Ron Paul Liberty Report

Fortress DC: Homeland Security To Lock Down Washington After Election!

Fearing another "attack on our democracy worse than the Civil War," the Biden/Harris Administration announced that the Department of Homeland Security would treat the certification of the November presidential election vote as a “national special security event.” Meanwhile...the Administration continues to quietly keep dropping charges against those held in the "original" Jan. 6th "insurrection." Also today: while Washington freaks out over "Russian malign influence" in the US media, Congress passes a bill to fund US malign influence in the Chinese media! It's OK when we do it.

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12 Sep 2024
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Hello everybody and thank you for tuning in to the Liberty Report with us today. We have Daniel McAdams our co-host Daniel good to see this morning. Good morning. Dr. Paul. How are you this morning doing fine? Are you doing okay, too? I am doing well Yes, that's good. You're doing better than the country then a little bit me We're gonna look for the good stuff some days is more difficult than others and today We'll have to search around a little bit But you know there was a lot of business news today on prices and things and you know When I glanced at it nothing was yeah I considered the reports to be rather mild compared to the reports that came out during the 70s when When they were adjusting to the closing of the gold window, but you know the markets That assessment just general assessment wasn't a very good one because the markets think something big is happening They say no inflation is alive and well and we have these problems gold has been up just recently Look it was up $40 an ounce. That means there's some nervous tension out there and those who who had been Protected to 40 are predicting a lot more which is which is a game they play but there's a lot of instability there I think what it does to me. I look at this that The reports are less reliable. Maybe the reports You know, maybe they maybe we can't handle the truth You know, we've already heard about the unemployment figures They don't tell us the truth about employment and I suspect that's true about prices too And that's why we have to do the housewife test. Yeah, I know who's doing the shopping and what do they think? Anyway, we're not going to dwell on that. I'll probably visit with Chris tomorrow a little bit more on the economics but What I'll talk to you about what? What's got what's going on in our government because people people are concerned about what's going to happen when they start counting the votes And some people that had had control of corruption before worried they may lose their their corruption ability to go so they have that to deal with and and now The there's a move on and one issue that we've looked at earlier that there's an effort Department of Homeland Security want to certify the election process, you know that that would that to the finality of that the Electoral College because that's when that's when the so-called insurrection occurred and So then now that's their excuse they have to stop this, but it's just an excuse to advance their goal of tyranny and that is what I think is happening and And what are they doing it in the name of national security? You can't you can't be against national security So and right now it doesn't look the hits we're getting about the Republican House of Representatives It doesn't look like we have The guardians of the budget In the Congress. Yeah, well, let's turn this on because this is something we noticed on actually you noticed on Politico and sent it over to me We can't have any more insurrections. Dr. Paul. We've had just too many worst Insurrection since the Civil War happened in 2021 as everyone knows so they've got to prevent that from happening. So this is from Politico Congress to get Super Bowl level protection on January 6, 2025 The Department of Homeland Security designates the verification of the 24 election a national Special security event to prevent a repeat of the capital riot now They didn't use the word insurrection. I'm gonna take issue with that But we go on to the next one now. This is from the article And this is an interesting designation national special security event And acknowledgement that the once routine part of the democratic process now carries a special risk now That seems pretty suspicious to me dr Paul because if you remember this is what homeland security has done since its creation when you opposed at most vehemently It just ratchets more control TSA now all of a sudden our election certifications that from now on No one's ever gonna dial it back and say well, you know, it's not a big deal anymore We'll dial it back. So it's like a ratchet. It's like um, you know a crisis in Leviathan our good friend Bob Higgs It's great book whenever there's a crisis like January 6 here comes Leviathan cranking up the control cranking up the control what happens if Trump wins and What now what happens if Trump loses and and nobody does anything about it If he wins they're gonna say see what we prevented of all this problem, but what what if What what if Trump does win in their preparation and there are problems similar to before and much worse? Yeah, that means that means they're people who hate Trump So and I was mentioning to you that all that All the things that they have done to trap Trump Trump and to punish him and charges impeach him It was analysts. He's always come out on the top. Even bullets. He's come out on top So that's that's amazing. So when if that would happen I think I think that the Democrats they won't know what to do. They'll get hysterical And they of course they'll