Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Faith to Be Healed

Faith to Be Healed - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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Faith to Be Healed - Morning Prayer

[Music] The living God fall fresh on me melt me in mold me melt me mold me fill me use me spirit of the living God fall fresh on me spirit of the living God spirit of the living God fall the fresh on me spirit of the living God fall fresh on me melt me in mold me melt me fill me use me spirit of the living God fall fresh on me Father in the name of Jesus Christ Me and Pastor Amy, we join our faith with your wonderful people here this morning. Dear God, open the eyes of their understanding. God, we pray that their hearts would be receptive as the word of God concerning healing is planted in their hearts. Dear God, we ask you to heal them, deliver them, set them free, increase their faith, build them up to receive, I pray. Build them up to receive. Have your way, heal your people, deliver your people this morning, give them a greater understanding, greater wisdom from the word of God, concerning healing, being your will for their lives. No matter what sickness or disease they have, we know nothing is impossible with you this morning. Give them a miracle, give them a breakthrough, give them a turnaround. And so that prayer, that person who the doctors have given up on, stepping and turning around, chemotherapy is not helping that cancer case. Stepping and giving them a miracle, God. God, we are grateful for every doctor, every physician who work on us and help us to stay healthy, but God, we know there are some things that's beyond their understanding, God. Stepping. Have your way. In Jesus' name we pray. Somebody say amen. Listen right on the offset. I want to encourage all of you who follow us on social media. There's a book written by one of the old time healing evangelists from in the early 1900s, all the way into the 1940s. This man was still alive and he helped. People like Dr. Al Roberts in that ministry, Dr. T. L. Osborne and other great men of God. His name is F.F. Bosworth. He wrote a book called Christ the Healer. I would encourage every single person who watched our broadcast, who's believing God for healing in your body. I encourage you to get this book. Spend time and read a disc concerning the ministry of healing and how the healing power of God operates from the Word of God. This is one of the greatest books, greatest teaching on healing. I have ever came across and this is one of those old time evangelists. He was in writing this to sell books. He was trying to help people receive their healing. So every one of you that's under the sound of my voice, that's believing God for healing in your body. I encourage you to get this book and take your time and read it as much as possible. Feed on it, ponder it. He's teaching from scriptures and this book is called Christ the Healer. I encourage you to get yourself a copy. I may get it immediately if you can. This book will be one of the greatest blessings in your life. I can't tell you how much this book has been a blessing to be in my life and our ministry of healing. Get this book Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth. He died a long time ago, but he was a great man of God. I've learned so much from reading this book right here. Lord, have mercy. Christ the Healer, please get it. It's not going to benefit me by you getting this book. I don't want it, you know, but I just have to tell you about it because this is a book, this is a tool in my arsenal that I look to, lean on, read it, read it a whole lot and it always helps me even. So on this morning I'm talking about faith to be healed, faith to be healed, faith to be healed. Concerning you that need a miracle from God, let me just say this immediately to you. Nothing is impossible with God. I don't care what type of sickness you have in your body. God can heal it. Cancer, blindness, deafness, dumbness, paralysis, autism. Are you listening to me? It doesn't matter what type diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, infertility, broken bones. Are you listening? It doesn't matter what problem you have in your body. Nothing is impossible with God. But we've got to talk about this faith to be healed. Faith is one of the most important subjects in the body of Christ. You can't even be saved without faith. For by grace I you save through faith. He feeds into it. And that is none of yourselves. It is the gift of God. You can't even be saved without faith. You can't receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost without faith. Oh, come on, somebody talk to me. You can't live a holy life without faith. The Bible says the just. The righteous shall live by faith. You can't receive a thing from God without faith. In Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 says, "But without faith, it is impossible." Glory to God. It is impossible. It is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. You cannot receive a thing from God without faith. And when it comes to the subject of healing, you will not receive except through faith in the Word of God. When we talk about faith, we are talking about a conviction from the Word of God where you read and study the subject so much until the Holy Spirit convinces you through the knowledge of the Word, through the understanding of the Word, that healing is God's will for you. When you get convinced that healing is the will of God, you will never utter a prayer and say, "If it be, I will." When you know healing is the will of God, you will go after it with everything you have in you. And you know some people get upset at me because people, they want you to come and quickly lay hands on them, and they want everything to come from you. But when it comes to the healing ministry of the Holy Spirit and the healing ministry of the Lord Jesus and the healing ministry of Father God, listen to me