FiredUp Network

Thursday, September 12: Girls Beer Sports: Meat Packer

Thursday, September 12: Girls Beer Sports: Meat Packer by FiredUp Network

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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(fanfare) - Hello, and welcome into episode four, 39, of Girls of Year Sports, a conversation with girls about beer and sports and whatever else, because it's our show, and we do what we want. I'm Keri, coming to you from Stanley Man or studios to Marite is Sarah. - Hello. - And she is absolutely not afraid to wear white after Labor Day. - That's true. - It's Lauren. - I'm Lauren. - You aren't. - Though I am not wearing-- - No. - I'm wearing a lot of dark colors. - Yeah, but you aren't afraid to wear white after Labor Day. - No, no, I don't usually wear white. I actually, I think I'm just generally afraid to wear white. - Well, now you've ruined the intro. - Yeah, that's what I do. (laughing) - Somebody has to. - But I wear white just as much after Labor Day as I do before. - Ah, okay. - I would say that is accurate. (laughing) - Well, there you go, that's something then. Yeah, 'cause we are out. - That is a strange thing though. - It is, right? - Right, then never wear white after Labor Day. - It is, and actually, I actually have a little history behind that that I'm gonna give you here in just a second. Yeah, I looked it up and found a decently condensed article as to why. - Why that's a-- - Or used to be a thing. - Common, a common fashion advice. - Yeah, you know, it's not so much social faux pas. - It's not so much anymore, I don't think. - No. - People just-- - People care. - Yeah, and I have no eye for fashion, so, you know, what? (laughing) - Yeah. - Whatever, right? I just, the shirt that I currently have on is a, the EKU football kernel club shirt, I think. - Nice. - Yeah, they looked real good yesterday. - Yes. - 31 nothing. - Well, at least Chuck, GPT, you got that one, right? - Yeah, right, but yeah, I have-- - Sorry, Karen. - Like, this was the first shirt that I saw this morning, and I was like, yeah, I'm just gonna put this on. - Yeah. - I don't care. But, yes, white after labor day, yeah, interesting, I guess. - I think I had heard, like, my grandmother at some point, or somebody say that, like, they like had, like, a cream-colored, like, jacket or something, they're like, well, I can't wear this, because it's after labor day. - Right. - Everyone knows you can't wear white after labor day. - Okay, we're white after labor day, yeah. - And I was like, what is that, grandma? This is weird. - So, before I get to the article here, any guesses as to why? Any guesses as to how this may have started this morning? - It sounds like a rich people thing, yeah. - Yeah, it feels like it came out of the Hamptons or something, oh, I can't be wearing my wine. - Yeah. - The whole night room, with all the things giving poo. - Yeah. - I've known it. - I feel like I've heard the story before, but I can't remember, 'cause I don't remember anything. - Actually, well, Warren, do you have any, Sarah, you're correct. - Yeah, I think I'm going to go with it, it's probably some sort of weird, rich people thing. - Yes, it is. - Probably has to do with, I don't know, some sort of country club rules for somewhere, probably revolving around tennis or some kind of a chute. - Y'all are on the right track. So, this is actually from some TV station,, I'm not sure what. - Most of Fox56? - I'm not sure, hold on. - One of the mini Foxes. - Yes. - It's the mini Foxes. - Actually, Fayetteville, Arkansas. So, they lost yesterday and double over time. - Maybe they had a lot of wine. - Real quick, fun story about that game though, that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual game, but again, this is what happens to me when I sit in the stands. Like, interesting people sit next to me for some reason. - This is the guy we're talking about. - So, they played Arkansas, and I promise I'm gonna tell you why he really wanted to play the game. - I'm fascinated by this story now, so. - So, Oklahoma State beat Arkansas in two over times yesterday, right? And this guy sit next to me, I start texting Sarah because he wouldn't shut up watching our game. And he's like, "Throw the ball! "Throw the ball every freaking series. "Throw the ball! "Throw the ball!" - Oh, wow. - So, I'm texting Sarah. Like, this guy's driving nuts, he's stupid, whatever, he just wants us to throw the ball. So, I hear him say to somebody, "Oh, yes, Oklahoma State won, yay." And he was obviously cheering for Oklahoma State. Well, come to find out, I kind of have started talking to him. He played at Oklahoma State in like the late '70s, early '80s, and was a full back, which I love the full back position. You never see anybody, him and I, him and I actually talked about this. - See, they'll see full backs and half backs. - No. So, I've said, "Oh man, I love the full back position." So, you never see that positioning more in college. I said, "They need to bring it back." He goes, "I know." I said, "You know, it can be a blocker, "it can be a runner, it can be a very versatile position." So, I actually enjoyed talking to him. - Oh, cool. - So, despite his aesthetic advice, she literally was like, "Oh my God." - This guy will not shut up about throwing the ball. It's like he doesn't know anything about football. And then she was like a weird change in story. I'm actually talking to him, he used to play football. I went on treat, I actually like him now. - Yeah, I was gonna say if he was before the rest of the video, I was thinking like, maybe he just has like the soul of a Jack Russell Terrier. And he's just really wants all balls that he sees to be thrown at some point. Like he just can't contain himself. - So, he lives in Glasgow. He lives in Glasgow, Kentucky. And I asked him, I said so, you know, 'cause I'm always interested in how people get to Kentucky, right, 'cause this is not a destination state. - Yeah, I'm sorry to say that like, how dare you? - Many people, it's not like the song like, you know, head into Kentucky, right? - Yeah, so he said that he spent his career in the meat packing industry. - Okay. - And moved around a lot and even lived in China at one point. - Okay. - I did not ask questions about that. - I was gonna say, I was curious about that. - Yeah. - And that's where you're packing there. (both laughing) - What you got in that meat? - I believe his wife is from Kentucky. So that's how they ended up here. And he's retired. He is no longer a meat packer per se. - He's no longer packing meat. - No, but anyway, interesting conversation. So, sorry, I got off track here. - But that's okay, because that is fascinating. - I'm sure the meat packing industry has lots of rich people. - Oh yeah. - Yes. - Okay, so here you go. - Oh, I think they pay people to pack their meat. - Oh yeah, for sure. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Absolutely. - Paper packs. (both laughing) - They don't pack it themselves. - Absolutely not. Why would you, if you had meat packing money, why would you pack it yourself? How much meat could a meat packer pack if a meat packer could pack meat? Oh, that wasn't bad, right off the top. My brain's working better today. Okay, fashion experts believe the tradition of not wearing white after Labor Day likely dates back to the gilded age. (both laughing) In the late 1800s, around the same time that Labor Day was established, wealthy New Yorkers would spend their summers in places like Newport, Rhode Island, Donning Cool White outfits. At the end of the season, these garments were packed away as the well-to-do returned to the dirt cover streets of urban life in the city. In a 2021 interview with Harper's Bazaar fashion historian, Amanda Holly discussed how a white wardrobe contributed to a strong social divide during this era. Only those who could afford to wear white could wear white, she told the magazine. Not only did the wealthy summer in the far cleaner countryside, but should their beautiful white dresses get dirty, they had servants to launder them. Ah, yes. Vogue senior editor Elsie Taylor also explained in a 2023 article that wearing white was a subtle way for the upper class to signal they had no intention of doing any manual labor or house chores, like cooking and cleaning. They're in them. According to the farmers packing, right? Yeah, right. Definitely not that. According to the farmer white. The farmer's almanac, the tradition of wearing white after the end of summer carried over into the 1950s when the wealthy would do so to show refinement. And those who follow the rule were generally seen in a more positive light. Christy Kurtzinger, a professor in merchandising and digital retailing at the University of North Texas, told the Associated Press that she heard the no white after Labor Day adage from generations of women in her family. But the fashion world's not working that way anymore. She said people think, think it, say it, but don't abide by it. Yes. Yeah. But there you go. Strange. Right. Yeah. Although I feel like that that is also like, you might be like, oh, that's such a weird old thing that's not no longer, you know, applicable today's life. But I feel like there's actually a lot of people who still wear white as a status symbol, like sneakers. Like wearing white sneakers is very trendy because you have to keep them clean. Like they're not going to look very good if they're not, you know, white and sparkling. And if they're white and sparkling, I mean, that is a bit of a status symbol. Yeah. That, you know, you didn't have to like, you know, wear those to your, you know, a horrible factory job or to, you know, slot pigs on the farm or to, you know, do, you know, outdoor manual labor. You're just wearing those for your, you know, your very, you know, clean lifestyle that you're living. Yeah, I think that's a good point. Yeah. That's still sort of a thing in the way. I could see that. Yeah. I've been