Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Thursday September 12th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

2h 55m
Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - Very sexy indeed, good morning everybody. But in woods 97.3, the fan. Such a pleasure and an honor to be here with you this morning, just the two of us today. Trying to get our heads right on a Thursday after a very, very turdish Padres game last night. Talk about all of that and then some today. Gonna be exploring the space with my good pal, executive producer, Paulie Rydel. Good morning, Paulie. - Good morning. - How are ya? - I'm good. - Good, I'm good. Yeah, I love, I don't know. I like when Ben takes day or two off 'cause we get to switch things up a little bit. - Yeah, we do get to switch things up. And he said yesterday off air, I think it was off the air. He goes, you're gonna be getting tired of me soon. And I said, yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right actually, right now is a good time for him to take off. He has been, he has been not attentive lately. And maybe I'm just extra sensitive to it because well, I feel that way at home with my kids. And then I come to work and I feel that way at home with my partner. And so I'm sensitive about it, right? So I'm just like, ugh. Like the other day I said, I tell a joke and he stares at me with donut glaze on his eyes. - Just completely missed. - And then I have to do the, did you hear the joke? What? What movie did I say? - See what's funny, Ben? - Yeah, and so I'm like, I'm gonna, and I'll tell you the other thing, Paulie. He should be on his knees thanking Fernando Tatiz Jr. this morning for hitting that home. If the potteries had been perfect gamed and no hit last night, I would have beaten him with a tire iron. I would have driven to his house and beaten him with a tire iron. And be like, you leave for a golf trip? These guys get no hit. Paulie and I gotta go in there and answer those calls in the morning. - You take a hundred in the wrist. - Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind? So yeah, Benny is out today. And I, we do love Benny and we do miss Benny. - I hope he has a great weekend. - I hope he has a really great weekend 'cause I'll tell you this about Ben Higgins. That cat needs and deserves very much. - Oh yeah. - A golf trip and then some. So I, that's his boy, best friend, golf. I mean, he's like. - I like that he has that. - Me too, dude. And like, it's his passion, you know, to be able to go out and play as much golf. And they will say, and Scott, his buddy is just like him. They'll sit there and you have seven iron there. Yeah, it was a little windy. So I've decided to hook a seven iron around that. And they'll just go for the whole trip. That's all they, they'll sit in dinner. They'll sit in dinner and replay the rounds that they just got done playing. I really liked that too. Where'd you hit there on 18? - And like the trash talk is the same. - Trash talk is the exam. Don't wanna get up there. - I don't think you were trying to hit me that bunker. - It is the best dude I've told you. I would have killed him, I would have killed him if they had gotten no hit a perfect game last night. But no, we'll get into all of that. - We'll get into all of that, man. Yeah, I've, I will miss him though, the next couple of days, certainly. - You're looking good. - Thank you. Got a fresh, fresh haircut yesterday. - I have a recent one. I just decided to go with the hat today. - Yeah, I got my haircut yesterday. - You always have to go, you gotta do it up. - The day, oh, it's never looks better. - Yeah, as good as it'll go. - Let me tell you something though. I realized this yesterday as I'm sitting in the chair, you know, the barber's chair. And my girl Danny's cutting my hair or we got kids, our kids are in the same first grade class. Wesley's her son and Bo's mind. And we're talking about, you know, the trials and tribulations of parenthood and whatever. And I would glance, you know, I'd be looking at her and then I'd glance over into the mirror. You've never looked like a fatter, more disgusting piece of ass than when you're sitting in that barber's chair. I don't know what they do to the mirror and why. I don't know why they do it. But I look at myself, Paulie. When I'm looking at home in my mirror, I go, yeah, you got some crows feet. The age of all the cigarettes and whiskey caught up to you finally. But I'm like, ah, I can work with this. When you're sitting in that barber chair, it looks like your face is distorted. I mean, I looked at the mirror. I was like, you're repugnant. Like you're absolutely, I don't know what it's the lighting or the mirror itself. But I looked disgusting. And I'm looking at it like. When she's cutting my hair. It's weird. My guy, Julian, he doesn't, he has me turned away. My back is to the mirror the entire time. That's why. That's why. I have no idea what is going on up there. That's great. And then he spins around, you're like. For like the reveal, you're like. Oh my God, looking like that. Yeah, he's like, that is a good. I'm like, it's great. No, I'm staring at myself the whole time. And then I'm, I look so bad, I can't look away necessarily. So I'm looking going, is this, is this me? Or is this the mirror? I really don't know. But, so I was in the chamber with that, got my haircut. And then I've been in kind of a perpetual chamber about a couple of things. Number one, you know, I get a little bit domed out when Ben's gone. And this is not my favorite thing to do is drive the vehicle all day. Which is fine. We've done this a thousand times. So I thought, I'm going to, I need to get myself some really good, you know, prep work time in yesterday. My wife was fantastic. My wife Hannah said, yeah, yeah, I'll take boat of soccer. You pick up Taylor and, you know, get some prep done in between and after and get them showered. And I'll handle them, fed them, got them showered in the PJs, the whole thing. So I finally sit down to do some prep work. And I hear screams from the other room. So I walked in and I hit record. ♪ To help me ♪ - You want to watch what? ♪ I never know you ♪ - Okay, what was that right there? - I want to watch a different movie. - I want to watch a different movie. - Yeah, okay. - You want to watch a different movie then what? Mighty Ducks? ♪ No ♪ - You don't want to watch Mighty Ducks? ♪ No ♪ - Why not? ♪ I love you ♪ ♪ No ♪ - You want to watch something else like what? ♪ Spiderman ♪ - Spiderman again? ♪ No ♪ - How many times can one kid watch Spiderman? ♪ No ♪ ♪ Okay, we can watch Spiderman ♪ - Little ball, what a nice boy. - Okay, both of you can watch Spiderman. ♪ No ♪ - What? - You just got the answer. You got what do you want? - What do you say to your brother? They'll say thank you. ♪ No ♪ - What do you want to say thank you? ♪ No ♪ ♪ No ♪ - That went on, by the way, till bedtime at eight and then on till nine as you continue to scream. - But he, sorry, you got to watch Spiderman. - Yeah, we separated him. Bo came in with me, watched a documentary on his iPad as I was trying to watch the game right next to me. So it was about Alcatraz 'cause we're leaving for San Francisco tomorrow. So I'm watching, I'm watching the game. Bo's right next to me with, and then the men created three fake heads and escaped from Alcatraz. And I'm like, I'm just sitting there like a crazy person, Paulie. Like I'm just in the death spiral, right? So I'm like trying to make notes on my phone. I can't really hear what Mud and Dawn were saying. I do know everything about Alcatrazers to know now and about Frank Morris and the Anglin Brothers and everything else. And so I'm sitting there and I'm like, so finally, so then I play that clip for Bo. He goes, you have to tell Paulie to make that a clip on the air. I go, 100%, 100%. - There you go, Bo. - We have enough Bo on the air. So he was, yeah. - You don't want to watch Mighty Ducks. - So why not? - Once he got the answer, he was looking for it. All right, Bo said he can watch Spiderman. He's still upset. - Okay, let's watch Spiderman. (laughs) - So Bo wanted to watch Mighty Ducks. - Yeah. - Taylor was not having it. - He's not having it. - He's Mighty Ducks, but yeah. So that went on until bedtime. I finally had to go in there at about 9.30, okay. I love you. You're going to be okay. I need you to suck your thumb. Do whatever you got to do. Call them yourself. Let's breathe together and we'll get it down. You know, we'll rub his back a little bit and he finally fell asleep. But so I was in the chamber for that. - TJ in our chat says probably birth control for anyone who doesn't have kids. - Probably? - Yeah. - I sent that over last night. I was laying in bed. Played the video and I just turned to Megan. I go, yeah, pretty happy with our choices. - It makes you, it makes you pretty happy. - It makes you shudder a little. And it always happens when they know that, like there's something innate in them that go. (laughs) My dad has a really important day tomorrow. - They just know it. - It's not like a fun Friday with the whole crew here. - No. - For interviews, nice and easy. Padre's win. - Yeah, I mean, everyone's in great mood. But yeah, dude, they know, they look at me and they go, oh, you have something big tomorrow. Oh, and you have a round table too? Okay, yeah, oh, and you have like an hour of production to do? You're dead, you're a dead man. So that was the one thing. Then the other thing, this, and I feel really guilty about this, and you know how I operate in a state of guilt and insecurity, pretty much is where I live. We have a couple of big birthdays here in the Ben & Woods family. Paulie's birthday, how old will you be? - 34. - 34 years old on Saturday. My wife Hannah will be 35 years old on Sunday. Now, we have a trip planned. We are leaving Friday after the show, San Francisco, Padre's Giants, Alcatraz, gonna go back to, this is a very sweet thing, gonna go back to her home. She was born in San Francisco. And the home that she and her brother Graham were lived in with her late father and her mom. My mother-in-law stayed in touch with her. They're gonna go back and see their childhood home. - Oh, that's awesome. - Which is great, so we're gonna do that on Saturday. - I got to do that last month. I went to Washington for a wedding. - You'll see that. - And then on the last night, we drove back from where the Airbnb was, back to Seattle. I flew out Monday morning to stay that extra night, and I stayed with my buddy Roger and his wife. And I knew the neighborhood that they lived in, but I hadn't been to their house yet, they're at home. So we're driving in, and I go, I'm starting to recognize some streets, and I go, wait, is this next street up here, 200th Avenue or whatever? Yeah, I grew up a block away from where you now live. We didn't know each other at that time. And he's like, no way, drove past it, saw the house. I'm like, that's, it's kind of a weird, it's cool. - Yeah, it's weird, and I'm looking forward to that. So it's gonna be great, man. But I'm in the space of, Paulie is one of my dearest friends, and somebody I'm very close to, a family I would call him. And then of course, my wife is my wife. And we have the trip planned. It's all done, we get great hotel, great flight, great everything, we're gonna have a great trip. So I'm very happy for you. I made the mistake of asking her. So when we get home on Sunday, your actual birthday, we do have a baseball practice, I have to go coach. I have a tier one game. Yeah, you do. And you'll be managing, I won't be there. So I said to her, what's, what's expected? When we get home, she says, what do you mean? I go, well, you've already gotten your gift. I bought your gift, I had it assembled. It's in the garage, just like you asked