Apologia Radio

Discussing the Trump/Harris Debate w/Bradley Pierce

We are very excited to have our good friend and Constitutional Lawyer Bradley Pierce back on to discuss the Trump/Harris debate as well as his upcoming conference and new docuseries.

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Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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Non-rockabotas must stop. I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it Are you gonna bark all day a little doggy, what are you gonna fight? Delusional yeah delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal you don't chastise chickens for being delusional You don't chastise pigs for being delusional. So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay It doesn't really hurt it's young up, oh my god what what desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage Go into all the world and make disciples not go into the world and make buddies not to make roses right Don't go in the world make homies right disciples. I got I got a bit of a jiggle neck That's a joke pasta when we have the real message of truth. We cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not Now therefore oh kings be wise be warned oh rulers of the earth Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the son Less he be angry and you perish in the way for his wrath is kindled quickly blessed are all Who take refuge in him? That's one of my favorite verses Psalm 2 10 through 12 and of course my favorite version of that verse is the Ben Merkel Kissing you get smoked right unless you get smoked I love that. I mean, that's not far off the original Hebrew. I will say more I think he really Really brings that verse together. Yeah. Yeah Welcome back to another episode of apology or radio Luke to bear hosting this week. We were off last week as pastor Jeff and I were in Louisiana Having a pastor's meeting there at Brian Gunther's church, which went really well trying to continue our work there for end of worship now he speaking of pastor Jeff he is in South Carolina right now, I believe Or on his way For another pastor's meeting in South Carolina and with our good friend Matt Brock. So be praying for that And I got to my left here little zeezers. That's me. We got a lot going on right now Yeah, yeah, there's some activity of course in our own state With our own local fight here and then abroad in different states new states even bringing them into this fight and yeah teaching and discipling the church and preaching God's counsel on this issue. Yeah, so yeah, we Besides the election and all these battle initiatives and all that so we just we just Officially have two more states that we're gonna be putting those in this year. I don't even know. What's that put us up to? Yes, yeah So North Dakota and Illinois Come on feel the Illinois Yes, that's huge. That's a liberal state at least as far as the government. That's what I heard. Yeah So I think the only other like really Democratic state we've tried has been Colorado. So that's good Yeah, which was always historically that way, right? That's more of a recent thing right exactly So we got those and we just heard from our guests who will bring on in a minute Possibly two more states. We've been trying hard on so that would put us up about 22. I think so yeah almost halfway there That's exciting. That's exciting so Before we get into the conversation I would like to thank our partners One of them be an iron layer which Zack and I both completely forgot to wear our patches today Even though I hadn't laid out so I remember I on it We won't be here next week The week after that I on it hopefully Jeff's doing a show next week We won't be here because we're gonna be on our way to North Dakota We're one of our bills. We have passed with me in North Dakota Zack has shared The link for that if you were in North Dakota or South Dakota or anywhere with that's close to there Which I don't know if there's much closer there. We'll be in Bismarck so That'll be next Friday. Like I said Zack shared the link on on the X's. Yep on our in abortion now X page So we got any questions we'd love to see you there if you're able to join us but yeah, so and then we have Well Jeff's got got a thing coming up here with our guest Bradley Pierce again. He'll bring on a second and What else we we got we'll be going back to Germany here shortly as well to continue our and in abortion I work at Ohio Kentucky are in the mix a little bit - Ohio guys got a bill They've been working really hard to get in there. Yeah a lot a lot going on. So back to iron layer I got distracted now you can we love iron layer and NAD They we've all benefited greatly Physically from their product and we're glad to partner with them You can go to iron layer dot com and put apology in the coupon code to get a sweet discount We're just we're it's like Oprah today. We're throwing out discounts left and right We'll get to that you get a car and you get a car and you get a discount. Yeah You get a discount So I'd also like this one like the like the heritage defense heritage defense org And actually I'm gonna let since Brad is our guest today I'm gonna let him tell you about heritage defense and the sweet discount you can get with heritage defense Bradley. What's up brother? Welcome back Hey, thanks for having me. Great to be with you. We love Brad. He's one of our favorite people in the world. I mean that Annie's I totally a really awesome Texan and he has 35 point three children He's got a lot of babies. He's got a lot of babies a lot of babies. What's up brother? We're doing great all all 37 So tell us about heritage defense. Why should people have that? Yeah, so heritage fans Christian homeschooling families or even if you're not homeschooling for children just are not school-age yet You know parental rights are a big issue of government Doesn't like the way a lot of Christians are raising their children in the fear nurture the Lord and so we started this organization in 2010 to provide a defense for Christian homeschooling families and Families with the young children to have someone that they can call 24/7 get connected with an attorney have someone there to defend your parental rights deal with any kind of false allegations of abuse or neglect or anything overblown and Just so you're not alone. That way you have an advocate. You have an attorney and you can call us 24/7 It's included with your membership and we hired an attorney for you in your area and all that's included as part of the membership with heritage Yes, highly recommended and It's I don't know if you know who Mike Glover is either of you. He's a X Ranger. I think he has popular podcast called fieldcraft survival a bunch of stuff Anyways, not a Christian, but he why I think he would say is but he had a situation just this last year