FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Sgt John Young and Drew Ford from Men United Against Violence - Midday Mobile - Thursday 9-12-24

Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. By 1235, FMTalk1065 Midday Mobile. By the way, tomorrow, tomorrow, this show live from the grounds. It is the G&D Farms Outdoor Expo. It's tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday. And we'll be out there, Midday Mobile, from noon to 2 tomorrow, plus Mike Wardeny doing a live on location. FMTalk1065 outdoors from 11 to noon. You know, the show usually runs from 7 to 8. 7 to 8 will be a replay of last week's show. And then we'll do that fresh show from 11 to noon on Saturday. But doors open at 10 tomorrow, 10 Saturday, 10 Sunday, open till 9 tomorrow. And Saturday, closing, I think, at 4 on Sunday. The G&D Farms Outdoor Expo online gives you more information, or I'll give you more information coming up later on in the show. All right. As I mentioned, because I saw them, I had to actually buzz them through, which is odd that I buzz these men through security. Buzz these men through security as they entered the FMTalk1065 studio, men united against violence. It is true forward. It is John Young and the crowd goes wild. Hello, gentlemen. Hey, how's it going? It's, I will say this, but lament for John. I will always be the runner up in the Mr. Mobile contest. Thank goodness. Because because of John, I will never have a chance in this mobile because you will win it every time. Good to see you in. Thank you for having us. It's good to talk about good news as well. You know, we talk about what the challenges in our community. They continue, but there also are things that are positive out there. And that's why I called you. I know I've been on you and I for a while. I had to bring June back. He's been training for a tough man fights. He's been fighting the Southern slug fest. So I had to bring him back. We might be fighting again in October, but here we are now. I was about to ask when the next year might be fighting in October. Having a good time with it. Yeah. This is his midlife crisis. So the midlife crisis is to get in fighting shape. Right. It was always in good shape. And now you're in fighting shape. Getting him in fighting. Most of us just get fat and get a fancy car. You and I. Yeah, I'm glad he's back. He's, you know, he's been there with us from the beginning. And we, when we called you, we, we don't want to just show up Sean after someone is shot when the black hedge has been shot. We want to celebrate the decrease in violent crime and mobile over the past year and talk about how we got to double digit decreases and rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, vehicle theft, even shooting into occupied dwellings is down 40% compared to last year. It's, it's, it's, but how do you do? Okay. So we talk about legislation about shooting into an ordinance system. Right. But how did that? I don't think the ordinance goes. It now could keep people behind bars that are, that are threats and society. But how the law didn't do all that. How do you have a 40% reduction in shooting into? What happens law enforcement cast? What, what happens here? People are behaving, right? People stop committing crimes. That's what it was down. Yeah, but true. Have, did they just wake up one day and say, you know, all that crap I was doing before I'm not going to do it anymore. I think it's two part. I think it's the relentless prosecution pursuit of criminals. And the public has said, you know what I'm tired of this. I'm going to cooperate with police. I'm going to say who did what, when, where and how and why. And it gives police something to work with to pursue the 5% who are committing all the chaos. So that thing that we've all wanted to happen is happening where people just said enough enough enough and it has happened and we should celebrate it as mobilions pat ourselves on the back and say we can still do better. Right, Drew. Oh, right. Let's keep climbing to the summit, right? When you're like, it's not okay. I mean, it's not okay. It's way better, but it's still not okay. Right. Right. Well, we have made some improvements and just continuing, of course, even with a different chief of police, the mission of the mobile police department is the same. The mission of men united against violence is the same. We want people to stop killing each other because these decrease in violent crimes disproportionately affect young black men. Right. So it's 15 to 25 year old black man is this is this is this is the rising tide raises all ships. And so when we talk about a decrease in assaults and we talk about a decrease and shoot it into, that means not only is there a decreased city white, but there's a decrease in black victims and black suspects. So it is working and we just have to continue this. Would we like to say because of our message and our mission, we did it. No, this is a collaboration. Right. This is a big way. But I think that I think the messaging and we talked about this before is not at that 15 to 25 year old white guy. It is at the community. It's a younger, younger men, kids, right. In the community, I think we're having like a keystone moment here that you have community going, okay, well, unfortunately, here's what's happening. Right. And Sean, you're right. Whenever you can't, I mean, y'all can't be everywhere at once. And when we're out and during our out, we've only gotten