for, the exact model, put together, had a guy come out, put it together, it's all done. You got what you wanted, we got the trip, the whole thing, when we get home, what is expected on your actual birthday? Still the birthday. Right? And so... Yeah, the vacation doesn't end. I ask the same question of Polly, because tomorrow will celebrate your birthday. Ben didn't find it important at all, so he took off. So I'll be here at least. What's expected, I'm asking you what I'm asking, Hannah, what's expected of me tomorrow for you? Because I can't really do anything audio, I can't make you something special, because you do all the audio, it's something I can throw a fastball by you. Yeah, yeah. So what is expected? Have we not worked together long enough? Like, my wife does the same thing. She asks me, "Hey, where do you want to go for dinner?" Like, "What would you like to do?" And I'm like, "Does anybody know me?" Do you just want to... Do I have anybody out there that knows me at all? I know you, and I got you a gift. It's not here yet, but I did get it. Ben and I split it, and it's awesome. I can't wait. And I'll tell you what it is, I'll maybe show you a picture of it. Okay. Because I don't have, it's not in yet. So what do I, what would you like? All I want... You just want me to come up with something. I just want you to enjoy your weekend in San Francisco. Paulie, you know that doesn't work with me. You're gonna guilt trip me. How much, all right, I got you the gift, it's great. I know you're gonna be really happy. I thought it would've been fun, maybe Saturday morning, go catch around a golf with my boys, Ben and Woods. Well, he's gone. He's playing golf. I'll be gone. I'll be gone. So don't worry about me. It's all good. So you married the female me also, who's like, you pit. All right, so my question to you is, I'm surrounded by crazy feeble people who need help with technology. And apparently my birthday. Feeple. How much money you want. What's your price on what I need to give you so that you're not mad anymore? It's like, if Hannah would just take cash, I would just give her cash. I'd be like, you know what? Happy birthday, it's $300. Suck it. Side fell. That's $187 in cash or something to sneeze at. So I want to plan something. But I mean, Hannah told me, I want, you know what her quote was? I would like to be showered with, you know, adulation in a tent. I go, I have a baseball practice on Sunday. So what, she goes flowers. I go, when am I supposed to get those? I just am, I'm the worst at it. I get it. But I will pay. I will pay. You know, you can get money out of me if you want it. I will absolutely. I don't have to sit on this. Sit on it for a while. Get to it tomorrow. Do you want a cake tomorrow or something? It's like, maybe breakfast, let's get breakfast done. I will order us breakfast tomorrow. We will eat it live on the earth. People, people will enjoy that. Just hey, enjoy your weekend. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of my weekend. We'll suck down the grittles live. We got a great dinner plan tomorrow night. Okay. A little staycation plan. You planned all of it, I'm sure. No, we planned it together. Hannah says, I have to plan and organize and perpetrate my own birthday. It's exactly right. And I'm sorry about that. But this is, this is who you married. I will give you, I will shower you with love. We can, maybe if you want to, maybe if you're listening, we can pull a, we can do a Shannon Sharp. And if you don't know what that means, you will-- I have been looking forward to talking about that later. You will hear about that later. I will offer you a Shannon Sharp experience to my lovely wife. Probably I will not offer you the same, but-- My problem is I hate planning anything. Right, but you have to. I feel uncomfortable like asking others to plan anything for me. I get it done. I'm the worst. I'm sure it drives my wife insane when it's four days out. And I don't know where to go for dinner. I feel bad. I don't care, it's just my birthday, it's fine. She's going to guilt me. I'm going to end up giving Paulie a $1,000 for me. Here you go, man. Have a great time. I'll be, you know how I am, you know how I operate. I beat myself up because I always think I can be doing more. So yeah, that's where we will be. Let's talk some potteries baseball, certainly. I mean, what's there really to say? A little bit dicey. And we can talk about where you stand on the panic meter right now. Mine's pinging a little bit, a little bit. Just a little tiny little bit. Never like dropping a game in the wild card standings, but that's exactly what happened. We'll set the menu. Got a couple of really, really great special sweet angel guests coming up today on the Woodsy and Paul program. Ben is out and we'll be right back. Ben and Wood's 97-3 the fan. Breaking news on 97-3 the fan presented by BetqL. Smart or Bet, start with BetqL. Download the BetqL app or visit today. Yeah, big news breaking this morning in the world of college football. San Diego State and three other Mountain West schools are set to join the Pac-12 conference, Paulie. And you're an Aztec for life. They're headed to the Pac-12, leaving the Mountain West to join Oregon State, Washington State in all sports in a reformed Pac-12 starting in 2026, 2027. According to multiple reports confirmed by conference sources. Oh, it's confirmed, San Diego State has, they, at 6 a.m., they had a press release emailed out. It is official San Diego State to start play in the Pac-12 for the 2026, 2027 campaign. Very good, very good. I mean, I know that it's gonna be more money for them. It will officially become a member of the Pac-12 on July 1st of 2026. Now I was reading this article in the UT. So every school that we just mentioned, they're on the hook for exit fees to the Mountain West that with more than one year's notice of departure amount to three times the annual distribution, which is about 6.5 million. So you're essentially paying about 20 million dollars to get out, which is a, that's a lot of dough. That is a lot of dough. But listen, I think this has been the goal for a long time. You got to get out of the Mountain West. Now again, it's weird, it was the goal. And then it, until it wasn't the goal. Well, until a lot of teams left the Pac-12, they had to rebuild that conference in some way, shape, or form. And I think, you know, it's Pac-6. Yeah, it's, look, college football is gonna be in flux for a while. They gotta, they gotta change all the names. I mean, you don't have to change the SEC is fine. The ACC is fine, but the Big 10 and the Big 12, they don't have 10 and 12 teams anymore. Yeah, that's exactly right. I mean, and it's just one of those things as sports fans, you just kind of roll with the punches. You're like, oh yeah, the Pac-12 is actually eight of us. There's seven of us, or six of us, or what about? It was the Pac-10. That's right. And so, yeah, Big 12 is the Big 14 or whatever. I mean, it just, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a little bit in flux for a while, but I think ultimately it's a good move. It's a good move. I saw this, I saw reports coming out yesterday about this and all signs had pointed to news breaking at some point Thursday morning. And here we are with the news, isn't it? So right now, the Mountain West has those teams, plus a couple, like the Wyoming, the San Jose States, you know, the lower division, parts of the division. So if you're just taking most of the Mountain West schools and the same Pac-2 schools that are currently in your conference, like Oregon State and Washington State, isn't it still just the Mountain West with a different name? - Point, point, 2.0, potentially. - Yeah. - No, I listen. Like, I don't know that, I just, again, I'm not... - Ask Ben. - Hey, Ben? - Ben, what do you think? - What are your thoughts on that? - How mad is he? - He is rocking back and forth in his chair. - I bet we could call him right now, and he would... - Do it. Do it. I mean, I talked to you guys when I was in Hawaii, I was four hours behind you. - Like, he's awake right now. - He's 100% awake, 100%. This is him missing out on this news is devastating. - Literally, call him just live. - Yeah, look, call him live in the air. - No, he could sue us. - I mean, he has to allow us to run the audio. - That's true. - But, you know, him missing this news is too much for him to bear. - Can pull the quick one on him, be like, "Hey, we only have a minute." - Yeah. (phone beeps) - Oh, he's big-time in this. - Wow. - Hello. - Oh, we have, he just dropped off. - Ben, you had him? - I had him. - Oh. - Ben, call back. - Just wanna get your thoughts on the... - I'm calling him back. - Packed what, new pack 12, San Diego State Aztec. - Hi, Ben. - Hello. - Hi. - Hi, Ben. - Hi. - How are you doing? - We're fantastic. - You're live on the air, don't curse. - Don't, don't say anything. - Oh, okay. - Until now, don't curse, got it. Thank you. - Just quickly, your thoughts on the Aztecs. Joining the pack 12. - Oh, moving to the pack too. I think that it's gonna be very expensive, but ultimately, it is probably what they had to do, and in a few years, it'll definitely look like a good move, but I'm a little nervous about it anyway. - All right, thanks for your time. Have a great rest of your trip, and we love you very much. - Awesome. - Be safe, hit 'em straight. - All right, talk to you. - Bye, Benny. (laughing) - Only he can just pick up the photo. Anyway, here's what I was, I mean, he-- - I was afraid he wasn't already talking about it. - He probably was. - He just talked to himself in his car. - All right, let's wrap up last night's pod raise game next. We'll get into that five, two loss to the Seattle Mariners. Let's be honest, could've been a lot worse. Could've been a lot worse. - Super quick setting of the menu. In about an hour from now, we're gonna talk a little football. It's a tradition on Ben & Woods. Started the season. We missed her last week, but started the season. We always talk to the great Amy Trask. She'll join us at 7.35 this morning. Always love having her on the show. And then every Thursday at 8.35, we have Enosaris joining us for some smart baseball. We have so much to get to between now and 10 o'clock. I, we scheduled some things to talk about. I don't know that I can wait long enough. I've been looking forward to don't do this since about three o'clock yesterday. I mean, it really, he really deserves his own segment. He really, he really does. Maybe he gets the whole seven. Maybe he gets the whole seven. It's, it's pretty nuts. But we'll wrap back. I don't know how much we can talk about this game last night. We'll wrap up last night's game. Yeah, we'll, I'm sure we'll point some fingers. I'm already seeing it already seeing it in the chat and I get it, I get it. Let's go. Let's get after it next. Ben & Woods 97 through the fan. (upbeat music) Pardon me, he's dropped one five two to the Seattle Mariners last night. Splitting that series and yeah, it was, it was a, it was a, I mean, if you like, you're like, overpowering brilliant pitching performances on the team that you're playing. Good game for you. Last night in there. I actually like dominant pitching performances, but not when it's against us. It's super duper fun to watch a guy just locked in like that. Ultimately, I'm okay when it's a guy that's been doing it all year. Yeah, exactly. If it's some scrub that's. It's the guy that, okay, he's got three career starts. He's got an eight, four, five, and he gets you. And he comes in and just shoves. And you're like, who the hell is this guy? Yeah, man, it's, you know, look, and we'll talk about the pan, our buddy Josh and Dallas, Josh Coral. So we gonna do a panic show after every loss. No, no, we're gonna do a panic meter. After every loss. We're just gonna check. Where do you stand? He had to check your pulse, if you will. I'm in like a four. Like I'm not panicked yet at all. It's nerve-wracking, it's dicey. Watching the standings every night, watching, you know, the New York Mets just really, really playing great baseball, watching the Braves creep in, you know, watching the Dodgers, continuing to smash home runs. It's, it's, you do feel, you know, a little bit of that because with 15 games left to go, anything can happen. So we'll wrap up the potteries game right after this quick check of traffic. ♪ It's a shame if they lose ♪ ♪ Oh, a shame indeed ♪ It's a complete crap. Oh, I did not like that. ♪ Here are the lowlights from yesterday's game ♪ Are you f**king kidding me? ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ It's the Padres by Hamul Casino ♪ ♪ With thrilling slots and tables and all the best rewards ♪ ♪ Hamul Casino has all the fun you're looking for ♪ ♪ Hamul Casino fun above all else ♪ - We'll give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll, you know, get back on the pump and figure it out. - It's not your fault. - One and one to Raleigh, the pitch for King swung online in the right field and down for a day set. Rojas has scored Robles on his way. Fernando's throw cut by Solano. It is one scoring and single for Cal Raleigh. And Robles ended up holding at third base. So one-nothing CF. King is ready. Here's the pitch. Swung online in the right field and a base set. Robles has scored. J-Rod's on his way. Fernando's throw just late. Two runs single for Lubrely and a three-nothing Marinerly. Here's pitch seven of the at bat, ripped into the right field. A hairball can bounce a wall all the way to the wall. Raleigh and Turner will both score easily, proffered a feet first slide in the second base. Two run double and a five-nothing Marinerly. Here's the one and O. Fernando swings, hits it in the air. Deep down the left field line, it is gone! A home run for Fernando Tati's Jr. Line drive shot down the left field side. That will break up the perfect game. The no hitter and the shutout. Andre's are on the board here in the seventh inning. As Tati's home is for a second consecutive night. A one to Bogart's line up the middle. In to center field and a base hit. Roble for a rounding third. On his way Rodriguez throw will be cut. RBI singles and her Bogart's. Andre's have another here in the seventh inning and it's five to two. One and two to a Rosarina. And that's it in the air to right field. Right away deep. Fernando racing back, he is at the wall. Leaps up and he made the catch. Fernando goes over the right field wall and takes one away. Hit a homer in the top of the inning. Robbed a homer in the bottom of the inning. And that ends the seventh year in Seattle. One and two to Prunhamworth. Bounced up the middle to his right. The second baseman Polanco has it. Slings it the first in time. And a one, two, three ninth inning for the former fire. Andre Spudios has the Mariners hurt a split in his two game set. Five to two win here on a chilly evening in Seattle. Yeah, a combination of things, right? Well, it was really good man. He was throwing the ball really well. Perfect through six, you know, Toddy jumped him in the seventh. But through the ball extremely well, he to do that against this lineup saying something. So he did a really nice job. Yeah, he did. He was a lot of fun to watch. I mean, and again, taking the Padres hat off. Really, really good pitcher, you know, commands the zone nasty late life on. They were talking about on the broadcast the 95 just explodes out of his hand. And guys were guys were way off. They were he was, you know, he was in the zone all night. Some weak contact. I mean, listen, you're watching that game last night. And I did when the Rosa random made that catch in like the fifth, I think fifth or sixth made that catch off of Manny's when Manny smoked it to left. I went, oh, yeah, he's got a pitch count was down. Like every no hitter or perfecto has, you got that was playing. Oh, yeah. And I sat there and went, oh, man. But, you know, I think obviously the game changed in the third inning and Michael King, I thought to Rojas, I thought he got, I thought he got squeezed a couple times, but ends up walking Rojas hits the next guy, O two pitch, you know, those are the things. But listen, man, he gets the ground ball. He needs Zander throws it crony boots it. He booted it. And I did think for a second, oh, that that's clearly the transfer. And crony actually said after the game, he goes, yeah, man, just because I just because I didn't have my other hand down there, like I caught it. I was bringing it up. Ball fell out, whatever, they overturned it, you know, that that those that error turned out to be a fatal one for the Padres could never get back after that. I hated that, you know, I hated that for the guys and I hated it for Michael King. He seems to have some bad luck behind him. It seems some really shoddy defense really only rears its head when he pitches. And you know, listen, there's weird anomalies in a baseball season that go like that. It just there's certain guys that pitch and get no run support, certain guys where the defense seems to take a night off when they pitch and it's been that for Michael King. But I will say this again, about his stuff, it's absolutely filthy. It's absolutely filthy, filthy stuff. And he finished five innings, four hits, one earned run, two walks and six Ks. And that was that it was that longer inning as Kevin A.C. pointed out, I think in the UT this morning, it was that longer inning that probably robbed him of another inning because he had finished with 90. He had the nasty stuff. So yeah, man, listen, you chalk it up, but look, they are, I'm not super panicked right now. They did drop a game in the wild card standings to the Arizona Diamondbacks. So or half game, I think. But it's time in a while that they are not the leader in the clubhouse as far as the wild card goes. They dropped to the second spot half a game and it's not good radio because we're supposed to just speculate and react every single day, Ben's going to have magic numbers from here on out, but so much can change still heading into that final week where you play the Dodgers, you play the Diamondbacks and you kind of control your own destiny, at least the way things are shaping up right now. Yeah, they're half game out of the first spot in the wild card. The Mets continue to win. They had they were literally getting no hit into the ninth inning and Francisco Lindor got a fastball middle in, hit it a mile next to use to make a real strong case for an MVP. He does. They're going to give it to show. Hey, but he's, you know, this is a two way player, but literally like he plays offense and defense. He's really, really good. They're going to give it to show. He'll tell me what I mean. I would bet I'd bet anything I own on it. And hey, you can't really argue with that guy. No, no, no, no, no. He's not going to be upset. Eight and two for the Mets in their last 10, but yeah, man, they ended up piling on some runs and extra innings and took care of business in Toronto and continue to stay red hot. They're a game and a half behind the Padres right now Kevin AC points out in his newsletter this morning. He was talking about the Braves of the team on the outside looking in and they lost yesterday. So that was, you know, that was one bit of help, I guess, that the, uh, the Padres got, but he was talking about what needs to happen. And this is a very, it's very bad ask as well when he was talking about what the Braves need to do dependent on what the Padres do in their last 15 games. So if the Padres go to 10 and five, which is feasible, Braves got to go 14 and two. The war other side of the coin, if the Padres finish four and 11, the Braves still have to go 500 eight Nate to get there because the Padres do own the tiebreaker on the brakes. Now I don't know how you guys are feeling out there. You're more than welcome to call eight, three, three, two, eight, zero, nine, seven, three. We haven't checked in with you guys in a while, but you're more than welcome to call and tell me kind of where you stand. I'm not, I'm just not super panicked yet. I'm not because again, four, I'm at about a four. I'm at like a two. Okay. That's good. Yeah. I'm okay. You know, you look at a game like last night, we talked about how just how filthy Brian Wu has been a whole year, some of the stats that they were putting out yesterday. I mean, he's up there in the realm of Randy Johnson, Felix Hernandez, as far as Mariners excellence. Sure. I mean, he's a very, very good pitcher. That's that they had last night was insane. We tipped our cap about a hundred times last year. We haven't tipped our cap a ton this year. That's one where you would tip your cap. I'm okay with that. I look at a game like last night and I go Michael King still pitched pretty well. I'm okay with that. I want him to continue to pitch well. I look at Fernando Tatis, Jr, who made one of the greatest catches I've ever seen him make out there in right field and hit a ball 115.6 miles per hour, I think absolutely torched it. Two games in a row. Now the home run don't look now, but that's two games in a row, two home runs, two insane defensive plays that throw from right center field the other night. And then the catch last night, if we can get him going. I'm feeling really good. Yeah. I mean, I still feel really great about this team. You know, I think obviously there's a lot of conditioning that's gone on in this town certainly and I wasn't here for a lot of that, but I've been here 15 years. You know, I pretty much have the idea of the pulse of where Padres fans are. I spent a lot of time on social media. You know, I I'm not much of a doomer these days because I I do I do think that they have shown enough, you know, heart and grit and everything else. I mean, look, you lost by three runs last night when you didn't get a hit till the seventh inning or whatever. So, yeah, I just I still believe very much in this team. I still believe in a lot of what I saw from the starting pitching. We'll see how this weekend goes. I'm actually going to be in Oracle tomorrow night, my first time ever. It's a big series. Yeah. Big, big series against the Giants. You know, who else is playing this weekend? I'm sure we'll talk about it maybe more tomorrow, but you just mentioned the Braves. They host the L.A. Dodgers for a three game series starting tomorrow night in Atlanta. No, Dave Roberts, it begs the question, what do you want to win that series? Look, man, I can't I can't in good conscience root for that team. I just can't. I know it's probably the smart thing to do, but I can't, you know, so I listen, you handle your business in San Francisco. We don't have to worry about it. Handle your business. That's it. You can win two or three, try to find a way to beat Sleeping Bob. Sleeping Bob's got the, he's got, he's got your number a little bit to shoot. All right. So I'm excited for the game. I'm also terrified. I mean, I'm on pins and needles. This is a huge, huge series. I do think, I do think, you know, coming into next week, yeah, you can't look at the White Sox is like, oh, it's easy three wins. It just doesn't work that way. We don't play well against those teams. We don't play well against those teams. I just, Eric Moss is Darvish and Krohn is my concern. I mean, Krohn made an error. It's going to happen. He doesn't really concern me at all. Darvish gave me exactly what I wanted to see on Tuesday. Darvish got to win. He got to win. I'm not really concerned about him. I want five clean innings. He gives five clean innings as you ramp it up. Give up two solo shots. I mean, again, I can't, I cannot get super