. - Turn on Rocky's food, and then the food automatically through WiFi or from the cell drops the dog food. That's how they treat Tyler. - That's how they feed Tyler too? They just say, you know, Tyler's food, and then Portillo's just drops down. - Exactly. - Like they're at the tables, that what happens? - He's got a bowl of water back here, I never knew what that was for. (laughing) - What's up? Good water. - Pretty impressive. - Come on, man. There you go, there you good, good boy. Good boy, right, good boy, right? - Get cap on the phone, and so that the phone rings, I know 33, he's called me from the Lister line, 33237, all right, what's up? Hang on a second, boom, I'm on the ear. Here we go. - 505. - 505. - Tyler might want to be careful, hoodie dogs are being eaten, have you heard the news? - 312. (laughing) - 33237, 776, our phone number. - Should she pay for her entire meal or the steak? (laughing) I think go back to the court lines and talk to you. - Indictable. - We say hello to Westmont. (laughing) - She goes off the rails. (laughing) - Here's Anthony on Captain Jay Hood, Anthony Good morning. - You hear this entire hour between five and six, I'll waddle it so. (laughing) - Told you to leave him alone. Anthony Good morning. - Good morning, gentlemen. - Hey, so... Norling, how long have you known cap? You didn't see this coming? You didn't think this through? You have to be very particular, especially with cap. What are you paying for? What are you not paying for? You gotta be on it. You should know this. - Is it really an E1 though? I said specifically on the air, I'll pay for the steak. - No, you did not say that. - We'll pull the audio. I said I'll buy you the most expensive steven. - Are you saying I'm paying? - I'm paying for this, I'm not paying for this. - He did not say that. - You left the door open by not emphasizing what you were not paying for. - Correct. He said, I'll buy you the most expensive steak on a menu at Chicago Cut. That implied contract that you're taking me for dinner. - I don't agree. I have Sylvie with me. Sylvie's my banner carrier. I'm going to war with cap again. Over me buying you a steak. - Wow. - But it just looks naked just with the steak cap by itself. - But that's not, I said the fairest deal is I'll buy you your steak, I'll get you your side, we'll split the appetizer, whatever we want to do. We'll pay for our own drinks, we'll have a great night together, it'll be wonderful. And I'll buy you, I'm gonna spend $150 on you, this myth that I'm being cheap. - Let's go back to the full line to talk to you. 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-7-7-6. This is my seventh week in a row doing white thoughts weekly. (laughing) As you say, I love to cry and immovable listening. (laughing) - Hey, how's it going guys? - You're listening on the ESP at Chicago app, hey, Brian. - Hey, how's it going guys? - We're good. - I love listening to the show. - Thank you. - What's up, man? - Hey, now, Cap, when you were talking to a wobble a second ago. - Yeah. - You kind of put your foot in your mouth as you said, this ain't cracker barrel science. Don't come with the steak, which I, that kind of goes in the same argument when said he'd buy you the steak. If science don't come with it, he buys you the steak. - No, it's an implied contract that he's taking me to dinner. - Yeah, I can say how you want, but you kind of put your foot in your mouth with that. What am I saying? - Yeah. - But look at the show, man. - Thank you. - Do you like cracker barrel, Brian? Have you been there? - Oh, no, I have not. - I'm not even from up there. - Where are you from? - Where are you from? - Where are you from? - Louisville. - It says Brian from Louisville. I just asked you, do you go to a cracker barrel in Louisville? - Oh, no, I don't need a cracker barrel. - Okay, because cracker barrel does have nice sides. They do, Cap. - I'm gonna pull their menu up right now. - Oh, here's a great one. See if there's two Americans. Have you been to a cracker barrel, Cap? - Yeah, along, probably 20 years ago. - You're coaching days? - Yes. - That's usually the route. You'll go through there. You'll go through there to a cracker and see it. - One horse towns, like Warmsville, Illinois. He's driving through. - Yeah, that's fine. Dining at some of those places. - So I got the worst food poisoning of my life. I went to a Racks roast beef. - I remember. - And at halftime, I was doubled over at the high school game, junior college game, doubled over. Horrible. - I remember that story. So Brian thinks that she has a loophole you say no. - Like he does not. - Okay. Ted and Geneva on ESPN 1000. Lake Geneva Ted, good morning. - Morning. Cap, for Mr. Love Life, yada, yada, yada, like you're really being a jerk about this, you know? Like this should be a celebratory dinner. Your buddy's buying you a steak, enjoy the steak, and then just split everything else. I mean, using the term implied