dabbling in white and black shoes lately, not as a status symbol. I don't know. It's just what I'm feeling. But they are hard to keep clean. They are. Or white shoes to the stupid game last weekend. And I got very muddy. And it took me a very long time to clean them. And they're still not completely clean. So probably a dumb move on my part to buy them, but it can't be held. They look so good. They are so pretty when they are nice and sparkly white, which they wouldn't stay clean on my feet. Because yeah, I don't own white things because I destroy all clothing either with paint or with, you know, spelling things on myself or just being careless and walking through mud puddles. Yeah. So yeah. It's very brave. I don't get that color. It's very brave to wear a completely white shoe. I would not do that. Say now, growing up, that was one, you know, we've got a new pair of shoes for school. And mine were always white case swisses. Nice. And they were so, I never kept them clean. And by the end of the school year, they had like a blown holes out of them. And they were pretty much gray at that point. But to get them out of the box, like pristine white. They do feel very, very, very clean and fresh. Yeah. But I don't wear white T-shirts in public at all. Yeah, I don't either. I won't do that. I have one, but I usually wear it under a scrub shirt or something. I have a bunch of like the K, when you would do the 110% club or whatever, I don't even know if they have any more at UK. When you would donate so much money, they'd send you a T-shirt every year. Oh, that's why I don't know money. I've never given money. Me neither. You know what? They made me give them. I'm about done giving them money if they're going to keep putting the product on the field that I had to watch yesterday. Yikes. Yeah, yeah, we're going to get to that. But yeah, and you know, when you're wearing white, too, there's always possibly going to spill something like beer. That's true. Which would be bad. Yeah, especially if it's a dark beer. Yes. Maybe even if it's a purpley beer. That's true. Ooh, beer's got many colors. Yes, they do. A beer rainbow. A beer of many colors. A beer bow. A beer bow. Skittle brow. It all comes back to Skittle brow. I'm sorry. It really, honestly, everything comes back to Skittle brow. I have a Simpsons quote to go with yesterday's game. And we'll talk about it later. OK. Nice. Well, let's talk about what we're drinking. Yes. Wow, this is really early into the show that we're getting to the beer. Oh, it's a-- I feel like we've had a lot of side tracks, too. We're keeping this tight, tight. I have a very, very buoyed from Atrium Brewing. You know, by Atrium Brewing. By Atrium. It's a fruited sour that's 6.5%. And it has blackberry, raspberry, and vanilla. And it's a very purpley can. And it has a very purpley liquid inside. So we're just burying it up over here. It's very, very, very-- It's a very, very one. What's a hint? It's like a strawberry shortcake car rack over there. It's like a cobbler exploded out of its crest and into this can. Ooh, yes. Yum. Cobbler explosion. Cobbler bro. So I've got something. I like that yours is all berry. It's like a very late summer drinker. This one is probably jumping the gun a bit. But the old beer fridge, she's running dry. So I had to-- I had to get way back there in the recesses of the beer fridge and really paw around. There's a song in there somewhere. Yeah, the old beer fridge. The old beer fridge. She's a running dry. What she used to be. But yeah, so I had to go with one that I think Kyle purchased to have on the podcast at a future date. But I have usurped him with this beer. And I've taken it from my own. This is the Southern Tear Brewing's caramel pumpkin imperial pumpkin ale. This is a higher gravity than I normally drink. But like I said, desperate times, desperate measures. This is an 8.6%er. So it doesn't have a whole lot of info here on the can. But I have had the Southern Tear Pumpking before, which is their imperial pumpkin ale. Yeah. And it's a good one. It's a heavy one, usually. Yeah, it is. It's really high ABV. High AB. And it's usually kind of full flavored, I will say. It's got pumpkin spice kind of kick to it normally. This is their caramel version. So hoping that this might be better to my palate than their usual. All right. Well, I have a tendency to double you up with your personal beer. And then the share of beer. I always do this to you. Fall festival for one. Yeah, you got caramel on caramel on caramel today. Because the share of beer comes from toppling Goliath. And this is their caramel apple fan dango. It's a fruited sour beer. Nice. But it says it has natural flavors. This unique sour beer features rich caramel flavors balanced with the crisp tart notes of fresh green apples, all the flavor of caramel apple and none of the stick. Well, I do. I love a caramel apple, even though I cannot drink-- or I cannot eat a caramel apple. I can drink apple beverages. But I cannot eat a caramel apple because I'm allergic to apples. But there was one time I wasn't. And I did one time share a caramel apple with my sister. And let me tell you, that is not a food that you can or should share. No, no, it's not. It is disgusting to share that with somebody. But you know, we're sisters, so. So would you say that makes you a caramel, caramel, caramel, caramel, caramel chameleon? Yes. Oh, nice. I see what you did. I wish I was. It's a quality. Quality '80s reference. Yeah. That only boy George thought of that? Really? It was the other one, the band. Oh, culture club? Yeah. I can't remember if it was him solo or-- No, it's culture club or club. And I remembered both of them. I just didn't remember which one it was. Me first in the Gimme Gimme's does an amazing cover of this. Oh, it's good. Yeah. Sylvia likes that one too. Yeah. I just-- I'm sorry. White out there for a second? Yeah. That's OK, but you do need to introduce your-- I do. The Sturt Rice Memorial House to Glass. Good Lord, I have completely been derailed with my train of thought. The Sturt Rice Memorial House to Glass today holds in its little glass area. [LAUGHTER] It's a little glass beak. Yeah, it's a little glass beak. Little glass beak, you know, it's touch and go. Like we said there, that Alabama game-- Did we say that on a microphone? I think that was awesome. I don't think so. But I believe everyone probably knows. Yeah, it was. It's a pretty big deal. The game, the Alabama game, actually the score, was-- it's a misnomer. It's a bit misleading, because the game was a lot closer into like the middle. And I think South Florida just kind of gassed out. Yeah, those last few touchdowns really came back to back to back in the final-- Yeah, from Bama. But it was good that they won because, you know, they dedicated-- the field is now named for Nick Saban. Mm. Yeah. Saban field at Bryant-- Saban field at Bryant Denny Stadium. Yeah. Yeah, so-- and he was, of course, there to accept his recognition. I suppose, yeah. But yeah. So the glass has in it this super boleki. Is that how you would say that? B-O-L-- Boleki? Yeah, sure. Sure. Why not a super boleki? It's good. This is an omgang. And it's in collaboration with Brewery Deconic, K-O-N-I-N-C-K. It's a Belgian-style amber ale, which I thought was a pro for this time. Yeah. Right. It's got a lot of tiny writing on the back of this can that I'm not going to read. But anyway, it's supposed to be good. It says so on the can. I mean, if it says so, it must be true. It must be true. It has to be true. Mm-hmm. Yeah. OK. Before we get to football, we've got to talk about what went down on Monday, on Labor Day, on Netflix. Oh. Because if you missed this-- I was like, wait a minute. What? If you missed this, you missed it. I'm telling you what. Can I miss it? OK. I probably missed it. And then you missed it. And I-- Yes, I missed it. Sarah almost missed it, except I texted her about it and reminded her. Yeah, and I was napping, so I even further missed it. But that's all the main event. OK. Yeah. That's all almost-- So it was the Joey Chestnut versus Kobayashi, the unfinished beef, the hot dog eating contest. Yes. No, I don't know how anyone can miss this, because Netflix has been trying to get everyone to watch it for-- Yeah. Well-- Didn't work on you. I watched it. For months. It seems like years now. Never watched it. And it was hour long. I actually-- I've never watched a live thing on Netflix before. You mean it? Like, this is the first live event. Yeah, I don't think-- I thought it was one of them. I thought it was pretty well produced. Yeah. It was in Las Vegas. I thought it was actually smart of them at the time that they had it. So it was 12 on the west coast and 3 o'clock here, which is smart on Labor Day, because what are people doing? Yeah. Just nothing, right? They're just kind of-- They're just kind of sitting around. Yeah. So I thought it was a smart decision on their part, and it was only an hour long. I thought, how about an hour? I was going to be like, oh, man, that's-- what are they going to do for an hour? But they actually had Matt Stoney on there, who is a professional eater, who is actually one of Nathan's-- Yeah, he's the only person to be Joey. Joey. Yeah. They were on their doing wing-eating against three United States Olympic swimmers. Okay. So it was like him to see if he could-- how many he could eat versus how many they could eat. He crushed. Yeah, he did. They were pathetic. They were sad. And then I couldn't believe this. I was stunned. There's this lady-- her name is Leah Schutkever, and she's British, and she can eat. And she's on YouTube, and she does eating challenges and stuff on YouTube. And she holds-- I think now she holds like 37 world records. Okay, she can swallow a hot dog whole. I'm serious. It's facts. It's facts. She's-- she holds the world record. Well, I mean, she's got skills. She does actually have skills. And so she went ahead and got another world record for the eating-- I