Tall Boy Radio

#TBR242 - Rarely Seen Residents of the UK

Cryptozoology. Cryptids. Beans and Gaz take a look at the UK's history of "mythical" beasts. Are they mythical or are they just yet to be fully discovered and understood. The Loch Ness Monster and the Beast of Bodmin are the two most prevalent examples but England has a fine history of hell hounds too. We look at the truth behind them and consider whether Vampires and Werewolves have their place in our history too.

But it's TBR so there's our trademarked (it's not actually TD's, lawyers!) Leffe turn as we consider the place of Aliens, Time travellers and of course Inter-Stellar Travel.

NB : We should have had a guest for this episode but they were unfortunately unavailable at the last minute.

The opening music is "London Bayou" by Oscar Albis Rodrigues and the closing music is "BDS" by Lewis Pickford.

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

[Music] welcome back to episode 242 of the tall boy radio podcast now if you're watching this on the live stream you're probably already aware that we are thorns guest tonight and hopefully she will join us but i'm going to suggest it's probably unlikely right now but that's okay it's okay we are going to be talking a little bit about cryptozoology and maybe maybe maybe after that because gaz and i know absolutely nothing about it we'll move on to something else now i was thinking about calling this episode fantastic beasts aware to find her but i can tell you where i can find one fantastic beast so he's doing yeah i'm good and and what an amazing little segue that was so thank you very much and i know it's good to be back obviously um both myself and Adam i've been on travels over the last sort of two or three weeks and um sort of um i miss being in um CBR HQ gutted really last week to to miss out with Vic um i did send a message while i was um on my hollybobs um but yeah um i was good to miss that but was really looking forward to this it's something that i know very little about um obviously when we saw us start talking about it it's something that you sort of everybody knows and will have heard but i don't think they will have heard about cryptozoology so they will have heard about possibly what the topic is but maybe not necessarily what the actual name scientific name for it which is um cryptozoology yeah indeed indeed so yeah like i said it's always frustrating if anybody out there does an independent podcast if you book somebody to turn up on the podcast you're laying your your you're laying yourself open really to to being let down i'm not suggesting that she's let's down but that's where we are it's just the two of us and you know when you think of it we're episode 242 and literally it's only about the fourth time this has ever happened so you know less than once a year we can't grumble of those odds but we can mumble instead and we can find our way through this subject and probably end up talking about something completely different as we always do so if we're going to look at cryptozoology or cryptids or you know i probably wouldn't have called a mythical beast if the guest was on because that would be a bit disrespectful something that they're interested in but the most famous one in the UK dude Loch Ness monster you visited Loch Ness something yeah i visited Loch Ness um a number years ago um sort of long story we were gonna um myself my my wife we we were sort of been in Scotland and we're gonna go for day trip and we sort of having to think about um visiting another lok um and it was absolutely hammering it down like literally like the weather was just like biblical sort of thing so i was like look i'm not gonna walk in around in there so we'll just go for a bit of a drive and we ended up heading out up towards like in Vanessa and obviously Loch Ness is quite a long drive and we ended up getting to Loch Ness visitor center which is towards the north shore of um the Loch and you go through typical facts you know there's more fresh water in Loch Ness than there is in the whole of England and Wales combining you think shit when you think of like old's water you think of all the lakes and all of that and you think fudge you know like that's a lot of water sort of thing and but it's a genuinely fact you know there's more fresh water in Loch Ness than the England and Wales combining you think of all the Norfolk roads and you think of like say just mind-blowing but i think it's the depth of it that's that's the issue and anyway so we've got to the Loch Ness visitor center it's about mostly getting off that path five or five and evening sort of thing i've been driving for orging miles on this road so they call it an a road with space like a single track road i think you've got like mountain on one side you've got road and then you've got like valley on the other and you think shit if this is like i see i'm dead sort of you you know and then uh strange story we went into visitor center they were like look you have to be quick because we are closing up it's about closing time all right okay for a go to this shop at the end and i bought a tiny little sort of window sticker like Loch Ness little green Loch Ness and i'm putting on my car but i carry it in my golf bag and it i've literally still got it in my golf bag and i go basically goes everywhere with me when i play golf and that's it it's like a genuine Loch Ness from the Loch Ness visitor center so didn't see the Loch Ness monster yeah no didn't unfortunately it was a locked out for it as it was driving you know looked out for it but didn't didn't quite see it um i mean i suppose you might be looking at Loch Ness great great great great great great great great grand grand kid as such but you know oh yeah unfortunately didn't see it but i look you know it's generated a lot of tourism and a lot of income foot for that region people go there specifically well i mean obviously you know if you've never been to Scotland you know the scenery is absolutely stunning but you would go to that place in particular because of the Loch Ness monster and it's anonymous with the Loch Ness monster and Nessie so um you know it has brought a lot of commerce to the local area and i suppose without that the local area wouldn't quite be as as affluent maybe as as it currently is so are you suggesting are you suggesting and that people continue to exploit the Loch Ness monster for financial gain of the area is that is that what you're alluding to there sir um i i don't know whether it's a exploit to think what's happening no look i don't know when i don't know the story but what i say no the story obviously back in the day whenever it was when the sketchy photographs first came out sort of thing obviously somebody saw something there's that very famous photo where you've got like the sort of curve bit i'm coming out of the sea and stuff and let's see coming out the Loch um sorry Scotland yeah apologies um so i i wonder whether or not you know genuinely whoever it was thought they saw something and in their own mind they would have genuinely thought they'd seen a a beast a a creature whatever do you think so or i mean it looks like a swimmer's arm okay you know it looks like a swimmer's arm coming out of the water are they exploiting the history of the Loch Ness monster goes about way way further than those photographs okay but the interesting thing is years and years and years we're talking about evil times yeah that's when they were first reporting the signs of a monster there but to be fair they were fighting dragons and stuff like that and then if you want to believe that kind of stuff yeah yeah we perhaps wouldn't have had this level of skepticism conversation would be completely different yeah we may have been a bit more respectful but then obviously years passed without there really being any sort of sightings or anything interesting about that was just tales just legends of this monster however when they started to build a road around it that's when the sightings came back now maybe it's because of passing traffic you know there's a lot of stories about like that water you know when the wind whips up on there you can really generate waves and stuff and it can look like potentially you are seeing something that is a monster something like a you know when you think like a plasiosaurus like a dinosaur you know yeah yeah yeah so that's where they came from