where You know DCS was called. I think he's up and I know I believe Just crazy situation where he ended up in jail for a while and like never should have happened the kids were Like just crazy and I'm like man if he had heritage defense that wouldn't have happened I don't have time to get other details. It was a crazy story, but I was like man, that's crazy So yes, if you're homeschooling, please go to sign up before the show's over you have an hour to do so Bradley What else do you have going on right now before we're gonna get into into the Trump Harris debate and especially on the abortion topic? But Brad's got a couple things coming up that are pretty exciting So tell us about those Yes, so the second we're actually both of these involved Jeff First of all first of all talk about is our new docu-series that we produced with our friends at rescue those called abortion free and that just kind of it It's six episodes about 30 minutes each that follows Megan as she discovers what's going on with abortion after Dobbs overturned Roe and She finds out that's not what most people are told and not what most people will think is what's going on so Jeff's one of the folks on there as well and I highly recommend people check it out abortion free comm or you can go to our YouTube page Foundation to abolish abortion and watch that Yeah, actually, so why that's a good. I'll play the trailer here real quick. I have a pulled up Yeah, it's on YouTube and actually link the trailer in the description if you guys want to check it out But I'll go ahead and Gabe if you want to Pull it up. I'll go ahead and play that real quick Roe v Wade has been overturned In 11 states abortion is effectively banned My name is Megan now that I'm pregnant with my first baby. I care more about protecting life than ever I Keep seeing pro-life headlines say some states are abortion free including mine But are they I Want to find out what's really going on? We don't see any abortions being reported to the Department of Health Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma are seeing the biggest increases in requests for abortion pills So since Roe v. Wade has been overturned is abortion illegal in South Carolina think so. Yes, abortion illegal, Oklahoma Yes, is abortion illegal in Texas. Yes. No, it's not illegal On we tell you how people are still getting pills by mail So I got both abortion pills that I ordered in the mail now the whole culture is the abortion clinic If what we've been doing isn't working, what should we do abolitionism versus being pro-life? Those are two different things the biggest distinction between the pro-life movement and the abolitionist movement is we engage Biblically, we're just asking for the law that we have to be applied consistently for every image bearer of God the goal is that everyone gets equal justice under law Why can't we just make laws protecting unborn babies the same as born babies? We had a bill of equal protection put in it was actively opposed publicly and behind closed doors by the leader of the pro-life Establishment Kentucky right-to-life opposing a new bill that would criminalize abortion Why would pro-life leaders oppose that for the record Susan Klein representing Missouri right-to-life in opposition to the prosecution of women Can't we all agree that we are not going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion? We do not support penalizing them for getting the abortion every single bill that they write they write in there This doesn't apply to the mother women are victims of abortion whether they claim that for themselves or not There's a huge just infantilizing of women women are not victims of abortion Women are choosing abortion. My abortion was the best decision. I ever made it was an act of self-love They have no problem understanding that that they are murdering a child many of them celebrate that fact She has murder on her mind as she torques in front of Planned Parenthood The crazy reality is in these states that say they're abortion free now abortion has never been easier. I Could abort my baby in any of the 50 states Oh Excellent well, yeah guys check that out Please and go support Bradley and the work they're doing there And then you also got a big conference coming up, so tell us about that We do we're very excited about that October 18th one day conference on a Friday about 10 minutes from the DFW airport Douse area equipping the Saints to abolish abortion. We've got Jeff Durbin coming Along with Tom Haskell with founders ministries. We've got Josh Bice and Virgil Walker with G3 ministries Phil George pastor of local church here dusty deavers Oklahoma senator and Brett bagget ahead of rescue those Oklahoma pastor and I'm gonna be speaking as well And we're gonna be talking about you know, what's really going on how should pastors be leading their flocks of teaching about this? How can we be salt and light and not just under a bushel and not just thrown out? But actually engaging with with the culture and standing in the gates and talking about issues about also IVF birth control and I'm gonna be doing to talk specifically on our increments, okay You know we will all want to get from here to there and abolish abortion Are there some things that are lawful something that are unlawful? Are there some things that help the cause and something that hurt the cause? And we're gonna be talking about that. That's awesome. So Love for people to come to that and so you You were gonna give a discount to that as well, correct? Exactly for all of your listeners followers of indivortion now. There's a promo code that right now We're kind of in you're we're getting close to October 18th. So we're in the late late bird pricing if you will But you can get the early bird price The late bird can still get the worm here with the With it the promo code EAN 60 so that's EAN 6 0 to get the early bird pricing for all your lists. Excellent. Yeah, man I'm excited for that. I wish I could wish I could be there, but it's gonna be great. I just think it's I mean The work that you're doing man alongside us and other like-minded organizations is just so important right now like I Look at that docu series and you know, we've blown the trumpet on this so many times just like the effect that This is had on the broader Cultural conversation of understanding that this hasn't gone anywhere It's just been made more accessible more affordable more anonymous for people to obtain and it's actually put us in a really challenging position at the state level with these ballot measures to yeah, because if you think about it from a standpoint of responsibility, I mean the Supreme Court as You've said before Bradley, they kind of wash their hands of the responsibility of these children and then we have you know our highest leaders who are washing their hands and saying give it to the states