FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Rob Holbert from Lagniappe talked about Hurricanes - IVEY vs VA - Jeff Poor Debate - Mobile Mornings - Thursday 9-12-24.

Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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news sports weather from Dr. Bill Williams traffic info from cane and one of the Gulf Coast most familiar voices it's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton our wig good morning from Dan adult and if I'm talking one oh six five mobile mornings at about seven minutes after eight o'clock now the storm has kind of come and gone out it's curiously enough for parts of the panhandle much further to our east into the state of Georgia and almost out to the Atlantic believe it or not there's remnants of the tail to the storm yeah that's really affecting weather conditions in areas other than ours I'm seeing some peaks of sunshine here yeah that cat tail kind of whipping around and uh missing us or I guess we got the early portion of it overnight I guess things for us know kind of just a a light rain for much of yesterday afternoon and then into the evening and then I guess for me around nine ten o'clock is when things started to kind of pick up a little bit of course in Louisiana Francine made landfall as a category two like around a hundred mile an hour winds that was yesterday evening around six seven o'clock but it made landfall I know the um Morgan City um I don't know if he was I need to find this quote I was just reading it earlier um I don't know if he was the mayor or maybe in charge of emergency services there so it was a little stronger than they expected and they had to pull their trucks back to the barn basically and wait out the worst part of the storm before they could go out and help people except for extreme life threatening situations of course they they made attempts for those but yeah cat to made landfall downgraded to a tropical storm not long thereafter and then it's currently working its way through the northern part of Mississippi and then on and upward from there but yeah you're right that cat tail whipping around and punishing or was punishing earlier the panhandle and parts of southeast Alabama power outages Louisiana of course the worst with the power outages right now they have earlier it was closer to 500 000 without power now they're sitting at 383 000 without power in Louisiana. Mississippi has just over 61 000 currently without power and Bama at 14 000 and much of the Bama power outages on the western side of the state um mobile's numbers have been dropping all morning there's about almost 1500 that are without power right now in Mobile County Washington County has one person without power according to power outage US apologies to that one person Choctaw County sumpter but Jefferson County earlier had more power outages than Mobile County and that number has been dropping all morning as well so the biggest issue of course in Louisiana with the power outages and uh Aiden from citronal text then asked why are the license offices closed today that's because yesterday the city said that non-essential offices would be closed today they said due to potential severe weather from the remains of hurricane Francine that includes trash and garbage which i dutifully put my trash my uh my garbage out by the side of the road yesterday it should have been a hint to me that no one else had their garbage can and you know i do news so i should have known but i just wanted to make sure all my bases were covered there but if you think that it does the news so then you triggered everybody else probably rolling their garbage out there it's just uh old habit i guess and uh it worked out even worse for me because this morning i get out there and the lid had blown open so i was like uh now it's just it's full of garbage and water but uh yeah so i'll just i might might just keep it out there till saturday be that guy no i'll roll it back in love you'll get fined yeah that actually so uh one time i put trash out uh you know we have trash pickup every other friday in my neighborhood and they have the rules right that uh it can only be so high and you can't put it out further than 24 hours before trash pickup right well not everyone can get out on a thursday and especially if you have a lot of debris you're trying to put by the side of the road you know it's more of a weekend job for a lot of people so i put it out a little early i'm thinking what's the worst it can happen and then uh i get it was almost it's not really i guess it was a threat maybe more of a warning i guess would be the technical term a picture of my house with the trash out in front like hey don't do this again uh you put this out like 72 hours early the trash by the side of the road you received the picture uh can't do they put it i can't remember if they put it in my uh mail box or taped it to my door or what but uh it was the city give me a good old warning hey don't put your trash by the side of the road to early we don't want this the old we're watching you buddy exactly right yeah it's like what trump says he did did to the uh taliban leader that one time so a picture of my house i'm like wow they're uh they're on top of this that was a couple years ago yeah after storms i think it uh they're they're lax on that yeah i think so yeah this was not storm related or if it was it was me many weeks or months afterwards finally