FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 9-12-24

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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- From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics, it's the Jeff Porshow. Welcome to the Jeff Porshow and FM Talk 106.5. Thank you for listening on this Thursday morning, broadcasting in Birmingham today, taking care of some business. But, once again, glad to be with you, glad you're with us, kind of in about 30 minutes from now. State representative Ben Robbins, he is, we're talking about silicago a lot here on the program, he is the lawmaker from that part of the state, you can see we get some kind of intel about what's going on there with these resettlement, it appears, on these Haitian migrants, going on around the state. Maybe I can offer some clarity into that a little bit later as well, but we're working on that story at 1819 news, 1819, and it appears to be going on other places in the state, really more, North Central Alabama, not so much in our part of the state. But certainly getting a lot of eyeballs, also on the program today, from Marie Fogle from Alabama today, and then in the 11 o'clock hour, we will wrap it all up with Attorney General Steve Marshall. And we get his thoughts about what's going on, a bunch of different things, his office is very busy, everything from gambling, immigration, challenging to buy an administration, fighting off the Department of Justice. We'll hear from him in that 11 o'clock hour to be typed, text line, we'll be a part of the program two five one three four three zero one zero six, that's how you do it. So give us a shout, if you will, still in the kind of the aftermath, the hangover of the debate on Tuesday night. And I maintain it is still probably a W for Kamala Harris. The bar was so low for her, but she outperformed her expectations. And then I guess people expected Trump to kind of perform as he had earlier in June with Joe Biden, but it just the moderators were a total way more aggressive than Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. But I want to be able to say about it, blaming the refs, if you will, the never like really an acceptable excuse, but it's it creates enough doubt about how that unfolded Tuesday night. And I don't think that I mean, it's Harris has a hard time claiming the outright victory, but that's how it usually goes anyway. And as I said, I don't think any of this matters, there'll probably be a slight bump for Harris nationally. Maybe even this on the battleground states, but things still are trending for Trump. Generally speaking. And I still think that the the Harris campaign is kind of mired in this funk. Look, there's a bunch of signs out there that suggest Democrats can lose this election. And particularly just the way they are going about trying to rush a bunch of things. And the perfect example is this Haitian resettlement that you would think, well, why would they? Why would you hear all these stories in Ohio and Alabama about these Haitian migrants right before an election? That seems like it wouldn't work very well politically, right? But if you're trying to settle a bunch of Haitian refugees and now under a, I believe it's an executive order, they have some kind of permanent status protections as refugees. Not a law, but just an executive order that's in effect right now. The fear is, well, if Trump gets elected, he'll resend that executive order. But then what happens to those refugees, well, then they go to court and the whole situation sort of plays out over time and it takes, you know, who knows, maybe he goes always to pre-court. I could be years. So trying to give many Haitian migrants, it seems settled before the January 20th inauguration around the country in red states, red counties in particular. But the bigger point is this, there's a lot of things going on that suggest they are really worried on the Democrat side about a Trump presidency. My colleague at Breitbart News, Francis Martell kind of talks about it like this. You see world leaders preparing for a Trump presidency. Yeah, they don't know anything that we don't know. I think from the outside look it in is kind of like, wow, how, how would it be possible for Harris to win just given the economic circumstances and inflation. All this stuff that media tried to do, the crime statistics that they cited, the crime was actually down there to debate. Does anybody really believe this stuff? So as we say, it still feels kind of like Trump's to lose. It's hard to have a real certainty there as with this, it was Trump's to lose until they made heard the nominee and she got a little bit of a burst of speed coming out of the gate. I thought probably executed it really well. Her campaign, but she hasn't done anything with it. It's, it's just like we had handed this gift here like a bad passenger ferrets call and then just stalling at the 20 yard line. She does not look like she's moving the ball to me. She doesn't look like she's, she even wants to be president. She's not doing a lot of, she's not doing as many rallies. She is doing no interviews as we know. So it becomes very, it becomes very problematic, I think I, I, for her and I don't know what's going on there, but I, I, I just, it feels like her 2020 run is the same sort of parallels that path. If you look like coming out of that debate, she had Biden back in the corner, she, she rockets up into polls at Iowa or New Hampshire, one of the other and it just really does nothing. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, that's the text line. I said, hit us up there. So just kind of watch how that plays out. And if you do see a flurry of activity and I think this is another side. She had a good debate before the debates even over what we heard from the Harris campaign. We are reportedly, they wanted a second debate, which may, but, but she was having such a good debate and that was going to be the end of the presidential race right there. I mean, you know, slay queen baits Trump into talking about the attendance of his rallies. And now, now now she's the, the, the, the, the presumptive president of the United States, the president elect, why would she be asking for another debate? It just doesn't, the, the, there's a lot of uncertainty here and you sense the uncertainty a lot from the, the Democrats side. There's a little bit of, now I know something you will text me and tell me, I don't feel a certain team come all the way, but then these little sides, and I mean, like, absolutely, could he lose? Could Trump lose? Yes. But there's a lot of play and be playing me going on here. It looks like this is how it was with Hillary lost. I mean, we know about the infamous play and be Peter stroke, but a lot of preparations like he could be president and he will rock our world. So let's kind of on the radar right now, we're keeping an eye on that. As I said, the Haitians, that look, I don't know if they're going around eating people's pets. There seems to be credible reports of it, police reports and people, you know, at least with some kind of evidence on their social media, but I mean, you know, obviously that could be fabricated, but the media are saying with absolute certainty that this is not happening. The media are really worried about this narrative. And Trump saying it into debate, everyone kind of gasped when he did, but I said this, I don't think it was necessarily a bad, even if it isn't true, there's a good chance it could be true. It is just an alien culture and they do things different and they don't now, you know, my understanding about Haitians in the long run, do assimilate. Do I end up fitting in? But kind of immediately will say first arrive, it's a bumpy, bumpy path. But whatever it is, I mean, the governor of Ohio's have descended into National Guard because the roads are just chaotic. And how far are we from that in Alabama? So we know Athens, we know I have some county, we know Marshall County and we know Talladega County and Alabama are where it's not the feds to go through what I wanted my way, understanding these NGOs, these non-government organizations, a lot of faith based groups and they're the ones kind of spearheading the effort to resettle these Haitian migrants, Haitian refugees, whatever you want to call them, they are legal. But they're being moved to Alabama and people are like, well, why Alabama? This doesn't really make sense. And that's what, you know, like why not Georgia or why not? Why these counties? Part of it is there are chicken plants in at least two of the counties that Pilgris pride is providing employment. So they're kind of going with their jobs. But the big question, Mark remains, what's going on in Talladega County? And that's where it seems to be a lot of frustration. Look at Athens is kind of becoming part of Huntsville. It's really changing. There's a lot of different growing pains going on there. Marshall County, Boaz in Albertville, they've been dealing with this for years, that chicken plant has just brought in, it's been a magnet for a lot of migrant work. But the folks who still are new to this, the folks in that South part of Talladega County are getting new to this and there seems to be a little more anxiety there than anywhere else in the state. So we're obviously hearing a lot about that right now. And the local officials there don't really have good answers. We talked about what's standing at yesterday on the program. He talked about how he was a little, I think he said, disturbed, was the word he used by the reaction of the local mayor and the local city council, not wanting to hear it. That they're here legally. There's nothing we can do about it. But there are some things you need to prepare for, do you have a dispatcher who can speak for each creole? Are you able to police these areas? What about our schools? I mean, well, they have children in our schools, well, you know, do they have all their immunizations? So there are a lot of legitimate concerns here for the communities involved and instead to be at home, shut up, you don't have a say. Stop being racist. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. This is the Jeff Moore Show at FIT Talk, one, zero, six, five. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Show at FIT Talk, one, zero, six, five. Thank you for staying with us on this Thursday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, please shoot us a text. Let's know what's on your mind. We'll go through some of these texts now. Any text you ever see as reporting the ballot Republicans are threatened, did you go to the comment section is filled with Trump supporters so called independence just blowing it up. I don't know if these senators are paid, but something I would see much of. This is a tough one. If you're down ballot, I mean, you have skidded a game, obviously, so what the success of the president is really tied to your own success. I mean, obviously it varies and it just depends on the district, it depends on the state. Well, like look at Michigan, there was a slot kid versus Rogers up there and it slackens up. But the better Trump does, the better theoretically Rogers will do. I don't know, I mean, I don't know about the astronaut for the comment section. We, we, we, none of that stuff matters. That could be just like two people with a, some kind of program, you know, I mean, that stuff is so easily done. So I wouldn't read too much into that, a day of texture. Michael is a practicing Catholic. The crap Catholic charities is doing with these aliens is ridiculous. We donated to them for 20 years at once. I found out what they were doing. I quit two years ago. So yeah, these NGOs now there's an NGO in Birmingham. I think that is, I think it's a Lutheran actually NGO that's said to be involved in a lot of this resettlement. There being used to sort of pass throughs by the federal government. So the feds pass along these resettlement duties to these NGOs, these faith-based NGOs and then they, they go into the communities and try to figure everything out. Leo, just called Kavi's office, no answer, and mailbox is full. Does that surprise you, Leo? The AG does everything except his job. I don't know what that means. The North part of state deserves everything they give. Why is that, Jerry? You kind of old school here with the North Alabama versus South Alabama here. What did, what did they do? Why did they deserve a, why do, why do the people in North Alabama deserve? Their community started to chaos through Haitian resettlement, Jerry, get laid on me. Why would you, how would you fill it? They said, well, the South part of state deserves to get hit by a hurricane. At least that's an act of God, I guess. Are they textured? NGOs have long been a problem 20 years ago when you discuss these matters. You would be called, be called a birch or a conspiracy theorist. Well, look, are they doing this in the name of the Lord or name of Christ? I mean, like showing compassion to our fellow human beings, even if they're Haitians. Here's a situation, you're handed these people. Now, if there's some kind of perverse profit incentive for these NGOs, okay. But on the other hand, if you're doing this because, I mean, you know, these are your fellow human beings and you don't want to see them suffering, they're brought here, they're lured here by the federal government, by bad immigration policy. They're, Haiti is at a state of chaos and you know, you have charlatans like the Clintons who have banked off of it for, for decades, yet they want to flee and try to get a better life and the federal government has its own or the people with it who run the federal government. Have their old motivations, I mean, do you turn them, do you, what do you do with these folks? It becomes a moral question at some point. And you can't necessarily just starve the beast except expect these people to go away. I mean, this is the deliver these communities are confronted with and they're getting no help, no help from their elected officials. We're right back. This is the Jet Force Show at FIT Talk, 106-5. I've lost the one thing, but it didn't matter that it never was. Don't you see I'm a dinosaur? I should have died out a long time before. Welcome back to the Jet Force Show at FIT Talk, 106-5. Thanks for staying with us on this Thursday morning. Text slide would be touched at the program, 2513430106, still a call on the program about an hour from now from Alabama today, our Thursday regular April, Marie Fogel, and then at the 11 o'clock hour, Attorney General Steve Marshall will be with us, so please make sure you stay tuned for that. Joining us now on the line, I want to get him on, just kind of get update, and he represents the people up in Talladega County near Sillacauga, around Sillacauga, Ben Robbins, State Representative Ben Robbins. Representative, good morning, how are you? I'm great. How are you? Doing well, doing well. Thank you for coming on. We do appreciate it. Well, you've been very, very proactive here. There's a resettlement underway, and we've seen it throughout the state, unlike Albert Mill, where they've had to deal with immigrants coming in and the assimilation and everything. This is something relatively new, but kind of give us a lay of the land, the way you understand things, and we've seen the news reports, but there's a lot of confusion out there. There is a lot of confusion, and I appreciate you saying I've been proactive. I think my constituents really just want to know some answers on this, and that's what's the struggle is our federal government is completely, their immigration policy is just so completely inept that what we believe would be basic questions that should be easily answered or unanswerable. It seems like how did they end up here? The federal government has no idea, and talking to some of the Haitian immigrants, I think that they are being promised jobs and opportunities, and maybe some false promises to get on vans is what it seems like, instead of buses from the description, the way they describe how they got here. To me, it sounds more like a van than a bus, but they don't know the term "van," apparently they'll say the bus, they'll describe a van, and are showing up in our communities without these jobs and opportunities that they were promised. It's creating a bad environment, not just for our community, but also for the immigrant themselves, and they don't need to be in silicaga. They don't need to be in Alberville. They need to be in other places, or in Haiti with their families, because these are not good conditions that they're living in here. As a concern it seems, and you look at it, is a community really prepared for something like this? There's the language barrier, there's also the infrastructure dealing with that. The available housing, for example, we do not have the resources period. South County has not had a residential development, housing development in 40 years, basically. There were some in the early 2000s, but we're having the very first housing development built since the recession in South County. We have a housing shortage. We have no one that speaks French Creole, Haitian Creole in this community. There's just an impossibility to provide or to assist, even if you wanted to. Even if you were a few of them go to the Baptist Church, First Baptist Church in silicaga, even if you were saying, "Oh, we want to help you and provide you the food and help you." You couldn't even communicate with them on learning what they need or how you want to help them. It's just we can't provide these services, we can't help, and we don't have the resources to even help them. It makes no sense to bring them here, and it is, again, it's just a complete failure of our federal government in knowing how many immigrants are here in America, where they are and where they are going. It's creating a silicaga, is Alberville, is Athens, is every small town in America is going to be dealing with this issue and having to face it because our federal government is allowing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people in with no monitoring and right for human trafficking and other issues that come along with that. It seems to be this that, let's say, at some point that the federal government does step in and help, but then it just becomes a dependency. You still don't really have a good answer for where are these people going to work, what does our health care look like, what is their education that they have kids. You have a lot of still unanswered things. If the federal government comes in with, you know, money or resources or whatever, it's just creating this federal government dependency for the local community. Oh, in no way am I arguing with that. I think that you are completely correct. The government is so big, it has created a problem that is now causing local communities to have to look to them to solve because of our federal government dependency. Yes, I think you're right. What happens to the person that comes to the country with no language skills, only Creole speaking abilities is in America with no job and no ability to find a job, what happens? They end up on government assistance, maybe right now some of them are not on government assistance because they don't know English to know who to talk to you on how to get those programs. But eventually they will be on government assistance because we simply don't have, when I use the term resources, I'm talking about houses, jobs, everything. I mean, we don't have a large poultry plant here. So there is a finite number of jobs and there are more Haitians coming than there are jobs available. So what happens to someone that is unemployed with no skills and no ability to provide? They end up on the government role and then our community will also end up on the government role and our state will further rely on federal assistance. So it is a bad environment, it's chaos created by the federal government at the top down. That's the problem though, we don't know, like, it's in the shroud of mystery here. Why Silicon, why Talladega County, what is going on here, how is this, why did they just look at a map of Alabama to start throwing darts? Or is there something there that's used to be the unresolved issue? Well, I know for a fact, I'm talking, you know, I'm doing everything I can to try to figure out these questions. Like, I mean, I'm going to the Haitians where they live and saying, talk to me, tell me what, why you're here, I'm talking to people that, anybody can. And I know for a fact that, you know, they are, our community cannot handle this. We have, it's unfair to Talladega County and it's unfair to the immigrants to what's happened. You know, it's unfair to say, get on, get in this van or get in this bus. Here's a sheet of paper with four people that might employ you and go ask them for a job. That is what the federal government is doing. They're allowing that type of system to happen. And that is just completely, I mean, we can't, and then you get here and those four places aren't hiring. So now what happens, it is just a terrible situation. And I think that talking to several of the legislators that are dealing with this, we're going to have to do everything we can in the state legislature to create some laws to try to prevent this flow in the state of Alabama because we don't want our communities dependent on the federal government and we don't want large numbers of unemployed people with low skill and an ability to communicate coming into our communities. It's just, it's not good for anybody. I'm joined by state representative, Ben Roberts here on the program from Silicon Cargotale, Diego County, representative, we, hearing this and I don't know if you can speak on this that the federal government's kind of using these dog governmental organizations, these NGOs as a pass through, sometimes they are faith based, you have any sense of that going on? Yeah, I mean, I think that what you've seen is massive fraud and issues from these NGOs. I mean, what is happening is it is, there's just greed. These NGOs are getting money through grants and other ways to help using air quotes, help Haitians and all they're doing is giving them a sheet of paper that says here take go to, go apply these four places and they're ending up basically in the arms of people that have no concern for them and are in essence, trafficking them from point A to point B and squeezing money out of the immigrant at every turn and every corner and it's just, I cannot understand how toxic it is, how terrible it is to the, to our community and the immigrant and these NGOs and our federal government are just watching it happen and completely okay with it. And we're pumping, our federal government is pumping money as pumping a lot of money into a system that is over, just overriding our local communities and just really being a unjust, unfair system to everybody. Some of these immigrants should not be here, they most of them should not be here and they're led here really by our federal government on false promises. What are you here at, I guess so we're at the state level here, the governor, last time we talked you said they've been very, very helpful, so still we made the case. Yeah, I mean everybody, everybody is concerned about this issue and everybody wants to know more answers, but because of the ineptitude and that ineptitude causing such chaos that homeland security and our federal government, it's