upset about that right now. I just can't. I don't want to go hot take, like, I questioned leaving Morihon in for more than three batters yesterday. Yeah, 100%. It was a three run game and he clearly did not have it and, you know, they didn't bust it open, but all of a sudden, you know, that one inning, it hurt. But I almost feel like it's kind of just nitpicking here at this point. Well, it was a third game. It was an easy one for me to just flush and move on to Tamana. Yeah, you got really have no choice. So I, there were some real, there were some interesting moves made yesterday too that we can talk about. If you guys want to talk Padres today, the phone lines are open, man, 8, 3, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 7, 3. If you want me to beat my fist and perform for you, I'm not quite there. Now you get swept by the Giants this weekend. Yeah, man, it's going to be a different scene coming in on Monday morning because the time is now, you know, it's absolutely now. You got to start playing really, this is a good time to refocus and start playing your best baseball. You do have a really tough schedule coming up. Doesn't mean you can't win a series in San Francisco and it certainly doesn't mean you can't at least at a bare minimum win the series against the White Sox. But man, that last week of the season is looming large right now. So you want to be able to stack a few more wins than you have lately. You're kind of hovering around 500 ball, the last 13 games, you're actually a game under 500, the last 13 games. So time to get your asses and gear a little bit. So that's why my panic meters at a four right now because there needs to be, I think, a sense of urgency. And I do see it. I do. I see good at bats. I see, I see a lot of effort and things like that. But the result got to start chalking up a couple more dubs right now. But yesterday, pretty interesting decision by the San Diego Padres. It's one of those decisions that makes me go, oh, they're not, they're not messing around right now at all. Since Luis Camposano down to AAA El Paso and you know, man, Luis had, he was the starting catcher at the beginning of the year. Now he started off pretty well, then he got hurt and Kyle Higashyoka stepped up and got a little Wally Pip there, came back, hasn't really done a heck of a lot since he's been back. So pottery skipper, Mike Schultz said that was a tough decision, clearly a tough conversation for everyone involved, especially campy. If you know anything about campy's history, you know, that's what I'm most concerned about is how does he handle this from a mental standpoint? You know, he has had some struggles. Is he going to be all right? Is he fine to just go down? I cannot imagine that was very fun for him yesterday, having to pack his bag and head down to El Paso, even though he's going to get the lion's share of the reps and they want him to go down there and catch and hit and really work on his game. I don't think we'll see him back this year, barring an injury to Elias Diaz or Kyle Higashyoka. But yeah, man, he just, he said we looked up, we realized campy wasn't getting as much time. Still a younger player who's grown, he's grown a ton behind the plate, a lot of different phases, preparations, really, really good, but it was best for him and us at this moment to go down and go play. So that's what happened, man. And he's down there and hopefully he can, he can figure it out because they did they got ten more games or ten more days in the minor leagues. They were smart too for their season ends. They did it at the time where this was his allegedly his last option, but they did it in such a way where because of the time they sent him down, he has an option for next year as well. So you can keep him in the organization, continue to foster his growth and see what happens, see if you can turn him into a hitter, man, see it, because that's, that's really where his value can be, I think. I think he's got it in him to be a pretty good hitter. So we'll see what happened. But yeah, he got set down. Tom Cosgrove got called back up yesterday, don't know how long he's going to be on the roster. Brandon Lockridge also is a very, very speedy. I brought up two guys because Camp Isano went down and then they placed Martin Perez on the paternity list. Have a great graduation. Congratulations. If you're listening and he's going to be pitching on Sunday now. Feels real good. Congrats, buddy. What do you want to play in that audio of Taylor screaming again? All right, we will, if you guys want to call in 833-288-0973, we'll get your temperature. Talk some more baseball. The stretch run coming up here on 97-3 the fact. From the mind of a two foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare the hottest game show on TV that asks what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition, you get style, you get quality, you get beefs and boops and dings and wops and thousands of dollars in savings. 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Back then, the place to be to be. The best way to get the best is to make the playoffs. So, we have, I'd say by far, knock on what the easiest opponent of the weekend for all those teams that are in the mix, you know? The Brewers are tough. Logan Webb tomorrow night. Logan Webb tomorrow night. You hit him a little bit the other night and then you kind of let him off the hook. Braves and Dodgers is going to be insane. Mets and Phillies is going to be bananas. It's going to be bananas. So, let's go Phillies. Braves and Dodgers, you have to have the Dodgers win those games. You just do. I'm not rooting for them, but you have to have that happen. And the Brew Crew needs to handle business against the Dbacks who look like they may be coming back down to Earth and then go out and throw up the 14 runs yesterday, just an offensive juggernaut at times. I swear to God, every time I check the score, 12, 13, 14 runs, I go, "What is happening?" To look at their run differential real quick, my guess is that it's 4,000 because they have so many blowout wins every single time. Diamondbacks run differential is plus 102. I mean, come on. Padres are plus 71. Yeah, when they win, man, they win really, really big. Meryl Kelly did have to come out of the game yesterday, one of their good arms had to come out of the game. They said it was like a hyperextended knee, so I'm sure they're practicing with an abundance of caution right now. Dodgers starter Bobby Miller did not look good again, so I don't know if that's it for Bobby Miller. But yeah, Dodgers are kind of getting set, man, they're more than likely going to win that division. I think the Padres right now have a 2% chance of winning the division, so yeah, you don't worry about it, man. You go out and try to get the best wild card spot you can. At this point, you're five and a half games out of the division, and so that is why you are not upset if the Dodgers run up on the Braves this week. Absolutely. You're there. The Braves are more on your radar, yes, right now than the Dodgers are now. Start taking these fools out, dude. That's what needs to happen. If all of a sudden it's a two or two and a half games out of the division, and then you have that three game series in LA at the end of the year, then we can talk about it, of course. But right now, I think you just have to look. You need one of those teams to fall out and the most important part, the most important part is you need to win your ball games. You need to handle your business, Padres. You got to get right now, tune it up just a little bit. Got a text from our buddy, Arkie. Arkie, see him, Proko, said, "Sounds like you're convincing yourself that they're going to be okay, buddy." Arkie? I said, "Yes. I am." That's exactly what I'm doing. It's called coping, but I mean, look, you're really coping with a 92.9% chance to make the playoffs. I wish I got mono, Pauli, for two weeks, and then I could just come back with a playoffs start. I'm going to be right here licking my door handles the rest of the day. We have talked crazy about fan graphs and how analytically this is what goes into their percentages. I mean, the Padres and the Diamondbacks are virtual locks for the playoffs. They are telling you, right now, Padres should be there. It's going to be okay. Padres will get a seat at the table, and it's just a matter of the Mets or the Braves who falls off. I think a lot of people, no one's going to be really at ease until it's -- until you see that X next to the name. I need like a five-game losing streak for the Mets or the Braves. Just get them out of here, and then we can talk about, all right, should the Padres actually go for the six-seat and play Milwaukee? Well, I was talking to Adam yesterday, and he's like, "Hey, you're going to have shilt on on Friday." I go, "Yeah." And he goes, "Yeah, it would be interesting to find out what is playoff rotation." I go, "Adam, we've got two weeks, bro." I'm not going to ask him what his playoff rotation is. Yeah, I'm glad you asked. Actually, we've already got it mapped out. We're going to start -- Joe's going to get the ball from Game 1. Like, what? I was walking out the door, and he's like, "That's -- I mean, I was throwing out ideas here." You know, asking about where the playoff rotation is going to be. I go, "Yeah, I think that's a little bit presumptuous." At this point -- yes, I think it's a little bit presumptuous at this point. Do you dare me to ask Mike Shelton more -- so, and he thought, "Who gets the rock in Game 1?" Come on, he will kill me. He -- Shilt would absolutely decimate me, and it would be Adam Kluge's fault. Do you see what I mean, a caller on the line? We do. I don't know. I haven't talked to this person, but caller ID says, "Louise." Louise. Good morning. Good morning, guys. How you guys doing? Good, buddy. How are you? Ah, I'm going to date another daughter. Hey, really quick, man. I have a question about hot sun skin. Sure. It sucks that he's hurt, right, but is contracts coming up. Correct. And I'm wondering if you guys think it's a good idea to -- I mean, try and get them on -- I don't want to say cheap, because that's kind of like, you know, downgrading his plate. We know he's a great player. We know he's going to bounce back. We know he's going to do well. But do you guys think it's a good idea to extend them, like, maybe it's a little bit less money than what he was supposed to get? Because I have a really, really bad feeling that the dog, you know, he's going to gunk for him and take him for a month. You know, I mean, I don't know. It's a good question. It's -- I'm not trying to be a jerk when I say this. My head is not quite there. I'm more kind of thinking about the guys that are here now, but if you're going to ask the question, I'll answer it. I don't -- I feel like he's going to be a giant next year, even though they have that Anderson kid that's pretty good. I just -- he's buddies with Jung Ho Lee. I felt like they was the Giants last off season. I felt like it was the Giants last off season. I just -- I honestly don't think they bring costs on Kim back. I don't with what they have -- I don't know who starts next year except maybe Zander Bogart. But you're paying a tremendous -- you're paying them shortstop money. So if Austin Kim is a free agent and leaves Zander Bogart's your shortstop until potentially Leah Dallas debris gets here. So I don't know how much I allocate to Austin Kim. I sure miss him, though. I do miss him now on this team as it currently stands, you know, and I don't know. I've not heard for sure that he's not coming back this season. I have no idea. I just -- you know, once Zander kind of was cemented at shortstop, it looks like that's going to be the play. Moving forward, I just don't know that you're going to move Zander back second if Austin Kim comes back in two weeks. I just -- I have no idea what the plan is. There's just too much -- there's too much unknown for me to answer intelligently about it. Real quick. Thank you for the call, Luis. We need a caller for Real or Fake. It's a throwback Thursday. I've got a game for you guys that I wrote up. You wrote it up. I wrote it up. So it's a little different today. It's a little different. You are going to qualify should there be a winner, but you're actually not going to play caller. So give us a call 833-288-0973. You're going to be Woods's lifeline. You're my lifeline. Woods is going to be playing Real or Fake, and it's going to be easy. You can do this, Woods. I have so much faith in you, but if you need a lifeline, I don't know how much help the caller will be, but they will be available to help you. And if you can win Real or Fake, they'll qualify. They will qualify. You don't get to go to Vegas. All right. 