Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Don't Stand in the Way of Your Miracle

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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(explosions) ♪ Though sea turn should buffet ♪ ♪ Though triads should come ♪ ♪ Let this bless assurance control ♪ ♪ That Christ have regarded ♪ ♪ My helpless mistake ♪ ♪ And had shed his own blood ♪ ♪ For my soul ♪ ♪ Sing it with me, it is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ ♪ Come on, it is well ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ It's gonna be all right after a while, redofor, it is well ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ Come on, Riemann ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ ♪ Come on, it is well ♪ ♪ Come on, bring your hands up ♪ ♪ I will kill what I'm facing tonight ♪ ♪ Someone holler, it is well, it is well ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ It is well ♪ ♪ With my soul ♪ I believe the Holy Ghost is saying to somebody this morning. Don't stand in the way of your miracle, amen? Let's pray Father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we prepare to go into the word of God on this morning, we pray for a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost to be released on the word this morning. We pray for insight, we pray for revelation knowledge, we pray for answers to our prayer, we pray for confirmation God. We pray that your perfect will would be done in Jesus' name, somebody say, amen. The King of ARAM, or Syria, prayed for the new living translation of the Bible, had great admiration for Naaman, the commander of his army, because through him, this is Naaman, through him the Lord had given ARAM great victories. But don't Naaman was a mighty warrior. He suffered from leprosy. God worked great miracles through this man to give his nation victory. Are you listening to me? But even though he was a great and mighty warrior, the Bible says he was a leper. Are you listening to me? Have you ever experienced victory in your life? Victory after victory, after victory, after victory, in one area of your life, but yet in this other area, come on somebody, come on talk back to me. In this other area, you have no victory there and nothing to silver. Come on, who am I talking to in this place? I know what it is to see, breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough, miracle after miracle after miracle, but then in one part of our life, Larry, there ain't no breakthrough or no miracle there at all whatsoever. I believe the Holy Ghost is about to visit that part of your life. Come on, talk to me. I said, I believe the Holy Ghost is about to visit the part of your life where you have not been seeing victory, where you have not been seeing any type of results at all. I believe the Holy Ghost is about to put somebody up in your life that's gonna help you get a breakthrough in the area that you've been believing God to give you a breakthrough in somebody open your mouth and shout, don't stand in the way of your miracle. Hey, she caught up on another corset. My God, what's in now? So naming as great as he was, as mighty as he was, even though God was using him, there was a part of his life that he did not have the victory and just think about this, he was a leper. Now, that's a big deal 'cause this man is a general over in army. He's a five star man. He's the number one in his nation to the point that the king even has great admiration for him, but watch this, it's going to the next verse. At this time, our army and raiders had invaded the land of Israel and among their captives was a young girl who had been given to Naaman's wife as a maid. One day, that's why you gotta be careful how you treat people. So my dad always told us, "Drill it in dust, be careful how you treat people, son." Because you don't know who you're gonna need. You don't know who God is gonna use. Are you listening to me? Look, I'm gonna say you gotta be careful how you treat people. Be careful how you treat them. Be careful how quick you are to burn bridges. You don't know who God is gonna use. So the Bible says, watch this in verse three. The Bible says one day, the girl, now remember she, she got taken away as a captive from the land of Israel. One day the girl, the same girl who's a captive, she's a day turned into a slave. One day the girl said to her mistress, "I wish my master would go to see the prophet in Samaria." He would heal him of his laparcy. Lord have mercy. You talk about good news when you need it. Are you listening to me? You talk about hope to a hopeless situation. Naaman had never even heard such a thing, but God cared about Naaman. I dare someone to say God cares about me. So she said, "I wish my master would go to see the prophet "in Samaria." He would heal him of his laparcy. Elisha had a healing ministry, walked and doubled anointing that Elijah, the prophet walked in. You can go and count the miracles. When the man was raised from the dead, with Elisha's bones, that literally doubled the miracles right down to the number. Elisha did twice the miracles Elijah did. So Naaman told the king would the young girl from Israel had said. Now this is amazing because the king admires Naaman on this little no name girl. Got the attention of a five star general. Lord have mercy. Jesus, are you listening to me? I don't believe you understand your season is changing. You're about to start getting the attention of some people in positions that can make a difference up in your life. And you just thought you were a little nobody. Come on, here's somebody. But the anointing of a nobody is powerful enough to grab the attention of a five