taking care of business and dragging it to the side of the road but uh yeah aden i'm not sure i would guess the reasoning for canceling or uh closing offices before the storm rolls through is because well what it's an overnight storm like it seems every one we've had lately is that they just don't have the time the following morning to uh get those decisions out to the folks who would need to know you know some people are traveling long ways to get to work and they don't know what those road conditions will look like so just out of an abundance of caution they do that but we've seen plenty of times where schools close or city offices closed and then there wasn't really after all i said i had much reason to do so exactly and probably this the the difference where the opposite is true in the panhandle right now where they probably were expecting nothing mm-hmm from this and now they're they're probably closing some offices because of this storms are so bad by the way you have a rat in the neighborhood pat writes in on the text line the only reason they sent you a picture is because a neighbor called on you oh so it's not like they're their omnipresent that uh they're spying on you on all of us no no you got to get ratted out by somebody in the in the neighborhood all right yeah i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to start putting some spies out there but uh you know the good thing about my neighborhood uh i guess it's good and bad if there's rats out there but uh a lot of folks who don't work they're past the age of working anymore and so they keep their eye close on those things but that also means if uh if anyone's doing anything uh uh dangerous or uh you know trying to break into homes or something there's plenty of people in my neighborhood who uh would see that happen rat them out but yeah thanks pat i didn't think i didn't even think that uh there might be a rat in the neighborhood i just assumed the city of mobile was riding around doing their due diligence on the trash pick yeah that's what i would have guessed but no no no it's a neighbor it's somebody right next to somebody in your circle of trust uh by the way dink says you can call and they will pick up uh any day for 35 bucks interesting i didn't know that now i'm not paying for it but yeah that's a uh good idea uh then uh let's see here a lot of Frederick texts this morning so 45 years since hurricane Frederick made landfall today i was not around back in 1979 but many of you were uh KCC texted in Frederick was by far the worst hurricane i ever saw or have seen since i was working at the hospital and required to stay in that night my family had decided not to come into the hospital but stayed in our home down on the east side of fair hope i was released from the hospital around seven that morning to go see how my family fared as i left the hospital and uh there were no trees standing uh all the leaves let's see with leaves all there were no trees standing with leaves all trees had been stripped down of small limbs and leaves were standing like long tall toothpicks the other thing was that all the trees had fallen east to west therefore i had smooth sailing traveling until i tried to turn left to get into my area there were no roads i could cross i had to walk the last two blocks i was frantic because my house was about a foot deep with fallen leaves and i was terrified of a fire have an old wood frame house it would have gone up like kindling we did survive people came in and brought chainsaws uh ice chests devices were a rarity we started clearing the way uh good techs their kcc uh we've had some tragic techs this morning as well yeah i don't want to drag the whole showdown but yeah there was loss of life um with fredrick um i mentioned the topping out of that new embassy suites down there in golf shores at the foot of 59 they were supposed to have a topping out ceremony yesterday it's it's massive but it's the frame the frame is built yeah i've been watching it go up but it's almost like like i let me compare it to the the the building down there by the uh core engineers so we saw the the framing go up and then of course it began to build it out where are they with that down there well they built it up as tall as it's going to go that's what the talking about they haven't built it out yet it's just the framing is as tall as it's going to be it's pretty i mean it's pretty wide they've done a lot there i don't know exactly where they stand on the the building of the entire thing it's not done it's not completed yet um eight stories tall it's going to be a convention center as well it's really kind of changing how everything looks down there at the foot of 59 i would think it'll be the first building now if you turn right on west beach boulevard once you get down there first building on your right right yes uh across from the um i can't even remember that new condo they put down there just across from hangout but uh yeah it's massive it's changing how things are looking down there uh on beach boulevard but uh you know top hearing about a topping out ceremony was news to me uh not to many of you of course jerry said the top-out celebration happens on most big jobs the iron workers usually put up an american flag when the last piece of iron is hung uh doesn't have meta says uh the topping out party on big buildings is a thing usually feed the whole site lunch so learned something new this morning uh with the topping