and then you have The church by and large saying no, we're gonna wash our hands and not defend the fatherless And then you have mothers and fathers at the street level who are saying no, we're not going to take responsibility for our children We're gonna wash our hands of that and then you have the state at an individual level rising up and saying well, let's let the people decide let's just put it up to a vote, you know And let everybody go their own way on this and violate institution and the law of God and all the rest and It just seems like the problem is that nobody wants to take responsibility for these children. Exactly right. Yeah, I mean even We you know, we have we're fighting with everything we got right now about initiative here in Arizona That I've heard if pass is gonna be like the worst of all of them. That's what I've been reading and It's I mean, we're we got bill bill boards up. We got we're putting signs over doing everything we can But the sign that we keep seeing around That's it's from the pro-life movement. Yeah, pro-life industry in Arizona. It's what is it? It's uh, it goes too far. It goes too far. Yeah So they were they were involved with a lot of the group in Ohio where they had the recent amendment and that same strategy failed this idea of You know protect women This is an issue of women's health care and all the rest that morally ambiguous language, which Confuses people and I think really led to the outcome that you saw. Yeah, in Ohio by and large Yeah, so the issue is not that it's murder It's it's this goes a little too far. Don't you guys think it's a little extreme. Yeah extreme late term abortions to extreme. It's crazy So yeah, that's where we're up against We're real quick before we get it to the debate Bradley. I know we've had you on this talk about this specifically before the ballot initiatives But as a constitutional lawyer Can you just explain? To our listeners, maybe they're not up to date on these How these work and it's my understanding these actually I mean they're trying to undermine the Democratic process in our in our nation And so can you just explain briefly like what we're up against and what these are gonna do? Yeah, so these ballot initiatives or you know instituted by or initiated by citizens right of the state that big if they get enough Signatures then they can get a question on the ballot to put something into the state's law or the state's constitution and And really override the whole you know Republican former government You know the u.s. Constitution says that every state was guaranteed a Republican former government But these ballot initiatives in the states that that allow them got a short circuit all And say you know what hey, let's just have majority rule, you know like what is it like, you know three wolves voting on whether to eat the the two lambs kind of thing and It's just a total majority rule everyone does what's right in their own eyes kind of a situation You know not bound by you know, they're we're gonna amend the Constitution and again a lot of it is You know, they're they're hoping low information voters come out and that support this stuff and don't really know what's going on And that they tried then they try to confuse the people who actually do know what's going on and or should and they can't figure out And they stay home So these are just things that most of these say that they're the fundamental right to an abortion and they say No, it's a fundamental right to abortion up to viability And but then they say and then after that abortion Is a right in the case of health and then health is totally undefined Yeah, mental health, you know, just physically right and so it's like it's it's abortion up to nine months because if you get a chiropractor to say You know being pregnant is gonna make your back hurt a little bit then oh health I can get an abortion Because of that so a lot of them are saying, you know, like oh, this is only for viability to viability, which is already evil and horrific But they're actually Way they're worried. It would actually allow abortions all the way at the nine months. So there's this error These are horrible. Okay. Can I ask a quick question about that the process of the citizen led initiatives? I mean we have our form of government for a reason the rule of law the process by which we can change laws from a legal perspective a constitutional perspective Is this a legitimate way to change a law like is this ever morally acceptable to put an issue like this up to a popular vote? like I feel like as a Christian I would look at it and say well we would need to have a nation full of moral people and we don't and so God help us for entrusting something like this to the people who more oftentimes want evil than not But even in a state like ours. I'm not convinced that the majority of Arizonans want this I think this is funded externally. Yeah, it's the result of infrastructure and money coming from outside in to influence And as you said confuse voters and deceive people and mislead them into doing this, but that's my question is is this ever Legitimate to change the law like this from a constitutional perspective. I Don't think so. I think it violates violates the Constitution like I said a Republican form of government guarantee because this is You know Republican form of government is you elect people who then represent people and then they can then pass laws and things like that right this completely bypass that this is a a pure democracy form of government and Yeah, I think it's unconstitutional and it's certainly unconstitutional in this instance because the 14th amendment says no state should And I to any person with this jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws Now we have this now we have states like Ohio and your state and lots of other states around the country right now Deciding well, do we do we want to deny equal protection or not and not only does that violate God's law? But it violates the u.s. Constitution. So really these should be even be allowed to vote on this because they violate the supreme law The land the u.s. Constitution. Yeah, they're just seizing that opportunity to do it and you circumventing the process This is what the Supreme Court, you know, this is what the Supreme Court. This is the problem of Dobbs, you know that the Dobbs case said You know, we're we're we're turning this back and what's interesting though is that the spring court actually said we're returning this to the people's representatives So it actually even the Dobbs case you could argue like wait, even the Dobbs case doesn't allow for this But it is basically the Supreme Court saying hey, we're out of it and in this case You know this is the Supreme Court like you said watching their hands just saying all right y'all figure this out and You know, even though it even those