have they'll have to build another lie. Yeah, you know Well Dick Kenny will come in on a horse and lead the insurrection against Trump That's and Liz will be behind him. That's what we have there and Kinsey and all the guys But go to the next one because this is what it really means. I were joking about it But it's not it's not unserious so the designated in the designation in powers the secret service well that's a good service to lead security planning and provide extensive resources to state and local authorities Assisting with its implementation now. Here's a part. I underlined dr. Paul. It will mean unprecedented levels of security When Congress certifies the results of the presidential election now what that means in real terms dr. Paul I don't know if you if you agree by suspect you do that means they're going to prevent any kind of protest Any kind of assembly even peaceful assembly get the heck out of town Let us do our what we have to do and don't question it. That's at least what it seems like to me. That makes my point This is an excuse to it to expand the state and to expand the tyrannical powers that they're after and has nothing to do with justice and and they're just Looking for problems and there's so many fallacies about January 6th, and we'll talk a little bit more about that and what's going on there but it must be awfully frustrating you know to The Democrats, but you know where I think the biggest frustration level is and they don't know what to do about it And I have no sympathy for them and that is the The Republican establishment who have been governors in different positions who turn a hundred percent And now they're bragging about endorsing Kamala. What kind of Republicans were what kind of liars were they then you know There had to been some difference in the political scheme of things, but that's what that's that's a big thing That that's going on right now, and it would be something if Trump really was that different from a regular Republican He's he's a little different. We're happy about that But he's not that different, but you know what we tend to read political every day, and it's not because we buy their line They can be I think they're a little bit more honest than they're reporting But we understand their biases. They are in favor of Democrats. They are in favor of the DC Blob They are in favor of the foreign policy And they hate Trump But we read this and we get cues as to what you know Just like you did in the Soviet Union you'll be proud to to know what the regime thinks And so that's why I cook these couple of clips dr. Paul because so they're setting it up to say that we're gonna Have we're gonna shut down. We're gonna lock down DC not even a rat can not even a cockroach can get out of the sewer And if you know DC, there's a lot of both of those But here's why they're gonna do it. Here's the justification. Thank you on January 6 2021 Thousands of Trump supporters who embraced his lies about a stolen election So there they go telling you that it was lies And go to the next one. This is the same thing. They're setting it up the January 6 select committee investigated Trump's effort to subvert the election Which I underlined so they're basically Teying it up that Trump loses and people freak out again, but you made such a great point Well, what if he wins are they still gonna keep out dick Cheney on his white horse coming in to save the day? Yeah, but you know that whole thing about July 6th and the distortion there is You know the Democrats were able to turn this into the argument over insurrection Yeah, but I think the Republicans I've never heard the Republicans trying to narrow down the charges And I think this is not being dishonest because this is really where I am on there Maybe they didn't count all the votes. Yeah, why couldn't they have made this whole issue? we believe that those were counted and we have evidence they didn't count all the votes and some of the people that voted didn't count it and some people You know, we're manufactured. Yeah, so it should have been that but instead they the Democrats controlled the media which helped them but I I think it would have been much better because If they don't count the votes, that's identifiable So they're working on that they'll say well We don't even know who voted last time and it's all confusing now. They're saying we should you know We should have voter ID so that we can at least check and see if they're legitimate That makes them the most hysterical resistance they'll use their name boy Do you think they give their name an address when they're applying for food stamps or to get a bottle liquor? But you know the the thing you're absolutely right I mean they didn't ask us for messaging we would have helped them But they could have said hey the people that were violent the people that broke stuff They should be in trouble that happens anywhere, you know You should like you walk into a Walmart and break something and meet someone up. You should not protect it Yeah, yeah So yeah in that case put it but at the same time as you say, but let's count the votes That should have been more complicated than that. Yeah, I mean speaking of the January 6 case Now they want to prevent another January 6 while at the same time This is an interesting juxtaposition our second story is that the original January 6 continues to fall apart and go to the next clip because This is just the news with John Solomon And he came out with a piece yesterday Just the department drops nearly half of the pending obstruction charges in the January 6 case Now these people have had their lives ruined since 2021 and the charges keep being dropped Obviously because they don't have a case against them or the cases they tried to do when they stacked up Multiple