WorldAroundEwe's Podcast

Robots & Automatons

Broadcast on:
09 Sep 2024
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This episode is about robots throughout history. The tin men of old and the psychotic Japanese ones of modern day. A comprehensive study of things that go beep in the night.


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You're alright guys, welcome to this show. I hope you sat there, you know, either fucking scantily clad or dressed in your world around you branded clothing. If you're not, go to or do yourself a t-shirt, listen to these shows and then come back to these shows when you've got your t-shirt and listen to the show in your t-shirt. Anyway, I'll let you crack on with this show. You're alright guys, I'm the world around you and this is Pause for Thought on Threshold FM and usually, right, on this show, I'm trying to teach you about how you're being controlled by something you can't see, except this week, I'm going to mix it up a bit, you know, I'm going to teach you about something that you can't see, that you can control. But let's have a song get us started, this is Stay For The Ride by Shot Yoro. If you didn't work it out during the song or from the notification that, you know, boy got sent out by Jimmy, or, you know, from the title of the show for whatever reason you're listening to this on demand, then this week's show, it's all about Robox and automatons and already, right, that seems like a pretty contentious topic, at least as a title because people seem quite divided in it on what a robot actually is, historically speaking, an automaton is something that can move or perform a function of its own accord, and the whole thing was made by a person, so not like in the same way like a fucking tree moves in the window on its own, you know, not like that, it's got to have been made by a person and does something that it was supposed to do. But for a long time, a robot was that an all, you know, so the word robot itself, we like a little bit of etymology on this show though, we want to know where things come from, how did that come about, well, the word robot, it wasn't, it's not that old, it was invented by a Slovakian guy, and he came up with it to help name the laborer, what I think was his brother's play, but I know it happened in 1921. More recently though, a robot is something that is, it's considered a computer programmable machine meaning, right, that realistically, a digital alarm clock or your washing machine, right, they're robots, they're not impressive robots unless you know you've got one of those alarm clocks that fires a propeller into the air or fires water and you misses his eye when she's lying in bed, or, you know, maybe you are a woman, and you might like to masturbate on the washing machine, but either way, like that would help with the impressiveness of the washing machine, I imagine, but the robots either way, because the computer programmable machines, and apparently, right, the first robot of this sort of description came about in 1944, when a bloke called George created what sounds like a mechanical arm, like literally like an arm that could move, that was a machine, not like what people with no arms would wear now, you know, not like a bionic fixture that you strap into your shoulder or like a taxi like through wires to your scapular or out like that, but a big chunk of metal possibly riveted to some hydraulics connected to another big chunk of metal, which then squeezes these chunks of metal together to make another chunk of metal move like a finger, but it was computer programmable, except, right, no one used it for 10 years, no one was interested in it until 1954, because for whatever reason, people just seem to be really against the idea of increasing productivity across the board, and maybe it was because of the war, maybe it was because of World War II, maybe they thought, you know, people need work, they can't just come back from fucking running around France killing Germans, they need to come back here and build cars, they need to work through the PTSD, not sit at home with the feet of relaxing, they've traumatized and we can get them to fucking build computers now, we don't know what computers are, but we can at least build the boxes that we'll try and shove a computer into in about 20 years time, but personally though, I don't, I don't, I don't, I mean, a lot of people don't think people should work, but personally, I think that people should be able to sponsor a robot in the same way that you'd sponsor a child or a dog or one of those scabby donkeys off the tele, except instead of getting a postcard from some form of scammer that, that enough money to buy some adverts on challenge it for a clock in the afternoon, you get back a portion of the company's profits of the robot that you've paid towards, so it's like working, except you're putting money in rather than time, so it's like working but you're not working, you just become a type of investor, like a sleeping partner in it, but something more space age sounding, so like a, like a cryo partner, you know, like a cryo, a cryo thesisist, I don't know, give it a good name and people be all over it, anyway, it does get out to tell when the first that he is robotic arms really did exist, because it looks as though everyone wants to be the first to claim, well, either everyone wants to be the first or they want to be the one to claim they were first, not the first to claim, like the first to claim doesn't really mean they were the first to do it, they just realise there's an importance in being the first to do it, in the same way though, like a group of teenagers will bicker about losing the virginity, and I would imagine that it's the same in the world of robotics as it is in your teenagers, you know, the one that's keeping quiet is probably the one who's actually lost the virginity, you know, your journey, the one that's forced to, forced to regularly sleep with his uncle, he lost his virginity at the start, a secondary score but he's not proud of that, you know what I mean, and he doesn't want people to know, just like the Portuguese scientist in the late 1920s that invented the computer guided mechanical turtle, that he fastened to the underside of his work desk in order to flate himself and his dogs and later down the line beat his wife and children and eventually himself to death with, leaving only a frustrated working dog to eat the remains of the family until a travelling wine merchant up and