out ceremonies which they didn't get to do yesterday because of uh preparation into the storm probably not today either because everything was canceled with the idea that the storm could possibly be worse today yeah i don't know i don't know uh down uh southern ballroom county whether they canceled city services or anything like that i haven't seen any notifications of that uh abby in midtown says good morning dan adult and i was six when frederick hit and we stayed in our house on dog river lost 150 trees in the yard kids in the neighborhood had fun and parents all got together to cook everything in the freezers no power for several weeks but generator kept us going um i guess my biggest power outages uh up in grove hill where of course uh katrina and then Ivan which Ivan i think september 16th anniversary yeah it's the uh top story at uh land yaps when we talked to rob about what's on in this edition of land yap uh remembrance of Ivan 20 years ago and you know it's gonna be uh new top of mind i was uh a kid then uh so i didn't put in the uh effort to i mean i helped but uh my dad and mom and uh just like so many other parents were the ones putting in the real effort to prepare and then uh after the storms hit trying to make sure everything but in that i guess somebody my best memories came from just living without power for i can't remember which one i think Ivan we were without power longer than we work at tree nine grove hill but uh that's a you know great family memories from that time i don't know if things would change now for kids uh if you get cell service they can basically watch whatever they want but back then and i'm just talking 0405 here you know you're out of power there's really not a whole lot you can do uh except play play games with the family and uh you know talk and so i remember having some fantastic memories or i do have fantastic memories from those times because you were how old then you were let's see 0405 i would have been uh uh 1213 so yeah actually you know you know with the putting the uh plywood up in the uh and the windows and everything like that i helped out but uh got the generator back then and uh still have that generator today by the way good memories and Ivan what i remember about Ivan was uh it was the year before Katrina and uh Pensacola was devastated by it also up i65 near Atmore and twisters broke out up there and just shaved all those trees all those pine trees you see on 65 when you're closer to uh the casino up that way uh devastated up there and i remember that somebody a friend and a colleague that i worked with would call us live from Pensacola uh that week in the morning and he would talk about what he saw and basically what he saw especially in downtown Pensacola was you you couldn't figure out where you were like wow you couldn't figure out which street you were on you would have to be it was it was difficult to understand exactly where you were things were so damaged in downtown Pensacola yeah and hearing dr bill talk about Frederick which he had just uh started his on air career he'd been a meteorologist before that but uh that they had to basically completely rebuild Mobius power grid yeah uh after Frederick um this texture said before Frederick hit we had a snake crawl up the siding on our front porch knew it was going to be bad when a snake was looking for a place to hide and uh damn Yankee has said if they had to rewire all of Mobius after Frederick why didn't they put the lines underground that technology has existed since the 50s yeah i'm not sure about that but uh keep those texts coming 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 this texture people that complain about not having power after a storm have no idea what it's like to be a week without water yeah we were after Frederick wow yeah we've had some hardships but i think Frederick was the the toughest of them all it's 620 with Dan and Dalton Mobius mornings and uh we'll continue to read some of those texts 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 also about Biden putting on the trump hat yesterday we'll talk about that good morning from Dan and Dalton 825 Mobius mornings what's going on oh a lot going on and uh plenty of text how by the way here my uh heard about the city giving me the warning for the trash outside of the road a little too early a couple years back he said to us here down on DIP the fact the city's enforcing trash laws seems like a fantasy we have 24 7 trash piles junk cars and blighted buildings calls to 311 do nothing well we're talking about hurricanes and power outages mr plot said yes we played games we did all sorts of thing stuffed ice in our underwear trying to keep cool the whole bit i do i do that regardless and does that on his walk everything yeah i mean if we're talking about temperatures hitting the mid 90s uh you know slide the ice in there with the partners and off off i go Chris orange beach hold on i'm gonna get on to this before i have any uh mental images uh says when Freddie came in i was 15 years old we lived in mobile midtown our house was destroyed uh our house at orange beach was gone my job every day for a month was to get a bag of ice it changed my life when one comes close now i do everything i can to get prepared i will not sleep again without air conditioning uh john ballroom county's growing like mad i wish i could teach mobile how to do that um okay uh cb carl says uh i did power distribution