positive feedback. Keep telling the message. Good. So the messaging has worked right through. Yes, it's absolutely works. You know, there's no way that we can get this done without the community. You know, the police department and the community have to work together. And we have to continue doing what it is that we're doing right now. We've got a good decline in pretty much every category of violent crime, except homicide is slightly up. However, the numbers and assaults usually when they come down, homicide typically comes down with it. Yeah, that was the next question I was going to ask you because does when a assault happens, is there some kind of return the hourglass over and go, there's going to be another heavy assault or a homicide because of that assault. Right. Well, I mean, assaults include people that almost died or should have died for injuries, but like you pointed out and homicide murders probably the toughest because you can't predict a domestic violence incident. Right. Right. You know, you can't. So I, but you can, I mean, let's not dance around the subject here, but y'all know as veterans of this that this shooting took place. Okay, back in the day where nobody knows anything, but you know, at that point here comes, you put on the egg timer, there's going to be another shooting come because of that. Am I, am I, am I right? Much of what you get with violent crime is going to be retaliatory, right? You, you do still have people who would retaliate. If there's a shooting into at one house, chances are there's going to be a shooting into at two or three more houses, right? Because all of those people involved, they know who's involved, right? And so they go after them. Um, but, and then, and then those folks then, right, retaliatory, retaliatory, retaliatory, right? So the fact that people are coming out now and saying, now it's, it's these guys right here to get it. Exactly. That's, it seems like the biggest thing of shooters targeting the five percent of the most violent people in the city, community involvement and a strong message of this is the issue we need to solve it. Those three things are culminating and decreased violence in the city is decreased robberies, decreased burglaries, decreased vehicle burglaries, decreased assaults. This is something we should talk about because we now see that we can do it. Right. It's the thing that people said was impossible. We say it was impossible. It is very possible, not just possible, but probable. We've done it and we can continue doing it. And even theft, even theft is way down, theft is way down to double digits, what retail theft is just incredible. Sean, it really is the retail theft. How the heck do you get through to those knuckleheads? Well, again, a lot of these are organized and you'll have the same crew of 10 people commit multiple thefts across, not just mobile, but Sarah land boss in county. And when you catch them and prosecute them and put them in jail, you, you decreased by 10% that. And if you do that three or four more times, that's right. And the laws have recently changed as far as organized retail theft this concern, right? There's been a focus on breaking down those systems that they've put together to, you know, go in, steal these items and then go sell them somewhere else on Facebook marketplace. So it's not just like the shoplifters of just opportunity. These are people that like this is their career. They make a living off of stealing and reselling. Right. And so once we target them, the guy stealing the single cases beer versus five guys that steal 10 cases of beer to resell. Gotcha. Is that you target the guys that are stealing the 10 cases of beer. You target the ladies who go to Ulta and steal 10 makeup packages. There are three ladies that go in and stand until still 10 packages each. Once you target those things, the numbers have to go down. And that's why we know it is a collaboration between the public and the police department and the messaging, our strong messaging. I like to say that our messaging of we can make a difference. We can decrease crime. We need families. We need education, employment and discipline. People are listening and adhering to it, Sean. This deserves to be. We don't want to be just doomsday or something. Let's celebrate the possible right when I come in. You put in your quarter and you hear both barrels of JY going off. No, we're going to say and encourage more billions. Keep doing the right thing. Let's keep doing it. Mobile. Let's keep doing it. Press info. That's it. It is that is very good news and hopefully that trend just, you know, builds because you hear that this is happening. You know, some people are late to get on on board, right? Like and it's they got to see how many how my games of the team one. Oh, yeah, I'm a fan now, but you know, I mean, that's a reality. You get your laugh and drink because, you know, it's true, right? All of a sudden you get these fans of like, I love that team forever. No, you didn't. You just have to winning season Colorado. Exactly. Now you're now the world's biggest fan. So, but I mean, in this in our home here, y'all, people, if this is working and people have stepped up to be the, you know, the early adopters. The first ones are saying, uh, no, this is who did it. You know, come, that gives I would imagine for me it would more confidence for somebody else to go. Yeah, I'm going to do this. This is what I'm into building trust between the