so maybe just maybe it's a genuine photograph of what it's thought to be a monster or it's somebody who wants to exploit something and i've got a picture of monster actually it's a swimming arm but you say i was under the impression that almost that they've looked at that photo previously and and they've done you know that they've tried to use modern technology on that photo and they various people tried to debunk the fact that it's either just a swimmer's arm or it is in fact a mythical beast then you know depends on which side of this sort of um the scale you sit sort of thing is it is it a monster well people have said no because of this and this is it just a swimmer's arm no because it's too big and it's not right and you can't see whatever it may be you know so i think i think it's one of those things that are people exploiting it make i mean make maybe however when you take the lot less monster into context and you look at what other people are exploiting for for tourism and this that and the other then would you blame them you know um if you can provide a livelihood and a job and a you know a say a career but you know you can provide for that the local area local community and and you will get people visiting there you know we went down we i said we weren't going to go initially but we drove them all goes like this we'll go to business center we'll read all that necessary yeah so we went there okay slightly indirectly but we went there for that reason so people do to to go for that reason yeah so you know you were in that area you weren't planning on going there but it was a pull yeah only plan and you know it it was a oh it might be too far but then obviously started to piss it down and our original plan was like well actually you know we'll just drive a long lot less because even on the road you know you can still see the lock and and then as we got like say halfway up we were a bit like oh i'm absolutely going to the business center now let's have a look see what see what people have been saying you know read a bit about it but the history to the charge they could charge it to get anything yeah yeah so it's the making of the money yeah yeah and look look you know but again you know in in context there's lots of other places lots of other things that you'll see and go to and read about and i'm sure that if you went into you know you went into america and or canada and started looking for sasquatch or bigfoot which is something you know it's a similar sort of sort of you know myth i suppose there will be places in america that have the big four you know center or visitor center or this that you know so yeah and the mock man's another big one in america isn't it so yeah it's an interesting thought that you know we're being skeptical when we say it's a financial gain it might not be you know there might be a genuine belief there and let's face it there might be a genuine increase there i know they've done sonar radar and yeah on all sorts and then the pool of stuff there which was could have been a large shoulder fish but there was certainly something that's been been discovered i'm remembering back and maybe the late 80s early 90s you know when the technology was a bit prevalent where they they discovered something in there but couldn't categorically say what he was and you know you look at the picture and if you believe in that kind of stuff you would say that is maybe what it is if you were skeptical then yeah and look ultimately and and you talk about maybe you know it in a way it would have to be asexual reproduction unless it's 2000 years old or whatever it is you know unless there were two of them and then all of a sudden then you think well okay and then he's assuming it one's male and one's female and this that and the other and this you know whatever you're going to say then oh yeah you're right you're right to stop me but you know so look whether it was a shoal of fish or just a i don't know but i do remember there was you know like a kids program but that's a meeting and i'm not i'm going to say it's like Billy Peter but it probably wasn't that but they they did show like there's obviously the boats and they were just sending sonar down and they they trawled up and down the locks of that are you you know you remember that and i'm sure that that's some of that is still going on now but whether or not you know um if there is something there i don't believe there is but if there was i'm surprised it hasn't been found yet and that's the thing isn't it but again when you just when again you know really really valid point what you said right there at the start the body of water is vast massive yeah and more water in that in that one lock than there is in the whole of England and Wales like we said the latest is huge you've ever been to the lakes no vast amount of water there and that's that's mind-blowing i mean that and a lot a large part is because it is so deep isn't it yeah and and and you know for people that listen outside of the UK that perhaps don't know it it's quite thin it's very long but it's very thin it's not that can you stop it i just thought it's always joining now um so yeah you know the body of water is very is very long and but quite thin so from shore to shore sort of width it is not that i say not that far not that you'd expect from a big lock but that it's it's actually the depth of water and i don't know how deep it is but it's significantly deeper than than many many many others and and that's why it can hold that's why it holds basically so much water yeah that's mad that's mad the other the other creature then like you don't necessarily believe is that i would be skeptical i don't think i could rule it out you know but it was like to me it would have to be it would have to be a species of something yeah it can't be a one of for example i mean my logical scientific brain would be it can't just be a nessie no it would have to be a species of something now whether or not we would go down the river it would then have to be and as yet undefined unknown species new species look i'm not ruling that out but for me if there is something there it would have it would have to be a species of something and and therefore you know there's obviously effective generations of it i mean we as people not saying me and you necessarily i have a very limited knowledge of what is in sort of the depths of the water anyway at hamwood and there's no doubt species whether it's in that lock or in the sea or in oceans or what have you that we are already blissfully unaware of yeah something of that size which i would assume would also be predatory yeah it would be likely to be a carnival then you know again i find it difficult to believe that there wouldn't be something a little bit more concrete than you know the what we've seen is the odd questionable photograph you know if it was a carnival you would end up with and excuse the sort of the image now but you'd end up with like almost like washed up carcasses of other fish and this that and the other with huge great big jaw teeth marks or whatever you'd be like wow that's got to be something pretty sizable in order to to kill that or eat that or whatever you know so um as i say i'm not ruling it out um i mean you do turn around and is it people say that we know more about space than we do about the depths of the oceans or whatever and you look at the mariana trench and all of that which is you know deep deep enough to hold the mountain Everest in it and all of that so you know we're constantly finding new species and stuff that previously undiscovered but a lock in the middle of scotland i'm skeptical if i'm honest yeah i think you're probably right to be but there is that sort of common theme that whenever these creatures are thought to roam it's in areas which aren't particularly well populated other than like just like say the mothman you know there's the stories of them appearing at times of disaster whether it'd been a foreboding warning or maybe the cause of the problem who knows we are going to do an episode about mythical about cryptic creatures in the uk illus rather than just in the uk where the i guess tonight was going to be talking about the uk with the other one plan sometime in the near future i'm waiting for that guy to get back to me as well but we will get one plan where we're going to be looking at stuff like the yeti bigfoot and