oh let's see i'll after frederick i'll ever forget going to my grandparents house in prichard on my way from New Orleans to our point to check out our family property the trees and prichard were broken off in a way that resembled pictures of the bombings in world war two i did power distribution in the battalion the size of a project like rewiring mobiles power distribution system underground would have left a lot of people in the dark for much longer than anyone would stand for and uh so keep those tasks coming two five one three four three zero one zero six an interesting thing happened yesterday uh of course nine eleven remembrances across the country but especially ground zero shanksville pennsylvania i'm not sure what they do over at the pentagon i'm sure there's something but uh you had biden uh harris trump jd vance all at the ground zero remembered ceremony yesterday uh trump and harris actually shaking hands there and then there were actually chance of trump down there too from the people who were in attendance uh biden went to shanksville afterwards met with several people there and uh they were in a firehouse and uh some old dudes who were not biden fans were there as well and really kind of given him the business it was it was it was good good nature to guess who would say but at some point the president probably was like okay comment yeah there was some ribbing going on and uh the trump one of them was wearing a trump hat and he was one of them that was needling biden somehow gets biden to put the trump hat on here's some of the audio from mother i need that hat so he's getting that hat from the guy 1 i don't know that's wrong yeah have the old port pin comes in no eating dogs and cats the president says referencing referencing a trump statement and uh the allegations of what's going on in ohio yeah a lot of old fart talk there uh he is not he didn't i guess he's still the president of united states to me he's transitioned into the grandpa old goofy guy old fart uh the trump supporter asked can you imagine just telling the president you're an old fart and he did he got said it twice he just couldn't quite hear yeah he's uh yeah ballsy i think to do that uh the supporter said do you remember your name says that to biden i mean he was all business this guy and uh it's just the funniest thing uh but uh biden said i don't remember my name i'm slow and that's when the trump backer said you're an old fart biden said i'm an old guy the man continued you're an old fart right he kept it up yeah biden said uh i know you would know about that and uh and then you have the hat thing where the guy said you want my autograph you might have heard it there biden said hell no and he puts the trump 24 hat i thought it was photoshop when i first saw this yeah footage yesterday there was another moment where he took a picture with the children that were in attendance there and at least half of them had trump 2024 shirts on it was uh he was he was going out of this you know it's 9/11 we were supposed to unite come together and biden did talk quite a bit about bipartisanship during this and i think he showed that although uh i bet the harris campaign not too happy to see biden wearing the trump hat and of course the trump campaign taking full advantage online that was the photo op they were hoping did not uh come out of shanksville that's having you're right yep eight thirty he's going to talk with rob holbert from land yap on the way good morning for dan adultin fm talk one of six five mobile mornings yes it's a thursday i mean it's time for uh our conversation with rob holbert land yap land yap mobile dot com good morning rob morning guys how are y'all hey we are doing uh great this morning all things considered looks like most of us made it out all right from the storm i guess we had a couple power lines maybe down here there a substantial water usual causeway closure but uh we're not in louisiana and that's where the worst of it happens so um and fittingly i guess this time of year you guys wrote about a hurricane this weekend land yap uh it's a good timing right yeah we we also had uh alicea in the office yesterday for our podcast so which was planned prior to this so you know he did it all worked out all synergy right yes exactly uh Ivan katrina came in we had put a giant five on the cover of the paper and that was not related to katrina at all it just happened to have a five on the seven when katrina came in wow what were the odds there that's something else strange yeah and then uh but you're talking about Ivan uh and uh we are talking about uh 20 years is the sixteenth that'll be the anniversary of Ivan today we've been talking a lot about frederick today the 45 year anniversary of that but i've been uh devastating in its own right yeah i mean Ivan was uh as i call it uh you know our biggest near miss because you know everybody remembers it was it was chugging straight up mobile bay and uh and then it just took that easterly turn which which really hammered our friends to the east a lot and uh you know along the alabama coast and it's a cola but it did i think kind of spare mobile a lot of a brunt of the storm yeah for a march standpoint you know all hurricanes are local right they're all they're all personal so it's like from our standpoint laying up was two years old and uh we were you know just scraping by and uh you know the the it the hurt as the city had gotten blown away by Ivan i