The Left Wing Back Podcast

James Hickey chats: Coaching - Underage Development - Carlow Hurlers Form - Carlow v Down memories - Carlow v Wexford lookback

When it comes to Carlow GAA there are very few people that offer better insight on both codes than James Hickey.

As a player he has achieved a massive amount and he's on a great path in terms of coaching and managing teams both at underage and adult level.

He joins us to talk about a wide range of topics which is sure to keep you entertained for an hour as always.

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1h 2m
Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2024
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When it comes to Carlow GAA there are very few people that offer better insight on both codes than James Hickey.

As a player he has achieved a massive amount and he's on a great path in terms of coaching and managing teams both at underage and adult level.

He joins us to talk about a wide range of topics which is sure to keep you entertained for an hour as always.

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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome along to this week's Offering on the Left Wing Back podcast, as always in association. With our sponsors Corla Sports, Emmett and Shane Morin, the two men behind that there. This kindly sponsored the Corla Senior Footballer is a set of lovely gym tops there. Lamborgharian yawn and physiotherapy last week. So check out Corla Sports there on Instagram, part done, models located on the O'Brien Road, part will really look after their price ways and some top quality cars will score those walks, wagons, et cetera, et cetera. Rail wheel and limited to go to waste management service in Carlo for quite some time. Morrie's Bar in Bala Morphy. If you're in around the south of the county, calling to Shane there, he'll look after you. And his minor county comogee side had a draw with Kelere at the weekend too, with her motoring, quite nicely indeed. As are the Carlo minor ladies' footballers and the Carlo senior ladies' footballers have a league semi-final in Division IV to look forward to in a couple of weeks' time against Fermana Carlo Senior comogee team. Bit of news there during the week too, of course. New management team are going to be in place. I don't have the exact details on that at the time recording, but we will figure that one out for you. Part of our photography, detailed men's are a Carlo PFT travel and of course there after getting the N52s here, both and they will bring you anywhere in the country whether it's the match or to the bingo or wherever you want to go up PFT travel and MJ Furl will look after you. And Orspa as a course, if you want to jump into a jacuzzi there to get rid of the muscle soreness, with a born Ramon, it might be the man to chat to there and check out Orspa as on Instagram. Thanks to Orspa on. So as you said, we have affordable advertising. We've got web only advertising. We've got web and podcast advertising. And we've got web, podcast and logo on our short video clips advertising. Again, touch this info at On this week's podcast, we venture in to the Carlo Cinder Footballers. This point in last two Wexford, we look at the Carlo Cinder Harlow's upcoming game. We're down, it's fabulous insight. We're a fabulous guest, Mr. James Hickey. He's well-known in Carlo's AS circles. And indeed, outside of the county, he's with the Royal Estate this year on the club scene. We cover a serious month of the ground. We talk about adult coaching versus underage coaching. Carlo, Harlan, Carla, Football. Such a wide-ranging conversation. It's really, really insightful indeed. So we do hope you stick around. It's coming up right after this. Okay, on this week's podcast, we have a familiar voice and a familiar face. He's been on our My Time in the Gansy series. Up there are one of the best ones we've done so far, which reminds me we kind of need to revive that particular series again. We should make it around to some stage this year. He's had Harlan Football with Carlo of course. He's, yeah, he's after enjoying a successful managerial career as well over the past couple of years. He's been a volleyball grad in a manner. He's been a week car new. And this year, he informs me he's with the Royal Estate. So who else could it be? The one and only legend, James Hickey. How are we doing? - We have always. Thanks very much. Thanks for having me as always, yeah. - Yeah, and a pleasure as always. Now, as we've recorded here, you're not long in the door. You're out doing a bit of coaching. But it wasn't below on the door or it wasn't an NHD. Tell us about that. - I just don't have to be able to be the young guys over there in the club, their age of 16s. Look, a good crappy young lad. And look, willing to learn. That's all you want to end it. When lads are willing to learn them, the rest of it becomes easy because you always have a chance, you know? - You must go every night of the week. - Yeah, a lot of me. Yeah, a lot of me. I look sure. The wife understands and, you know, doing a bit with the under 10 kamogis. They're, I know, I look sure it's great. You know, what else would you be doing? Well, you know what, don't you? Like, it's your life. 'Cause there's nothing else to it, is there really? I don't mean that in a bad way, I know. But it really is where it's at for you. - Hi, yeah, yeah, look sure. Like, you love whether it's kids or adults, you love meeting new people. And, you know, I suppose if you can offer anything at all, hear a little bit of insight that can help them. Like, if everybody puts all the 1% together, you know, ads can add up to be huge things. But yeah, I sure we love it, you know? But it's, I suppose when you see how it can change, I suppose when you look at, I suppose the success that we had over a period of time and how the other side of that may be when we were starting our careers out, you know, we never thought we'd be uniting. And then when you just win, it becomes infectious. You just want to win the whole time I suppose. And, I suppose, and look, that's what I put it down to at the end of the day. You just hope with youngsters that you're bringing them to, that you're kind of feeding that meal on the whole time that consistency, that conveyor belt is coming through the club, you know? And our clubs are no different. As was, I remember Jesus many years ago, I talked here about, I remember a panic killing when three minors in a row around the early 2000s. And, I remember we only had one one in a year. We were one in the '60s in our team. And maybe we won another sporadically, but remember somebody said, let's go and let's just go crop coming to a win tree and all that. You know, I thought, you know, Jesus, that's a big undertaking, you know, we won, you'll be alright. And then they'll win a fight. You know what, just tell you when you're like, when you get to crop and you get that conveyor belt coming and on, you know, I'll see burn rangers last year there, you know, they wanted it. Now it's after changing back to under 18, I'm sure they have his answers. Let's look, we have a real chance here going back to back now. And, you know, that's the challenge at every level. Like, under 16, the team we were with tonight now, like, back in this town is dominating that age. Say that team, have a brilliant team, Jesus, they're sort of one of the horrible people in the village. They're just credit to women, to the group of people, that's with them, the great work they're doing. But they're the standard bears. And this was, that's the target. You know, you want to be there. That's to knock them off their perch and, you know, and it's great to have a carrot when you're trained to get there. And the other side of that thing, when you are there, it's great to keep pushing that nobody has catches you, you know. - Yep, I hear you, I hear you. In relation to the 16s in particular, I mean, do you find the message, I think you're pretty good on your regardless of what the age is or what the group is, whether it's adults or kids that, you know, you're infectious, the drive is there, the passion is there, it comes across and you're able to get