Level Up Your Lead Magnet Workshop

Level Up Your Lead Magnet Workshop - with Kylie Kelly

I am so excited that you grabbed the Level Up Your Lead Magnet Masterclass. My hope is that you can either create a lead magnet that actually brings leads into your business (that is what they are for!) OR if you already have a lead magnet that you love, you can tweak it so that it is working for you!

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

I am so excited that you grabbed the Level Up Your Lead Magnet Masterclass. 

My hope is that you can either create a lead magnet that actually brings leads into your business (that is what they are for!) OR if you already have a lead magnet that you love, you can tweak it so that it is working for you! 

So it's been created really from the viewpoint of somebody wanting to start a lead magnet, create a lead magnet, right? Um, but we're going to go through the steps that I take when I'm creating one that leads into an offer into my business. So if you have a lead magnet already that's just not converting as well as you'd like it to, um, or you just, you're wanting to create another one like Angelique is like, if you're in that place, you're still going to be able to learn what questions to ask yourself about your current lead magnets to make sure they start to convert better. So regardless of where you are in that journey, my aim and my hope for you today is that you're going to get something really tangible. You can take away and implement whether you're creating a new one or just optimizing a lead magnet that you have. If you guys have questions as we're going along, drop it in the chat. I will try and keep up. I do have some time at the end for Q and A. So if we can always circle back, if I do miss your question as we're going, but I will try, if it, if it fits in with the content, I'll try to answer questions as we're going along as well. So how do we know if our lead magnet isn't working? Often is because it's not bringing leads into our business. So that is the whole point of having a lead magnet that works for us. If it doesn't bring leads into our business, it is literally just more content. If you're in this place, you're like, Oh, I feel like I've made a million of them. I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing. It's not working. You're not alone in trying to figure this out. Often we're told at the start of our business journey, create a lead magnet, share it online and grow your email list, right? Full stop. And the thing is that is only part of the picture. When we do that, it's not an intentional way of actually building our business because it's not leading them anywhere. It's just more content and the online space is full of content, right? And that's why when we create a freebie in that way, when we just create it because we're told to create it, we'll put it out there and often it's just crickets, right? Because our ideal clients, it's not speaking to them. They don't want to. It just gets lost in the noise. So here's the thing. So often when that happens, it doesn't mean that you're freebie that you'll lead magnet is bad. But what we can do is make sure that we can make some tweaks. Or if you're creating a new one, we can do it with that intention so that it actually attracts the right people to your email list for one. But then it actually leads them somewhere. It actually leads them to one of your main offers. Okay, so if anybody doesn't know me, just in case, I wanted to make sure that I introduced myself. So my name is Kylie Kelly. I'm a mum to those two little boys that you see on the screen, Spencer and Samuel, and a wife to that English handsome gentleman, Nick. As I said in the chat before, we live just outside of Sydney in Australia. And I always share these photos first because I'm a huge believer in life before business. I think this is why for me, this is why I created my business was so that I could be the mum I wanted to be so that I could show up when I wanted to show up. So that's my real life. I used to be a photographer, so a lot of them are professional photos. Hence why they look really pretty, but I'm not so I'm not a photographer anymore. But I'm also an email marketing strategist. So I help online business owners grow their email list fast without social media or paid ads. I consider the email growth club my third baby because I love it so much. And I can see some members are with us as well. So, so exciting because I believe in full transparency. This is not a sales webinar. I'm not going to sell you into anything at the end. We're here to do some work, but I did want to tell you that I'm opening up the email growth club for 48 hours after this workshop. I actually can do it earlier. I'll put the links in the chat. If you do want to grow your email list without social media or paid ads, make sure you come and check it out. Join us again. This is a workshop, not a sales webinar. I hate those things, but I want it to be fully transparent that I have stuff going on, right? And also because this is a short window of time, we have almost 50 people online. There was over 400 people that signed up to this workshop. So, because it is a tight period of time, if you want my eyes, if you want my ideas, if you want feedback, if you want me to order your lead magnet, I actually do have a little special offer I made for you guys where I can do that for you. So I'll put the links to everything in the chat. So, guys, don't get distracted, but if you wanted to open them up, so you've got them handy for later. So it won't surprise you that I believe this is all of my heart and know this to be true. So, focus on your email list all of the time, more than social, more than your website and more than your brain or graphics. Now, I'm not saying that social, your website, your brain and graphics aren't important by any means. They all are, right? They're all part of the puzzle, but I discovered this the hard way. When I was a wedding photographer, it was a very feasted femme and it was all referral, it was a word of mouth. And when I, when the pandemic happened and I pivoted, right, no one you existed, no one you existed. So how, how do you make money? How do you come up with a service, come up with an idea, come up with an offer? How do you sell it if you don't have people that know you exist? It's almost impossible. So I'm a massive believer of focusing on that email list all the time, even before you're ready, or even before you know exactly what you want to sell, as long as you know who you want to work with, start building that email list, right? Start building it so that you're bringing your ideal clients into your world so that when you do have, have an offer, have something to sell, you've got people to sell to, you've got people to build that relationship with. Now there's plenty of ways to grow your email list and we're not getting into any of them today. That's what we do inside the email growth club. But today we're just focusing on one piece of the puzzle, right? Which is your lead magnet, either creating a new one or leveling up your current one, so that we can start to leverage that. It's going to become an asset for your business so that you can start to grow your list using your lead magnet. But I just wanted you to know there's so many different ways, so many different ways to grow your email list. I hate social media, we'll say that everywhere. So just know you can do it without social media, without paid ads, there's lots of different options for you. And because I'm all about full transparency, this screenshot is a little bit old, granted. But I wanted to show you this is what my journey has looked like, right? So regardless of what strategy you decide to try, I wanted you to see that it still does take a bit of patience, a bit of time, right? Like there's this section here where I was testing, tweaking, figuring it out, until I landed on that thing that my ideal clients wanted, and then it's been an awkward trajectory. So regardless of where you're out in business, where you're at in this journey with your lead magnets, with your products, wherever you are, just know that it takes perseverance. It's a taste gumption. It takes you testing, tweaking, and trying again, potentially before you hit that upward trajectory. So I think it's really important to show that because I think a lot of times we see, you know, the income claims, Instagram stories, and we see people, especially in the online space, and it's all shiny and glittery, and it happened overnight when that is not true. It's not the case, right? So what we're talking about today with your lead magnet, I also wanted to share like it doesn't matter what niche you're in, it doesn't matter what business you have. This is the exact process that I've always followed, and that I teach my members, my clients, to follow as well, so that they can figure out what lead magnet to create for their ideal clients. And if it works for all of us, it will work for you as well, learning photography equals high stress. That's how I got my start and the stress is where I left it behind. You know what, Diane, I actually thrived on the stress on that pressure, but yes, it was, it was pretty high, high stakes, right? There's no doovers. Okay, so let's dig in. So these are the three parts of today that we're going to be talking about. Part one is we're going to talk about where to start. Start with the end in mind. I want to cover how to reverse engineer your offer, so that your lead magnet is leading them