contract with a friend's dinner, it's just, I feel like you're coming across very sour here and just enjoy the dinner in a better season than we all expected. - Yeah, Kaplan, very sour. - You don't know me well enough to call me Kaplan. Cap, David, not Dave. Ted? - Yes. - I have a meal coming from Shea if I can squeeze out 11 more wins. Don't rain on my parade. - What do you think of that, Ted? - I'm good. Well, you're raining on your own parade. You're gonna make dinner like more awkward than it needs to be, where we're over analyzing it, obviously, at this point. I'm just saying, let them buy you the steak and then enjoy dinner with your friend. - Yeah, no, I don't think so. - All right. - Let's have a good day, take that. - Thank you, thank you, Ted, for the phone call. - What's sour, Puss? Ted. - No! - You're better than that, Ted. - Everyone has their point of view, Cap. - They do. - Everyone has their point of view, it's okay. But you know how you're gonna handle this situation because the cubbies are coming tra-la, tra-la. - Here we come. - It's too late, but it's good enough for you to win the bet. - It probably is, but... - Get me the 86. - From a baseball standpoint, we should bring this up, though, Cap. It will be too late, the Cubs will make the playoffs. It's not, I thought they would make the playoffs, looks like they will not. But now I wonder how hot is the fire on Jet? I wanna know how hot it is. I don't want it to be the same as it was last year. It should be turned up even more so. You know what we really should delve into, the conversation we had with Jesse? Tuesday? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, so the, I don't, obviously we had with Jesse on Tuesday about a disconnect within the organization. - So they let go of a handful of scouts last week because of, from what I've been told, some of those scouts, it's more office process. - Redundancy? - Yeah, there was redundancy there. So they went, we don't need these guys. We've got people already doing the same jobs, so they moved on from a handful of scouts. Did that cause some friction in the front office's Bob Nightingale wrote? Maybe, maybe. I think they got to be more worried, rather than the few bucks they save on the scouts, finding a freaking closer and adding a big back to the lineup. - You know, I think what you'd laid out there makes sense in which you say, okay, we can cut costs by not having the same guy do the same thing over and over again. We don't need the redundancy. You do this, we'll get rid of him because you guys do the same thing. It happens in four to five hundred companies - Every day. - All the time, every day. - Yeah, correct. - It's just that in the transactions in the paper. - Correct. - But we know it happens all the time, Cap. - Correct. - But I do wonder about the swing that council has in the organization. With a, you know, again, the money that he's making, I would imagine he has more say than Ross did. - Oh, 100%. - But how much more? And is that part of the issue with the Chicago Cubs in which council, I'm sure at the end of the season, he hangs the cap up and they sit down in their exit meetings. Council, if he understands power, he should be able to lay out all his grievances. - Right. - I didn't come here to just to be a non playoff team. The team that I just left is going to the playoffs without me. We need to be that. And here's all the things that I need. How much power does he have and how much will the Cubs acquiesce to what council wants? Council is a good baseball man. - There's no question he's a good baseball man. - So he knows his seventh and eighth and ninth is jacked up. - Correct. - He knows that he needs more offense. - No. - Or more diversity in his offense. - Now internally, they believe Porter Hodge can be their closer next year. And he's been really good as of late. He has. He just came up. Is he that guy? I don't know the answer to that. But you better know definitively that that dude can do the job or you better go get somebody. - You got to be sure. That's an important spot. It's the ninth. - Correct. - It's got to be a guy that's yet, you know, blood, course into his vein, like he's good. Like he's got low heartbeat and just is going to get the job done. - But it's Porter Hodge can't skip on a cap. You've got to be able to, I understand the Cubs are going to spend, you know, millions and millions of Soto dollars this offseason, but you got to get this roster right. - Agreed. - And in contention, if nothing else. Once you're in contention, anything could happen. - Completely agree with you. I'd like to know what that offseason is going to be like. I told you last year I said cap, you know, the Cubs should be the bell of the ball in the lobby. Remember me telling you that? - You did, San Diego. They should be the bell of the ball cap. - We tried to talk Danny and let's go do the show out there. - But then the Cubs, all they were looking for, they