it out of whoever it is, right? But in terms of, I suppose, making those changes and getting people to buy you into what you're talking about, do you feel that's a little bit easier with an under 16 squad as opposed to an adult squad? - No, I'd say it's a bit harder now with kids because there's so much distractions. Like, say, when we were growing up, it was kind of easy and it was ordering and that was, but now there's, like, as they call them, now the screen age is because it's all screens, you know? That's all they're working up with them. And I think we forget that sometimes that we're dealing with probably a different age of people where for a span of 40 or 50 years there, if they were under 16s or the same under 16s, if you get me the same type of person, the same type, everything was the same. I think now the way the world is changing, it's so different and you're really dealing with it. If you have 20, you're dealing with 20 totally different personalities, where I remember there was a man there and we'd done a course with him in work one time and he was with Jack O'Connor, when Kerry Winderall earned it in Jack's first stint, but he was saying that time, Jack was preaching that. The thing is changing, like this is changing, and the day of going in and delivering a message before a match for 10 minutes, that's out the window. You can only kind of deliver one message. So what Jack O'Connor used to do back then was he'd walk into the dressing room and he'd hand everyone a slip of paper and it was two or three points for them directly on it. And then he might deliver one message to the team. And I suppose, that was probably maybe a bit to show Jack O'Connor probably a bit ahead of his time, but I suppose now it's really there with young lads, like they're all taken, stuff you have to be so, you have to break it down so differently for so many individuals if you get me. But if you can, if you manage to know that, and it's time-consuming, if you can manage to know that, and then they collect, if everything goes right up, but look, it's fabulous, there's, look, there's, I probably gone away for a long time now from my club and is probably trying to get back in and doing a little bit with him to give something back, but there's great people in clubs there that can just take time and style emotionally. Every time I go to an underage match with Connor, let it be to watch, or to watch Connor playing, or a different group, it's a Tom Deil-Omoishelin, it's like, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee. He must be over every team. Edward, with our own lads. Frank, we've come all here, senior. Timba is, you know, 70 to week, and just, you know, infectious as well. But you see it everywhere you go, you see the old faces, you see Alan Bow with the blues, you see Mark Carpenter, you see the reeds with Pyle, you see him, you know, you see him all alike, you know, they're all just, that conveyor, they keep starting to do a family coming back, you know. - Yeah, Shostenia, I suppose. Like, Bambrick would never eat, John Hall would probably kill him. - Yeah, yeah. - We're all injured with, Kieran Bullger and Jared Bullger, I suppose, and the Conleyman over in Born Rangers, they're in every club, and it's either in here or it's not. And I suppose, if you feel you can give a contribution, well, you know, that's one thing, and knowing that you can make a difference is the most empowering thing, also. I suppose, going back to the Red Landscape exchange, I suppose, maybe it's a good thing that kids now have slightly different personalities. I suppose the drawback is that maybe occasionally, it might be a little bit more sensitive, and that may be a heavy-handed approach that we were once taken is not university popular now. But at the end of the day, I suppose, I don't really know, I can't speak for Kenny, but I'd imagine there's no red room for that sort of sentiment down there that may be what you were spoken about with the same mindset of a 16-year-old back in your time. I don't know how different it is down the road. It'd be an interesting one to do a case through the end of the course. But yeah, I think what I always pick up off of you, I mean, do you feel that, like, you've got that nearly, almost like a sense of purpose now, because I know you a long time, right? And you are a deep character, and you're 100% behind everything you do. You're a great guy to have on side. You're a fucking whore to play against, and everyone used to say that. Reiki entire character. But do you now feel at this particular part of your life that that is your purpose, to give back, and you obviously have something to give back like. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, you have to give back, and like I went when I finished up my playing career, I went off because I felt that it'd be good for me, and it could go for the lads or that. You know, it's kind of a clean break, yeah? But then you always get the itch to come back, and you know, you want to give something back because the club was obviously so good to us, you know? Now, that's a two-sided kind as well. I would say, as like the many club players, we give our lives to the club, you know what I mean? And it was tough going, but we loved it. And it never felt like a chore, but we always done it. And with the club, there's one thing about us, like, and I think people forget this sometimes, and I think when you relays this, that's when the hammer hits on. No matter how good you are or what you did, right? The club will always survive the test of time. The club will always be there, and you might not be, but the club will always be, I suppose. That's why it's so important that, yeah, well, that foundation is always going to be there. So like, look, let's give something back because you did have great days in the jersey, and I just think too many great players, and not even as much great players. Good players would create, say, mindset and knowledge of the game that end up walking away, like if you could just bring back some of them, you know? And it's like, I suppose, you take it as a whole, even with Carlo, like, we're coaching, you know? I'd see there, like, there's coaches, a lot of coaches doing work with Carlo there, but like, I don't, honestly, we have the sentiment that Carlo under 14 needs to be doing at 14, like the Kenny 16-year-old is doing because we need to close the gaps and dare ahead of us whether we like it or not, whether it's tinking or whatever. And we can say it, we're the same, we're not the same. Dare better than us because maybe it's a little bit of want more of the player, or maybe it's just that the structures are the same, but because they're the ahead of us, they'll always be the ahead of us. So we nearly have to come two steps up, nearly two years before in our development to get there, but look, there's good work going on there too, and it's important that we keep doing that good work and pushing on, you know? - Yeah, and to be consistent across it, I remember being in with development squads and stuff, and, you know, we were consistently competitive with Wexford in particular. We used to give Dublin a right rattle to all the time. Okay, Kenny was kind of narting so at the time, nart being a little bit stronger, and yeah, we found him a little bit challenging. We were always there and thereabouts with the soap, you know, we give the nart a bit to think about also. And I think that was the same possibly for the year of law, and it was definitely the same for the year ahead, when you had Dennis Murphy and Federer's and Paul, you know, Alimla's there, like, and I don't know where it's at now, I can't speak for it, but the one thing I would have to offer, I suppose, in terms of some bit of insight into this, is the level at which a lot of those guys were at before and they came into a development squad, and the work that was put in at the clubs before they became a county, whatever it is now, is it a cold at under 13 or under 40? And that's not sure. Like, and that's where it all feeds into what you're talking about with these guys, give them back and pass them on that expertise to get them into position where they're ready to develop a year or two or a year later. 