to pop by to try and use the toilet and he discovered the remains, the famous case is most likely as well, the use, the first use of the phrase turtles, enemy trousers, and was quite possibly an inspiration for all the wartime cartoons that we all came to know and love. Anyway, this so-called first machine though, by America, right, let's claim America at the first because America like love to be the first for most things, right? America thinks we did the first of everything, but the first robot of machine by America was called uni meat, which is how English people refer to what Americans would call a college room meat, and uni meat went on to do what a lot of people you know from university went on to do too, the same repetitive task for the rest of their lives. Now some people say that a mechanical arm was the first robot produced, right, and that too was used for production lines but it's hard to be sure because it seems like a very, very competitive field, all these people fighting over robots just after World War I. Many suggest that that could be what World War I was actually fought for, for the control of the secret to build automatons or robots, or that World War II was actually fought with these automatons, and these people refer to these tumultuous times as the robot wars. Now amongst these fanatics though, it seems that the general consensus was that the only robot war that mattered was the one that was frontline by Craig Charles and the later robot wars, robot wars too, couldn't really escape the shadow left by its former self and that's why they just banged the two at the end of the name, rather than thinking up a decent name for it. But what a robot's used for now boys and girls, now I'd argue that they used to observe us, to learn about us in order to sell us things, to make us believe things, to change our opinions on things, to control all of us, but just how will all these robots, right? I will all these robots control as well. Personally, I think it's going to come down to necessities like gas, electricity and water supplies right? One day there'll be an innovation in technology that'll make it seem like it does some really good, like universally good, like saving the world or stopping the seas from swallowing us up or ending starvation in a country that you're unsure of the location of to the point of it, right? Where the outcome of the technology so widely accepted as fortuitous that to even recommend its nefariousness will have you labeled as a crank or somehow labeled as a racist, they'll put these little devices into everyone's homes slowly at first, initially with more and more benefits for the people using them alongside the world saving features, you know, that will become more widely known and that'll be what's advertised more so. And now they might say that you're a bit of money here and there and make you buy into the idea and then you start recommending them to your friends and family, then eventually they'll become law because they can save the world and everyone will have to have these monitors put into their homes, measuring how much hot water you use each day, counting every jewel of electricity that passes through your plug sockets until one day, they, the big day, decide to start using these monitors to do what they're actually intended for, maybe they limit you, ration your electricity so that you have to start buying a USB battery pack, you know, and storing all your electricity that you could use to just get out the wall whenever you wanted, then you've got to start storing your electricity on USB packs on your shelves and you'll have to buy the big day's shelves as well plus their branded USB packs and, and you'll, you know, you're fucking, you'll only be really wanting to use them when the state sanctioned black helps roll around your country and are all over the world, you know, maybe though, maybe the lonely ration the electricity gas and water in certain areas, maybe they'll use it to lower income in certain areas so that people can't work, maybe they'll actually use it on lower income houses to push poor people out of the areas that get nicer weather so places that tend to be hotter because they're not near hills and mountains and more sunshine, less rain, they'll force all the poor people out so they can move all the richer people in, do you know what I mean? Like, they're just ways to keep the working classes miserable and indoors or, or, or all the supply to simply help sell raincoats for when they have to go outside to work in the factories and, and to help sell jumpers and insulated long johns for when they're not outside. Anyway, I, I, I, I can't remember what I was talking about or where I was going with this so let's have a song, this is Lunacy, Manga and Just with zero fucks. Just, just a minute guys, I was just wanting to calm, I'd have a little calmer advert and if you're, if you're like me, a pseudo intellectual, what you might enjoy are my books, you've got uneducated guesses where they found a lot of big words that don't know the meaning to and then try to work out what they mean by breaking down the syllables and during illustration for each one. You've got how to date an antique table, a lover's guide, which is a book that will tell you how to get your end away with an antique table complete with how to find an antique table, where to take an antique table on a date like you could take it dogging, you could take it to the cinema, you could take it for a picnic and some chat up lines as well, like I know I'm drunk, but you look absolutely candid. And then they've got some pictures in the back of some of the taxidermian that as well. And you've got my third book, More You Know, which is a book of very well researched fake facts, just a book of lies basically, and some of them were suggested as in topic wise were suggested by some of the people from TikTok. So you might even if you took part in that you might even have your username on the first couple pages of that book. Anyway, if you like I say, if you're enjoying these you might like the books and you can get access to the books through Patreon or through my website, I'll fucking let you crack on with the show guys. The first real robots though as I said, they were called automatons and they've been about since ancient times, they initially had jobs as servants, they rang bells, they fought battles and even tried to shag the locals at times. And I'm not really sure how I'm going to put these together for the for the