Good Morning From The Chicken Coop!

Season 3 - Episode 246 - The emotional path of creativity

This path is definitely all over the place!

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

>> Welcome to the Good Morning from the Chicken Coop Podcast with Kim Johnson, your creative strategist and master mindset coach. Filled with inspiration, distinctions, perspectives and possibilities, we help you to cultivate a mindset that leads you to create the best version of yourself you could ever imagine. Join Kim every morning from one of her favorite happy places, her Chicken Coop, along with all her chickens. We're talking about creativity today. One of my most favorite subjects, oh listen, there's Rufus Gona, and we are talking about it because I am in super, super creative mode right now, so maybe this, we're going to do a couple of these in a row, I'm not sure, we'll see how it goes. But this morning we're going to talk about the path of creativity because I think it's super important to recognize that it is not a straight line when you are being creative. It's actually a squiggly line, a very squiggly line. It's more if you've ever played with a spier graph, spier graphs are a great way to think of creativity because it's all back and forth, it looks like a mess and then when you pick it up it's like this beautiful little design that you've come up with. So I'm going to outline the emotional path of it for me so that you can see how this kind of works in my head recognizing, okay, I'm not abnormal with this. I think it's always really important for us as human beings to understand, is that normal? Am I crazy? You know, we all have those varying thoughts, I myself have them, just ask somebody that the other day, am I crazy? And I was assured I was not crazy, so it felt good. And though I know a lot of this stuff, I still need outside sources as well and that's what so important to remember, we all need those resources. So here's your peak inside my emotional path of creativity. You know, I have this first thought is, this is great, I have an idea, something pops into my head from virtually nowhere as far as I can tell and then it's there. So I'm thinking, wow, this is great, I'm like super enthusiastic about it and I start to get very excited and the emotion is very high and excitement is very high. And the next thing that shows up, you know, out of nowhere is, hmm, this could be tricky. Now the reason I use the word tricky is because I used to many years ago go, oh, this isn't going to work. But that emotion is not welcome on that path anymore and I can say it's going to be interesting, I can say it's going to be tricky, I can say I've got some things to consider, I can go that route but I will never tell myself this is not going to work because remember, I'm developing in this time frame a what, not a how and how you've heard me say this a million times, how is what takes people out all the time and ruins stuff. So we don't go to the how if we don't have to. So this is tricky, this could be tricky, this could be interesting, whatever it might be, we make sure we have a very clear understanding of that and how we say it. This thing can be for me often, hmm, now I've confused myself. I'm a little confused about where this is because oftentimes at this point I might be coming up with two or three things at the same time. Now if you've taken how to write a book in 90 days, one of the courses that I offer up online, it's an audio course and if you've listened to it, you know in there I say especially if you're doing your first book, oftentimes you're writing more than one book at a time. At least I know for me that's what happens. So you'll start something and you'll have all these essential downloads coming out but they're not necessarily making sense because they shouldn't make sense. There are multiple things happening at the same time but when you uncork that creativity all of a sudden it's like and it's like all over and then you have to sort out am I doing multiple things at the same time and the answer is most likely yes. So that's a surprise when I tell people that because it's like it's okay to be confused because you are, it's genuine so recognize confusion. Then all of a sudden here's where it gets great because you say oh wait I see something, I see that I'm writing two books or I see that I'm writing a course in a book or I see that I'm making two different boards at the same time, whatever it might be, I see something. So clarity starts to show up which is like set your relief because now you know you're not crazy right. Then you go okay I'm back and you jump to that next emotion which is I'm back on track, I get it, I can divide it. This is for me usually where I start heavily whiteboarding things because now I can start to see the pieces and I have a giant whiteboard that flips over so I can have one side that's just the brain dumps of all the randomness and the other side that's divided so that I can actually sort it all out and then the last piece which is so much fun is I nailed it. Like in the creative process I've nailed it, I've got it down, I know where my path is going to be, where I'm going to begin, what I'm doing and then you start producing but that first wave of creativity is so important to recognize that it does come with emotional back and forths and when you do that and you recognize that all of a sudden you feel so much more empowered and you feel so great about it because you're not crazy, alright my friends I hope you have a blessed day, I hope this was helpful and I hope you get to sort that out. Alright I will see you tomorrow, bye! [BLANK_AUDIO]