think we did the gone so it's sort of from our from our standpoint that little jog was very fair and dipitous telling her not for others i had conversations with a colleague on the air when i was at uh i-heart at that time and he lived in pincicola and he was talking from downtown pincicola the morning and and maybe a couple of days after that and the whole neighborhood was pretty much unrecognizable to him rob as as in he didn't really have any perspective as where he was where exactly he was yeah he could walk a couple of blocks this way blocks were almost unrecognizable as being a block so uh that's how bad pincicola really got really got drilled with that yeah they they got nailed and it as did you know orange beach and all along the the beaches it just really really crushed them and um so we're you know looking back at uh talking to folks who remember it and just their their memories of what occurred back then so it's it's a good look back story at uh hurricanes on you know unfortunately if you put one in the on the cover of the paper they come i guess you know we need to we need to we need to have a rule that there's no hurricanes on the cover anymore yeah grand reopenings for piers and land yap covers those are the uh that's right the magnets the magnets uh let's talk about something we spent quite a bit of time on last week uh we were talking about the at the time governor ivy hadn't really gotten involved in this alabama va story where the commissioner of the va and land yap the first pretty much only to report on uh the initial part where he uh put a complaint into the ethics commission and said the department of mental health wasn't following through on a memorandum of agreement that they had with the va regarding seven million dollars in arpa funding um and he said it was because of a personal vendetta that he had a witness who saw the mental health uh deputy or commissioner or whatever title it was well commissioner um basically say that she had issues with kill patrick down here in mobile ethics commission threw it out and ivy at the time called it a frivolous complaint well after our discussion last week ivy got much much more involved uh and take it from there uh yeah so she um immediately uh you know following the dismissal of the of the uh complaints a day or two later turned around and removed john kilt patrick from the veterans board and claiming he was a distraction now and then uh called on kent davis this was so that was i guess last thursday called on kent davis to resign who he's the commissioner of the veterans administration um alabama department um and so he returned in return on friday said i'm not doing that so he had to be he's one of the situations where the board has to remove him they hire and fire him and so she sits on that board as the president of the board um and call the meeting which would have been on tuesday this week to try to get the votes to oust him and claiming that he had mismanaged this seven million dollars that they had made a mistake and almost cost the state the seven million dollars that to um for veterans which ironically didn't go for veterans at the end of the day it ended up being taken and put in other in other areas that so um i don't you know what she's talking about really didn't make a lot of sense in that regard but um and so he on monday he turned in his resignation so before the fight happened there it was supposed to be a big meeting on tuesday uh veterans were going up there to support him i thought it was going to be kind of a big show and for some reason which he has not explained yet um he hasn't talked to us he hasn't talked to anybody he decided to change he changed his mind and resigned um you know from my standpoint from what i see this looks a whole lot like ivy going after a whistleblower um now she's claiming that it was some sort of a financial issue although she didn't do anything about that financial issue in the marks prior you know this this thing happened months and months ago and she did nothing about it until after this complaint was filed so um you know it it stinks to me it seems to have and and it looks very very punitive yeah and uh he he called it a cordial meeting that they had monday uh emerald avis did uh dan and i were wondering what it was like in that meeting yeah i i'd i'd paid between five and seven dollars to have been there to have attended uh it's like you said i mean this looks looks bad especially with the way the ethics commission handled this and then especially ivy jump again and we've talked about her staying on the sidelines for so many different issues that have popped up regarding uh state employees you never see her do this you never see her jump in and raise kane and you could tell that she her she was peoed about all this she was really mad about it i think that you know kim balswell is is her on her cabinet somebody that she um really supports maybe even personally a friend i don't know that i've been told that i don't know that but the um but regardless you know i think it's the fact that she's at least a cabinet member in her you know in her administration um yeah it's highly unusual the ethics commission not unusual that they didn't do anything because they don't do anything and um and and to treat the a complaint made by the head of a com of a state agency as if it's like from some crackpot out there just turn uh complaints out and send them in is really you know it's