think it was night-- was it 19? She ate 2,400 grams of watermelon in a three-minute time period. Yeah, the previous record was 1,800, I think. And they actually had someone from Guinness Book of World Records standing there, like I'm watching and weighing and timing her and stuff. Wow. Wow. And I'll tell you, too, with the world record, the Guinness stuff, it's interesting because they have these weird rules. So like, you have to start with your hands on the table. So they know you don't have, like, hot dogs up your sleeves, or something. I guess, or something. And you can't-- you can't move on to the next piece of food or whatever until you finish the first one. Okay, that makes sense. So you couldn't be, like, too fisting watermelon or whatever. Right. Hot dogs. Or whatever. Right. But double dogs. But yeah. So, you know, I thought it was interesting. And then they had, you know, so obviously come kind of build up between Joey and-- Right. The main event. Yeah, the main event. And, you know, the rule-- one of the big rules was that you couldn't dunk. And you couldn't-- Oh. And the other rule was you couldn't separate the hot dog from the bun. Oh, right. That's something that they-- that Joey Chestnut does do, though. Yeah. That's what they know at night. Yeah. They say he's separate. They can separate him and they can dunk him. And he can-- And he's a-- he's a dunker and a separator. Yes. So-- Much like the Oreo style. Yeah. So they weren't allowed to do either one of those things in this. And Joey managed to eat 83 hot dogs and buns. Ripping his own record. Yeah. He destroyed Kowiyashi. Yeah. What was Kowiyashi's number? Six. You remember? It was like 60. Yeah. He just destroyed him. Oh, only 60 for us. Oh. Yeah. But he is the first eater to ever surpass 80 hot dogs in 10 minutes, they said. And he smashed his own records. Without dunking and-- Without dunking and separating. It was actually pretty impressive. I didn't think he could-- I thought it would really slow him down, not being able to separate and dunk. It only enabled him to do more. Well, in the thing of it is, he said that he-- I guess he practiced it like that. And then he said-- Yeah. I mean, it's a sport, kind of. You have to train for it. Right. Well, you've got to figure out a technique that you're going to use to-- if you can't-- To shovel that much food into your face. To shovel it in. Yeah. That quickly. I guess, kind of, if he ever does this again, which I think alluding to if he ever goes back to Nathan's. Right. That he actually may use the technique of not dunking, not separating. Ooh. He makes it give him an edge. Yeah. He felt like he could give him-- I don't-- yeah. Fascinated. Right. Cut me off. She was really grossing me out because of the-- there was-- because there was no dunking. He was just basically taking water and just like dousing it all over his face. And it was like running down his shirt and there was like hot dog bits and water like all over his shirt. And I was like, that's gross. Contain yourself. Yeah. And Joey looks more elegant than you and he's just like grabbing them in and you're over here just like bouncing your whole body in water and all that. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think-- I didn't think what the dog saw he wet himself. I did think it was smart, though, right before they started, Joey took water and held it in his mouth. So you get that lubrication going, I suppose, for lack of a better word, like right off the bat. So he has like salivatory plans working, I suppose. I guess. I don't know. But it was-- you know, I watched it. John the whole time. This is gross. I said, I don't care. I'm watching it. Ew. But now the question is going to be, is like, did Nathan's realize what a mistake that they made, right? Yeah. Or did Netflix realize what a goldmine did they make? They probably already realized the mistake they made as Nathan's was happening, but they're not going to admit it. What are they supposed to do and be like, oh my god, oh my god, oh, well this guy, that one, actually eight 25 less hot dogs than what Joey would have eaten, oh my god. Yeah. So I mean, what are they going to do? And those guys seem quite arrogant. I don't see them come out and be like, well, we made a mistake. I want you to come back. Right. Yeah. So I'll be curious to see. I'll be interesting to see if Netflix starts producing more stuff like this. I know that it's hard to get, I guess, numbers. They don't readily release viewership numbers, I don't think, on Netflix, but I will be curious to see how many people actually watch. Well, we'll further love stuff. If a lot of people signed up for Netflix right around that time and watch-- Probably because you're going to have to have it to watch some football games. I mean, if it increased subscriptions, I bet they probably will continue having live sports on Netflix. Because they've had tennis, I know that, and then they're doing football and then they've had this. And they're slowly waiting into the pool. I feel like they've had a golf thing that was live, like something that was like one of those fun golf things between like a sports people that aren't golfers. Oh, yeah. It was a tiger and then they were teamed up with basketball players. With stuff. Oh, yeah. Maybe. Steph and Tom Brady. Yeah, I think so. I think he creates me online if I'm wrong, but I feel like those were the two. I think your brain is great, yes. But one of them played with tiger and I won't play with him. Yeah. Yeah. And both of them are like, both Steph and Tom are like really good golfers too on top of being fantastic. Yeah. I believe that is what was the, that may have been their Netflix's first foray into like a live sport top of thing. Yeah. A live event. But once again, here we go. You're just with this having to have more streaming services to watch anything. It's like on Friday night when the NFL had the Packers and Eagles on from Brazil, you had to have peacock. It was a peacock. I was going to get rid of peacock and now I can't because they're going to play guys on there. We got rid of it. You're playing, I think they're playing Christmas games on Netflix, right? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. And then if they're playing something on Paramount Plus, I won't see it because I already got rid of that. But it's so like all over the place. It's ridiculous. It's just, it's absolutely nonsensical in my opinion. Yeah. Eventually, they'll probably find something that does the best. And I imagine that probably that that'll be who comes out on top. I don't know. I would love it to be too deep. Well, you got to have, you got to have Amazon to watch Thursday night football. Yeah. And then if you want to NFL Sunday ticket, you have to have YouTube TV now that took it away from direct. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Well, and direct, direct to me. Some people angry. Like direct TV is on, it's literally, it's last breath. I mean, how are satellites, how were they surviving even before this happened? I mean, you don't even hear people talking about dish network anymore. There's people out of the tailgate that still have this, the portable satellites that are good. I got rid of that. A lot of people in Henderson still have dish. I think a lot of people, there's a contingency, a contingency of people in this country who are very rural and don't have the internet access. So you're probably not able to get that kind of internet in a rural place. Or it's just really unreliable. I mean, we always had a problem with, you know, the attractor literally hitting the phone lines and knocking our utilities out. Wow. Yeah. Literally a tractor would hit the phone lines and knock our utilities out, which, you know, we would usually still have electric, but like phone and then later on, whenever they finally did get broadband out there, internet, yeah, it was a problem. Yeah. Tractor hazard. Tractor? Tractor hazard. Yeah. So I don't know. And then, you know, then we've talked about this before about how it's going to eventually go back to being cable all over again. Probably. Hey, here we can give you this whole entire bundle for one. Yes. Or what it's going to be is, yeah, Netflix. You're like, oh, you can bundle Netflix, Hulu and Amazon together into one streaming network. You already bundled. It's a streaming network, right? Yeah. Because you already bundled Disney plus ESPN and Hulu, right? Yeah. Yeah. So. So eventually it will just turn back. It's like a snake eating its own tail. Yeah. It'll eventually come back around and everything is so cyclic. So ridiculous. But I did think I will say I thought that the production value on that, that Joe Chestnut thing was, it was pretty good. Cool. Yeah. Was, was here for it. Hopefully they don't put college football in there. Yeah. I don't, I don't. I don't say it, but yeah. You never know. But wouldn't it be kind of cool if they just had like a college football streaming service, like, and you could just watch all the games from, from, from college games or just college sports? Way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way back in the day, and we're going way getting away back machine and go way back. ESPN actually had a thing where you could do like a, like a, a package where you could buy it. And it was almost like a pay-per-view situation type of thing that you could get out of market games. Wow. Yeah. This was like maybe late 90s, early 2000s, but I feel like you could pay one price. And then you had access to this, whatever it is, was via cable through ESPN for like all the college games that you couldn't normally get in your game. For all the football games that were, we're at a market. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can't remember for the life of me what was called. I mean, I feel like that's just like money laying out there on the table basically, like if they just had like a college sports or even conferences could put it out, like the SEC app, well, I mean, they have that. But it's, is it all the SEC sports on one thing? Yeah. It is a streaming platform? Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They have their own app though. That's cool. Yeah. It's part of it. It's like the ESPN. Yeah, it is. But dang it. I cannot for the life of me remember what that was called. And I know somebody who had it. Oh, we're going on the way, way back machine. And it was, it was in, they only had it for a short time. So what would you call it? I'm trying to Google it. That's what I'm trying to, I'm trying to look at, look it up too. So it was, it was kind of, I want to say it was like a pay per view thing, but it was like, you could buy this, this extra channel thing, add on, and then you could get all these at a market games and it wasn't cheap. Yeah. I don't, it was like in the early 2000s, I think, but so yes, I mean, yeah, TV has tried many a thing to get people to subscribe more, view more, buy more services yup. And they're often quite successful. Yeah. Again, I can't for the life of me think of what it was called, but you could definitely get it. It'd be cool if we just had three channels that had every, wait, wait, wait, you could just send it through the airwaves. Oh, yeah. That would be, oh wait, they did that, but anyway, yeah. So there was a lot of games on yesterday. Most of them, at all, all of them were available in one form of the other. ESPN game plan. I mean, maybe college football games via pay per view and launches this most successful season to date. This was in 2000. Yup. That's it. Yup. That's it. That's it. That was it. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I knew I wasn't crazy. So yeah, a lot of, a lot of games on, a lot of places to watch them yesterday. Unfortunately, Sarah and I were both witness to, uh, UK, I'm going to say it. The worst game ever that we've ever had under Mark's date was pretty bad. I'm going to say it. That was the worst one. Really. I think so. From T to B. Hmm. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to say it. Well, and I'm going to say this and I didn't think I would ever come to this for me. But here we are. I think it possibly might be time for UK and stoops to part ways. Oh, I really can't believe I'm saying this, but that you're not usually the fire of the coach. Right. Well, I'm not saying firing, but I think maybe he, it's time for him, a mutual agreement. Yeah. Maybe he's done all he could do here. Yeah. Do you think we did that mid season or we give him the season? No, you give him the season. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Trashed. His seat is becoming a smidgen warm, but I feel like when we get to the bye week, it might be boiling. Could be. It's possible. Yeah. But yeah, I just, that offensive line was so offensive. I was offended. I was so offended by the lack of anything that they did on, on offense. A defense actually did a really good job. They held up for three quarters, but you can't expect them. This is, this is exactly. We run into every single area. We have a lackluster offense and he relies on our defense to bell us out, but you can't do that because you can't expect dudes to go out there for like 30 series in a row and still be fresh by the end, like they petered out because they were on the field the whole time. Yeah. You're 100% correct. Yeah. I thought the defense played really good. But if you're not scoring points, I mean, you just forget it. Yeah. No. Can't win a game? No, you can't. You know? It was just, it was miserable. Um, yeah, I did enjoy talking that guy next to me, but you know what else? It made me very, very, very sad. Sir Big Spur. Was not there. What? So, sir, but he's the most involved. Right. Well, he's just a damn liar is what he is. Oh, he was unevolved in this. That's what she's most upset about. He was a liar. I look down and I, cause, you know, where we sit, we can see the visiting cheerleaders, right? Yeah. And, uh, I'm looking and I'm looking and I told John, I said, Oh, I don't see him. I said, I don't see Sir Big Spur. He's not on his little perch. Right. Like spinning around on his little perch with a sign that says, you know, most involved mascot in sports and John goes, it's too hot for a chicken to be out here. No, wait. It was like 70 degrees. The chicken can't be out in 70 degrees. How does it live in South Carolina and then is what I want to know. Yeah. No, that was good chicken weather yesterday. That was perfect chicken weather. I was a perfect football weather game and then they ruined it. They ruined it. I would've liked it. So many hurts. Sorry. That's true. Man, I was so disappointed. No big sperm. No. And he's a liar now. How can you call yourself the most involved mascot in sports top of a crap cat? Yeah. That's right. I knew it was going to be bad whenever a cervix pretty big bothered to show up. And I just knew they were going to demolish this thing. Yeah. But I'm telling him I spent that whole game because why would I watch what was on the field looking for him and never once did I see him tragic. I was so sad. I was sad. It was sad. It really was. Oh, and John's right. I didn't recognize this either real quick as an aside, but he had somebody tell him or he heard somebody call in to some show he listens to, whatever, and say that they felt like that the stadium had like a Chicago Bulls game type of feel because all they ever do is play a piped in music. The band never plays questions about the band. Yeah. Go ahead. When did it get cut in half there so there because it looks to be the size of my high school band when I was a senior, which was less than a hundred people. They're pathetic. They are a sorry excuse for an SEC band. They never play in the stands anymore. They don't feel out the stands. No, the whole like in the bottom quarter of their section was in, but I, but we've been practicing. I hear them after, but after he said that, I was like, huh, because they didn't. They never, they wouldn't play in between like in timeouts and stuff like that. They never played. You hear on television when you're watching SEC, you're just, you know, you hear the band playing all the time. I know. And I was so jealous. Right? Man, Alabama's band was putting on a show in those stands last night. The million dollar band. Yes. And I was like, man, that must be nice to be able to hear your band from TV, let alone from your seat. We couldn't hear them. They were plus supposedly playing Coldplay. I don't know what they were playing. And then at one point, they turned 90 degrees and started playing towards the recruits, which if I was to recruit up there, and I got up and left, but yeah, that was weird too. They just stood in like a semi circle and just played at the recruiting section. And I was like, I don't know what's happening now. Like I can't. They're not there. No sounds coming toward me. Right. Literally couldn't hear them. I'm real close to texting Jim Bob yesterday or sorry, Jim, his name is, Hey, I know the guy since forever. So I can call Jim, but I did not because I think he was probably busy because CMO where he is the band director actually puts out a really cool, like band schedule on their Facebook page, that that's Jim, but yeah, they put out, they put out a whole schedule of like what they're doing and where they're going to be and all this kind of stuff, which is kind of cool. Yeah, he got them rocking and rolling. I wish he would come to UK. He won't, but yeah, the band stinks. I'm going to say it. And I feel like I can say this because I was part of a once great marching band experience, right? Right. And now it's just nothing. It sucks. And there was no Sir Big Spur and a band sucked and the team sucked and the game sucked and it all just, there's a pile of suck. And what did you say? I will say the band this year, this, this is as quiet as I've ever because there's four people in it really is. It's hard to hear them. Like I can like hear them off in the distance practicing, but usually it's like rocking my windows practically like it's blasting my house with band sound. Which is fine. I enjoy it. It's part of living next to campus. Sure. But it's like very whisper quiet lately. They're so much smaller that when they started, they lined up to walk out on the field. I literally turned to my friends and said, is the band smaller? Where's the rest of the band? They're not here. Also I have one more gripe. I have two, I have a gripe and then I have maybe a controversial statement. My other gripe is that they introduced the dance team as the best dance team in the SEC. And I just can't believe that that's true. That's not true. That's not true. They're not even lined up together. Yeah. And then um... That's like saying Sir Big Spurs, the most involved mascot. And he's a damn liar. Yeah. And then someone on the team was kept doing like like front flips just like randomly. Like while they were like acting like cheerleaders and they were the weirdest front flips I'd ever seen. Missed that one. I was like, they just kept like they were never had like a straight back. It was just like a wow, like they were literally moving in a circle and I've just never seen that before. It freaked me out. But my controversial statement might be, did you have less fun at yesterday's game or last week's game? Because I think yesterday's game was worse. I do. Yeah. At least it like... I could have got struck by lightning last week and I wouldn't have heard that I was yesterday. No, I agree. Yeah, I do. The brightness and the rain were not, were better than the bad game play. Although it was funny because all the people that I talked to out at the tailgate had the same opinion that we had last week about the lack of communication from the university. It literally the whole fan base has that opinion. But I will say one last thing kind of about this whole game day experience if you will. There's these two people that are sitting in front of us and I