the mothman because those are again there when you think about the united states you know there's certain parts of it on the eastern seaboard the western seaboard is part of that we're very densely populated certainly like you think about what sounds like and that larger area how densely populated that is but however in between that there's a great amount of vastness you know what i mean in terms of the the size difference between the uk and the u s and then the population difference is a big disparity between the two so in terms of the uk the other one that really really springs to my mind when i think about cryptids as they're sometimes called in the uk is the beast apartment now i'll tell you this i'll i'll let you in on this one so tomorrow's world did a episode or they featured this in one of their episodes you remember tomorrow's yeah yeah yeah back in the day and i wrote into tomorrow's world to share my theory as a 12 year old boy god bless me i've got my my letter back from the bbc with the bbc knowing that i had no paper there and blessed me i think they they entertained my rather ridiculous thing so what was your ridiculous thing i basically sat in a big cat and had sex with a domestic cat and that was probably not living out there i think i was but hey who knows listen i just learned about the birds and bees and a heart of the bird can have sex with the feed and they're they're they're they're a panter can have sex with a domestic cat that makes perfect sense to me i knew a little bit more about it that but as many women will testify not a great deal more now i look i i think again you know there's there's various photographic evidence of the beast of bud men um and you know what i suppose again if you you know if it was something similar in the in the u.s or australia or something you know russia canada huge vast vast nations where you literally will have like thousands and thousands of thousands if not millions of square kilometers of only on discovered areas you know or you know um that the rainforest in brazil or i mean places that are completely almost inaccessible if all of a sudden then you got the photo of that in that place you'd be like oh okay maybe it is previously undiscovered i just i just find it more unlikely in the size of country that we are with the reduced amount of unexplored areas for there to be something that that hasn't not previously been discovered or whatever yeah i know what you're saying i mean in terms of when you think about big cats it's not uncommon for people to want to own them you know what i mean there's a bit of you know if you've got anybody you've seen the tiger king knows that that you know you can get these things on the black market not just in the u.s but in the u.k and there is a bit of a school of thought that the beast abombing comes from just that someone who had a private collection of cats can no longer care for them and let them go but like you say in terms of the u.k it's not a vast place yes there are huge square miles when you think about you know when you think back about the york shimos and you know and henley and and what what she did out there and there's bodies that still haven't been found yeah i don't want to get too more of them but you know there is is a vast area to to uncover something if you were looking for something now the thing about a living creature is when you think about the wild creatures in the u.k stuff like foxes you know i mean they become not tame but they will move into the cities into the towns and they will because of there's easy pickings they'll they'll feed right yeah because you know assuming again you might be wrong but a big cat you would assume will be carnivorous so would you meet yes you know so yes you know out on the moors or you know you know the dales or forest or wherever they are there's probably an abundance of mice and rats and another small piece of mammals and stuff but again for it to remain unseen or hidden and look there's again this famous photos you look at it go that's a big cat and all that wow that looks like a black panther or whatever don't you know it does yeah again you know it hasn't been doctored it has are people looking to create something like that for the financial gain or what are similar to the lot less maybe i don't know um again is it just a big cat and if that's the case then what big cat is it but i mean your story about a private collection you know not maybe have it but you would have thought that unless the significant finds that go along with it you would have thought that that collection is gone yeah actually my bad it it got out it was me or i've let it out or whatever unless you're gonna get jailed or fined for that in which you probably wouldn't but i don't know well the other side when you think about if you i think you've got to Yorkshire it is all like a sure i apologize to which everyone is because you can offend people by getting that one wrong if you promise you that there's there was there was an area where they released wallabies some guy had released wallabies out into the wild they've flourished and you can see them you go past you know this certain area and you can see like wallabies jumping around and it's fantastic but let me see them so kind of you don't get me wrong something that is a predatory animal like that it's it's it's quite good at not being seen because that's how it kills you prey however i would suggest were it still there today were it there when you know way back in the 80s if there was a small um sort of tribe of these things i don't think tribes are correct you know what i mean but the idea is a lot of a lot of people who know something about predatory animals like that would tell you that there isn't enough animals support yeah particularly big community of that if there is a small community is chances are as we have seen within the wild they'll die out yeah relatively quickly yeah fortunately yeah so yeah that's that that's the nature of the beast however that i remember seeing and it's some information and there is there is some creatures or it's a type of panther and it has been and if you were tell you what if you really want to see i did an episode of this on history or in crypto as all as in the uk that's where you'll see the fact i'm trying to remember that's when i did three years ago now because i was planning on having someone i need to talk about this and rather than it being me but yeah there is something that can happen to a particular breed of panther where the where where it can be affected and the photographs of that i have to say you know the legs become much shorter yeah the jaw becomes much more pronounced you know i'm trying to think of someone i'm thinking of somebody of your students i think whether or not i'm thinking of you're not thinking about america wheel if in London is your jaw because much more pronounced yeah just imagine i will get up to life with folks in a second but yeah so so you know so there is that one but the sad sad effect of that nature is it then becomes difficult to hunt yeah you know so it would require a much larger prey for it to survive especially in a group or or and i'm not suggesting that this is happening but because effectively it would become slightly more domesticated as such or there are people that just go there and leave food in certain places and therefore because it can't hunt it finds this you know almost a bit like um suppose like hanging like who you know feed off the scavenge yeah rather than killing things in predatory they'll scavenge off dead things already so me and i don't know why people are providing food for it i suspect that's probably not the case because then it effectively it would die out but you know it's not beyond the realms of possibility that that's the case um but again i i just think it you would have heard more of it 100 percent and the one thing that england was supposedly famous for when you think about the stories from around about the 1900 the one that really jumps out the hand of the basketballs yeah hellhounds there's there's a great deal of history of like you know these large sort of dogs living in in in sort of rural places and again there's nothing proven and does this bother yeah i know we we've looked at ghosts and we're probably a little bit more accepting of apparitions and things like that because there is this idea maybe the spirit