FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Dale Liesch talked about Veteran Affairs - AI - 9-11 - This Weekends G&D Outdoor Expo - Midday Mobile - Thursday 9-12-24

Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

there will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping there will be no booing and no unruly behavior with that this is painful and it will be for a long time after all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper no step too high for a high stepper this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065 we're shot the tough guy I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean he took some licks he hangs in there yeah what's wrong with the beer we got I mean the beer we got drink pretty good don't it did you hear what I said so this is a great council I had no doubt about them that doesn't suck if you don't like it you're bad last question were you high on drug last question here we go FM Talk 1065 that mid-day mobile glad to have you here on this Thursday phone number 343 0106 same for the text line 343 0106 a lot of text we'll get to these later on in the hour I will put this out and maybe as John and Drew are getting to the car right about now I didn't see this Monty while John was still in studio but he said since the passing of James Earl Jones tell John he can easily fill that role let's not listen we're gonna get if we don't want to get Jay I want to keep Jay why doing law enforcement stuff but yes I he could do voiceover work big time money I agree problem is that's he wouldn't be on the streets keeping us safe so I'm kind of torn he has he has he has a he has a he has a career ahead of him in voiceover work for sure all right let's talk to this man Dale leash land yap land yap mobile dot com check it in from are you at the worldwide headquarters right now oh me yeah are you at the worldwide headquarters of land yap is that where you're calling from I am not I'm in my vehicle offsite also you're on assignment well we yeah let's say that I'm on assignment have you ever noticed that in tv news they're always like if somebody's gone you're like they're just they're like well they're on assignment now they're just not there well they just don't want to want you to know that they're on vacation somewhere you know in their house is empty um no I don't know if that's the case I am I kind of weave this into my lunch break so I'm still out but I'll be back to the office soon okay so if they're listening I get so uh Dale is accounted for hey I would have been talking for a gosh a week I guess since I first saw you about this time last week when we first saw the I guess the memo that came out from governor ivy's office or was it the week before that was asking for Commissioner of Alabama Department of Veteran Affairs Kent Davis to step down from his job now you know there's a lot of talk about it and the the wise and this and that and I guess now he said he is going to go ahead and step down yes he said he said in a statement that it was probably the best thing for for himself for the stated for veterans if he if he stepped aside at the end of the year so he's he's going to be in place until December 31st and then he'll he'll step aside and at that point the veterans the state board of veterans affairs will will appoint someone else because that is that is who can hire and fire the the VA commissioner it's not the it's not the governor it's not a it's not a cabinet position it is it is literally the job of the state board of veterans affairs to make that call so we'll see but it is just one happens right because the governor can appoint people to that board to then make that decision correct and she's the chair well no she's the chairperson of that board I the individual veterans group to point the members um uh but she is the chair at the point somebody isn't there where she aren't there like she can remove them okay okay maybe that's it oh yeah she can she can remove them I don't know if she has the authority to name anybody I know she can remove them she's the chair of the board so she can you know she can call special meetings like we saw with uh you know we almost had lanya I've almost had to go to Montgomery um a couple of days ago to see what would happen with that with that special meeting which uh which I thought would have not gone the governor's way uh so I was a little bit to be honest with me and I think everybody else a little bit surprised that uh Admiral Davis stepped down um went ahead and stepped down and went ahead and and and submitted his resignation given that I was pretty sure that the votes weren't there on the board to let him go which would have opened up and maybe this is why he stepped aside would have opened up a a huge can of worms for the governor's office and so far as he would have had to systematically remove all of the board members and they'd have to start from scratch uh in order to get what she wanted so she got what she wanted anyway uh and I think that's probably what it was sort of like hey don't don't make this any worse than it has to be let's let's go ahead and you know make bygones you know bygones be bygones and uh call it a day and I think that's what it uh eventually happened does does this change now with the fact he's going to step down at the end of the year anymore the questions though about yeah I think it's a regular person fair question you know I know they said he did things and they listed some things he did inappropriately was that through omission or co-mission right I mean was he just you know was filing for something he was ignorant that it would mess up the ARPA money