833-288-0973. Call in now. I'll play for you, and you will be able to help me, right? Yes. Okay. All right. It's a little different calls. But yeah. Back to Kim. I mean, it's a weird concept here in San Diego to not just extend everybody for five to 12 years. Right. I think that's the right move though. I think having we asked of that over the years, like, hey, no one to just say thank you for your service here. We have. Thank you for your time. Yeah. And let them move on. It just doesn't happen a ton in San Diego. So I think, to me, that seems like the smartest move. Yeah. I mean... Are you going to give him 150 million? No. Absolutely not. I think the giants might be able to give him. I'm just not going to. Satan's blowfish is certain. One-year deals are worth it. Like what Bellinger did. Yeah. 100%. And Kim did. All right, man. And, but, you know, does he know a lot of pitching you need to restart? Does he want to do that? You know, you have, you have a lot of holes next year. I'd not. I can't worry about next year's holes now. This is a Ben topic. That's a Ben topic. And I'm just focused on beating the giants tomorrow. That's all I want. And I'm going to be in the house. I want to see it. I want to see it in person beating the San Francisco Giants. It's the only thing I care about is beating Logan Webb. That little bulldog. Just beating him at home. That's all I care about. All right. Who's on the line, Paul? All right. Let's get to our game. Some are the compelling sports talk with Ben and Woods. You can go plow through another donut. It's time for real or fake on 97.3. The fan. Tell the people what they'll win today. All right. We're just going to pull up the first caller here. But first, let you know what you are playing for. If you can help Woods, and if Woods can win, the caller will qualify for a two night stay at win or on Core Las Vegas in two tickets to see Awakening, Awakening, the thrilling spectacle at win Las Vegas dazzles audiences with soaring aerialists, bounding acrobats, high energy choreography and comedic moments. At the heart of this compelling story, hero must confront the forces of light and darkness in a quest to save the world, a mythic adventure unfolds, set amid the most technologically immersive theater ever designed. Tickets are on sale now at Ben reads that every day. He's supposed to. He doesn't. Sometimes. Okay. I'm nervous now. That was a lot. I'm nervous now because I feel like this is going to be something that embarrasses me, but I have no idea what it is. No. First caller here. I think it is this Christian? Yes. Christian. What's up, man? All right. Me and you, buddy. All right. So it's I'm playing for you, but you can help me. Okay. All right. All right. This is very easy, Christian. This will be the easiest qualifier of all time. You don't even have to do anything because Woods is going to know every single one of you like NBA players or something dead now. I wouldn't do that to you. All right. What do we got? So last week, we talked about the Netflix live event, Kobayashi versus Joey Chestnut, the hot dog eating contest. And I said, I had Joey Chestnut, friend of the show, former interview, and Woods goes, we interviewed Joey Chestnut. No idea. No idea. So I have compiled a list of seven notable figures. He just goes, Oh God, he knows your screwed Christian. I'm sorry, seven notable figures. And the category is real or fake Ben and Woods interview. I feel like I'm going to nail this. All right. I'm ready. Start off with some easy ones here. Mina climbs. Have we ever had Mina climbs on the show? We have had Mina climbs on that is very sure, I'm positive 100% yeah, told you that was an easy one. I had a boy with me. Thank you, sir. There's one for you. John Smoltz, your beloved John Smoltz, this is it. We had Maddox on. We did have Greg Maddox on. I'm going to say, I'm going to say real. We did have John Smoltz on. Ah, yes, there we go, buddy, two for two. All right, MLB network analyst, Mark DeRosa, you can ask Christian Christian. Have we ever had Mark DeRosa on? Hopefully you're a long time listener. I've got to go. I am, but I've got to go fake on this one. I'm going to go fake with you as well. Thank I don't recall this. Are you guys really? Yes. Let's go. Let's go. Three for three. Now full transparency. When I sent this list over to Ben, he's like, we've never had DeRosa. I love DeRosa. You should get him on. All right. All right. All right. Let's see here. Next up, Stephen A Smith. Oh, that's real. We absolutely have had him on at the left. I can. Yeah. He pays attention. Ben also forgot we had Stephen A Smith. We had him on it at the old station, because he was starting a show on our station. Well done. And they're like, hey, you guys want to talk to him? Like, absolutely. I cannot believe you remembered that, especially when Ben completely forgot it. All right. Give me the rest of them. All right. Pat McAfee. No, we did not. Correct. Aaron Andrews. Yes. That was another ex-host from our old station. I don't think he had her on. He did insult her though on Twitter and told her to go bake a cake and that the quote, Pepe hole was the best thing that ever happened to her career. He misspelled peep and he spelled it Pepe. Pepe. Pepe hole was the best thing that ever happened to you. All right. I do remember that. Yeah. And then last one, Jeff passing. Oh, yeah. Once. One time. Who's one time? Look at me. Look at me. I was really selling myself short today, Paulie. Thanks. Well done. Christian. Congratulations. Hang on the line. We'll get your information during the break. I like to flip it. That was fun. I like to play a little. You want to do it again tomorrow? Yeah, I want to do it again tomorrow. I want to do NBA or NHL players because I will embarrass myself, certainly, this will play for. We got Amy Tras coming up at 735 always, always love talking to our beloved Amy Tras. It's going to be a weird transition though because we have to talk. It's been an hour and it's been an hour and 15 minutes. So here's the thing. I have to do this in certain segments that we do. If you got little ears in the car, I would hate to have you leave pen and woods and have to come back. You remember to come back, but yeah, it's a little bit of a sensitive subject that we're going to be discussing. Adult material. Yeah, adult content, you know, the viral, viral video from yesterday. This was, this was, it's been a mind blowing week. It really has been a mind blowing week all around. We'll get to what happened to Shannon Sharp. Oh my God. We'll do that next. Ben and Woods 97.3 the band. Don't do this. Listen, if I'm, if I'm something bad, I mean, tell me I'm a bad boy, you know, just tell me I'm a bad boy. Why? Just why? I get the argument. You don't have to explain it to me. I'm not a moron. Let me tell you why I am a dumbest bitch is time for don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this. A 97.3 the fan. All right. You know what don't do this is two stories that make you shake your head and then we try to do a positive story there at the end, but yeah, I was at home yesterday, Paulie and this was scrolling Twitter and I said, what is this that I'm seeing about Shannon Sharp? ESPN's Shannon Sharp had an Instagram live video that went, I mean about as viral as you can go, you know, he went live. He his phone, let me see, I'm gonna pull up his account real quick. I want to see how many followers he is. Is a lot. Oh, they call him on. I guess I like he's fine. He's 3.2 million followers. So if you if you were a follower of Shannon Sharp and I'm not on Instagram, I saw this later after the fact, but it would have popped up on my phone. Shannon Sharp has gone live and I'll be a hundred percent honest with you. I would not have clicked on it. If I was sitting at home watching television, Shannon Sharp is live. I probably wouldn't have clicked on it, but that actually happened. And well, it it was recording him in a very compromising situation and it was a situation that all of us have done. Some of us do it more than others. Some of us would like to do it more, perhaps, maybe on their birthday, maybe on their birthday, maybe on their spouse's birthday at a hotel, maybe in San Francisco, would be good. But you want to make sure that your phone is turned off and we can't look and you definitely don't want to go live. You don't want to go live. We can't or two consenting adults. We can't. Yeah. We can't play the audio. Listen to the audio yesterday and I had the internal dialogue of can we play this on the air? It's news. And then I thought, no, probably not. Hey, what don't you like viral content? Adam, isn't your favorite thing in the world, Adam Klugar boss, viral content? It doesn't give us more viral than this. So it was Shannon Sharp and he was, he was involved in it. He was into a coitus intercourse live on Instagram live. We can't play the audio, but we can, we can recreate it with one of our own something like that. Yeah. Her perspective for about three minutes and yeah, and his perspective, you heard both of them and you heard all of the saucy talk that goes along with it, which by the way, I put myself in his shoes and I thought to myself, he was not wearing shoes. I put myself in his shoes and I thought to myself, all right, man, if that was you and all your audience heard mortifying the things that you say, would you ever, great. Would you ever, cause on the, on the surface, I went big deal, guys, you know, afternoon delight. Fantastic. Good for you. You score. Great. Great job. consenting adults. Everyone was way into it. And I said, who cares? And then when I heard the stuff that he was saying and growling, I went, what if it was you? What if it was you? What if it was Ben? What if it was Paul? I'd probably say I got hacked, which is exactly what his account did. And he said he got hacked. It didn't make sense. Right. So he then goes on. I saw the video because like, clearly, you can like see the camera, the phone being placed like on a nightstand. Not a nightstand. Yeah. Like there's no, he was not hacked. Correct. And he admitted as much later now somebody from his team, panicked, panicked. I think everybody that knows him panicked and they went and they posted. They posted, Hey, we have been hacked. We've been working vigorously to get this figured out, I bet you were. And yeah, we heard you working vigorously. So, so yeah, he went on. He has a show with Ocho Sinko called nightcap nightcap. They went live for I think like an hour last night. Oh, yeah. I didn't watch the whole thing. They put like a 20 minute condensed version of Shannon explaining everything. He came clean, he admitted fault. He was not hacked. Here's a little bit of what he had to say yesterday about it. I'm very disappointed in myself. Not for the act. I think there are millions of