always might be as Dave will tell you if you were on the podcast god bless you get well soon if you're listening that these creatures are manifested from our spirits or are they manifested from our minds and our own creations yeah and is that necessarily perhaps the same thing as these creatures i think potentially it could be the same things as these creatures you know you only have to look at i don't know back in the day you know 1900s 1920s hounded basketballs or whatever it was and would would the general populace of the UK have been as familiar with huge great big dachins and dogs from other countries and this that and the other and again going back to and i'm not suggesting that you know pete barn and was anything to do with it but going back to importing creatures and animals and side show stuff for their own personal collection or for circus whatever all of a sudden this dog gets out or whatever it may be and in the midst of driving rain moonlit all you can see is a glint of its eyes and huge creepy teeth and you're like what the fudge and el was that that's just running at me and and effectively it is a very large dog it's just that it's of a breed that you might never have seen before so therefore you associate it because you can't put a name to it because you've never seen it and therefore you don't understand it you then go to local public of god you'll never guess the size and it's a bit like chinese whispers and god this dog was eight foot tall standing on its back leg or whatever and all of a sudden the story gets embellished and then somebody else i've seen one and all of a sudden it becomes almost part of folklore me etc etc yeah i mean right you know it's gonna be a bit mean chaste by a lot of reduced learning let's be on it no exactly you're going on well you know you need to sort yourself out sunshine if that's the case but i just think that there's probably a little bit of naivety um a little bit of um like the the unknown but i i do suspect that the the minds of the people that have seen particularly the hellhounds would have sort of played tricks on them to almost and then you always then convince yourself of what you've seen as opposed to actually it what is it you've seen i share a story about me brother as if we're not enough and i don't he certainly wouldn't thank me for sharing it that's for sure but we went down to stay with my uncle when he was living down south when we were kids and he got chased by the dog next door now he told us he was chased by two oscillations and they were like you've only got one right yeah yeah so then it became a joke i'm not chased by two other oscillations and that was a joke for years now if you would share that story externally maybe this will get turned off this podcast certainly john will punch me in the mouth the next time i say it does but yeah we used to i'm probably now to this day if you mentioned the oscillation someone mentioned to john and i found one to another oscillation you really and that's how the stories get started isn't it yeah and that's thinking all of a sudden i'm not saying in a generation's time but you know two generations time or whatever all of a sudden he got oh my god like back in the day like there was a two-headed dog it's like no be it yourself it's like oh no no you know my my my my uncle john told me or my great uncle john told me and he got chased by it and and but you know we we we we we jess but back in yeah i said back in you know the 1890s 1900s 1920s it's not beyond the realms of of possibility because of the fact that borders were more much tighter people didn't travel to and from countries to a certain extent you you didn't know significantly about anything else in the world you know about all the nations about all the animals creatures species whatever so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that maybe that was the first time that somebody saw something and then almost embellished the story and over time it's just got embellished do you think now there's too much information or when you look at social media i see videos about this stuff all the time there's a very good podcast that i follow on instagram called beyond the shadows and they'll share some i'm not gonna say convincing very interesting videos where you think must be doctored that's not possible yeah if that were a genuine video i would have seen that somewhere else that would have been a lot more public yeah and and social media and and look again don't and we'll go back to what we said about people around Loch Ness you know yes lots of people on social media are out to try to make financial gain from certain things but some of these i'm not going to say like shadow we you know because they're obviously mainstream social media but you would think that why is it that they are the only people that have got a video of this why it with the prevalence of social media and the fact that you've got however many multi-hundred million you know youtube and instagram and facebook and everything else why is it only that video that's that's that's got that on it yeah do you know what i mean eight billion people in the world and about six billion we've got a camera in the pocket permanently yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah there's what that you know yeah there's like one social media account that's got a video of this one thing and you're like mmm yeah okay that's it and you know while we're on the subject social media again last week so last week we heard Vic Ferrari on okay and we got hit our youtube video got hit with a comment like click here for fact checkers okay and it pays me off okay the last time we had it i'll get the slides this is a slight um letter yeah like a letter in it the last time we had it was when we did the episode on climate change right yeah I bear in mind the guy we had on climate change two weeks before was on country file yeah talking about it he wasn't he wasn't some crazy guy saying he's not real he was telling us categorically it is happening human beings are responsible for a certain portion of it yes there is a lot of element of warming anyway but what we are doing is harmful to the atmosphere and it is causing the territory to rise we go hit then last week we did an episode on 9/11 featuring a guy who was actually physically there and part of the the mission to you know to search for bodies and we'll have you afterwards okay hit with that click here for facts i'll tell you what the episode is on facts because we had somebody who was physically there not somebody's opinion who's yeah zuckerberg's evidence yeah yeah exactly you're so you don't know i've got it obviously i can i can tell you that it's been pent up irate no but but yeah you you're right and and obviously you know go back to last week obviously you know i wasn't there in support you know big spoke as he always does you know incredibly powerfully about his experiences and what it was like there but yeah to be hit with a bit of a a fact yeah he like you know what just do one yeah do one really wise we really wise we want that and that just highlights the problem with social media you know what i mean somebody who's first hand account you know i don't think you can get a better account than a first hand account and you know and then you've got somebody telling you that isn't the sort of case and let's face it who's going to who's going to believe what you know and there's a number of people who's going to click on that link and say yeah this is it that's it if you watch you we said nothing controversial in that episode there was no there's no talk of conspiracy theories not certainly saying that anyone would true anyway we might have brushed over and we managed them just to say what's the garbage yeah lots of people probably do think this conspiracy but actually nah nah exactly so yeah very very frustrated just just going back to you you sort of cryptids and and you cryptozoologists i'm not necessarily the ones that that we've mentioned but are there any that that you're aware of or there any that that you maybe have read about or or in your research or and this is obviously one of things that we were going to ask i guess but is the one that you feel there has more credence or more likely hood than any of the others i mean just in terms of Loch Ness i don't think for me no beast apartment potentially yeah i i think potentially there