The SavvyCast

Blood Sugar Balancing Recipes with Meredith Mann

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Meredith Mann of The Peachie Spoon joins me to share about her new cookbook! 




This week on The SavvyCast, I am joined by the amazing Meredith Mann, also known as “The Peachie Spoon.” Meredith shares her healthy and delicious blood-sugar balancing recipes with her followers. She is the author of the Well Made cookbook, and she has another cookbook releasing in October! In this episode, Meredith shares the science of blood sugar balancing meals, what to expect from The Blood Sugar Balance Cookbook, and more! 




In addition to being a wife and mother of three, Meredith is a CPT and holistic nutrition and wellness consultant. She specializes in metabolisms, blood sugar, and emotional eating. Her happy place is her yoga mat and her kitchen, creating simple recipes that help balance blood sugar. She believes that freedom starts to come when we learn to eat properly to shut off hunger, ditch the crave/crash cycle, and finally feel good every day.



  • Why is blood sugar important for everyone? 

  • What is Well Made Academy? 

  • What kind of recipes are in your new cookbook?

  • Where can I buy your protein powder? 




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(upbeat music) - Hi friends, welcome to the Savvy Cast where we'll talk food, family, beauty, health, relationships and more. Join me for conversation designed to help us live our best and savviest lives. So grab a cup of coffee and let's talk. (upbeat music) - Hello everyone, welcome to the Savvy Cast. This is Jamie and I'm thrilled that you're joining today, whether you're watching on YouTube or listening to the podcast. I have a return guest that everyone loves and everyone loves her anyway on Instagram. I have Meredith Mann, the peachy spoon and y'all she's just the cutest thing ever. And I just love having her on, she's so savvy and Meredith, how many? And you've been on before, thank you for coming again. - I know you're busy. - It's for having me, I love it, this is so fun. I love chatting with you. - Yes, Meredith, you have just blown up, you've got my goodness, how many, roughly how many Instagram followers do you have now? - For goodness, 240 something, I think. - Wow, and Meredith, I have to say it's followers are not what matters, it's engagement. And you have both, you have fabulous engagement, your people love you, they trust you, and you are doing a great thing. And I cannot be more proud of you, we're happy to have you on. And I am excited that I've had you on before. So I've asked you the icebreaker question, but it was a hot minute since she've been on. So I'm gonna ask you the icebreaker question again. What would you choose as your last meal? - It could have changed too, let me think of it. Definitely like a really good mac and cheese, like a southern, like you, just sometimes they're not as good as others. But I can see watermelon and probably a burger. - Where's your favorite burger in Birmingham? - Oh goodness, I kind of think, oh, it's somewhere downtown. - Yeah, I know, I know what your, yeah, there's a place downtown saying top foot all the time, but I can't make the best burger, so I love to eat burgers out. But Meredith, I wanted to have you on because I got a copy of your book, of your cookbook. And I just wanna tell everyone who trusts my opinion, you must get this cookbook. And I'm gonna say this, and I don't wanna give myself too much credit, but if I were to write a cookbook, this is a healthy version of a cookbook that I would write. This is the kind of food that I love, that I prepare, but I see there are a few things in each recipe that I need to do differently to make it optimal and blood sugar balancing. And I'm super excited. I saw your chicken tetracyney, which on my blog, that's one of the most popular recipes. And I saw your recipe and I'm like, this is very similar, but hers, I need to follow some of her tweaks. And mine will be blood balancing. So kudos to you for hitting a cord of just food that can be celebratory, family friendly, kid friendly, but blood sugar friendly. You have struck a perfect balance. - Oh, thank you, Jamie. - Yeah, I just, it's funny. It's almost like, like, I love to create recipes. I don't want to cook that much, but I like them to be easy and like something I could make on a weeknight, but it is, it's almost like this game, 'cause like I have to like add up the macros and I'm like, oh, I know it would be good. Like I just like, my goal is to do healthier ingredients, but also it has to taste good so you can just cook one and the whole family can enjoy it. So yeah, it's been really fun to make those recipes. And I haven't shared them, you know, I can't wait out with all these, most like 80% of the recipes in that new book are book exclusive. So they won't ever be on my website. I won't ever put them on Instagram like