Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

If the Grace of God Can Save You; The Grace of God Can Change You

If the Grace of God Can Save You; The Grace of God Can Change You

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Faith is having assurance of the outcome. Not only did He promise me an outcome but by grace He provided it.

It is done. You don’t have to pay for what is already paid for. You can’t earn it and you don’t have to struggle for it because grace has supplied it.

For His grace is sufficiently supplied. 2 Cor. 12:9 "And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

His grace has freely given us ALL things! 2 Peter 1:3 "His divine power has given us everything we need for living a godly life."

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Date of service 9/7/24

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

If the Grace of God Can Save You; The Grace of God Can Change You Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is having assurance of the outcome. Not only did He promise me an outcome but by grace He provided it. It is done. You don’t have to pay for what is already paid for. You can’t earn it and you don’t have to struggle for it because grace has supplied it. For His grace is sufficiently supplied. 2 Cor. 12:9 "And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." His grace has freely given us ALL things! 2 Peter 1:3 "His divine power has given us everything we need for living a godly life." For more information on Apostle Cathy Coppola Ministries and House of Glory visit our websites at: and Our annual Fired Up Conference is September 27th, 2024 Sign up now at To watch Women In Ministries Series go to: Jesus and Paul Affirmed Women In Leadership Now you can watch Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV on our scheduled programing channel! Stand with us as we bring the gospel to every tongue, tribe and nation. #standinthefight #churchesfalling #megachurch #deception #spiritualwarfare #godlycharacter #music #faith #Jesussaves #wakeup #standfortruth #mightywindbroadcastingnetworktv #mightywindtv #apostlecathycoppola #firedupconference #christianity #jesus #christian #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #church #christ #love #prayer #gospel #bibleverse #holyspirit #godisgood #pray #truth #hope #scripture #blessed #worship #biblestudy #grace #amen Date of service 9/7/24
[MUSIC] >> Cease, stop striving. If you walk in condemnation, you cannot receive the grace that's available because of Christ's work. Striving is not the answer. By faith, we appropriate this. >> We must have faith, faith in the word of God. That if God has said it, then God is going to bring it to pass, right? We'll see it with our eyes that it's done, but we're going to see it. So we're going to learn to expect the expected end. Grace is what you couldn't earn but received anyway. Grace, I want to talk to you tonight about the grace of God and the faith that will back that up. Because if grace can save you, then grace can change you. If grace can save you, we're saved by grace. You have been saved through faith, right? So if grace can save you, it's going to be able to change you, right? We believe in the grace of God. We believe in the faith that our faith is in God and Christ, Almighty, and what He's done on the cross. So what the grace of God provides, your faith can expect. I want you to start thinking about this because we are not just allowing anything to happen and go, "Oh, it's good, it's a good day." Oh, it's bad, it's a bad day. Things are going good, it's great. Things are going bad, it's bad. No, what the grace of God provides and the grace of God provides everything, then your faith can expect it, make a demand on your faith. You're going to expect the goodness of the Lord. God is good, He is faithful. And in Hebrews 11-1, you can turn your Bible there if you like, Hebrews 11-1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things that are not seen. We must have faith faith in the word of God, that if God is set it, then God is going to bring it to pass, right? There will see it with our eyes, that it's done, but we're going to see it, right? So faith is having the assurance of the outcome. See, I have the assurance of the outcome because I have faith in Christ in His word. I have assurance of the outcome. You have assurance that what you have been praying for, that lines up with the word of God, that it's coming to pass. You have assurance of the outcome. So I have assurance of the outcome. Thank you, Father. Faith is having assurance of that outcome. Faith is not in the situation, it's in Christ in His word. I have assurance of the outcome. Not only did He promise me an outcome, but by the grace of God, He's provided it. He's promised it, but He's provided it. It is done, say it is done. And you don't have to pay for what's already done. It's already paid for. You can't earn it. You can't earn it. You don't have to struggle for it because grace has supplied it. Oh, if we just have an understanding of grace, of the grace of God. See, yes, grace is His unmerited favor, His ability, yes, but it is also His divine empowerment. And when you see grace as His divine empowerment, that God's divine power resting upon you, then things change because you know you're standing in the grace of God, which is not weak. It's power. It's divine empowerment. You've been divinely empowered by the grace of God. That's why His grace is sufficient. His grace is sufficient. It's more than enough. His grace is all you need. And so sometimes people, they use that, they'll think of that word and they just think, oh, it's his unmerited favor. You know, I wasn't worth it, and I didn't, I can't earn it, you know, I can't, but it's just God's, you know, his unmerited favor. It is so much more than that. God's empowering in you, His empowering. He's empowering you, amen? So grace is what you couldn't earn but received anyway, yes. You didn't earn His favor, did you? You received it anyway, yeah? His power, His grace is His power. You couldn't earn His power, but you