made some changes here and there, but ultimately it was the winter of Bellinger. - That's correct. - Okay, so this offseason should tell a great story. Year two of council, if you're not making changes and you say, oh, the lineup is fine. Now we turn it around in the second half. If you don't really have some changes to get some offense in here, I can't guarantee star power in the offseason, but you better get better at bats in that lineup on a daily basis. - Well, if I was them, I don't know how they feel about this, I would be lighting candles and hoping that Cody Bellinger opts out. Get that $27.5 million back going forward. I got Owen Casey carrying up AAA. I got all these other prospects coming. Max Shaw and James Trianthos and Cam Smith. I need to get those guys in the lineup. So I got to get some of the money off the books. - I'm just telling you. - I'll bet you they trade Niko Horner. - Maybe AI Jack won't be happy with that, but. - You will not. - But Cap, I'm just telling you that this, the way it is, is not good enough. - Fair enough. - You're completely great. - If you want to contend, I don't expect the Cubs to be the Dodgers. Actually, you should expect the Cubs to be the Dodgers because it's Chicago for God's sakes. - Yeah, they're never going to spend the 300 and whatever million, which that's fine. I don't think you have to. - You understand the point. If it's not for free agency, it should be from the farm. - You should be way better. Go back and look at their drafts for the last half of Theo into, before Jed changed out, Jason McClauve or Dan Kantribitz running the drafts, where they've been, looks like better. Go look at their drafts, post-E and Hap, and tell me the first round pick that's making an impact on this team. - How can the Bears fix the offense for week two? We talk about it coming up next. - I also have the cracker barrel sides pulled up. - In a button, please. It's good, we're good. - On Cap and J-Hud. - Big Dap. (upbeat music) ♪ Cap and J-Hud, I'm back ♪ ♪ Oh, Cap, J-Hud, big fan, man ♪ (singing in foreign language) Watch out, fellas. ♪ All Chicago's home for sports ♪ ♪ ESPN Chicago ♪ - It's a Cap and J-Hud morning show on ESPN 1,000, and streaming on ESPN Chicago app. But with you till 10 o'clock, then Greenberg comes in at 10, followed by Yurkovich, a solo Yurkovich show at 12. That's gonna be good. He's gonna have a lot of thoughts, but that's gonna be funny. Socks will be funny. It's gonna be funny then. Socks will be guardians at 12.30, then Waddlen Silverman from 4.30 to 6.30 into Bleckenabella at 6.30, right here on the home of the White Sox and Bears, ESPN 1,000. A 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-7-7-6 is our telephone number. So, how can the Bears fix the offense for week two? So, Cap, after the debacle offensively for week number one against the Titans, what I expect for this game to re-inspire confidence in the offense is for the Bears to be able to run the football. DeAndre Swift is a running back that I believe and what going back to his days in college. I believe that you could feed him as often. He'll have more yardage in this game against the Texans as he had against the Titans. Yes, it's on the road, but I think that if you keep pounding away, you'll be able to, again, alleviate whatever pressure that you think that Kale Williams is going through, meaning run the football and throw it out to the Titan. I wrote down on the yellow pad, stronger running game and intermediate passes to the Titan's. That's what I wrote down. Yeah, and again, I think Tommy brought up the point of balance in your offense and that is key. If this kid has to throw 45 or more times, then you're obviously playing from behind and you're obviously in a bad spot. But if you could say, "Hey, man, we had 48 to 52, 49, 51," "50, 50, run to pass balance," and you're able to establish the run reasonably well, you have a chance to win the football game, 100%. You also have to be able to block not only Will Anderson, Daniel Hunter at the other edge. But they got dudes. Yeah. So keep their offense off the field, run the freakin' football. I should ask you and Shay this. Shay, like week one, for instance, the quarterback play was that great in week one. Across the board? Yeah, pretty much across the board. The quarterback play was not great. Yeah, it was brutal. It really was. It was not very good. But here's the thing though, by and large, you get put on red zone and get the bear game on, but there's red zone over here. There might be an ancillary game that CBS will sneak on there or Fox. This is over to the side. All right, what's going on? All right. Back to our game, right? Right. By and large, there are some quarterbacks in this league. They're just digging and ducking their way to touchdowns. Yeah, just finding a way. Three to five yard passes. It's kind of like, man, look, you can see some of these numbers and some of these numbers can be inflated