that was part of the book contract. So I'm excited to get all these recipes out there and I need to make them too. I haven't made them. - I've already, like, I've already written up. I mean, it's already becoming tattered, but that's the way I use my things. I use them and I've already got all these little scribbles and I want to ask you about some, but first I'm going to say, thank you for having significant party type recipes that will feed a crowd. I think that's great. Is your family, do you have a picky eater or does your whole family love everything you make pretty much? - No, I mean, no, my kids definitely were like, "No, I call them nugget kids." You know, I thought I'm not healthy stuff too early and they ate nuggets for years and goldfish or whatever. But they're all teenagers now with bigger appetite, especially the boys though, but they don't always love the same thing, but they are great at like pivoting, you know, I can just throw on a frozen burger or they can fix themselves something else if they don't love what I cooked. But for the most part, I've tried to cook things that everybody will eat 'cause it feels like a waste of time. - Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, now your kids, your boys are in high school? - Yes, I have all three in high school now. So they have a senior, a sophomore, and then a daughter that's a freshman. - Oh my goodness, and that's awesome. I think in your invest idea, right? - Yes. - Yeah, okay, so fine. One of my twins, you know, I have the twins. One of them saves you at church. I saw a peachy-spoon at church today in the bathroom or whatever, then the other one sees you in the neighborhood. She lives in that state, yeah. I saw a peachy-spoon walking and I'm like, "Well, stop in town." She's like, "She won't know who I am." It was so cute from the, I saw a peachy-spoon. - Yeah, but when I talk to a church, I'm like, "I love your mom." Yeah, I'm like, "I love when people come up to me." That's fun. - No, it's cute. - I want everyone to know about, one thing I love about this book is you at the very beginning, the first two chapters that may have been, the first two, you dedicate to getting down to the nitty gritty of macronutrients and the why behind, you know, balancing your blood sugar. And I will say, I probably would have skipped right over all that and gone straight to the recipes. Had not, my husband who looks like he could be on the cover of a fitness magazine, he's very muscular. He's freed, I bet it. And the minute we heard that, all of the things changed about being aware and under it. And you were one of the first that I thought of because that is your mantra, blood sugar balance. And that will alleviate or get rid of those problems that are so destructive. Why did you, and I know you explained, you know, their personal story, but can you just tell everyone what led you to the point of saying it's about blood sugar and about balance and this is why? - Yes, well, blood sugar balancing was life-changing for me. So I was diagnosed with hypoglyphemia. It was when I was a newlywed, it was like 2000 in fact. And so that was the first time I ever heard a doctor say, you need to, if you're ever need a piece of cake, you got to eat protein first. And so that was that first time I heard that, the emphasis on protein. And so, you know, of course I didn't always do that, but I just never felt good. I'd have these drops in the afternoon, like a blood sugar crash situation that would make me have these intense carb craving, which that sometimes led to like almost bingy stuff. Like I just wasn't eating enough early in the day and I didn't know if my nurse could catch up. So I did not enough protein to break this plus. My blood sugar crash just led to these pantry raids most afternoons when the kids were little. So I didn't have a healthy relationship with food either. So I also was having like anxiety and migraines and all of this and once I really figured out the balancing my blood sugar consistently with these easy meals and the general plate structure that I came up with, it just made it easier and I like slowly reverse my hypoglycemia symptoms. And then also my insulin resistant. I was pre-diabetic also. So even though I ate really healthy, I ate whole 30, but it's still, that wasn't the missing link. It was the blood sugar balance where really all foods fit. It's not like, you know, a good food, bad food list. It's just a general plate structure with emphasis on protein and fiber and these simple recipes. And over time, I just reversed my blood sugar issues and felt amazing. And so that's when I started my Instagram and I was like, everybody needs to know. Everybody, you know, 'cause I don't think a lot of people don't feel that it's super common. You know, blood sugar issues are super common in America just 'cause, you know, the food pyramid is what we've learned and that can give us those American diseases