or was it by design I mean I think those are we need to learn from something and I think I think that um you know I think that it was a a I gotta be careful because I don't I don't want to say uh too much because the like the ethics complaints uh were were dismissed right the ethics complaint that he made against a number of people have often dismissed so I so I won't go too far into that but if you were to say that circumstances beyond his control led the agency to losing that money and that money going to the state employees in health insurance and the P-HIP insurance I would tell you that yes starting with this beyond his control led to it and maybe maybe it was maybe it was ignorance maybe it was maybe it was something else but yeah absolutely I don't think he had as much control over it as as the governor's office would want you to believe but that's that's literally what I feel comfortable saying okay if we got no we have to deal in facts on your side you're a journalist you know and then I try to analyze this and I realize in situations like this I don't know every part of it I know it annoys some people they're like why didn't you come down definitively yes well after 31 years in broadcasting I've seen enough things to know that you sometimes wait a little bit to see all the details but I think the details are important even with him saying he's going to step down to resign if there was something to be learned here by the state by veterans group I think we would miss an opportunity to learn if these things aren't brought to light you know I will I will say I think a good thing to learn learn from on the state level is that when you're dealing with money from the federal government that has to be earmarked and ready to go by a certain point maybe maybe it's better not to play politics with that money and get it distributed as quickly as possible given the rules that were set in place for you maybe you don't like those rules maybe you wish they were different but but at the end of the day you just got to get you got to get them you got to stop playing around with the money if you want to keep it so I think that's I think that that's part of it and you know I think that I think that on the local level there was some politics played with the the ARPA money I think on the state level for sure there was some politics played with the the ARPA money nobody you know nobody wants to give the money to the wrong entities and have that like blow up in their face we've seen that time and time again with with COVID money and with with other things so I understand that concern but I think at the end of the day you know if more people were to work together on the state level to distribute money to to groups that everyone agreed were were above the you know above board you could have avoided this problem the person but too often politics and personalities come into play and it it really gets in the way of helping people and I think that's a that's if you're going to take one if you're going to take one lesson away from all of this without getting too far in the weeds or blaming or pointing the fingers it's just maybe we need to work harder at working together yeah or let AI take over and just say I make these decisions no no no we don't need any AI AI doesn't know I mean AI is going to get better and that's terrifying to me you know you can call me John Henry if you want to I think I think my colleague Scott said Paul Bunyan he meant John Henry call me John Henry I'm not ready to I'm not ready to buy into the AI revolution yet I'm just wondering if you use that to make the decisions because it reminds me of last week's conversation as well which was interesting after we got done talking several people were texting in to get the contact info for this Helios group and we talked about that there are coming in with the city of Mobile to to make to make sure things I guess things like this don't have they don't know how to apply this opioid settlement money right and there and I think it's that's different today I hear which is that's more math the more math and like that's more math based I am I splitting hairs here sure I don't think that that's necessarily AI based and it's like oh you're wrong but go ahead that is like data that is like data driven fact driven analysis to determine what the best use of the money is that's a little bit different than using AI and alike you know hey tell me here to give these opioid funds too that's it's a little bit different than that but I hear what you're saying they're using technology as a way to help determine what groups should get the the city's first allotment of what is it 2.2 million dollars and that's a little bit different I I respect what they're doing and I'm very excited to see what the process is like going forward when we you know we have about a month left on the RFPs for groups to come in and ask for money for for the purpose of you know dealing with opioid and drug addiction stuff so so I think you know the next month and what we see from the RFPs and what the outcome of that is going to be very interesting yeah last week well you talked about it I I felt the same way I would whatever mechanism be it this group AI whatever that would go tell you what we have groups out here that are already doing good work instead of having to invent bureaucracy this that or the other right here's the money let's talk what groups are making the biggest difference what groups are proving themselves right what out there's a best practice and then just let's get more of that let's fund more that I said the same we're gonna do a whole new thing I think the issue I think