don't know if they're married or dating or what. They're a couple. Yeah, they're a couple. They showed up with some brand new jerseys. He had 99 on the back and problems and then she had ain't and then her jersey number was one and he was standing up. He started standing up and Jack Wagons behind me started yelling at him to sit down and he turned around and he's like, I sit down, I'm standing up sport team or something like that. And I just like, I don't care. Stand up. It's like I'm bothering me. Like, I'll just turn my head and look at the video board to be honest to you. I'm not going to. If people want to stand up, stand up. I don't care, but I didn't understand why the Jack Wagons behind us were had such an issue with it. They could probably see around him because they were higher up than he was anyway, but he wouldn't. At one point, we were standing up and I said, yeah, I said, yeah, man. Don't sit down. Stand up. Stand up. Be a rebel. You stand. But anyway, so, so that was the, that talking to the Oklahoma state guy and that was probably the best part of my, my afternoon. Yeah. Yeah. So. What a great day. Yeah. Well, we're on week three. Got to, got to move on. Time to move on. Time to move on. Onward and upward. Onward and upward. Week three pick them. Lauren, roll a die. Here we go. We've got a number four. Yes. Can I pet that dog or mascot in this case? Can I pet that dog? Can I pet that dog? Alrighty. Well, let's see who you want to pet in this first game. This should be a good game. I think this is going to be a good game and this is in Wisconsin. So we shall see, this is going to be a real kind of Bama's first test, I think if you will. Yeah. First. Yeah. Because they are going to go to up there to Camp Randall and play Wisconsin. It's Bama, Wisconsin. Yep. That's the Alabama Crimson Tide, who's the big old Edifont versus the Wisconsin Badgers. What was that Badger? He's just a big old barrel chested. What is like droopy loop? Yeah. I mean, he's had a little bit of a seizure. He's fine. It's okay. He's stroke. It's okay. This is a real joke. This is a real joke. It's happened. You know, he's got the good set of his face you can talk out of. But yes. And also, I feel like the Crimson Tide elephant that's often a mascot problem. They often have the one side of the face. That's kind of undead. Yes. Yeah. That one just kind of looks like it's like, I don't know what kind of face to make. I'm going to do this. They both have kind of like a dead face on one side. But with that, which one would I like to pet? I'm not pet in Badger though. I mean, they are fuzzy and cute, but they're also like really mean. And I bet that they're probably, I don't know this for a fact. I'm not up on my Badger scent glands facts, but I bet that they're stinky. They look like a stinky animal. And while I know elephants are stinky, they have that kind of like, you know, large grazing mammal stink to them, which is not as bad as like a small omnivore stink. So I'm going to go with Alabama Crimson Tide because I'd much rather pet an elephant. There you go. All right. Chet GPT. Well. Did you dirty last week? You went two for four. Okay. The week before we went three for four. So, you know, I'm still feeling all right of it probably is what I would have predicted anyway. All right. Okay. So in a matchup between Alabama and Wisconsin, Alabama would likely be the favorite Alabama with its dominant recruiting depth and coaching under it. Well, this is wrong. Nick Saban, buddy, get it together consistently competes at the highest level in college football Wisconsin while strong in the Big Ten with a powerful running game and solid defense. I might struggle to keep up with Alabama's overall talent and speed. If I had to predict Alabama would likely win the game, that Wisconsin could be competitive if they controlled the tempo and established their run game. I mean, I kind of agree with that last part because Alabama was slow to get it together last night and they didn't do it till the fourth quarter. But when they did, it was pretty magical. But I'll still go Alabama because that's what this guy thinks, even though he doesn't know the Caitlin de Boer is the coach. Yeah. And as he really though, Nick Saban will always be the coach. His spirit is still coaching. Right. Yeah. He's coaching from literally the field. The field. The field itself. It's like the field of dreams, but it's the field of the safe. There you go. Yes. Yes. Or whatever. All right. So James, James says, first off, I will not stand for what's the story of Morning Glory slander because, you know, I said that that wasn't cool. It's unacceptable for it's unacceptable for 90s kids not to accept that the Gallagher brothers as great musicians and voices of a generation. They don't have good voices and they're so ugly. The boy has a unibrow. Really? Oh. Okay. Anyway, continue. Sorry. So as far as the pick is the picks go. Here we go. He's taking Bama. As much as I would love to pick Wisconsin, I'm not going to. If this was October or November, I'd take whiskey, but the cold hasn't set in yet Madison. And as much as the SEC does have respectable beer drinking programs, you're headed to elite territory. You aren't drinking Madison at a beer. They have to stock up for the winter. So he's not entirely wrong. And yeah, it's like I'm going to pick a big tin team, right over Alabama, although this is going to be a real test for them. And I think that it possibly could be looking to go sideways for a little while, and then hopefully they write the ship at some point and win. Yeah. Okay. Well, civil war time. Yes. This is what this game is called. It is the Civil War is it's or no, this, this is tough. I, yeah. Yeah. It's Oregon. Yeah. Again, brain cause this civil war, they do call it the civil war and that's Oregon versus Oregon state chat GPT start with you. The Oregon versus Oregon state rivalry, also known as the civil war is typically a close and hard fought game. Recently, Oregon has generally been the stronger team with its high power offense and solid recruiting. However, Oregon state has been improving significantly under coach Jonathan Smith is at the coach. I don't know. I have no idea. It just pulled off upsets in recent years. If I had to predict Oregon might have the edge based on recent performances and talent, but Oregon state could certainly make it a close game, especially if they play at home. So I guess I'm picking Oregon. Okay. Oregon did not look good in week one. I didn't watch them yesterday. They won. I think they won. But I mean, until Oregon falls off a cliff, I'm always going to pick them over whoever are in the beavers. I don't. Well, they've been decent. Yeah. Yeah. So it's the Oregon ducks versus the Oregon state beavers, Oregon on organ action here. Who's Oregon? Oregon on Oregon. Who's Oregon pick is the one that honks or the one that's bevered? And for this, I mean, you know, which one would I rather pad? I mean, you know, once again, this is coming down to smell. Because if you've ever smelled the beaver, they are. They are stinky. They are musky. But we know that they use your plans for perfume purposes. They do. That's where they get those stinkums from. They are an actually oily animal, naturally fishy animal, whereas a duck, it's in the water too, but it's got a nice water repellent coat. And also, I have actually pet a duck before. I had a pet duck as a kid. John also had a pet duck. His name was Quackers. And I loved him very much. He hated water. But he loved dog food and porch furniture. So I'm going to have to go with the Oregon ducks. John's duck's name was Henry. Nice. Yeah. Quackers, though. Quackers. I wasn't super original in my name. Hated water, huh? Yeah. We tried to throw him the property across the street, had a link on it. And so we tried to toss him over into the lake to be with the other ducks, but he hated the other ducks. And he also didn't seem to particularly care for the water very much. So he would just like walk back up our very, very long steep hill back up to our house so that he could sit on our patio furniture and eat our dog's food. Okay. So Quackers was really, he was an indoor duck. I like that. Indoor duck. I like it. He was an indoor duck. So James is going Oregon. He says, "This game being played this early is an abomination, and the reason I hate the current state of this sport. I totally agree. This is a game. This is one of those rivalry games that should be played in November at the end of the season. Yeah. I don't like these games being played right now, all of them should be played last game of the year." I agree. I like the scheduling in general this year is kind of crazy. It is. For all. Yeah, it is. All of the teams. Oregon isn't even getting the full Big Ten share, but bailed on the Pac-12 and caused a 100-year-old conference to implode. This game should be played in Misty, Rain and Fog of a cold November, not the relative pleasant weather of mid-September. I totally agree. Would you say it should be in the cold November? The cold November rain, baby. I don't know when. That's right. That's exactly right. Yeah. I don't know. I like the beaves. I want the beaves to be on, be the way beaves. I like the beaves, but in the end, I'm carrying these points, so I'm going with Oregon. Based on last week's performance, I didn't do so well, so, yeah. Thanks, Eastern. Thanks for paying me. Thanks for nothing on the football field. Right. Yeah. All right. This is another rivalry game that should be being played later in the year than it is, but here we are. It's the Backyard Brawl, and that's West Virginia versus Pittsburgh. So, that's the West Virginia Mountaineers versus the Pittsburgh Panthers, and, I mean, the Mountaineers. It's a guy with a Koonskin cap and a menacing snarl, and I don't think it's going to be petting that guy, not for free anyway. The Pittsburgh Panthers, though, I would love to pet a Panther, but they're cuddly and nice, and they're not trying to