that are inflammatory and stemmed from blood sugar issues. So it was kind of a four blood sugar was a, like as popular as it is now. - Yeah, yeah. - I've always had blood sugar issues since I've been an adult. - When you, I know I saw on your Instagram, this probably long ago, where you were doing a glucose monitor to do you recommend for people who are just getting started with blood sugar balance and all of this, even if they have all your recipes, but to use a glucose monitor or do you think most people can just start making the changes and it'll gradually work itself out? - It can be helpful. They last a CGM on your arm and they last two weeks. So if you even just did it once, I think it can be super helpful in eye opening 'cause it's individual data that your body's given you in real time of what certain foods affect you and how meals affect you too. You might think this is a really healthy meal and you spike up really high and have the crash and that's inflammatory and you know, I'm not helping your overall health and well-being over time, that that, it can be nice that I do always say, I mean, but all that stuff is extra, you know, I mean, you don't have to, you can balance your blood sugar and not have all the data, you don't have to, but I know some people just love, you know, the watches, the rings, the all the data and that's great. So if you're one of those people, you know, you could try it once twice and learn a lot from yourself and then tweak from there, but at first, you know, I didn't have a glucose monitor until, you know, sorry about Instagram and they sent me one. So, but then I've been wearing one on and off for four years now and I've tested all my recipes with one just so I can say that, you know? - Oh, that's amazing. So all of your recipes you tested with your glucose monitor? - Yes. - So I take breaks 'cause it gets me a lot 'cause you have to scan it and put your food in and all that stuff, you know, I take breaks a lot, but it can be neat and I have been to see, but honestly, I feel like blood sugar, it's important to keep it stable more often, but also it's totally normal and no big deal to have spikes and crashes and enjoy, you know, ice cream and dessert and not think about blood sugar too, you know, I mean, it's not like damaging to have that happen once or twice here and there, but it's when it's this daily thing that you don't realize, you know, like maybe you're having overnight oats with maple syrup and all the banana mixed with it and all this and you think it's healthy 'cause you might be adding a little protein powder, but that's a lot of carbs at once. So that's where seeing the data on a glucose monitor can be helpful and just tweak these recipes. And that's where like with mine, I have recipes with oats, but like they're always half a serving of oats. Like I can't, like 'cause the whole serving of oats, even paired with fiber and he'll be fat from protein that spikes me. So that's where I've really tested these recipes to be more blood sugar friendly. But yeah, I think that answered it. - Yes, yes, absolutely. And Meredith, I'm gonna say I do not take lightly the work that it takes because I've not done a cookbook. And the thought of doing a cookbook makes me want to crawl into a hole. I'm so glad to have wonderful cookbooks like yours to look at and use. And they'll make myself up. I'm gonna start and if you jump in at any time, first of all, it's your fate. Like if you're, if you had to pull your family and you said, okay, your favorite recipe for my cookbook, collectively, what would it be? - I think what all my kids will eat and love, love, love is the balanced chili. I don't smell chili, I made it last night. - Okay, that's the one, I've got it. - And all of a sudden, I don't even know what's in there, that's embarrassing. I think it's embarrassing. - No, I have it, I have it down. Well, that was it the only one I folded it back. Is it the only chili recipe in here? - Yes, it would be the only chili. - Okay. - 'Cause I was allowed to add like some, some recipes that I'll try to add my most popular ones into that. - I'm the best for me. - Okay, the Buffalo chicken chili or the other. - No, that's not it, but they do love that one. - Okay, okay. Yes, I plan to make some of these for small group. You have, I mean, such yummy rosemary pot roast, chicken broccoli bake. Now that's one I'm gonna be making like for small group. This to me looks like a healthy version of chicken demand, which I believe that's an endangered recipe. Like growing up, when I was at Auburn, if we made a nice meal for our boyfriend or whatever, we always made chicken demand. You don't really see that much anymore. So this, I'm surprised. Where did this, the antspo for the chicken broccoli bake? - I just love it. And the whole family does love that one. And I just love it once I throw it in the oven, you know, easy, but just a basic like chicken and rice