the issue you run into there and the issue that these the these sorts of programs like Helios has is trying to avoid is is politics right mm-hmm that's one I am and again I appreciate that and I hope it works I think that it will because you know you don't nobody wants to get caught in a situation where they're like oh this is the you know this is an example this is the mayor's favorite charity and it's getting all of this money you can avoid all that if you say well we did a third party that used a computer model or a series of computer models to determine who would best use our money that's people are still going to argue that their group you know maybe their group got left out my group does this this and this you know it's still not going to be a perfect system I don't think it'll ever you're never going to make everybody happy or understand especially with monies involved but but I think that this is a way to kind of cut down on some of the speculation there's still going to be speculation but I think you're going to cut down on it a little bit but again we have to see what happens with the process how clean it is how efficient it is and whether or not you know and whether or not you know people what the reaction is once it happens I guess but yeah not everyone's going to be happy but I think they're trying to make it as painless as possible all right I want to move to something this story is as I kind of gather during the year because at the end of the year we kind of do the top stories you know for the last year and and any variant of library books banning library boards to me it's going to be one of my contenders come the end of the year this has come back up here in mobile and the mobile council meeting but yeah mobile had been sort of I mean we've written a cover story about it in mobile so it wasn't completely immune but mobile has been pretty much pretty quiet on that front for a for a long while when all of the other stuff has happened in Prattville at Baldwin County stuff like that you didn't you didn't see it as much in in in mobile it's it's kind of it's kind of been the issue has been raised at the at the most recent council meeting and really you know unlike unlike with other cities you know other outside of funding I don't know how involved the city council can get in the content of the library they're run by a separate board that is appointed granted it is appointed by the city council so I guess they could they could take their appointments they could hire and fire new people you know whatever they wanted to do on that regard but but as far as the content of the library it is but it is up to the library board and I think even the state state library board has some say as well but but nonetheless yeah we had we had Melissa Gates come with a with a group of folks and complained about some of the content of the library and then some of the funding for the library given given that content so uh uh yeah and uh I wrote about it part of the council story there's a lot of stuff going on all right people want to read more about this and so many stories daily laying out being like a daily online how do they get signed up to uh to get that access is the is the website you know just click through you can subscribe like that um uh right now uh you know it's a dollar for the first month and it goes up after that we also now have daily passes for a dollar if there's a story you really want to read but you don't want it so many committifos out there if you don't want to commit to a whole month or a whole year you can read it for for a day uh you know if you there's a story really like really big juicy story you want to read it'll cost you a dollar but you can you can get a day pass and then you don't have to worry about you know canceling it any you know it'll just it'll go away so so you can do that uh or you can read the the paper copies uh that come out uh once a week uh in the purple boxes we like i said we're local uh all the money you you all the money you give to us it's spent locally feeds our family stuff like that so we really appreciate it all right uh dale as always we appreciate it i like have people have the allocart option there uh to get signed up i don't think they'll get hooked absolutely good stuff then yeah get back to the office we'll talk to you soon i will thank all right uh there goes the unleashing we're coming right back more mid-day mobile this is mid-day mobile with shawn selvin on fm talk 106 5 it's like 125 fm talk 106 5 at mid-day mobile 343 0106 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 i do think like ai might maybe that's a place where it would grow i'm like how how you define you know what groups if you have money coming in grant money who gets them i'm thinking what would ai have done seriously what if you had some kind of ai technology don't not we're in here messing with some yesterday afternoon uh just the way it can like uh take one of our radio shows and make a print new story out of it's it's wild um but what if you had the program or ai to make the judgments on the medical cannabis commission right and you put in you put in the uh you put in the parameters remember when when the legislation went through it created the medical cannabis commission then they have this series of things you're scored on right there's certain things you have to have to be a player you have to have some portion of the company had to be alabama ownership and then you know you had the area where you were in uh for what the vertical integration you could be a somebody who does it all could be somebody who's just a grower somebody who has a dispensary somebody