'Cause that's something you kind of going on with. - Yeah, yeah, 100% yeah, yeah. And you need to be looking at ways, like if you do what you've always done, you get what you've always got, and we need to be thinking outside the box, and, you know, they're really, like, I suppose the greatest, if you ask me the two, we won a couple of Christian rings as players now, right? But probably the best two days I've ever had as a car lot player or supporter was, the year we got back off the end and then started wining or semi-final of Openport Leash. And that was like, that was, I never forget that day, that was just paging them and then that grew up, man. And then last year in the John McQuine, like they were, like, that a touch right there, like them two, they were just, they were special days, you know? And it's probably disappointing to think. And look, again, there's good work going on and like there's meetings even going on. It was that one day or a few months back of, you know, how to push on and there's very restriction done up there, come to board level and there's good stuff going on. But this was, we ran an Instagram win or an Instagram win or football win. We went a year of each other, sacked two weeks, scored a great call, you know, Brendan Morphy, that team, Dennis Morphy played in the Instagram win or football win in a couple of years of each other. But like they were great days, yeah? And they happened once now in my lifetime, you know? You'd love to see that happen again, wouldn't you? That's right, that's what we love for. - Yeah, one of the closest things, I suppose two closer things, maybe not quite on par, but not far off, I suppose, was the rattle that the 21s would have give to Kenny. I think they were a couple of points short in a semi-final of a lense, they were going back maybe 20, 15-ish and obviously the standard one with the 21 footballers on Patty's day against the those who were pipped by a pint and Brendan Morphy was, don't know, a free nerdy end. That's the same group of players largely that you've spoken about with the exception of last year's John Mack team. Okay, maybe there's one or two still floating around from that particular time with the harder. It's not money, but a couple of Jack and Richie and maybe a couple of others. And I'm getting the sense that your point is that that can't be just willy nilly haphazard that we should be trying to maybe aim to make that a more consistent thing, to be there and thereabouts in reach and provincial fine, there's not to necessarily be in them, but to definitely be targeting maybe the final four and both courts, is that kind of where we're going from? - Yeah, I want to present and look, there's, and to be fair to the county board, as a county board as a whole, like Jim Berger and that crew, you know, like, they're pushing there for that, like, you know, that week now he was out there a few months back, was very, very good, you know, and there were someone and everything out and someone and how do we push on here and how do we make it better? You know, one of the things stood with me was, and I think it was the new head of development up there, Pete McConnel, is it our, Pete? - Pete McConnel, the operations manager, yeah. - Yeah, like Peter and Jim were saying that around that time they had a plan to get to a length of final in five years and they did it, you know, and they said, "Should the goal of being "not to win a length of final, "if the goal had been to win a length of final, "would they have won a length of final, he'll get me?" And it's just the difference in the tinking. And what you look when you see what's going on there with Horner's and John McLast year and only a few years ago the footballers been declared, that was another special day. But, you know, like, not as impossibly, you know, if you really want to go after it, you know, and put structures in place, you know, things can happen and thankfully, thankfully looked at this counterboard's objective to push on this team. - Yeah, and Jim, do you have that mindset, right? My view on it would be, we need several others with a similar view that's all pushing in that particular direction. I'm not saying that that's not there. But what I am saying is that if one person out of a select group isn't, it can be the difference in maybe reaching that target and not. - Yeah, 100%, no, no, no, you're dead right now. It takes every club in this country and it takes the best people in the country to go in and put their shoulders to the wheel. And it's tough, don't get me wrong, it's tough because life does take over and nobody knows what goes on behind, close doors and people have other things. But there's enough of great people in this county to drive it on, you know. - Yeah, there is there is. And look, we'll bring it back to the modern day. I know we had no intention whatsoever of going that particular direction, but it's a great direction, we went. And that's kind of the way these conversations tend to go whenever you go into these budgets. But like we'll speak about the footballers a little bit first and, you know, it breaks your heart at times. I mean, they do so much good stuff and then they call on on and maybe that's just the nature of the way Division IV is, of course, as well. I was on beat one or two when I was reading it today and they asked for a prediction. I hate giving predictions, I like to leave it to the likes of yourself to put yourself up on the pedestal. I'll take the step back and just watch out the popcorn, right? Well, I had said a draw and after 40 or 49 minutes, we were looking good at half time, it was looking good at 40 or 49 minutes and then we didn't score again after that and we were, of course, a run on us and we just didn't have any answers. Body language at times wasn't great, being brought to be honest and it was very disappointing the way it ended up, particularly after the high of getting over later on in the manner which we did the week before. And I suppose the question would be like, you know, is there a simple answer as to why that inconsistency actually happens or is that the joke going off or up maybe? Oh, like look, and you see it there, it sounds like leisure going to get promoted and then there's four teams on six points. I think that probably to be fair, Wexler were robbed against Legion with a penalty, yeah? I think Wexler had probably been the most unlucky esteem in the group, right? So for anyone to think that Wexler were going to come with the card on the steam roll at the warrant, like, I don't forget in the uphorn cup the hammer doubling in Wexler, yeah? Like, and that normally doesn't happen to any doubling team whether they're only young lives or whatever, yeah? Wexler gave him a, Wexler, I was finding that much that they had to work. So could be made in between 10 or 12 points at one stage and look, they have a new management there, they're going well and don't be surprised. Now Wexler, I think Wexler has played long for this as well. - Long for 10, yeah. - Yeah, don't be surprised Wexler is the team that ends up getting promoted with that because, because, look, the vision for is cultural and it's so online, it's, it's, you can call it basement level stuff. It's awful, like, it's like, you know, rats fighting to survive. And to be fair to Leish, Leish have gone about their business and they've got the wins, but like, if you're thinking who, what's the other team, probably everyone is saying long for now, but there's probably one to me, another, you know, opposite or two, this is all that went into the last game. And as well as the footballers, yeah, to be fair to them, they've been on a good run. And yeah, it was like, they showed that Wexler experience against Leishmen, what a goal, you know, to get over the lane. And, look, maybe the Wexler game came too quick from seven days, probably if they had had two weeks and it settled, I want to be because it was, you know, it was all over the shop and it was, you know, a wonder hole and blah, blah, blah. Sometimes, sometimes maybe a bit less is more to get me. And this team is probably, to be fair to them, they've been plugging away a lot. I didn't