kind of thing, I think is great. And I tried to add, it's like half mostly caulirides, but there is the real rice in there too. And I think that helped like hide, so the kids will eat it too. And it's not like just cauliflower rice. But that's where I try to keep the balance to where it's like, right at the loud, I mean, all foods fit, and you can still keep your blood sugar stable. But it has to be yummy too. So yeah, I don't know if my kids would like it if it was only cauliflower rice. - Now, I saw something, you're not considered this a hat. And I think it's great. And it's only a cup in this whole casserole, organic white minute rice. - Yeah. - Is that one minute in the microwave? - Yes, it's easy. Yes, that's what I do. Yeah, just 'cause I'm thinking about that, because who wants to go to the trouble to make rice to then put in a casserole? - Right, 'cause you're getting another pan dirty. I know, so I just buy like the little microwavable cups the minute rice, then like I think they're a half a cup piece. There's a microwave too, and dump it in. - Yeah, oh, I love that. Now, I also got the tip of the century from this recipe. It may be other places. I've always wondered this. So now it's solved. You said while that's cooking the broccoli, place cottage cheese and a blender blend on medium speed until smooth. I usually blend the whole container and pour it back into the container for storage in the fridge. Oh, my goodness. Now that's a big deal. I have been, when I do, well, actually I hate blending cottage cheese so much. I've just been dumping it in everything 'cause curds don't really bother me, but it looks so much better and probably comes out better when it's blended. I didn't know you could store it blended. That is awesome. - It's so easy 'cause then yeah, like there's, you know, there's cheesecake recipes or single serve fun stuff like that, and you can just use a little bit of it as you have, but a lot of people are texture, you know, do not like that cottage cheese texture. That was really hard to blend just a little bit at once in the blender, but if you buy a huge container, blend the whole thing out about a cocktail daisy, like a huge one, blend it, pour it back, and it's like, well, you can turn it into, you know, a saucer and add it to all sorts of stuff. - I love, love, love that. And so you get the big one at Costco. Okay, that's good. You know, I'm not gonna buy a bunch of good culture to put in things like that. I mean, I think daisy's great anyway. - It does, it's great ingredients too. - And I love good culture, it's really creamy and delicious. - Yeah, they're both good, but you know, the daisy's kind. - Yeah, so that was a great tip. Okay, can you tell me, I've jotted some things down. - I love that you have a protein, commento, and cheese. Now, growing up in the South, you know, we've always, we've got the dukes and the this and then that. Does your protein, commento, and cheese, tell us what it tastes like. - I mean, it's good. I mean, I feel like it's a good, of course, it's not like the classic, if you love mayonnaise, but I mean, I feel like it hits the same to me. It fills the square, I love a healthy swap. It doesn't look the same 'cause it's kind of cheese in it, but you can also blend that cottage cheese, but there's cheddar cheese too, so it mixes in. But it's delicious, and there's like, I think there's like 30 grams of protein in a cup, and this is where like, I love the mayonnaise cheese, but like, I feel my best eating half protein and that's just my blood sugar stable. So like, just having pimento cheese, regular pimento cheese for lunch, it's just the protein in the cheese that might be like seven grams and it's just like that, which is not a big deal. I mean, all foods can fit, there's more of a fat source. And we still need a protein source and who's eating a piece of grilled chicken with their pimento cheese. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, like, I'm gonna come up with one, but it's funny 'cause that's a really old recipe. Like, I've been sneaking cottage cheese into stuff for years, and I've kind of seen very trendy now, and I feel like it's a thing. - Yes, and I love, and you know what? I've been putting it in my turkey taco meat, and I thought, you know, I've discovered something great, but you've been doing it so long. A lot of people have. It lands such a rich, yummy flavor. - I love it. - So, I'm gonna try your protein, pimento, and cheese. I do have to ask you, since you are, what is your favorite cheese? Do you shred it off the block? - I am a little bit lazy girl, and so I'll just buy the package, but it's not better to shred it off the block. I know at Christmas, I shred it off the block, and Thanksgiving, I shred it off the block. - Yeah, yeah. - And that's better. - Yeah. - I mean, that would definitely take it up a notch. - Yeah, and I still do listen. - Yeah. - Life, we're busy. It's fine. We're