there. Part two is how to choose the right type of lead magnet, so that it appeals to your perfect person. From my experience, most people start there, right? They're like, oh, I might just create a checklist without reverse engineering anything. And without actually thinking about your ideal client and the type of end offer that you have, what makes sense for the format of that lead magnet, for the right type of lead magnet, what makes sense for you to create. I'm going to talk about that in part two, and then part three is how to write a winning title and create a high converting landing page for your new or improved lead magnet. So as I said, this has been written and I created these slides in this workshop in a way for people when they're creating a lead magnet from scratch. But if you have one already that you want to optimize, as we move through this content, just be asking yourself questions about your current lead magnet. Just be asking yourself like, oh, just mind you that, that way you're going to know what you need to tweak and how to make it better going forward. All right, let's get going with part one. All right, reverse engineering, the idea has anyone ever heard of it? So have you guys ever started from the offer? I would love to know, or did you do what I used to do and just like create something because it sounded good and I thought people would want it. Why do most lead magnets felt like we said at the beginning, it's because if it doesn't bring in leads, it's not working. That is the whole reason we create a lead magnet or a freebie, right? They're interchangeable, free resource lead magnets, same thing. So if they're not created strategically to tie into your business model, to tie into your offers, like we said, they just become more content that might pick up a subscriber or two, but they don't actually move the needle in your business. Like I said, if you look at my camera graveyard, you will see it wasn't until I started to reverse engineer that process that I actually started to see them work. Instead of doing that, instead of just creating for the sake of creating, right, so just creating more content, when we reverse engineer, we're thinking about we're starting with the end in mind, what one offer if we want to lead this person to what one offer? And then we need to consider what is that first step that they need to take in order to be ready for that offer. We offer that first step as the lead magnet, and then that next step for them is your offer, which we make really enticing and a bit of an Obrayner. Now, I will say that this is a funnel, right? I feel like I don't know about where you guys are all out in business, but funnel, the word funnel used to really scare me. It's like, oh my god, it said so intense. This is a funnel, right? It's a lead magnet to a paid offer. So, this is a funnel and you're leading someone from a free resource through to the paid offer. So every offer in your office suite, whether you're starting right now at the beginning and you only have one, you only want to do one thing, or whether you're more advanced in your business and you might have five, 10, 15 offers, right? Whatever offer or digital product or whatever it is, where people are paying for it, every paid offer has to have its own lead magnet that leads these clients from the lead magnet to the paid offer, right? This is a funnel. We're going to have one for every single paid offer in our business. So, some examples. Let's do some examples and then we'll have a little look at the questions. So, some examples. So, this is two examples of mine. So, for the email growth club, right? I have a kickstart your email three-day challenge. Now, full transparency, I created this before the club was around when I was first getting into helping with email marketing, but it works perfectly now, right? Because if you think about my ideal client for the club, they're already set up with their email list. They know they want to focus on it and they want to grow it, right? But if they are starting at the beginning and they haven't set up, they don't know what email service provider to use. They don't know what it is. They're the data, the analytics, they don't know anything about email marketing itself or they're just getting started. This kickstart your email challenge takes them through all of that. It gives them the reasons why email is so important. It talks about how to write a subject line that gets open. It talks about what the open range should be. It shows them the difference between convert kit and flow desk and like some of my favorite email service providers. So, if they go through this, then the next step, logically, is, oh, the email growth, I don't want to grow it now, come and join the club, right? So, that works really well. This one here, so I've got a podcast guesting four-week program called Pitch Like a Pro. And this is a funnel that I've just sort of started. This is quite a new offer that I created. So, this podcast guesting masterclass is going to be the perfect lead-in. For then, people are like, oh, yeah, I really want to dig into this. Come over four weeks. Let's dig in deeper. Let's get you on podcast. Let's do it together. So, this is going to work beautifully as well. A few other examples. So, one of my members in the club helps women with chronic pain. I don't know if Sean's here today. Hi, Sean, if you are. But the first step for her was to create a symptom tracker, right? So, that her ideal clients could identify and track their symptoms before she then invites them to work with her at a deeper level. Again, what is the very, very first step? Elizabeth, another member of mine, she's a funnel strategist and tech automation specialist, which is a bit of a mouthful. But she has a master your tech migration checklist that then eventually sells into her tech and automation VIP days so she can help migrate it for them. Right? So, thinking about your perfect person, what is the one offer you want them to eventually invest in? What is that very first step that they need to take in order to be ready then for that offer? Right? And keep in mind a lead magnet. So, this thing that we're talking about, this very first step is meant to attract. It's not its job to convert within that lead magnet. That is why, so when we're talking about getting people into these paid offers, we do that through email. We do that through the welcome sequence. Generally, what I like to do, I have a welcome sequence on the back end of this, right? They enroll in the challenge. They go into a welcome sequence. And then one of the last emails is like, "Hey, amazing, you've done all this. Let's celebrate. Now, do you want to grow your list?" And I invite them into the club. So, you do that through the welcome sequence. So, the lead magnet's job isn't to convert, it's to attract. And then, we sell and convert through email. Is that all making sense, you guys? Let me have a little look at the questions. Emily, could you clarify first step they need to take before starting the offer or of the offer? So, it depends, right? So, it depends on the offer, Emily. So, let's say you had a course you were selling, you could, and we'll talk about this in a minute, I'm going to give you examples, but if you had a course you were selling, you could pull out, like the first module, and that could be your lead magnet. So, when we think of that example, it's kind of part of the offer, right? Because you're pulling out just that first module. That could work if you're selling a course. You don't have to do that, but that's option number one. But the way I like to think about it is when you're thinking about the transformation that somebody is going to have in that main offer, what do they need to do to be ready, right? So, growing your email list, what's that first step? Oh, they need to know that they, how important email is, and they need to be set up and have their email service provider. They need to have all the tech sorted, so they're ready to grow. It's like, what is that first step? Diane, I help women's 30 plus, who's journaling and affirmations to increase, improve their self esteem and self confidence. My lead magnet is a journal jar, sample journal prompts to help them get started writing in a journal and developing a habit. Oh, well, no, I love that. I love that. My main thing would be how digestible is it? Like, is it something that they could do? And we'll talk about this in a second. I made a little acronym for things that we can think about. When we are creating a lead magnet, I've made an acronym, so we can go through and make sure that it fits all these things. And one of those is that it isn't simple and digestible, can they do it in like less than an hour? So, as long as it's not like a 30 day journaling exercise, you know, as long as it's like, they can sit down, they can do one journal, like feel like or one journaling exercise, they feel like they, oh, yeah, this is fun. I can make a habit out of this, right? This is something that appeals to me. I think that would work really well. I love ideas for lead magnet for birth, motherhood and family photographer. I love that, Georgia. Can you hang on to that till the end? If we have time, I'm happy to brainstorm that at the end for us. Absolutely. So, step one, determine the offer that you want to lead people to. So, right now, what offer do you want to lead people to? Throw it in the chat. Simply, don't, not a paragraph because I can't read that first. What is one offer? Is it a