The Cārvāka Podcast

Pappu Or Paapi?

In this podcast, Kushal and Tushar discuss the three speeches of Rahul Gandhi on his current trip to the United States of America. Is Rahul Gandhi a pappu? Or is he a paapi? Or he is a Pappu who is also a Paapi?

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#RahulGandhi #RahulGandhiInUSA #Pappu

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2h 13m
Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

So, many of you will read the description of this podcast and think that this was going to be a monologue. So, it was, but then I reached out to Tushar and I asked him that would he like to join me and Tushar agreed. So, first of all, before we start our discussion, I hereby self-declare myself as a candidate for Bharat Ratna and Hilale Pakistan both, because Manateen's speech Suni Raoul Gandhi puri start celerge entang. So, what the mayor do share what's up a batka riddle to share a vulta tuna con si wallis uni melo vala tina sudhi tusharge emojit ha ha ha ha ha ha. It should have been there. It's the way I'm going to answer. They have a full disclosure. Man, Modi goes into town around Kanji goes into town. Man, Bhankarati, I apologize. Because beyond the point, Madhla reputations, Sothi. Madhla, Madhla, Madhi, Madhi, Kijo, and Reputation, aspirational reputation. I feel like here many, what did I do to deserve this as an Indian? No. It's very, I mean, I'm not kidding. I'm not trying to sound over dramatic, but it takes a special kind of mental stamina to go through what he says. Even something he says, but the most marvelous thing is he says it all with the straight face. He actually means it. He actually means it. So, the people he was talking to nothing, nothing at all. He'll just blah whatever he would, whatever comes to his mind. It's insane, there has to be a level to insanity. So we will get to the specific points, but when I heard all the three speeches, and I I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I don't know corporates where are the marginalize 90 percent you by this time you've done with the second address of Ravel Gandhi when the question answers you were like a Chavi able never it's it's that predictable what wasn't predictable however was what does the a in india line stand for that has to be played that has to be played and aired for the audience but I 100% endorsed what you said so this is something I tweeted yesterday after you know I had done a series of like I was a serial tweeter yesterday tweeting like a madman quoting his videos and you know making my comments on the videos so I have noticed three major patterns in all his three speeches there are three major patterns softball questions that is the biggest major pattern softball listen I understand every political interview including the interview of Narendra Modi is a fixed match I am not going to deny most interviews are fixed matches one of the biggest reasons I Charvak podcast Kuzalmara don't talk to politicians is because I refuse to do that I refuse to send fixed questions which is why so so always remember if a politician has come on my podcast they agreed to my conditions so whether it was Vinod Thavedi, Poonam, Mahajan they agreed to my condition he met him co-hosting him too much and he was like they may co-hosting him too so kudos to them what happened to them after that is not my problem but they agreed and they came on my podcast agreeing that I will ask whatever I want to ask now Raul Gandhi keeps on you know he he's been prepped he's been prepped to say a few things and I think he has this you know book that he wakes up in the morning he was like and he has memorized a few lines because no matter what the question is Raul Gandhi can answer a kyota so he has this love for Muradabad apparently like he clearly loves carpets of Muradabad this is about Khary doing a carpet Muradabad said because all three speeches he has given the Muradabad carpet example all three of them all three of them he has given the Muradabad carpet example all three of them I am the one who started the politics of love in one speech a crowd may say ik Bandaya or Bandhi shouts "Really?" "I'm a Michael Jackson the concert I can't say it" that was the Georgetown one yes me is so cringe listen if somebody starts shouts "I love you" Modiji come judging you we're supposed to criticize politicians not fall in love with them what is wrong with people no matter you know but when they scream and I'd like to put out this despite of all the jokes we're going to crack and they're going to be a lot of jokes please understand whatever he utters the contradiction it has with his own stances in the past with his party's current stance and with the future of India the increase of India in the long term those are very worrying so this podcast we're doing and Kushas was kind enough to sort of ask me to reach out that if I want to join him in this trauma but please understand the worrying part is the contradiction the the worrying part is actually the contradiction and if that contradiction transforms into votes and those votes transform into a government that is where our concern isn't that is why this entire analysis that we are going to do and the one other reason also is people have very poor public memory very very poor memory the public has such pathetic memory pardon the French they don't even remember I'll tell you the funniest thing this last evening which was yesterday night India time or 10th in America he had this interaction with the anchor it was I think a publishing house or something they were holding with the cup she said that what Ayat was on policies and blah blah rabble on the set and legit he said he said we are thinking of pushing reservations for women in assemblies and the parliament and no journalist in India no journalist no congress supporter and I'm sorry to say not even many influences on our side they could actually see