star general and make him make mention of you before the king of Lord have mercy. I wish I had a witness in here, Lord have mercy. I said, somebody's about to call your name behind closed doors. Do you believe God? I said, do you believe God? Watch here, watch here. So Naaman, he tells the king what this little no name girl have said. And watch this. The king said, go and visit the prophet, the king of Abraham. Told him, I will send a lead of introduction for you to take to the king of Israel. So Naaman started out carrying as gifts 750 pounds of silver, 150 pounds of gold, and 10 sets of clothing. He don't understand the power of God. You can't buy a miracle, come on somebody. Verse six, the letter to the king of Israel said, with this letter I present my servant Naaman. I want you to heal him of his leprosy. Now you've got to realize these two nations were adversarial to one another. When the king of Israel read the letter, he taught his calls in dismay and said, am I God that I can give life and take it away? Why is this man asking me to heal someone with leprosy? I can see that he's just trying to pick a fight with me. Actually, the king of Abraham, what he was doing was just following proper protocol. When a king wants to reach someone in the kingdom of another king, he didn't just jump over the king like some church people want to do. No, there is a structure, come on somebody. This king realized, even if I want to get to the prophet, there's protocol that starts from the top down. Are y'all still here? So he wasn't expecting the king of Israel to heal Elisha. He was just following proper protocol. Come on somebody, are y'all still here? So the king of Israel took it wrong. Of course, he couldn't heal nobody, amen? But verse eight says, "But when Elisha, the man of God heard the king of Israel had torn his clothes in dismay." He sent this message to him, "Why are you so upset? Send, name unto me." Elisha said, "Send, name unto me, and he will learn that there is a true prophet here in Israel, Lord of mercy." That's not pride talking, that's confidence in God. That's knowing who you are in God, that's talking. Come on somebody. So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and waited at the door of Elisha's house. I wish I was a fly on the horse to witness that moment right there. One of the greatest prophets of all time. Have a five star general in the front of his door. Come on somebody, man, I know some preachers who had CNN, Fox, ABC, CBS, Lord, come on somebody. Did I hide them all out there lined up? Look who is coming to my house for a miracle. Elisha didn't do no broadcasting, Edwin. Elisha didn't even go out to meet him. Let's read the story. I don't want to get ahead of myself, watch this. But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message. Elisha doesn't even go to greet him. Now you know how some of these hoggiest preachers are in this generation. They're the hot armor bearers lying up a mile long. Come on somebody, a mile long. Come on, come on, come on, you know what I'm talking. I mean they would have gave him coffee, they would have gave him donuts, come on somebody. I mean they would have had all the spread in the front of this man. But Elisha ain't got time to play like that. He's Elisha ain't trying to play kissy kissy. He understands who he is in God. Come on somebody. Elisha sends out Ghezi, his messenger, to tell Naaman, go and wash seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored and you will be healed of your leprosy. But Naaman, everyone say but Naaman, became angry. I'm gonna put some of my translation in this. I'm stomped away. So NLT says stalked away. Here it comes, we come into the crux of my message now. Don't look at someone and say don't stand in the way of your miracle. Look at the first two words out his mouth and this is where we get into trouble. I thought. Now we gonna work here for a minute. Can someone repeat those two words? I thought. That's the biggest mistake we make when we are believing God to do something on our behalf. You know the old I get, I think I'm now beginning to realize why them old things would pray the way they pray. My mom would say any way you're blessed with me. Come on, come on, I can't, unless you can someone say any way you bless me Lord. I'll be satisfied. You can't tell God how to do it. See, see Naaman came with this, with this thing prefix in his mind how God was going to do it for him. The first, he got angry at the prophet. You can tell he didn't understand the anointing. He didn't even understand the great man of God and he was standing before. He stomped away, but you gotta understand when you come to God, your badges in your name means zero to God. God even was steady because you only got, you only got the victory as you got because of God. First words on his mouth was, I thought he would certainly come out to meet me, he said, and here's the next one, I expected. The minute you start putting it in your mind, how God's going to do it, he literally starts limiting God. That's why he feeds his 320 says, now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think. Aren't you glad he can do it beyond what we are thinking? But Naaman said, I thought I expected him to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord has gone and healed me. So he came, he came with this thing pre-made up in his mind on how God was going to do it. And now God is doing it a completely different way and he is getting angry. So he said, I thought, but guess what's happening right here? Naaman was standing in the way of his own miracle. It wasn't a devil, come on somebody. It wasn't none of his enemies. Naaman's own mindset