course? Course, membership, service, one-on-one, three-month program. Love it. Drop the offer in the chat. What is that one offer that you want to lead people to? You might have a service, you might have a course, you might have a community, you might have a digital product, you might have a few of them. Just pick one, one-on-one counseling appointments, mini course on journaling, one-on-one coaching, one-on-one coaching course course, sound sleep is programmed, digital product course, coaching. I love it. I love it, guys. One offer. Step two, determine the big transformation of that offer. What are you going to help them achieve in that offer? Then, work backwards and determine the first step someone needs to take toward achieving that transformation. Now, this is something, I don't know how you guys all feel about AI. This is something that I love brainstorming with AI, right? Often, I will put in and be like, this is my offer. This is exactly who it's for. This is the transformation. This is exactly what they get. Put it all in. Now, I want to create a lead magnet that helps them with the first step that they need to take to be ready for this. Can you give me some ideas? Now, some of them are rubbish, right? Or some of them sound like AI and put into any images or don't sound right. But often, it's a good place, a good jumping off place to get your brain going, "Oh, yeah, that's a good idea." You can massage it to find something that might work, right? A big fan of AI for the brainstorming part of this. Denise, I'm a children's book author. I hate the idea of sending out coloring activity pages. I'd rather send out something more substantial, like a parental tip sheet or something connected to the book. What are your thoughts? So, my question, Denise, is your ideal client then would be the parent that's buying the book, correct? Would that be right? Again, we can brainstorm this at the end together so we can keep moving on right now. But I love the idea of, and again, I've got two little boys, right? And Spencer is in grade one and he's just learning to read. Depending on the book, I kind of love the idea of something for the parent to help them get into a habit reading with their child. Yeah, we can brainstorm it, but I love something that is aimed at the parent, right? That could definitely be helpful. And then obviously selling the book after you've got them into your email list. Let's keep on going. So part two is choosing the right type. So, I want you to know before we dive into this section that there are so many different things that you can do when you're creating your lead magnet, right? So many different things you can choose. None of them are right. None of them are wrong. They will all work. The main thing that I'm focused on is choosing one that is the best fit for the first step and suits the end offer. It has to be something that appeals to your clients that you're attracting for the end offer. And I'm going to sell like a broken record, but it's all about that. That's why we want to lead people through this funnel. So this lead magnet needs to appeal to people, and I'll make this clear in a second, but the right to the right person for that end offer. A little acronym that I always really clever. I thought I was really clever. Coming up with an acronym at like nine o'clock last night. But it really hits on every point that we need to think about when we're creating these lead magnets. Simple. Easy to understand and easy to quick to digest, right? Like we were just chatting about not making something that takes 30 days to go through. It should be in hour or less that they can actually digest this thing, right? So it should take an out of the most, no five-day challenges, no 90-minute master classes. I'm guilty of both of those. So just know you're in good company if you're like, oh, that's what I have. I was there too. We want to keep it simple. We want to keep it purposeful. It needs to be aligned with that end offer that you have in mind. It needs to be actionable. It needs to encourage immediate action. Now, this doesn't have to be a big action, guys. Like this could be like ticking off a checklist. This could be thinking about something differently, right? This could be a journaling exercise. It takes 10 minutes. This could be doing their grocery shopping a little bit different. Like it doesn't have to be a massive big action. I think sometimes, and I know I've done this in the past too, thinking like, oh, I want to give them the biggest transfer. I want to do something really big. It's going to really help them and really change how they're feeling about this thing. And then it's too big. Like, that's what the main offer is for, right? This needs to be a little, little thing, a little win, a little action that they can take when they sign up, right? Something, something bite-sized. It needs to be relatable. So it needs to connect with your ideal client and what they need. I would really encourage you to keep it relaxed, let your personality shine through. I think sometimes, especially if they're making something that feels more like official or professional, like a, I don't know, like a guide or a pete. Like when we're making something, maybe it's just me. But I think sometimes we try to be more professional when actually, people are going to connect with you more if you're just yourself. If you listen to my podcast, sometimes I swear, sorry, but when I get excited and I'm being very careful today, when I get excited, sometimes I swear. That's okay, because then people that don't mind that, obviously I give warning. So if you've got kids around, you can mute, you know, I'm mindful of it, but I'm myself. I leave my alms in, right? It annoys me when I listen to the replay. But again, people can connect with that. So instead of polishing things to an inch of their life and making them professional, I would really encourage you to get comfortable with just being yourself. Let your personality shine through. That's going to really set up the people that come into your world. It's going to really set up that relationship that you're building with them on your email list. And then lastly, knowledgeable. So it needs to provide valuable insights or tips that establish you as an authority. Now, don't overthink this, right? When you're thinking about what to create, again, think about that first step and ask yourself, like, what is the simplest way I can do this? What is the easiest, quickest, simplest way? I can help them do X. One of the lead magnets, and I'm going to show you in a little bit when we talk about landing pages, I took a screenshot of the data and the conversions and stuff to show you. But one of the new lead magnets that I just created maybe six weeks ago is a collaborations guide, right? So it's like your next 1000 subscribers, and it's 11 different collaborations that you can try to grow your email list through relationship-based strategies, which is what we do in the club. Again, it leads them to the main offer. But again, I could have went really, I mean, I could have done anything for that. I could have done a big workshop. I could have done a private podcast. I could have done so much. But for me, making a guide in Canva was the quickest way to get something done. So I want to encourage you, it doesn't need to be perfect. What is the simplest way that you can do or you can create this lead magnet so that it hits all these points, so that it hits this acronym, right? But it gets it out there faster. Okay, let me have a little look at the chat. Thank you for that brainstorming chat to your teachers. Well, can you create a few of these lead magnets for the one offer? I'm thinking of applying to bundles and more new different ones. Darlene with that. So bundles are like my, I love bundles. I host them. We host one quarterly inside the club, just for members. And then I also have my public facing ones as well. Often bundles you need a product that's not a freebie. Right? So these are different strategies. So when you want to be inside a bundle, I would be creating again, it's the same thought process. If you want to lead somebody to the one on one work, I think you had a three month container. If you want to lead someone there, I'd still be creating a product that you'd be comfortable selling for a low ticket price. So maybe it would be something worth $9, $19, $27, like something low ticket. The same thinking that's still kind of part of the first step, right? But it needs to be something that you would sell. That's part of the part of the way that bundles work because they're a collection of resources that are normally paid for. So you'll have your lead magnet that is always free, but you'll have on, and we're talking a second about where you can put this thing, but like have on your website, have if you're on social media, link in your bio, do freebie swaps with that kind of thing. So you have your lead magnet that's free, but then you need a low ticket product that you will be comfortable selling to put into bundles. So they are a separate resource. Oh, I love that Emily. I love that so much. What is your mindset about being robust yet simple? I love that Adriana. So as you know my love, we've been connected for quite a while. So as you know, I used to give away like everything in the kitchen sink, right? I'd be like, oh, and I'm a big fan of over delivery. So I'm a big fan like when you sign up to this free workshop, I'm a big fan of like making sure that you leave with stuff you can actually use, right? Big