not gonna die if we have to, you know, buy the shredded. And I will say, I have found that, I think Trader Joe's shredded, most of their pre-shredded cheese does not look like it has the coated stuff. - Yeah, that powdery stuff. It is gross. I love Trader Joe's. I need to keep that in mind. - Yes. - I bought five different shreds, and I looked at it all looked great. But you use a lot of Greek yogurt, and you're subbing that for mayo and sour cream, or mostly mayo. - Usually most, and it's just to tweak the fat and make it a little bit, just get the healthy fats from like the meats, the sauce or whatever. Like most of the recipes are still balanced, but it's just a matter of tweaking the fat. So I do a non-fat Greek yogurt or low-fat kind of sheep a lot of the time. - Okay, so you get the non-fat Greek. You don't get the full fat. - I do, just 'cause usually if it's like a yogurt bowl or something, I'm adding peanut butter for flavor. Like I would just rather, but it just, that's where it's personal preference with like what's your favorite and healthy fat, you know? So that's why I did the low-fat or non-fat Greek yogurt with the Cuminoo cheese, because there's healthy fats in that cheddar. That's your fat source. So just to tweak the fat, see more moderate and have that protein really a higher number. - Got it, okay. And another, it looks fabulous, your taco casserole. - Yes, oh, that's a good one. Yeah, I may not even recently, 'cause my all three of my kids love that one and it's super simple. - Okay, I mean, this is so easy. Okay, and I don't know, I'm just gonna ask you 'cause that's the two to four low-carb tortillas. Have you tried the hero? - No, and it's funny, on Instagram I had a follower send me those yesterday, I'm like, these are the best. - They're insane. - Okay. - Two slices of their bread, each has 12 grams of fiber. So you're getting 24 grams of fiber in one sandwich. And they have the tortillas, I had something with them yesterday. So that would even, I think, add a little more fiber in this order, it has nine grams of fiber. Yeah, this dish looks amazing. And I love how in your pictures, you show it with the sides, but you have to put with it so it's so helpful. What, you've got several tuna recipes. Tuna quesadilla, tuna casserole. Tell me, do you have a favorite tuna? - I do, I like to get the ones that are like the lower in mercury, I try to eat the safe catch. I usually just give it a Costco, but that's my go-to I try to, but you know, sometimes I get chicken in the sea. - Yeah. - And you love that, I think, yeah, they catch and there's another one, that's great. Just 'cause it's tough. - While playing it? - Yeah, that's it. - Yeah, that's you and my go-to. That's tuna's such an easy protein when you're low on groceries. You know, like, 'cause I think there's, I'd be in the lunch chapter, there's tuna cakes, there's, yeah, a tuna quesadilla, like you can just, those are super easy. - Yes, yes. Now I, how, where do you stand on, because I have not seen any, I haven't been through the whole, where do you stand on the whole 30 and the change in seed oils and all that? What's your take on that? Where do you stand personally with what you feel comfortable with seed oils for yourself? - Yeah, so I think, you know, everybody's personal wellness without obsession is individual. So like it just depends on you. And 'cause I think it's really important to have a healthy relationship with food too, and not be scared of food. But for me, I try, I had a horrible relationship with food and I did a whole 30. 'Cause it's good food, bad food, and I have food guilt, and that was living in bondage and all of the stuff. So I've moved on from that. But with seed oil, you know, restaurants use them 'cause they're cheap. And so for me, I try to avoid them as much as I can in my home with my own cooking, and then just start with a small stuff and enjoy restaurants. And don't worry about paying no oil or going crazy with that kind of stuff. But honestly, if it's like low down in the ingredient list, it's just not that much, it's not that big of a deal. So I am pretty relaxed on that. I just, my personal wellness without obsession, I just, sometimes I'm cutting corners. Like I like, for example, I like low fat dressing 'cause I'd rather have like cheese or a burger or peanut butter or chocolate for dessert as my healthy fat. I feel like dressings, I buy low fat dressing, one of them's full health farms. It's not expensive, there's like one or two grams fat. It tastes good, but there is like soybean oil in that, but it's way low down. There's barely, I mean, I keep you that much oil, there's no fat in the dressing. So I mean, that kind of stuff, I just don't sweat it, and that's just my go-to. But I know it's individual and people have convictions and it, you know, feed your family, it was you in a feed your family. And, but it's helpful for me to just not obsess. - I love that. I love the balance and the non-obsession because you can make your life miserable and everyone around you, if you nitpick every single thing. And I do think that your recipe's all so healthy, but I love your balance. And I just love that it's all done. - Yeah, but it's not feed oil, the virus, and not cookbook, anything. - That's right, right. - But, I mean, mental health matters too. So if you're actually really debilitating, like if you are stressed about that kind of stuff, it's like, well, is that healthy? 