just based on the three and five yard pass. And I think that for a kid of Williams, I'm okay with that to eventually open it up to bigger passing gains. But some of these numbers that you see, you see, we may not watch all four quarters, but we open the box door like, wow, look at the numbers. You threw it three yards at a clip. It's like Baja when he first started with the Raiders. Like, from me to you, from me to you, from me to you, just in a tricky like the ball down the field. Right, but you can win that way. You can, you can. You want to have some spectacular offense, though, when you watch the cap at times. Don't you? You want to see the ball open up? You want to see some big plays? Yeah, I want to see, like, we saw from Anthony Richardson last week that pass with a guy in his face and he hit Alec Pierce like 50 yards down the field. Touchdown. Like, that was an amazing throw and amazing play. I want some of that, for sure. I think that eventually we'll get that, but as far as Caleb, one thing for sure, did not turn the ball over, did not. We put Tommy's feet to the fire, we asked him about offensive line versus Caleb Williams. And then you gave us the answer of offensive line was the thing that-- But he also did not absolve Caleb of his struggles. We expect it to be better. It better be better. Yeah, it better be better. So do you concur or are we missing anything when it comes to fixing the Bears offense? No, I think that's it. I want to see more snaps for Cole Comat. I know people said that he was banged up a little bit. From what I was told, he was available to play. Get him on the field. Che? I hope that's not a loyalty thing. Waldron have him familiarity with Gerald Everett. Like, I like Gerald Everett, but Cole Comat's the better player. Yeah, Cole Comat's the game. I agree. Just for Hoodie's point, what do you think median passing yards across the league was for 32 starting quarterbacks? So that would be per yards a game? No, just-- well, it's only one game, so we can do it off one game. Median passing yards right now. 193. Wow. That is a brutal week one. And you have an outlier. Two ahead, 330. 330, but only two quarterbacks crossed 300. Two in Stafford. No one else went over 300 yards. Mm. And 16 starters were under 200. 16 starters. Under 200 yards. Horrible player. How many were under 100? Caleb. That's Caleb. Caleb was the only one. You see, the average fan that will call us in the preseason and say, I want to see guys play more. Well, we're going to watch out for injuries. And these guys will say that there's more to the practices than the actual exhibition game. Some teams will say that. Dude, let me tell you something. There's nothing like getting out there. Even though it's exhibition, there's still referees, there's fans, it has to feel like a game. Practice is practice. There's some fans out there, some don't allow fans. But there's nothing like getting out there and getting a skin of the game cap. And so this is why week one looks so bad. You like the idea of the football is on your TV, but that's not the kind of football that you want out of the box. No, but. But we are waking up want to know. We got to win. Found a way, somehow, some way by hook or by crook, you are one and all. And that's where you had to be going to Houston. You imagine if they lost and now you go to Houston, you're like, oh God, we lose this game, we're all in two. Like, now you're terrified. Getting that first one was huge man, huge. Yes, because now your next two was on the road against the Texans and the Colts and then coming back home against a good Rams team. I like the non-conference, but there's some games in there which Caleb and some of these new guys are going to learn. They're good teams. These are 10 year teams here. Yeah, and there is there is no scenario where you could afford to lose that Tennessee game. There just was not you had to have it, man. And you did. Are you looking at 0 and 3 cap if they lost against the Titans? Oh, I don't know about that because you get the Rams here, right? Yeah. I mean, the Rams are a quality football team. They think that they can be a playoff team. I mean, the first three Titans, Texans, Colts. If you lose, if you lose against the Colts is there. Yeah, that's a bear's home game. That's a tough game. I mean, Houston almost lost last week. They won by two. It's going to be 50 50. The bear fan is traveling to three hours and get to any nap. There's no question, but they're a quality team. They are. He said this is a game on man. It's a very interesting time, Cap. One play at a time. Let's go. It's an interesting time. It is. I think the defense is right. They are week eight, week nine ready. The defense, the secondary defensive line coming along, linebackers are solid. Now, just like every year when we stand here together, can the quarterback in the offensive line work together? How long is this song right? It could have set out. Why don't you