fan. I think there's a big difference between something delivering value and being overwhelming or being too much. So I would always just peel back the layers. When you come up with an idea, again, run it through that acronym, run it through that framework and be like, okay, is it simple enough? And maybe you need to ask some people, maybe you need to reach out to a few people you're connected with and be like, hey, if I use this in my lead magnet, is it simple? Is it clear? Do you know what it is? Could you do it in less than an hour? Is it simple enough? Is it perfect? And then run through that acronym and just make sure it hits. I think it can still be robust. It can still have a lot of value attached to it. It can still give them that quick win without overwhelming them with too much like I used to do, right? I love that. Okay, let's move on on. Move on on. Let's keep going guys. If you have more questions, definitely drop them in the chat as we go. So types of lead magnets. So like I said, so there are endless lead magnet possibilities. You want to choose what fits your first step and the offer you're leading your ideal clients to. So the way that I've done this, I've broken this into two different things. So on this slide, and we're going to talk through, if you have a course or a digital product, and then we're going to talk about if you have more of a service based offer, because they're different, right? The client that we're attracting to those offers is different. So normally, if you have a digital course or a digital product that you're selling, normally the lead magnets that work best are like checklists, quizzes, templates, swipe files, cheat sheets, email courses that like drip out. Things that are super actionable and pretty simple, right? They're perfect for, I think I was talking about this later, but they're perfect for somebody that doesn't mind doing a bit of work. It's a bit of a DIYer. They want to learn. And when you think about the end offer, that's kind of the type of person that we're attracting for the end offer, right? As I said earlier, if you have a course, you can offer a taste of the course and pull out the first module and use that as the lead magnet. I have a program called Summit Planning School, which teaches people how to host their first summit, right? It's a three month long DIY program now that you can go through. The lead magnet for that is how to decide the topic and the tagline for your virtual event. So they do that, and that's really the pre-work before they're ready for the course itself. So again, if you have a course, think if that would work, if that feels, it has to feel good for you as well. You have to be okay giving that portion away and then inviting them to get the rest, right? But I do think that that works well when you do have a course, if it feels good, because they almost get a little bit of FOMO, right? They have that first module. They're like, "Oh, I really like that. I really want the rest." And I think the cell becomes easier when we're talking about courses themselves. So have to think about that if you do have a course. But the most important thing if you're selling a digital product is you want to help them take that first step for free and then make the next step so obvious, so affordable, such a no-brainer that, of course, of course they're going to grab it, right? That is what we want to do when we're just selling digital products, digital courses. And like I said there, on that slide, if somebody is buying a course, keep in mind they're looking to learn. And this is why it's a different type of lead magnet when you're comparing a digital course product buyer to a service or like a high ticket buyer, different type of purchaser. Because normally, and again, generalizing a little bit, but normally if somebody is buying a digital course or a product, they want to do it themselves. They want to learn the ins and outs. They're ready to roll up their sleeves and get the work done. So the lead magnet that we create looks a little bit different compared to if they were going to pay you for some done for you service, right? So that's if you've got the digital product or a course. If you have a service, again, buyers that want to buy a service don't normally want DIY, right? So you need to cater to this when you're creating your lead magnet. You need to take this into consideration. They're generally two very different types of people. So if you have a DIY type lead magnet, it's probably, and again, there's no rules, you can try, but it's probably not going to work for someone who's not really interested, one doesn't have the time to DIY, right? They want a service to be done for them. So if you think about what is that first step, and I know a lot of you are doing one-on-one work, so like what is that first step that they need to know about before they book the service, the one-on-one coaching, whatever it is, before they book that, what do they need to know? What do they need to learn? It could be as simple as like a mindset shift, right? It could be you educating them with a quiz, like what's an example here? Let's say it was, I'm going to use one of my members' examples. So one of the members, Laura, she's a menopause coach. I don't think she's here, but like maybe perhaps if you wanted to lead somebody into like health coaching for women in menopause, it might be a quiz around menopause or symptoms, right, or pre-menopause symptoms, so that they realize like, "Oh yeah, I've got a lot of those symptoms. I do need support," and then we sell them into the one-on-one work. Does that make sense? So we're thinking about, okay, what is that first step, again, that they need to take, so they're ready for that service. What else have I got there? A case study series, that's always really, really good, because then I think I've actually got another example to tell you about, but if you do a case study series, it's kind of like showing them what's possible, right, through your service, and it's also doing the social proof at the same time. So if you've had past clients, a case study series can be really, really, really powerful. A private podcast, a video mini series, so there's a big difference between that. So you imagine somebody signing up and getting a private podcast that it teaches, educates them on something, right, big difference between them listening to that, or making them DIY, like track their sleep or implement Google Analytics. That was like an SEO example, right? Big difference between the DIY person that comes through for a course or a digital product versus somebody that comes through for a service. One more example, and then I'm going to jump into the question, so as an additional example, so I'm about to launch some email copywriting. I could done for you email copywriting service, where I can write weekly emails for somebody, right, because of that, because it's not a DIY thing, I'm doing it for them. The perfect lead magnet could be like a detailed case study showcasing how I helped a client prove their email engagement, their open rates, their sales, with my done for you service, instead of email templates for them to do it themselves, because they wouldn't be interested in that, because they want the done for you. Do you see the difference there? So we really need to be thinking about, again, that end offer, going through that acronym, what is simple? Does it align with the offer? Is it actionable? Is it relatable? Does it position you as an expert? Does it help me to make sure it aligns with that end offer? So is it a course? Is it a digital product? Is it a DIY? Or is it more done for you service-based offer? Okay, let me have a little look. What did Heather say? Oh, boy, Kylie, I think my big offer is both. Do some yourself, watch videos, implement choices, and there's one along with me. So I would still think, Heather, thinking about that, I still think it's more done, it's more DIY with a little bit of extra support, especially knowing what you do. I do think it would be more like a sleep tracker, or it would be more like something that they could do themselves, and then through email, and then maybe they'd do it themselves and feel a little bit lost, so that when you are selling them and they see this extra support, they can get with the one-on-one, that's kind of like a bonus, right? Then that's even more appealing. So I do think it's more the DIY, digit, like those examples I gave at the start. I hope that makes sense. My clients are spiritual and creative entrepreneurs. At the end of the program, they have connected trust and believe that intuition to have a healthy relationship with themselves and the energy of their business. I love that. They even start talking to the energy of their business. I'm not sure what I could offer is a league magnet and for bundles. If you've got time, darling, let's have a little brainstorm at the end. I think you were the one that was at Sunshine Coast, is that right? But hopefully it's not too late for you, and we can have a little brainstorm at the end. Adriana, how do I deliver the case study? I mean, you can do a variety of different ways. You can just do whatever emails. I've seen PDFs done with case studies. I've seen video, like video, like mini courses. I've done, again, dripped through email, but with videos embedded. Again, it's not so much about the how. It's making sure that the what aligns with the offer. So there's a few different ways you can deliver case studies. Emily, this is so helpful. My current