who does delivery security or whatever the things were but you were graded on certain things right certain certain factors you seem to me you can put that in a program and we've i've dealt with it over you know last 20 years or so and i remember my my my family kinfolk dealing with it in the ag world will have things through the uh nrcs and different farm bill programs that you're scored on things right it's uh are you in this county okay yes uh do you have highly erotable land is it you know is it road crops what you could convert it into uh are there gopher tortoises there those kind of things and and then they score them but what about in something like the medical cannabis commission or this money coming in for groups that want to use it to help with opioid abatement if you then kind of you'd have to make sure because i know the easy argument and if i'm out there where you are i'd be texting to saying well the you know the uh it's you only get in what you you only get out what you put in yes we'd have to have a situation where the program uh the ai or the actual just the input program was foolproof but you enter in the thing okay here is jane jane smith wants to apply for this money jane smith's you know cannabis company does this that and the other here's uh all the different things boxes you would have to check and then the thing spits out who wins it and gets a grant to be that would be a lot better than having it go through and i know they did some of that they scored these things at the university of south alabama but you still have human beings in the mix and there's all these questions if you could do this if you could automate that you take some of the politics out of it or do you take just some of the human beings making a mistake not dotting an eye not crossing a t in the mix and see where it comes out maybe that's a good place to use it i don't know all right y'all's thoughts at 343 zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six coming back uh we'll get more of your text and phone calls also yeah a lot of text we got to get to here michael says on the ai side he said having ai help in the process of running the government i can't think of anything that would go wrong sky net right not giving him i'm not giving him the nuclear codes i'm saying but what if you made a program you know like you're gonna okay there's gonna be government money awarded to try to tackle this thing whatever while we continue to have government trying to solve problems then you take it out of humans hands i'm going to have to think this out we'll be right back this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk one oh six five i got 135 fm talk one oh six five mid-day mobile on this thursday by the way tomorrow uh the show from the grounds for the g&d outdoor expo speaking of the outdoors too well it depends on i mean a lot of this stuff okay all this stuff with products from parastractor in robert sale they they work on the outdoors but this outdoors i'm talking about it's like hunt and season that kind of stuff let's check in with my buddy plain price at parastractor in robert sale blame what do you got for people heading to the hunt and camp whether uh you got work to do or fun to have well right now uh sean we're offering uh on our l series trackers if you buy an l series with at least two implements they can be any two implements a bush hog box blade disc set of pallet forks um two implements you qualify to get a 37 by 20 trailer that we're going to throw in on the deal to kind of form up that package all this uh does qualify for the zero interest financing through kaboda right now as well i love it and yeah you've got so you do have implement wise you're good you got you got mowers absolutely you got discs absolutely we got all the implements uh that you can think of in stock uh bush hogs finished mowers uh disc tillers pallet forks grapples post hole diggers a little bit of everything um that that we can form up into that package deal for you with the seven by 20 uh trailer something else we have that that people this time of the year really excited about uh going with the hunt camp is the side by side the kaboda side by side we got them in diesel and gas models um we we got two truckloads of them in this morning uh both camo orange and i i think i've seen a black one on there as well you know and i've got the 900 rtv diesel i love it but it's it's troublesome for me when i come visit you because you know you go five or six years and these things just get more luxury i mean they're just more comfort based i mean they still got the great that same great engines i'm running but these things are like now i don't know kaboda said all right well maybe some of these people want to act like they're in their car when they're on the v tv and r tv that's right and and we do you know for the ones that have already got one they might want to upgrade we do take trade-ins on on everything whether it be a mower a zero-turn mower a side-by-side tractor skid steer whatever it is we we do take trade-ins on all of them sometimes i feel like Blaine speaking directly to me right so Blaine tell me everybody else listen how to come see you we're right here in the middle of robertsdale on highway 59 uh come by see us monday through friday eight to five saturday's eight to noon or give us a call at two five one nine four seven four one seven one thanks Blaine thank you john all right there goes Blaine price from uh blanks with all the orange tractors and camo r tv's and all that good stuff a pair of tractor in robertsdale uh let's see here t-t-t-t-ta gosh okay go back here did i miss any from our earlier