send him to Chicago for what's they're going to take to get him? A third round picks what they gave up and Bayless Jones. We'll throw him in. Here's the other one. Our friend Derek from Brooklyn texted me. He had a great idea. I got to give him the credit. If the Sean Watson is as bad as he looked week one, which I believe he is, if the Browns are up the track, do they trade miles Garrett? Do they go? That's a no shot. You can't get out of it. I don't think they're getting out of the Deshawn country. I don't care what Floriel is writing. I saw that too. They're not getting out of that deal. I'd be shocked. But let's assume they can't. They can't pay everybody. I'll give you my number one pick right now for Miles Garrett. You'd have to give two and I would do it. So would I. That guy's a game record. He might be the best defensive player in football. I'm saying, well, the Browns do it. I'm not sure they would. He's got a $56 million dead cap hit. They can't. They can't move him. They can't do anything with Deshawn. And they're a troublesome team to deal with. Wow. Miles would probably like to get out. Yeah, but if they're up the track and it's coming up to the trade deadline, and let's assume they're up the track, you're telling me they won't take the dead cap hit and go, do it. Imagine that, dude, with Montez sweat. Obviously, Cap, we would love it. But from Cleveland standpoint, and we could tell Rizzo and Goldhammer, our teammates in Cleveland, you want to dance with a devil? Here's the deal. You can get Deshawn Watson. You've wanted a franchise quarterback since Bernie Kolsar. We're going to give him to you. But he comes with baggage and you've got to give him $235 million guaranteed. I can't guarantee you a championship, but I can get you a franchise quarterback. You want to make the deal? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, we did a franchise quarterback. Hey, what does Kolsar? Yes, we needed to. Yes, yes. And all of a sudden, Baker Mayfield throws four touchdown passes the other day, and they're like, what the hell did we do? I can get you to the playoffs, possibly. But I can also get your franchise quarterback. You want to do the deal? And also, you have to mortgage your future for the next five years. You want to make the deal? They're screwed. And that's what happened. You make the deal with the devil and guess what's happened? The Sean Watson is horrible right now. Horrible. Horrible right now. Absolutely. Ha, horrible, yes. Hilarious to what? Yes. It's hilarious. More of your phone calls coming up, 31233776. That's our telephone number. By the way, a story about Auburn quarterback that has something to do with gambling. We'll talk about that next on Captain Jay Hood. Happy Chinooka. [MUSIC PLAYING] If you missed something, get the podcast on the ESPN Chicago app. Chat and Jay Hood are back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ah, Frankie Beverly gone too soon. At age 77, passing away today, ooh. As you're listening to Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1,000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app, founder of Funk and Soul, the band Mays, Frankie Beverly, dying at 77. So that just happened and came across, so all the best of him. We talk about backyard parties, the sound of the summer more times than not, the Philadelphia and Frankie Beverly passing away at age 77. Glad you're with us here on Captain Jay Hood. I don't know who that is. I've never heard of him, but my deepest sympathies to the Beverly family. Thanks for putting your beak in there, even though you got in front of you at 312-332-ESPM. And 332-3776 is our telephone number. Last thing I googled was the sides menu at Cracker Bear. Great segue. Good stuff there. Great segue. Sure, the Beverly's might have eaten there at time. OK, all right. 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-776 is a shade. It's OK. Payday happens twice a month. It's fine. I'm good. Let's go to the phone lines and talk to you. There's a story about, as we go, get ready to talk to Rob in Sugarland, Texas. A story about Auburn quarterback, Peyton Thorne, said that sports betters have requested money from him on Venmo. How does that look? By the way, that Google search on Franky Beverly, anything? Quarterback, quarterback, Peyton Thorne said sports betters have requested money from him on Venmo over their lost bets. Auburn lost in upset fashion to Cal over the weekend. OK, so I would ask you, Cheyhouse is happening, but I'm sure that's commonplace, where people are pissed off. Yeah, I mean, betters get angry. The idea that you're just going to send a Venmo request to a player. And Peyton Thorne actually said something I thought was interesting. He threw four interceptions, and the game he was terrible. So Auburn fans angry, invoicing him for their lost parlays and whatever. But he goes, if you're going to invoice me when you lose a bet, send me money when you win a bet