the Constitution screams that states must provide equal protection The Supreme Court is totally ignored. Yeah. Yeah, so that was something in the debate I'll I'll hold love getting into that too deep yet So something Trump talked about I want to make sure we discuss so In regard to these amendments, so I know when you had you on before when this one first popped up in Ohio I think you had said that What's gonna result from this is years of litigation and going through all the layers of courts? And so from your perspective do you see? Like so just say Ohio for example because it's already been passed or voted in in Ohio like you you see it going to Making its way up to the Supreme Court and then them eventually having to make a ruling on whether or not it's constitutional I Think at some point. I think that's where it'll get to I think right now the Supreme Court doesn't really have the stomach to rule on equal protection and and so I think even though the Ohio knew Ohio constitutional amendment violence constitution the US Constitution I think the the federal courts are just gonna let it. Yeah for now and because You know, they've just kind of returned it to the states, you know as as Trump has said and They're not gonna step in you think they're even though they're afraid you think they're afraid like they're afraid of the mob I don't know if they're you know afraid of the mob like personally I think I think there's some some courageous people on the court in that sense I don't know that I'd say they're like personal afraid personally, but but I think that they're I Think they're afraid of the mob that the mob could just tear the country apart. Oh, yeah, and and and completely You know just undermine undermine the Republic so to speak by if the if the court goes too far then You know you could have you can have some real problems. I think that I think that's what they're afraid of I think I think they want to make like that especially Roberts. Yeah, he wants to maintain the the institution of the court and the the court's reputation is being this, you know Arbiter that you can trust like this godlike, you know organization that like they never get it wrong. Yeah And so they don't I don't think they want to go too far because that would undermine that gotcha So I in forgiving so I'm actually ignorant on this so in Ohio right now like it got it got voted in or say it were to get voted in Arizona Does that mean that abortion up the birth is immediately happening or is it one of these things where? Again, stuff's being held Yeah, so I actually don't know the answer to that. I mean essentially it does mean that abortion till birth is is You know immediately okay. Yeah, you know that the laws that's restricted abortion Definitely before viability or are probably Unenforceable and then after viability there's probably gonna be litigation on those but but I think the way it's worded It's gonna be Yeah, pretty much a free for all. So how is that gonna affect the bills that we're putting in so like and Jeff actually He's gonna be back in Ohio, and he was just there. We have we're gonna have a bill in Ohio So like how was that gonna affect our bills then? Yeah, that's one of the things people are saying right? Yes, this will not leave this open to legal challenge. Yeah, right? Yeah, and what I say is you know From a legal person from a true legal perspective. Nothing has changed right the fourth eighth amendment of the US Constitution still trumps The this new constitutional amendment in Ohio and and it would anywhere else that it passes it And so states still should pass equal protection bills because they're still constitutional and they're still what you should be doing at the state level And then once you pat once the legislature passes them, okay now we're on to litigation About that But absolutely it's still the right thing to do and that's what we should do and we need to treat these constitutional amendments Like they're not worth the paper. They're written on because they're not Well, I mean, it's just it's just mind boggling to me if it got the fundamental role of government is to protect Its citizens. Yeah, right the people under its care and literally in the language of the constitutional amendment says The government or the state may not interfere. Yeah in a violent crime of homicide, right? It's commanding the state to stand down and to not prevent literal murder so You know, it's interesting genesis nine you have god You know, he's giving civil authority to man here. No one is in this family And he says whoever sheds man's blood by man shows blood be shed for the image of god made he man And the next thing god says is be fruitful multiply You know like god god when he's saying protect innocent life, you know provide justice for For murder and then the next it's like the next thought that god has is about Yeah, the conception of children, right? He's thinking of it in the same thought and now here We are with these amendments saying we are not going to protect the life that god You know holds precious and it's the most vulnerable and innocent and we're going to reach in and we're going to say government You can't stop us from reaching in and destroying this life in a place that you know, it's so sacred Yeah, it's so funny because all of these are touted as you know, this should be between a woman interdoctor The state shouldn't be involved and they're all a fundamental attack on the role of the state You know like Yeah, it's it's infuriating. Well, that's uh, that's a good place to transition Transition this year. I'm gonna uh, sorry. I needed to reset this Um, we'll we'll just get rid of the debate because a lot of the stuff we're saying is like brought up in the debate We're kind of like touching it, but I want to kind of get to it. So, um, so before I before I start this I I do want to say I told Brad I would say this Um, we do want to make a disclaimer that this is not a Uh, we're not telling you to or not to vote for Trump. Where it's how we're uh, this is We're gonna call out things that need to be called out. This is all about the truth So if I say go vote for Trump, I'm gonna have people mad at me if I say don't go vote for Trump I want to have people mad at me We're just gonna speak the truth to you. That's what this is about and Trump needs to be called out on stuff Obviously Harris is a hot piece of work, but we'll get into that as well Um, but we're all about the truth here. And so I just want to make that disclaimer before we get into this You vote your conscience. That's what i'm going to tell you. Okay, so We'll just uh, we'll just get rid of this. This was at uh, about the Almost 16 minute mark when the abortion question I think was like the second question if I remember correctly came up very early So We'll uh, we'll just get into this and then by the way, could you