it's a fine example of what is wrong with that organization and you know why when uh matt simpson was trying to overhaul it last year to legislate a little um everybody focused on what money you know it's it's the daily expenditures were going up and that kind of stuff that lobbyists could should spend with legislators and really nobody focused on what he was really trying to do which was revamp this the system which is completely broken and you know ivy still has two people on the on the ethics commission that there's two empty seats that she has pointed at any moment so she has she's got the whip hand over the commission the ethics chairman uh the ethics director rather tom all britain who we've talked about ad nauseam so i mean it this this is a this is where your corruption and alabama began and you know rob every but pretty much every veteran we've talked to backs davis and backs co-patric uh many say that the v_a_ wouldn't really doing anything until davis got in there and we've you know talked a lot about vet's recover and the work that co-patric has done to put that into uh service for our veterans uh are there other other players here in this game is it possible the state uh is playing favorites regarding who helps whom well that's the allegations i mean i think that's that's been you know allocation issues are always you know involved in this stuff and it has been the issue for quite some time that that all the point which handles um a lot of mental health stuff in this area really has pretty much monopoly on it um controls the 310 boards which distribute the money and there's a lot of complaints that hey you know they take they take the lion's share of money uh kill patric you know has has built this vet's recover um really out of force of will and done it and and it's you know it's something that uh we need in our community and it's really sad to see the governor coming down on him because he quote unquote is a distraction you know a distraction from what i don't know you know that it's not like the veterans board is in the news every other day the you know this is it's really just an issue it's a it's a it's a p.p and match you know as they say um it's trying to clean it up for radio but the um but you know that's uh that's what it is and it's you know she came out and and swung the hammer and said okay we're dropping it on these guys i think it's if we had a state where the attorney general would investigate things like this where the commission ethics mission would investigate things like this i think it would be this would be a much bigger story i think this is the hope that it just goes away yeah but it's similar a little bit to the city and prime well i mean yeah there's similarities there well i think yeah i mean it is there is some stuff there i think that are similar you know in terms of just how things are handled um behind the scenes and this i would i would love to know what was said to uh commission of Davis you know what he why he had such a 180 and about face you know why he did it but uh he did so you know i need and so far he's not talking about it so i mean not really in any in any real specifics just very general terms so i don't know you know whether there were threats or whether he just figured he couldn't win i don't know we'll see yeah we will see and we'll see in the pages of land yeah uh that's right we'll see in the page of land yeah we're kind of continuing we're going to continue to look into this and i mean i think it's a bigger story that it's something we want to figure out what is going on with some of this allocation what's happening and so i you know that's that's what we want to continue we're not just going to let it die because kiv managed to win this small battle we'd like to see what what's going on here well there's plenty more in the latest issue of land nap i hope tommy hicks and your high school reporters have dried their shoes out for tonight and tomorrow night's action after last week's very rainy games they'll be a little sloppy yeah yeah they do such a great job covering those and uh you guys covering everything else uh how can people pick up the latest issue on stands and uh better yet sign up online of course we're in the purple boxes all over the community but also you can go online at land at you can sign up for a subscription for a dollar for the first month six fifty a month after that it helps us do what we do but also if you're commitment phobic we have a day pass for just a dollar you don't have to it's nothing recurring you can come and you can read the paper if you need to read a story or two or whatever that you can just pay a buck and do it so that's something new that we're doing to help those who just don't want to get off the dime and and and subscribe well it's the one true all helps true news organization in Mobile in Baldwin County and I'm not trying to disparage what's done at the TV and even here at FM talk one oh six five but the way that you guys dig into things and make things uncomfortable for people and sometimes even for yourself trying to get to the truth yeah but to appreciate so much what you guys do because I think the community any community needs people looking looking at the big picture and trying to be fair about things but at the same time making organizations and people accountable and you guys do that well thank you guys thank you guys people a lot of folks on their on their heels as well so