conversation always get a lot when talked to john and drew with menu night against violence steve says lack of boots on the ground by the police department let them run wild as the problem yeah i don't what you saw is there's an improvement so i don't know they can't be every i know what the improvement is steve and if i hope you're still listening and john and drew we're talking about it because they have two capacities i mean we're in this group called menu night against violence but they are also police officers is the fact that people are starting in our community to say something right to say something because the police officers can't be everywhere right it takes people in the community go those are the people that did it that's where they're hiding you do that you get them off the streets and you get the drop in crime it was something i had to learn talking law enforcement folks over the decades i had and i don't know why i had this idea i just that i thought there was a more even distribution and i don't mean like everybody but i just thought if you heard there were 300 burglaries right i was like oh you know i'm picturing 200 people doing 300 it's not it's 10 people do it like the number of people that do the crimes is small so you can make it you get those people off the street you can make a difference out there uh let's see the house at our per capita homicide rate is higher than that of LA or san fran according to 2023 stats like today or i have to look at that house so send me send me a link to that um this unnamed tester said shawn said the crime statistics have fallen substantially and yet we fired the police chief who made it happen what the heck what the heck um cb carl said i know you were we but a we won then but the changes in the last 45 years since fredrick are sadly amazing i remember when golf shores started advertising all the way up to michigan and the like and they were going to build back bigger and better well they got bigger right so yeah i was uh fredrick i was seven i was seven and i kind of reminded me adult here in dalton talk about ivin i was young enough that you know obviously remember it but i did and i of course in my family if you're if you're awake you're you were working of some sort but i didn't have to do the work that grown-ups did back then the way dalton was saying yeah you remembered ivin that way you were engaged then but you weren't working do remember that and i do remember the difference in golf shores um i remember would have been after fredrick eighty eighty one or so so mama dad got a house down there eighty one or so and it was you know to go down there now and remember what it is was like back then uh just uh obviously big change time moves on how many you know and yes car cb carl i'm with you i mean i would like things to be you know you sometimes whenever you like it you want it to be a freeze frame of what it was what it was like at this point in your life when you think it was perfect but don't you know our ancestors said the same things in the past and then time marches on so uh let's see adam says i don't know anything other than what i've heard i can see the governor might want to change leadership but i can not i can totally not understand why she asked john copatrick and she said the reason was he is a distraction what bs the old lady that old lady is a tyrant hopefully i'll get john but john's been on with us several times hopefully and vets recover here locally a good guy and get john back on in the future talk about continuing what's going on with vets recover but his uh his interpretation of what happened there with the alabama department of veterans affairs and let's see fire dog uh let's see there isn't any intelligence uh let's see there isn't any intelligence going on in the state government so let ai take a run at it or put ricki in charge okay but ricki in charge like do we elect him or just did you just take power a ricki hanta i mean i don't want i don't know that i want it running the legislate i don't i want the human beings and i'm not sure this concrete is completely drawn on this yet i want the human beings setting up the ideas and the laws and all that i'm saying but if you have things like the medical cannabis commission or application of grant money i mean even like i said doing things on farm contracts my ag people know exactly what i'm talking about uh you're scored on different things you get a you know get a program and you're this that the other and if you score higher then because quite often in these programs there are more people that want the farm bill money then there are dollars go around so they score you on certain things they're looking to change or you know erosion or they're looking to uh protect uh habitat for this critter or that critter so you're scored on these things and it gets you some people win some people lose but if you did that in all these programs from the that to the thing that keeps irritating me as you can tell is a burr under my saddle uh the uh the medical cannabis commission if you put that in some kind of and i say ai as a catchall i'm probably being inaccurate about that just a program that was binary and made the decisions like if if company a you know qualified they get ten points on this company b did not get they got five points and then get ten and just add it up at the end then you don't have the uh you don't even have the implication of humans putting their thumb on the scale michael said uh let's see no this not michael this is uh a name texture said i have an idea since biden donned trump's hat trump should make a deal with biden that if he will support