lead magnet is around. It's so funny. I'm like, "Lm?" I got it. My current lead magnet is around removing to-do list overwhelm, and it's a PDF. But I have a recorded video workshop teaching the same technique I've put behind a paywall. I can see how my high ticket one-on-one clients would get a better feel for my services with the workshop versus the PDF, and it would feel more high ticket ready. Absolutely. And I think as well, further to your point, there are two high ticket one-on-one clients. When you're leading people to that kind of service, if they've already seen your face, if they've already heard your talk, if they've already gotten a feel for your energy and how you are and how you work and how you deliver things. I'm a leadership coach for women in HR functions. My program is aimed at helping them identify their own unique leadership style basis, which then creates strategies to build their influence and visibility. I love that. My lead magnet, I plan to create a short assessment. Are you leading from backroom or boardroom? Oh, that's good. Followed by a low-cost workshop and a short one-on-one session pitch program during that one-on-one. I love that. I think that works really, really well, especially for that ideal client. Again, short assessment, so it hits all of those in the acronym, right? I'm going to have to practice that, so I can be like, "Doom!" But it hits all of those. I think that works really, really well. And I love the title of it. It's already backroom or boardroom. And Adriana, so if I'm delivering my one-on-one through VOCSA, it makes sense to do a private podcast. I mean, you absolutely could get some use to listening to your voice. I think we can jump into that a little bit deeper as well. So again, that's the kind, that's the container. Making sure that that first step is what you're delivering through the private podcast, right? But yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. That would work. Okay. I think I got them all. Okay. So what's next? So again, I want you to think about your ideal client and decide on what kind of lead magnet would align with that spark framework with that acronym, right? Or hitting all of those points. Start to create it and don't aim for perfection. Written for me as much as it is for you guys, like I feel like that just keeps us stuck, right? Keeps us from actually putting things out to the work, into the world. So take messy action. Remember, done is better than perfect. So step so far, we're starting with the end in mind, right? What is the one offer or service we want to lead people to? What is the first step they need to take to be ready for that? And then what can I create that is simple that they'll want and that will lead them there? One thing that I want to mention before we move on, keep in mind what we said back at the beginning that it's not the lead magnet's job to convert. So we're not selling in the lead magnet. So as you're creating them, as you're optimizing them and getting up leveling them, all we're trying to do in that lead magnet is help them take the first step. That's it. That's the only purpose of the lead magnet. We then sell through the welcome sequence like I talked about or other parts of the funnel. We don't sell at the start. I've got an example here. I wrote this last night, but it's kind of like meeting someone for the first time, a stranger and asking to borrow their car, right? Like they might say, yes, but it's going to be weird. Like let's not do that. So we want to make sure we're building that relationship. We're just focusing on helping them take that first step and starting to build that relationship with them. Nick and I are down to one car. So maybe that's why at the moment we're trying to juggle the one car. So maybe that's why the example came up. Emily thought about including a bonus option to book a Q&A call or some other free CTA. Yeah. I mean, you can. I think as well. So although we're not selling in the lead magnet and we build awareness in the welcome sequence as well by letting people know that we are a business and we have things for sale. So we do that in the emails in the welcome sequence, but at the end of the lead magnet, of course, you can have like what the next thing is, but we're not selling in there. There's not a big emphasis on what that sell is. Mainly creating awareness, right? Not actually focusing on selling. Yeah, exactly. Emily, exactly. So we're mentioning it. It's there. We'd love you to join, you know, da da da. But we're not, we're not focusing on the sell. We're focusing on that first step. And Joanna, yeah. So I've got, again, there's no rules, right? You can of course try having a tripwire, a bump offer. I have a bump offer for the club on most of my lead magnets. I do get some sales. I will say it doesn't convert at a huge amount because people don't know me yet. So often when they're coming in for a lead magnet, they're completely cold. They don't know me yet. They've just stumbled upon me somewhere. So it doesn't convert very well. But of course, if you want to try it, like again, when I said at the start, test tweak, try again. Absolutely. Absolutely try it. Angelique, I've been thinking about a private podcast for my lead magnet. There'll be 12 episodes which follows a here long actual email sequence. It's 12 episodes too long. Yes. I think it is. My gut says, yeah. Oh, I would say three to eight minutes for this short. I'm on the fence, my love. I'm on the fence with that. I'm just thinking my own. See, I would if I had that in my player and you got me in and I wanted to listen, right? We made it really attractive, really appealing. I want to listen. You could pretty much just press play and have them play while you're driving. And you make it through those 12 pretty quick. I would make sure that you're using a podcasting platform that makes it easy for them to add it to their player. So Hello Audio is not the only one now, but you know, with Hello Audio, you just get that QR code that you scan and it just adds to your player something simple like that. There are others now that do that, but something simple like that so that they can then binge it in their player. Don't make them go to like a website page where they have to listen where it's embedded because then 12 feels like too much. Does that make sense? But I think if they're short, I'm just thinking back. I did one called the audience accelerator, which was leading people into Summit Planning School. And that's the way I tried that when I first did the Summit Planning School program. And it was six episodes, but they weren't short and there was drop off. So after like the fourth, third or fourth episode, I definitely noticed to drop off. So I think we tested it. I think you can bang that out and record that pretty quickly. Make sure you timing yourself, make sure they are short. Let's see how it goes. And then we can keep with you chatting. But I think the fact that they're going to be that short is the thing that probably would convince me to try it. How many pages should the freebie be Sarah? Again, the main thing with that, we want to be thinking, can our ideal person read it in like less than an hour? And I would also take a step back after you've created it. I would take a step back, go for a walk. I'm a big fan of this, like taking time away from what we've just created, coming back to it and going, is this simple enough? Can I make this shorter? Can I make it more simple? The simpler that we can have it, the better it will convert. Because as you guys all know, we're all time poor, right? We're all the biggest, the two biggest objections whenever you go to sell something or look something, whatever, it's like, I don't have time, I don't have money. Like they're always the two that we'll get, regardless of industry, regardless of anything. And everybody's time poor. So I would just be taking a step back and always asking yourself, like, can I make this simpler? Can I make it shorter? And will it still, if you do that, will it still have that desired outcome that you're aiming for? So I don't think there is like, make it three pages. I don't think there's a rule like that. Just make sure that it is something that they can digest really easily. Here, Amy, I'm a sex therapist. My ideal clients are people who want to create a more expensive sex life, explore their true desires and discover more about their pleasure and bodies. I already offer a free 20-minute phone call, which converts to one-on-one sessions, but I want to offer a live group program eight weeks. And my lead magnet idea is offering a yes, no movie checklist or like that, that people can fill out to reflect on different activities they're interested in trying or not trying is a checklist to DIY for a live group program. I think the way that I would do it, though, is make sure that when you're delivering the checklist, or in your welcome sequence, we would polish that welcome sequence so that they do the checklist, they then get your welcome sequence, and it really sets them up to understand like who you are, what your values are. I would do a little video in there. So you're showing your face, like, that's the way we then convert them into something like that or get them warmed up so that when you launch it, they already know about it and they're interested. So I would be focusing. I think the checklist is good. I think that that's a good lead magnet. I would just be focusing on the welcome sequence to make sure we're warming them up for when you press