the irony that that bill became an act last September a year ago almost and Ravi Gandhi saying they're pushing for it the anchor of course is low IQ if she agreed to interview him that shall not read a newspaper is the only commandment you know my worry is at one point we'll start getting repetitive in the sense people read newspaper read the newspaper read the newspaper so so Mark can we start I want to take the first issue I will play his speech on Sikhs and why I want to start with this is there are two Punjabi's on the screen right now the Shahad is a Punjabi I am a Punjabi this shit is personal this is personal so we will start with something that is personal let me play the speech first and then Shahad I want your reaction let's play this speech what is your name the point is about whether he has it's going to be a lot of the way it's going to be a lot of the way it's going to be a lot of the way that I need him for here the Sikh is going to be able to go to a good war that's what the fight is about and not just for him for all religion fight is also about I can see here in the now people from Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, and it's your duty notice notice Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, Gudratin, Ivalakakan, Gudratin, Ivalakakan, no, yeah yes you had no idea what you were saying. I will be in a member of parliament for Kerala, who is a Muslim. So basically national integration keeps being over with him let's start with this how do you how do you respond to this level this is gaslighting at its finest so I'll reply in three levels let's first talk about history it's ironical that our current prime minister when he went underground during the emergency he wore a turban and he was safe from that dictator at that time it's a very poetic sort of irony that today Ivalakan he says it's not safe to wear a turban in India but I put a minister when he went underground during the emergency as a swim said but he was wearing a turban number yes in 2021 when the farmers marched on to Delhi on the republic day of high high security day with the entire parade arrangements and everything the government trusted them to carry out the march piece for you the government trusted in 1982 when the entire sick agitation was on in Punjab you know they were 1500 Sikhs who were arrested on the borders of Delhi because the Asian games were I'm just giving you this history lesson to and to show you the contrast between the congress and the BJP whatever happened on 26 January 2021 very disappointing but you have to give the government where it is believed that they'll take out the march piece for you number one now let's come to the what-about-tree part who's the rebel don't need to talk about what Sikhs are safe about on what not 1984 I still remember that interview he did with Arunav Ghoswami 10 years ago that sort of should go down into the one of the finest employees ever done in Indian television history Arunav Ghoswami kept asking him are you apologetic about 1984 was your party member in world yes or no and Raoul Gandhi's I wasn't there yes my party is apologetic I'm not there so this is the what-about-tree answer that people who were the party rather who was leading that 1984 one-sided riot against the Sikhs in Delhi so they are going to tell us what's safe to wear an Indian whatnot and number three purely from a political point of view this is inciting hate nothing else push on my question why did he not talk about James fair number of them in America but this Christians are sees where are they in the Raoul Gandhi's equation no he knew his audience right he knew his audience remember this article Rajiv Gandhi calls for vengeance against his mother's assassins this is the Washington post Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi charging that his mother was the victim of a foreign linked conspiracy said Monday that Rajiv Indra Gandhi's assassination should be avenged not in anger but through efforts to unify a strong and modern India in his first appearance in the public rally since being sworn as prime minister on October 31 Gandhi said the assassination was not to remove just one person but to shatter the state stability of the country Gandhi said when a large tree falls the earth shakes but the world can see and is seeing that India is independent and strong we must see that the work of Jawalar, Nehru and Indra Gandhi is completed Nehru was Indra Gandhi's father and Indra's first prime minister this was Rajiv Gandhi and today Raoul Gandhi is in agreement with none other than a band organization seeks for justice and their leader and the band and the band has been extended for five more years just a few minutes back yeah so so my question to Raoul Gandhi from this podcast and I'm sure Tushar also wants to ask this question when a person like Gurpathwan Singh Pannu that issues open threats to Indians sitting in the United States of America you know Pannu Tushar should I read the two paragraphs of Gurpathwan absolutely absolutely because okay there will be people who will be on audios please yes yes so this is a letter dated September 10 2024 from Washington DC or titled Raoul Gandhi reverberates seeks for justice's position on khalistan while addressing the gathering in Washington DC where many pro-khalistan Sikhs were in attendance his words not mine Raoul Gandhi justified SFJ's global khalistan referendum campaign when he stated court fight in India is whether a Sikh will be allowed to wear a turban and kala go to a gurdwara Raoul statement on court existential threat to Sikhs in India unquote is not only bold and pioneering but is also firmly grounded in the factual history of what Sikhs have been facing under successive regimes in India since 1947 and also corroborate a corroborates SFJ stands on the justification of Punjab or Punjab independence referendum to establish the Sikh homeland khalistan issued by