was blocking his miracle. Are you listening? Come on, I'm talking to somebody in here. I believe the Holy Ghost is challenging somebody. Your will got to die. I feel the Holy Ghost. I said, your will, it has to die. If you can get a miracle from God, the way you thought God was going to do it, you go have to lay that thing on the altar. You can't tell God how to do it. You just can't tell him how to do it. He is God all by himself. Just someone and tell him you can't tell God. You can't tell him how to do it. You can't tell him how to do it. You got to die to yourself. You got to let go of your will. You got to let go of your way. Jesus could not get the victory over death hell in the grave until in the garden of Gethsemane. He said, Father, not my will. Come on, somebody, Lord have mercy. He said, not my will, but he yours be done. Once he prayed that prayer, my God, he ran over to where the disciples were sleeping. And guess what he said to them? He said, sleep on guys. Why was he able to say sleep on when just an hour ago, he was begging his disciples to step and help pray him through? Because it wasn't his disciples that he needed. He needed to surrender. His will to God. I'm here to tell somebody, you don't need people. You don't need who you think you need. What you need to do is say, Lord, all to Jesus, I surrender, not my will, but he yours be done. Look at somebody's mouth, I surrender. Wait a minute, name and think so highly of himself. Are you following this? Are you getting into this man's mind? Because he is celebrated as a big time hero in his country and because the king admires him. He's expecting the same treatment everywhere he goes and everywhere he turns, but he comes to the right place. He comes to somebody who is about to humble him and humiliate him by the power of the Holy Ghost and get him from off of his high horse so he can get his miracle. Let's go to the next verse. I read the rivers of Damascus, the Urbana, the Tharbara, better than any of the rivers of Israel. Why, why shouldn't I wash in them and be healed? There's some name and turn away and a rage, but this old man's about to die. Name ends in a rage, but he is surrounded by people who love him. This is why you need honest people. I don't want no yes of people around me. 'Cause you ain't gonna help me. I don't need yes, sir, people. I don't need disobedient people either. That's both extremes. 'Cause the disobedient rebellious person, they're gonna disagree just to disagree. Can I keep it real? We don't need to, and then we don't need a yes of person. 'Cause you can be wrong and this, he'll tell you you're right. I don't need that, Marissa. I need someone whose balance, come on. Look at the next verse, but his officers, his officers tried to reason with him and said, "Sir, they're respectful. "They know he is a mighty man of Allah." So they're not just, they just not gonna approach him and talk derogatory to him, but his officers tried to reason with him and said, "Sir, if the prophet had told you something very difficult, "you notice they're not rebuking him "because they understand authority. "A lot of people don't get that in the church today. "They don't get that. "They don't understand that. "They talking to this man with respect. "No wonder he can listen to them." They said, "Sir, if the prophet had told you "to do something very difficult, wouldn't you have done it?" They turning, they making him argue with himself. They're no better than to get him to argue with him. 'Cause he can take out his sword and that's the enemy. I mean, he's a general, he can cut you down, there's nothing to it. You got it? Hello? So now they're getting him to think. They said, "So, so you should certainly obey him "when he says simply." You notice how they're talking to this man? Well, man, I can receive this all day long. Just to impress me. (coughing) I mean, (coughing) the criticism's laughing. So they said, "When he says simply, "go and wash and be cured." Look at the next verse. So name it, oh Lord Jesus. Can someone say, "I'm heading down to the Jordan." I'm heading down to the Jordan. Isn't the word sweet? I'm heading down to the Jordan. This means he knows he's wrong. My name is fixin' it. I'm talkin' to someone who blew it in the past. Holy Ghost, I'm givin' you another chance. I'm givin' you another chance. I'm headed down. I dare someone say I'm heading down to the Jordan River. I'm humbling myself. I'm laying my title aside, my wealth, my big name. Oh, I'm laying it all aside. And he went down to the Jordan. And he went down one time and came up, checkin' himself, second time, third time, fourth time, fifth time, sixth time, leprosy still there. I dare someone lift your hands to have it. I said, "Lord, I totally surrender. I totally trust you. I'm goin' down one more time. I'm goin' down one more time." And name and went down under the water. And when he went down, the power of God flooded his body. Electricity started flowin' on through his body. And when he came up out of the water, there was in a trace of leprosy. My God, somebody shall, I got it! I got it! I got it! And his skin became as healthy as the skin. Of a young child. And he was healed, doomed, stand in the way of your miracle. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal, account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, shawnpender ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpender ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas, 75070, and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to Amy, say thank you. You are doing an amazing job, helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. (dramatic music) [BLANK_AUDIO]