was something living on the moors maybe a cat that was released but now now i don't think so so and i know we're going to do an episode in the future this but you you talk about sasquatchy job at bigfoot and and yet the business similar sort of things you know and and there is that very famous almost like pretty that grainy or something that's a brutal film for the shooting you know that that grainy video of big thought what was it is it human is it you know is it a six foot four bloke on a tag weekend that's got hard and feathered and walking around in the middle you know the job goes so but you know yeah but there is that video so what if it if it isn't bigfoot and obviously there's you know again that would have to be a species of because the stories of bigfoots of are way back in time are you know i mean way back in time um and if it was a bigfoot but what was it what was it you know i think the interesting thing is and if you ever if you're ever like if you pop time podcast good friends of ours they did an episode of our bigfoot you would you need to go back to that because that is one of the funniest episodes i've heard in my life they shared something off off a youtube video and it was it was shocking i'm not sure we necessarily share it on this podcast very little bit more delicate than that but it was very funny but you could it's a good question but again you're talking about grainy footies now on what was probably an old 8 millimeter camera yes nowadays everybody is a HD or a UHD camera in that pocket yeah and yet those videos don't exist now and and that in a way that goes back to what we're saying you know two or three minutes ago about the prevalence of social media in it everything you know backpackers walking up bloody match your picture you've got phones on them now you know people walk in the middle of the rainforest have got phones on them and you don't need if you don't need a cell signal to take a photo on your phone so it it's surprising that if there was something more not realistic i suppose more convincing footage has not been been seen yeah i think so but the danger is now and i don't know if i found myself i watched something or i'll see a photograph on on social media on youtube now and the first question i asked myself after i've seen it is that real or is that artificial intelligence because that is that convincing now that you know i would be comfortable someone who had a decent knowledge of the software and had a decent level of the software not the stuff that i've probably got on my phone that we use to create the photographs for our and our imagery that we use the episode artwork could probably create a very convincing video or a very convincing photograph you could look at and not necessarily be able to pick out what he was so the risk is now we've probably gone too far we've probably been in the butter zone of seeing something that is convincing but it's not been produced and maybe it's not been produced because it doesn't exist yeah or there's nobody out there faking it like they were or what i don't know and i think that's the route i tend to go down with these things if you're going to ask me what's the one the one that fascinates me most and again it goes on to sort of the paranormal side of things isn't the american on the moth map have you seen the film the mothman prophecies true story it's been embellished yeah but during that bridge collapse in michigan just before hand there was so many sightings of this creature you do have to wonder you know and it's again like it's just like we do with aliens people report the same thing from one side of the world to the other that why why is it saying yeah if so many people in this one area are saying you know what i saw that thing it's saying these things have been worn on me it's been new then this then the bridge collapses and then then it's not seen again and and and and when you look at evidence as such you know and and you go back to UFOs and sightings and alien abductions and stuff and whether you know whether believing that it is one thing but when somebody in canada and somebody in india and somebody in australia all recounts exactly the same thing and have no physical way of communicating that and we're talking pre social media so there's no social media accounts like the message in chat i tell you what we'll do we'll we'll wind the whole world up by saying we've done that you know that that doesn't happen so back in the day they have no physical way of of contacting each other to corroborate each other story yet people from vastly different walks of life vastly different places on the earth or recount the same thing maybe at different times but exactly the same experiences that then gets you thinking well is there something and you know almost going so full circle back to your mother on prophecies if lots and lots and lots of people that would have no other reason whatsoever to make up create embellish a story for no other reason other than the fact that they genuinely witnessed it story and it spoke and it and it communicated and that all of a sudden stops and meet you think okay i mean look the the modern prophecies it is one the one that's sort of in a way i say fascinates me and and and it is a little bit sci-fi but it's your typical time travelers with your bowl of hat men and that they've appeared in hundreds and hundreds of photos through time and they shouldn't be in that photo now yes you could have a person or a studio manipulating images but again when when these images are circulated from different countries with different origins and on different sort of media in terms of different cameras different shutters different you know different models of of footage and an image is there something and again do they always appear either pre or prior to either an actual disaster or something and i don't know and it's a bit like your modern prophecies i suppose but just in a it's just wrapped up in a slightly different are they guardians coming to warlers is the are they harbingers of doom and they appear just before you know and all of those sorts of things but it does it does fascinate me that you can get images of of these so-called time travelers appearing in images and and there was a famous one where i can't feel i wish i could picture where it was but there's and i'm going to say that the photos from like maybe 1940 or something or 50 and it genuinely appears that this guy's got me by phone in his hand yeah i know i know the photograph and i can't i can't i can't place exactly where it is and what but it genuinely looks like he's got me by phone now it might not be yeah and it could be a glint of it could be something i mean it could be cigarette packet i suppose but it looks like he's got me by phone he's only like hey yeah did you know what i mean i think yeah i think it's you've hit a possible in there but to believe in that you have to believe in time travel and here's the curious thing about time travel is you know we kind of expect there to be something that would achieve in the future but the very nature it means that if you could travel through time you would travel to the past so at some point you know they'd be evident and i know there's that you know when you watch Star Trek that that first point of contact you'd do it into being with the nature of the life that if you were capable of time travel well i'm going to go back and kill it but i'm going to stop that saying well you can't because you don't know all of them fall in the back and then and then there was what uh not not quantumly economic world it's cool but you go back and you look well if you do this then you set off alternate realities and actually then you might never be born in the alternate reality and therefore you would never discover time travel so therefore the whole blah blah blah blah and all of a sudden that becomes a bit of mindful you know i'll hold on a minute you know i mean yes it's a big thing you know but i just there's again a bit like you the muffin there's almost too many occurrences of it for it not for the not to be something which i suppose is is the opposite of what we're saying about nessie and the beast of bobbin and there's very little footage of that which probably means that that it's less likely to be but the fact that the muffin you have so many sightings probably leads you to think they've seen something