cases you're gonna face 85,000 years in prison unless you plead guilty to insurrection. They're falling by the wayside You know they say well Trump must have had good attorneys and everything else this is a victory and this is strictly a legal victory But maybe this is an admission That they had nothing to talk about nothing there. We've checked in in and they finally got to the point Well, we're moving into trying to prevent it from happening We just better quiet it down or something. So they if there's nothing there, there's gonna be a different approach Maybe that's what it was The first item we mentioned the super bowl level of protection. They're shifting gears away from January 6 they figure they they won that but we better quit talking about it, so Yeah, well go to that first clip on this. This is from Solomon's piece. It's been picked up I think by the day the caller as well This is pretty now this is based on something that happened in June the Supreme Court in June Made it more difficult to charge the defendants with obstruction, which is a bogus charge anyway But charges can still be brought if prosecutors can prove the rioters were intentionally trying to stop the arrival of certificates used to certify electoral votes Department said last week that it already dropped the charge in approximately 60 of the 126 defendants whose cases were still pending It's still going to charge 13 of the defendants with obstruction and it's still examining the other cases So they're dropping the obstruction part of this. They're keeping the other issues But again, it's just this trend where they went in and they hovered up everyone doctor Paul hundreds and hundreds of people and threw him in a gulag And then a case then they'll trickle out slowly after their souls are broken their bodies are broken their spirit is broken Their lives are ruined. They've lost their jobs. They have a scarlet letter on their forehead of eye for insurrectionists You know, well, maybe they just needed reminded that there are some guidelines about having a speedy trial Yeah, how many years has this been going on? you know and I guess that the election wasn't coming up and the resistance which had hasn't dissipated that They're still going to deal with it, but how this they did they get out tomorrow and a bunch of me, you know Be relieved of this but how much pain and penalty they've suffered? I mean, and who can you sue? You know, he what we should be able to do is sue the individuals who issue those orders Yeah, that would be that would that would be good. Oh, we see so many people led off the street who committed horrific violent crimes With no charges have these people so anyway, we'll see the they are queuing things up dr Paul for what's going to happen after? November, so we'll see but the other thing we like to talk about this a lot which is hypocrisy and Projectionism the US government accusing others of doing what it is doing But do you want to talk about China? Do you want to talk about the Justice Department first? Well, well this new Justice Department and and then we'll go to China Because this is related to somewhat Justice Department agencies have warned a budget cuts fall out So they're they're worried about that all of a sudden, you know, they they need more money for justice It's always for good things They they want to get you know at the same time they want justice, but they they're not going to cut anything So there's a little bit of Republican resistance to this, but I imagine when push comes to shove You know, the big budget has to be passed it has to be passed before the election Now they've already capitulated on that everybody knows it's going to get passed at least but it But there's a lot of crying and screaming, you know, if you thought they were actually going to do it now They were they were you know worried about the bill for you know, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco I don't think they're worried about, you know Enforcing the second amendment. No, I think they're I think they need more to abuse the second amendment and the rest of it So agencies that warn a budget cuts there's going to be a lot of nashing of teeth about this and I guess is unfortunately the Big government people are gonna win this argument. Of course a budget cut means a reduction in the increase in spending I give you five thousand dollars in the next month I give you ten. Well, I wanted 20. I got a reduction in money That's how Washington works. So we'll keep an eye on him We know the Republicans are working on holding the line against this new budget Preventing a shutdown coming up and it's really like Lucy holding the ball for Charlie Brown It was it was so weird about it the shutdown if they had a shutdown for a month the kind that they've had in the past Yeah, most people wouldn't know about it. Oh, we can't even go to the Washington monument Yeah, they always do they always do a symbolic gesture. Yeah. Yeah, make people know there's tough times I'm making them feel the pain and then all the staffers and everyone they get all their back pay when it's done and everyone is Well since this country see we worry about this and we talk about it There is a solution like cutting back But the one thing you don't have to worry about is that there will never be justice because eventually they'll get a lot less money They'll get paper. Yeah, but they're not gonna have true currency. They're not gonna have money They're not gonna have wealth what they're gonna have you get a lot of paper And it's not gonna work and I wonder why and of course the real tragedy there. It's the middle class It's gonna suffer the most. Yeah, like always like always Well, the last we want to cover again as I as I suggested is about hypocrisy You know, we've talked