hear this Brad when I played the commercial? Could you hear it? I could hear all the voices. Okay. Cool. I just want to make sure Um, you're able to hear it so you know, we're right. Um, so we'll get right into this and then if you want to stop just Say something and I'll stop it I want to turn to the issue of abortion president trump you've often touted that you were able to kill rovey weighed Last year you said that you were proud to be the most pro-life president in american history Then last month you said that your administration would be great for women and their reproductive rights In your home state of florida you surprised many uh with regard to your six-week abortion ban because you initially had said that it was too short And you said quote i'm going to be voting that we need more than six weeks But then the very next day your reverse course and said you would vote to support the six-week ban Vice president harris says that women shouldn't trust you on the issue of abortion because you've changed your position so many times Therefore, why should they trust you? The reason i'm doing that vote is because the plan is as you know, the vote is They have abortion in the ninth month They even have and you can look at the governor of west virginia the previous governor of west virginia not the current governor is doing an excellent job But the governor before he said the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby in other words We'll execute the baby and that's why I did that because that predominates because they're radical the democrats are radical in that And her vice presidential pick which I think it was a horrible pick by the way for our country because he is really out of it But her vice presidential pick says abortion in the ninth month is absolutely fine. He also says Execution after birth it's execution no longer abortion because the baby is born is okay And that's not okay with me hence the vote but what I did is something for 52 years they've been trying to get rovey weighed into the states and through the Genius and and heart and strength of six supreme court justices We were able to do that now. I believe in the exceptions for rape incest and life of the mother I believe strongly and it ronald reagan did also 85 of republicans do Exceptions very important. Okay, hold on. There's so much there. I don't want to get too far. Yeah, so one If you missed it, he you know, they cornered him In somewhere else or something to ask them about the the about initiative in florida. He didn't directly answer it That's one thing he said there needed to be more time One thing about this debate if you watched it, they're really both from a really good and not actually answering questions Yes, so that's what happened. He kind of got pinned on it, but didn't really answer it But he's like, oh, it's not enough time bubble and there was a ton of backlash a lot of backlash from Prominent pro-life figures and then very quickly came out and said, oh, no. No, I'm not gonna before this, you know Um, so what he's saying is right though? That the the you know, the extreme leftist they want they want this they want to be able to You murder the children you enough to birth if they decide, you know, like and by the way that does really happen It's not a yeah late term abortion is not a myth and to his Credit even in states like minnesota where tim waltz. Yeah was the governor it happened Also, yeah, so he's right about that. He's absolutely right and of course Harris just trying to laugh it off like he's Full of it, but this he's absolutely correct on that Um on that point you want to say anything Brad and then obviously we'll get to the exception stuff, but well, I mean Look at the world that we live in where You know, he says That oh, yeah, you should be able to murder a baby Because of the sense of this of his father because of the way the baby was right conceived You should be able to murder a baby Um, like he said, oh six weeks is not enough time. You should be able to murder a baby Uh a little beyond six weeks. We don't know how long he thinks it's okay, but beyond six weeks Which is you know when that's when a lot of horses are happening Um, you know, we need to be able to murder babies like that and With he's he calls the democrats position radical because oh you can murder him about the nine months It's like saying Um, oh, well, it's you know murdering murdering a 10 year old you radicals, you know, only murder one year old Like wait, wait, I think I think you're all radicals. Yeah, okay. I think you're all extremists And and and anyone who doesn't think that needs to check Our selves and and wash ourselves in the water of god's word and say like maybe we've the fact that our natural Like reaction to that is oh, yeah, those radical democrats and that certainly it is but We should also be saying Wow this radical national republican party and national republican candidate that we have is radical You know in In wanting people to be able to murder children At all but even beyond six weeks and um, you know, we're just We're living in yeah, uh, yeah pretty pretty bad place I struggled to contextualize that we have anything more here than two pro-abortion candidates Sure, I mean, that's exactly one or just one degree one may be more vociferous and upfront about their intentions Um, but what you just heard articulated there Was exactly another problem, you know murder up to this arbitrarily designated point Is perfectly fine and then um, I feel like the question is a legitimate one because Yeah, everything he has said on this has been muddy Yeah, and he has been populist in his framing and which is how some of it is supposed to work We're supposed to be vocal about the fact that life begins at fertilization All life needs to be protected and then he responds to that in some manner and says no Um, I've got to keep this part of my base, right? Which your point is more about the pandering um, you know to the the people in the middle And those of us that do maintain a strong stance for life So there's just a ton of consistency here in consistency and I think His positions force him into a schizophrenic Standpoint like he's he's trying to hold so much together, but there's no standard At the bottom of it. This is either murder or it isn't right. I mean, that's what it comes down to The um, and this is something none of I mean, no one should be surprised by this and then people You know, whatever he said, uh, you know That hey, there needs to be more time and it at least implied that he would be voting You know for the the florida amendment Um, there's huge reaction to that finally, you know by by by by by christians and the pro-life movement and um You know that the issue is in 2022 He he said after the midterm didn't go nearly as well as we're focusing on stuff. They would He came out and said