something's there something's a miss hello Stuart Willis thank you for joining us no guests tonight she has just email me to say that she's had a family emergency i will get back to her shortly if you're watching this cat i'll drop your email soon hope everything is okay Stuart Willis also says doctor who i have no idea what he means by that maybe he will extrapolate in the comments but yeah it's a very it's a very peculiar concept so time travel i don't know how it is would that be a cryptid i guess you i think i personally would say that it was because if someone's come from the future there's something that we don't understand that it fits within that category yeah so yeah the other one the other one and you mentioned it earlier and you alluded to it and one of the greatest movies i've made america oil from london far i'll fight you on that one i do genuinely believe it is a fantastic movie but that's the other thing so lycanthropy lighten throats werewolves now again the great stories great fodder for some very very good movies like we just mentioned there but the idea comes from the idea of lycanthropy is people who are affected by the moon by luna lunatics if you will that's that's where the idea comes from the people's whose behavior is different when the moon is in fall blue i can tell you i don't know if you've got kids as well guys i don't know if you noticed it growing up my kids and you know we're putting to bed and well my wife would say to each other fuck you know they were nightmare to go down to ball moon tonight yeah full moon tonight and he checked guess what it was every full moon they are an absolute ball lake to put to bed and so we do know that the patterns of the moon it certainly can impact upon you know the gravitational pull yeah and i think you're out i think you've got the gravitational pull i think you've probably got um and look god we're gonna sound like we actually half know what we're talking about here but you know you have we don't we don't really um but you would have like biorhythms and on our certain our certain atmospheric conditions do do they have more or less of a chat i've got to wish we've got scientists on that but do they have more or less of their guests or guests but do do do you have more or less do they have more or less impact on our biorhythms if it's you know if it's if it's at atmospherically different in one time or another but you're right in as much as again it goes back to the percept maybe the perception of others that somebody's behavior has changed and i'm curious over time i mean i don't probably think that you know you vampirism and all that although there are you know there are universities now doing vampiric studies and and and bloodletting and all of that sort of thing um but you know i don't think we obviously i don't think we you know we we change physical form i think what might happen is and you look at and this is going to sound like a weird tangent but it isn't i'll get back to it but you look at some poisons or some some some some substances on the human body and it affects your facial muscles or like a gurney or like a so so what that's beautiful so so what could happen is that almost there's a misperception that your features change now i'm not suggesting that that is because of any substances or anything else but the perception is that you might physically be different than you were previously and therefore again people might associate that with a full moon and therefore again it perpetuates itself and down the line and you would say they became lunatic yeah again it's it's going back to you the two of the dog story you know what i mean we you know when when things weren't as recorded as they are now you know when you have documentation or proof of everything that happens that you know this person behaved like this you became a lunatic during the lunacycle and they made very well of them but it probably has been exaggerated and again let me see in terms of vampirism there's a number of groups on facebook with people who are very much interested in all Nosferatu the other vampiric way of life and i have tried to get them on the podcast easier to get a black eartron as it turns out but but again you know you you look and and that there are movement of people on on various social media platforms and social media outlets that would say that you know that that you big corpse are run by Nosferatu and various plans and that they're in very powerful positions of authority and and this that and the other you know so again do you believe in that do you not believe in that i'm not sure there's an interesting one from Stuart i've just read so he was a huge fan of full moon when he was first responding because he'd get loads of calls though on the 999 get really really busy a lot more than usual that's a bit weird isn't it but we're going to go back to that that oh my you know my dogs Englishmen go out on the midday sun well lunatics go out at night and tick you on a full moon and and the has to there has to be some okay a lot of the time in the English language and you'll make you'll get sayings and and you understand where that's rooted but almost be full moon tonight well what does that mean i believe you for a second i don't know why i looked at the window so yeah almost be full moon tonight well so what so well what does that mean oh must be you know kids are playing up must be full moon so where does that it is that literally based in the lichen trough myth legend or is it something else or is it i mean bear in mind you know we've been on this planet uh not just me yet we've been on a 15 or too long yet yeah so many people listen to the podcast was they far too long but 263 episodes yeah yeah so what we've been on this planet for hundreds and thousands of years so there was a time before swatch and yeah and case oh no Cassie Cassie and that then lives maybe i guess i'm so i'm amazed you didn't go like carto or tag or anything like that you know i don't know i have do i have a swatch what the battery went in some years ago it's like a Mickey Mouse hand that you know that's it yeah that's it but so before that we must have used the lunar and the and the sun cycles to navigate our things by so i suppose it shouldn't be too surprising then the we that that's in built into a buyer that should have and that makes sense and and it does make sense um and and it's strange just because i suppose in the summer your natural birthing would be that when it's light you wake up yeah so generally speaking i suspect i mean i don't know i haven't got the science and i'm not going to make up any statistics although 99.8 percent of statistics are made upon the spot or whatever it was you know so i've just made that one up as well by the way but you know so so you look at you know we're in the summer oh my god i can't sleep well that's too light so so your eyes are closed so that must be a is it a by a rhythm that's telling you to wake up whereas in the summer you know in the winter you hibernate or it's you sleep longer because it's dark it's horrible it's the you know it's that horrible time near so you think you know i'm just going to say bed i tell you facts my eyelids dude while you're on about that your eyelid is actually slightly see through and actually when you close it it's your brain that shuts off not your eyes well it's weird because you saw me i was you saw it i saw it so she really didn't have one of them warning so it must be true well i i you saw i'm gonna try no i said that word i'm going to look like you know so i never said with bad worth really glad i didn't but you saw clothes right and then all of a sudden you go and it's almost like with your eye closed your blink and it's almost like it becomes dark twice so you close your eye and and then obviously you go and you sort of try and blink again and it's like almost like two two sets of dark sort of thing but yeah i think boy like you look at a light and stuff and then all of a sudden you're like your eyelids are closed but it's not like completely shut off if that makes sense no yeah i i i take it and that i agree with you for that yeah so that made it so it sort of makes sense to it so the other question that's true as then god bless me we'll go back to the time traveling sort of side of things then UFOs you're a big fan of the idea of UFOs and ufology what does that fall into that same