received it anyway, right? So let's look at John 1 16. For from His faithfulness, we have received all grace upon grace. From His faithfulness, you have received all His, all grace, but then it says grace upon grace. His empowerment, His divine empowerment upon divine empowerment upon divine empowerment. Did you read what the word of the Lord said? And of the fullness, it says we have all received and grace for grace. Grace upon grace, grace upon grace. What is that grace? But God's divine empowerment upon God's divine empowerment. Why is this such a big deal? Because there is nothing you are unable to do if God has called you to do it. You are called to walk as God's righteous individual, and the grace of God will make sure you get there. But you've got to come in faith, don't you? You've got to apply the faith that that grace is there for you to walk wholeheartedly before the Lord. Is anybody following what I'm saying? Because if when you get a revelation of what I'm saying, your life really does change. Because you recognize, my God, I've been empowered by the grace of God, by His divine empowerment. My goodness, there's nothing I can't do. I can stand firm in His Word if He's called me to it. I can stand firm in His Word no matter how much chaos is all around me, and not miss a beat. It's for your good that you really heed this word and understand it. So if faith can receive it, grace will supply it. If faith, your faith, we understand faith, I think more than grace sometimes. If faith can receive it, I read it in the Word, God says, He's only pleased by faith. So I have faith, my faith is growing, right? If faith can receive it, your faith can receive the Word, your faith can receive the promises of God which are yes and amen, but how are you going to walk in it? Because grace supplies it. What's grace? His power, His divine empowerment in you, you're not alone. You're not left powerless. Christ's grace is sufficient, 2 Corinthians 12, 9. It says, "My grace is sufficient for you, and my power is made perfect in your weakness." Thank you, Lord, when we feel so weak, it's your power that's made perfect in us. Hallelujah. Therefore, most gladly, I would rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me. That power is resting upon believers just because the power of God is resting. The power of His grace resting upon you doesn't mean that you're aware of it. I think you're going to become more and more aware of it because we're talking about it, but many times, if you're not aware of it, it's available like salvation, but you're not benefiting from it because you're not looking to the truth. You're looking the other way, looking at lies, you're looking at deception, you're looking at what you, you don't have a revelation of what, of the fullness of this gift. His grace is a free gift, Ephesians 2, 8, 9. His grace, His divine power in your life is a free gift. He didn't just save you from your sins. He's not just, "I'm healing you and delivering you." He's giving you a free gift of grace to give you that divine empowerment and that divine empowerment will cause you to walk uprightly every day. If you understand what you have. So Ephesians 2, 8, 9, 4, "By grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves." This is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Free gift, saints of free gift. Any abundantly gives this grace and sometimes you, I think we all would agree, there are times that you need the power of God more than others, right? There are sometimes, you know, you just know that you know, you need that increased power, but you have it. It's in the grace of God. So James 4, 6 says, "But He gives more grace." He gives more grace. What is grace? That divine empowerment from God. He gives more power. He gives more grace. He abundantly gives the grace, more grace to the humble. He says, "He gives more grace." Therefore, he says, "God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble." We walk in humility knowing that our power, our strength, is God's, not ours, it's His. Right? So we are invited to come confidently to His throne of grace. There it is again, to His throne of power. We are invited to come confidently to where God wants to shower you with the power from the most high God. So I want to read you here this scripture in Hebrews 4, 16. It says, "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, boldly to a throne which has power, boldly." See, we sometimes people just come and they're like, "I just want to worship, which is great, but you have to understand everything that is at that throne." The intimacy and the worship is beautiful and it's great, but there's so much power being released from that throne. So it says to come boldly, which means come confidently, where to come confidently, come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need. Every need has already been met, worrying and for a child or a loved one, it's already been met, finances, it's already been met, right? Some of you need cars, it's already been met, double, double, double. As I was praying before for you, double. Why just one, get two, double. His grace is within me. His divine enablement at any moment, that's the other thing and what you should understand about the grace of God is that it is at any moment. In other words, it's constant. He is constant, right? And so he's consistently with us. First Corinthians 1510, first Corinthians 1510 says, but by the grace of God, I am what I am and his grace towards me was not in vain, but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was within me, it was with me. His grace, where is his grace? It's within you. Where does grace, his divine empowerment, where is it within you? It is within you, God's divine empowerment. What is it the power of God to do whatever you're called to do and to do it well? Within you at every moment of every day, you are never left without the grace, the empowerment of God. Is it making sense? Thank you, Lord. So therefore, my assurance is in his divine ability. So our assurance is not in us, it's in his divine ability which is in