community and the police department, the trust that our identities won't be given that our information is all of these things. And everyone knows our profession and our career. So, but we're saying that it isn't just one part. It has to take everyone else being involved. And that's what we see now with the fear of school shootings that have been the national, this indicates that we can deter, decrease and prevent them when everyone's involved. The football season, you know, they've been shooters at football games over the past two years. I'll bet we can go this entire season, Drew, without a shooting at a football game. Absolutely. I think we can do it. Yeah. And that should be what we expect in our community. Let's raise our bar higher again. You go to the Dang football game, you take the little kids, you take everybody and the worst you're going to hear somebody say something mean to the ref. Right. Like that's it. And we can set that standard again and we can't back up Sean more than anything. Let's not back up, Moby. No, absolutely. A couple of questions here before we get the news will come back. Ashley says, does shooting into an occupied vehicle or building have an automatic jail sentence? Do y'all know if that? Because these men are the ones that enforce laws. Right. That would be a court question. I don't think there's mandatory. There was some legislation to make shooting into a class A felony, right? That was the move. Yeah, which should put you. I mean, I'm not right. There's three of those that are not attorneys or judges sitting here doing it. But I mean, if class A felony, you go to jail. Right. You're held without bond, but there was, I think. It was shut down. Right. And because it was called racist. Oh, that's right. It was racist. That's right. Because it disproportionately affect the people who are doing the shootings. And that just happened to be black is what dog going to stop shooting. And let's see. Let me ask a question. And the people they were shooting, what was their skin killed? Ninety-nine point nine percent. They were black. So it's so the black person that's being killed or injured at what? Or have their property damaged or terrorized. It's okay for that to happen to a black person. I came to play nice, Sean. You're about to put your quarter in and get it because the hypocrisy of the same people say they protect and love black people are the very same people. Somebody out who's going to shoot and rob a black person. Right. The rights of the offender are greater than the rights of the victim. Which doesn't make sense at all. And I'm not going to say which political party because this is a political year, you know, but there's one party that says that and everything they do itself. Let's look at the stats. I mean, if they want to get into that, I'm going to come right back to the positive. But you look at the stats and say, okay, who is being injured in the stats? It is black folks that are being injured. Yep. Yeah. And so when we see a decrease in buying. More to me, they're way more important than the person who's doing the injury. The victim. Right. What about the victims, right? Easily. They'll riot and tear down a city over junkies or criminals and ignore the lives of the little children that are terrorized by urban terrorism. Put them in jail, bill bigger jails, whatever it takes, in my opinion. I have no bond for anybody. Not get out until your court date and that's fine with me because this is a free country and we deserve to live peaceably. I'm going right back. I've been denied against violence. Drew Ford, JY, and we'll continue the conversation with you at 3430106. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Right to 1252, FM Talk 1065 and Midday Mobile. John Young, Drew Ford, menu now against violence. So police officers, conversation about pretty positive stats out there with crime reduction in the city of Mobile. I want to read a couple of these texts here, gentlemen, scroll for me and said, the message also needs to be received by white parents who think it's a limited to and only affecting others. Standard white kid is into the same influences of gangster rap, craft behavior, et cetera. And they all interact with each other. So I mean, yes, I mean, I think we came together though because the shocking thing is the number of black children that were being shot by other, I'm going to call them children too, whether they're 18 or not. They were out shooting out with each other. And then here's an eight year old, nine year old, a 14 year old child that's doing nothing wrong that lays dead. So that, I mean, that's the thing that, but yes, the whole community needs to celebrate. Drew, I don't think we've ever messaged it to say that white kids don't do it. We just say this disproportionately black versus black, right? Correct. Right. But that's the thing that brought us together, we just talk facts. Right. Right. And yes, there are white kids doing it, but the number of stories that that every month we're talking about, it's, it's, it's an innocent black child shot. It's a grandmother. You know, when Sheriff Burch and I were talking about that case where women's in church, black women's in church, underneath, praying, yes, and gets a bullet. At that point, I'm, I'm what, there's a nine year old child who, when he was shot, it was a second time he had been shot, right? Or the little girl that was shot on her sleeping on the sofa this earlier this year, right? In