show but I'm not really sure where to start because in all honesty, I'm not sure where the start would actually be because I don't know what ancient times became before other ancient times but it seems that there's always been controllable metal men clanging about and they've been there for thousands of years, just different people taking ownership of them. It seems like entire wars were fought for control over them and all, a lot like Fallout New Vegas when they want the yesmen. I mean I'll try and keep it, what I'll do is I'll try and keep it to specific areas right as we work through my notes. Now not all of these automatons are anthropomorphic shapes though they weren't all metal men, one ancient engineer managed to make an array of three legged tables that could move around which personally I think that's something that should be adopted in some modern day life and it could be accepted by us pretty easily. I don't like the idea of a smart television or a smart fridge because I don't want a fridge that's able to read the barcodes of my food and then tell my TV to show me adverts relating to those products when I'm really low on them. I don't want it knowing how he's bought this cheap cheese here but we could probably make him spend 20p more on cathedral city cheese. I don't want me telling you doing that but if you give me a smart table right then you pop it beside the couch so that at night time when I'm a little worse for wear and looking for the side table sort of aimlessly aiming a drinks glass to it. It just the table just jumps up takes a couple steps over and raises itself to me glass. That'd be fucking sick meat rather than having to reach around trying to find a table that you know is there somewhere but you're just not overly sure where the edge is. Personally I'd even take it a step further and make the table top out of those things that you measure floor tiles where you know when you've got to do a tricky cutting floor tiles or in piping and you push those yellow sticks on a black handle into it and it gives you the curve or whatever you need. Make some form of system of them in the table top and make them compute and navigated so that when you're aiming the glass right and say you're aiming the glass over the fucking over where your lighter is on your table next to your couch right. The fucking a ripple effect occurs in a table top right and it snakes the lighter away so you can put the glass down exactly where you're aiming it and you never miss you never just end up dropping the glass on the floor or balancing it on the edge of a coaster on the edge of a table and fucking pouring it all over the carpet and then you know you don't get fucking beaten up by your girlfriend anymore. Things like that you know what I mean like it just fucking improve people's lives meat and fucking free jack. But obviously you know they didn't have this technology back then in ancient Greece because a lot of air floors wouldn't have been tiles they would have been marble so they wouldn't have ever needed to invent them little plastic sticks for measuring the young girls out yet so it was a bit there I am a bit ahead of the time there but it's possible in nowadays you know and there was also this massive mechanical ball a lot like the ones you see it failing pubs of a weekend except this one could breathe fire and was made from bronze and unlike the ones you see in pubs the the real ones actually had a second very real mechanical ball next to them not just an identical one it was a separate one that was also identical and bronze seems to be the in thing at the time as well for making mechanical creatures because there was this bloke that was called Talos Talos TALOS like in Skyrim and he defended Crete from something or other and he was made entirely a bronze so that I've got a wonder like if he was like a god figure back then is that where we get why we call it the Bronze Age it's got to be a possibility you know now moving over to ancient Egypt they didn't really go fully mental with the Rotomatons and you think if anyone would it would have been the ancient Egyptians going off what we've learnt about them in the other weeks you know with how they used to fucking the relationship they had with aliens and monsters and gods and I guess to really have the time for making robots like you think they would but mostly they they just seem to use them to make massive more popular which is fucking weird mate that's probably one of the weirdest uses for robots ever let's let's make church more appealing by filling it with what looks like more people except when you're going to go bless it be with you bless it be with you and shake hands with them there's a good chance that you know a good percentage you could be sat next to one that's going to fucking crush your knuckles so it's it's just odd you know they did but it's something that's been repeated though history repeats itself mate football teams last year we're using cardboard cutouts Japanese teams were using sex dolls for their sports games at the ancient Egyptians would have automatons at their masses that just move their heads in the crowd what is weird though what makes it weird though is that they'd also make some of the deities out of metal and have them move and also that means there's always this weird creepy possibility right that there was some metal men in church when no one else was there constantly moving and praying also worshipping metal gods that were there moving around when there was no priests knocking about cuz if they didn't have electricity then realistically there's no real way of turning them off and on they must have just been constantly able to move these things around make these things move constantly through I don't know some form of fucking counter balancing technique or something or maybe just maybe if you fucking have a pendulum of some description it might be able to constantly make things move and keep things moving or maybe the momentum from one machine turn the other and you just had to come and crank it like every three days or something I'm not sure moving on to the Buddhists though Buddhists had metal people right and they seem to reference them a lot in the things that I saw and read which seems strange as well for Buddhists to be like that isn't it because fucking Lisa Simpson always taught us that Buddhists don't want material possessions and maybe that's why this very old religion of Buddhism maybe it learnt quite early on it's best to stay away from