billions of people of consenting age that engage in activities. But to have your most intimate detail on the audio to be heard, I'm disappointed in myself. I let a lot of people down. My kids, I reached out to them. I called them. I call my sister. My friends, obviously, my friends reached out. But God, this was not stage came in through my phone on the bed. Gazed in an activity. I did not know IG live. I've never been on IG live. I've never turned IG live on. I don't know how it works. So all of a sudden, my other phone is going off and people are calling me FaceTime that I've never talked to a day of my life on FaceTime. I'm like, why are y'all calling me FaceTime? And after a while, Jamie Fritz, who's been my longtime marketing guy, he finally got through to him and he said, "Shannon, you're on IG live." I'm like, "Doing what?" I'm like, "What am I on IG live for?" I ain't hitting no IG live button. They can hear. I'm like, so now, Ocho, I say, "Ask for patience." He said, "They can hear." Now I'm starting to get agitated again because you call me and say, "I'm on IG live when I know I didn't flick myself on IG live." And he said, "They can hear me." I said, "Hear me doing what?" Said, "Sounds like you were having sex." Man, my heart sank. It dropped. So, Shannon Sharp, yeah, he's needed to wear it for a little bit. That phone call to your kids is probably very uncomfortable. Dad's going to be on all over the internet today. I was hanging out with my friend Michelle and they got us. And then later, the conversation turned and he started to get way into it because then he was kind of like bragging a little bit. Yeah. You know, he's like, "Oh, got it. Oh, got it." I was like, "All right. All right." He's not that upset. So, definitely the top one. That was Ben Higgins. That was the, clearly the top don't do this in the day. I got another one here out of college football. So Purdue had a game recently at home and they had a halftime game where they pull a student onto the field and he had to participate in an event and should he win, he would get a free two-year lease on a brand new car. Nice. His challenge was to kick through. Not one, not two, but three. Make three field goals. It was, I think, a 20, a 30, and a 40-yard field goal. I don't know if he only got one kick for each, or however many kicks you can get in 30 seconds. But he did. He kicked. He made the 40-yard field on the last kick and everyone jumped up and down. They told him, "On the field, congrats. You're a winner." And then there was a social media post from Bob Rorman Honda. He said, "What an unforgettable kick off at Purdue Football's home opener last Saturday afternoon. Last week on Rorman Field, fans experienced the thrilling kicks for cash challenge. One participant came so close to victory finishing just 0.07 seconds past the timer. If only those extra milliseconds had fallen in his favor, he would have snagged a two-year complimentary lease from Rorman Auto Group. Check out the video below. Talk about a nail-biter. You are kidding me. Thanks to everyone that came out. Blah, blah, blah, blah. They told them on the field. Everyone sent you the winner. He celebrated. He made it. He made all three field goals in the amount of time and they told him, "Congratulations, you won. This kid's getting a brand new car." And then a couple of days later, the dealership goes, "Well, actually, you were 0.07 seconds. Your shoe was still touching the football or whatever." And they said, "Sorry, man. No dice." The outrage. The community. Once this went public, the community flipped out and I guess it's a half of a do-do-do-this because the update to the story is the dealership came around and they made it right. I think they offered him either a cash prize or a two-year lease on a car. But I don't want to give them too much credit because they only did it because they came. Because they got caught. Yeah, they got caught. Man. Man. They didn't do the right thing. No, they did not do the right thing. But if you have a marketing department there, like my beloved Sanano Ford would never. Even if they were 0.7 over, my beloved Sanano Ford would say, "We haven't been good enough. Here's it." And he cost them nothing, dude. Here's a two-year lease. Now we've done the right thing and look at us and blah, blah, blah. But yeah, everyone had to go out and complain and write, you know, leave bad reviews and all that stuff. Oh, yeah. They were getting dragged. Just getting dragged. Yeah. Well, dragged. I mean, yeah. I'm glad this kid got his car or his cash prize. Yeah. And then finally for do-do-do-this. D.D. Mega-do-do. You knew he was going to do it. I knew he was going to do it. You knew he was going to do it. None of us. I didn't place any bets on it, even though I knew it was going to happen yesterday, of course, in remembrance of 9/11. Nick Castellanos does what Nick Castellanos does. Added to the list. One one pitch. Swung on and Allen's hit well. Left field. Carlson's going back. He's at the track. He jumps and that ball is gone. A two run shot for Nick Castellanos. He did it again. He did it again. Add it to you. Witchcraft. Yeah, he's a witch. As I've said many times. All right. Very excited about our next guest, Amy Trask, NFL analyst for CBS Sports. The Prince of the Dark. That was don't do this. And of course. That was no 2/3. The fan. Give me a little heads up next time, Polly. We only do it every day. Now I'll tease Amy Trask coming up next, looking forward to talking to her. We'll talk to the NFL with her and just life in general. She's always such a good, positive, positive person. Great conversation every time. That's next. I'm Ben and Wood. And life. Some days are good and some could be better. The same is true for recovery. Both take work. Both take adjustments. Finding your path is a key part of your journey. And then it's all about walking in every day. Embrace the good days. The not so good days and the challenges and acknowledge how you overcame them. Be open to every part of the journey and welcome it. It's unique and it's all part of you. Find the path to recovery that works for you. Learn more at From the mind of a two-foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's Dare to Compare! The hottest game show on TV that asks, "What happens when you compare Bob's to the competition?" You get style. You get quality. You get beeps and boops and dings and whomps and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture! Shop in store at to play now! My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laugh at me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B. But with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get a $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. Linked in. The place to be. To be. After investing billions to light up our network, T-Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus, right now, you can switch, keep your phone, and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon and AT&T at Up to four lines via virtual prepaid card, a left 15 days qualifying unlocked device credit service ported 90-plus days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required. Card has no cash access and expires in six months. I'm John Aran. I have a new podcast called The Varsity. I will bring on the smartest people I know to break down the hottest topics in sports media. Available now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. You're right, quality of an earthquake survivor on the line. We do. I did not feel anything. She's obviously, I think she's in LA. A lot of earthquakes up. A lot of earthquakes up there didn't feel anything yet. We will get to the Princess of Darkness, Amy Trask, The Great, Amy Trask, right after this quick check of traffic. It's our girl Amy Trask, who is just one of our favorite guests in the world, NFL analyst for CBS Sports. Good morning to you, Princess of Darkness. Well, good morning and you always have me smiling ear to ear when you play my favorite music as my walk up music. It's so good to have your own walk up music and you know, Amy, this is why Amy Trask is a perfect guest because the temperature on football in San Diego, Amy, as you know, is always a little iffy. We never really know how to gauge it. We all like football well enough, but you know, losing your team and watching them move to LA is not the easiest thing for football fans to stomach, but even the football haters are like, well, it's Amy, I have to listen because it's Amy Trask. That's why you're the perfect. We don't talk to anybody really about football except for you. So welcome back to the program. Well, I am honored and thrilled and delighted to join you here. I thought you were having me on so I could give you play by play as to the earthquake we just had up here. Yeah, I did. But if you want to talk football instead of my seismic knowledge, we can talk football. I did not. We didn't. I never feel them. I've felt once since I've been here for 15 years. It was a big one. It was like Easter. Yeah. I know. What are you doing? I know. I know. The baseball show that that jinx is at this point, it's like that we have so many jinxes and and and and so many superstitions. It all it just all runs together after a while. But this is I don't I don't want to date you here, but like what is your what number of year is this in the NFL for you? Well, okay, before I answer that, may I address your point about the jinx? Yes. Okay, while I was 30 years in the NFL, almost 30 years with the Raiders before I left and joined CBS Sports. But during a huge chunk of that, almost 30 seasons, there was always the, you know, don't do anything on game data, jinx it. Don't do a jinx. Don't do a jinx. So I would have to, you know, I'd get up on game day and I'd only wear certain things and I'd only behave in a certain manner because you didn't want to be the one to jinx something. Of course. And finally, finally, at one point in my career, I had a little conversation with myself. And I said, you know what, which bra you choose where to the game is not going to have any impact whatsoever on whether we can block or tackle or cover. Look, go ahead and wear whatever you want and you pick whatever, blah, you want, pick whatever you want, because it's not going to impact the game. So that's kind of where I am on jinx's. Yeah. And I can't believe I just said blah on the radio. That's all right. Brazil. You could have said it's fine. All right. We're an adult audience. But no, I'm with you. Watching baseball last night, we were getting no hit and I said, clearly, it's the TV that I'm watching. So I need to walk into the other room and it didn't work. No, it didn't work. It didn't work. It didn't work till later, Amy. But now I so for you covering the NFL as deeply as you do, as deeply as you've been involved in it, where do you know, it's a little different position that you're in now. But where do you, I mean, the health of the game is obviously through the roof. I mean, people still tune in and in ridiculous, ridiculous numbers to watch their favorite teams, their fantasy players, whatever it may be, the league stands and has been standing for a while in a really, really good spot. You are absolutely right. And there was some conjecture, if you will, among media, not sports media as much as political media and other media. You know, will the ratings be down this year in light of the fact that it's an election year. Sometimes the ratings go down because people are watching the news or watching the debate. It has an impact in ratings at all, ratings are up. People love the game. They absolutely do. And you know, I find myself, you know, because there's no team, I've started playing fantasy football. My son is six and we have a, we have a team together. And now