her home, doing kids stuff, right? Like being, which is exactly why I would say that we all agree on this, shooting into is probably two need to be class A felonies, because you just don't know who you're going to kill. No, right. And obviously you don't care. And you don't care. Right. Right. Right. It's the wrong house. The, the person that you hate isn't there. You can't control a bullet. Go through the door. They're shooting a handle rifles now, Sean, and these automatic pistols, two, two, three rounds can go through three or four houses and car doors and windows. Yeah. We could give, we could give every citizen a bazooka and a tank. If we change their heart, they wouldn't shoot it through a hat. Correct. You know, yeah. Right. We give them every weapon in the world. That's right. It's not, it's not the weapon because they'll find some way it's the, it's the person and the lack of empathy, sympathy, morals. Right. They lack compunction. The sheriff once says, some of these are just low down dirty dogs that need to be put down. And some people will never conform to a civilized society, but we in a civilized society must decide that we don't want them in our society and work together to get rid of them. It sounds like that's what's happening. And that is exactly what's happening. Double, forcible rapist down 18%. Burglary, burglaries are down 30%, robberies are down 34%, that's not by accident mobile. That is not by accident. We are working together. We are doing it together and we just have to keep it. Let me take y'all to task with law enforcement. You're doing it now. You're doing the right thing. But there's not enough that messaging. Right. Because people, when crime is bad, people are like, what the heck are the cops doing? Right. But when things are good, nobody thinks about the fact that you're doing something. Right. Because I mean, you're like, oh, well, things are good. Yeah. People don't call in because their product they bought is working. They call in and go, that's dang thing I bought and it's not working. Well, that's the same thing because y'all and you're doing the right thing here is coming out and saying things are good. And here's what we're doing to make that happen. I can say this, we don't we don't have the end all be all when it comes to ideas, right? Anyone that has any idea or any or any type of program they want to initiate any type of rally that they want to do, you know what, do it, do it because we all have to come together on this. We don't have the only ideas, right? So we all need to come together and work toward a common goal, but how that looks, that doesn't matter. Right. As long as we're pushing in the same direction. Right. Yeah. And employment and discipline can look however it needs to for different people. Yeah. But that and you know that with many not against violence and that message is one, like I said, this is about your speaking, we're speaking to everybody, but speaking to the people in the community, they can make a difference when they say, okay, enough enough. Here's people that did it. There's where they there's where they're hiding. The bad guys should be afraid of us. Exactly. They should be afraid that, hey, when you drive down Mr. Sullivan Street, he's outside waving. Right. You're at yard. He's outside. And Mr. Young's going to say, Hey, how you boys doing? Now we've had three sets of eyes on you. They should be more afraid of the good guys than we are afraid of them. And that's what you I believe you're seeing now. The good guys are realizing, wait a minute, I love the port city. I love going to Mardi Gras. I love going to the mall. I can't go there in fear. And so I will cooperate. We will make it uncomfortable for bad guys. But it takes like you said, obviously people are doing it now and I think people will jump on the bandwagon. It takes people to do the thing that may be out of the ordinary to them. It might be scary, right? But to know that they have the backing of so many others and police department to step up and do that. Because I mean, there's always the in any movement, there's people on the front that are so very brave that are the spearhead for the people that come behind them, right? And now it's time to fill in. If you think about our founding fathers, not everyone wanted an American revolution. There were several that were happy being under the dictatorship. And so any time that you step out and challenge things, there will always be some saying, I don't think that's going to work, but we can't be afraid or intimidated to try it. So I am pleased to come along with a positive message about something taking, let's celebrate it. And also realize through that the work isn't over, we still got three more months in this year. That's right. And so let's finish the year on the strong note. Let's keep these numbers trending down. Before we wrap up here too, people got their ideas or one of two things with maybe not against violence. How do they find? Facebook, Man United Against Violence, my personal cell phone number is 251-513-4179. I'm sorry, ladies. Don't invite me to lunch, I'm not going, but if you have plans to help us stop violence, call me. Listen to that lady. I'll share the number with you as well for John. Drew, John, thank you. Thanks for being here. We appreciate being here. All right. Great numbers. How about this? Let's celebrate that and keep it growing and going. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)