Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Ben's Surprise, Birthday Weekends, + Lucky Duck Soiree

Woodsy and Paul are here for you on a Friar Friday! We start the show with a little foreplay as we pay off yesterday's tease and reveal the prank that was pulled on Ben, who's on a golf trip this weekend. Then we set the menu for today's show before Woodsy tells us all about his emotional night at the Lucky Duck Soiree last night! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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- Sometimes in football, you need just a little more for that first down. You need to be pushing the pile. And on our new podcast, we'll give you that extra effort. - I'm Mike Renner, a longtime NFL analyst who helped develop player evaluation systems that every NFL team uses to this day. - And I'm Kyle Long, former all-pro offensive lineman in the NFL, who knows a thing or two about getting people moving. - You'll get expertise from inside the trenches and behind the tape for four episodes every week. So make sure you download and subscribe to the "Push in the Pile" podcast on The Odyssey app. (upbeat music) - After investing billions to light up our network, T-Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus, right now, you can switch, keep your phone, and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon and AT&T at (upbeat music) - Up to four lines via virtual prepaid guard, a left 15 days qualifying unlocked device credit, service poured in 90-plus days with device and eligible carrier and timely redemption required. The card has no cash access and expires in six months. - This podcast on 97.3, the fan is presented by Hamel Casino, fun above all else. (upbeat music) - Oh, yes, Friday is here. Welcome in everybody, Ben in Woods, 97.3, the fan. So, so happy to be here with you for you, whatever you need this morning. (upbeat music) I'm a little bit worse for wear, 'cause I'll just tell you right now. But you can't be mad at me, Paulie, I'll explain in a minute. Welcome in, thanks for being here. If you're listening on the radio, the app, the YouTube feed, you can see, I look like a bag of Hammerdass right now, a little bit. And I did not overindulge, I didn't think, but I'm here today on Woodsie, and Paul Reindel is my art executive producer. Paulie, good morning to you. - Good morning. - Happy early birthday. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Big guy, 34 years old tomorrow. Your wife, Megan, is here, hanging out with us. Hi, Meg, how are you? Say hello to everyone, if you want to-- - Hello, everyone, shout out SD. - Shout out SD, do you wanna flash the audience? You can, you're on YouTube? - It's not his birthday yet. - That's true, all right, fair enough, I'll give you that. So, Dubj says, you do sound a little froggy, I am a little froggy. I had one half of a glass of wine, and I woke up this morning like this. It was nice wine, it was fancy wine, it was delicious wine. I was actually surprised I cut myself off at half a glass, but I woke up this morning at 3 a.m., and was like, bro, how late were we out? Got home at 8.30, and then my wife started hustling and bustling around the house, all the life, all the time. Like woman, I've got to sleep, I've got to get to bed, and then I couldn't fall asleep, you know, so I have so much work to do this morning. I have no idea what we're gonna talk about on the show today. I mean, I got some idea, but it's today's gonna be fast and loose as we do it in here on Bed & Woods this morning, and I wanna tell you guys all about the gala last night, the Lucky Duck Foundation gala, but I need to wait to do that because we need to pay off something that happened yesterday. We, Paulie and I put our heads together, and we are immature. I'll give you that, and we like to have fun, and we often like to have fun at our partner, Ben's Expense, and he's a really good sport about it. Oh, man. But this one might have crossed a small line. I'm not sure yet. I don't really know how he's feeling about it, but I was able to coax from him where exactly he was staying on this golf excursion. It wasn't even that hard. It wasn't that hard. I just go, God, I said, where are you staying? He's like, I'm like, where? And he tells me, like, okay. So I filed that away. I call Paulie later in the day, and I go, all right, we gotta do something. What can we do? We gotta do something. We have to prank him somehow, 'cause A, it's fun. B, it's funny. And C, you get punished when you go away. That's just what happens. I get punished when I go away. He gets punished when he goes away. That's just how it works. So, Paulie, I'm gonna blame you. 