about it on the show. There has been a big crackdown lately Apparently the Russians are on the move they're they're sucking out our precious vital bodily fluids and destroying our minds There was the raid of Scott Ritter's house there was the raid of Of Dimitri Symes's house and apparently he's facing 60 years in prison if he ever comes back to the US Because he happened to do a program on Russian TV and got paid for it There's been other crackdowns. There's this this crazy case of of this Tenet media, I suppose who supposedly is is driven by Russia They're trying to they're trying to develop this narrative that the Russians are interfering in our media and while they're getting hysterical saying that Put on the next clip. They are actually overtly passing bills to interfere in other countries media now This is from a responsible statecraft Marcus Stanley wrote his piece House passes 1.6 billion dollars to deliver anti-China propaganda overseas and the subtitle is appropriate Somehow it's a crime when Russia does it to us But good information ops when we want to discredit Beijing's belt and road initiatives worldwide I imagine they had a very very very exciting debate over this because it might be a close vote because the Republicans are in charge, so I know they wouldn't go along with it So I immediately went to how did they vote this time? This is all you have to do is look at the general picture here as the care This is outrageous. When is this going to come down? Are they going to have wisdom before the election or after the election? No, they're going to have wisdom when their money doesn't work. Yeah, but This is what I found out on Monday the house past age are 1157 the house. That's right. Republicans are in charge of the house Countering the PRC malign influence fund by a margin by partisan margin 351 to 36 Yeah, 36 brave Republicans. Yeah, and one of them is Thomas Massey. I checked. I didn't even need to check But I thought yeah, yeah, he would never go for this nonsense boy That all I could think of when I was looking at this I this is so outrageous This this really tells right in here tells you where this problem because they're doing something they shouldn't do They're doing something that we are the champions are we are the champions of worldwide propaganda because because we have a lot of stake We have an empire to defend. They don't even have their empire. They're just trying to get their empire But we have to defend our empire. So we have to you know tell the noble lie Otherwise we could we could lose our lose our stature and it will cost us money our dollar may go down and value And it could be an economic negative for us, but this is not good This is one of the kind of things that if I read When I get real cynical what what difference will it make with the election? And then you have to say well There has to be something a little bit better than who are the professional liars in and there are a lot of those On both sides, but there's certainly more of a collection of those on the left side Yeah, well Trump could put me in charge of the USA ID. I'll take care of it like he said I'll fix it in 24 hours Yeah, but put on that next clip because this is what the money is for now. This is so overtly hypocritical You read the vote But after that the legislation Authorizes more than 1.6 billion with the B For the State Department and the USA ID over the next five years - among other purposes subsidize media and civil society sources around the world that Counter Chinese malign influence so read that in English and that means basically to subvert The media overseas now. They'll say we're supporting the independent media as soon as you accept a nickel I don't care if it's from Russia or from the US If you're in a press outlet and you accept a nickel from a foreign government You're no longer an independent media. You're a state-sponsored media and that's everyone accepts that with RT It's state-sponsored they give the Russian line take it or leave it, but with this they pretend Oh, no, they're independent and the other is civil society sources So that means that they're gonna prop up NGOs around the world who nobody elects nobody elects NGOs But they're gonna prop them up with foreign money to have them undermine things that they want undermined overseas And that's a lot of money put on the next one So that's a massive spend and I underline this about Twice the annual operating expenditure of CNN So the US government is funding a double CNN overseas to subvert the media and to undermine the the Chinese positions You know where they're really and I say we in the United States Propaganda they're real experts, but where they really excel is if they're conditioning World opinion and conditioning the American people who will suffer the most and pay the bills And that is preparing people for war and you know We've gone through how many times over the years whether we were in Washington or down here trying to stop the propagandists because hardly ever have any of these laws I mean just just think of how many lies were told and we started to talk about that in 2014 over the lies told to say And they still say that they Russia invaded Ukraine, you know, you know, but no preliminary no No coup no taking over the government nothing else But they had to have propaganda and it's always for national security You know if you don't do this That you're not for the security of the country or you hate the military, you know, that those old arguments Yeah, exactly and here's a couple more things about HR 1157 And by the way, you might want to call your congressman about it I don't think it's passed up Well, maybe it's passed has passed in the Senate, but this next one on now This is a couple things that's very interesting now because Go