Dnes je 80. výročie začiatku Slovenského národného povstania. Vláda chystá v Banskej Bystrici pompézne oslavy, ktoré chce využiť na svoju vlastnú propagandu. Za štátne peniaze. Zo Slovenskej televízie a rozhlasu medzitým odchádzajú prví spravodajci, ktorí narazili na politický tlak nového vedenia.
Ranné presso s .týždňom – Štvrtok
(upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) of my life. This is what I want to know about my life and my life. I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I want to know that I want to know what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I want to know about my life and what I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time and I am the only one who has been here for a long time. [Music] [Music]