Gurpathwan Singh Pannu attorney at law New York general counsel to SFJ he has given his email ID and number which i'm not going to read for the benefit of privacy well he clearly does not believe in privacy he has shared it openly but now i want your reaction two things in 2020 2021 they convinced the farmers of Punjab alone that the government was working against their interests the congress and the Ahmad be party in the entire opposition because they were elections coming up now that what has fallen flat it felt flat in 2024 also correct the public sympathy is lost for the farmers so now they're cooking up another narrative that the Sikhs somehow are victims of intolerance now the problem is if it's made in a news debate or by some random commentator like some wire editor or some leftist photo editor no one really cares but when the leader of opposition a position of responsibility and the party with 99 or 98 entities in the Lok Sabha makes such a statement that becomes a global narrative like it or not there is some value added to that statement however futile that value might be Rahul Gandhi does not realize that the congress party does not realize that tomorrow somewhere in some fancy university of the west a paper would be written on the religious intolerance in India it would be bullshit it would be sugar potay retarded but somewhere Rahul Gandhi statement will come in that oh the leader of opposition representing the grand old party of India a four or five time empty says that Sikhs are not allowed to wear turbines and cut us in India they link it to the farmers protest they link it to the financial state of Punjab in which Modi or Amit Shah have nothing to do it's the state that has mixed itself up and continues to do so but that is how the narrative will be floated and organizations will get excited organizations like SFJ I'm telling you how this entire narrative cycle works it's you already know but for the benefit of the views SFJ got so excited by that statement they did not even wait for 10 hours they were like are you getting used currently and they have so any loose comment made with respect to India's sovereignty national security the radical organizations will pick it up and look at the irony push-up Indra Gandhi's holdings posters voters whatever you want they parade it around with bullet shots on the you know on the body depicting on her body their ridicule of her assassination Rahul Gandhi's grandmother assassination is mocked and ridiculed by these people celebrated as some achievement and Rahul Gandhi is peddling narratives that works right into their agenda I don't know what to call it maybe someone had replied to me in a very smart tweet he said maybe voting is thicker than blood votes are thicker than blood for Rahul Gandhi is that the case we don't know but Rahul Gandhi needs to act with responsibility this is not something we can brush under the carpet linked it with also what challenges in chani the Punjab looks of her empty for the Congress in the 18th Lok Sabha said on the floor of the parliament he made a case for Amrit Palsig who's a separatist first and then he was elected as an MP unfortunately so you need to connect the dots it goes back to the same thing don't look at this comment and isolation look at it at how it will be used and Rahul Gandhi last year also made a very similar remark when he was touring someplace that you are a CQ or second class citizens in India this is responsible is he not aware about the prime minister security creation Punjab is he not aware about the same assassination in the 90s is he not aware about his own grandmothers assassination after operation bluster is he not aware of what events led to the creation of Vindravala what were the political implications of it what were the political ambitions behind it yeah yato up ignorant hope after the portal to hand this is now it's something I take for granted congress support based the new coin IT sell on social media especially Twitter is ignorant they have been clear enough I would resume to keep their eyes mouth and yours shut but his Rahul Gandhi unaware doesn't he know the price and his words he spayed the price but he's again playing the same dirty game just to back you up before somebody says k esatok which why near this is Brampton in parade float of Indra Gandhi assassination Brampton slammed by Indian government this is a report by Ryan Rambolt for in saga published June 8th 2023 this is the float for those who are listening to the audio version there is a float where Indra Gandhi is supposedly in a saree there is a float of Indra Gandhi in a white saree with her hands up and two turban men in army camouflage uniforms with a gun in their hand shooting her shame on Rahul Gandhi seriously shame on him listen I would have never voted for Indra Gandhi but dammit that was my prime minister exactly how dare you murder my prime minister and think you can get away with it how dare you that's my sovereign leader in my first book launch in Toronto and by the way people who think I'm lying that luckily that boy actually tweeted below my tweet said like via you did say that somebody actually asked me a question about congress policies in India and my answer at that time was let me be the mature one I'm here in Canada I don't bash congress in Canada I bash them on my podcast wherever I hosted because it's for Indian audiences and I'll do it in India Canadian gatherings but I'm going to break my code now everywhere I go I'm going to bash this evil outfit because this evil outfit that is led by this man is no longer a papu this man yeah he is beyond papu he's a puppy and when Simran jit Singh man former member of parliament and an open khalestani says this foreign language. In port telematol kukhi ajara. Do Sri bathak, Joe, Muddhisab or Unki, Kepnet or Unki, National Security Advisor, Doyle or Raunay. 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