Unleashing Leadership: Unlocking Greatness and Embracing Change

Making A (BIG) Dent In This World

Broadcast on:
09 Sep 2024
Audio Format:


  • Approach your job as an opportunity to make a dent in the world
  • Find a company with a purpose to align with your values
  • Small impacts can lead to significant changes through the ripple effect
  • Consistent effort and hard work are necessary for success

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Chapter Markers:

00:00 - Introduction and Podcast Format

01:02 - Cracking Open the Fortune Cookie

02:22 - Making a Dent: Job Opportunities

03:50 - Making a Difference Beyond the Job

05:30 - Opportunity and Attitude

06:56 - Making a Dent in Personal Life

08:22 - Being Hard and Making a Dent

09:06 - Prioritizing Opportunities

10:00 - The Myth of Overnight Success

11:34 - Consistent Effort and Hard Work

[music] This is Only Sheen Leadership. I'm your host Travis Ma, CEO of CEO of C Planning Group. Our co-host here is Dave Nurtche, the chief operating officer of SEED. And this podcast is all about takeaways from great books and how we take those takeaways and actually implement them into our business or how we see them as how they're reflected in our business. And today, we're working on a takeaway from the book, Build by Tony Fadel. And our takeaway is a job, is your opportunity to make a dent in this world. So backing up a little bit, when we first started this podcast, everything was pretty scripted, as far as here's the topic that we're going to talk about, kind of chatted about it before. We kind of knew we're just coming in blind now. So we've got a list of about 90 topics right now, and we're just hitting them one in a time. So this is kind of fun. So as always, Dave, I'm going to throw it to you. Do we want to crack open this fortune cookie or skip to the next one? Yes, it's a good one. Let's stick with it. All right. I'm going to put you on the spot then. I knew it was always, do us a favor, like or subscribe to us wherever you're listening or watching, throw us a comment, only if it's compliment. If you have something bad to say, go tell somebody else we're not really that interested because this is for people who want to grow and develop. And if you're really interested in growing and developing, you'll probably get some kind of nugget out of the show. And if you don't, then go someplace else. All right. So this episode is also brought to you by Seed Planning Group, shameless plug for Dave and I, we're in our seed year today. Seed Planning Group is actually the only fiduciary wealth management firm that helps people overcome the challenges that are keeping them from personal fulfillment. So if you've ever heard our series that we did on the Just Cause with the Infinite Game by Simon Sinek, that little tagline and that mission has come directly out of our work with that book. Check it out at All right, Dave, you wanted it. You got it. Fireaway, buddy. All right. Why? Well, I think it starts. You have to look at your job this way or you have to find a job that gives you this opportunity. I think a lot of people would read this and either not agree or be like, that's not possible. I just show up, punch in my time and leave and I just get out of that place or something like that, right? But if you look at it as an opportunity to make a dent in the world, you can. And you need to be at the right place. We taught previous episodes, right? You find a company with a purpose or I'm probably not quoting that correctly, but find a company that's making a difference, right? Something like that. And then that is your opportunity to make a dent because you're part of that and revolution, I think, is the right way. Revolution. Yes. That's what we're going for. Yep. So if you're part of that. If you put the time in, you work, right? And you're doing all the things we're saying here of developing and growing, learning from the people around you. You will make a dent in the world because you're part of a revolution. So that's how I look at that. And then beyond that, just outside of the job is I think it's important, a company has a mission. But we actually talked about this a little bit on our company weekend there of what's important to people and the communities we come from. And some of us where we're raising our families are, how do you make a difference there? And find a job, a company that supports that and wants you to, and wants to see that happen for you or your family or the people that work for that company. So you could make a dent in the world in the job that you're executing and your role at the company and the mission there, but you also can leverage that and the people that you work with to make a difference in a community that is important to you and things like that as well. What I love about this one is just the word opportunity and how it ties it to work. It ties it to the job, right? You have, my wife said this when I was starting seed and I was crying for myself and I thought life was too hard and I didn't know what to do and I was embarrassed and full of shame because it was a struggle and she looked at me and said you have the opportunity to go out and change your life any day that you want just by how hard you work and what your attitude is. She goes, I don't, I go and work in a doctor's office with no windows with people who forget to pay me, you know, and a year later we got her through nursing school and she got to start a career, but her point was you have an opportunity. So do you look at your job as an opportunity or do you look at it as work? Something that you have to do. I bet you no matter how bad your job is, if you started to look at it as an opportunity to make a difference, your entire life is going to change. Because when you look at something as an opportunity, you look for ways to grow