us. That's where our assurance is. The cross of Jesus provided the grace of God. The cross of Jesus, his shed blood is what empowered grace to work. That's why we pray about the blood, we pray, we will apply the blood, we sing of the blood because it's the blood of Jesus that applied that grace and caused that grace to work. It's the power in the blood, that's that power that's within us. So when you get a revelation or as the revelation starts to increase of what the cross has provided, your expectation starts to change and you realize that I have the power, I have everything I need for life and godliness. So I have the grace of God working on the inside of me. Romans 3, I've got a lot of Scripture, we're just going to keep on moving through this today. Romans 3, starting in 23, it says for all of sinned and they've fallen short of the glory of God. We know this verse, right? All have sinned and they've fallen short of the glory of God. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. We've been justified by that power of God, by that mercy of God. It says whom God set forth as a propitiation by his blood. There it is again, the blood, the beautiful blood of Jesus through faith, through faith, it all works together, the grace of God and the faith of God working together, releasing the power of God in your life. So a lack of this understanding or a revelation of this keeps you trying instead of walking in faith and attaining the miracles. Let's just talk about what just took place right now. That is not something that happens as you walk in the flesh or if you're just, if you're thinking I've got this, I'm going to walk in my anointing. That is not something that happens when you just walk in what you feel confident in. It happens when you press in to the grace, the divine empowerment, standing firm in faith because you know God wants to give you every good and perfect gift. And then you see the power, the divine enablement, the divine empowerment flowing through your lives, right? And it's not just true for here and for today, but it's true for you everywhere you go. So that grace to change, not to try, but to be different, to walk strongly before God. In other words, we need to stop trying and realize, I don't have to try. You don't have to try. That word should be out of your vocabulary. I'm going to try to do what's right, I'm going to try to do what's good. But in reality, the grace of God has already enabled you and empowered you to do what is right. It's not you trying, it's you literally just submitting to the presence and the power of God and saying, Lord, I'm doing it your way because you've already given me the grace to do it. So it changes everything. It changes the mindset and that's what has to be changed. So we're not trying to attain the promises of God. Oh, I'm going to try to attain this promise, I'm going to try, you know, no, they're faithless statements. Well, I'm trying to not sin. Okay, but you know what? You can keep on trying to not sin and you're going to end up in the same place and praying the same prayers because you've missed something. God's already paid the price through the blood of Jesus Christ. His grace is already provided all you need. His grace is enough. So when you say, I'm not going to try, I already am, I already am saved, I already am healed, I already am free, I already am walking with the mind of Christ. I already have overcome, I already have it. I'm able to do what God has said in His word today, not one day when I finally get it all together. See then there's faith that is definitely right there along with understanding that grace of God. And somebody's getting the revelation of this today and you're going to walk out with the empowerment of God in your life. You're like, wow, and I thought I had to wait till I, you know, years go by until I read the Bible, you know, 56 times and then all of a sudden you're maturity starts to come up. Well, you know what? It's a gift and it's already been provided for the grace of God. Thank you, Father. So we need to cease our striving and step into what is free, cease, stop striving. Striving is not the answer. By faith we appropriate this a sinner will sin, but a saint will resist sin. All you have to do is resist it, resist the sin, walk in the grace coupled by the faith. So God's given you a new nature, right? And His grace has given you a new nature. You're no longer a child of the devil, are you? If you were at one point though, we all wear at one point, you're no longer a child of the devil. God and Titus, Titus chapter two, 11 and 12, this is the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, we should live righteously and godly in this present age. What is it that? This is how we should live, but what was the very beginning part of that? The grace of God. The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. In other words, you have the grace of God to do this, to live soberly, to walk rightly. You have the grace of God to do this. You have the power of God to do it. See the devil wants you to think that you're weak. The devil wants you to think that you have not been set free in that area, in an A area. Maybe it's worry or fear. You haven't been set free. You still have all these hang ups and it comes from your past and you're on and on and on and you don't have, you haven't been set free. You still need to work on getting set free. He's lying to you because the grace is available today. When his blood was shed, that grace was available. You're stronger than you think you are in Christ. So when his blood was shed, his grace was available. If you walk in condemnation, you cannot receive the grace that's available because of Christ's work. If your heart condemns you, it will rob you of that holy boldness. It will rob you of that confidence. So grace has supplied prosperity, it has supplied healing, it has supplied a long life. It is the grace of God supplied everything that you need today to walk as one on fire for the Lord. So you can resist what grace supplies and you can live in poverty. You can resist it. You can resist and say, "No, I've got to be better, I've got to do better." And then just allow the condemnation to settle in again. So you can resist what grace supplies and you can walk in sickness. You can resist it. Or you can say, "No, the blood was shed. I am healed by your stripes. I am healed." Thank you, Lord. I apply it. Yeah, you can resist. Somebody got it in the back row. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. I got it too. Praise God. You can resist what grace supplies but we're not going to resist what grace supplies, right? What about early death? You know, people talk about this all the time, "Well, when you get older, you know it's what's going to happen. You're going to get sick. You're going to lose your memory. You're going to just, your body just deteriorates and this is what happens when you get older." And then people talk about this and then they just accept it and embrace it. I know not you all, but come on. You're going to tell me you don't know people in your lives that literally think this way and think you're nuts when you say, "No, absolutely not." That is not what I'm believing. No, that's not the word of God because as your days are social, your strength be. How many days has God given you a long life? So shall your strength be. Your mind is the mind of Christ and He doesn't have a forgetful mind. He doesn't have a forgetful mind. He's not forgetting things. So neither are you because as Jesus is so are you. So are you. So are we. So we're going to learn to expect the expected end. There's an expected end. We should have an expectation for the expected end. We're going to learn to expect the expected end, let your expectation rise up, let your faith level rise up, coupled with the grace of God. That's how you're going to get there. That's how you're going to receive it, right? So learn to expect the expected end. Jeremiah 2911 fits perfectly with this. It says, "I know the thoughts that I think towards you," says the Lord. I know the thoughts that I think towards you. Thoughts of peace, not of evil, to give you, yes, a future and a hope. But if you read the King James version, it says an expected end. I like that. So we're going to learn to expect the expected end. I have an expectation that God is faithful. I have an expectation that all of his promises are yes and amen. I have an expectation and therefore I will receive that expected end. Not someday. Today. Today. Like there are hours today. We got to claim it today, own it today, right? So you have the blessing when you believe it, not when you receive it. You have the blessing today when you believe it. Your sweet friend, you're already set free. You are set free. The enemy wants you to think, well, someday you'll be set free so that he can keep working his way, but you're actually set free. You have the power of God working through you and the enemy's tactics to try to bring you down and bring you and it caused you to be oppressed. That's exactly what it is, oppression coming from the oppressor, the accuser of the brethren. But God sees you as perfectly healed right before him, set free, living and loving the Lord, your God in purity today, today. And so you know it's like a flip of a switch, yes Lord, your grace is provided it, yes Lord. And faith in your word, I receive it, yes Lord, it's mine today, today. So Romans 4, 13 says, "For the promise, for the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith." So in other words, it wasn't just for Abraham and to his seed, it was for us, through the righteousness of faith, aren't we the righteousness of God? And it isn't it through faith that we've received this, right? So the promises are for us, right? Everything. We're going to list a few promises. You can write these down. Joshua 24, 15, "As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord." We shall serve the Lord. How can I so boldly stand that because I know that God's grace has provided it and faith in him. I received it today. It's a promise. I received it in faith. It's a promise. Grace has provided it. Deuteronomy 33, 25, "As your days are, so will your strength be." As your days are, so will your strength be. It's a promise. It is a promise from the Lord. Receive it in faith. Grace has provided it. The grace, the divine empowerment of God. He's provided it. Romans 16, 31, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. You and your household. You and your household." Doesn't matter if they're not living under your roof right now. You claim them as your household. You and your household, right? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. You and your household. Come on. It's a promise. Receive it in faith because grace has already provided it. It's already provided it. They're John 2, "I desire that you prosper and be in health." Even as your soul prospers. Come on. It's a promise. Receive it in faith because grace has already provided it. So I don't have to strive for what I already have. I don't have to strive for what Jesus has already purchased. I don't have to work it. I don't have to strive. I just get to trust him. I get to believe him. I get to say, "Well, Lord, you're so good." "My free gift, the free gift you've purchased on the cross, the blood of Jesus paid it all." Your grace is sufficient. Your grace is abundant. It's abundant. It's a bounding in my life, right? Yes, overflow. So if you don't stand in the mind of Christ knowing his grace is sufficient, you will walk as one that's striving for perfection but never able to attain it. And you know that this is what many believers try to do. And I think at one point in time we all did this, right? Until you really understand, wow, just relax and be at peace with him because he definitely already has it. It's receiving the love of God. It's really understanding that it's been purchased and he's poured it out. He's lavished upon you everything you need to walk freely like this confidently in him. Does that make sense? So there's no need for us striving. So I'm going to read that again. If you don't stand in the mind of Christ, so that's so