Teen Bible Study Taught 'N Ten Minutes

Your Salvation is not to be Neglected: Be Careful How You Live It !!!

In this week’s episode we will be discussing, “Your Salvation is not to be Neglected: Be Careful How You Live it” according to God’s Word. Scriptures: Hebrews 2:1-4, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Deuteronomy 28:58-63, Psalm 37:23, Proverbs 4:23

Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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In this week’s episode we will be discussing, “Your Salvation is not to be Neglected: Be Careful How You Live it” according to God’s Word. Scriptures: Hebrews 2:1-4, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Deuteronomy 28:58-63, Psalm 37:23, Proverbs 4:23

"Yeah, come on, it's like that, it's like that." Hello and welcome to my young loyal listeners of Teen Bible Study Talk in 10 minutes. So what do you know? Word on the go. This podcast is brought to you by and produced by Real Time with the Bennet, where real talk happens all the time. I'm your host, Minister Bennet of today's episode, and my co-host is the lovely sister Bennet as my husband affectionately calls me. Thank you for allowing and trusting us to be a part of your Christian walk. In this week's episode, we will be discussing your salvation is not to be neglected. Be careful how you live it, according to God's word. We are back live in the P.A.T. podcast studio with another great lesson for another great week. We are back in lesson mode. We're going to start back with Hebrews chapter 2. So buckle up and get ready. And you already know we're going to talk about neglecting our salvation and how we should live a careful life. So let's look at the biblical meaning of careful, making sure of avoiding a potential danger, mishap, or harm. Hebrews 2 verses 1 through 4. We must pay the most careful attention, therefore to what we have heard so that we do not drift away. For since the message spoken through angels was binding in every violation and disobedience received, it's just punishment. How shall we escape if we ignore this so great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. God also testified to it by signs, windows, and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will. I know that was a mouthful and yeah, we're going to dive into Hebrews 2. We see three things at play in these verses of scripture. Number one, obeying God's command. Number two, fearing the consequences of not obeying God's command. And three, encouragement to stand by what you've heard. Nothing is at play because life is no game. So I kind of probably shouldn't have said that. Take some time each day to represent God in your conversation. That's what you should do. That's how we obey His command, in your job, in your activities. And most importantly, when you think God ain't looking, newsflash, God is everywhere. He is looking. He is omnipresent. Jeremiah 23, 23 through 24 says this, "Am I only a God nearby declares the Lord? Not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them declares the Lord? You may think you can run and hide, but as you can see, you can't." Here's the thing. We can help ourselves by following the word of God, treating it as the truth. It is. Yep, the word of God, all we got to do is just take it at face value. When we treat His word without regard, without being careful or without care, we put ourselves in unnecessary harm's way, which leads us to lack, it leads us to failure, and just takes us off the road that God has for us. Enough about that. How can we use this to be a witness is really what we want to talk about to our family, to our friends? How can we do that? Because see, we're going to apply this word. That's what we like to do here at the P&T podcast to do. Teach you how to apply the word of God. But here's the thing. That's an excellent question, right? Let's go back to my opening statement. Number one, starts directly with us. How do we live this out in front of our family and friends? How do we stay in God's will even when times and situations seem insurmountable? God commands are meant to keep us safe and from doing ourselves harm. So why not follow and obey them? Why do you think God commands are so difficult to follow? They're actually not. I have this sneaky suspicion that some folks think they're just not real, that the biblical or the Bible, the laws, all that stuff is just not real. We believe doing what God commands us disrupts our lives and it ruins the fun we are seeking or planning to have. God is not a God that brings sadness into the life of Christians. I just want you to know that. Number two, I'm going to just put this out here. I think that it has everything to do with our belief in God and His promises. Maybe people don't believe that a God that they can't see is worthy to be feared by us and the consequences can't actually reach or impact us. Yeah, I said that out loud. Many of us, we walk around saying we believe in God, but in actuality, because we can't see Him, we probably don't think He's real. So we do what we want to do. The children of Israel, God's chosen people, tried God and failed and they failed at it miserably. Deuteronomy 2853 through 63 says this, I'm