it's good to have people talking about these things otherwise we're just living in the dark you got a great weekend all right i've Rob Holbert land yet land yet mobile dot com coming back more mobile mornings on the way as we wrap up this Thursday edition of the show a 54 fb talk one oh six five mobile mornings segment brought to you by the great folks over at Tobias in calmer law and uh next week child passenger safety week something that Tobias and calmer in our station FM talk one oh six five take very seriously car crash is one of the leading causes of death for children under 14 many of those of course un preventable but many are and one of the main things you need to make sure you're taking care of are not only getting a car seat in there but the right kind of car seat you want to make sure for your child based on their age and size that you select the correct car seat and no matter how much they needle you yeah i'm getting bigger i'm old enough i can move on to the next nope they got it you got to keep them safe so uh until they're ready for that next stage whether they reach the height and weight requirements keeping the one that fits them and main thing here install that car seat correctly if it's your first child or maybe you're taking the grandkid for the weekend uh there's plenty of guides online to make sure you're doing it correctly some of these now have so many straps and and latches it's kind of overwhelming i can say that from experience but you can also take it the local you know fire departments and a lot of people will take care of that for you help you out that first time and register that car seat sign up for recalls you know if there's any issues with the device and it can get taken care of. Tobias and Comer Law wants to make sure you're aware and ready for child passenger safety week from car to boating accidents defective products to workplace accidents and maritime injuries Tobias and Comer Law has seen it all their website's great Tobias Comer Law dot com you can also call anytime of the day for a free consultation two five one four three two five zero zero one it's Tobias Comer Law dot com i'm not even going to try that first name i can't quite make it out but look at the Jeff's uh Jeff's guest today i know April Marie's coming on at 10 30 Ben Robbins state representatives join him in the uh first hour April Marie Fogle going back to back on FM talk one of six five she was on with Sean yesterday and then attorney general Steve Marshall who is here is there could be burning we're kind of sort of talking about yeah and uh he signed on to one of these other national lawsuits or maybe this one was just a uh nudge they they want to see uh some more stringent social media laws regarding children and aging Marshall taking part in that so i'm sure they'll discuss that uh as well uh the SpaceX private spacewalk went off they're walking around up there now not now they were earlier today i guess they had to delay it a few hours what is time and space what is time and space i'm serious that's a serious question okay even though it may not make any sense but so you well they're not going to like age faster well i'm the same with time is it you go up you so if you're way above the earth but you're above uh date in Ohio that is that eastern time yeah do they move with the times right depending on where they are i i don't know that's a great question any astronauts out there uh let us know 2513400106 does the clock on your cell automatically changed uh Jared Isaacman uh tech billionaire first ever civilian to start a spacewalk came around uh seven a.m. spacetime this morning you don't know what they use the eastern time for this instance uh popped out of the SpaceX crew dragon capsule you have to have something witty to say right i mean starting from the first walk on the moon small step man statement right and uh Isaacman had one ready i i think i'd probably be caught uh unaware up there i'd be like it looks it's pretty fun it's kind of scary uh pretty fun uh but Isaacman was much more prepared than i would be he said back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here earth sure looks like a perfect world oh nicely put on a trump hat no he didn't he was wearing a spacesuit couldn't be done uh after about 15 minutes outside Isaacman was replaced by Sarah uh SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis and then they passed it on to engineer Anna Menon and then uh former Air Force Thunderbirds pilot Scott Kid Poteet and uh streamed it all live on SpaceX so it looked like uh it was a it was a go and it went well for the first private spacewalk first time ever private citizens walking in space and they uh took the capsule yesterday i was going to keep the tabs on it higher than uh any astronaut has been since the Apollo missions 300 miles from earth can't remember what the exact number was but yeah i think it was uh quite a bit beyond 300 miles or maybe yeah right around that pretty cool now comes the next most dangerous part and that's bringing it back down right hmm and bringing it back down safely but interesting stuff i love this uh all this new space exploration we've been doing here lately still got two astronauts sitting up there minding their own business i think they're jealous jealous of the spacewalkers like why are they getting all their attention maybe they can see them from the ISS windows i don't know it's 859 jet pore shows on the way next