at that point. Hey, we're too strong on abortion. We need to water it down That's why we lost we've got to win elections. You know, we need to we need to compromise on this I mean, everybody knew where he was on this issue. Sure. Um, and and what he was going to be doing in the selection And so that that's when you know, people should have reacted Right and said absolutely not No way are we watering down on this? This is why we have a government in the first place This is why we have a country, you know in the nation and republic in the first place is to protect if it's not to protect innocent life And what are we all here for? And but they didn't and he kind of got away with that People were like, yeah, you're right. We got a we got to compromise to win elections and I think one of the reasons that people did react, you know to what he said recently is because he's he's doing well And and they think okay. He may actually win. We have a chance of winning this so we can push back a little Um, and and maybe he'll still win. Um, whereas back then I think they're like, you know what we probably do Yeah, at least be quiet and and let him get away with this Um, and you know, and that's what that's what's happened. Yeah, that's what happened. Yeah, so I put a lot of this on the fault You know christians that for sure that we've allowed this we've allowed him to get away It's been a lot of compromises up to this point talking like this. Yeah without us pushing back Yeah, I mean, obviously he said right there. He's all four exceptions and then I mean the statistic that 85 percent of republicans I mean, I don't know if that's accurate or not But, um, I'd like to know where he's getting that number. Yeah, but uh, I mean this is it's affected us directly in Arizona here We had this year with a over turn that the law That's the thing is it's it's it's having a discipling effect on all these other conservative Yeah, Christian organizations like let's kind of not focus on this Like let's not highlight the fact that this position is so utterly compromised and abominable because if we do That's going to prevent us from winning. Yeah. Yeah, okay. So let's move on. Well, and just because they're there in Arizona. Yeah, whenever The uh, you know, the court said, oh, you can enforce the pre-row ban there You know, trump came out. Even though trump's been like, hey, leave it to the states You know, he came actually out and said, oh, no, that goes too far as to extreme even though it's still allowed Self-managed abortion moms to order president do it. It's like, no, no, no, that's that's too extreme And then that provided cover. Yep. To what was it to republican legislators? That voted to repeal that. Yeah. So i mean, yeah Can't wait came out, you know, him being weak on that It doesn't just affect things at the federal level it affects it at the state level. Yep, you're exactly right Uh, okay. Keep on it But we were able to get it and now states are voting on it and for the first time You're going to see look this is an issue that's torn our country apart for 52 years Every legal scholar every democrat every republican Liberal conservative they all wanted this issue to be brought back to the states where the people could vote and that's what happened Happened now, ohio The vote was somewhat liberal Kansas the vote was somewhat liberal much more liberal than people would have thought but each individual state is voting It's the vote of the people now. It's not tied up in the federal government I did a great service in doing it. It took courage to do it And the supreme court had great courage in doing it and I give tremendous credit to those six justices There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born Okay, don't you love how they're they jump in there and just yeah, yeah They're all they fact-checked it trump the the entire thing, which was just so many ways come on look at mr So, okay, so this is actually this is the the conversation I was alluding to so I want to hear your take on this Brad because On one hand right we our nation is a constitution republic right and and the different things should go To the states right to vote and each individual say that's how our nation was established um, however when it comes to this specific Uh conversation right because we're dealing with like you mentioned, um the 14th amendment and and they're you know, the right to life, right? so um So I just want to hear your response to what trump saying and even how the support of the supreme court then in dobs How they they could have been courageous and you know, but they instead kind of passed the book to the states Um, so I just want to hear your your take on that conversation Yeah, should we just let states vote to decide whether to have slavery or not? Yeah Right, which is why the 14th amendment is the thing right right? I mean at one time We did we didn't have a 14th amendment and we did let states decide stuff like that. Yeah, and and again, I I think that that's Um, I think that's fine really I think I think that before the 14th amendment was fine. The problem was States uh abuse that and and they they you know, we saw the judgment of god the civil war And then then we saw the 14th amendment saying okay We need to take this out of the power of the states on this issue of equal protection of the laws At the very least laws about life liberty and property Um, that's now taking the 14th amendment took that out of the soul jurisdiction of the states and said hey Or you know our states, you know, it's your jurisdiction, but it has to be equal protection You have to provide equal protection and that's that's that's why Yes states. You can't you can't have slavery You know, and you can't say well this wall protects people who are this skin color, but not this can you can't do that Anymore no more of that after the civil war After the patch of the 14th amendment. And so what trump is basically saying You know, if we just apply the issue of slavery, he's like actually let's go back Let's let's go back and let's just let the states decide Slavery let's just let the states decide, you know Whether people get discriminated against in our laws, you know based upon whether they've been born yet or not or whether or what have you You know, that's why I could kind of in this debate if you kind of compare this to slavery Right now we are back in 1750 Um, you know where no state has abolished abortion And every state's just deciding whatever it wants to do and um, and we're seeing a lot of states decide Um, and really really every state at this point deciding we need to have at least some abortions, right? We need to let some people murder babies or or let everyone murder babies up to a certain point Um, and that's where we are and that's not I mean, it's just going to cry out more for the judgment of god Yeah, because of