on me. I actually think that's a fair call. If you can find the player's Venmo, send them a couple bucks when you hit a parlay, and then you have the right to request money when they lose it for you. Oh my god. It's insane. But I've had players tell me that they'll be on the-- this was basketball, on the court. I need two rebounds. Yeah, well, sorry, I'm coming out of the game. It's one guy told me. Here's a man who is a millionaire who won $800 million at a gas station in Sugarland, Texas. There's Rob on Captain J. Hood. Rob, good morning. Morning, gentlemen. I have a win-win for Shea on the state situation. But first, tell us about that money that you won at the gas station in Sugarland, Texas. $800 million? Well, it was a little bit more than that, but it's close enough. Oh, I beg your pardon. I forgot no state tax there. You get more of your money there in Sugarland. There you go, there you go. All right, super cool. My win-win for Shea is this. He did say he would buy a cap of steak at Chicago Cut. He did. So I'll just order it over the phone. I'll pick it up, bring it back to the studio, give it the cap. You don't have to sit through dinner with them. Listen to him dominate the conversation, and we're good to go. Oh, wow. He did say we would go out and have a good meal, and he would buy me the most expensive steak. So we'll pull the tape. We've got to pull the tape. OK. You might have to get your buddy involved. And I would type bar. Do you find out? Do you enjoy listening to our show? I do, I do. Then as a guy who won $880 million or whatever it was you won, why don't you just send us a copy of the credit card we can give it to Mr. Flum. We can just have a hell of a time on you. You can Venmo me. Rob, I'll give you my Venmo off the air, and we can just settle this differently. What the dozen donuts I bought at Dunkin' Donuts around the corner of that one morning. What, good enough for you? Ah, that's what I mean. Holding on to your money, Rob. That's the American way. Hold on to it. I'm like, I gave something to your buddy who sits outside the door, though, in your honor. You could buy Chicago cotton. You wouldn't feel it. If Rob's fine, we're going to make it a force him. All right, let's show out. I actually did go when I was in Chicago, and I met David Flum, and we did talk about you, Kat. It's the best. So there you go. You guys have a great day, great show. Rob, I appreciate you. 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7. That's so interesting. You said about Peyton Thorne, Shay. Like, God, I'm looking for money for him, from the loss. Auburn lost in that upset cow. God. You knew it was going to be a slippery slope. Once you open the door, Kat, you know, there's going to be a slippery slope. Everyone's like, got their hand out, blaming the quarterback. Yeah. Not the team, quarterback. It's the idiot betters that are ruining it for everybody else, they make a bad name for everybody. Like, if you, honestly, Tony Soprano put it best, back in the Sopranos long time ago, grown man makes a wager, it's his fault, it's on him. Whatever happens after that is on him. If you make a bet, you can't go reaching out to the player. Sorry, you lost a bet. Be an adult about it. How's that Google search on Frankie Beverly? What'd you learn? He was born December 6, 1946, died yesterday. He was an American singer, songwriter, producer. As you said, he's soul and funk band Maize, but the name of the band was not Maize when he formed it. It was actually called Ross soul. In the hometown of, where he's from, of Philadelphia, he relocated to San Francisco, was introduced to Marvin Gaye, and went on to release nine gold albums, and it had a large and devoted following. With his wife, I believe, was involved with the band as well. You know Jimmy Buffet, right? I did. But you've put me with the music, correct? Yeah. You ever have that on in the ride? Some Jimmy Buffet every now and then? Very rare. But you're familiar with it? Yeah. That's our Jimmy Buffet. 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, ESPN is our telephone number. No Frankie Beverly on Yacht Rock Radio. No, it's on the soul rock radio. I told you that there's the opposite knockout. You'll know you've heard the commercial. There's Yacht Rock, and now there's-- Oh, Yacht radio. I told you about that. Yeah, but what's the number of the channel? I'm going to put it in my presets when I get in the car. You'll notice it's similar. But I would like the soul yacht rock better than the regular one. Well, we'll see. The brother. Well, we'll see, but we'll find out. I'll have to do a Google search on that. It's the same type of smooth music that you'd like anyway. That's what I like, a kickback. Yeah. That's it. By the way, just music you won't hear at Cracker Barrel right here. That's it. It's not called that for no reason, you captain. Great sides, though, right, Cap? Great sides of Cracker Barrel. I mean, let me just tell