Defending Democracy

Intimidating Voters Is Not Peachy

A major voter intimidation case out of Georgia went to court this week. Fair Fight Action sued True the Vote, a Texas-based, right-wing "election integrity" group, for illegally intimidating voters after the group challenged the voter eligibility of over 364,000 Georgians in the run-up to the 2021 Senate runoff elections. Marc and Paige break down how voter challenges like these work and their impact on voters. 

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Related links:
University of Georgia Poll
Challenging Someone Else’s Voter Eligibility Shouldn’t Be So Easy. But It Is.
Voter Testimony: Intimidation and Disenfranchisement in the Georgia Senate Runoffs
The Worst Provision of a Very Bad Law
U.S. Department of Justice Submits Brief in Georgia Voter Intimidation Case
True The Vote's connection to Clean Elections USA

Lawsuits mentioned:
Fair Fight v. True the Vote
Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans v. Clean Elections USA

Broadcast on:
03 Feb 2023