material gods because it had these metal men maybe they had an uprising of fucking platinum people fucking gold geezers bronze boys and maybe all led by a certain silver somebody that waged war on the Buddhists now it's something that I'm not very well read on though and we may cover it another time because it seems quite an interesting tale there I'm not sure how much of a move it is from Buddhists to China if I'm honest because I know Buddhists aren't restricted to one country I think Buddhism is I want to say Japan maybe a bit of India maybe around Asia definitely Asia doing it but anyway going to China there's some interesting stories I found from China about robots so around 1,600 years ago someone from China that was called Master Yang Shih he cobbled together a feat of science meat even by modern standards right it be considered fucking world changing astronomical meat fucking massive right not in the sense of fucking in the sense of scale of how well he did not like he made like a massive monster of metal you know he didn't make fucking the real mecha strides on the route like that like fucking 1600 years ago nothing like that he just made something that was very very clever it was what appeared to be a fully autonomous metal man that looked exactly like a person as well it could perform tricks like a person as well I'm not sure what the tricks would be but it's it's for AD so I can't look 400 AD in it so I can't imagine you know it's things like fire breathing or anything too grand like escapism probably something more along the lines of like a simple card trick or hoop magic making sausages disappear ripping off its own thumb taking noses off of children and finding coins behind a person's ear maybe maybe a little bit of cold reading of a room at best you know you'd average children's entertainer except this robot man wasn't taken to entertain children but it was taken to the king I can't remember if the king was the right word and it feels like it should be imperable that feels wrong and all shogun maybe with shogun strictly Japanese whatever let's call them the king a king's a good term for that might be king fuck it the king at a time or the area and the robot performed these tricks with monster young sheep beside it right and um fucking did pretty well me fucking went down a storm apparently it went over the king right and managed to also cast the eye of a few of the local women so the robot went over to the women started flirting with him mate stroking the thighs likely pulling at the hair going is this real pulling out a little cog and ball bearings just out of sight you know of everyone else under the table flirt anxiously you know gave one of them a smiley and just as he was asking the smaller of the women if she thinks she's got the core strength to push a grapefruit back out of her arsehole the king over heard and got a little bit funny me the king immediately issued a death sentence to metal Mickey but master yan she had planned for this and he what he did was he fucking cut up the metallic molesto and that in itself should be a fucking children's tv show you know the metallic molestas the metallic molestas from mars meat anyway he opened up his chest right and started to remove parts that on a person to be considered vital organs and the king found this fascinating by all accounts and started to remove some of the pieces himself possibly testing Mickey's theory that the smaller lady did have good core strength you know seeing if she can indeed clutch and expel larger and larger robotic organs from the automaton from her own bumble but were unsure of what order he tried to place the organs in erect him or if he even tried this at all you know I can only speculate based on what I would do if I was a king but the king did however confiscate the metal man possibly to carry out experiments but quite possibly to learn from the robot because the king had never had the confidence to just approach women he'd always just taken ostriches and forced them into marriage and the king really wanted to learn what it meant to love let's have a song this is normal by exhibit then we can be real if you're struggling for like a christmas gift or something for someone and you're thinking to yourself I think a pair of mouse testicles or a love art full of mouse intestines might be a bit strong for them and whether it's for christmas birthdays a late valentine's day gift mother's day or just you know to show someone that you actually think about them what about a shirt mate like as I'm recording this I'm sat here in my shirt which is a blue tie dye shirt with a dead foxy zed on it wearing a safety helmet a high vis jacket with a fragging its mouth chuffing on a frag so that's that's an idea for your 25 quid these rat people on shirts these rat people on canvases as well so my favorite rat people have made so far one of them one of them shagging a barbie doll if you're into that or you think your friends would be into that they're there 1999 or you're getting a bit cheap but if you've joined the patreon and you use the discount code on the patreon there's other shirts though as well there's a get your rat out shirt as well there's all sorts mate all sorts of shirts and stuff now fucking rabbit toast is in that as well mate even rabbit toast is on a mug go and fucking have a look mate but you know fucking finish the episode and at first or have a look whilst you're listening to the episodes you know fucking double down on your world around you intake fucking I'll let you crack on with the show. India next right and India seems like it's got stories of robot armies and all they seem based on Romans as well which seems quite odd now I know the Romans were heavily involved in the silk road going to China so that means implies that they probably went through India I would imagine they went through India because it would be a lot more palatable and doable I would have thought in fucking going through Russia but you wouldn't really go from Italy through Russia to China anyway you would imagine you would use the Roman army that was in Africa which was at least Egypt in the surrounding areas so they probably went through Africa I would have thought through the lower part of the Middle East if that's such a thing passing through India I would have thought so it makes sense that they have stories of the Roman armies now from my understanding of it they did focus on Egypt as well and they say that the Indians stole the blueprints containing