hard to get answers, but everybody is working on this issue because of all, because of the strain it's putting on our local communities, the human trafficking that's happening, the drugs that can be coming here, it's all a toxic environment that we want to try to prevent from happening in Alabama and we've got to get to the bottom of it so we can create legislation that would curb this tide. Well, let me ask you about that, I mean, obviously immigration, Alabama said to learn the hard way over the years as a federal issue, what can the state do if anything to try to curb this, representative, looks like we may have lost representative, yeah, we may have lost representative Roberts there, 2513430106, that's the text slide, if you want to be in touch with the program, I'll see, do we have you now, there we go, we dropped, yeah, I'm back. My question was before we dropped, it was, why can't the state do, I guess at the legislative level, like what laws could they pass because as we know, I mean, Alabama's tried this before and they've kind of run afoul of the federal government with passing immigration laws or code or whatever, what do you think you can do there at that level? I think there are several things we can do, yes, immigration itself is a federal issue and the supremacy clause of the Constitution means that federal laws supersede state law, so anything that time directly to immigration is a federal issue, however, when you come in under the CHNV program, and this is something that we're looking into, when you come under the CHNV program, you have a sponsor, that sponsor is supposed to provide you with transitions with job placement, language skills, all of those services, if those sponsors are failing and dumping them on us, I think those sponsors owe our community and our state money for the failure that they did as a sponsor, and that's not a federal issue, that's just saying, hey, we spent X number of dollars, here's your invoice that you pay us for your failure to do what you were supposed to do, I also think there's some things we can do in terms of how basically what the, if you are hiring a C11 employee, which would be a CHNV employee, you must notify that you've hired one, and that way at least the state could monitor, but I think that today we've got to tighten up some of our, we've done a lot in the last few years, but we really need to probably exercise and use the laws that we have in the books concerning human trafficking, and I think that if we do that, because I believe that is happening here, talking to some of the Haitians, that if we were able to do that and the threat of the human trafficking prosecutions, I think that these people would say we're not going to bring them to Alabama anymore, because we're concerned about that, we'll go to another state, not that I want them in America, but I don't want them in Alabama, so I think that we have laws in our books, and we can strengthen some of our laws, but we could also use them that we have currently on the books. You could use them as a deterrent, the hassle, make it much more of a hassle, right, where okay, maybe Alabama's not the place we want to do this, yeah, if I'm concerned I might get prosecuted for human trafficking, or I'm going to have to register with the state that I'm a sponsor, and then I might have to pay some bill to the state, no, just go to Indiana, go here, don't send me out about I don't want that hassle is possible, and so I think that we do have some laws in the books that could be deterrents, and we do have laws in books that, and I think laws currently in the books, but laws we need to strengthen that could really go at some of the people that are doing bad things that are mixed in with the immigrant population. Representative, we'll leave it there, but thanks for hopping on, I think you added a lot, we do appreciate you coming on, we'll just, oh no problem, thank you so much for the time. Hey, thanks for coming on, we got to get a break of your guys, we'll be right back, this is the Jeff Moore Show, on FM Talk 1065. Hello, thanks for coming on FM Talk 1065. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Show, on FM Talk 1065, 55 minutes after the hour, 55 1343 0106 April, coming up in the next hour, so please stay tuned for that, Michael, the NGOs are raking in billions from the feds for transporting and setting up the aliens, that may not be the only reason, but it's a major part of why they're doing it. That's what, I mean, Representative Robinson, these NGOs are making bank off of this through grants and are not really fulfilling their obligations, which, and they're doing it in the name of the Lord, I mean, you know, these faith-based ones are the ones I keep, the ones that I keep getting sense stuff about. There's one in Birmingham, Lutheran, and there's one in Huntsville, Catholic. So, I don't know, I mean, you know, those are the two that keep coming up from a lot of elected officials too, and I will try to figure it out. I'll see here, any texture, just something you should know about Haitians is the practice of Centerea, our layman's church voodoo, it is counterproductive sacrifice, dollars cast, chickens and other animals to the gods. The practice, the practice continues in Haiti throughout the Caribbean and other areas in Central America, and we're told like this isn't happening. We're told that, you know, just, just, it's racist even suggests that. If it's going on, I mean, here's, here's the thing, like we were treated like children during COVID, we were treated like children during the Hunter Biden laptop escapade, and the media say these things was certainly just because they are deferential to these local government officials, and there's no critical analysis whatsoever here. And that's why I'm skeptical that, because they just say it outright, I saw one headline today that somebody has taken these billboards that Chick-fil-A does and say eat more chicken as cows climbing up on it. And it's like eat more chicken, but it's cats and vote Republican fit the media are having a meltdown. But there's no way, it's just this is false, this is not true. Well, how do you know oh, by the way, I'm quite in California sure it was a major one. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte show that if had talked with us 65. And bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach and all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics, it's the Jeff Porte show. Talked about in nine five this afternoon so that has taken us on the road away from the Fairhold Bureau. They're very comfortable Fairhold Bureau, by the way, but we're here and thrilled to be here, I suppose coming up on the program at about a half hour April Murray Fogle from Alabama today, our Thursday regular and in the 11 o'clock hour, Attorney General Steve Marshall will be with us please stay right where you are to be typed 2513430106. Would it be a touch with the program? Anybody have any fallout from this tropical storm that passed through what schools being got yesterday, they called school out early, you know, I just, we live in a different time, don't we? How many of you, you know, growing up here, it used to be this. I used to like beg for school to be closed early, oh, you know, go at home early, there was always something sort of magic about that, right? That Bernie came when I grew up with snow here, it's obviously tropical weather and there are times in my life when we lived a year two here and there in places where you'd have a hurricane where it'll be South Carolina, live there for a while, limited sibs in the early eighties, kinda in the aftermath of the Frederick situation and people would go, people, you know, it would take a lot to rattle people and for the local officials to cancel school but now with the threat of just a thunderstorm, school's out early today and I, you know, society getting softer, more litigious, I don't know what's behind that. Let's see here, what else we got going on? Well, really the biggest story to stay right now is it's Haiti, Haiti, Haiti, Haiti, immigrants. It's all tied to the obviously the presidential election, which there's a bunch of different things going on in the presidential election. I still personally feel like it's trending in Trump's direction. I mean, you know, these things are going to have ebbs and flows, but there's a lot of things to see that kind of watch, watch people's behavior, particularly the media and the stories that they choose to run and because because the media, I mean, you just, we have to see the media to the Democratic Party and they may try to do it in a nonchalant way, but they're not really fooling anybody. And you'll know if Trump's the favorite of Harris is the favorite based upon what stories you see in your local news cast, even your local news cast because a lot of what the local news does is they bring in stories are, you know, that they incorporate stories in their package with national angles. Let's get some text out of the way here because we've got a bunch of Leo nursing illegal. This is the cloud pivot strategy to overload welfare system, think of Democrat Paul says it's replacement theory. And a texture, you ask why maybe the virtues are all right, again, it's the cloud or pivot strategy to overload the system so that it becomes unsustainable and remake it a new. Well, I ask why, why target certain places, I don't why it's happening, but why are we selecting silica? Why are we select? I mean, Albert Mill and Athens make subsets to some degree, but now it just seems we're picking places at random. We the government, I should say, but a texture asked why they don't ship them to blue and Atlanta. It's a short bus trip. Terry investigate these NGOs on a texture. Why is anybody on welfare at album? If we continue, if we have to bring people in from other countries, Clark, Clark, I tell you though, I don't. We have a low labor participation rate. We really, really do. And that's why. I mean, some of it is that you look around these in these places in the industries, but people just it's true. They don't want to work there. Well, if I'm running a business and I have a problem getting labor, I'm going to have to like charge more and pay more and if people won't pay more for my product, then I'm going to have to go out of business. So what's happening is it's just a market driven thing is the, you know, these companies are looking around and trying to figure out what they can do, but they're being enabled by federal government policy. Meanwhile we do have people in the state who have been here for generations who aren't going to work. You can't make people work, but you can make your life a little harder if they make the decision not to work. Why make their life easier? Gee, it was really funny with the San Francisco City immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. So now it's not so funny. Well, I tell you the difference here is the people at Martha's Vineyard are the ones who are sharing this policy on. They're the ones who claimed that, you know, Martha's Vineyard is, they claim it's a sanctuary island or city or whatever. The elite who are forcing this immigration policy, honest, gee, they vacationed at Martha's Vineyard and all you need to know is this when they did send those immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, there was a collective freak out. They called it a national guard immediately for like what 15, 20 immigrants, a couple of plate loads. And it was to highlight the hypocrisy. They don't want that in their, their little enclave gene. These elitist Democrats. This is where Obama, the Kennedy's, you go up and down the list there where they vacationed over the years. And it's a