go on a live group program like that. But I do like the checklist idea. I feel like it feels like an easy thing, especially something that could be so emotionally attached, right? So it feels like something easily they could easily do, either by themselves or with a partner, but then I'll be focusing on that welcome sequence to make sure that it's really optimized. Perfect. All right, let's move on, you guys. You guys happy to move on? Any other questions before we move on? I'll give you a second. Denise, you've got your hand raised. Did you want to ask a question? You can come up, meet my love with your comfy. Okay. I'm a bit confused. I was told by someone to make a quiz, which I did. Now my website is not live yet. I just bought my host thing in my domain name. So it's going live in about two weeks. Now I created a quiz to go with my new children's book that's coming out. Now, excuse me, is the quiz the lead magnet or is the quiz something that's going to then lead to a lead magnet? The quiz is the lead magnet. So from what you explained, yeah, the lead and the quiz is great, especially if it gets them onto your email list. And I think you just said you're releasing a book. So yeah, congratulations. That's so exciting. Yeah, a quiz is great. So that way they'll fill out the quiz. They'll have to subscribe to your email list to get the answers generally. So they'll be added to your email list. And that's when you send out the welcome sequence and then sell them the book. So no, I think that's perfect. Great. Thank you. That's okay. So it is the lead magnet. So this is a thing, right? It's like, there's no one wrong. So the quiz is great. It could also be anything else. Just thinking about where we're leading the subscribers when they come onto our list. But no, quiz is great. All right, any other questions, you guys? Okay, so landing page and title. So we've got our idea. We've decided what to create. So now we're going to bring it all together with a landing page where people can opt in for our lead magnet. I will say when it comes to the title, the name does matter, especially as you guys would have noticed, like I feel like might just be me, but I feel like in the online space, everything is kind of blending together. Like there's so much that feels like it's been done already, right? Everyone has started to kind of sell the same and it feels like, again, could be me, but it does feel like it's harder to stand out. And this is where the name matters, right? If you called something, I know the ultimate guide for an entrepreneur, like really vanilla, right? Like we have to make sure that the name speaks to our ideal client and stands out from all of the noise, that is in the online space, especially. So how do we do that? So we make the name unique, clear and desirable. Again, I'm just actually my ultimate guide, but things that if you notice things, especially when you're scrolling yourself or you're spending time online, and you notice a lot of things that sound the same, like try and steer away from them. So we want to stand out, but we also, this is a caveat. This is the hardest part of that is we also want our ideal clients to understand what it is. So again, coming from a photography background, I remember like my first business name as a photographer was so creative. Nobody knew what it was. I think it's really important to be creative. If you're creative, let me be creative, come up with something that you love, but make sure that it's really clear and your ideal client knows what it is. It's really clear what it is. So as an example, another way you can do this, right, is you can call out your ideal client in the name of your lead magnet. So an example I've got there for my kickstart your email list challenge, let's say I was a coach or my ideal client was financial planners, it wouldn't be, but let's say it was, I could have made it like the kickstart your email list challenge for financial planners. Super clear, it's about email list, getting started, it's for financial planners, or for life coaches, or for copyrights, like whatever my ideal client was, I could have added that to the title to make it super super clear. This is a few things, so qualifies your ideal client and make sure that we're attracting the right people to our email list, and they know it's for them, right? Already, they're like, oh, this is exactly what I need, it's for me, I'm signing up for it. So there's a couple of things there. So I also love when people say what it is, a checklist, a challenge, a free video series, a pro podcast. Whatever the lead magnet is, if you can say it in the title, so they know what they're getting, they know what they're signing up for, this is for myself as well, like I learned the hard way, don't try and be too creative or too cute or too clever with it, keep it simple and clear, and it will do so much better, because people will know what it is, they'll know it's for them, they'll know what they're signing up for, then ask yourself, so come up with the name, then ask yourself, is this something that people will actually want? Like, is this sound desirable enough? And sometimes, this is where sometimes market research comes into it, and it's not so much changing the lead magnet itself, but it might be tweaking the title. Again, using myself as the example, the kickstart your email is challenge, it might have converted way better if I did it for online business owners. I could have tweaked that title to see better conversion rates, rather than keeping it broad like that. What I would suggest, naming is hard, I struggled to come up with names, naming is hard, brainstorm it all out. You could even use AI, use your peer group, brainstorm use Facebook groups, ask on Instagram, wherever you hang out, ask for import, brainstorm it with other people, come up with a selection, come up with what you think it might be, come up with a couple of ideas, step away, give it 30 minutes, go for a walk, get some fresh air, come back and go, oh, now, if I was my ideal client, would I want this? Is it irresistible? Is it something that my ideal client will really feel like they need? Or is it a nice to have? Nice to have, often doesn't sell very well, right? That doesn't convert really well. There needs to be something that speaks to the pain point or speaks to that small, that first step, which is attached to a pain point, right? Because it's a paid offer that you have that helps them with that pain point, helps with that transformation. So does it speak to my perfect person? Do you guys have any questions? We're going to talk about landing pages next. So any questions about naming things that you wanted to pop in the chat or come off mute? So I think naming is hard, but simple, clear, unique, desirable, and try to stand out a little bit without it getting too crazy. What if your ideal client is too vague? I don't think, Adriana, I don't think your ideal client is moving there, too vague. I think this is where the testing will come in. What I would do. So let's say, okay, I'm just going to, let's say you did a, I'm just going to use a checklist, so it's simple, right? Let's say you did a checklist that could help parents, that could help someone caring for their elderly parents, you helped nurses, and you could tweak that title, you give it 30 days, tweak the title, share it around, and you could just see what part of that audience it converts with best. I know that what you do could help a lot of people, but often, what does that say? If we try to help everyone, we helping no one. So I would, I would try and get more specific, as specific as you can, that still feels good. Let's move on to landing pages. So now if you can't be the title, what's the next step? The last thing for you to do is to build a landing page for this. So when it comes to landing pages for lead magnets, I want you to know they are totally different to a normal sales page, right? You don't need to do a sales page for a lead magnet. Simple, again, as I've been saying with everything else, simple is always better. You don't need all the bells and whistles or really crazy things. You don't need all the sections because we want them to take one action. We want them to do one thing. We just want them to sign up for the lead magnet. So we don't need to present our argument of why they need it. They don't need a lot of context. They don't need a lot of argument building. They don't need a lot of proof. All the things that you have on a traditional sales page, when you're selling an offer, you don't need that for a lead magnet. You just need a few things so that they know what they're getting, right? So here are some tips. So you just need clear headline, again, the name, and I'll show you some examples in a second, the name, a description of what they get, a simple opt-in form. Now with that, the least amount of information is best. So I always just ask for name and email. Name because I like to personalize emails. You guys would all know when I send emails. I'll be like, hey Sarah, hey, I like to personalize them. So I'm always asking for the name and email address. I don't ask for phone number. I don't ask for Instagram handle. I don't ask for anything else that I don't need. Name an email and then a clear call to action. And if you do have any social proof, of course, it put it on there. It's not going to do any harm, but you don't need it either, okay? So don't let that get in the way of you creating the landing page. So just keep it super simple. Remember to focus on