the plans in order to be able to manufacture armies of metal men and these plans were held in the libraries of Alexandria apparently the Romans built robot people to do the farming and the trading in the empire whilst also managing to create some that adapters law and forces a lot like Robocop in the film Robocop except with a stronger Italian accent than the original Robocop film and this all ties in with my theories you know that somewhere out there possibly off world the the leaders of the world have created this place where people or creatures are created now I never imagined that these people and creatures could have robotic implants that's never occurred to me from the things I've watched and read or even the fact that they could even be made entirely of metal meat or polymers it'd be polymers now I don't want to use plastics which could be why why they want to save on plastics you know so they can send them up to Mars easy or not Mars how fucking sound ridiculous so they could send them off to the moon so they could make more people it's it might be a lot easier to actually make people out of metal than it is to splice them out of DNA of naturally occurring ape species and the DNA of various alien species from around the galaxy you know that that does sound easier making them out of metals out of here rather than having to somehow coerce all of these aliens into joining what is it 23 and me 24 and a half and me or whatever it is 22 and half and me 22 and me 23 and me is it 20 is it 22 or 23 that most people have chromosomes because I think I don't want to get that wrong I don't want to make it sound like it's a thing about dancing young people because it's not you know so I'm talking about cloning I think it was 23 and me because it rhymes 23 and me right maybe they used that in all around the universe to get all different aliens that mounted to graze well I'm pointing at the green is it then sort of owned by the reptilians so the reptilians the the Venusians the Martians whatever was left of them and they got all of the DNA and the Anunnaki would end like right well they fucking fell for this um will test earth we're gonna test earth if they'll fall for the 23 and me thing with those senders their DNA we need to see how much did he trust the postal system to spit in a tube and send it in the post so what can we get him what we'll get him to do is we'll get him to shove the gold rings and chains in bags and post them in the local post office all of them and see if they'll do that they'll send us the coming a jar so we had the whole cash for gold saga for 10 15 years and then that dissipated for a bit it came back and then with that came the whole senders your DNA find out your antique and and fucking sestry you know and then they were like right we've got him we can start so instead of splicing ape species now we can splice humans with aliens but they need us to stop using plastics like plastic straws and certain types of t-shirts i guess another plastic stuff like fucking condoms or rubber but whatever is plastic i don't know what else is plastic that they've banned fucking probably certain types of rope like right you can't use that now we can't have them i buy some metal straws or some i don't care what you do with the straws or whether you can't have them anymore we need the plastic now because we need that plastic to be able to create these half human half alien hybrids up in the because obviously there's no reason why this couldn't still take place within the confines of the moon no reason at all it'd be the best place probably for a factory to create people but i just don't i'm struggling to see whether plastic could come into it maybe the plastic is how they make the fake skin to make us blend in maybe they thought well the problem here is everyone knows the metal people of the farmers because you can see the metal people from miles away because the sun reflects often we could just send them all out at night time but they make too much noise when they're clambering around and clanging all the fences and stuff and tapping and you hear the reverberations of the fucking tools going through their arms echoing up the fucking valley if we cover them all in this weird plastic stuff that's going to look like skin how can we how can we breed these ape creatures right who can we mix them with to to fucking get rid of the to get rid of all this fur because the fur is going to the fur is a bit weird we don't want the fur it could clog up the machinery and they're like well you know we could mix them with the reptilians and the reptilians like no chance may we fucking rule the universe may you mad lad are you fucking mental that's never going to happen mate never you never mixing my DNA with them but we've made these these are called greys and they're like clones they're pretty much what you're asking for except they're all grey what you want to make one of these but mixing with a chimp buzzing me yeah to be honest the reptilians probably found it funny and thought it was a good thing to do another way to torture the greys that they'd made but anyway we've really gotten fucking lost let's get back into the indians right so the indians right they seem to believe that the engineers who were making these automatons they believed that they tried to escape from Alexandria and that if they did manage to escape from there these automaton engineers not autonomous engineers but the people that would make the old-fashioned ancient robots when they would escape from there they'd be hunted down by metal marauders or what was referred to as the time as bleeping bounty hunters now the Romans as we know were big into censorship so it's very hard to guess what the exploitative it is that they actually used we just know it was referred to as the bleeping bounty hunters moving into Europe though where many of you may recognize as the area where the Romans were from there were some are called brazenids which seem to be fortune tellers which is something that a lot of robots were used for back then i think the ancient Egyptians had a bit of fortune telling them the Greeks and i think there was something create as well i read where they used robots to tell the future and we still use and make machines now what that tells the future some of them predict the weather some predict football results some of them predict your grades at school depending on if you grew up in a council estate depending on what religion you are what colour you are how old you