Hollywood, it's, it's an odd clay for those people who cheer on this policy. It's, it's good enough for the, but not for me. And that was the point. And in this case, the V is the silicon, the people in silicaga. Why, why wouldn't they locate these Haitian migrants to Martha's Vineyard and tuck it? One of these blue little enclaves, island paradises where people, they can't, where people suffer. Cape God, wherever, but they, they don't. They, they, they go after Russellville. They go after Athens. They go after Albertville. John, the media are being more divisive than any presidential candidate our president has ever been. Tim, Jeff, you opened your box today. I am house I grew up in. I had turned an old bedroom into a radio studio. It's a thing, Tim. I run a website called 18 19 news, 18 19 It's a statewide website. I've chosen my parts to be fair hope. But there are, you know, when you run a statewide website, it covers news from Huntsville mobile from, you know, well, you know, the, for bucks pockets, the shores of ours, me, you do have to get out about Alabama. So it just helps to have a couple of home bases where you could sort of, we're not running up big major hotel bills on a texture. You're correct about so much of a fart of a storm and our area panics local city officials over reacting, afraid of lawsuits. That's all I could figure. Um, everybody talks about being school buses and the buses needed to get to Children at home. But I mean, I wrote school buses. Not a concern back then. In fact, the school building itself was a more of a reliable structure. It's especially like when there was a high risk of tornado, then the home. But I don't get it. I mean, they're, it's, it's almost a little too willing to pull the trigger or calling off school as a somebody just needs a day off sometimes, but Daniel says my kids get out two times a month for something. Any texture Jeff, how can you even begin to believe what Kamala say? She is not a moderate. She has been an extreme liberal her entire life. She is surely lying about her positions. Biden Biden has, Biden read as a moderate. I don't think we know what she is. I'll say this about Kamala Harris. I think she was just whatever she she says, whatever she has to say to get to where she needs to be. I don't think she has necessarily an ideological core. That'll think she's a right wager at all. I think she probably leads left. And I believe this about dancing Pelosi as well. There's a difference between like Pelosi and Harris versus say like the real true believers, AOC, Bernie Sanders and so on that they're just, there's people who just want to have the power. So they say what they need to say to get the votes versus the people who really believe this stuff and get elected or trying to do it. I don't say that's necessarily what Kamala Harris is, but it sure seems that way, right? Did she say what she needed to say to try to win a presidential nomination on the Democratic Party and now she's a nominee and she's backing off all these positions. She's backing off her fracking position. She's backing off her her, her transgender surgery position. She's backing off these far left low policies and trying to moderate. And I mean, that suggests something here. That suggests that there is an opportunistic kind of vibe to her candidacies. So I don't really honestly don't know if she is a shameless, woke lefty or she's a douse. He's a right way conservative, but I bet if you put Kamala Harris, he had Alabama and she were to run. I bet suddenly she'd be fighting religion and like Tea Party conservatism. I mean, there's just people like that. We'll see whatever they need to say. Text slide 2513430106, we got a bunch more to get to. I have been just kind of dragging my heels on these. I'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show, and you're sitting at the table. There'll be time and love to come when the dealing's done. Every camera knows that the secret is. It's midnight in my gong. Just hear that with the wind. See the stars out of the purple sky. Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show at Epitoc 4065. Thank you for staying with us on this Thursday morning. We do appreciate the April. We focal up in the next segment. Also in the program, Steve Marshall, attorney general. That's at the 11 o'clock hour. Terry. I like how cat eating Haitians pushed the story. The b-malls administration ethical issues off the air. I don't know that they're just the ethical issues. As soon as you're referred to the VA, Terry, but the thing about it is it's her prerogative. She's the governor. Now we can disagree and we can criticize her. Is it unethical? I think it's a bit of a stretch. She made a decision that she wants to go in this direction with this opioid settlement and these other ARPA funds or whatever it is. She doesn't like the direction of the current VA commissioner. We elect her. She appoints a board to select the commissioner. That's how it is. That's sort of the social contract here. Is it corrupt? I don't know. We don't know that it is. We need to be careful there. If it's unethical. Here's the thing about it, Terry. You can disagree with this as well. Dave has filed an ethics complaint. It was deemed to be frivolous by the ethics commission. There's a lot of problems with the ethics commission, but that's sort of the system we have. That's the problem. That's the struggle, but I'm going to tell you this, the VA story is important, but it doesn't, to me, at least as far as this Haitian resellment stuff goes, it pales a comparison. This is the federal government trying to undermine your community, your local community. It appears they're trying to create a federal government dependency. They're trying to undermine the county government. They're trying to undermine the finances of your local governments. This is happening in Alabama and we have no say over it. Nobody has any say over it. You put on top of this is such a big presidential election cycle issue is going on right here. Terry, I just, as a, as a somebody who curates a website that does state news, nothing's bigger right now. And a teacher, Jeff, a joy to show, I think the reason is a thumb of the eye for Alabama and if they send them to New York and becomes a big national story, but it won't be a national news story in lovely Alabama, they don't like us. Probably an element of truth to that. Martin, my other thing is bringing in those immigrants is continued systematic, jumping down of America. Well, the texture seems like the jobs Americans don't want to do with pay better in Martha's Vineyard. Fire dog, not only does Martha's Vineyard not want immigrants, they also have the Massachusetts delegation continually deny putting offshore wind farms. So Bob is having to put those off a red state beaches, but put them near his house. No way Pat. These kids aren't really already useful. Well, you know what? Anyway, might as well let them stay home. And then finally, Barry, Jeff, I'm not sure the using the term correctly, because you call Kamala political agnostic. We don't know that agnostic suggest, uh, suggest that you like just not really a skeptic, but probably not really like agnosticism. I think I think she's a liberal. I believe that I believe she has liberal tendencies. Is she really the true believer or she just an establishment Democrat? I think she's just establishment Democrat pursuing power. And she'll say whatever she needs to do to get elected. We're back this is the Jeff or show it at the top with our six five from New York to Los Angeles. Kind of making small talk killing time flirting with the fire. Oh, can this really be the end of the distance out of the movie with the Memphis games. Welcome back to the Jeff or show of the talk. One oh six five 34 minutes after the hour on this Thursday morning. Text me to five one three four three zero one zero six and we'll get to those over the next few segments. Still come on to program about an hour from now. Our state attorney general Steve Marshall will join the program. So please stay right where you are. But now it's time for our Thursday regular. Uh, she yells from Alabama today, April, worry, Fogle, April, we're good morning. How are you? Good morning. Great to talk to you. I'm a little concerned. We we're talking about this as the Haitians in Silicon or dangerously close to where my dog is living. Well, we're told that we're told April, Marie, that that is that is fixed shed that never happened. That's something but racism, racism, racism, racism. They're like, look, if I was an alien that I landed here on planet earth and knowing what the definition of race is so I get to get to a barrier Webster dictionary about what racism is. And then it says, you know, whatever, but then somebody tells me that my suggestion a group of people will try to eat or sacrifice your dog or cat is racist. I would know, I mean, the media to me, the reaction tells you everything you need to know about this situation. That's really bizarre because the you would think that the media would either just let it go or work harder to actually make it a story instead of making us a bad guy for it. What I know is that I could totally see this as a reason Kamala Harris loses the election if you've got when they start to showing proof of, you know, Fido being eaten by people she's let across the border. She's, you know, the thing is she's not going to touch this one. She just rolls her eyes with Trump brought it up. But I'm telling you that this, I think just by base of the media reaction and they're they're treating it kind of like a hunter lap top, hunter by laptop thing or some kind of COVID thing. I mean, their, their knee jerk reaction is there's no critical analysis here. It's just, that's not true. That's not true. That's not true. They're playing defense. And that tells you all you need to know that this, they know that if this does catch on and this gets traction, it is a loser for the Democrat on the ballot. And that's why they are batting it down like they are just just an absolute deference to one city manager in Springfield, Ohio that this isn't going on. There's nobody on the ground there. You know, there's nobody like looking into this and trying to debunk it. It's just, no, we decided this is not true. Let's move on. Yeah, I'm a little creeped out. So yesterday I heard, you know, of course everybody heard prior to the debate and then it got brought up again at the debate and then JD got asked about it. So the new one is just research. And what I found is that there is a portion of the Haitian community that is that does do, do including animal sacrifices. And then there's other instances in which so in some parts, it could be religious. And then some parts, it's just a lack of resources and they just don't give it to us about the fact that we have made, you know, these animals domesticated. Some of them not necessarily the one that ducks in the swans and the geese in the lakes. But it's a rather freaking creepy. It goes to show that that rather than, you know, going out there like, you know, journalists used to do and pounding the payment and getting the story. They want to hunt her by the light papa. That's what it feels like. It's like, that's not true. We called a city manager. Well, like, that's not quite good enough. But you know, you know, like when Trump was president and they decide what would they ever just call a Trump administration official and go on whatever they were told by that person. And so that is such weak sauce and they ought to be called out for it. And they ought to be embarrassed to like even suggest that. But but what the thing is, like, every, I saw a headline this morning that just it declared that, you know, any, any, that billboard