bite you, you know, they probably are like one of those big cats where you could give them really good thunk thunk thunk on the side. So I'm going to have to go with the Pittsburgh Panthers. Ooh. Okay. All right. Old chat GPT. The West Virginia versus Pittsburgh game, known as the Backyard Brawl, is a heated rivalry that often produces exciting and unpredictable outcomes. Recently, Pittsburgh has been the stronger team with a solid defense and consistent success under coach Pat Narduzzi. West Virginia has had its ups and downs, but it remains a tough opponent. If I had to predict, Pittsburgh might have a slight edge based on recent form and defensive strength, but West Virginia could easily rise to the occasion in a rivalry game. So it seems to be picking Pittsburgh. I'm not, I mean, I kind of agree with that, but I feel like Neil Brown. This is a microbroke here for Neil Brown. Yes, it is. And he can grow go tea all he wants and become evil Neil Brown, but he still is not doing very well. So I would like to see him win, but for point, excuse me, but for points, I'm going to go with the pit. Okay. James is also going pit insert inappropriate word here. No, no. Sorry. Was he going pit or West Virginia? Yeah, I'm going to see if you can, like, what do you think he's picking? Based on how that's written. All right. I'm going to, I'm going to read it and let's turn it aside for the first thing it seems sarcastic. Yeah. So he says pit insert inappropriate word, then he says West Virginia, even though I should probably should have gone to WVU for my freshman year of college, but I ended up across the state of Ohio. The ACC hasn't been bathing itself in glory and is of this writing, 153 p.m. Saturday before the NC State Tennessee game, which did not end well for NC State. I'm so sorry, James. Sorry. It will. It doesn't look like they will. The only good thing I can say about WVU, their varsity used to be elite. However, they came in and gentrified all the great bars. So I think he's going pit. I think he's going to pit. I think he's reluctantly going pet. It sounds like. He was dumping all over West Virginia. Yeah. I'm going to say you said pit. Yeah. Well. Correct us. I just wrote it down. It is written down. Sorry, James. It's too late now. Oops. So Lauren, I'm surprised. I'm kind of a little surprised you didn't go with West Virginia for the petting of the beard. That's true. Right? Because, well, as we know, you do not pet a beard on an offer. Well, the only two people that do pet beards unoffered are frat guys and drunk girls. That's true. And I am neither. I have never. You're not a frat. Never in my life. I mean, we were just sitting at West Six. Sitting at West Six at a table, minding our own business. And some guy comes up to John and just starts pawing his beard and said that he just had to touch his beard. Right? It was bizarre. John just. He's stunned. Like he just kind of goes catatonic when people do that. Yeah. It's like. Yeah, I can see that. If I just go like statuesque. Maybe he'll go away. It just sits there. It's like being attacked by like a Tyrannosaurus rex. Yeah. You just like hope a few freeze. They can't see you anymore. Yeah. Yeah. So Neil Brown is in some serious trouble. I think it was. I don't think he's going to be less Virginia coach next year. I really don't. And again, he can go go tee and try to be even Neil Brown, but it's not working for him. And Pitt came back against Cincinnati yesterday and then proceeded to go roost to Cincinnati student section and promptly taunt them after the game was over. So I actually think I'm going to go Pittsburgh in this classic backyard brawl. Okay. Last game on here. And uh, man, what a, what a joke, what, uh, I'm so, can we just be done with this, please? Can we be, can we be done with this experiment at Colorado, please, because Colorado, Colorado state. Okay. So it's the Colorado buffaloes versus the Colorado state Rams. Um, they have very similar looking logos here. One of them just has slightly curlier horns than the other one. And they have different letters on their sweaters. Oh, they did look the same. Yes. Very similar in lots of ways. Um, right down to the fact that they're both got Colorado in the name. So this is a tough one to pick, um, which would I rather pet a buffalo or a ram? I think I would have to go with a ram because I do love goats and Rams are just kind of like weird goats. So I'm going to go with the Colorado state Rams. Okay. The Colorado versus Colorado state matchup, often referred to as the Rocky Mountain Showdown is a big in state rivalry. Recently Colorado as a power five team in the pack 12 now the big 12. It said that. That wasn't me. Um, generally has more talent and depth compared to Colorado state, which plays in the Mountain West conference. If I had to predict Colorado would likely be favored to win, especially with the recent excitement around their program under coach Deon Sanders. However, rivalry games can be unpredictable and Colorado state could make it competitive. This seems to lean towards Colorado. I don't personally agree with that, but we already said we're going with what chat GPT says. Yeah. Colorado, the robots are your master, even though the turn of a coach acts like a turd all the time and his turd kid walked off the field early with two minutes to go and at Nebraska. Yeah. You were going to lose. Because they're getting just polished because they suck. Yep. But you know, maybe there will be the Mountain West team will say maybe they have turd power. Maybe they should have turd powers. Honestly, they should be they should be over over right now. They shouldn't, they shouldn't have bit beat North Dakota state, North Dakota state got hosed in that game. My opinion, James is going Colorado state since I'm sorry. I've been seeing the reports about what is going on with the Colorado coaching staff. If you don't know, I saw a video footage of the two Colorado coaching staff members having a fist fight out in the parking lots. This is supposedly a big time college program. Well, I don't mind a good scrap. This is unacceptable and can't happen in a mid to program. And he also has an addendum to this. He says, I have a new criteria for conferences. There's the power to the mid to the G five. This is how I'll be referring to every non SEC big 10 program from now on. That's a good, that's good criteria. Yeah. I like that. Yeah. The power to be in big 10 and SEC and your mid to is what ACC in big 12 and then everyone else. Yeah, thanks. That will eventually just become two conferences. Oh, God. Yeah. I'm not this game. If you recall last year, got chippy, very chippy. And it was the one that Travis Travis Hunter got hurt in. Yeah. Frankly, Travis Hunter is the only person on team worth anything. Both of Sanders, whatever, I'm sorry that you're losing, but your offensive line is terrible. Your defense stinks. You're down 28 to 10. I don't care how bad I don't care if you're down 70 to nothing. You don't walk off the field with two minutes left. You just don't do it. You know, I mean, you think you're even some leader on the team or whatever. Well, then stand there and lose. A leader stays with the sinking ship. That's what the leader and the captain does. Yeah. So this is going to be at Colorado's, was it Colorado last year? I think it was at Colorado last year. The way it's listed on the thing, it looks like it's at Colorado. Well, I'm not picking Colorado because I don't like them. I don't like that. I don't like anything about the program. I think they're a bunch of babies who, for some reason, Dion refused to recruit any high school players, which is incredibly weird and will come back to bite you in the butt. And frankly, I don't think he's going to be there next year. I mean, if they're smart, they won't keep him because he's done the first three to four games last year. Yeah. It was good. Like, he brought excitement to the program. People talked about him. People only talk about them negatively, like, no one ever says anything positive. All those, all the celebrities that were around them last year, like, all gone, nobody, you know, once they showed who they really were. Fair weather fans. Oh, yeah. Whether it's not so fair anymore. Yeah. After he came in and kicked off the existing players and then players that left last year have all come out and said how terrible he is and how awful it is to play for him. Forget that program. I'm excited. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm got Colorado State. Week three in the books. All right. Time for some take it or leave it. Yeah. All right. So TVs nowadays are pretty, they're pretty cheap. Like you can get one for, you know, pretty, pretty cheap price. But if you're really, really, really interested and you're in the market for television, the Cincinnati Bengals, because I guess now they have to pay Jamar Chase's contract, are selling used TVs from their stadium. Oh, so here you go. Here's the prices. So you can get a 24 to a 39 inch for $30 40 to 49 40 50 to 55 50 and a 58 to an 85 inch TV for $60. Now, these would be ones that you would see, like, you know, hanging up in, in concourses and things. So they were waiting to get your hair and your popcorn and you'd be watching things. Yes. Yeah. Or in suites, possibly or something like that, but they have been exposed to the elements. I would think some of them being outdoors, dusty. Yeah. Whatever. Are you taking or leaving the cell in the TVs? I mean, I guess it's a good deal on a TV. Those are, those are good prices. I mean, even though they're used TV and potentially you're going to have to take, you know, can't compress to air to every of one of the ports on it. It's a, you know, it's probably a pretty good deal. And if you're a bangles fan, maybe you feel like there's some sort of magical kitty cat juju bear cat juju that has rubbed off on said TV. So maybe that that's going to be meaningful for the fans of that team. I personally wouldn't