this child sacrifice. So yeah, no, I appreciate they are That's that's an excellent way to describe that because I mean ultimately like we're saying yeah, this the state should have You know the ability to to make their own laws as long as they don't you know trump the You know, I'm not saying that name facetiously. Um, you know the the us constitution So we're saying at this point it would override the the us constitution because it's not providing equal protection for all life And again, I'm all for states rights. I mean, I'm sure I'm a big states rise guy. Yeah, um, but this is how you lose states, right? By by you know, it's kind of one of those you either be governed by god or by god. You will be governed and And you know, it's Whenever you Whenever you're not being governed by god and you're abusing that then you're going to see tyranny And that's what we saw, you know with rho and and that's You know, we're headed to more judgment. Sure. That's that's interesting the the connection between absolute autonomy and tyranny Right because that that absolute autonomy often descends into anarchy Into lawlessness and that lawlessness then needs to be rained in by a power stronger than itself And if that won't be god and his word and his law and a higher law that we can point to that transcends us It will be the strong arm of whoever has the bigger gun In the end. Yep. Yep. So what forgive me. What was the fact check? She just dropped right before I stopped and I completely forget what she said that that doesn't happen babies born alive From botched abortions And then left to die. I'm gonna fact check her on that one. Yeah, which which I've not mistaken Kamala Harris voted um in opposition to that and we'd probably say that that was more of a ceremonial Law by the pro-life establishment kind of a throwaway like Oh, please just give us the crumbs of at least at least save the babies that are born alive from the botched abortions Like at least do that But the fact that you know, we have a presidential candidate that is so wicked Yeah to go against even Rescuing life that has uh exited the womb And now needs help to survive just saying we're gonna leave that child to die. I mean, I don't think you can Fully express the level of depravity Well, after that the fact checkers fact check the fact checkers Um here here afterwards and they saw that you know, Tim walls his own state. I think last year there were eight eight They have ordered right um born alive and then left to die. Yep. Yep. Exactly. All right. So here We're gonna get into you thought chorump was extreme And vice president want to get your response to president trump. Well, as I said, you're gonna hear a bunch of lies And that's not actually a surprising fact Let's understand how we got here Donald trump Hand selected three members of the united states supreme court with the intention that they would undo the protections of rovie wade And they did exactly as he intended and now in over 20 states There are trump abortion bans which make it criminal For a doctor or nurse to provide health care in one state. It provides prison for life Trumpable, sorry murder not health care Orshan bans that make no exception even for rape and incest which understand what that means a survivor of a crime of violation To their body does not have the right to make a decision about what happens to their body next that is immoral Wait a minute. Oh, I know I know I know I know I think the most No on a very real note. I think the most I think the most concerning thing here is how passionate she is about this Oh, yeah, I mean and that's why this election honestly is coming down to this issue. I think I mean the Because if you listen to her speak on the other topics that were addressed here on on no other topic I think there she speak so passionately like this is a woman that is so in love With abortion as a sacrament of religious worship. Yeah, that it must be protected at all costs Um, you know, whatever we have to do to protect the murder of innocent children. That's what we're going to do And you can I believe that she believes it. Yeah I believe that a human being a human heart could be so self-deceived as to create such a level of cognitive dissonance as i'm Sure you're going to touch on a second Bradley Um because of the moral spiritual problem of rebellion against god That you could actually try and maintain in your mind two Simultaneous things like we need to protect innocent people's bodies from being violated. Yeah And then on the other side We're going to violate the bodily autonomy of this innocent human being by completely destroying them and calling it moral Calling it morally good even to the point of her commenting. Well, you don't need to relinquish your faith commitments in order to support this So now she's bringing the religion which by the way, this is interesting. That was the only comment about religion or god in the entire debate Was her invoking the word faith. You're right a faith commitment. You don't have to relinquish your faith commitment to be for abortion the murder of children. Yeah, this is literally roman chapter one. I mean she's literally flipping morality on its head doing the 180 So brad i'm dying to hear because you brad about came out of a seat. You couldn't see it, but I could see it I mean jags is covered in. I mean she's it's just it's just like she's just Wait a second. What you just said? Violating the you know bodies of innocent people wait. I mean that's what abortion is What are you what are you you know, it just comes down to this whole um the hands of the wicked or swift to shed blood, you know, and it's That um, you know, we've got to be able to do this mom's rights trumps babies rights, you know, and yes No one should have the right to tell a mother because she's a voter Um, you know what she can do with her body Over these babies who the bible calls a fatherless and people You know historically oppress them and god points that out over and over and over again because guess what? There's no there's no one to stand for them because they don't have a vote Uh, she's just fine with people oppressing them and destroying violating their bodily their bodies, um even though they're innocent, you know, it's just It's a total might makes right argument here. Yeah. Yeah, it's which is consistent with yeah Marxism communism, you know, likely I have more people with me And we have more power than you do. Yeah, so you're gonna do what we say Yeah, I mean just this whole how dare you tell a woman what she can do with her body And i'm saying how dare you Not allow this baby to have the right to decide what to do with their own body Um, so we'll go we'll just do a couple more minutes of this and then no Brad's got to get going Not too long from now. So we'll try to do it. We can't hear Does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree The government and donald trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body I have talked with women around our country. You want to talk about this is what people wanted Pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term suffering from a miscarriage being denied care In an emergency room because the health care providers are afraid they might go to jail And she's bleeding out in a car in the parking lot She didn't want that her husband didn't want to happen. Yep. Okay, Brad go take it running Where was that one? Where where did that happen? Right? Not happening fake news Yep, I mean that was this was uh one of the big Criticisms from the pro-life industry Exactly they came out against us in Louisiana. Yeah, you're gonna criminalize women that get miscarriages That's when I first heard that argument was against us from the pro-life movement and now they've stolen that or ectopic pregnancies. Yeah Oh, it's crazy. So all yeah Just to say one thing about that is all of these things already have provisions within our current existing law that protects physicians in these situations that are medical triage in which you know, he's trying to treat the woman And the baby and preserve as much life as possible. Yeah, and he is not held liable For trying to save as much life as he can right he's not penalized Um for helping a woman for example who has miscarried that's not an abortion right up abortion is the intentional destruction of um a living human being miscarriage is something different altogether obviously In a fallen world the lines are not as clear often as we would like them to be but that's why the law to the best of our ability Uh doesn't penalize doctors for upholding the oath that they took to do no harm Exactly exactly right Okay A 12 or 13 year old survivor of incest Being forced to carry a pregnancy to term They don't want that And I pledge to you When congress passes a bill to put back in place the protections of rovy wade as president of the united states I will proudly sign it into law, but understand if donald trump were to be reelected He will sign a national abortion ban understand in his project 2025 There would be a national abortion a monitor that would be monitoring your pregnancies I think the american people believe That certain freedoms in particular the freedom to make decisions about one's own body Should not be made by the government you know, thank you advice, you know, not to start a fight here But I think this is the exact moment of the debate that Taylor swiff was sitting at home with her cat saying i'm gonna make an instagram post saying I endorse kamal harris No, she's my candidate. Yeah Yeah, I mean Like I said the I think this election It comes down to this conversation, and I think that's why the republicans have tried so hard to Ignore it or so we put another rug or not speak boldly on it Um, but I mean that's just a monitor like what it's like. What are you talking about? Uh, that's unconstitutional You can't have a month What? No, again something else something else, you know Bob can I take you know or Alex can I say, you know things that never happen or never happen for a thousand, please? Yeah, I'm sorry. I said bob. I'm mixing up my Well, and then yeah because she likes We'll end it there because I know brad's gotta get going here soon Um when we can actually carry this into the out-for-show But I think this is where trumps like he goes because she said he's gonna sign an abortion and he goes well We don't even have to have this conversation because it ain't gonna happen because it'll never pass and get on my desk Which he's right Which is sad It's really sad that's where we're at but he's right about that Um, but of course he doesn't answer the question because he's an expert at avoiding answering questions Um, but anyways, we'll end on that point. Do you want to Anything to that just the comment about forcing women to carry a pregnancy against their will and all of this It's just euphemistic pro-abortion language for um, you know They want to be able to kill the baby. Yeah, that's that's what we're talking about exactly right Um first of all abortion is More often than not an intentional decision made between two parties in which they conduct an act that tends toward uh Sexual reproduction right you live in god's world you do this and babies happen Like that's how god made the world. Yeah, so no one is forcing anyone to carry a pregnancy Against their will and in the event of the unthinkable happens and a woman is violated She doesn't then As the victim of a violent crime turn around and become the perpetrator of another one and go against an innocent human being like the baby Is not forced to bear the weight of his father's uh sin and crime For simply existing exactly right Brad any closing thoughts on that? Yeah, I mean, we need to be taking these rapists out You know that that's the solution here. Yeah, exactly You know that so that way we have a lot fewer of those situations because we've executed them and not these precious innocent babies Bingo excellent. Um one more time, Brad. Where can people find you? Uh Life they can go there check out foundation to boss abortion sign up for the equipped con uh equipping the safe to abolish abortion conference use the promo code EAN 60 EAN 60 to get the early bird price there and check out abortion free Dot com and watch the docu series Excellent. Well, thank you again everyone. And of course I also want to mention uh amtak blades We've got our sweet battle axes laying out there bill rapier good brother of ours um retired navy seal dev group operator Beast and every term every use of the term amazing man of god Um anyways to go to amtech you can put apology and keep on code and get 5 off your order And uh, he will then give 5 also to end abortion now So he's he's in this fight with us to to save these babies And of course we got all of our gear speaking of babies We I mentioned this whole last show where we got our end abortion now track now in spanish Oh, that's not the spanish one. This is the spanish one two bebe two bebe So you can check that out. We're excited to have those and uh, i'm wearing my sweet new provokes shirt today Nice. I was just on the last night. Oh, were you? Yeah, no good for you. Yeah, I know those guys. They're all right Just kidding love those guys. Um, well, thank you everyone for partnering with us We are going to head right into an after show so we'll get right over there because brad's got to go in 13 minutes Um, so we'll get over there. We'll continue this conversation. Thank you everyone that supports us and partners with us with all access And I think that's about all I think jeff will be on next week Later dudes. Thanks for joining us. So thank you everyone. We love you. Appreciate you. Peace out You You You (upbeat music) (upbeat music)