where they've taken the Chick-fil-A, you know, when they have the cows, the eat more chicken and then they, well, they've taken cats and replaced the cows or cats to put up, eat more chicken at the bottom. It says vote Republican and the like local TV station news at Huntsville or something's like false billboards showing up around Ohio. Well, how do you know it's false? Like, I'm not saying it's true, but you don't know that it's not true. You're just making this declaration based on your, you know, you did that because one person somewhere said so and therefore we're gone with that. It's, it's a little bit of wish casting here. It's what it is. It is the, it's the media showing that when they have an agenda, the truth doesn't matter. If there was, I mean, think about the RFK stuff. Now, RFK, you talk about his, his little weirdness around animals publicly. But the meaning of what nuts for it. I mean, the RFK stories in terms of him, you know, hitting the, was it a bear and leaving in in the park and then him doing something else, these things were all over the news for a couple of days. This, the media is like, no, no, we shall kill this story. We shall kill this story now, but in journalism, it says in couches or something, right? Like just they don't, they, they, they're not quick to debug something like that. But they are very quick to debug this, which tells you guys everything that you need to know about what just terrified of this narrative. Let's look up Haitian vidu and animal sacrifices. It's a thing that happens and it's a thing that, that journalists prior to all the Haitians being here, journalists have covered in the past. The rituals, I'm looking at right now, I'm looking right now at a story on slate about it. And so yes, this is a real thing. And again, not, it's not just one religion, migrants coming over. But I'm going to say, I don't really want animal sacrifices by even, you know, three to five percent. I'm going to prefer they keep that somewhere else. Well, we bring in these alien cultures. And I mean, they, they bring in their, I mean, ultimately, historically, patients do assimilate really well, but it takes some time. They assimilate much better than other Hispanic or, well, they're not really Hispanic, but they, they do assimilate to American culture over time. But the initial light drop off or whatever you want to call it, the starting point, you still got to deal with French Creole. You still got to deal with these sort of antiquated obscure customs that they bring with them. You know, like, those are, those are problems that are posed to these communities. No one seems to really, no, no one seems to be really concerned with that, at least in the mainstream media. It's, it's creepy. It's weird. And, and denying it doesn't do anybody any good. I just actually texted you a, the slight article I was talking about where it says, you know, it's not widely practiced, but the journalists saw it, the did witness and document animal sacrifices. Well, that's enough for me to say, yeah, there are people in these communities. And by the way, what we're seeing, or we're seeing large numbers, big inflexes of people compared to the communities they're being brought into. Alabama, Silicon is not a grown much rockless. Silicon is not, you know, Huntsville, Mobile, Birmingham. And they're, they're taking people and putting them into these small communities that do not have the resources to handle even the general cultural changes that are being brought. Well, here's the mystery. And I, I mean, my mobile audience is probably getting a little fed up with our silica, a discussion, but the mystery is as such. We know, we, we have it documented three places in this state where they are dropping off these Haitian migrants. It's, it's, as we were talking about, Silicon and Talladega County, we know what's going on in Marshall County at Albertville. We know what's going on in Athens, a lifestyle county, kind of a better community of, of Huntsville. What we don't understand is this. We know that there's a chicken devoting plan, I think, or something like that is that there's work for them in Athens. There's the poultry processing that goes on in Marshall County. That's why Boaz and Albertville are so Hispanic and this has been a longstanding thing for the last 20 years, but we have no idea, no idea why silica, that's the mystery. Like we see where you could draw these migrants and their cheap labor, but the mystery is this. And this is what's the crazy thing about the story is why did they pick this place out of the where they throwing darts at a map? Like, what is going on here? Why did they pick this place? That's the question we can't really figure out. Well, why did they pick this place and what's next, right? People on mobile might not care that much about people going to silica, but they will if they show up in Fair Hope, they will if they show up in, you know, in a suburb around that area. And so I think we should all be concerned because, you know, there are so many things going on with the, these NGOs and these non, these nonprofit and church groups, placing it huge. And it starts as a few busloads. And then you end up Ohio where you're being just inundated, you're overwhelmed right over to the thousands, the governor in Ohio, things are to the point where he's had to call it a National Guard guys. I mean, this is not, this is a real thing going on. He's not just like flexing his political muscles. Mike DeWine is not a, a, a, a Trumpy and kind of figure in Ohio politics. He is a Republican, but he is a very, very establishment Republican and he's called it a National Guard because there's actual chaos in the streets, you know, Haitians driving to have no idea how to drive. It is just somebody's got to be there to restore law and order because the local officials are overwhelmed. So what, you know, we're like, we're gonna see those kinds of numbers as they are at Springfield, Ohio, but you're right. Like does this become more of a draw over time? Oh, it's, um, and you've got churches, by the way, in Silicon, Alabama, this, there's a new story on the pastor starting to learn Haitian Creole together. And again, you're not doing that for a bus or two buses. Somebody somewhere knows exactly how many they're going to be bringing in and it's going to be a lot. Well, that's the thing. And then where else do they go? And I, I, I saw that about the first Baptist church in silicago. Look, my, my struggle is with this, like, I think that's just a church doing a godly Christian thing. Okay. They're not maybe necessarily, um, we can't, you can't just turn your back on humanity. They're trying to do the right thing, even though these are unwanted visitors or unwanted guests to your community. They're, they're trying to be, uh, you know, show them away or whatever and bring them to, uh, to their faith and which I think is remarkable. So what, I mean, like, that's the question, if this is your community, April, Marie, and you're sitting there and you're seeing these people being dropped off, you don't necessarily want to encourage it, but you want to do the right things where I, you know, and I know these churches said these missionaries to Haiti and they may be having better understanding of the culture of the language and so on and so forth. Maybe there's a, you know, something you could excuse there, if you will. Well, and I think that the part of it that worries me is you look at what happened, say, when, um, when DeSantis busts people, um, into which, which are places. It almost immediately where they like, nope, we're going to put them on buses and send them somewhere else. We're not welcoming them or, and, and, and not in a, although I thought it was mean and I thought it was quite hypocritical, the fact of the matter was they were like, nope, not happening in our backyard. Um, and that is with people opening, using, you know, open arms to welcome them, our churches, I'm not saying be mean to them, but I'm saying, what ends up happening when the person who is coordinating says, look, look, it's all kind of Alabama. Look what they've done there. Alabama's incredibly welcoming for these people. They've given them, you know, everything brings it more of this, it brings it more of this, but it brings it more. You and I thankfully are like a church clergy, okay, because that would be problematic, but if you are, if you are a pastor of a church, I, I don't really take issue with this at all. I mean, I think they're just, they're trying to do the right thing. They're trying to live by the word and they're trying to offer like a, you know, like charitable love there to these, these Haitians. But look, we as such we are clergy and we, it's government policy that is making this possible, that is making this happen. They're not concerned about the government policy. They are just concerned about doing, you know, what they feel they're instructed to do. It's up to us. It's up to people like us to say, what the heck is going on here? Like, why, why is our federal government? Why is a government for by and of the people doing this, undermining these local communities? And we've seen this happen in other states where the governors have to get involved, where we're, you know, law enforcement law enforcement involved. There has to be someone who puts their foot down and says, we're not going to accept this. We are going to maybe the Biden, the Biden Harris administration doesn't want to respect boundaries and borders, but we're not going to allow this within our state minds. And in a game, the church, the church is doing what the church does. The rest of us, we have responsibility to. Where's the governor? What have we heard from governor Ivy about this problem? I don't think I have. I have, I have seen others and I'm hoping that when you speak to Marshall today, you get a little bit of insight on this. I mean, she and I don't have something they can do. The governor, I mean, I don't text like we used to these days. But, Hey, why don't you text Matt Murphy and Matt Murphy can text her? Just catch her. We've taught Stacy. Yeah, it's probably better taught Stacy these days. But, but like, yeah, I think that like some are now our congressional, some of our congressional delegation, Congressman Hunter Holt and Congressman Strong up in North Alabama have it spoken out. I believe Mike Rogers has so cognizant his district. I haven't heard much of him, but maybe that's to come. But I do think it's incumbent upon these these kind of elected officials, especially at the federal level. Tommy Tuber realist, the lead in 18, 19 news right now is spoken out against it. I think they need to be taken to lead here and I would throw in the governor. And as you said, maybe the lieutenant governor, the attorney general. Yeah, they in getting on it before people get the wrong idea. And I look, I'm all for everybody. You know, I think every every individual matters. But we've as long as we've got homeless veterans and we've got kids who are going without food and we've got all the things we are problems we already have in our state currently, we don't have the ability to be taking in Asian refugees or other refugees at this moment. And not in this long, not in this big influx. April Marie, we appreciate your time. We'll talk again soon. Talk soon. Take care. April, we focus on we got to get a break here. We'll be right back. This is FIT Talk. What else is five? It's where I drank my first beer. It's where I found Jesus. We're in my first car. I tore it all to pieces. I learned the benefits. What am I supposed to jump for? Show it up and talk for those six five. Hey, just staying with us on this Thursday morning. One more hour to go come up here