him for president he will pardon hunter when he's in office biden should do it as a revenge against all those who pushed him out here's the here's the rub texture and i know there's people probably are still that would do what joe biden says i think it would be a detriment if i'm double trump the last thing i want to do is have joe biden endorse me yeah and the story he's talking about y'all y'all saw that right with the hat thing i know they talked about it this morning on on mobile mornings that uh biden was in shanksville i think yeah i think he's in shanksville and he uh put on the trump hat of zemaga or yeah here this is is trump 2024 hat uh here's the story from fox news biden shocks the internet takes a lot to shock the internet by donning trump 2024 hat it says a video of president biden donning a trump 2024 hat went viral across x which is twitter for us old folks with several shock that the image was even real biden visited shanksville fire station on wednesday after participating in a brief laying ceremony at the town's memorial site for united airlines flight 93 one of the four flights hijacked by al-qaeda terrorist on september 11th uh 2001 video of biden at the station show the president taking the trump 2024 campaign hat from a trump supporter and putting out on top of zon hat in what the white house said was a friendly gesture of unity well i guess now that he's not running he can do what he said he was going to do when he got elected last time the image of biden wearing a trump 2024 hat quickly took x by storm many feeling the need to clarify that the video was not fake and then they just have a bunch of screenshots here from from twitter um so there it is yeah speaking shanksville too you know think about this yesterday it is obviously i mean go to ground zero is is is awing but for me shanksville and shanksville is not far to the west of where uh one side of my my people are from in central pennsylvania is you know rural farming country they're in the alligator mountains uh shanksville is about about 40 minutes away so a couple times i've taken the ride over there to the memorial and if you can go through the memorial there and go inside where the effects of the people that were on flight 93 are put up in the museum and you can put the headphones on and listen to the phone calls and not tear up then i i don't know it to me it is if you leave there and you don't feel the gravity of of what happened on not 11 i don't think anything you could i mean and i probably will take my children because age wise they weren't alive and so if there's ever a point where i think they don't you know they don't understand how how significant this was i'll take them to shanksville and go through there it is it is significant for sure um let's see terry said my grandson used ai to find his research sources for his school papers i asked why he doesn't let it write his papers he said it writes like an old person you know terry i had a story pulled the other day and actually was worried about losing it uh on my computer because i'm an old person so i printed it out it axios had a story they had an interview with this guy he's a professor computer technology professor i think at pen state i i'll go pick it up off the floor in my office here before too long we'll read the story uh that he said the technology so they're using ai against ai so the kids could use ai to cheat on a paper right and so they've created other programs that are supposed to spot the the use of ai to write a paper well the ai is like anything technology wise it's like always law enforcement and the government's always a couple steps behind people that are doing wrong same thing on the ai like the the ai that's used to bust the kids or using ai to write the papers is is months behind so it keeps getting better and they're keep chasing these kids um they keep chasing these kids too uh well we'll run it through you know you kids turn these papers in we're gonna run it through the program and then the ai has gotten better at a faster pace and they can't uh they can't keep up with it all right uh this uh let's see a name txtra said shawn i remember kameel i was five yeah i kameel was before my time so kameel was uh but i've heard the stories growing up about kameel and bill said humans programmed the ai but what about self-learning ai humans program and that's what everybody's worried about right when it becomes sentient so humans programmed to self-learning algorithms thumbs are always on the scale when money and power is involved yes but at least bill we could look at it and run like say you had the program and i'm not saying anything there's nothing on this earth that's perfect but you could run it and test it right and see that it like okay we we put in on this end here the applicants to whatever program it is and we scored one this way this way this way what is it what is it spit out i think that's uh and then we probably still would debate whether it was unfair or not you're probably right not held with the whole thing right be right back more mid-day mobile this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 1065 what do we have like so hey clint james if you're listening what about self-driving e-bikes out there the techs what what is the technology going to go there i hope not because i actually enjoy the process of riding my e-bike from the adventure of bicycles so a lot of folks are riding non-e-bikes from there as well he's got 400 in stock that are not electric i mean road bikes the hybrid bikes he's got these things gravel bikes which is like another you know you should have like mountain bikes kind of hybrids and