real good things. There are many different ways God heals people, but every single healing must come by faith. Glory to God. Are you hearing me? There are some exceptions in the Bible where people didn't even know Jesus and he just had mercy on them and healed them. But I'm talking to born against spirit-filled believers, Bible, totem, come on. Church-singing devil-stumping Christians who are sick in their body and believing God for healing. You are going to have to put your time in and study the word of God. And when you listen to subjects like this faith to be healed, I encourage you to listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over again. And how do we get faith to receive a healing in our bodies, Pastor Sean? Where does faith come from for us to receive our healing? Here it comes. Romans 10 verse 17 says, "So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. You have to listen to the subject of healing taught from the Holy Scriptures taught from the word of God and the more understanding you gain, the more understanding you gain, the more knowledge you receive from God's word concerning healing. Glory to God. The more knowledge you receive, the more open and the more convinced you become and it opens your heart to receive your healing from the Lord Jesus Christ. A lot of people don't want to put no time in. They will put time in for everything else. But when it comes to the healing ministry of the Lord Jesus, they do not want to put the time in to study it, to understand it from Scripture, and they would come on a broadcast like our broadcast. We praying for people every Thursday. We praying for people every Sunday and they'll come one time. And if they are believing God and if the miracle or the healing they are believing God for doesn't manifest on from the first broadcast, they'll walk away and say, "Oh, he's not a real, he's not a real minister, he's not a real man of God." But that same person, they're hypocritical. Let me prove it to you. Because that same person will go to the doctor a thousand times. And I'm not against doctors. We got our own family physician. We go to him all the time. And if something's not right in our body, we go to our doctor. I'm not preaching against doctors. So don't even go and say, "No, no, no, I'm all for doctors." I believe they, some of the biggest blessings to the body of Christ. Because if it wasn't for doctors, half of us wouldn't even be here. Come on, somebody. What I'm saying is, what I'm saying is, every time that doctor set your appointment, you wouldn't miss that appointment for nothing. You'd actually lock the hole up the rapture for you to catch that doctor's appointment. But you see, when it comes to the ministry of healing and the supernatural power of God, people want to, people want to dip their toe in once. And if nothing happens, they walk away and say, "The ministry in real." "Oh, that ain't true miracles ain't happening, but the devil is a liar." But I'm telling you, you can see a true. You can see a trend in the healing ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Majority of the people who are healed through our ministry, you will always have them make this statement. I mean, it never fails. Jeffrey is the one interviewing all the people that are healed. And Jeffrey's capturing all the information from these people's testimony, and he's doing an excellent job. And we, as I read over these people's testimony, it amazed me. I'm telling you, at least 98% of them said, "I listened to Pastor Sean's broadcast all the time." And one day when I was listening to his broadcast, because every time Pastor Sean is praying and asking God to heal us, we always doing, putting our hands on ourselves. And some of these people watch our broadcast for years, and all of a sudden, bam, their miracle happened. I'll tell you what happened. They put the time in. They will listen into the teaching on healing. They will listen into us, teach on God's anointing to heal. They are on every broadcast, building their faith, increasing their knowledge, increasing their wisdom, increasing their understanding, and when people are done aggressive and take their faith, that's serious. There is no way on this earth. God is going to walk away from you. But majority, a lot of people, they do not want to put the time in to build their faith, to increase their wisdom. It's almost like they're gambling when they ask you to pray for them to get healed. No, I don't want to pray for no one's gambling. I want to pray for someone who put, I feel the Holy Ghost here. I want to pray for somebody who put the time in and come convinced that healing is God's will. Because when you pray for people that are convinced and who take that time listening to the teachings on healing, the anointing just flows almost every time those people get healed. But when you pray for somebody, when you go, this is why the Bible says lay hands suddenly on no man. Because some people want you to come and lay hands on them. And if you talk to them and if you interview them, they never watch a single one of your broadcasts. They can't even quote one scripture to you on healing. They don't even know what's found in the Bible. That's proof that person hadn't taken the time to build themselves up. The woman with the issue of blood, the Bible says when she heard, glory to God. When she heard of Jesus, she came in the crowd and touched the hymn of his garments and said, if I may only touch with the hymn of his garments, I know I shall be made whole. This woman was convinced because she had heard so much testimonies concerning Jesus. She positioned herself. She went after those testimonies. She sought the people out who were healed by Jesus. And this woman was thoroughly convinced. And when she reached that point that she was thoroughly convinced, she said, there ain't no way I'm sitting up in my house. I'm going to where this man of God is. Glory to God. If he had a broadcast, she would have been on