when it's Steve Marshall, our attorney general joining us 251340106. That's the text slide. Will you get the? Will you ask the AG to update us on the AMIS fund issue a time permitting? Yes, absolutely. Fire dog. I went to KFC and sacrificed an entire chicken. It was finger looking good. And then finally, we got Michael here. The NGOs like Catholic churches are making billions from feds for transporting and setting up aliens. That may not be the only reason, but it's a major part of why they're doing it. Well, I I know that we'd be careful here and like castes kind of like aspersions or castes and motivations or whatever on these NGOs, particularly the faith-based ones, as if like they're just wrecking in cash and didn't. What are they doing with it? But I think it's it's more this, Mike. There's these sponsors out there who take it or are taking on these responsibilities in these communities and they're safe. Yeah, I could I could find these guys work. Yeah, I could find these guys a place to live. And maybe these NGOs are are is going from, you know, Biden administration to these NGOs who are recruiting these sponsors and they're not fulfilling their into the bargain. They're taking the money. I mean, there's all it's it's almost as if it's a like a legalized version or form of human trafficking. Texts like 2513430106, if you want to weigh in on any of this. But the idea here is this and like I said, these these are the telltale signs of what's going on in our presidential politics, not just as being used as the issue of the media or freaking out. But if you're the Biden administration and you're you want a Democrat to win that next cycle, why are you doing this right now? What why are you running this hurry up offense to get these Haitians relocated? Pick that up on the other side. This is the Jet Force show. What if it thought one oh six five and there's from Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think this way. Welcome back to the Jet Force show that the talk one oh six five out over three begins right now in about 30 minutes from now. We'll hear from a turtle Steve Marshall. So please stay right where you are. In the meantime, get in touch with the program two five one three four three zero one zero six. That's the best way to do so. Let us know whatever it is. It's on your mind and I will in a very impromptu basis, almost improvisational formulator response to whatever it is you say. So keep them covered. We do appreciate the feedback. A few things here. Obviously we're presidential election egg. Something I brought up earlier in the program talking about this tropical storm it came through or I guess it was a hurricane at one point since downgraded to a tropical depression. Just how soft I think we've got all these things. The hint of rain causes us to shut down essential services or not so essential services, I guess. And what do y'all think of that? Am I crazy to have noticed this tread? Something has really been bothering me. This is as good as he time to bring it up. You watch Major League Baseball. And I heard a PSA earlier and this sort of triggered this response from me for the High School Athletic Association. And if you watch Major League Baseball behind home plate sometimes you'll see the he gets us and it's supposed to tell you not to boo the umpires. They're humans too. They have feelings too. What I don't like about it is it's doing this in the name of the Christian faith which is fine. The part in it assumes that all baseball fans show up at the stadium to boo the umpires is sort of assuming the worst at us. Like yes, he gets us too though. Like we're not we're not just a bunch of people going to baseball games to vent our hatred but but that whole campaign is predicated on this that there is so much hate in society and we just need to we need to roll. We need to stop dropping a roll here, get in our knees and pray. But it assumes that all of us out here that there's so much of the hate is in society which I don't think is true at all. And it's assuming the worst of humanity. So much so much of this left week philosophy is that it assumes the worst of people. The the hate stuff we've been talking about all morning. The reaction is it isn't it isn't based on anything this rational or you know pragmatic or you know it's it's all just emotionally driven hate and it's all it's all tied to Donald Trump or something. You can't be upset about what's going on in your community. But but next time you see one of those ads like say if you those of you who watch major league baseball, you'll see it when the cameras fixed on the batter and behind home plate they they figured out how to like green screen advertising in on that shot. And one of the advertisers is that he gets us campaign, which I think is like some kind of left wing ideology masquerading is Christian theology. But the problem I have with it is not that we shouldn't boo or yell pejartives at a umpire or whatever because they get the calls wrong, but you shouldn't do that anyway. What's assuming that you you great unwashed you rubes you the you just just hateful mass of humanity that goes to your baseball cave and eat your grubby little hot dog and your cracker jacks drinking your like make a little bolt or beer. You're you're just you're not capable of like taking time. You need you need Jesus in your life or you're gonna yell like you're gonna call an umpire at a hole or something. It assumes the worst in people. And in some ways it's like they they are the people who are thinking of these ideas are worse than the people they're trying to message two five one three four three zero one zero six. I don't know where that came from, but like every time I see that, I'm like, you know that you just you're sending this message to people and you're trying to tell us that like we're bad or something that we we need. We need to be reminded that if you really if you really love Jesus that you need not to boo the refs or whatever is that what people do. They go to baseball games. They don't go to tomahawk chop. They don't they don't go to uh to to drink uh copious amounts of alcohol and uh seeing uh do the seventh inning stretch or whatever. They go to boo the umpires. Also, as I said in the last segment, headed into the segment, there's a rush underway to get people that these Haitians settled in a lot of places around the country. Now we know about it in Alabama, we've been talking about it at Nazib. We also know about it on a much grander scale in Springfield, Ohio. And you may ask yourself, well, is the Biden administration trying to blow this for Kamala Harris? Are they trying to do this? Because the more these stories start circulating, the worse it looks for the Biden Harris administration and the worse it looks for them is the worse it's going to be for her presidential possibilities. So you ask yourself, like, well, then why are we doing this this way? Why wouldn't they wait until after the election? And the answer is simple. They think they're going to lose. Are they're worried that if they do lose, there's this there's this problem they're not going to be able to solve between November six and January 20th. So there's this hurry up office underway to get these people settled and established in these communities. That's what it seems like is going on here. They're up against the clock. They think that Trump's probably going to win. And if he wins. This CHN V program, DC 11 visas, all of this stuff that's really kind of the the product of executive fiat will go away with the new president. But we saw with the court, remember what Trump his first day issued all these executive orders and then like right away the lawsuits and the stays and the liberal courts, the knife circuit and so on and so forth. They they they challenged all these executive orders. Well, the Biden administration knows that they can get to that if they can just get to that point. The Trump will rescind these orders, but these got to have to deal with the judiciary and they can go judge shopping and they'll sue in San Francisco. We know that this record, it's liberal or it'll sue in DC. They'll still find a place to sue where the judge is going to go along with it. And then that appeals court, the same thing will happen. It has to work itself up all the way to the Supreme Court from Supreme Court says, what are you guys doing at the lower courts? The president has this authority. He is the president. What is this? They throw it out, they say the president was right all along. But by that point, it's like 2027 or something. That's that's kind of what's going on here. It looks like. Oh, let's see here. I need texture. Hey, Jeff, these busters, they could travel around and help towns like Farrow get rid of their foul problem. I need texture to kind of the church is the worst. All they want to do is ruin the world. So they're the ones doing it. And all Haitians should be kicked out of the country. They're the worst. That sounds a little. I'm not. I don't think so. 850 area code. Uh, any texture, mom, all governor Ivy, better to Claire. Okay. Fash it. Fash some Jose Panama, Alabama. I don't know. I guess I don't really get what you're saying there. Fire dog. Hey, up. I got your cell phone. You've been missing calls. No, he gets us. Fire dog. Why am I getting all these text about the Mabel Amos case? Any texture this rate, one more generation and the white race will be the minority. Then on a texture Haitians, no, it's not just starting. The program has been ongoing for years. No, but there is, let's listen on the texture. There is a hurry up going out here. There is a hurry up on the resettlement. So this isn't just like, oh, we just noticed this in a presidential election cycle. This may have been going on for years, but not at this rate. Uh, Bob for fully. I need a chance to do, see the ad for earrings that are actually earbuds. They hook on your ear lobe, but they're actually earbuds and they match the ones Kamala had during the debate. I mean, like, so what if she did? I don't think that that's the case. But if she's using like earbuds or AirPods or whatever earrings like she's James Bond or something, her performance was not very good. I think she could fake her way through a debate about as well as anybody probably. I just don't think she has a good work ethic. I don't. I think that's why she wasn't a nominee in 2020. I think that she's just refusing. It's not her campaign trying to protect her. It's just there's no desire there. She doesn't want to be the one. She doesn't want to have to work to be president. She just wants to be appointed president. And there's, I guess, like an establishment Democrat. They going on here was like, okay, we can't have Biden. We got to have you. Whatever it takes. Just do what you got to do. Because she really, really, really, really wanted to be president. She looked more like Hillary Clinton. She may win it this way. I don't, I think it makes it much harder for her to win. But watch this guys. If she does sort of pick it up and start doing more interviews and more appearances that tells you, I think that they know that they are needed to make up some ground. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porchow on FIT Talk, one of six, five. Yeah. Yeah. I throw away the blues. We're calling it. I can't walk out. Because I love it too much baby. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchow on FIT Talk, one of six, five, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, uh, Steve Marshall. Coming up in the next segment, a program we know tomorrow on the program, Todd Stacey, Alabama, daily news and state Senator Chris Elliott, our returning champion. He'll be with us. So please make sure that you tune in for that. The way of any textures. Yes. We rock and roll. Oh, Gene, Mike Johnson is too busy talking to far right Tony Perkins. That must be why he does a time to do his job and keep the government open. Well, Gina, let's have a listen to before you hear. So there's Mike Johnson in the house. There's Chuck Schumer in the Senate, Democrat, and there is Joe Biden in the White House, uh, Democrat. Maybe Joe Biden has been too busy laying out at the beach and we're by home with beach Delaware to keep the government open. Just going to throw that out there. Uh, rock and roll doctor, ambulances out the yiddie egg, undercover cop cars, all heads on deck. There's something extremely problematic and fully high school right now. Sheriff's Gulf Shores, Foley, Summerdale, Roberts, Dale cops all there behind Walmart. If anybody's got any news about what's going on there, fully high school was Texas two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, David chief and Foley. The reason for the hurry up off a hurry up is if they lose, it will be harder for Congress, Trump, or whoever else to remove and deport these illegals since they have a job and a place to live. Well, it was sort of. So the, the, this program, the CH and V program right now, a lot of the way it's being administered is based on executive orders from the Biden administration. I think even some of the day back to the Obama administration, to be honest. So it's anticipated Trump wins. He will rescind all these executive orders. And he's did this Haitian resettlement stuff will end. So that's happens then. What do you do if you're, you already got to deport these guys or whatever. Well, somebody will run them down to federal court file lawsuit to judge their issue of stay. And then this will never be fully adjudicated. It'll take years. And by that time, these people are kind of locked in place and life moves on. Natalie takes again. Someone pulled a gun during a fight at Foley high school. It's been an hour now. Everyone is okay as of now. Ah, let's see here. This is from the intrepid Erica Thomas parents. This morning at Foley high school was placed on lockdown, Floyd police along with Baldwin County Sheriff's Department responded to campuses bid secured and all students are safe. Please do not attempt to approach the campus until we have removed the security perimeter. We will provide additional information before dude. I want to like, that's easy to say. That was a father. It's, it's like this. Oh, there's somebody running around campus with a gun at my child's school. Do you not think that I'm a, what do you think I'm going to do? What are you going to do? Nothing to see here. Everything will be fine. I'm in panic mode. I absolutely terrified. Really take a chance to have my child shot. What do you would say to them? I'd be lighting at the Foley right now if I'm a parent. And I'm also like looking into the school choice program or something. No, I don't know. It's that would be probably the additional reaction Natalie. I don't know, but our falling county school officials. But it's a much easier to say that, I guess. Saying it through the email seems a little impersonal. But anyway, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. So suddenly they got the situation under control. Their prayers are with whoever. If you have any family or loved ones that are attending fully high schooled out there, but suddenly the situation is wrong. So what are your control? Text live once you get two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, we're right back. This is effing talk. One of six, five. What's wrong with me? Because I know I need my wrist, but I'm not going to stay about now and sleep all day. Ain't it my best? Hey, yes, we are beard takers. Yes, we are hill raisers. People get out of our way wherever we go. We go. Come and do your life like I do every night from the heart of your rainy old. I play a little sad and I play a lot of play. And if you want to change the song, there's open. Welcome back to the Jet Force show. I've been talking for those six, five. Thanks for staying with us on this Thursday morning. What's left of it? Real quick update from Natalie here. My daughter is there. I am scared, but my husband is there too. He's a law enforcement officer, so I know he will take care of business and said that his her daughter just texted her from fully high school. They'll let the kids go home early. So apparently someone pulled a gun during a fight at fully high school. And that's why there is that situation. But it sounds like everything is locked down and taken care of. Joining us now on the line here, always a pleasure to bring on our attorney general here at Alabama. Steve Marshall general. Good morning, are you? I'm doing well, Jeff and sad to hear that situation in Foley. But one of the things that we probably don't talk about enough is the work that we do at the AG's office to promote school safety and like SRO's being present in the schools, I think are tremendously helpful. Schools planning for events like this are obviously critically important. But nobody likes to hear that news. So I hope things are going well down there. I don't even know like how I would react that we're my child's school. God, you know, like I'd be lighting it there. But you know, that's just the impulsive nature of a parent, I suppose. Anyway, on to other news, general, are you tracking this, this like Haitian resettlement stuff we're hearing about around the state, different places? I think Athens, Albertville, now, Silicon, even some rumblings about Franklin County and Russellville. What do you make of all this? Yeah, I think it continues to kind of to blossom as far as what we're hearing. Like you, as you know, I'm from Marshall County. And so definitely familiar because I was up there just recently where people informed me a little bit about what was going on, you know, followed the news relating to the bus and what that meant. And at least have some clarity around it. But yet it's that broader issue, though, that I think that Americans have been struggling with and concerned about for quite some time. And that is this increased flow across the borders, whether they are rolled through a program that's being used in an improper way, whether they are seeking asylum, as we understand the many of the Haitians are. I mean, this is a significant issue. And not only as involves communities understanding what it means for public safety, but this is a great strain on public resources. I mean, you saw the news just yesterday of where the governor of Ohio is having to expend $2.5 million for a local county in Ohio to deal with the services that are just needed to try to deal with a population that is struggling to get acclimated into this country. And so, yeah, we are definitely learning more every day being in touch with some of our federal partners to understand a little bit about why. But it's a legitimate concern. And I think it's something that people need to be paying attention to. So you're getting some answers from the federal government. That's used to be one of the complaints here from the congressional delegation and from I think even at state level that they're not really getting any response from the federal government. Yeah, I don't know that we're getting satisfactory answers, but we're at least been given some understanding as the vehicle through which particularly the Haitian community are arriving. And that's really more than asylum and parole than it is, say illegally crossing across the poorest border in Mexico. But in and of itself, you know, we have fought, I mean, almost just since day one of the Biden administration, multiple efforts they've had around immigration clearly going beyond the bounds of programs that were established by Congress, exceeding the authority has been given to them to make decisions that they are not lawfully entitled to do. But yet it doesn't mean that we don't recognize and see the need to be able to continue to be aggressive on that front. This is where elections matter. And to the extent that we didn't understand it completely, I think the debate showed it again the other night where you have a declared candidate for president who said that she wanted to not only encourage illegal immigration, but also, you know, provide gender changing surgeries for those who have come into this country lawfully. I mean, the insanity of that should not be surprising when we see what's going on in the number of people that have come into this country. Well, not just this episode with the Haitians, but just in general, it does appear rather intentionally or not intentionally that they're undermining a lot of local communities, particularly in some rural areas. Does the state of Alabama have any recourse with the federal? Can they can they sue the federal government or can they what can they do to question some of this policy that's leading to this that's putting a new burden on the state of Alabama? Yeah, some of the things that we've been proactive in multiple cases across the country, not just with me as the AG from Alabama, but AGs across the country. I mean, you saw, I think, AGs were the first to call for me orcas's impeachment, just because he's been such a failure in this job. But the other thing that we know and here's the reality is that you saw Scott Beeson several years ago lead a charge in Alabama to have a very aggressive bill that became the law of the land to give greater authority at the local level to deal with immigration issues. And that was struck down by the 11th Circuit. Now, there's small pieces of that that are still in play. E-Verify remains at least a tool that can be used. But the problem that we face at a state level is that immigration is generally by the course been declared the domain of the federal government and not state governments. And it hampers our ability to do things at a state level. It doesn't mean that at a local level, we can't evaluate the businesses are there and what's attracting individuals to certain communities. But at a state level, it becomes much more difficult. Now, the other thing you're hearing from a lot of different places, these, these NGOs operating within the state of Alabama, and we had Ben Robbins on, he's a law baker and he didn't really have much good to say about these NGOs. But they're operating within the state here. Are they, tell me, are they under your jurisdiction? I mean, I don't know if they're operating illegally or not, but it would seem that if you so desired, there would be some scrutiny there. Yeah, the NGOs generically are not necessarily going to be something that that we have authority over and out to the extent that you're a charity in Alabama, you actually have to register whatever your purpose may be. But it doesn't give us, you know, significant oversight over their daily actions as much as ensuring that they're not, for example, masquerading as a nonprofit and instead they are a for profit organization. But to the extent that they are engaged in illegal activity, it does give law enforcement an opportunity to be able to weigh in. But their advocacy efforts and their interaction with others is really not something that we have an opportunity to be able to just create time. Generally, the title night fight and you're having to challenge us in the court. Now you've got some relief here in Alabama from what the Biden administration wants to do, kind of update us on that and your progress there. Yeah, really pleased with what's going on there. Just a circle back just real quickly on the immigration side. You know, the SAVE Act remains something out there that Congress ought to pass. And when we talk about, you know, issues that both parties ought