then like road bikes and well there's another denomination i guess of bicycles in there i learned from flint the gravel bikes uh that are more road bike than a hybrid but still can ride on dirt roads that's you know for safety's sake and he'll come out and ride around uh where i live in west mopiel county as well those gravel bikes real popular as well me i'm on the e-bike and i do love it and i've told you all the kind of the thing that you didn't expect is the fact that it's an electric bike i get more exercise and the reason why is human beings not technology is because i put it in this eco mode that it has where it just kicks in when i you know going up a hill or something like that and when it kicks in it just makes it more fun to ride so i ride more days more hours and get more exercise if it wasn't fun i wouldn't ride it so i mean there's some of y'all that you're gonna be ride the regular bike and ride up the hill and enjoy that every day some of us might just want to go out for a bike ride and the e-bike has made that part of my life here in my 50s he has 75 of the e-bikes in stock a bunch of different manufacturers different kind of bikes waiting for you to take a test ride and that's the most fun because you can say hey here's what i think i want to do with the bike here's what i might do with the bike and he'll say hey you try to ride that one that one that one you get to take a test ride and see which bike is right for you plus it does all the service work on it you buy it you buy a bike e-bike or regular bike from adventure earth bicycles uh quarterly they'll do all the service work for free on your bike and if you got one that you didn't buy from there but needs some work and you want to get the kids bikes ready to go or anything like that they're a good old-fashioned bike shop and they can do those repairs and adjustments right there here in mobile at adventure earth bicycles at little flower and airport in midtown right near roose chris check them out online adventure dash earth dot com everything inside to get y'all and me outside adventure earth bicycles go say hello to my man clint all right uh to the text line here and people are asking about tomorrow yeah so we will be there for the outdoor expo so two shows but we'll be there throughout it we get a booth so please stop by i've got the fm talk one oh six five buckets you know these the super buckets with the rope handles and the throw handle on the bottom not just your regular home depot bucket we're talking about next next level buckets y'all know what i'm talking about good buckets uh with our logo on them let me give those away tomorrow and saturday at the at the outdoor expo also some gun locks so if you're somebody doesn't have a safe you know and you got often talk about this for like grandparents if you keep the kids and you're like you have no reason to have the guns locked up you know you probably should for theft and fire but you don't have the guns locked up you put one of these locks through them the gun kids messing with guns aren't going to get hurt we're giving those away tomorrow huggers and stickers all kind of good low-code stuff from fm talk one oh six five but we'll do midday mobile noon to two tomorrow and then mike warden i from 11 to noon on saturday you come look at mike as we do the outdoors show on location all right to to the text line here let's see michael says the current is ripping at the bubble up hole on the calls way and the birds are working it hard i probably shouldn't have read that out loud hmm you think they're trout you think that well why did i read that out loud although i have to go home and get the the boat michael but uh maybe i'll still do it tomorrow uh let's see here chris says the trade center of memorial in new york is one of the most touching places i've ever been in the 9/11 memorial museum has the headphone calls uh they they are heartbreaking yeah so chris the same thing at shanksville you put the headset on and you're looking at the effects of these people the stuff they picked out of the rocket uh wreckage there in shanksville and it's uh like i mean talking about it gets me it's it's if you think people are disconnected from what happened on 9/11 take them to either their new york or take them to shanksville and look at them afterwards and ask them if they get it now uh adam said i turned a book report in one time uh when she graded it she told me she had already read the cliff notes remember that stuff adam cliff notes i know you do bein like man i got the cliff notes on the you know hound of the baskerville or whatever it's like you're trading in it's like secrets or something like somebody handing it to you like here is the file like your james bond the old cliff notes man instead of just reading the book i can't say i was above it i read some cliff notes myself uh chris says uh because daddy was single he had to stay uh stay at time during maybe in town during fredrick he sent my sent my butts tuscaloosa with my grandmothers were exploded up there for fredrick he had to stay at brookley field you know at least brookley right chris we do know a lot of same people at least they had those uh big generators those airplane generators there and they had some power pat says that's the only reason i have a safe in case of fire and and let me do it for a second here just do a pitch so i my course liberty saves got him in my home that's the reason i'm probably not keeping anything important in there but i have them because of fire protection and theft protection not so check them out hey they'll be out at the outdoor expo as well fall find bomb next see y'all tomorrow