like, you know, you look at the clerks, they're falling, jarguing and the boys like, you know, they've always been there and never let's say down. And you just like from, to get up and have a crack at the division tree and all we were there a few years ago were taller. And look, even see, we call like, we call Jesus the rule into the basement of division tree this year and you're even saying to yourself, you know, it was great for them last year to get promoted. But there's getting promoted and being ready to get promoted if you get me. Like, least look like a team now that if they got promoted, they probably won't get relegated next year. But, we call it tough. We used to have five 15th, 10 points, you know, 25 point bait and come back. And then all Jackson's first last home in the goal, he's gone on the NFL campaign. Like, he's the leader at that squad, you know, kicking five, six points a game. And he did ball from 55 in, it's a point. And seems to be lacking his leadership too. But it's, you just hope the footballers don't want to get together over the next couple of games. Like, Jesus, who knows against Langford, but that should be a tricky one. And it's long and lasting, isn't it? - Yeah. - That's in Colorado, isn't it? - Mm-hmm. - Look, if they go up to Langford and if they go up to Langford and get to win, like, you know, you can't really, you can write them off just yet. They're still there, they still have a chance and hopefully they keep waiting, you know, until the end. - Yeah. And I suppose the way it works out, as you rightly said there, yeah, we're away at the Langford and we're home to London. Wexford, next time out, are away to Tipperary and then they're at home to Langford. And Tipper have been very wishy-washy, of course. They drew with Waterford and drew with London. Now, like, people look at that Waterford, they say, "Hey, Jesus Christ." The Waterford, we're going to take a point somewhere and Langford only beat them by two or three points as well. Like, I mean, tip as well, almost beat Leish. Like, there were three or four points up, Leish rattled off the last four or five points. And that's what, I suppose, led to their particular demise. But they're not going to be staying on either. Like, they're only on the four points, but they're in with this week. It's so hard, but it, like, it wouldn't surprise me in any way if Cardo went up and beat Langford now. Like, it's just, you can't predict what they're going to do. This is it. I mean, you know, for a couple of years, we knew we were going to be competitive in all these games and yeah, we look at this year's particular campaign. We go on, we have our Waterford. Okay, we barely go over temporary or whatever. Then we get tonned by Leish and then we get tonned by Leish. I mean, there's literally, if you look at a graph there or some sort of a chart, it's just up and down, up and down. There is no level of consistency, whatever. But I suppose, maybe, entire last time, whenever we were tipping around promotions and getting promoted, not that. We were never, like, beaten by that much, and I know our style of play came into it. In that particular facet, I just don't know why they're such a fluctuation now, like, and what lacks in order for us to not be, not to be hard, but I suppose, when we are a bit, if that makes sense. - Yeah, yeah, and I get what you're saying there. And we're probably, when Torla and Portra had the team, it was, like, Torla, like, it was just great there, wasn't it? It was great. It seemed to have that togetherness, right? And then Torla left, like, but don't forget also, like, they're after losing a few leaders of that team. Like, Connor Lawler has gone to the, to the hurling. You see, John Morphy, like, you know, like, John Morphy was playing brilliant for Torla, you know, and you could stay in eminent, but like, yeah, there's different players now to be fair. They've had to bring in a few young guys and, like, look, on their day to be fair to them. And it's hard to be hard on management when you know, like, they're doing their best and, you know, they're training hard. I suppose, doing anything at the moment, it was down to the consistency and maybe the lack of, maybe a few more leaders in those, you know, tight moments that, yeah, when the game is, we call them the championship minutes, the last 15 minutes. It's time to really grind this out. You know, we seem to be lacking a couple of leaders at the moment, Paul de Chubba. At the same time, look, we could be sitting here in three weeks' time saying, how do we play a punch? And so I like to be fair, look, or plugging away, and I'm sure them nuts are giving it everything to have. And, like, let's hope that, you know, the ball could bounce first, but are we ready to go from division four to division three, some people say are you ever ready? But we'd love to be going there with a fully fit squad, built over three or four years, and knowing that, yeah, there's three or four, really, really good young guys coming out to the scene. It might take another year or two for that, you know, and then all Jordan and the boys are getting all our, but, you know, who knows? - The rumor mill is rife regarding Jordan Morrison too. I don't know if his availability is going to be plentiful come a couple of weeks' time, but that's not confirmed just yet. I don't know the exact ins and outs but we're hearing rumors that he may not be around for the entire campaign, but I don't know the exact date if he is to the part. But anyway, look, just back to it and I wouldn't be really, I'd find it hard to be critical. I think they're very good bunch of lads as well and very likable, very grounded bunch, actually. And you can see even when the kids come to them after the match and look for the autographs and stuff like that. They're very good with them and they're very good to deal with from a media point of view as are the management. Like, Karu will always have a shot which would go bad on there for Simon. Likewise, I suppose the one thing that has been said to me and it's something that I kind of have to point out on the podcast is the timing of substitutions. Now, it's something that was pointed out in the victory over later on as well. Like, I think Eric Malite come in maybe 71 minutes in. We made a change at halftime to the level of Connor Crowley coming off. I think that was due to an injury. The next changes were in the 60/64 minute. I went for a two or three minute, that particular point. Now, when the game was in the balance, you could probably see the leg starting to tire. That's 47, 48 minutes. So, I suppose if there is anything to be said about that, maybe that's one thing we could probably put out there. I don't know if it's anything that you have a particular view on, but I suppose we would know maybe on a night like that when legs are starting to dwindle a bit heavy ground that we probably should be looking at, getting fresh legs in, perhaps, maybe. - Yeah, and look, that was ultimately a management decision and look, you can read too much into this stuff. I suppose if you take the other night, as you said earlier, they were in the game and they were in the game and you predicted a draw and you're thinking, yeah, look, we're still in the game. A pint down, two pint down, three points down, four points down. And then it just runs away from you. Do you get me? But you're always, I suppose, hoping and, you know, it's, it's a, that's probably a tough one, you know? It's, you can be going all right. You can, you can always be going all right. And one thing can happen or you can pull someone out and the next thing, it doesn't work. And the whole thing backfires. But look, the management, I'm sure, look, everybody, that's probably a big problem we'd have with today is, especially at inter-county level. With social media and that, you know, the terror managers are part, a lot of it is on just, it's unfair, like, if you think of what they write, and have written about Clem Raine, he'll layer over the last six, six, six, six, seven. Ah, man, it's like, it's, that's a man. And I know he can only be judged on management because he's a manager. But like, he is Anthony Rambo with him. He has