the value that you're giving and the problem you're solving, not on you, but on the person that you are helping. So you don't need a big bio section, you don't need any of that. It's mainly clear headline, tagline, nice mock up. I do like to be visual, again, photography for me, but it converts better when there's a mock up or it's something visual, simple opt-in form button. That's what you need, right? The other points on that slide, test on a mobile device, make sure that it works really well. One thing that I use Thrive Cut for a lot of mine, and it's so important to check it with your mobile because it always puts it out of order, which is just crazy. So always check on a mobile to make sure that it still looks the way that you intend on your mobile device. And remember, like I said before, it doesn't need to be perfect or pretty in order to work. Just get it done, right? Get it done. Then you can look at the numbers, then you can look at the data and tweak it from there. I've got some examples. So this is the one that I was talking about before us. This is my UNIX 1000 subscribers guide title, UNIX 1000 subscribers. Tagline, learn how to finally grow your email list without paid ads or social media with this free guide. Super simple. I could have put there, I could have included something like for online business owners or whatnot, but it's converting really well, so I'm happy to leave it like that. Name an email. Like you can see there, we had a question earlier around tripwires or bump offers. I have that on that sales page. Again, doesn't convert great, but it's there is an awareness thing if nothing else, right? They sign up for that. They know that the club exists because there is that bump offer there. And then underneath what's included, 11 strategies to grow your email list fast, broken down into low list strategies, a little more effort and maximum effort for maximum results. Pretty simple page. I have from memory added some social proof on the bottom now. Again, nice to have. Didn't need it to have some really great conversion rates. So typically as a standard, when you're looking at conversion rates, typically 35 to 40 percent on an opt-in page is standard, is normal. So if you can aim for that and then tweak it and optimize it to get it higher, obviously that one's at 70 percent. Pretty happy with that. It's a pretty new resource, so that's cool. But yeah, just so you know, you don't need to aim for 70 percent. So 35 to 40 is standard. Cart bounces in Thrive Cart of where they've come up and they haven't signed off. They've bounced off. So you can see the difference. So I'm guessing, pervertism was wrong a suit, but orders and cart bounces would have equaled the views. So these are all the people that have left. I will say with Thrive Cart, people have opinions. So people don't like to sign up in Thrive Cart, which is probably what this is from or they've got distracted or it's on their phone and they've the kids that I cry, you know, whatever it might be. So yeah, this is Thrive Cart that I use. I do have learning pages in ConvertKit as well. The main reason why I have Thrive Cart is I need a summit back in 2022, which is how I started my email journey. Happy to dive into that. If you guys ever wanted to chat, just reach out. But I did a summit back in 2022 and I needed affiliate software. And so I found Thrive Cart, it was a one-time fee. And then I'm a big believer on using, you know, not having expenses if you don't need to. And I do really like it. So everything is now in Thrive Cart. I have the membership learning hub in Thrive Cart. I have a lot of my products. I use the affiliate stuff when I do bundles, the gift portals in there. So yeah, I do use it for a lot. Okay. And these are some other little examples that I grabbed last night. So Liz Wilcox, lovely. This is just a pop-up on her website. Look how simple that is. But you know exactly what it is. And if you want it, how easy is it to get it? So depending on where you're putting this, whether you're having a pop-up, you might want to replicate something like that, whether you're having a link in your Instagram bio, you might need a little short landing page. This one here, I'm not a massive fan of Jenna Kuchar, but this is on her website here. And it's just like a section on her website. It's just a section on her website. Again, though it's pretty eye-catching, it's for presets. So you can see the difference. Title is very clear. A little bit longer copy, but I mean, I think that works well. Send it to me, Jenna, super clear call to action. So again, depending on where you're going to put this thing, depends on what kind of opt-in for more landing page you might decide to create. And then this is the other last example, but my friend Evelyn has this one like super clear again. She just asked for your email. So she doesn't personalize emails, which is absolutely fine. Depends what feels best for you, right? So she just asked for an email, very clear, the 90-minute coaching homepage. So this was something that she did with Netta, probably as a lead magnet, right? If this is going out to a cold audience, 90 minutes might be a bit long. You know what I was saying earlier? I can imagine for a cold audience, it might be like a homepage checklist or a guide or something like that that's easier to digest than sitting there for 90 minutes. But look at how simple it is to sign up for it, which is why I loved it. Really visual graphic, it's clear what it is just asking for the email. All right, so any questions if we move on to this little bonus section and we're going to wrap this baby up. All right Heather, how about this question? Does the landing page have a button to send them directly to the product or they hit a button, then they need to check their inbox? So I do both. So you'll notice with the 1000 subscriber guide, when people sign up for that, it redirects them to my Google drive where the guide is. So they get instant access to the guide. It also, because it thrived card speaks to ConvertKit, and it will be the same as the ConvertKit landing page would be even easier, but it also tags them in my email service provider. So they get an email saying like, hey, you sign up for the guide, like I get my delivery email. Here's the button to grab it. So that way, if people were directed to the product, they close the window, they can still get access to it in that email. And that is the first email that then goes into the welcome sequence. So that's kind of how that works. So I would do both. Sarah, how do you deal with freebie seekers that want the freebie and then unsubscribe? I don't even notice now. So you will get people. I don't think they're freebie seekers. So I have a bit of a problem with the term freebie seeker, but you will always get people that sign up for something, grab it and then leave. Great. See you later. You weren't my person anyway. Now, as my list has grown, I don't even notice those people. You will see when you're in a big collaboration. So if you're in a bundle and there's a lot of people involved, it has a big reach, you probably will get that more because you're getting more people in. So you'll notice a few more people do that than normal. I heard a really great analogy the other day that I actually shared with a club member because she was a little bit stuck on the unsubscribes, which I used to be as well. I totally get it. But I shared an analogy with her, which was like, let's say you have a shop, you have a shop front, you have five customers in there shopping. And one customer just walks out and leaves. Go somewhere else. Are you going to run out the door and down the street to that one customer that's left and ask them, why didn't you like my shop? Why didn't you buy anything? Did I do something wrong? Did you not like the way I was dressed? Did you not like my products? Are you going to do that or are you going to focus on the four people that are in the shop still looking? And that's kind of, I loved that analogy because I'm like, oh, that's so true for email marketing is it's these people. We need to focus on the people that stay, not the people that leave. So that's the kind of way I think about it. I hope that's helpful, but always happy, always happy to chat about that mental shift, right? I think the term free be seeker, right? Like the reason I think I have a problem with it is because everybody, so the way that I kind of think about this whole buyer's journey is that everybody, we all start as a freebie seeker, right? We all start signing up and getting into somebody's world because of something free. And then it's our job as the business owner to develop that relationship, right? To send out and that starts with the welcome sequence or to be consistent with weekly emails or let's say you're not into email, like maybe it's social media, I mean, whatever, but it all starts with building that relationship so that they get to know I can trust you or they don't and they leave. Either is good, especially with email because we pay often per subscribers, we don't want people on our email list that aren't going to eventually stay in purchase and work with us, especially from a business perspective, right? So it's all a journey. To me, it doesn't matter like we all start here, right? And then we build that relationship, we offer things. I've had people on my list that have probably been on there for two years and haven't bought anything yet. Doesn't mean that I think any less of them compared to the people that are in the