you something. Some of the sides, they've got it this place. Oh, doctor. Loaded mashed potatoes with bacon crumbles, cheese and green onions. Brother. How about the bacon mac and cheese? If you're a mac and cheese fan. The hash brown casserole tots. Loaded hash brown casserole. Brother. Yeah. Loaded baked sweet potato. I'm not a sweet potato guy, but for those of you that partake, there you go. They got some country sides. Yeah. I mean, turnip greens, pinto beans, or kernel corn. Perfect music for this. Go ahead. Reading the Cracker Barrel menu with this in the background. Just feels wrong. Dumplings. That's a bad take. Fried apples. There you go. It was fried apples I told you about. Restaurant quality. Restaurant quality, a little cinnamon on there. Let's go. If you're in for it, it's there. That's it. That's good, right there, Cap. That's it. That was you and your coaching. That was fine dining when you were coaching. That was just-- Bob Evans. All right, let's go on over here. Can I get this sausage and gravy, please? [LAUGHTER] Way I used to eat, man. That's 30 years ago, please. I love rubbing and touching my meat. What's that? All right, coming up, the Cap and Jhood Cut of the Day is right around the corner on Chicago's Home for Sports. Keep hope alive. Truth of the matter is, you're listening to Cap and Jhood on ESPN 1,000 weekdays, 7 to 10 a.m., but it'll last a lifetime. It may only be three hours a day, but it'll last you a lifetime. Now time for the Cap and Jhood Cut of the Day. Brought to you by Chicago Cut. Hey, cows, keyboard. Yo. Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. Oh! Whatever. It's not boring. OK, then you're boring. All right, cut. But Cap, still, before you even knew Shea Norling, you knew the Cubs, because you're a Cubs fan. It's a team that means the most to you in Chicago. Let's just be honest. Don't you think that the playoffs are more important than trying to get money from a poor producer, one of the pours, and Shea Norling? No, he ran his mouth. You cannot write checks that your body can't cash. That's high end steak, you know. He powered it up, not me. I'm just going, what do you want if they do it? He said, OK, they win 86 games. I'll buy you the biggest steak in Chicago. No, the most expensive steak. I woke up this morning, and I looked at the score, and I saw the stories, and I started to sweat. Woody, is there a way-- do you think it's fair? All the sports books have the cash out option. Is there a way that I can hedge my wager with Kaplan? I don't think Cap has a button. I don't think that you can hit a cash out button. You know what it says? Like, draft can't cash out, suspend it. Like, yeah. I buy you lunch today, and we call it a wash. No, Scott. You're hitting that button, and it's like blacked out. Cash out, can I cash out? Suspended. Please help me, sir. I'm getting nervous. Think of my poor wife who's going to be eating ramen noodles for two weeks, so I can pay for this dinner at Chicago Cut. Well, you're young. You can take care of it, correct. Hoover eats. I'm sure they're hiring. Oh my god. Wow. And that's all, folks. The cap and jade cut of the day. Brought to you by Chicago Cut Steakhouse. Gorgeous day. Sit on the patio. It is simply phenomenal. It's on La Salle north side of the Chicago River. As for David and Matt. It's September 11th cap, and it's a day we'll never forget. Yeah, my late mother-in-law's birthday was today. And before she died, she and I had this conversation. She's like, it's my birthday, and I can never, ever feel the same again. And I remember where I was that horrific day. And god, I was on the golf course. And you first hear about it. And you're like, what is that? A small little sessna hit a building. And then you hear a second one, and you're like, we're out of here. And I didn't move from my couch for three days. We weren't on the air. We went to all national programming down the dial. And the gut-wrenching images we watched pray for those souls and pray for those families every day. Absolutely. The station I was working at, we went to national programming. And again, sports was not important. I think I was the first one to talk sports on the other side of 9/11. And we talked high school football, because high school football was taking place in some places. There's the only semblance of sports that we had. We kind of just kind of talked to people about, hey, getting back to some normalcy in this country. President Bush has striked at First Picture Yankee Stadium, all those things. It was amazing. But all of that, though, it just galvanized the country in a very, very difficult time. So we'll never forget September 11. Never, ever, ever forget. We thank you so much for listening and calling in and being part of the program here on Captain J. Hood. Thank you, Shay. Thank you, Jay Moore. How about a deal breakers Thursday tomorrow? Bring your egg game, Norlin. Saw him, everybody. Take that from Chicago.