Johnny Deil with him, like, he'll layer legends. And like, it's just constant abuse. It's just nearly every time they're playing out, they're just waiting with the keyboard out ready to go. And there's no probably fairness in it. It's, there's no, you come back then, the manager says anything back at all, and he's having a win and look, it's getting to him and all that. But this lad is allowed to have to go home to a family with a wife and kids, and a lot of these managers, and I didn't, I'd know from talking to a couple of them, though, not Clem Raine, but, you know, it hits her because the care and the love it. And a lot of these lads are only getting their expenses. They're not getting the big money that's being talked about. And like, these lads have to pick up a whole group, as well as pick up their selves. And management can be a tough and lonely place, you know? And, you know, there is a lot to deal with it. And sometimes, you know, it's easy, like, you'd be listening to some podcasts and to be, Jesus haven't, haven't cracked that lads, and you'd be thinking to yourselves, these lads never hoached anyone, or never managed anyone, you know? And yet, they're entitled to their opinion in a raceful, respectfully and mannerly way, not like he may have or he's hopeless. And, you know, do you get me? - Absolutely, 100% all these guys do have lives. And they have a lot going on in them, as well. And they have the height respect for, as I said, the management and players. It's something that has been said to me to bring up, so I brought it up on a sports league. You know, when we're at it, I mean, there is an argument to be made in that particular point about the timing of the subs. And like, yeah, lads won't like me bringing it up for us, but I just have to bring it up at the end of the day. - Yeah, yeah. - And then, you know, it's not way far away now when I know it errors, and that's the way the whole thing works is you. But I suppose, last thing on that before I move on to the Harlem is, it's just something I've noticed in a couple of years, and things aren't going well. Now, look, when you're working during the media capacity, you know, already have a choice in this particular matter. Well, it's not something to do whether it was working or not. I don't like lads getting up and leaving early. It's just not something I'm a particular fan of. Like, the tournament's supporter. You're there to support. And that involves looking at your team, getting best, and looking at your team, winning in my particular view. Now, look, it's not to say that my view is more important than anyone else's, but I did notice in the lead from game, I did notice in the lead game, or so I have to lead from game, the weeks from game in the lead game, the lads are getting up and going. Like, the lead one was over with 15 minutes to go. You sit there and you take your bait, and that's just my own view. People pay their money, they're tightening it up and go. But I just think if you're a proper supporter, you're there to take continue, you sit through it, you stay there with the good times and others, the bad times. I don't know, I just have something to find out. I don't know if you ever view on that. - Yeah, no, no, no, I get it in. So I'm glad to just, and I know, I know I get that completely. But if you're a supporter and, you know, you're a heartfelt character, like Dominique Hunt, Lord Mercian, who wrote Dominique a great year of old man, spoke to the team there, so he got cancer-y, you know, and Domo let him be hurling our football. He'd stick with the team, and it could be 10 pints up or 10 pints down, which it could be guaranteed. Domo would be there at the end of it, you know, and he'd say, "Hey, I'll talk to this on," or whatever, you know. And I remember Dom, and actually, when I married my wife, Dom became connected because he was married to Amy Zant. - Yeah. - And I got to know Domo, you know, but that was a lie that I was wondering who he was, because he'd always come up to you after the game. You know, we have to get in flogged, and this lie'd be coming out. Well, I can't have a feeling if, you know, tapping the shoulder, I'd look to this on, you know, and, you know, I didn't even know at that time Domo's car, oh man. And then you get into it, and you find out who he is, and his history, every car at Oregon football match, it was actually Lee, or Lee Omicoffrey, a beautiful article about him recently, in, you know, you know, Lee O's articles that he post, they're anonymously under a different name, but yeah, a lovely, lovely article, but back to your point, like, there is supporters, and, you know, they're high on energy, and they're worked up, and if the thing is gone bad, it's just, you know, well, I didn't get, now we're here now to beat the traffic, and I've had enough for this night, and put those one thing about a lot of them, they will turn up the next day, though. They get me, and I know what you're saying, yeah, you're either there, you're not, but look, a lot of these supporters are there the whole time, if you get me, so I wouldn't be too hard, number one. - I take your point, yeah, 100%, I take your point. So, we'll switch over to the small wall then, and obviously, the car owners are doing particularly well. You were on this particular platform, I think, roughly in around this time, two years ago, and I don't, I can't remember the exact trajectory that car that we're on at the time, but you said, Malali, give him time, at things of the Congo, and obviously, 12 months ago, at this particular juncture, things weren't looking too pleasant, but then they turn it around and doing the juncture, don't I? How covered were you still feeling in that process this time, 12 months ago, as opposed to 24 months ago, when you met the common dead forest? I mean, you just had absolute belief in this man, don't you, from working with him? - Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, look, she's, actually, he's like that, you know, it takes time, and, you know, if everybody else is panic, he's not panicin', he's like, you know, and I don't, I don't mean this in a bad way, but it's like, that's all nice on the outside. What's in here is what matters. Like I suppose, we have to remember, last year, too, he left Jack, Mouse, Chris, you know, he gave them a kind of an extended break, none of them were hurtin' in the league, but he still was lookin' at new players, and yeah, like, just I remember, they went up to the Keleer and played 'em in the Kia or Kupka, flogged, like Keleer in the league up there. And then, you know, you were wonderin', Jesus, is there somethin' goin' on, but, you know, I suppose, no one told me, and the lads over 'em, I suppose, you were confident enough that when I was gettin' on the right, because they were, I was gonna get the right, because over the last couple years in the championship, like, they went to Antrim two years ago in the league, in a most-wing game, and barely lost it. You know, they beat Ophilly, in Ophilly, like, they beaten Ophilly probably the last two or three years, if you get me bettin' twice last year, and so, like, when he had everyone available to him, he was able to carve out results, and pick a team that was able to carve out results. And just, I suppose, we touched on it earlier, just when in that tournament last year, that was one of our greatest days, like, that was my best day ever, probably as a Carlo player or supporter, just to, like, I played on two Carlo teams that won two Christie rings, and our two teams had probably a mixture of everything, hard, some beautiful Horrors. They have everything. Like, the team now, 95% of them are just natural Horrors, they're just, you know, they're just different gravy, they get me, they're all able to strike the ball fluently, they're able to put the ball on the bar left and right. They're just under there, they're a good team to watch, you know? - Yeah, they are. Their skill levels are true to roof, like, they're really, really good Horrors, and they're really, really together. And, I mean, they're on a very good pass at the moment, they're after winning the first three games, obviously, they're looking at an encounter