Good Morning From The Chicken Coop!

Season 3 - Episode 249 - A lesson from Albert Einstein

As always, his genius never fails us.

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(music) Welcome to the Good Morning from the Chicken Coop Podcast with Kim Johnson. Your creative strategist and master mindset coach. Filled with inspiration, distinctions, perspectives and possibilities, we help you to cultivate a mindset that leads you to create the best version of yourself you could ever imagine. Join Kim every morning from one of her favorite happy places, her Chicken Coop, along with all her chickens. (music) Hey everybody, good morning from the Chicken Coop. So we're talking about creativity again today. And this is a quote from Albert Einstein, one of my favorites on the subject. And of course it comes from one of my biggest, he just inspires me all the time. He's just, I'm infatuated with a lot of his thoughts and how he could shift gears from that analytical side to that creative side. Oh, it's just so cool. But anyway, back to the quote, creativity is intelligence having fun. And just think about that for a second, creativity is intelligence having fun. And creativity is supposed to be fun. We are supposed to have fun in our lives. And so often my experience has been being a uber creative person that people tend to think you're crazy. So they give you opinions, they tell you why things won't work. They give you that look, that twisted face, the side eye of like really, you're going to try that. Meanwhile, these are people that don't go out and try things in their own life. Meanwhile, these are people that sit on the sidelines waiting for things to happen and they don't do creative things. They just give nasty opinions or opinions that are unwanted or unwarranted in any way, shape or form. And you have to deal with that as a creative. Now, here's what's really tricky about this because most creative people, myself included, tend to have high senses of empathy and be intuitive. So we operate in a very different way. We feel things more than anything. Like even though I could say I'm off the chart visual, I still have that high, high level to feel. Like I feel my way through things more than anything. So what does that do when you run into someone who is giving you those opinions and telling you why things wouldn't work? Well, it can sideline you and you have to remember this quote because this is what it's supposed to be your answer. This is the true answer to it all. Creativity is intelligence having fun. So when you can remember that and you run into these opinions or these thoughts that are less than desirable, less than something you want to put on your bus, you don't want to open the door on the bus for this kind of crap, you need to keep it out. So you have to remind yourself if Albert Einstein, if Mr. Einstein can say, hey, you know what? Put that aside and remember this is just your intelligence having fun. You can say to them, hey, you know what? I'm just experimenting. I'm having fun. I'm seeing what's happening. An experiment has failures. An experiment has lots of failures. And it's okay. I'm okay with it because we've never done anything on this planet. Getting ahead with anything that we have created without having it go sideways and having to change our approach. Change our approach. Change our approach. Failure is part of success. End of story. People don't want to talk about the failure, but it is a huge part of it. And when you can talk about it and you can learn from it, great. But you just got to remember it's not taking away from your intelligence. It's just showing you what didn't work. Showing you what didn't work. It's just like Edison said when he was interviewed, how does it feel to know you failed a thousand times? And he said, I just figured out what didn't work a thousand times. Best answer ever. So how does this all relate back to your creativity on a daily basis? Well, this is where when you're in the weeds daily and you have all these things going on around you that are impeding your process, you don't want to know not just your process, but your progress. It does both, believe me. You have to remember when you can think about the fact that it's supposed to be fun and you tap into the fun side of it, you're giving yourself a great, great gift in those moments because you're realizing, hey, I'm just having fun. I'm supposed to have fun. I'm supposed to go through this life and have some fun. The purpose of life is to be happy as the Dalai Lama has said many times. So if we're happy and we're just having fun and we're experimenting, all of a sudden everything changes. And when you believe you haven't lost your mind in the process of your creativity, meaning you're still logical, you're still using your intelligence, all of a sudden you don't feel so bad for it. And that's what's really important. I can remember when I first started talking about, you know, this chicken coop podcast, how is it that I'm going to do motivational stuff from the chicken coop? How am I going to tie that all together? And I wanted to teach everybody about this very thing because it's so incredibly important to me to be able to do this in a creative way to show all of you not only what is possible, but what is probable. And that is the whole thing. That's what's so great about this. So remember as you go forward, keep your creativity high, have fun with it, and use your intelligence. All right, my friends, I hope you have a blessed day and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]