'Cause stress is the stressor, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - Well, how do we find this balance in this gray area of having power and knowledge and knowing what food is nutritious for us, but also at the same breath, not overthinking and stressing about what was this. - Right, right. As we're nearing the holidays, which I think this is a great book to buy before the holidays. And even as a gift for the cookbook lover, what would you say if somebody buys your cookbook? What's the perfect everybody's coming over? Maybe not Thanksgiving day, but you've just got a lot of friends coming over before Thanksgiving, you just want to feed them a good meal, make a head. What's your favorite recommendation out of the book? - Any slow cooker kind of thing, but also if you're having, you know, family in town for the holidays, my balance, breakfast, petrol, nobody knows that it's lightened up. Real low fat though, and there's no carb, so you can actually like have that fun cinnamon roll or whatever Christmas morning, or, you know, it's much more balanced with pie and protein and just moderate fat. And so it's a great way to like serve that. I have it every year, Easter and Christmas. And like if that nobody can tell, it just stays like a regular breakfast casserole. And that's super helpful so that you can still feel your best and enjoy all those fun high fat, high carb, holiday dudes with it. - Right. - It feels to be a little bit more balanced and not feel terrible. But yeah, that's it. I love that, the balanced breakfast casserole. That's a big one for the holiday. But yeah, there's the veggie sides. Some of those are great. You can do in addition to, you know, your sentimental, not so healthy Thanksgiving stuff. You could throw in a couple healthy veggie sides to go with, you know, just for some people that might like that. So some of those are really good. I think there's a roasted carrots and. - Yes, roasted carrots with chime. Those look so good. This covers everything, you have so many wonderful, healthy smoothies in here. And that leads me to, you have a protein powder. I've solved all the stuff on your Instagram. Tell us how that came about, what flavors, and of course, we'll link in the show notes to where they can get it. - Yeah, I'm so excited. It's launching. September 17th, I don't know when this episode is launching, but it has been like over a year in the making. I just, I love high protein, it makes me feel good. But I also don't crave meat and eggs every single meal. So I love to supplement with a high quality protein powder at one meal a day. I also love to throw at my baked goods. So I love a smoothie or my warm collie bowls or my balanced oats or baked oats, that kind of stuff as one meal a day. That's kind of part of my, those smoothies were like changing for me in my afternoon cravings and crashes and all that kind of stuff. So since my, my family, my husband does the same and my kids love a smoothie. I like, I mean, do we really know what's in all these? It kind of makes me nervous because it is a powder and it's a supplement. So I was like, I want to make my own. So we did a lot of research. I found a manufacturer in Santa Barbara, California that would do the ingredients that I wanted. It's been this really long journey with lots of samples back and forth to find like the just right taste and like changing out the sweeteners and all of that. I'm super excited. And I went with a grass fed way isolate late and there is 20 patterns of protein per serving. But I went with that because I feel it is virtually lactose free. So even, you know, I mean, it is still a theory, but it's easier to digest. But I left out the gums and the less the tins and all that that's in those emulsifiers that are, that can be gut disruptors. And since me and my family are eating this daily and a lot of people, I wanted to just make sure that it would like still gut friendly and all that. But I really did the 25 grams of muscle building protein too. Like there's no collagen added in. It has that complete amino acid protein. Yeah, the loose things really higher than anything else with the way I feel it. So I just wanted to simplify for us ladies that are losing muscle and perimenopause menophause. All the things, you know, muscle health is so important to that protein and it's, I'm excited and it takes good. So I have chocolate and vanilla is what I'm