sort of category look i i i i i i i i i i i am a believer i sound a bit like a fox and older then you know i i i do believe that i i i i just right from a from a from a stats point of view from just a purely numbers game we cannot possibly be the only life in the universe just from a purely numbers based standpoint we already know that even in our own solar system at some time back in the day Mars was capable of sustaining life but whatever cataclysmic event happened that then meant that that wasn't used to be rivers on there and all that sort of stuff so and i'm not suggesting that it's life as we know it thanks going back to star check stuff but life was it has to there has to be life at some point in the universe other than us so therefore are my punitive little human brain possibly can't comprehend that if there's life in other areas of the the universe they have the potential to explore and create an event at a and develop a to faster or slower rate than mankind did so therefore if you extrapolated that further it it doesn't take too much of a leap to think that if you've got a civilization that advances significantly quicker than we do that at some point in their timeline they will be able to either invent interstellar travel or time travel or whatever it may be and therefore again it doesn't take too much of a quantum leap to then suggest that they can then visit us from these various other places i all heartily agree with you okay i think the idea that we could be the only living sentient creatures in the universe is farcical you know i mean agree with that yeah if it goes on for us as long and as far as it is so following that sort of extrapolation i would agree with you as well however we listened to what Brian Cox has to say now he wasn't just a keyboard player in d-re what does he know yeah what does he know he could be made by all of them yeah yeah yeah fat champion i want get on in soccer bag i'm joking don't he's a lovely guy he's a lovely fellow and we probably we're actually we're supposed to yeah yeah yeah i still would quite like Brian if you listen jump on you know tell us he's sending some tickets we'll take him but yeah so he says that in terms of human's existence on this planet it's a very very slim slim being sliver of our existence the existence of the planet and the idea that that an alien out there would be capable of traveling here is almost impossible on the basis that the amount of time that they would exist is the two things where the distance can be traveled and they are close enough to travel and develop the technology to do it and exist at the same time that we are here is nigh on impossible and that's why aliens have never visited the planet yeah i i take his point but what's he know um yeah well he doesn't know any better than us well he probably does probably does yeah Brian i'm sorry yeah Brian i'm sorry that's why we get back and tell us that on this part but but it doesn't mean he's right no and and again with i'm going to argue professor Brian coach what i can't believe i'm going to do but look in you know and and he loves the stats and facts and science back and what what i'm going on is the numbers and i take your point if and if you look at the existence of humans in terms of the life of planet earth and you look at was it like a 24 hour clock humans exist from 11 59 and 59 seconds yeah in terms of the life cycle of the earth and how how how long we've been on that earth so i take his point from that point of view well what i believe is that again if you go if you look look at the numbers and you when you think that you can't be the only sentient beings and it might be life as we don't know it there could be all sorts of life forms out there that we don't know and various other life forms that are capable of various other things that we aren't capable of as a species um and if that's the case would they not either have the intellectual capability or the technology or the advancement in order to recognize that we are now sentient on our planet and then come and visit us and and and i don't know it's implicit but for me the numbers just mean that we cannot be the only sentient life forms and and if that is the case other life forms would would develop in advance at either a quicker or slower rate than we would as a species yeah i i know what you're saying i know what you're saying but here's the thing i go back to dumb and dumber so you're saying there's a chance i i i am saying that there's a chance and i do genuinely and and you know we're going back full circle to whether or not you know the cryptosology and cryptos would i suggest that they're cryptids i don't know enough about the definition of cryptids and cryptosology i am more likely to believe UFOs and time travel than i am of a Loch Ness monster stuck in the middle of a Loch in the middle of Scotland if that you know i'm struggling with certain cryptids and the cryptosology bit i think the thing is the thing is the idea of aliens and the idea of UFOs and and cosmic travel and everything on that the concept of it is much more widely not acceptable but believable because of the vast the vast almost it well infinite area of space whereas Loch Ness as big as it is and as difficult as it was to define for all those people all those years and years ago is a very definite amount of space it's it yeah it it there's a finite space and then it's not infinite now we don't know how big the universe is no we don't and and that that again that that's the infinite nature of it that's it Stuart Champs in the best UFO case in England happened in 1980 at RAF bent waters i apologize if i pronounced that wrong in Suffolk with Fort United States Airman and the Airman had he said the strange lights in Renchum Forest was a lighthouse which is hard to believe it seemed unlikely to have a lighthouse in a forest i think he missed the point of what important purpose of the lighthouse it's definitely located in the wrong place yeah that's it you know maybe watch tower maybe not lighthouse but you know fact checks you fact check come on pulse it town planning on wrong well as well but no look i think you know um i i i i i i am a believer in in i suppose extraterrestrial life and i'm not suggesting they're all malevolent and they're here to come and take over the planet and that's that and the other and all that and and and again if you if you think about the numbers and you extrapolate that there probably would be some malevolent force out there all those species out there that are predatory and want to come and take all of our you know resource planet resource and you go back to the 80s sci-fi v where we've got visited by loads of people and they wanted all about water supply or whatever it was you know what i mean so but then again we could easily be visited by very very enlightened very very knowledgeable race people who are and you go back to the atlantic and where did they go and they with this advanced species and this is vant race did they there's if you believe some of the stories there's interstellar travel and they thought no for purchase we can see the end of the world we're off get young we're going elsewhere here i mean so i mean it's like in the podcast we're going into that one but dude do you believe do you buy an atlantis there's a chance there is a chance there is a chance that's interested and just while we're on the concept of interstellar travel so this is interesting that you believe and again i'm not going to put you on my hand i'm going to put you on the spot a little bit because i'm going to ask you your opinion on it so i'm not going to ask you to prove it categorically yes or no so you buy into the idea of interstellar travel but the idea that we have in terms of travel into the moon you don't buy into the you necessarily no i but i i don't know i get it i don't know there's plenty of people i don't know and it okay if we have and you know if it was all was all doing and they last wrong you know if they were here still with us and you know they probably bought me on the nose and say we definitely did if we did why i've not gone back yeah i mean the one for me is it's the old ron howard story isn't it the ron howard's grandfather had told him but we never went to a movie it's all absolute bullshit and he never bought into it he was the oh god stanley kuber stanley kuber that's the guy he said well we'll get