against them. There is history between these two sides. There is history. And some might say that it's not entirely Carlo's fault for drawing up that particular, I don't know, flare or noise as you kind of call, or maybe Tom Mullally might call a part of resin outside. And, you know, we don't want to bring up the exact nitty gritty of it, I suppose, but like for everyone else on record. Now, there was allegations of sectarian stuff a couple of years back, which kind of just lit up this whole thing, and I don't know, what I do know is that Carlo's team has went up the North for years, and there was all kinds of things that both ways, which, you know, two rounds don't make a right sort of a thing, but they blow up that rivalry. That particular episode, I think, blow up the rivalry. And now downer are commenting that what's going on, part. I believe the game is now a two o'clock on Sunday at the time record, and it's a two o'clock. It was to be at one, and that is subject to change, to do check out Carlo's yet. I just to be sure, to be sure, as the fella said. But in terms of this particular, I don't know if we could call it a rivalry or not. Like, downer really get up for the Carlo games, and in particular, when it's up there a direction. This one is in that what's called on par. Where do you see this particular to us to go on now? Have Carlo pushed on a little bit, or will down just bring them to a level where they really want to be for an extended period of time? Or how do you see a pattern out? Now, I think Carlo was-- Carlo were probably in a great place at the moment, where they didn't get promoted in the lead last year. So if-- like, you look at Offley in the lead this year, and they're hoping well the fair play, don't they? And Offley seemed to have, come on, another step since the Joel McFine in the last year, to be fair to him. It seemed to be the two of the experts who would neck him, probably very disappointed in that. They were-- went into Cucchini. I'll be a play with a strong win in the first half. But when they're not-- not many teams got Cucchini and going a half down four or five points up. Now, I know Cucchini came in and came up with a second half, and it was a different story. But they're co-op and admirly in the lead, right? Carlo'd all to compete in the next championship this year after winning the Joel McFine. They're going nicely now in the lead. It seemed to be time and a perfect or common goal. I think the way Tommy and the management team will treat this on this. It's just not a game. We get out there, we play to our potential, we get to two points and we move on. I'd love to see Carlo getting promoted this year. Salafim de Place in the Leicester Championship. And now, in 2025, we're playing Division I, Bay Orlam, because of the restructure, but your RBH are playing and still with six very, very good teams. And back in the Leicester Championship, like that would be ideal scenario. One step at a time as where, if you look at Offley this year, Offley, potentially, I want to get relegated, even though they're playing well, could get relegated, and might or might not win the Joel Mc, you know? Now, strong favourites at the moment. But as we're at Carlo, if Carlo had made that leap and be relegated in the league, coming into a Leicester Championship, where they need to be actually holding well, you know, it could be a bit of a downer as well. Now, if we could get promoted in the league, and then coming into Leicester Championship, albeit promoted with a group of, say, not in a disrespectful way or anything, not the Dublin's or the Galway's or the Cox's, but it's still a stepping stone here. You're still getting to look at your team, your right team together, your ideal team together. And yet, we're ready to go on out as we are in the league, and you're trying things, and, you know, it hits maybe might be a bit heavier, and, you know, the goal might be that bit tougher. That Carlo might actually be a fraction of coming into the Leicester Championship, and I think the Leicester Championship is really, really something to look forward to this year. But I think back to Sunday, I think Carlo will be very professional about Team Sunday. And, yeah, downer's going to be all all over. They never are, but I think this team, and you mentioned it earlier, how together this team is, I think this team is professional enough now to just get out there so they do the job done. Let's move on. That's Nick's career, is it? - Yeah, I think if I am right on this and open the correction, I think if Carlo wins, again, that guarantees visual nature. Just where the whole thing is falling. I put them onto A points. Of course, they'd have a head-to-head on Leech as well, if they ended up on A points. If they did happen to go on and lose to Claire, not getting ahead of ourselves, the job still has to be done. But with the two teams going up, I think that could be us, depending on what happened possible. - What is your league semi-finals this year? - Hold on now, we'll get this live as we speak, because I had this out with Alan Hartner of Leech today last week, and he actually went and found the actual article to perform it. So actually, I think you could be right. Let's have a look at it here. So each team would play a five ordinary rounds. The second and third-class team play a semi-final. There you go, never in doubt, James. There is a semi-final, because that was flopping around over the past few weeks. So yeah, there is a semi-final. Now, that really changes the landscape, I suppose, and maybe it's slightly, if not entirely. I think, having said that though, we should be looking good to possibly go straight to a final. - Yeah, yeah. - Possibly, if we can take our business last weekend. Probably, the surprise, probably this year is probably, and look, there's a new management guy in the career, and Harry's gone, yeah? David Hartley, and done great work-oping in there for the last few years. And Brian Dowland's gone in there, isn't he? - Yeah. - And probably trying to find his league feet a little, I watched him in the field, cooked their play and meet, and looked at or missing a lot of players. And I think, I can't be sure on this, but I think they are missing a few players at the moment, and have a few players to come back, but the goal to clear on the last day of the league, and, you know, Brian Dowland, trying to get his team ready. You're just, you know, that could be a tricky enough assignment too, you know? - Well, I do think it is a material, because I'm just looking at the table again, just to confirm, like we're on six points, leisure on four. We have a head to head on them. So I think we're straight in and clear on one, like so. Yeah, I mean, we're in a good place, ultimately, and that's the most important thing. But if, like, down around three, so if they were to come into the equation a little bit, well, they'd give Lee something to think about anyway, and probably give us a little bit to think about also. So we really do have to take care of business for us and foremost, and that's, that's- - It's a most-wing game, like it's a most-wing game. - Yeah. - But like, what I can tell you this, would tell me, Melanie and Kristi and Pat Morphy and Jim Lads, they'll be treating that, like, no different than the championship match, 'cause that's how they move, that's how they are all. They don't know anything else, like that's their prerogative all the time, you know? - A curious one, though, James, in all the times that you played down away. - Yeah. - Was it ever a new year, or was it always in Balecran? - And played them in Balecran, always in the league, right? - I remember playing in 2000 years when we won the Kristi ring after. We played them in the first round of the Kristi ring in Nori, and they beat us, and it wasn't looking great for us after that, and we actually turned it around, and we went down a kind of a road trip that time, so we ended up going to Mayo to play a semi-final or something. We ended up going to maybe Limerick to play, or Kerry to play in a quad for final. We had a great old time after, but in the first round of the dash, put 99% of the time was Balecran. Jesus, oh, you called