'Cause actually, this was Paulie's idea. (laughs) It was. It was his idea. He told me where to find this. I didn't tell you where to find it. I said, let me look on Amazon. Oh, yeah. We were on the phone and I just pulled up Amazon. That's true. Stuff is very easy to find. And we had delivered to his hotel room. Before he checked in, we had an Amazon package there when he, we'll ask him how it all went down. But it was a, it was a, a receptacle. Oh, God, that's the worst word for it that you could have possibly, possibly come up with. The number one worst word in the world. Well, he got a better one, I'm all ears. It was a simulator, simulator of sorts. Kind of a, like a doll. Like a model, a headless. Yeah, it was a torso. A torso, that's what it was. And it was not, it was not, you don't have to blow air into it. It, it, it, it's latex. And we said it to him. His mom is so mad at us right now. Kim, I love you, we love him. This is all in good fun. And for content sake. Oh, see, see, Tony Moreno says cruel. It was not meant to be cruel. No, don't spend me out this whole show. I'm beating myself up. Paulie, get him on the line, if you can. So we sent it, and then he sent us a picture of it. It was there, it was there. When he arrived. I'm, I'm assuming. I'm going to-- Just sitting in a room. So, I didn't think about, I didn't think about the ramifications of it until afterwards. And there's so much to it. There's so much to it. Like I was surprised he even opened it. And then-- The box? Yeah. I'm not surprised he opened the box. I guess it's probably discrete packaging. So he saw that. Oh yeah. Oh, what is this? It was, it's not like it showed up with a bow on it. The guy sent me some golf balls in my weekend. The guy sent me a box of chocolates and a little wine or something. I'm going to call him right now. We know he got it. Oh yeah. He sent us a picture. Here's the thing. It's, it's so graphic. We can't post the picture. No. We can't even blow it out. Hello. Good morning, Benjamin. Hi, Ben. Good morning, gentlemen. How are you? I'm fine. I had a good first day of my trip. Okay. Did you have a good first night of your trip? How was your night? It was, it was nice. Just, you know, just the loan in my hotel room. Why would you ask? So we came up with this idea because, you know, we were just explaining when somebody goes away, you have to mess with them, right? And we all do it to each other. But I was like, I, I hope this didn't cross the line, but I didn't think about the ramifications. I want to talk about the ramifications. When you got to the hotel, it had beat you there, correct? Correct. It was, there was a package waiting for me in my room and it was a nice, heavy, unlabeled package, which was very confusing is that I didn't think that anyone really knew I would be here. So I was wondering what it would be, but I was kind of in your room because it had a, it had a good nice heft and weight and I thought, oh, maybe just like a, like a bottle of bourbon or something. It felt like it was heavy enough that it could be, you know, that would be nice. Like, oh man. I can sip on bourbon in my room. It would be great. I mean, if there was a card or label, but I eagerly opened it like it was Christmas morning. And then then what? Like I'm looking at the description of the product on Amazon. I can't even read the, I can't even read the, like the, the product name. You can't do it. I just nodded again. And then I, and then I immediately texted you two going with this. You two clowns. You're behind that. And we said, um, yes, that was us. So, so you, you got it, what, wait wise, what would you say she is? Oh, I mean, I was dumbbells for a second, I mean, this was a heavy bottle. 10 pounds. Oh my God. Yeah. That's some good quality. Yeah. So, so you call the item. Oh, I've seen stars, bro. So you open it and you go, you sons of bitches, you got me, right? So here's the, here's what I didn't, I swear to God bet the delivery of it was literally meant to be the end of the joke. But as I'm driving around yesterday, I thought, huh, so he opens it. He's there for a few days. What are you going to do with it while you leave to go play golf today? I'm going to leave it in my room somewhere where hopefully the name doesn't come. So then it's not going to be your catty. I don't think it fits in the safe. It's very small. I don't like to fit in there. She's not fitting in there, man. There's no doubt. So then, you know, like, like in a drawer under my empty suitcase or something, put it in the suitcase, zip the suitcase and put do not enter on the suitcase. So, so then I thought to myself, okay, so he's able to hide it in his room. I have another question that I have to ask. Did you? Did you use it? Did you try it? Oh, a gentleman never kisses himself. Oh, my God, Hannah asked me, that happened to you. Would you try it? I said, absolutely. 100%. No question. I had no question in my mind that I would be like, all right, it's just going to sit there. Yeah, okay. Let's just, let's see what all the fuss is about here. All right. So, I will add, I will add just because I did look at it rather closely. Yeah. I'm sure you did. He doesn't really come with a user's manual or any. No directions. Well, I think. No, not really. No. I think they, I think they, it's true. Neither do women. They, they assume that you know what you're doing if you are, if you're that big of a deviant to order that, here's the other ramification that I thought of. How are you? What are you going to do? The joke's over, right? How are you going to get it out of there? And what are you going to do with it once you do? Have you thought about that? Again, these are all little, little offshoots to the prank that I swear to God on my mother. I did not even consider like, how are you going to get it out of there? Have you named her? Have you named her? And, and what will you do with it? Let's just, let's just say that, uh, it will remain unspoken of for a long time. Oh, perhaps it, it makes an appearance someday when you guys leave to get us with it. I like that. I like that a lot. Here's the funny thing. He thinks he'd be having to bring it to spring training and leave it once he's met and I'm like, all right. Sounds good to me. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, if the, if the Padres go on a winning streak, it may be our new rally, uh, our rally doll. We can just put it right here in the studio. Yeah. Can you imagine? I mean, we're, we're fired immediately. Oh, yeah. We're out of a job. All right. We'll keep that in the Ben and Woods locker, uh, you know, and, and hang on to it literally and figuratively, I guess. I hope you, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you have a great time golfing today and tomorrow and the next day as well. Um, we love you. I'm glad you took that, uh, took it in stride. It's thank you for care about your show today. We will. You guys on Monday morning. Any questions for, uh, Mike Schulte, you'd like us to ask? Yeah. Anything for Schulte. Um, yeah, just tell them just to, uh, you know what, I don't want any more stress. Get this playoff thing clinched as soon as pop. I don't want to go down to the last week. Yeah. Thank you. Nor do I. Uh, we'll tell him, uh, that in a few hours when we talk to the skipper at 9 a.m. this morning, uh, Benjamin have a great, great time. Yeah. The rally torso, somebody said that's a really good idea, uh, have so much fun, dude. And, uh, hit them straight and try to win some money off Scottie. Tell Scottie we say hi. Thanks guys. Off to the course. All right, buddy. Yeah. That's our bed, man. God takes it, takes it and stride and just keeps on going. You know, the funny thing is, is like you see something like that, Megan, and if you started dating Paul and you'd walked into his house for the first time, just had one of these and that was there, you know, it was there probably if you saw it, you would run for the hills. I mean, for the hills, like you, in first day, you show up and you're like, what, you have that accidentally left it out. Yeah, you left it out or she like opened a closet to put a coat, her coat in and it's there. You would have lost your mind. Yeah. I'm gone. Gone. Yeah. If Paul went to your house and opened up your side table of your drawer and was like, oh my God. That's the next section. He'd be like, hell yeah. It's the double standard for men and women. And I, listen, I realized most double standards go in our favor as men. I realized that, but that's one I can't abide. That's one that I just, I can't reconcile. Why is it okay for you to have a virtual shop next to your bed? But if I decided to get, you know, that I'm some creepy deviant, which I would be. I would feel like I would be if I had a side by side of what they look like. That's fair. It's fair. You just look criminal. They do. It really, this looks criminal. Show your, it's a headless. It's like a headless. It's a headless. Really. I don't want to look at it anymore. No. Anyway, that was our, uh, that was our fun that we had with Ben and he is, he's just elite. He's an elite human being. We love you, Benny. Thank you. I, I just, the thought of when he opened it, I swear, I did not think about what's he going to do with it. What's, how's he going to hide it? How's he going to get it out of there? And where do you, do you look around and like stop by a dumpster at like, at like, Vaughn's and throw this in there, like, he can't bring it. How's he going to bring it home? He has a family. Like, what's he going to do? Leave it in his car, wrap it up in a seat bag gets checked bag. Well, yeah. Seriously. I mean, it's just, you never know. Like, he didn't. He drove. He didn't fly. He drove. Well, what, what if, what if one of his kids opened his bag or his wife opened his bag or something? He's like, Oh, Jim, fun trip. So holy crap. It was a, it was a prank that, that I'm not proud of, but I'm kind of a little bit proud of. So I'm pretty proud. Well, that, that was one of our, our favorite opens and I hope we have a great time. So I'm, we, little, like I said, struggling a little bit today. Thanks to that wine from the Russian River Valley. It was really good, but we will get through this together. We hear for you till 10 a.m. this morning and I'll set the menu for you next. We'll tell you guys about the, uh, incredible gala last night and, uh, all that that entails. You're right back celebrating Polly's birthday. Also, how about a, uh, I don't want to rain on your parade, Polly, but I think I'd get my ass kicked if I didn't mention that my wife is celebrating a birthday on Sunday. No team burger. Happy birthday to my beloved Virgo Hannah. I love you. Thank you for, uh, putting up with me. Be back in a few. Ben and Woods 97. 