membership or that have purchased higher ticket products even. Like it just shows that some people need longer, some people are in different parts of their lives, some people need different things. And it's just my job to keep showing up and trying to help and trusting that they'll either stay in invest eventually when they're ready, when the timing is right, when I have something they need, or they'll leave, which either is good. My thought on that you would chase them down. You would not, you would not leave those four shopping by themselves in your store. Let me just say. All right, you guys, so let's just run over this bonus and then we're going to wrap it up and open it up for any other last questions that you guys have, because I know that we're going to the top ones in 90 minutes. So where do you share it? So you've created, okay, we've done a lot today. We've reverse engineered, we have a lead magnet that's leading to our main offer, we've thought about the title, we've thought about the landing page, we've got our thing ready, how do we share it now, right? So I wanted to share this to start to help you think about what you can do now with this lead magnet to help actually grow your email list. So where can you share your resource? So on your website in multiple places, so Liz Wilcox is a great example of this. If you go over to Liz's website, just Liz, I think she has it like five times, which I love. Great example of putting it in a few different places, especially so that we can really maximize people that land on our home page. If you look at my home page, so just, you'll notice I have the next 1,000 subscribers guide there, and then at the bottom, I have more of a general newsletter opt-in. I don't have any pop-ups or anything at the moment, but I still have a few different places where they can opt in to my email list. So big fan, multiple places. Of course, as you're linking bio on your social media, if you hang out on social, in show descriptions or show notes for your YouTube channel, podcast episodes, bottom of blog posts, in your email signature, some people forget about that, but I get a lot of clicks from my email signature, so I think that's a good one to add it to. Again, as you're called to actually relevant blog posts or content or as a highlight or pin post on your Instagram, on your social media if you're on social. So just be thinking now, what could I do to add my lead magnet? If I've got one already, what can I do tomorrow? Or when I create one, where can I be putting it? And I just encourage you to put it in as many places as you possibly can. And I've got a note there, like if you feel like you're sharing it in too many places, you're most likely mistaken. Most of the time that you're not sharing it enough. And I think sometimes when we're inside of our business, we're talking about this stuff all the time. We're thinking about it all the time. People aren't in our business, so we need to put it in as many places as we possibly can. I hope that is helpful. One last call, obviously we're wrapping up now. I'm going to put those links in the chat again as a reminder that email growth club is the best place to be. I absolutely love it. I'm obsessed with the women inside of it. So I'm going to open the doors for the next 48 hours. If you go to my website, it's not there yet. So you can only get it through the link that I'll put in the chat again. And also a little reminder, if you have a VIP pass to the workshop, there is that 50% coupon code that you're welcome to use. So you get 50% off the first month as well. And then as I said, if you want my eyes, ideas and feedback on your current lead magnet, or you want to brainstorm what the perfect lead magnet could be, I'm throwing out there some limited one-on-one sessions with me. So the link is also in the chat. They'll be done through Voxer. And if you have an existing lead magnet, I'll be recording personalized loom feedback for you. As you can probably tell, I like to give really tangible advice. It's not like this wishy washy. It'll be really like do this for the headline, move this image to the left. It'll be really specific. No pressure at all, of course, but I wanted to mention those there. And of course, the podcast, if you're like, ah, it's not a good time to invest in anything, absolutely fine. Head over to the podcast and have a listen. I don't get any content that stacks of valuable knowledge on there. So thank you for being here. Before you go, I would love to know what was your biggest takeaway. Can please drop it in the chat. I would love to know what you got out of this 90 minutes together, what you, what you took away from it, and what you loved the most. Darlene, a lead magnet is meant to attract, not convert. Oh, yes, I love that. I love that so much. Adriana, different types of lead magnets for various. Ah, it's going to be fast. Various services and products, yes. That was a big takeaway for me as well. I always thought I needed one lead magnet for my business. And then when I started reverse engineering things to an offer, I was like, oh my goodness, they're like individual journeys. If you don't want to use your funnels, but like their individual pathways to an offer, right? So we do need a specific one to attract them, to lead them to that, that angle, that an offer. The DIY isn't done a few service types of lead magnets. Yes, I love that Emily so much. But people seeing you and hearing your voice and feeling your energy draws into you, Heather, yes. Yeah, this one's so true, right? Absolutely. Simplifying, it's the key, simple being best. Oh my gosh, Cristiano Nicola. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I was always as well, guilty of that. I didn't really believe that less was best, right? Like, I always thought the more I could give, the more I could show, the more I could deliver, the better it will be. But honestly, it gets in our way. Because then it's just, it just overwhelms our ideal client and makes it so they can't get through that. How are they going to have time, more capacity, or even the mental space to come into my main offer? That was always me as well. My biggest takeaway was the lead magnet is actually part of the client journey and is the first step. Oh, you guys, thank you. Okay, this is good. After having a week of being sick, I was really hoping I can make this as impactful as I could for you. So I'm glad that you guys have had these takeaways is exactly what I wanted you to have. Picking the right lead magnet for the offer, oftentimes folks just tell you to pick the right type and give you a list, not which on that list to go with the type of final offer. Yay. Awesome, you guys. Okay. Oh, yay. Welcome, Michelle. I'm so excited. I love that membership. Do you know what? Fun story before I let you guys go. The membership actually was something that was like a shower thought. I was crying in the shower. I'm all that for disclosure. Crying in the shower after I tried to launch a high ticket program that I didn't feel good about, but was told to do. And yeah, had the idea of membership, thought I always hated membership, had the idea of membership. And I was like, I'm going to, I'm going to do it differently. I want to actually make it something that has this beautiful community, but then I'm eating all the time that people can get real support and real connection and the women in there are amazing. You are going to love it. My goodness. All right, you guys, any final questions before I let you guys go. A lot of you, it is evening. Amy, I'm interested in joining the membership. I don't have a social media or email list at all. Yes, it is still a good place to start. So I hate social media. I have a nine grid on my Instagram and I am really on there. I show it when I want on stories. I'm normally just sharing some funny meme or something, right? About parenting generally. But yeah, I'm not on social for business really. I'm not on, and I will say, when you join, I can show you guys the back end, but when you join, there's like foundational training. So there's email marketing 101. There's a training around email marketing data and analytics. And then there's a training on creating a visibility plan just 30 days at a time. So really easy to consume. But if you go through those, you'll be like, okay, I'm going to do this. This is one focusing on 30 days. Yeah. So it's absolutely a great place for you to be. So yeah, it's completely completely up to you and what feels good, but just know that yeah, it's the right place and I'd love to support you. You've found out about me on social media. That's hilarious. So I will say, that's so funny. I will say I do a lot of podcast testing or I have been recently. So that's been fun as well, because the podcast hosts, most of them are on social, so they'll share reels and things. I know we had a few that we were going to circle back to the ATM or YouTube podcast out there on other channels. You know, my husband is he's a YouTube coach. He's actually going to start a YouTube membership, which I'm excited about, but he's been bugging me to start a YouTube channel for a while. So I think it's amazing. I was going to ask about lead magnets for photography, but I feel like I have a few ideas that just popped up as you were talking. So that's been really, really helpful. Oh, good. Okay, I'm glad. Well, we can always, yeah, we can always chat in email if you wanted to send me an email and we can flesh out some ideas or I'm happy to bounce. Amazing. Thank you. That's okay. Cool.