critical, standing in the mind of Christ knowing that his grace is sufficient more than enough, right, then you're going to walk kind of like a slave mentality, just striving to try to receive that perfection, to try to be a good Christian, to try to be good, to try to do these things and never attaining it because you're always messing up because you're still striving because you're still trying to do it in your own power. But when you realize the power has already been provided through the grace of God and my faith in what he's provided is all I need, all I need, just stand in it. He has it. And just as salvation is a free gift, and we don't have any problem believing that salvation is a free gift, right? We don't have any problem walking in that. But what grace has provided is also a free gift. It's also a free gift. So we need to train our minds. We need to train our minds to embrace the fullness of what the cross provided us. Jesus is truly enough. He provided everything, amen. Joshua 14, 11 says, "I'm as strong this day as the day that Moses sent me." As strong this day, yes. Just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. It's a beautiful promise that we need to stand on, right? Joshua 14, 11. So he paid for it all, and it's available for us. His grace has freely given us all things. That means every area of your life. In every area, Church of God, there is not an area that God's grace is not already freely supplied for you. Every area, 2 Peter 1, 3, 2 Peter 1, 3, His divine power has given us all things. Everything, everything, say everything. His divine power, wait, you mean His grace? Yes. His grace has already given you everything. Let's say it again. His grace has already given you everything. His divine power has already given you everything. We have it written up here. As His divine power has given to us all things, all things, which means everything. This means everything. All things is all things. It's everything, right? That pertain to life and godliness. Yes, you're going to walk godly because the grace of God has already provided it. And you've learned that God has already accepted you as a daughter, as a son. And you're not trying to be somebody. You're not. You already are marked out with the blood of Jesus. And so therefore God's grace is upon your life. His power is upon your life. His love has already been freely given. He already has called you his own. And so you've already been accepted in the beloved. You don't need to try. So his divine power has already given us all things, all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his glory and his virtue. Hallelujah. I don't know, maybe that gets me excited. I'm like, wow, thank you, Lord. Your grace has been freely given to me in every area of my life, every area, areas that I feel strong and the areas that I can do this, you know, the areas that I don't feel that strong. I'm like, oh my gosh, how am I going to do that? I have the grace of God, so if God's called me to do something, I have the divine empowerment, the divine ability to do it and to do it well because his grace is on my life as it is on yours. Amen. Amen. Amen. So his grace has supplied it and we walk in faith and hearing through these promises of God. And in Psalms 84 and 11, it says that no good thing will he withhold, right, from those who walk uprightly. He's not going to withhold any good thing. If it's a good thing, he's not withholding it, not from you, you're his child. You belong to him. Children of the most high God, if it's a good thing, it's yours. That's the kind of confidence that he wants us to have. If it's a good thing, it's mine. What about when things come about and it's like chaos, hang on, that storm is about ready to end and you're going to see the double blessing on the other side because God is not mocked and he's not fooled by anybody, nor anyone, nor any spirit, nor any circumstance. Are you following? Hold on. Walk through that storm. Know that God is walking through you through that storm. You're going to be better off because you're standing in faith knowing that the grace of God has already supplied everything I need. So I'm walking in the double blessing. You just haven't seen it yet. Some of you just haven't seen it yet, but I'm walking in the double blessing. I believe you're walking in the double blessing and you believe it now even before you see it because we believe in the promises of God that are yes and amen. We know that Proverbs 10 and 22 says the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he has no sorrow. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he has no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10, 22. So we're going to be assured of the outcome. We're going to be assured of the outcome. What outcome? All my children will be taught of the Lord. What outcome that asks for me in my house, we're going to stand and serve the Lord? Yes. We're going to serve God absolutely one hundred percent. What outcome that the goodness of God is just chasing after me? The goodness of Shirley, of course. Do you think anything else? No. Shirley. Absolutely. Shirley, the goodness. The goodness of God is chasing you down. He's chasing right after you. He's like, "No, I've got to give you this blessing." Your mind chasing down, chasing after you to give you the goodness of the Lord? Yes. Yes. That's the kind of God we serve, the blessings of God, abounding in our lives. Even when you don't see it, even when you don't see it. Because they're right there, they're right there. Stand in faith. Stand knowing that God is faithful. And He's faithful to those that are faithful too. Amen. So grace has definitely saved us and His grace has also changed us. Are you a changed person? Shout, amen, if you know the grace of God upon your life has changed everything. Thank you for your grace. We don't have to strive. Thank you for your grace. We get to be sons and daughters of the most high God, knowing our rights and standing firmly in them, in Jesus' name. Amen, amen. [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] You [BLANK_AUDIO]