taught the same but yeah so ron howard's grandfather told him that he never the the man never went to the moon and he said utter worship we absolutely went and so he went and he said you know what i'm going to do i'm going to put it on i'm going to get the footage of us walking on the moon i'm going to put it on a huge screen and what people are seeing huge hd and so he went to nasa and he said can i have the photos but yeah we'll get back to him and then they got back to you yeah we lost it don't exist we've we've lost it somewhere and it's like if you had that in between and you want people were down to it you want to have and look have a look examine the facts it's almost like follow the science the science is there science is there to be questioned put it up on the screen if you lied about it if you had lied about it maybe you wouldn't want it up on that screen for people to examine and watch the people can't wait we're now 15 how many you know and and in this could be a whole different podcast we've probably done this in the past on episode whatever number it was but loads of people like well they have forgotten to me because they would have had to you know or everybody they were for nasa would have actually been in on it no crocker shit the people that were working on it would have genuinely thought that they're sending men to the moon the people that probably were in on it were the film crew Armstrong Aldrin and Collins the guys that nobody can mark on my customs yeah apologies um and maybe a handful of others who know that it's the film that everybody movie studio in wherever and everybody in you know ground control Houston we have you know all of them we should send men to the moon so you don't have to hood we call it them you only have to hood we can compute people sort of thing you know um but I believe in interstellar travel I don't believe we we have a technology to do it I believe that that all the races have the technology to visit us I don't think yet we have obviously the technology for interstellar travel and I wonder whether or not if look I'm a convention we've been to the moon I'm not a hundred percent convinced I'll be honest with you if we have why have we not gone back even if it was to use the moon as a platform to then move to somewhere else I don't know why have we not gone back and there's massive massive stories about what's on the dark side of the moon and nobody's ever been there and we've never see it because of the way the moon moves you never see the dark side of the moon so what's there well surely you know we've got more technology in these things yeah then man used to go to the moon in the first place so surely we've got us uh we've got the technology that can send us shuttle to the dark side of the moon record what's there and then come back why have we not done that it's a good question and it's a very valid question I'm going back to the cube root thing so Kubrick had lazily said on his deathbed that he had faked them in London and there's probably believes that because I can it but I'm more in the camp that believes that we did on the basis that I think that they would want to prove to the Russians that we did it they faked it just in case in the other the footage but then now then you look at the footage from when you know when I forget which country landed on it recently then it was shit and you look compared to what they had back in the 60s and the fact that was live streamed to our TVs when I think about it now it's quite difficult to believe so I'm a little bit skeptical on that one the more we're here about it I think yeah don't quite stack up does it I just think look and I might be getting all my signs wrong but you know I'm not aware that there are lunar winds there might be but when they stuck the flag in the ground it's it's out now there's an argument say it's starched well if that's a case did they take it all lay up in the starched position then or did they just unfurr a little whatever it was it a flag was it almost metal or was it no it has a metal was it a pole across the top and it folds out the stuff you know does it flap see I remember when you mentioned this the first time around and I forget what we were talking about what episode it was and I was about to say something I thought no because that almost proves the fact that you're right because our mythbusters yeah great TV show yep you know what I mean we'll shout out to Tori will actually and the like if you're watching this probably not but hello anyway so they recreated all those things to categorically prove that these things could happen yeah then it would wave and then they couldn't have liked could wave in a vacuum but the danger that was he created all these things on earth yeah exactly and and you can't you can't recreate that that those conditions I suppose look without going whole into conspiracy again this whole shadows length of shadows there's no light source on the moon because the natural light from the moon is what we get on earth at night but you don't get the natural light from the moon when you're on the moon if that makes sense so therefore why is the size shuttle that's got the United States name and flag shown and you can see it clearly yet too far to write of it it's in pitch black so there has to be a specific light source shining upon that to see it where's that light source come from blah blah blah blah there's no footage of them setting lights out and dah dah dah dah so it's just look I'm not convinced if I'm honest I'm really not but if we did why have we not gone back good question Stuart certainly agrees with you one thing I know is as we always do we flip flopped around a little bit we actually stayed roughly on the topic matter yes it would have been nice to have a guest yes it would have been nice to have her opinion and we hope that she's well and all as well with her and her family however we are at the end of this episode what have we concluded not a great deal we don't believe in a lot next monster we don't believe in moon landings but we think the aliens have probably got a better chance of existing gas do you want to sum it all up for us dude yeah look you know I was looking forward to the episode just still love the episode it's always great when we can just chew the fat and you know we we we meet and choose in and and it's been a while actually since we just chatted and stuff and whilst we've been relatively stable on the old cryptic sort of cryptozoology path you know we we've digressed into sort of lycanthropy and moon landings and conspiracy and interstellar travel and so on and so forth but look I've really enjoyed it it's been it's been nice to catch up and great to catch up like say we've been on holiday for the last couple weeks or so so always great to get back to TBR HQ and no doubt next week we'll be talking about something completely different again yeah I can't remember something else we've got to say I think it's immigration okay okay without putting a dump on a downer we'll go from cryptos and cryptozoology to political science or whatever from questionable aliens to illegal ones yeah and on that beautiful segue yeah no I should say there would be the the immigrant's illegal immigrants before everybody gets up in arms but we do hear an immigrant's perspective on emigrates the UK I think he's going to be very very interested yeah can't wait look at it and actually funny enough this is one of the episodes we tried to organize much earlier in the year that didn't happen because the guests had a family emergency there as well right okay so hopefully this one does happen so we'll be joining you on the live few in two weeks time but as things you know as things follow through in terms of the the audio episodes they'll follow week after week because we always haven't done an out there we have always a one in the back pocket just for you so we've concluded there are thoughts on cryptozoology aliens and a number of other things let us know what you think in the comments drop us a message drop us an email mail at is our email address you can find us on all the different social medias facebook you'll find us at tallboyradio twitter tallboyradio instagram sorry tallboyradio podcast threads tallboyradio podcast drops a message let us know what you think there's there's only opinions there you can't be wrong on it let us know and we'll see you next week bye