3. The FAF. He's better over here. AT&T customers switching to T-Mobile has never been easier. We'll pay off your existing phone and give you a new one free, all on America's largest 5G network. Visit to switch today. Pay off up to $650 via virtual prepaid master card in 15 days. Free phone up to $830 via $24 monthly bill credits plus tax, qualifying port and trade and service on Go 5G next to credit required, contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits to credit, stop and bounce and require a finance agreement as do. Sometimes in football, you need just a little more for that first down. You need to be pushing the pile and on our new podcast, we'll give you that extra effort. I'm Mike Renner, longtime NFL analyst who helped develop player evaluation systems that every NFL team uses to this day. And I'm Kyle Long, former all pro offensive lineman in the NFL who knows a thing or two about getting people moving. You'll get expertise from inside the trenches and behind the tape for four episodes every week. To download and subscribe to the push in the pile podcast on The Odyssey app. Very sexy, son. Sexy mood this morning here on Ben & Woods, welcome back. Gave me the shivers, Polly, thinking about Benny opening that package at the hotel. Well, yeah, we dropped the link. Yeah, it's in the YouTube chat if you want to go see it. We won't show it. No, we can't. We can open the link if you really need to. Please be careful when you do that, but not be on a work computer or something. Yeah, yeah, log out or do whatever. Anthony said, oh, I have a shared Amazon account with my wife. She'll see it. Thank you for that. Yeah. That'll be in your search history now. Yeah. She will. She will absolutely see it. Anthony, you have some explaining to do. That's right. That's right. We are Ben & Woods minus Ben today. He's playing golf up in LA with a buddy. So it's me and Polly hanging out. His wife, Megan's hanging out too. Polly's birthday is tomorrow. Polly, do you have the picture of our gift? Mine and Ben's gift to you because I have nothing right now. I'm going to order breakfast for us. We can eat breakfast. Certainly. I'm going to need something to soak up this half a glass of wine that I had last night that has wrecked me. Do you have the picture? So we got-- Let me find it. Polly had said that he wanted a new baseball glove. I said, OK. And he said, I'm going to order it. And I was like, ah, so I texted our buddy that works for Rawlings, our buddy baseball Nick. And I said, Polly's going to hit you up for this glove that he wants. Don't charge him. Benny and I will cover it. And so we got Polly this really cool custom Rawlings glove for his birthday. So happy birthday, Polly. And I'll say to Colonel Budgets credit over there, I said, I said, here's what the cost is. And this is what you owe me. I've already paid for it. And two seconds later, Venmo comes. He didn't even question it. He just sent it over. And it's really, really a cool glove. Polly's going to put it in the YouTube chat. Yeah, I'm excited. Custom Rawlings. It's-- they're not cheap. And that's something-- Yeah, you'll have-- I've been working on it for years to treat myself. And I said, you know what? That's something that-- yeah, I would really like that. I'm playing ball a lot more now. Yep, a nice custom glove would be really cool to have. But I was like, that's-- I don't know if I should spend that much money. Yeah. So I really-- I really do appreciate it. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Yep, number-- Yeah, it's sick. Very excited for that. It's sick. And it's one of those-- it's one of those things where it's like, I do this all the time to my wife. There it is. Look at that. Beautiful Rawlings, 32 on the side, Rindle. It's one of those things I do to my wife. And she's done it to me too, where you get them a gift. And you're like, oh, it didn't show up yet. So I'm just going to print a picture of it and hear Happy Birthday. She did it to me this for my birthday this year. She goes-- she goes, oh, it didn't-- she got me new luggage, which I really needed. Because I had an old Timberland suitcase that I got at Ross. And about three days in the zipper came off. So I had to pinch it. And like, every time I used it was a nightmare. You've seen my big old brown Timberland. Right. I had put a paperclip in the hole to like, open the zipper. It's a stupid nightmare. And it's huge. It's huge. So my birthday comes. I come out, there's my card. And then there's the-- I go, oh, oh, that's sick, babe, thank you. And then we get an email. Oh, it's been discontinued. And she goes, I'll just get you something. I'll tell you, don't worry about it. Don't sweat it. You do enough for me. Well, then, all of a sudden, the day before we leave for Hawaii, I go to the front door. And it's there. It showed up. Like, my brand new luggage was there. So I got that. And yeah, so, Polly, happy birthday to you. I hope you enjoy it. I got the new glove. And then Megan, we ordered-- she let me order a new custom wood bath. Let me. Look at you. No, I'll never forget. Let me. Yeah. Well, I picked it out. There you go. And then we ordered it. Thank you. And you guys, you'll have-- Megan has got other presents for you, I'm sure, at this weekend when you guys go away. Really? Yeah. We'll talk more about that in the Rindel Report. Oh. Later at 9.35. It's a story for that. Awesome. Yeah. You look forward to that. [LAUGHTER] We have to go to work next. [LAUGHTER] So today, it's Friday. You know, it's usually a pretty loose and funny show. No game. Last night. Pretty slow sports night. Slow sports night. Obviously, there's stuff to talk about with the Bill's Dolphins. Pretty scary moment on the field for tour last night. And yeah, I mean, you just wonder how much longer you can continue playing after something like that happens. But we will talk about that game as well. Also, we'll have Jordan Schusterman, our pal on at 8 from Sespa to his family barbecue. He was tweeting last night about the newest ace to, you know, make his appearance in Major League Baseball. Kumar Rocker for the Texas Rangers. And he looked filthy, filthy, filthy, filthy. And so we'll talk about that. We'll talk about the Padres. And obviously, there are chances, huge series this weekend in San Francisco. I think we don't-- I agree. It's a huge series. Huge. I don't know that there's any non-huge series the rest of the way. Couldn't agree more. I don't even think we have to qualify the rest of the season. Every series is a big series. 