to be able to support, that's ensuring your assistance in this country to be able to vote and giving our election officials access to appropriate data to be able to confirm it. So let me just throw that out. There's one last thing that Congress can do to be able to help here despite the pushback of the Democrats in this administration. But, you know, very pleased that that every appellate court now that has been able to consider this idea of gender identity becoming part of the definition of sex, which allows Alabama's law relating to boys playing as boys and girls playing as girls in sports, which would open up the bathroom doors of girls locker rooms to those claiming to be women that impact our men. Really pleased that that we've been able to not only in all of the red states that have been engaged in this litigation to be able to put that rule on hold. But uniquely, I think we ought to celebrate the efforts of people like moms for liberty that have weighed in to give relief in blue states that don't want to fight this principal fight. And so I think, you know, collectively, you talked about sort of NGOs earlier and really the nonprofit side. This is one where we've been able to see tremendous success by the litigation efforts of those that are just not standing in the role like me as Attorney General, but also have members associations across the country that are adversely impacted by this as well. And so I think it's a great success story about where we are. And we see that this case is going to continue to kind of make its way through the courts. I think it's a case. The United States Supreme Court will eventually have to deal with. But the good thing is that as in this regulation and others that are coming at the last minute from the Biden administration, one of the important roles that AGs can play is to be able to stop those unlawful actions that they're making, put those on hold, not allow them to become the law of the land. So this is not another impediment that the Trump administration will face when they come into office in January. Well, let me ask you that. So, so let's say that the the Trump emerges victorious in November, and he resets some of this title guide, this executive interpretation of it or whatever, where does this, where does this litigation, where does this suit go from that point forward? Does it just get dismissed? Or do we get like a finality to it where we have this question answered once and for all? Yeah, I think it becomes moot. And we'd go back to the rule that the Trump administration passed, which was common sense, recognized what we all understand to be who is a man and who is a woman and allows Title IX to do the things that it's appropriately doing. But it can have multiple effects. You and I've talked a lot about the work that we've done to push back against the craziness of gender affirming care where kids are being used as experiments for the woke crowd. You know, you've got a case currently pending in the United States Supreme Court that's been taken there by the Department of Justice challenging the work that was done in Tennessee that mirrors Alabama's law. Trump comes in January, they have the ability to tell the Supreme Court that they're changing positions and at that case becomes moot. So there's a myriad of areas that we have the opportunity by our votes in November to have a course correction very quickly. And then there's some regulations that have come into play that are going to take the work of Trump and his team to be able to get those reversed. But it's look, it's no different than when President Trump came in after the Obama administration. There was years of work that had to go into changing the course, the regulatory course of where the prior administration has taken it. But the good thing is we've had multiple wins, not only on the gender side of the house, but we've also seen it all many of the energy issues that impact, you know, the pocketbooks of Alabamians that we're going to allow this administration to bring common sense approaches that protect citizens but also regulate it at an appropriate level. Joe Biden, I'm attorney Gerald Steve Marshall here on the program, a moving right along gambling and your office has been involved in busting up some of these speakeasy behind the scenes, I don't see casinos, but slot machines or whatever to see big old parlors or whatever they want to call them. You're taking kind of more of an active role, it seems maybe, or maybe, I mean, I don't know, that's just my perception that you're seeing more of these situations where you have to go in and handle business where maybe perhaps, you know, the local law enforcement isn't or hasn't for whatever reason, is that sort of a trend? Do you expect to see more of that in the future? Well, actually, Jeff, I'd flip it a little bit on what you said, what has actually been really successful, and I think we've talked about this from the very beginning, is that when you have local law enforcement willing to partner and do the work, we're able to stop these illegal operations, it had a great partnership with the sheriff in Dallas County for the recent efforts that you saw in Selma to shut down, I think it was six different facilities that were there, they were operating illegally, it shows that local efforts can work, I think saw an operation recently in Gadsden that was done to be able to shut down some operations that were there, what would help is if we had increased penalties to be able to convince those that would do this, that this is something that they would face significant punishment, if, in fact, they wanted to continue with that, because right now, I don't think they see the risk when it's only a misdemeanor for which they can be charged, but it does show that collaboratively, we have the ability to be successful about these operations, and we clearly are willing to do our part in making that happen. One more thing here, and we have a very competitive second congressional district election, I think it could come down to maybe a handful of votes, so when we talk about election integrity and it kind of gets brushed to the side because somebody of our elections at Alabama are going to are so one sided, we're kind of a one party state, but it seems like to me, like kind of more than ever, this is going to be like, it's going to be important to make sure there's nothing nefarious or untoward going on, and we have now have laws on the books, right? After last year, what do you see that playing out? I know you've had a at least one circumstance with a county commissioner candidate trying to use the absentee balloting process. Do you feel like you're in a good place to enforce this new law? We do. Now, of course, there's a challenge to that law, which we are defending in federal court, but right now I feel very good about our opportunity to be able to move forward with it to the extent there violations between now and November, but Jeff, I think significant praise needs to be given to our Secretary of State. I think Secretary Allen is doing multiple proactive things to be able to show Alabama is that gold standard for elections ought to be about, but it's also why it's important to have eyes on what's going on locally to be able to share that information, if in fact there's concerns that things are happening unlawfully, and the Secretary of State's office has been a terrific partner in sharing information that we have the ability then to investigate and see whether or not we can prove. I think the prosecution that's going on right now in our outside of Birmingham is an example of that, but yet we won't be surprised if we see others moving forward. Yeah, and this is I guess the last question we're wrapping up here though, it's this isn't really a this this law the books wasn't a solution looking for a problem that we do know or we do think that this is going on a little more that maybe people are aware of. Yeah, I mean Clay County is that perfect example. And a race that was was not too separating the two parties it was close and particularly and I think you've highlighted I think the second congressional district is the most competitive race that we have out there, you know, two or three votes and every precinct are going to go a long way in determining who is the eventual winner in that race. And so I think every vote is important. Every vote matters. The Alabama legislature is spoken very strongly about whether or not ballot harvesting is going to be allowed in Alabama. And they've said no, and we need to make sure in cooperation with with our partners that we enforce that law if we see that there's a violation. So yeah, I think it was definitely something that was going on. And now we have the opportunity to make it stop. General, you're always very generous with your time. Hopefully you get you on soon. But I think you can for making time for this program. Thank you, Jeff. All right, that was turning Gerald Steve Marshall there. We'll be right back. This is Jeff Porchola. If I'm talking about those six, five and five. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I hear you singing in the wire. I can hear you through the line. And it's just all I know. It's still on the line. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchola. If you talk with us, six, five days are staying with us. So what's the left of this Thursday morning? Let's see community that's want to be structural laws or Steve Marshall's answer to everything but gun violence. The difference is we have a second amendment community that's want to be that prevents a lot of these stupid gun laws from being constitutional. And that's that's the problem. So, sorry to write on your parade there. Gary asked his Alabama sanctuary state and Ricky says, Jeff, we live in a communist country where government controls the media. Big pharma controls our lifestyle Catholicism, not Catholic, but it's not Christian. Well, Ricky, take a day off. Uh, enough of that. Coming up tomorrow, Todd Stacy, Alabama Daily News and State Senator Chris Elliott. Please make sure you two day cut up here shortly. Big day, Bo Bill, Sean, what you got for today? I don't know how to react here. The Ricky brought the heat here. The talk to the office and anti Catholicism, man. We don't have to take Ricky serious. That's the number one rule to Jeff Porchola. We take it literally not seriously, but seriously, not literal nor literally door seriously. Hey, let me ask you something. The we're getting soft, aren't we with the school cancellations? Okay, so this came up a little bit on yesterday's show for me. I wonder how much we're getting and true. It seems soft, but I wonder how much of that is based on liability. You know, I do think it's soft. I think, uh, you know, everything closes when the wind blows, you know, more than 10 miles an hour. At the same time, is it this, you know, is there some history of, well, if school is in and then, you know, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are taking the kid to school and there's an accident, then they're going to say, wow, we wouldn't have had the accident if it wasn't for school being in. How do we do it for all these years? Probably less litigation. I don't know. I'm just trying to, I'm with you. I think we are getting I think they're using it as excuses to do what we don't want to get sued as a day. We didn't get another day off, but that's just going to be going to school until like until end of June. Yeah. All right. Well, I got to get out of here. It has been a pleasure. I will try to do better tomorrow. Sorry, Thomas. What's again? I forgot to say goodbye. This has been the jump for show. I'm from talk one oh, six five. This is where the cowboy rides away. [Music]