he's starting to get really, really into it. And that kind of has helped grow it for me and make me want to tune in a little bit more. But I wanted to ask you too. So the game in Brazil, the NFL, look. I think people look at that in a vacuum and they say, oh, this is so great. They're growing the game. The players didn't seem all that excited about going over to grow the game in Brazil, Amy. Well, you know, I did say something that I intended in good humor and I believe Eagles fans, at least for the most part, took it in good humor, which is if you're sending the Eagles to play in another country, that means Eagle fans are going to travel to that country. And isn't sending Eagles fans to another country, a violation of international law? I think so. Didn't we like breach the Geneva Convention or something by sending Eagles fans to Eagles fans? If you're listening, I love you. I mean, that in good fun. You're right. You know, there are players who don't enjoy the international games, but I will tell you this from my years in the league, teams and the league could not make travel any easier on the players. You know, it's a chartered plane. Every player gets two to three seats per player, you know, the linemen get three seats, the smaller players get two seats, the seats turn around so you can play cards. You can stand in the galley the whole time. That's what I did every time we flew to any game. I stood in the galley and ate snacks the whole way. And you don't go through security in the airport as a general rule. Security comes to you, buses come to you. There's no lines at the hotel. They hand you the key on the way to the elevator that they're holding open. My point being I get it. You're right. There are players who don't enjoy it, but there's no way travel could be made any easier. And look, I know this. We went and played a preseason game in Tokyo and in London and in Mexico City. Were the flights long in some of those instances? Yep. Was the travel easy? Absolutely. That's it. Yeah. I never really thought about it that way. Mine is always just more of like, I always think isn't the NFL healthy enough? I mean, how much is too much? Can you actually continue to grow the game of football worldwide? Does it make that much of an impact in your opinion? Well, clearly the league believes it makes that much an impact. And look, just do the numbers. If you're going and playing in another country and you're wooing and wowing, fans who might not otherwise follow the game and they then start following the game, you are growing the ability for the game, you're helping ratings, you are growing the game, maybe it's in terms of eyeballs watching people listening, people buying merchandise, so you are growing the game. Now, I'm going to get a little mushy for a minute, okay? Sure. I'll kind of channel my inner mom, meaning my mom, not, you know, this is the way my mom was. It can help bring the world together in some regards. I mean, and that's what sport has the power to do. Does it always work? No. Does it work? Absolutely. Sports has the power to unite, and if the NFL taking these games to other countries helps bring the world a little closer, well then yay. I love it. It's a great answer. I'm talking to Amy Trask, NFL analyst for CBS Sports. Now, Amy, every day in the segment before this segment, we have a segment we call don't do this. We've been doing it for like six years and it's stories and sports that aren't very fun to talk about, but we have to address. They make you shake your head. Yeah, we call it don't do this. And this week we talked about, well, it's kind of a Hall of Famer or Hall of Shamer, I guess, and don't do this. Deshawn Watson. Yeah. Now, you were an executive for an NFL team. Any insight on to what Cleveland Browns executives, team officials, how they're feeling and what they're talking about and what they're thinking as it pertains to Deshawn Watson. This has happened now several times. Are they working on like a way to possibly get out of this contract? We talked about like the massive, massive salary cap hits that it takes. They can't just cut him. They would need like the league to step in. What's your read on all of this? What are they thinking then Cleveland? Well, I'm thrilled that you phrased the question as you did, which is what our team executives plural thinking about this. And of course, it goes beyond executives to everyone on staff because something like this, yes, it has implications on the team itself. Are you, you know, if you've got a guaranteed country, a country, you've got a guaranteed contract of an exorbitant amount. You've got the cap issues. So that's going to involve your football people, your finance people, your legal people. If the league suspends him and we don't know whether the league will, but that could give the team an out from the guarantees, they will still have to confront the salary cap issues. But remember, the salary cap is simply a method of accounting. And we see all the time, look, whether it's tax accounting or, you know, cap accounting, you can work around accounting issues. We see all the time that teams do this. The reason I love the way you phrased your question is because it affects everyone on staff in the entire organization. Your PR department now has to deal with it. Your social media department has to deal with it. The phones will be running, ringing off a hook in the ticket office with seasoned ticket holders, club seat holders, sweet holders who are angry about this. Every single area of the organization is impacted by something like this. Not just your finance team, not just your legal team, not just your football staff. So you know, they're going to have to wait and see what happens. They will have an escape route if the league suspends him or if there is something otherwise determined to be violative of his contract. If not, they've got that big fat guarantee. And by the way, just because money is guaranteed doesn't mean a team owner can't say, the hell with it, I'm going to pay it. I want them gone, but I'm going to pay it. I don't care. Let them go. And they're going to have to make some tough decisions about that. It's so funny, Amy, too, because they probably thought, well, we've made our tough decisions. We made this bad. We are going to lie in it. And now, you know, I saw a tweet. Yes, 23, I believe settled. And then now the 25th one is going to be too much. So I just when you when you when you engage with people like this and again, second chances, third chances, whatever, that's up to each individual. I mean, the fact that they're going through this yet again in Cleveland is just kind of, well, speaks to how things have gone in Cleveland for a while. Well, and you're absolutely right in every regard in that tweet that you do, the post that you just referenced, you know, it falls in the category of funny, not funny, because it is very funny, but the topic itself is always is not funny. And you know, the organization is going to have to make some tough choices. Do you want to keep him on your team? And by the way, there are going to be people. You know, I am confident. There are individuals in that organization, not only on business staff, but in the locker room, that there are players in that locker room and coaches with that organization that don't like that he's with the team. You know, quite often when we hear something like this, people say, well, you know, the women in the organization, no, no, no, there are men who don't like this either. Yeah. So, you know, that's something they're going to have to deal with. And there's financial issues, there's legal issues, there's accounting issue, cap accounting issues, social media, PR, sales, and everybody, you know, every single fan of that team has the power of the purse. Do they want to continue buying tickets and sweets and club seats? Does this bother them enough that they stop? Those are all analyses that the team is going to have to do. What an absolute nightmare that that situation is. Well, Amy Trask always tells it like it is. Thank you so much for your time. I want you to have a great weekend analyzing the NFL as you do so well. And we will talk to you very soon. You are very, very sweet. And I love you guys so much. We love you too. If you don't invite, if you don't invite me back on, I may just drive down to San Diego and storm the facility and just put myself on. Open invite. Open invite. I mean, you have Carl Blanche at any time you want. Thank you so much to our beloved Amy Trask, the princess of darkness joins us today. Again, make one of them, not one of them. She is absolutely my favorite NFL guest period. The end always tells it like it is, has been in the war rooms, knows, you know, we've talked to her before about Jamarkis Russell and like all the stuff that the Raiders have gone through. She is. He's dealing with Hal Davis. Yes. Working with him. Side by side for years. Yeah. It's like how we work with Adam. It's the same. That's the exact same. Like little Al Davis is what he's like. I'll give him $100 if he dresses up as Al Davis for Halloween. I think he can, I think he can absolutely pull it off. Satan said, let her fill in for Ben. Anytime she is welcome to come in and hang out because the thing about Amy Trask is I want to talk to her about other stuff. You know, I want to talk to her about other stuff other than football, but she's so dialed in. And as always such great interview. So great job, Paulie getting her and she never, never disappoints. We've got today's a throwback Thursday. We've got some unbelievable audio. Now we were going to play it late. I think we put it back. But I think we play it next. Yeah. And in typically the time where we kind of reset the show, get back into pottery's talk in the second half. We had something happen four years ago this week. It changed the course of our entire show. Like the most, the number one, most iconic drop in show history, I'd say. There's our little Al Davis out there right now. So yeah, we're going to play that for you next. Stocking around on his phone. Yep. And this is, this is again, it's some of the best audio we've ever found bar not and probably where Ben and Woods is trending if I'm being completely honest with you. So we'll play that for you next. We got Eno Sarris coming up at 835. We'll have a rhino report as well. We got Parker McCollum tickets to give away. Got a lot to get to. And of course, we'll be talking pottery's baseball. Sammy Levitt's going to be in later for the round table. Maybe he'll pop in, do the last segment with us. And we're here, man. Going to be hanging out with you guys. We want to call. You can. 8332880973. Phones are open. We're having a good time. We're loose. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. 