15 games to go for the regular season. Then, Padres are in a good position. You know, they're certainly in a good position. And then we'll talk about the man that will be hopefully leading that charge to a really, really nice last couple of weeks. Mike Schilt, manager of the San Diego Padres at 9 a.m., I was reading more stuff about Schilti last night as a, you know, I like to kind of check in and see if there's any articles. And there was a mention of Schilti and Ken Rosenthal's latest piece in the Athletic. I want to talk about that as well. Yeah. Fantastic. That's great. It was great. I'm sure you enjoyed getting a name drop in a Ken Rosenthal article. That's correct. That's right. That's right. He just stood. Yeah. You are stood. And we'll talk about all that. We got Parker McCollum tickets to give away. We can take your phone calls. I know everyone's nervous right now. I'm nervous too. It's going to be, it's kind of what you live for though. I mean, it's kind of what you live for if you're a baseball fan, when your team is in it with two weeks to go and not, not only in it, just in a, in a good position, you know, and they're not playing their best right now, but they're not playing their worst at all. So it's why every game is so important. Tonight is just a nerve-wracking, nerve-wracking game, Logan Webb against Dylan Seas, who needs to get back on track. So yeah, man. If you could, if you could fast forward from now to Monday, I think it's the 30th, whatever the day after the regular season ends, would you do it and just assume the Padres make it to the playoffs? Would you, would you want to fast forward just to get there? Because I feel like these next two weeks are going to be excruciating. They are. They're, they're, it's the playoffs are hard enough. The playoffs are awful. Day to day. They're just hopeful. They're awful. Pitch to pitch. It's just anxiety ridden. And we basically are adding another two to three weeks of playoffs at the end of the regular season. Yeah, it's, it's essentially, you know, it does feel, it does feel playoff esque tonight. I mean, when, when I'm going to be an oracle for my first time, and I'm fully expecting just to be a wreck, uh, watching the game, you know, and, and so yeah, man, and, and there's a question I want to ask, Shilty, it's, it's kind of a philosophical one of, what did they say? Well, we also saw them kind of pressing a little bit. Now again, that was against a really good picture who had you really flummoxed for six innings. Uh, what is pressing? What is, what is ratcheting it up versus pressing look like? You know what I'm saying? Because I was reading about Shilty last night. He had that streak with the Cardinals. They want 17 games in a row to end the season, like that's what you want. I doubt very much the potteries are going to go 15 and O in these last 15, but certainly as possible. It's also possible they go, oh, and 15. So I mean, that's the, that's the nature of the beast when your baseball fan and your teams in it. But Betty will let us know what the magic numbers are every day on Monday, 100%, which is great, which is great. So excited to talk to potteries baseball with you guys today. Uh, we'll be right back. I want to tell you guys about the incredible work that they're doing over, uh, at the Lucky Duck Foundation. I was moved to tears last night, several, several times. It wasn't just the wine. It was the stories got to spend some time with Sheila Seidler last night and pass along a message from her. I want to hear what you got me at the auction. Yeah. And the auction, I'll tell you if I, uh, raise my paddle. I don't see a Rolex. There isn't Rolex today. I think that went for 12 grand last night. Yeah. I would have noticed that a good deal. I think so. How much do Rolex has cost? I don't know. I have no idea, man. It actually sounds like it might have been a, a bargain even at 12 grand. I have a Garmin. So I don't, I don't have a Rolex. Uh, no, but, uh, I will say this, wife and I did raise our paddles a couple of times, which is maybe the most nerve wracking thing ever ever. Yeah. Yeah. Just terrifying. I'll explain it all next. Ben and Woods 97 three the fan. Welcome back Ben and Woods 97 three, the fan happy Friday to all you guys out there. Thanks for hanging with me and Polly today as Benny is out celebrating Polly's birthday. He's ordering some breakfast burritos right now, which sounds so, so good. I'm going to, I'm only like last night, always sound good after a night out drinking drinking. I had a half a glass of wine, half. And it was, it crushed me and I, I, you texted me at like nine o'clock last night. Yeah. You're still out. Yeah. Oh boy. You're like, Oh God, I told you this morning. Like, I'm not feeling great. I got in here. Like four, this is the third time this week I've been here at four, which is not, it's just not, you can't, you can't do that lifestyle all the time. So I don't know how you guys do it, but listen, I'm going to do with the breakfast burrito like I did with the one, I'm going to have like a quarter of