Nori, and you know how you cross their water, and you know, but I thought you'd stay up in the Kerry Daily, or in Nori maybe, if you were playing on the Sunday and, you know, cross over on the Saturday night, you'd stay up in the Kerry Daily, and then cross over on the Sunday. But, you know, great memories from up there, you know? And it was like, yeah, it was out in, Jesus, I don't mean this in a bad way or anything, it was out in the middle of nowhere, but it was, you know, yeah, it was often a bit of banter, a bit of heavy banter on the field, and Jesus was tough to be not in spare, but, at the end of the day, after the match and all, it was good, you know, and nice people, and, you know, you'd be swapping taps, and swapping jerseys, and a bit of cracking. The Rangers actually went up there a few years ago, and they got invited up to Bali Geiger for a weekend, and let the boys come home, and they loved it, or looked after the kings up there, you know? I guess it's mad because I'm just looking at the, obviously, it's not in the way again, this particular weekend, but, like, same one as the Bali crown is three hours, 53 minutes, same ones to Nori is two hours, 30, three minutes, there's a fair difference in that. And I suppose, when you look at, I suppose, the thing that I just have a slight gripe about is, you know, one machine talks about development again, and I know that's what he wants to do. But the inconsistency for me is, when if we go and develop the game, we know Bali crown is strong. Why are you not playing most of your games then in Nori, where you need to probably target, and bring those guys in? And, like, to make that a consistent point, look at what I've just said. Saint Mullins and Boris, that really is the hard land area, the south of the county is the hard land, and those guys have the travel routine for 40 minutes in the car or the wall in the better county games. Look, maybe it's just me being pedantic, and maybe it's a slight little tangent or whatever, but I just think there's an inconsistency where that lies. And I don't wish to be starting up too much, of course. (laughs) It's ahead of the weekend, right? But I don't know if all those things are consistent. Like, last year's Down Senior, Ireland finally took place in Nori, and I go and look at the job, I've done a cup game, it's a downplay, and those home ties were in Bali crown. So, are we trying to promote the game, or are we just using that narrative when it sounds like? I don't know. I don't know if you have a view on it, but look, it's something that has to be spoken about. That's what we're about here in the podcast. - Probably, to be fair, and I suppose it might be a bad thing, it's probably to get a Monday podcast. And, you know, because I do follow him on Twitter there, and choose a ghost or a lot of county violence, he's always at the car fun, and look, he's obviously big into his horror, and I'm sure he's a character, and you should definitely ask him on the podcast, but I suppose, look, he's always looking for the edge too, and I suppose they're trying to promote Ireland, and we don't know the angle, and maybe it'd be wrong for us to give reasons why, and especially maybe for the sake of it. But, like, if I was all over Harlow, and we were playing, whoever, and I had the option to play the match in St. Walens, would I play it in St. Walens? I fuckin' probably would, you know. (laughing) There are, if, especially if I wanted to, you know, make it as hard and as tough as possible, 'cause, and I said it there earlier about kids and whatever, and where you are, there was one percents, and there was one percents, like, if you've let every game in Oregon last a minute, you've let every game in Baligran and one of 'em, like, we don't know the ins and outs of it, and look, through the troubles up there too, there was, you know, there was tough times with tubs and everything, and I remember reading that one time, he posted it as well, and I found it an interesting read about, maybe, a GA at Ramsport Town or somethin'. But, I'd say, if you got him on your show some Monday night, I'd say everyone had listened to it, because-- - He's more than welcome any time, yeah. (laughing) - You can reach out to him that was Sunday after the match. - You'll have water. We'll have a chat with him after the match Sunday, 100%. We'll have a chat. - He'll have some bombs in the pod there, and he will, because, you know, he seems that type of a character that he, he would do that, because it's a holy man, you know? - And, regardless, last week's episode, I said it was going to get a petition to have the game of Bahana. So, I take a German name as top of the list and signin' that then, is it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, look, I think, I think we have an absolutely fabulous county ground, yeah. I think in card, I'm sure, like, it's comin' up that tunnel, you know, that's when the hair starts to raise on the arms, whether you're six years old, or whether you're 10 years old, or whether you're 35 years old. And, look, we have grave facilities, and we're blessed with 'em, you know, and it's great to see, you know, finna takin' such shape, you know, and how the dress rooms are going to start to be developed in the center of excellence over there, and, look, I think, Carlo does promote the game a lot in the right way to be fair to him. And, I suppose, we can only look after Carlo, and, down Nouri, we've played an other than semi-final up there against Lockheed, like, you know, so that'll be forever root with us as well. But there's not too many places in Ireland and finer than that Nouri grounds. It's fabulous. It's enclosed on top, yeah. It's, like, you look at yours, there's a lot of football finds, a lot of them to be there, and it's just a fabulous place to create. It's a fabulous atmosphere, very liquid, for power. But, yeah, and are you takin' it? Maybe they don't see it that way, but are you takin' away from other hortlers that give them the experience to play there? Because, down there, or the school is down anywhere, you know? - An hour, 27 minutes, a car in the Google Maps from Ballycran, to Park Esther in Nouri. But just on this now, right? Just to bring it back to Carlo there, and, you know, we were talking tongue and cheek about the game and behind it, or whatever, right? - Oh, Leomagoth made a very good point on the "Across the 4L X" podcast last year, in relation to bring in the Carlo Cloparlin Championship back out to the people, and bringin' it back out to the area in which it is strongly supposed. And there is development on going in McGrath Park and by the sound. Now, look, I mean, anyone that's listening in a car or wherever you're listening, if you close your eyes and cast yourself back to being in a chat, seeing the Harley Championship, there's only one place you're gonna think of, in my view, on you, and that's McGrath Park, I lookin' into the wire, maybe look at it yourself, and, right before, he goin' towards the tour, or Jor Foley, and Johnny never maybe goin' towards the tour, or whoever it might be in there. Like, that's my memories of a grown up. I know it's a lot of people's memories as well. There's a stand going in there now with the minutes. And I don't know when that's gonna be ready, there's tourists that has gone in, and all that kind of stuff. Is that what we need to do? Do we need to bring our game, in spite of what I just said there, and bringin' it back to us at home? But it was only here, hypocritical. Is that what we need to do to grow the top championship? Because, you know, I'm loin' the first game I know about it here. I think you know a deep down, as well as a Harley man, that that particular round robin stage needs a little bit of cotton in it somewhere. Is bringing it out to that area providing the cost, or is there more to it, do you think? - Yeah, I get your point like, I suppose, and it's mad like, if you're, I suppose, when we were going with it, right? Like, we love the matches being in car at all, because you had the space, you had the room, yeah. You'll bring it back to Bagnostown, it's a bit more enclosed, the crowds in open top of you can be, you know, sometimes it mightn't