starting with, but I would love to eventually have really fun flavors and have a bunch. But we're starting to talk about vanilla and it launches September 17th. It'll be on my website. And shortly after it'll be on Amazon too. - Oh, okay. I can't wait to buy mine. I mean, it's, I'm gonna get both flavors. I think that sounds, because, I mean, watching you, your rest, your answer's so fun. - Thanks, I mean, it's a lot. It's so nice to have your, I mean, and how do you, do you get what's someone? I mean, like you said, it took about a year. And now in California, so a lot of back and forth. And then one day it's just like, this is it. I mean, that's a, - And the chocolate from day one, that one was perfect. But it's funny, the vanilla had like a weird odor. Like it was like, it doesn't smell, like you know, I smell everything. So like, you open a bag and smell it. And I was like, it just, there's something off and it ended up in the monk fruit, which is crazy. Cause that's the sweetener I wanted to use. Cause it's a great natural sweetener, but it had a funny smell. So I swapped to a studio, but that one's natural too. And great. So, you know, like it's just, it was kind of trial and error, but I'm super happy with the finished product and it's third party tested for heavy metals and mold and impurity, then that's all extra costs. But I'm like, we are, you know, testing each batch, each small batch. Like I want it really a high quality premium product so that you have no like convictions or guilt about like having to do it every day. And is it shipping from California? No, it is here. So we have it here. We are shipping it. It's like a family business. Oh, do you have like a, do you have a storefront or like a, yes, we've got some spare house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we're shipping it out. I'm excited. Yeah. I love that. Oh my goodness. It is great. We're ready to sell it. It's here sitting here ready. Okay. We need to do a tour of it and just show how everything works. Are you making it here or it's just the finished product? The finished product here. So yeah, manufactured and packaged and all that in California. That's so amazing. Well, everyone buy your focus. We all need it. I mean, I am chief of, I mean, I try every day to get at least a hundred. It is hard to do that without a protein powder. I think it is. And you can put a scoop in a coffee and use like a hand frother and it crops great. Like, I mean, so there's way that's been, there's 25. You know, if you don't want to smoothie, there's ways to get it in there. Yeah. Yeah. I cannot fathom eating that much chicken, egg, meat. I mean, so kudos to you for a protein powder. And the vanilla is what you'd probably put in the coffee in the morning. Yes. Either way, if you like a mocha. Yeah. Oh, that's right. Yeah. So either way, super yummy. Yes. They know a journey and we've learned as we go. You know, I don't know what I'm doing, but we're learning as we go and it's been great. You're an empire. That is great. You're such a role boss. I just love it. Is there anything that I have left out, anything you would like to mention or say, every single thing is going to be on show notes, every way to link to you, to your social media, how to buy your book, how to buy the protein powder, but did I leave anything out? I don't think so. I have, it's all on my website, but I do have a, I don't do one-to-one consultations anymore. I have a filth paste online course called Willmate Academy. And so that is letting your life side test in itself pace and that kind of stuff. So I do have that too, which is all like, my really breaks down with me on video, really breaking down the plate structure in lifestyle, and different seasons of life if you're really trying to support several health and blood sugar and that kind of stuff. And so that, I have that too. That is wonderful. Well, Meredith, and well, first of all, everyone, I'm giving a shameless plug. This book is amazing by it. It's amazing. I mean, I, look, look at all these spent pages. It's great and kudos to you, congratulations. And it comes out like the very first of October, third or fourth, but pre-order it. And then you'll walk to the mailbox and it'll be there and you'll have so much fun reading it. So yeah, pre-orders, Amazon, Mars and Noble, and it's like the cheapest price is gonna be is the pre-order. So, then I'll point you waiting. Yes, absolutely. Well, Meredith, thank you. As always, you're always welcome back any time. And I just appreciate you so much. And to all of you watching and listening, thank you as well. And until next time, you have a fabulous rest of your day. Hi, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Savvy Cast. If you'll take the time to rate, review, and subscribe on iTunes. That would mean so much. As always, thank you for listening and have a blessed day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]