it. Just I just wanted a sense of it. I can't eat the whole thing because where we're ordering from is the size of like your entire leg and your, or your own. It's huge. So, yeah, last night was, was pretty special and allow me, I think, to get a little bit sappy for a moment. When I talk about the Lucky Duck Foundation, I didn't, they didn't pay me to go or anything like that. Like, I was invited and I want to tell you all about that. And I want to talk about Peter Seidler and his, his wife, Sheila Seidler, we'll do that right after this quick check of traffic. Thank you, Kelly, Danik. So yeah, got the invite a couple of weeks ago from, from Sheila Seidler to go to the Lucky Duck Foundation, uh, Suarez last night, as they called it, it was at the sound in Del Mar. I'd never been there before. Uh, beautiful facility, walked in and, uh, yeah, I mean, I'm not the most, uh, I'm not the big gala type, usually, honestly, I, I usually emcee things like that. That's what I've been, that's what I've done over the last 15 years is, Hey, welcome, everybody. Get those wallets ready. You know, do that bit. So in that sense, I was very pleased to not have to do that. I could just go, enjoy the time with my wife and, uh, ran into some friends, ran into my agent Brad hadn't talked to him in a while. So I, I chewed, I chewed his ear for about 40 minutes, uh, last night he was trying to get away. And I mean, I pay you. So you have to listen to me, uh, so talk to him and then walked in and sat down at our table and, uh, Sheila Seidler was at the table right next to us, but we were at the table with, uh, Tom Seidler, Peter's brother, who we adore more. He's one of my favorite humans on the planet. Just man alive dude and clearly something in, in that blood, um, makes you a, a great person. Tom's a great guy. Their parents did a very good job from what I can tell. 100%. 100%. I only, there's a lot of brothers and sisters. I only know a couple of them. Yeah. The two that I knew that no, they're great. Very, very quality human. So Hannah and I walked up and, uh, we thanked Sheila for inviting us and we had a, we talked to her for about probably 10, 15 minutes and I got a little bit, uh, misty eyed when we started talking about Peter and we started talking about how now listen, nothing's, nothing's booked yet. Nothing's, you know, guaranteed yet, but I don't know how you look at 150 games this year of what this team has been able to do and not feel just a little bit of magic. If you don't, I actually probably have to call BS on you like there's been so many magical moments this year for a team, you know, that was unexplainable. Yeah. Yeah. 100% and you know, you cut $85, $90 million from your payroll and you're having a much better season and the guys are all together. There's something in the air, man. And I believe in things like that. I believe in magic. I absolutely do. And talking to Sheila about it last night, uh, she absolutely does too. And you know, she, she kind of wants, she wants to do this in her own way. And I guess I'll let her, but I just to kind of pass along a message, she just wants to thank pot raise fans out there and, um, for all of your support for their family. And of course, for the team this year, the support has been through the roof and I think it's been very deserving. The team is giving back to you what you're putting in and showing up to the ballpark every night and here they are, you know, with a position to, in a position to make a run. You know what, when they got up and they honored Peter and they honored Bill Walton and guys like that, guys that were selfless, guys that were giving of not only their money, but their time and, and their hearts. And they wanted to put their heads together to, to end homelessness, to try their very best to help all the, the people out there that needed it. They had two stories, Paulie that, that they told, I mean, can't even imagine, so I'm sitting at the table. I've, I've been to charity fundraisers for similar organizations and, and it's intentional. Those stories. Oh, yeah. A hundred percent. The stories that they want presented are very intentional and God, they, it just, it kills you. It certainly feels, I think when you look at the, the homeless problem in San Diego, it can feel not, not a little overwhelming, massively overwhelming and, and they know they have a lot of work to do. And Peter was so committed to helping that and Bill Walton was so committed to helping that and they did a ton of work with that organization, but they brought up a guy, man. Mom had him when he was 15. Dad took off, raised by his great grandmother. She died. Then he goes foster home, foster home, foster home abuse drugs, foster home, foster home sleeps under a bridge, et cetera, et cetera. Through the programs that they, they started there. He was able to get certified as an EMT and a firefighter, one of the best public speakers I've ever seen. I walked up to him after I said, your story was incredible. You should consider broadcasting like your, I have a broadcaster and you're better than me and actually speaking into a microphone. He brought us to our knees and then there was a, a story of a family, a husband and wife that had kids. She got hooked on drugs. She left. He left. The kids were sent off on different branches. They all came back together and got each other clean and they, the wife and the husband stood