are what gender you are if your parents are married if they're divorced if they're dead if they're alive what jobs your parents have all done by a machine a computer which is a programmable robot if you like that's been programmed by a computer further away on a server so it's still a robot if you use these definitions kind of loosely we've even got fucking magic eight bars meet which work using some form of mystical liquid rather than actual battery acid which is mental but sticking with the Romans for a minute though i think it's mad to find out that they add robots at all but if you think about the uniforms even for just a minute it starts to make sense bro because why else have them spikes on their heads because from my understanding of Romans and the way they fought they didn't do like fucking head charges they had like fucking formations with shields and pikes and spikes and swords and slings and arrows and bows and catapults trebuches battering rams they weren't head putting anyone so they didn't need them and you've probably guessed where i'm going with this the brushes as well made like the fuck was a brush now the brush was a really good way to disguise the early antennas or maybe they received the signal the ones with the brushes because they were the centiorians which i think were the higher up in command right so they'd have these brushes on the reds which would then absorb the the analog signals let's say because i don't know another word for it so they come down to there and then it's dispersed through the brush through various emitters into the transmit into the receivers of the regular troops around them and that's how they were controlled and able to take over so many places and fight everywhere and always win and never die because they were fucking robots and they couldn't be killed because no one had really figured out yet oh we what we really need a is a fucking EMP but no one knew that because it was fucking Roman times EMPs hadn't been invented yet TVs hadn't been invented yet made so they couldn't even tell people about it in TV shows they might have been able to tell people about it in books but i don't know if many people could read at the time like latin latin's fucking well i had to read there's anyone ever tried reading latin and it's it never lasted either latin never lasted maybe latin was just sort of like um like in films they have elvish where um you know where where he sings with that lisp anyway no what i mean is where he's got that the language like elvish and that where he's just used just for those people even though those people existed amongst other people maybe right latin was how the like computer code and that's why it doesn't make much sense to people now but why it's involved in everything just as a just as a fairy but if you think about the spikes on the edge though of the Romans and then compare them to the Nazis the Nazis also had the spikes on the tops of their helmets too so these spikes and most have been the antenna the primitive way of receiving an analog signal you know what else could it have been so was the digital takeover of about 2009 2010 you know that the swap to digital signals was that a way to finally put an end to the robotic armies or did it disrupt the robots right and force them to become human which would be an alternative an explanation for why a lot of TV shows and films seem like how to guide to maneuver different situations rather than actually telling stories anymore in TV shows and and being funny or dramatic or make you feel something in your in your chest you know or making you feel sick when you watch it or anything or any form of physiological sensation in your body that would be tied to some form of what i imagine it'd be an emotion they always just feels like if this happens do this if somebody says this this is what you should say you should be like this rather than stories you know and it would explain why TVs become like that it may also help with understanding as well why reality television still a thing because that shouldn't have lasted very long it's it's not it's not interesting to anybody apart from the people that are fucking on it it's just a new way to teach rather than directly program the working machine so that they can then integrate with real people maybe right that was the hope of porn producers too hoping that if there was to introduce all the machines to porn they could improve the sex lives of lots of people by making a lot of robots feel like they needed to look a certain way in order to be more attractive to the types of humans that they wanted to shag or maybe it was to program the robots into only thinking they needed to have sex and nothing else whilst still being able to drip feed the idea into them if they're making them function in society and that's why these loads of tropes about jobs often used in porn like taxi drivers plumbers delivery drivers scuba equipment repairmen suitcase manufacturers and prostitution just as the porn industry aimed at robots right that's been good for humans too it's also safe right to say that the automaton production has been good for humans if that makes sense that that feels like i just rambled there but what i'm trying to say guys is that just like porn was aimed at robots but it was good for humans and all or automaton production making them has making the actual robots that's also being good for humans right now i read that thanks to an automaton park created by an arab man called uh well an arab he didn't say arab man i read arab called algizari the same guy right was then able to use that part to create the movement needed in order to make flushable toilets which is mad i never knew that and i did a little bit more digging and the oldest flushable toilets sits in creep which is a location also associated with robots if you remember the start of the show the toilet that was made by algizari was apparently made in 1775 though so long long after talos had fought for creep i think unless of course you believe an eternal fomenco and that we've only been around for 400 years so there's a good chance that everything i'm talking about here with the robots only happened 500 years ago which would still mean though that in creep that would be 225 or so years before algizari made the flushable toilet but again though we're talking about shit and piss something that seems to crop up every now and then in this show and you could argue that algizari what he did there was manufacture the means of