everyone. Believe in God. Come on, somebody. She went in the crowd and pressed her way through. And this woman took a risk because she had a bleeding problem. She was considered unclean. She was not even supposed to be in public. Are you hearing me? Ah, but she covered her head and went against the green. I tell you, when God sees a person willing to step out on faith like that, a person who was thoroughly convinced, there is no way he can deny them. And when she grabbed the hymn of his coming, her faith. Fuck. She got up a hasandiatabosa. Her faith pulled on the power of God. And Jesus felt virtue. Went out of his body and into her body. And she knew it in that moment that she was healed of the plague that she had. And Jesus turned in the crowd and said, "Who touched me? Glory. Who touched me?" Peter said, "Wait a minute. There are thousands of people. Can't you see this multitude? Touch it up against you?" And you got the nerve to ask us, "Who touched you?" Jesus said, "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. That's a touch of faith. That ain't no ordinary touch. That ain't no ordinary touch. That is the touch of faith." And he looked around in the crowd to see her. That had done this thing. And the woman came and fell down before him. Trembling told him all the truth. She said, "It was me. It was me." And Jesus looked at this woman with a heart full of love and compassion and said, "Daughter, be of good share. Your faith have made you whole. And I am telling you when you spend your time studying the word of God, meditating on the word of God, pondering the word of God, pondering the word of God, pouring over the word of God, consuming the word of God on the subject of healing. It's whatever it is you, if you have financial trouble, begin to study the scriptures concerning finances. If you have marriage problems, begin to study the scriptures concerning marriage and you listen into me and you build your faith up in that specific area for which you are believing God to do in your life and God will never fail you without faith. It is impossible. My God, are you listening to me? I'm pouring my heart out to you this morning. I'm trying to help you. That's why I told you about this book, Christ the Healer, by F.F. by F.F. Bosworth. One lady said, "Pastor you would." I watched one of your old videos and you had this bookshelf behind you. And I saw that book by F.F. Bosworth on your shelf and I wasn't waiting for you to tell me I needed. I went out and bought that book and she said, "Pastor, that book built my faith because he's teaching the scriptures." She said, "It was much easier for me to receive healing through your ministry because I had gained so much knowledge and understanding and I have received several different healings in my body and I'm giving you tools this morning so you can study." And you know, we have playlists on our YouTube channel, playlists where all we're doing is our entire series on teaching on healing. Go over that playlist, listen to it over and over again. Get the word in your spirit. Get it in your mind. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Look how blind by the man. She cried and said, "Lord, have mercy on me." Jesus said, "What is it that you want me to do for you?" He said, "Lord, that I might receive my sight." Jesus said, "Go your way, your faith have made you whole." And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way. It's always by faith. It's always by faith. The Bible says in Acts up to 14, 7 through 10, as Paul was preaching, "There was a man who was impotent paralyzed in his feet from his mother's womb who would never walk." The Bible says, "While he was sitting listening to Paul and he reached the anointing of God was on Paul who discerned that this man had faith to be healed." Paul said to the paralyzed man, "Stand up right on your feet." And immediately he jumped up and he began to walk. But you see, in almost 98% of the places in Scripture, where people was healed, the Bible says they had faith to be healed. And where did their faith come from? They came from hearing the Word of God. You want to be healed. I encourage you, study the Scriptures on healing. Listen to all of our broadcasts where I'm teaching on healing. Where I'm teaching the Word of God, going into different Scriptures. And as you do, the more you listen to it, the stronger your faith becomes. The more you listen, the stronger your faith becomes. And every time we are praying for the sick, which we do every Thursday night and Sunday night, come on the broadcast expecting. But spend time preparing a lot. You know, many people don't understand. You have to prepare yourself when you are coming around a healing ministry. People just come once and if nothing happened immediately, they go away and say, "Oh, ain't nothing to that ministry." When it's them, they didn't even put the time in to study the Scriptures. They know nothing about the healing ministry. They understand nothing. And the Bible says the kingdom of heaven is as a man searching for an expensive pearl. When he found the pearl of great price, he went and sell everything he had and bought that pearl. You've got to be willing to go after healing from God with everything that's in you. And God will never fail you. Spirit of I, God. Spirit of the living God. For fresh only. Spirit of the living God. For fresh only. To support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the Shawn Pinda Ministries app. Amen. You can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash up account. That address is the dollar sign Shawn Pinda Ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that addresses at Shawn Pinda Ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Shawn. Pinda Ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. Never forget me and my beautiful white pastor Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners in viewing the audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [MUSIC]