on stage last night with this check and the guy looks, the dude, they showed him years ago and he was all messed up on drugs and they showed him last night. I'm like, the guy looks like a model. He's completely cleaned his life and she was like 15 years sleeping under bridges, sleeping in cars, doing ungodly things to get my next fix and I'm just sitting there and tears are flowing in my eyes and I'm like, all right, life's pretty good for a lot of us. What can we be doing? How can we use our platform to be better? So I just wanted to shout them out for the work that they're doing in our community, raising a ton of money, helping a ton of people, getting people back through their programs that they do. But it was, it was special and I was really glad to be a part of it. Now, when the auction items started coming up, all right, we're going to get it started here. We've got the Rolex Submariner. So they had this, this female auctioneer and she would do a little sing song. 40 do I hear 40, 40 do I hear 50 and I'm like, oh my God, I'm going to be singing this in my head and I haven't stopped thinking 40 do I hear 50, 50 do I hear 60, something like that. They're sitting there so they, it gets around. I'm like, I'm not bidding. And these bids are starting at $4,000. So we're sitting in the, in our seats and they do the bid for four tickets to the owners box with parking and a bunch of Padre Seinmerch and I'm looking at Hannah. She's looking at me. Let's start the bidding at $1,000. Right here. Okay. So here's what I didn't think about. So I throw it up at $1,000, oh, we got $1,000, do we have two, do we have two, do we have two, we've got two, then she comes back at you. Do you have three? Can I get you a three and she's 48 and then you're like, you're like, no, no, no, no. It gets up to, it gets up to like, oh, I only brought two with me. I'm sorry. It gets me to like, it gets me to like, she like, and then, and then so the guys are going to win at it like four or whatever and she's like, comes back to you. She's like, we got four. Do I have five? Can you bid five? We bid five. And I'm like, I'm not, I can't bid five. He's like, babe, he's sucking spots alone probably costs like $800. So this might be a bargain. So you just sleek down in your chair, like, you're like, I got to go. I've got to go. Like, I'm starting like looking at my phone. Oh, it's so nice. The wine's running right through me, I'll be right back. But it was awesome, man, and, and, and I actually, one of the guys at my table, I had never met before, and many of you longtime San Diegans will certainly know the name, nor of Turner. And I had never met nor of before. Now I told him, I said, nor if he introduced himself, I go, I know you, Mr. Turner. And I said, I, I'm in sports radio now. I said, but I said, I wasn't here doing sports radio when you were in your heyday here. And I said, but I am from Dallas, and I was born and raised in Dallas, where North Turner won like four Super Bowl, Super Bowl rings as an offensive coordinator and is like a legend. Troy Hickman says, my career is nothing without North Turner. And so we're talking and he's, what's, what's, what station you on? So I told him what time you were at six to 10. And I said, do you happen, this is amazing. I said, I said, do you, you know, Ben Higgins, he's my, my partner on the radio. He, he stopped and he goes, yeah, I know Ben just like that. Higgins. Yeah. Yeah, I know him. Yeah. I know Ben. And I go, oh, and then I just stopped talking after that. But yeah, I, I texted Ben that he goes, yeah, that's not really a ringing endorsement because I don't think nor have liked me very much. And in my mind, I'm going, how could anyone not like Ben Higgins? You know what I mean? Like, but I guess, I guess if, you know, you're ripping and he's got all this talent, they don't, they don't win a ton or whatever, you know, I can get it. But Norm was a really, really nice guy, really, really good. That's awesome. So we had a great time. And thank you again to shield and the cider, cider family for having us out there. It was, it was really special. And I, I didn't want to let you guys know she'll seize all of your tweets. She's a mall, the good, the bad, the ugly, the toxic, whatever. And you know, she, she told Hannah, she goes, boy, you are your spicy one on Twitter. And I was like, she goes, I think you're hysterical and so edgy. And I was like, babe, that's the last, I don't need you to be edgy. All right. Just whatever. But she sees them all. She says that she gets nervous about posting the memories and I said posting pictures of you guys together. Never. Anybody that has, she's gotten a little bit more comfortable with that. I follow her on Instagram and she posted like she reposted Manny after he broke the home run record for the Padres earlier this week. And then the next slide was a picture of Peter and Manny and it's, I'm just like, yes, keep keep that comment. Keep that going. It's part of the, it's part of the grieving process and, and they are certainly in it, man. They got three, three kids and got a chance to meet one of their daughters last night. It's beautiful and so smart and funny. And yeah, man, you forget, you forget what they've been through in the last year. And honestly, you know, she just wanted to thank everybody out there for your support of the Padres and man, you sit in there and you go, this, this really