speeding up the delivery service to the underground dwellers that we've mentioned in the past now let's have a song and then what we're going to do is we're going to shoe on being adult of inching to being a possible nazi construct this is honor codes by the four owls bold statement can he deliver maybe so there were these documents that got found in 1950 something that a detailed plans on a robotic night that could move around it could wave its arms it could nod it said just like a real night would be able to wave its arms and nod it said but these documents were found in a time where it's possible right that they could have been fraudulent nazi documents a bit of propaganda now i'm not sure what they would have been used to propaganda is for maybe just to lift the spirits of the italian's a little bit of summit maybe but there are lots of ideas that stem from nazi scientists to make me believe that pretending that someone once said something is a great idea to be able to normalize an idea you know what i mean like if you start saying this person that you all really respect said this then you either stop respecting that person or start thinking what he said is right it goes either way and if they did it a lot of times you know they wanted to introduce the helicopter you know so that they could probably like burn forest in vietnam 20 years later 30 years later so the da Vinci invented the helicopter everyone's like oh yeah what's that then oh that's pretty cool that's good yeah well we've got them now yeah buzzing because of da Vinci and da Vinci also made these robotic nights and what we were fighting world war two so that we could control robotic nights that's amazing i never knew that or do you know what i mean it makes sense in it like think about like meteorites and alien invasions terrorism communism i mean not in that order particularly but you know it's out there it's out there verna von Braun and all that who we probably should do an episode about at some point um anyway the nazis were also symbolized by a metal eagle and interestingly right 500 years before the discovery of da Vinci's notes there was a bloke called uh hon hon hon hon hon hon is juan is muller von Konigsberg Konigsberg your your hand your your hand muller von Konigsberg somewhat along those lines and he created a mechanical flying eagle right but he also managed to make these tiny tiny little flies out of iron that could fly around so i mean think about that for a minute me think about the implications of that it means that flying technology could have advanced long before world war one and realistically advanced enough for us to have taken to the stars hundreds of years ago water at least have sent out armies of robots to the galaxy to colonize all the planets whilst we're left there fucking scrambling around in plague imperialism and our own piss and shit feeding it to the fucking lizard people that live in the sewers who are trying to feed off of us and can't escape because the fucking vampires and the fucking thing put there by the grays to stop them but we're all being sold now it's not the grays it is ain't it and it's not though is it it's the grays you know but think about the implications me i mean less impressively though than the flying flies of metal were these little wooden creations little wooden beetles that could also fly around quite possibly want to eat it as well which is that's the impressive part i mean if it's just on a string and dangling down and someone's going you know blowing um the bugs around and then that's not impressive but if it is actually just fucking flying around and still a chance that there could be somewhere today just flying around really high up maybe that's the things that you see when you stare at the sky and see all that movement then white dots moving around loads in the sky maybe it's just tiny ones of them now a famous bloke that we probably all know the name of but don't really know much about they can't right he had an automaton as well now not to brag right but you know i'm pretty sure i could make the one that he had he had it made by some guy but i could probably make it i could probably bang it together in a day mate if i'm really honest with you because and that's with no knowledge of engineering a very very limited understanding of metal work just give us a blurred photograph piece of sheet metal and a hammer and i reckon i could probably make it because they can't have an automaton made of his dead daughter which even me a man that makes things out of dead rats his arseholes i think that's a bit morbid to have an automaton made of your dead daughter like why not just have her in band and cover you around with you in a box if you want to around with you like or above a bag of a cloth that you could smell or you can look at the suitcase wherever you go and all of the and remember that she was once there and she's still kind of there with you in spirit why do you want to an automaton of a fucking dead girl like what really bothers me though is why is it called an automaton because really that's just a dollar an ornament because and what i'm imagining is a well crafted figure of a girl just with loose rivets so that whenever you pick a little body it just flops over your hands like the fucking head just clangs off the back of it the the fucking ankles swing down and clang off the top of the head if you pick it up just from the back and you got a cradle it because it's like a fucking limp body it's just fucking weird me you know he he thought so therefore he was we fucking he wasn't fucking there for her though was he maybe that's why he had it created though you know out of guilt and not remorse let's have a song this is where you've been by DMX and freeway no i may just a little quick little advert for myself uh if you enjoy in this fucking join the patreon mate if you can uh for a little as a a quid two quid three quid tenor whatever you want to throw on there you get the same stuff either way obviously it's nice if you put like three quid on rather than a quid because i'll only get like 75p out the quid but still it's 75p more than what i'm getting now the um it's it's just you get access to video versions of these discounts for canvases and maybe some of the little bits of me website and you get access to the pdf versions that's the digital download versions of my books anyway i'll let you go back on to the issue next we got japan and a creator called he says she go tanaka which i think i'm saying