be for the fan artist, you know. Well, but I remember like, I remember me first match, the first match ever I can remember in Bagnostown, that I was at, that sticks me apart from most playing juvenile, was my father asked to watch Carlo play in Kilkenny, in maybe a length, a quarter final, or length, a semi final. Pack all these teams, Sean's prone, Nail Foley, Fergal, Borne, Dickey, Borne, Killian Griffith. They went toward the talk of Kilkenny, T.J. Foley in the world. They went toward the talk of Kilkenny, with Kilkenny that night in Bagnostown, for like the whole game, and it was a penalty. And I remember Carlo saved the penalty, and it was there, and I think it could have been Nail Foley spun around 'cause the ball was saved, but nobody could see where the ball was, and Kilkenny that remained and tapped it in, and Kilkenny ended up winning me a few points, maybe 94, 95, but I remember Bagnostown went in a length, a quarter final there, junior bet, and Tomestown was it, and Kilkenny was over him. - That's right. - Yeah, like, there's great games you can relate to, like, I suppose, like, it's, when you got to Carlo on a Saturday evening for a senior ordering game, and there's nobody at it, there's no atmosphere or nothing, yeah. But the game, the game can still be good. Like, you go to Bagnostown or wherever, yeah. So long as, like, you will get people behaving themselves, and, you know, the game is played in the right manner. You know, sometimes I felt that nearly, the whole thing could get away from hurling, sometimes because of, you know, yeah, if there's a stand in whatever in this facility at the right, we had 10 grades, yeah, and it's great to see Bagnostown doing that. Sure, to say, Mullins' pictures, his finances, and Ireland down there, our own pitch, beautiful place. Like, there's fabulous pictures around Carlo, from my show, Jesus Day, the art up there as well. Balen, Kilkenny, but, yeah. I know, like, I was a mikloch for three years, we car knew, like, and the way I walked in was 16, right? So the top two went to the semi-final, and then you had your four quarter finals, your two quarter finals amongst your four teams. And that's when the championship really started, if you get me. Now there's a lot of meaningless scams in Carlo. St. Mullins and Rangers, like, we talk straight now, they have been the dominant force, like, since 2006, since Rangers have won the championship. They have really won, 2008, St. Mullins have won the rest in between, you know. And so, since 2009, effectively, which is 15 years, it's been St. Mullins or Rangers. Now, I hope long may continue for Rangers, yeah? I don't know about St. Mullins, but, no, like, when I was a kid growing up, that was mostly in St. Mullins, you know? And Carlo Town were the sporadic team that came every now and again, and challenged, I remember, Carlo Town in a counter-final, it was '97, maybe, you know? But, yeah, it definitely needs something, it needs a shot in the arm, it needs, you know, you can't just have, like, it's too easy for St. Mullins or Rangers to get it right. Like, I was coming home in the car last year after training grade, when the Rangers were after playing St. Mullins, I went to the first two rounds. We'd done the pod on the second one, again, back in this town, Rangers bit much in the first one. I was driving out of Greg, no matter, listening to the game on the radio, St. Mullins beat Rangers, I listened to the last 20 minutes. I got what we heard at night, deleted. They're deleted, yeah? 'Cause now the buying is the focus, has to come a little bit sharper, as well, there was years there, and Frank can tell you something, Frank, worked together without me talking about it. We knew play five or six games in Winemar, yeah? And so on to your course, John, and the next thing, suddenly, you're in a semi-final, and the next thing, someone's starting to put the four in your draw, and you have no response, because you haven't been tested. That can be a long place, and it can catch ya. But when you can get to kick up the backside, you need, you know, it can help ya. And the problem is, I suppose, we'll arrange St. Mullins, and to be fair to my show now, I have to give my show credit. My show, I feel, are a common person. A lot of good young lads coming through, and my show, they're playing the nice brand of Ireland, the one unit of 20 championship, they're also in a fair, fair, fair and square, and deserve it. I think, pal, in killing, have the quality to get it right. Yeah, they have a young lads coming through there at Tamachine, and you heard that name here on our first season, the under 16. He's going to be late to play us up in three or four years. But we just need the others coming through. It's great to kill them and have a team now, and the one, the junior, even at our cost. But look, we didn't begrudge could have 'em, because it was great for Ireland, and hopefully they'll go out challenging to meet it. But now we're pulling from foreign rangers, and it's that going to be the next thing in a few years' time. Now we're gonna have a slump, you know, but definitely, yeah, it'd probably be good to bring, to bring the team back around county for games, but it would also be good to have maybe a couple of quarter of finance. Yeah, now you can say, well, then nobody's anything to play for until quarter of finals. Or if you had two groups, in the call of a day or two, what they don't have, we got in the broad, two groups to trade. The first team went to the straight to the semi-final. Actually, the first two teams went straight to semi-final, and the third team were out. So, yeah, and that's one thing I have to compliment, we got to where I was trying to change it, to find something that, you know, give 'em the bite. And look, you can tie in with these things so much, but look, it's always been that system in parallel. And I'm sure people have liked to change, and in that one-off game of a quarter of finals, if you could win a quarter of finals, suddenly who knows what can happen, but if you're gone off, if you're playing it now with condensed championship, and you'll get one injury, and it could be your whole season gone, because you would tear an hamstring, your gun for a champion, you know? And it is a bit condensed, but look, we won it last year, and I felt, I felt that, you know, it was our best performance in the final, and kudos to the management team that got us all right last year in order. There were train lads, they stuck with young lads to give 'em two or three games, and then put them when it came to the final, they moved around the chess pieces, you know, Paul and the lads, Frank and the boys, and they got it sorry, but in another system, in another set up, would they've been able to do that if the championship was structured a little bit different, who knows, you know, but there's lads up there in Cardo and, you know, that's their job, and we let them worry about that one. - Absolutely, well, James, you've done a great job. It's here for the past hours. We want to thank you for your time, and we want to give a shot at what it's supposed to, a couple of different teams as well, like the ladies' hope waters are into semi-final in Division Four, they're going to take on from Anna in a couple of weeks' time. The minor vote ladies' hope waters are getting on well, too. The result there is up on the website on the Cardo LGFA Pledge, and just to give a shout out to Megan Kane, the new PRO, she's been fantastic and helping ourselves here with some words coming across to the left wing backs. I was online, online offering, and you can see some reports up on that. There is a new management team, of course, going to be in place for the Cardo Senior, and we'll bring in some more news on that when we have it, and Shane Murray, of course, one of our sponsors, doing great work with the minor COAGI team there to draw with Claire at the weekend, as well, hope not leaving anyone out. It wasn't deliberative if that is the case. But, James, once again, thanks a minute for your time, very, very insightful, and all the best for the year ahead, all right. - Yeah, no problem, God bless you, and thanks very much, Harry. (air whooshing)