want it just because, yeah, it's been baking in the sun and freezing in the cold and the chances are that that sucker is going to go out, you know, the first time you sneeze on it wrong. So I'm going to leave it personally, but you know, taking it for the bangles fans out there. We are in, you know, bangles proximity here. So there's a lot of them around and if they want their weird TV juju, go for it. Yeah, I'm going to personally leave this because I don't care about the bangles. I know the minority on that one, a lot of people around here will die for the bingles. Not me. Not me. I don't need a TV that badly to pay $30 for one that was outside. I don't, I'm allergic to the outside. I don't want you to bring the outside into my house. Oh my God. I have a lot of pollen in it. Yeah. And how much longer is it going to work? Like they're already offloading them for 30 bucks. They're probably on like the last leg anyway. Something you got to turn around and pay $200 or $300 for a TV in the same size. So why not just go ahead and do that unless you're just like such a hardcore fan and you have a little man cave and that would just complete like the little like setup that you've got. Yeah. Where did you get that? The bangles. Why do you have that tiny TV? It was hanging in the concourse of section 137 of whatever they call their stadium now. I don't care. It's Paul Brown whatever. It was hanging in the toilet of one of the executive suites. Well it did. You're in all of it. Yeah. It's an above the concession stand and it smells like stale popcorn on hot dogs but you know I just love Paul Brown and his stadium so much. I'll have to have a piece of it in my basement. That's not me. I'll leave it for myself. Yeah. I'm leaving this because I don't care for the bangles personally but in terms of like if you wanted to like get a deal on a tailgate TV and like a TV that you just like maybe throw on your back porch or something. It's true. If you were to put outside. Outboard space. Top of thing. It is outside. It is a good deal but I'm sure that they're trying to appeal to like you both said like somebody who wants the magical TV, magical TV, you do have the stadium whatever. It probably doesn't have good juju on that. Like if you're looking for good juju from old TVs I don't know that it would be from that stadium. They've not been good for the past 30 years until a few years ago. Well when a Superbone call me that's all I got to say. Yeah I mean the 90s was the last time they won one right? They have never won one. They had gone to the playoffs since the 90s until they were in the Super Ball a couple years ago. Yeah. And they ran into somebody named Joe Montana twice so I'm going to say the last time they ran into Patrick Mo. Yes. So or no they ran into the Super Bowl that they played in the Rams. Oh I thought they played Mo. Oh that was in the M.C. Champion. Yeah it was the Rams. Yeah. Anywho. Anyhow never won. So bacon fan. We all like bacon here right? Yes. Bacon. Bacon. Bacon. All right. Okay well poor Mel has this black label bacon that you can get that also comes with a dash of cinnamon toast crunch cinnadust. Yes it's on the bacon. On the bacon. Huh. Yes. It says it right on the package. Okay. Cinnadust and Crusted Bacon. I'll take it. That sounds delightful. You know you can get that similar type of bacon at like OBC the first watch. I don't like the name Cinnadust it makes me think of Cinnabites from Hellraiser. Me too. I was going to make a Hellraiser bacon. Cinnabites are a real weird and kingy and that's a real. We're going to make a Hellraiser bacon. Yeah. Cinnabites are a real weird and kingy and that's a real. We're going to make a Hellraiser bacon. Cinnabites are a real weird and kingy and that's a real. We're going to make a Hellraiser bacon. Cinnabites are a real weird and kingy and that's a real. We're going to make a Hellraiser bacon. Cinnabites are a real weird and kingy and that's a real. We're going to make a Hellraiser breakfast. Cinnabites are a real niche horror genre but despite its name it's a Cinnabite bacon name. I'll still take it. They lost on me. Totally makes me think of like pinhead bacon or something with like all like the little. Pinheads the most normal. The little needle stuck in his face or like yeah some I don't know maybe the bacon has a lot of piercings or something but yes sweet and salty I love a sweet and salty combination. I love a little bit of sugar and cinnamon on my pig candy. It sounds delightful. I don't know that I'd want like a whole pound of it necessarily. Like I don't want a whole you know pack of this bacon for myself but if I was going to make it like for you know tasty treats for like a tailgate or to take to somebody's house or for like a cookout you know that would be kind of a cool thing to have. So I'm going to take it for the novelty because it doesn't sound disgusting and also it's funny to think of the bacon with nipple piercings. I just saw some pictures of the Hellraiser's Cinnabike Pass but I will take I will take the bacon. Yeah because the the candy bacon that Sean makes is delicious shout out to Sean bourbon bad opinions and the candy bacon at OBC is delicious so you know you can't get wrong with some sweet salty bacon and I'm sure that this just is a touch of Cinnadoc straight. It's not like a coating. Yeah yeah this isn't like pink candy this is probably just lightly yeah cinnabited. Yes yeah but I am taking the bacon. Okay so hefti well let me back up beep beep beep what was your Simpsons quote I don't think you said it. Oh you remember that episode where the teachers are doing a talent show and they're all doing like a musical number and the students and their families are all having to watch and the camera just pans over to Bart and he goes I can't believe I didn't know it was possible but this both sucks and blows yes yes which is what I said to my friends is we were leaving the football game I can't believe it is possible but this both sucks and blows at the same time sorry I really that was my I forgot about it I realized the man said it so we'll just insert here. All right so an important part of the tailgate experience is the solo cup right and the ubiquitous we refuse to have red cups in our house so ours are only blue oh nice yes we only have the blue solo cups but hefti has come up with these these cups I guess play a stick solo or otherwise they're hefti brands I guess not solo brand but they're calling them kick off cups and they're supposed to be conversations starters conversational cups so like they have like words written on the bottom of them I guess so that like oh hold on let me find like a tip no no no no no so like you're really inside on the outside they like say like you know if you were a dog what kind of dog would you be yeah okay so on your cup it's got phrases like what's an iconic football moment you'll never forget stuff like that or who's your dream halftime show headliner oh yeah and they're written on these cups and I don't know yeah this sounds very forced and awkward and not not at all how people talk or how people socialize um I had that sounds like they've kind of missed the point on conversation starters it would have been funnier if they had like random pictures or shapes that didn't make sense on the bottom of the cups and you had to figure out like what this shape meant or what this thing even is like oh mine looks like you know I don't know a weird amoeba drinking out of a bourbon jug like why is this on here this is strange that would be more fun yeah random pictographs and then you could ask somebody oh what did you get yeah what's on your cup yeah I'd be like oh mine's a pineapple that looks like it's sneezing upside down why is this pineapple sneezing um why is it upside down hey I got it upside down pineapple too oh it's a match rather than these awkward phrases yeah I don't know I think that there's a more fun way to do this and that doesn't sound particularly fun um so I'm gonna leave it yeah I'm gonna leave it too I kind of wish there was something on the very bottom of the cup so that when you tip it up to drink it's more gonna be like what the what's on your cup what is that is that is that some sort of poison are you trying to poison me or whoa that shouldn't be there hey I've seen that before that would be a better conversation I don't have any specific examples like Lauren had but I would rather than be on the very bottom than I agree but if you're holding the cup wrong then you're covering it up you know and then no one will ever know I said anything so I think that would be better but like if you have your regular tailgating crew then how often are you needing to like make new tailgating friends you know or like ask those weird questions plus I mean like there's plenty of opportunities to already ask that yeah of course it's not a dating app well it's a football game and the thing it is are you leaving them yeah yeah I'm leaving them too and the thing of it is to even if people roll up to you who you don't know or like roll up next to you who you don't know maybe you still can come converse with them without being like how about them cats yeah how old is your van yeah that was there it's a good conversation you get those show calls it was it was those were all back out there I told John to shoot his shot on those tablecloths and he wouldn't do it I said started a hundred and then go from there and he wouldn't do it and the van was back and the old lady that was with the van was talking to these other two ladies and they were asking her about the van and I interjected and I said and this van only has a hundred seventy thousand miles they're like oh we're gonna ask that next time yeah but you know this that's a conversation right that's a conversation start these were these are awkward and seem very forced yeah I'm looking for you or no these I don't care for these these don't buy these or you know what better yet just buy some and make your own