and improve and fix something and if you go to work and your work sucks so bad that there, it just drains the life that your soul out of you, no matter how much you talk yourself up and get your attitude right before you go in in the day, then you got to just change your job. You know what I mean? No amount of suffering. I mean, like, like, like no amount of money is worth the suffering that you're going through. There are other jobs out there and yes, maybe you don't make as much money. You might find out that if you're happy and you get to approach life as an opportunity, if you get to approach your job as an opportunity, that positivity and that power, even if you have to take a step back, it propels you way for it, it's like a slingshot, right? But then I would say too, like you were saying, you have an opportunity when you go home at night after work and in the morning before you go to work and on the weekends when you don't work, you have an opportunity to make a dent in the world with how you raise your kids, how you participate, you know, in your community, whether you belong to a church group or some kind of other, you know, philanthropic endeavor or whatever, you have an opportunity. You know, people call it their personal brand. The kids these days, they go to school and they're worried about the personal brand. Well, your personal brand is whether you make a dent in the world or not. That's your personal brand. You're a nothing personal brand because you haven't made a dent in the world or you are a personal brand that actually stands for something and is valued because you are making a dent in the world. A dent doesn't have to be big. A dent can be you've influenced five people to be better people. That's a dent, man, because now they can each influence five people. Let's say that you only ever really make one major dent, one major dent with one person or one business, but that then goes on and becomes this major influence and changes a million other people. You indirectly changed a million people and you should be proud of that. Not shameful that you only help the one person. If you had helped the one person or helped the one company, it would have never touched the lives of the other million. Yep. So you have to go out there and you have to strive for that and think about people are searching for media in life. I want this meaning. I want to know that something, you know, I want to do something I'm passionate about that I feel proud of and get up every single day and think about how can I make a dent in this world? How can I make kids? How can I raise them to have the tools needed so that they can go out and make a dent in the world? Back to the whole, we can be soft, like last up, so we talked about being softer, being in a soft environment, a hard environment. You can't dent anything if you're soft. You can only dent things if you're hard. That's why hammers are hard. That's why you use a rubber mallet when you don't want to dent something. Exactly. It takes hardness. Now back to that, the strong side and not the cruel side, right? You could be too hard, right? You could have too much weight behind it. So it's about being strong, but you want to raise a family that can go out into the world and make their own debts. That's a ripple fact. If you look at these things as an opportunity instead of work, if you look at it as an opportunity instead of a suck on your time, like, "Oh, I never have time for anything." You do have time for things. You just have to decide what the priorities are. Yep. Yeah. And I like how you said, you know, the ripple effect and how things can multiply out, even if maybe you changed five lives or something like that, well, those five can each change five and five more each and keeps going that way because you don't have to go through and life or your career looking for like the big score, the big win all the time, like this huge, you know, victory that, you know, whatever that you hear about and it's on the news and all that. You can make these little impacts along the way and what seems little at the time will grow on its own or as it spreads more and all that. So it's a great way to look at that is, you know, you might think something is insignificant or if it's not going to make a big difference, but you have no idea. If you do it, you always, you know, execute and find those opportunities, right? Back to the word. Yeah. Then I will. Well, everybody wants that shortcut, that magic bullet and you know what it is. If somebody makes it overnight, like truly overnight, not somebody who's been building up for 20 years and finally everybody notices, right, but somebody who truly like overnight like that, that's because they took a gamble and the gamble paid off. Now people talk about the people who win on the gamble, who win the lottery or who have this miraculous thing happen to them, right? They don't talk about the millions of people who lose on the gamble. The person who wins on the gamble, there's an awful lot of, there's more losers than there are winners when you're gambling, right? I mean, that's just, that's just a fact, otherwise everybody, that's why it's gambling, right? So, when you look at it and you think about, okay, you know, how long is this going to take and how does it work? It's every single day, day after day after day and realizing that just because somebody else won a gamble, I mean, I grew up with somebody, you know, my father growing up, it was all about how do we get rich and get rich fast and he spent 65 years or however, I don't know exactly how long he was muddling at this, but he spent his entire life trying to hit the home run, but never working at anything and that's the thing, you got to work at it to get there. But, you know, the good stuff for most of us is going to come because we work at it. (upbeat music)