wrong here's a she got tanaka tanaka tanaka i mean i can speak it it's hard to because i don't know how you would break the syllables up but he says she got he says she got tanaka well i'm not gonna let's not dwell on it you know we'll get stuck on this for hours anyway he created these little toys that could fire arrows from the quiver and just fucking shoot arrows around the place just really nearly no idea like if they could aim or if they just shoot shot blindly around the room but it does lead us nicely to modern times right now kind of recently you may have heard me talk about this possibly on an earlier episode maybe you heard me talking about this on truth seeking which is now available on spotify apple diesel amazon google and and most of the places apart from youtube because for the life of me i can't fucking figure out how to do it but you may have heard me talk about this anyway on on truth seeking and there was um i learned about it from a talk by linda molten that i watched on youtube and it was a company that made uh some ai and it also made some robots now i think there were four of these robots and they were also all linked up to the same satellite but they'd been programmed to share all of their information and for one of a better phrase to collectively learn from each other's mistakes now i can't exactly remember why but for whatever reason did they activated one of the robots which then sent a message to the satellite and beamed it back into the remaining robots that one of the four had been destroyed but it shared the information of how that happened meaning it was then impossible to get close enough to these robots to turn them off and deactivate them in that way and it also meant i think that they started making protocols within themselves software-wise to protect themselves from being switched off from an external source and they started defending themselves against what they then perceived as attackers if you to put it simply you know and their attackers were the creators a lot like what will probably happen to us when the anu naki return will probably start trying to attack them thinking what the fuck are they who the fuck are they who are you who'd you to say you made me but anyway these robots they killed a bunch of scientists i think and then had to be destroyed entirely it was an interesting talk when you should fucking you should lock it up i think it was on a contact in the desert video which i'd plug enough in this they should start giving me like a fucking tenor a month to tell people to go and watch the stuff anyway narrow the um the robots attacking that seems to go a lot against the laws of robotics which state that a robot mustn't harm a person and a robot must do everything it should do to be able to stay working and functional and i can't remember the one in between but it's they're not real anyway they were made up in a novel years ago like fucking 1930s or something and it just doesn't hold true does it because i bet it's been fucking thousands of quietly resolved incidents in factories and warehouses where mechanical arms have killed people whilst building cars and planes and guns and whatever else other these fucking big manufacturers make on the sly and these things were either fucking settled out of court or settled in a field somewhere and and fucking laid to rest either way it will never reach the papers and with if and when it does happen so but it's got to happen there's got to be people that have been killed by these mechanical arms and things like that even if they just get fucking knocked out by the mechanical arm and then when they fall down it's the fall to the floor where they crack the red open on something on the ground and that's what kills them there must be stuff and i can't help but wonder though as well just a little a little side note here i didn't know where i could fit this thought in but i wanted to talk about sex dolls for a minute and i cannot but wonder how dirty it must feel to catch an STD from a sex robot because the the level of trust and how you would lose the trust in the anonymous object then because it's got to feel infinitely dirty and catching it from a friend or from a one-night stand and like i said that feeling of mistrust there as well because a person could you know when you say you've got a partner they could sneak away for an hour or half an hour have a quick shug and then come on with a bag of shopping and just say oh there's a fucking loads of traffic in a queue and and you've been on the wiser but you can you catch the STD and it's obviously you know you're thinking to yourself is it from them or is it from the other one i've been shagging down their own and you don't know who they see you can't bring it up anyway but if you're only having sex with a sex robot you know you're only having sex with a sex robot you've only got yourself to blame so to catch an STI from a sex bot then that means it's got to have been used by someone who's decided to to sneak into your mum's house unlock your bedroom door shug the little literal action figure and i'm left without you ever knowing and that's all we've got time for guys stay tuned for a bit of HDR and i think Jimmy's back there today with a bit of Jim will fix it and me and Jimmy are back tomorrow for truth seeking a show right that is somehow in the top 100 for stand-up comedy in the UK according to the podcast chart so that's something for you to know going find that on Spotify and Apple and that and share it about for us all i'll see isn't a bit guys thanks for listening man i won't take up too much of the time because it's over and hopefully you're listening to all of these one after the other on repeat maybe the same episode on repeat but fucking leave us a review if you can mate fucking share it with a mate send it to you nano i don't mind where you send it to but if you get more people listening to it thank you if you did enjoy it though uh fucking join the patreon mate around you there'll be a link in one of the links in the description i would imagine of the one you're listening to uh you can join for a creative fiber you know and you get access to all the video versions of these uh you will normally end up about four or five episodes ahead as well through patreon and you get access to some of my books as well and a little discount code for some of the canvases as well but even if you don't join that fucking thanks for listening to it mate i hope you enjoyed it hopefully it is the next one