has been a special season. It's been a magical season and it's just a good reminder for me personally. I'm not telling anybody else how to live their life. Good reminder for me that the more you can be like someone like Peter Seidler, the better off everybody will be. And so I try to remember that going through as I, you know, as I talk about the team and, and, but just what they do for the community has just been, it's been outstanding. So I was really impressed with what they put together last night. It's just, it's now an organization. I think, you know, we're going to absolutely put on our giving, giving list and, and try to get as involved with them as we can because they really are doing good work and to see it come out on stage last night was, was spectacular. So, yeah, that's awesome. I'm really glad you were there. Yeah, it was really good. It was fun. And it was inspiring. Yeah. C 20 Moreno says sounds inspiring. It was so, so inspiring and moving to see these people that have, you know, it's like, I'm coming to hear your complaining about something. I'm like, well, you weren't sleeping under a bridge last night, dude. You know what I mean? So it's always good perspective to think about it when, when things may be bad. And it's also a good reminder if you can help somebody try to help them because Peter certainly did and this whole organization did and it was just a really cool night. And the Bill Walton stuff was great too. I mean, the philanthropy that he, he exhibited every day and the work that he put in and the desire to help have the homeless people and the unhoused people here. Yeah. Yeah. We have lost some good ones in the last year. You mentioned, like, when you're talking about shield and the grieving process, I'm like, yeah, it hasn't even been a year. I know. It's been 10 months. Yeah. Yeah. Feel like it's been longer. Yeah. 100% man. It was a, it was a great night. It was a great night celebrating some great people. But again, a good reminder for all of us to try to be great as well, help out where we can certainly, I want to do a better job with our platform of, of trying to help as many people as we can. So thanks for indulging us that this morning. So we're going to talk to Mike Schilt at nine AM excited to talk to the skipper. I know he's, I know he's probably, I'm going to say, I would say he's probably on edge a little bit. Do you think he enjoyed the night off last night? I don't know. Or he just wants to get back out there every day. Honestly, we can ask him, like, did you want, I mean, for his players, yeah, man, reset some things, get some guys some rest. But I think when you get to this point of the season, Paulie, you just want to get it not over with, but you just want to get at it. Like you just want to be at the ballpark doing your routine, sitting around in San Francisco yesterday. I'm sure was excruciating for him. It's just my guess, but I put myself in those shoes. I would be a wreck pacing around my hotel just like, I just want to get to the ballpark. So, you know, you got all day off today to sit around. He's got to talk to us in a couple of hours, but I don't, I don't know about you guys, man. We can take your calls, uh, certainly eight, three, three, two, eight, zero, nine, seven, three, kind of what's your, uh, what's your feelings about the Padres the last couple of weeks? You know, I, I think I know what they need to do, how many games they need to win, uh, but it's right there in front of them. They control their own destiny and honestly, man, like not to be so cut and drive about it, but if it doesn't work out, there's nobody else they can blame. I mean, it's not, well, this team just got this other team got really hot. Well, I mean, you win your games. You're going to be fine. So the businesses at hand for the San Diego Padres, how are the fans feeling? eight, three, three, two, eight, zero, nine, seven, three. We can talk to you guys. They were going to talk to Jordan Schusterman at eight sets for this family barbecue. There's a story. We'll do it and don't do this. It's crazy. Sing. I've ever heard. I've never seen anything like this, Polly. This probably goes on, but I've never heard anything like this. When it first came out, I was like, Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. And then like every hour as the night went on, it got more and more weird. I go, what the hell is going on? I can't believe this for here in Minnesota. I think this catcher for the twins. I've never heard anything like this in my life. Oh, we've had some wild don't do this story this week, just insane, insane. And if I'm sure you guys watched the game last night, I caught, you know, bits and pieces in the reception area, but imagine not having James Cook on your fantasy football team. I don't even know James Cook is. He scored three touchdowns. He scored three touchdowns. You have him? Yeah, I do. So he plays for the bills. Yeah. I mean, I won a hundred bucks on him, but yeah, there we go. All right. We'll come back. Talk about last night's game. Talk about two of me, just what a violent sport. You can call us, we can talk potteries as well. Spent of woods 97.3, the fan. You spent over here. Now at T-Mobile, get four 5G phones on us and four lines for $25 a line per month when you switch with eligible trade-ins, all on America's largest 5G network. 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