you know you could have you could have you made your own draw weird things on or write write some fun stuff on there I don't know yeah yeah or make it like a game like put little symbols on him who ever picks those up wins a prize oh yeah yeah you get there's a way more better ways to handle something like this yeah what have these doing anyway okay finally mose you you've got like a mose eating it mose most tavern most I wish most know most family feedback no most southwest grill ah yeah I've had them like they cater a lot of things I feel okay I've had them like from catered things before I don't I'm very rarely eat it but I feel like when I do it's pretty good I don't know why I don't eat it more okay well now you may eat it more okay because now they are offering cheese it they've added cheese it crackers to their menu is one of their fresh and free ingredients so you know how they're making your burrito or your burrito or your tacos well now you can say put some cheese it's on that yo you're good it seems like their copy and taco bill but you already did this well but they did but now you can just put it randomly on anything it's not just one item right it's not just a giant cheese it tostada you could get you know of just a burrito full of cheese it's I guess she's a burrito yeah I'm probably gonna leave that I don't ever think about mose it's either chipotle or cudoba and I'll say I like cudoba a little bit better the most never enters my mind I don't go to sleep at night thinking man you know what my burrito was really missing Jesus I liked it at Taco Bell because it was a novelty item that was a limited time offering and I love a limited time offering at Taco Bell so it works in that one I don't know that we need it all the time that's just my personal opinion I'll probably leave it because I probably won't go there yeah I feel like this is two forgotten things trying to like grab onto each other in the ocean to keep from drowning um yeah mose it's fine but yes I completely forgot it existed um until you had forced me to remember that it existed um and she's it's while I do enjoy cheeses I also periodically forget they exist and I'm like oh yeah that's right cheeses are still in existence and they're pretty good probably like cheese it's more than I like mose but I don't like either of them enough to combine them and I definitely don't like either of them enough to go to mose so I'm gonna leave us yeah I've been to mose one time one or two times and I just I didn't find it very in fact I don't think I cared for it yeah I'm fine I'm a chipotle person uh kudoba we'll do because kudoba's nachos are pretty dope because Richmond only has kudoba Richmond doesn't have chipotle that kind of shocks me there right no I do not have chipotle so you know I'll go to kudoba every once in a while but mose never enters my mind and frankly I don't want to cheese it up you know I'll frank it up with Frank's red hot sauce or you know but I don't want to cheese it up I don't think I would enjoy putting any kind of cheese it's on a burrito or burrito bowl type product that I was gonna eat um pass maybe like the last chip I chose right to stuff like burritos or something yeah you know there are other chips with a bigger flavor punch and I'm not opposed to like putting chips on sandwiches and that kind of thing I mean obviously that's a sarah staple right there you know it's true but eh now miss me with the crackers on a burrito yeah yeah yeah got a cracker up that burrito anyway alright well that's gonna do it for this week's take or leave it so sarah what do you think of your berry explosion thing there berry berry boy yes from atrium berry um it was a berry berry berry um berry forward definitely get uh the black berry and their raspberry without the seeds thankfully that's the worst part about eating those berries they just get seeds all in your mouth um and it's quite sour even with the vanilla um so it's good it's just your standard like berry sour so yeah I feel like berry sours delivered what it promised go for it yeah okay there you go the southern tier brewing caramel pumpkin imperial pumpkin ale um was very uh caramely just like the pumpkin uh imperial pumpkin ale is very pumpkiny this is very caramely it's got a whole lot of like toasted caramel uh flavor on it uh kyle he took a couple sips of this um whenever I open it because of course I stole it from him and he said that it was it tastes a little burned like burned caramel um I wouldn't necessarily say burned but I would definitely say that it's got a lot of those like pumpkin spice toasted flavor notes and I think that paired with the caramel does taste a little overly toasty um and it is really heavy um but if you are a fan of the pumpkin and you are a fan of caramel you're gonna love this one because it is flavor in your face yeah I like that flavor in your face it's extreme in your face all right uh goliath brewing's caramel apple fandango fruited sour beer what did you what do y'all think um this is also in your face so I don't think there's natural anything in this so there was natural flavors it says it right there in the can um I don't believe them um it's a liar just like water just water is natural right just like just got water in it that's true just like sir big spur fan or roppling the last liars they lie yeah no I I don't know this thing it tastes like a caramel apple sure but I don't find the flavors to be natural tasting just like caramel is not natural um because it's sugar um and then it also is it's mellowed out more the more I drink it but like the first taste tasted like a caramel apple but like maybe someone steeped it in potpourri yeah because it kind of smells like and I'm not I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with the pira it's just like a diffuser um but they come with like 100 000 different since you can put in it it smells like they scraped the inside of my pira and dipped it in here um because it's got like a vaguely like chemically chemical like diffuser potpourri type taste on the back end but I mean it does taste like caramel apple which I will eat it's not my go-to but if someone buys it for me I'll eat it but yeah it's uh they're not my favorite I love a caramel apple um whenever I could eat them but uh this I don't necessarily love it just like kicked my jaw in with like sweetness it is so sweet and it is so artificial tasting um it tastes more like apple caramel apple candy like those lollies you get yeah um then it does an actual caramel apple um but I mean if you like caramel apple candy you're probably gonna like that if you're like basically a hummingbird um you are going to enjoy this because it is just a sugar punch straight to the pancreas um so yeah uh it wouldn't for me but I feel like probably someone out there would enjoy this give you the beatest by just smelling it yes yeah this is unfortunately this is kind of the first toppling goliath bit of a miss for me yeah it's still cherry finnite yeah when I first tasted it I was like whoa it tastes almost had like a medicinal taste to me yeah a little bit in this sweet and I'm glad we split it because there's no way anybody's drinking a whole can of this by themselves and if you are then yeah you're gonna get the beatest yeah well for brimley's gonna want to have a word with you along your pancreas kids that's that's my reward you're gonna have a diabetic uh but yeah it's it was sweet and I guess it got a little bit better the the subsequent more times I sit drink it I guess yeah but it's identified with your captor as much as I love toppling goliath and I've loved you know we love their their cherry fandangos and their fruited beers and even their even their IPAs are good oh yeah I just I had this was a little bit of a swing and a miss yeah but again your mileage may vary so we always encourage yeah you know caramel apple is a tricky one anyway I think it can be yeah natural right no yeah uh now candy apple get get at miss me with those candy apples so those will break your teeth off yeah that's way to speak jobey the candy apple within the past year or two I have had a candied apple but not a caramel apple I get had like white chocolate and something else on it maybe that was pretty good okay I could deal with that but yeah the caramel just like it stuck to the real mouth and it cuts your mouth out of pieces and i'm just not a fan it's not good uh I will say though that this uh this omgang in collaboration with brewery day conic uh I think that's how you pronounce it super bulky it's good and it was good oh there is a pronunciation of the back you're saying it right bolet boletky bolet collection bowl look at me super bowl look at me saying stuff good that's how they got around super bowl oh because this is a it means bowl okay boletky yeah that writing was too small for me but it was good i mean if you're looking for a Belgian style ale it was malty it was sweet um yeah it was i thought it was it was it the season it delivered what it promised on it's good nice good just there you go all right you know what else is good hungry kentucky yes yeah we're gonna do a new one this week and uh one way or the other i have some nice treats lined up it's fun i'm excited nice tees i'm not even gonna tell kerry yeah so um yeah if you want to hear what that is uh follow us on twitter and instagram at hungryky email me hungryky and then you can find our show every other Wednesday wherever you find your podcasts there you go and if you want to uh lament the uh terrible state the kentucky football is currently in you can do that by hitting us up on the twix at grls your sports show on instagram on facebook how come see me in the purple lot i'll sit down and talk to you i don't even need a conversation cup yeah right uh we are on the fired up network we're on apple podcasts uh we're on amazon we're on a spec file we're on i i don't know we are everywhere good podcasts are free and we will see you next week see y'all bye