The SavvyCast

Let's Talk: How Christiana Overcame Crisis Upon Crisis

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2020

Christiana Rousssel shares how she overcame crisis upon crisis~from divorce to cecal volvulus~in the midst of a pandemic.

Crisis upon crisis

On this episode of The SavvyCast, my friend Christiana shares how she endured crises upon crisis but came out better and stronger.  While adjusting to a recent divorce, Christiana had a medical emergency caused by a rare condition~cecal volvulus. This happened in the midst of the COVID pandemic, which made the situation even more tenuous.

Meet Christiana Roussel


A food writer, Christiana's work can be found locally in Mountain Brook Magazine and Birmingham Home & Garden. She contributes to national publications such as Food & WineGarden & GunGood Grit and Sporting Classics. While food writing is her original passion, she has expanded her repertoire to include travel and sporting activities, and occasional upland adventures.

One crisis after another

In late April, Christiana discovered she had Cecal Volvulus, a rare but dangerous condition in which part of her colon was twisted. This caused her to be in an immense amount of pain which happened in the middle of the night. Christiana was alone, but through God's help was able to drive herself to the hospital. 

This health crisis followed a marital crisis, and it happened in the middle of the national crisis~the pandemic. Christiana had to pull from every reserve to forge through this difficult season.

What we discuss in the podcast
  • How she found out she had Cecal Volvulus.
  • Her road to recovery mentally and physically.
  • Her encounter with God throughout her health crisis.
  • Christiana’s advice to those facing health struggles.
  • How Pilates helped her in the recovery process.
  • Her warning to all of us to pay attention to our bodies

Christiana is a strong woman of faith and grit, and I hope you are as inspired as I was when listening to her story. 

Resources related to this podcast:

You can contact her at