kind of paraphrasing, but go read it for yourself. "If you do not carefully follow all the words of the law which are written in the book and do not revere this glorious and awesome name, the Lord your God, the Lord will sin fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters and severe and lingering illnesses and it goes on," right? So we know about the plagues, the seven plagues. See, we should learn from those in the Bible. We should, yep, we should use them as examples. We shouldn't have to learn it ourselves. We shouldn't be hard-headed. We shouldn't be a stiff-necked people. We don't need to repeat history, simply put. Trust what you've read in Scripture. Trust what you've been taught about the Bible as long as it's true. So just do it. This leads me to number three. If we don't live like we trust and believe it, how can those whom God has placed in our paths to share the good news of the gospel with, how would they believe it if we don't believe it if we're not even living it? We leave nor give them any hope. We don't leave them any hope. They come see us. They come in our path. They walk away and they leave with nothing. Hope is the greatest gift we can give a non-believer. It was hope that caused us to surrender our lives to Christ and seek and have this salvation. So I'm going to go to the Lord in prayer. Father God, I come to you right now thanking you for this great, awesome day, a day that we have yet to see. I ask that you forgive us for every sin, thought, data, action, or God that we may come boldly to your throne of grace. I petition you on behalf of all the listeners, Lord God, young, old, your young, loyal listeners, Lord God, that you will empower them, Lord God, to follow your precepts and your laws, Lord God, as you have laid out in their life, Lord God. They should follow number one, two, and three, Lord God. Have your way. Give them the carriage, give them the desire, and give them ten toes down, Lord God, that they will stick to the road that you have put them on, Lord God. Have your way in their lives, Lord God. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen. Hey, let's see what they're wrapping about over here in the conversation corner. Hey, minister Bennett. What y'all wrapping about over here? Today we were chatting about Hebrews chapter two, verse three, which reads, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him? A few were struggling with this verse, and I love that they wanted to understand it and was not ashamed to say it was confusing to them. So I explain that the verse means that we cannot just think that salvation is for those who were in the Bible days, we must believe that it is just as God, the same yesterday, today, and forever more. The definition of neglect is to fail to care for properly. If your salvation, the way you live your save life as a Christian, is not cared for properly, just like an old building that's not cared for, it begins to fall apart. We have to make sure that we do not neglect our salvation. We have to take care of it by feeding it with a word so that we are growing strong in Christ. Jesus talked about when He walked the earth, He talked about it, and then after He ascended into heaven, He left witnesses here to share what they heard, the truth about salvation. We have to make sure that we stay strong and that we are not swayed this way or that way, but that our roots are deeply grounded in Christ. It's no different than you taking care of your body by making sure you are clean and you don't smell using deodorants, and for some of you, you can go all out with perfumes or cologne. We need to make sure that our salvation is intact, we're living a clean life, one that has a sweet smell and aroma and is pleasing to God. We need to be serious about walking this Christian walk, serious about our salvation. We all know that tomorrow is not promised to anyone, and there are so many in your age group that are not making it to adulthood. So your salvation is precious not to be neglected, but to be strengthened. Be blessed our young loyal listeners. In summary, the importance of knowing that being careful is the only way to live this Christian life. I will close with this and a quote, "Living life on the edge, throwing caution to the wind is not what God had planned for us," when in reality, we should be taking one careful step at a time to ensure we are taking the steps that God prepared for us. Psalm 37 and 23 says this, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way." Be careful how you think your life is shaped by your thoughts, Proverbs 4-23. As always, please don't forget to subscribe and share so that you and your friends will join in all future notifications when new and exciting episodes are uploaded and posted. Until next time, stay safe and live a life wholly and acceptable to God after all its your reasonable service. With a special thank you to L.J. Productions for post-production's editing techniques and use for this podcast. This podcast was sponsored by the Body of Christ Church in Waldorf, Maryland, Pastor Kenneth E. Stewart, H. Christian Education Ministry, and association with Realtime with the Bennett. Realtime, what? You got it. Happens all the time. Yeah.