to the next one if you can Crucially HR 1157 doesn't seem to contain any requirement That US government financing to foreign media be made transparent to the citizens of four countries Now that if that happened to the US the US that is going nuts It is arresting people you didn't reveal that these were foreign sources of this money And they're arresting people So we're doing the exact same thing We are saying we're going to secretly give you money to prop up your media program overseas And you can't tell and not only that But we don't know either put on that next one from the article Because and I underline this Some dimensions of US information operations could be classified It can be difficult to get a complete picture of the full range of what they look like on the ground So they keep it from us They keep it from the people in the I would say victim countries victim of propaganda And nobody knows it's all secret And you wonder why people start resenting the US for the blatant hypocrisy You know we used the word hypocrisy to introduce this article and this subject But you know I think we need a different word We need a stronger word This is a lot worse than just plain hypocrites There's a lot of levels of hypocrisy I don't know outrageous hypocrisy, the evil hypocrisy Because this is outrageous And it's such a strong deception And I guess we always have to go back to where we really work And that's in the grassroots trying to wake people up You know they should be looking for sources of this information elsewhere But I think that I think it's already happened You know after this last debate somebody said the station that was supporting it May lose some credibility over this debate So the American people may be coming instead of Instead of all being negative about websites and things like this and the internet Maybe there's a lot of good things happening there We don't even measure And not everybody has sat on the websites and broadcasting And we meet a lot of people who have their own little group You know they say they might have a hundred or two A hundred or two years ago that it had zero You know you'd have to read it with three major networks and that would be it Well you make a great point because and I didn't clip it but in the article They point out that the US but by doing this by trying to secretly influence Parties and NGOs and media overseas They actually undermined the US position And the author gave the example of the Russian election I think it was in 2011 Where the US was massively subsidizing the opposition parties With all of their media and all of their NGOs And all Putin had to do was say look The people opposing me are dupes for the US government They're funded by the US government It actually strengthens Putin's position Because if someone came in and pointed out with evidence that the Chinese were funding Kamala People would say I don't want that, I don't want someone else interfering in my election So it actually undermines it But the thing is that we agree with the premise of this We would like to have the US have a good image overseas But doing it through subversion is not the way to do it We can be an honest broker in the world stage We can have free and friendly relations with other countries We can have free and open trade with other countries We can be friendly, we can improve our own economy So they want to emulate us Those are all the things you can honestly and genuinely improve our standing But no, they want to do it on the fly And you know, I frequently make the point Well, how do you engage? You guys, you're just a bunch of isolationists You don't want to deal with people Yeah, we like free trade, we like travel, and we like to deal with people And well, how do you influence them? And the way it is, it happened for a good many years in this country Especially after the knowledge of the revolution and the constitution occurred People started knowing America was different And it's by example So that's job is right here at home And you don't go along with a bunch of interventionist spending Deficit financing, destroy the monetary system Don't care about our civil liberties And due to foreign countries, we think it's wrong And if you want to change the world You have to first change oneself And oneself means the people that have an image Or contribute to the image of America And right now, we're not doing so well on that Because I think there's two reasons Because we have two bankruptcies We have the financial bankruptcy But we have a moral bankruptcy as well That we have to deal with Yeah, absolutely Well, I'm going to close up, I'm thinking to everyone for viewing the show Please click that thumbs up Or whatever it may be, the equivalent on whatever you're watching the show In the description of the show, I have included A link whereby you can make a tax deductible contribution To help keep the show going We appreciate your continued support For the Ron Paul Institute and the Ron Paul Liberty Report Over to you, Dr. Paul Very good And I want to close by re-emphasizing What I consider so outrageous And that is the $1.6 billion Basically pushed by Republican Congress To manipulate and to propagandize And be such hypocrites In trying to change things by interfering Especially because they're driven by some irrational Irrational hatred of China I know exactly who they are And I know they have bad philosophy But sometimes they come up with things that say I wonder why we can't do that You know, it's not like they're 110% wrong But I'll tell you one thing Our policies aren't worth defending on many occasions So that is our goal, we have to do our best To improve our image So others would want to emulate us I want to thank everybody for tuning in today To the Liberty Report Please come back soon