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Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture, shop in store at to play now. All right, man, quick two hours halfway home here on a Thursday, Ben & Woods 97.3, the fan, our beloved Benny. Be careful, Benny, if you're listening, driving up to the Thousand Oaks area. Decent little shaker this morning up there. Saw some TV show they were recording and everything started to shake in there, so be careful. What's the aftershocks? Wouldn't that be perfect for Ben to go up there and be like, "Sorry, bro, the hotels. We're shutting this on lockdown." Like structural damage would be the worst. Going on vacation is always that anxiety before vacation, you're like, "Am I going to fall and break my hip before I leave for Hawaii?" You know what I mean? I'm like super careful. Fantasy camp may be the worst of all time. When I am gearing up for fantasy camp, it's around the holidays. And I'm like, "I don't want to drive anywhere. I don't want to do anything that could potentially get me hurt so that I don't get to go to fantasy camp." I mean, I won't leave the house, Paulie. I'm like that on every vacation, though. Thanks for listening, Ben & Woods 97.3, the fan Benny is out on his way up to LA for a little golf excursion with his buddy. Probably it's me and Paulie hanging out, Paulie, going to be the birthday boy on Saturday. Happy early birthday. I'm sure I will shower you with adulation and cash and whatever else you need. If you missed that segment, we did it in the six o'clock hour where I'm a little spun out because I don't know what I need to do tomorrow, what Paulie expects from me, you know, for a Friday birthday celebration. I'll think about it. All right. You think about it. I'll text your wife and we'll get into that. And there's also a throwback Thursday, we go back into the Ben & Woods Annals and Archives and find some things that happen. And I would say that this is a pretty monumental day in Ben & Woods history. Yeah. This week, September of 2020, I don't know if this was a Reinder Report story. Don't do this. I think we just found it and played it. We love good radio audio and we had two radio hosts. They have a show, had a show, had a show together in Houston, I don't remember the station. But one of the guys name was Jason Braddock. We actually ended up tracking him down. We had him on the show. J is great. Several times. And they had a hot mic, I don't know if it's a hot mic or if I think the producer was just recording. The producer was recording. The producer was recording. It would be like you could do that, you could set up something to record us and you could hear our combos between breaks. They were doing a segment, they got into it a little bit with each other and then they went to break and the argument didn't just continue. It ramped up. It actually, some of this, I believe was on the air if I'm not mistaken, but these two guys got after it. Was that supposed to be funny? Yes! It's hilarious! Shut up crying and keeping this going. I want to just do the show. I'm waiting for the punchline, it's supposed to be so good. God, you're a child man, quit being petty and do the show, the radio, the show sounds horrible right now. You're right, it does and you're talking about being petty when you just checked out of a show for an entire segment. No, I started doing the research you asked me to do during the last segment. No, you asked me. I said you're talking to you and you're like, huh, well, you're living in your microphone. I'm not going to sit here. It's already been two segments of horrible. If you want me to leave, I'll cut off the mic and I'll leave, just do the show. It sounds horrible. Hey, I'll do the show. Thank you. We're good. Okay. God, dude, like it could have stopped right there, done, but now they kept it rolling as men tend to do and fight. They keep going. Oh, God, dude, that's. Do the show. You're still crying. Do the show. I thought I cut off my show. You're not paying attention. Don't do what you're doing. Go have a good time. Oh, God, man. You don't go. Don't do whatever they're doing. It doesn't matter. Well, do the show could be in a bitch. Whatever. I'm doing the show. You're the one checking out. Have a good day. See you. Let's do the show, bitch. Boom. You act like a little bitch on this do that's the most embarrassing right now I ever did. You act like a little bitch right there. You act like a little bitch. You act like a little bitch. You act like a little bitch. I started giving you the number. I want to yell at you. You come back from like a bitch today with a live on and you act like a bitch. Well, you're right. Dude, it's Houston. I get a lot of New York vibes though from both of them at least. One of them. It is. It is just. It happens. It happens. You're in here and you want it to be great. Dave, so yeah. Go on, dude. Do the show, bitch. Jason Praddock, man, it was just like, man, you asked me to get numbers. So I'm pulling up the numbers, but you're also continuing to talk to me while you've asked me to pull up those numbers and then you're going to call me out for not paying attention and it's just you can totally see it happening after a while. It is frustrating. One knows I get frustrated with him when he just glosses, it just stares off into this or he's on his phone. That's the one that gets me. The phone gets me with Benny and he knows that. I thought I was like, hey, I mean, you see him now with the YouTube feed, you can watch him go like this. His head's down and we're on the air and I'm talking and I stop and he just goes and then puts his heads up like, where am I? So he's not a great multitasker. So I can literally have a conversation with you and I can text you at the exact same time that I am having a conversation with you. I can text you on your phone and continue to talk about what's going on in the world of sports as I send you a text. No problem. You're not even going to know it's happening, but yeah, you can see those guys open up my phone. We're sitting here talking about throwback Thursday, September of 2020. Jason Braddock. What's his text? Right. There it is. I mean, it is. While I'm talking, I say there. So he said, St. Louis Fish says, the dude is being super effing annoying. How do you not respond in kind to this? I don't know which one. I think it's probably the guy, the not Jason Braddock, the not, I think it's the other guy. And I don't know who I am in that scenario. Do the show. You're still crying. Do the show. I've got hands off my show. You're not paying attention. Don't do what you're doing. Go out. Because I can see myself saying that. Yeah. I could also see myself screaming. That's not that. So Jason Braddock, the one that says, do the show, he's the one that was trying to look up the numbers. Yeah. Yeah. Do the show. You're still crying. Do the show. I've got hands off my show. You're not paying attention. I can see most. I really can. I can see you ask me to look something up. Like just roll for like 30 seconds. Bam. Bam. Bam. Do the show bench. Do the show bench. It's the best. It's the best. So those guys, they are no longer a show. No, I don't think, and I actually don't think it had anything to do with that. I think they actually did a show for like another year or two together. I don't think it was two. I think it was, I want to say it's like six months because we had him on and he was really nice and we asked him, we sell shirts. He said, sure. I don't care. Yeah. He did not parlay that into anything. He could have had like the do the show, bitch podcast, like the Hawk to a girl. He could. He did not. Do the podcast, bitch. Do the podcast, bitch. That's it. He did not parlay this thing. He did not parlay this thing at all. Maggie nails it here in the chat. She says, Ben is a planner. He's always thinking about what's coming next, always waiting to talk instead of, I'm going to answer the question or I'm going to ask a question. It is. It's always planning the next move. And that's, listen, but the chemistry, you know, still very strong in here. I don't think we would ever get to that point. I would get to that point. He would never get to that point of like, just do what you got to do. What else you got, Paulie? Well, while we're on the subject of Ben, one reason we'll keep him around is because when one of the many reasons why we'll keep him around is, well, when Ben breaks and starts laughing, it's just one of the, the best. So endearing, dude. Such a funny, you can't hear it and not smile. And we had an epic breaking Ben moment on the same day, actually, but a year later. The same day. The year, number 15th, 2021. And all the title is says Ben loses it during inspiration. So I listened to this yesterday. I have no idea what set him off. I don't know if it was contact from the segment beforehand. I don't have that. But if you listen to us on the radio or on the app, especially, you'll hear when we go to break, we'll play traffic and then we have live reads for a minute and a half or whatever. So that's what Ben was doing. He was trying to do a read for the disparity. He got the giggles and he got the giggles bad. Hey, good morning. Happy birthday to Hannah, Nankara Woods, Ben Higgins here, telling you about inspiration. Hannah's a business owner. She feeling boxed in by the pressures of running that business, getting pulled in different directions with remote workforces. The remote workforces HR, stop laughing, hiring and retaining top talent change. You're getting me so good right now. Sorry. We'll get back to it since it's a break. I forgot this. It's a disparity HR that makes a difference. That's the whole read. It's a disparity paid money for that live read where he barely talks about what they do. He gave it about 14, four seconds, maybe 14 seconds of copy before he lost it. And then we had to, I do remember he couldn't do it. He had another minute or so to read about disparity and why you should join in disparity and work with it. He just couldn't get to it. He finally we just pushed it, let him recover and then like the next break. He did it again. Oh my God. I don't, what the hell got it? I don't know me. I just saw my Hannah running a business and then you must have said, I laughed something off the air. He's here telling you about disparity. Hannah's a business owner. She feeling boxed in by the pressures of running that business, getting pulled in different directions with remote workforces HR. I don't know what got him, dude. I do not, I do not know that one of the best ones we ever had is a really good one, dude. I, that's my favorite. When he loses it, it's, there's nothing that makes me happier. I mean, I like a potteries when like the next guy. You know what I mean? But when Ben Higgins loses it, it just delights me to, you know, we talked about it. We talked about it on a Monday. We started the show asking him how his weekend was. He had to put Reggie down and he got emotional and it kind of freaks us out. It's jarring to see Ben show emotion and that's one side of it. The other side of the spectrum is laughing and he doesn't even show funny emotions a lot. So he loses it. I mean, crying, laughing, can't breathe, coughing, falls out of his chair. It really stands out. Somebody said it's contagious. And then starts laughing. It's contagious. It just kills me every single time when I, when I'm able to, when I'm able to break him, it just gets me, man. That is, those are two of my favorite clips. I mean, just incredible clips that Pauli found for a throwback Thursday. We got to Parker McCollum tickets coming up. We're going to give those away in the next segment. You want to call now 833 280973 and, and we'll hook you up with tickets to Parker McCollum just a pair of tickets for you. And I'm going to get the details on that. This is what Ben is also very good at that I'm not right there on the rundown. But you can find it. Hang on. Bear with me. Do the show, bitch. Okay. Just read the copy. I'm asking you to read Parker McCollum tickets. That's all it says. Parker McCollum tickets. That's all I got. Keep scrolling down. You know what? I'll do it. In the second page in the purple, bold, Parker McCollum tickets call now for a pair of tickets to Parker McCollum at Cal Coast. Oh, there it is. Open Air Theater. October 25th. Tickets are on sale now at Thank you. Great Stereophonics from Wales. Welsh Friars Tour has ended. Did you see that? Was that the games in Seattle? Our buddy Tom. A huge, huge tier one and a huge Padres fan. You guys heard about the Welsh Friars saga. This week, he continued, flew up to Seattle, caught a couple of games. I believe they are four and three in the Welsh Friar era. So probably a little good luck. I'd see a couple of good games. Did you see that one epic game? He saw the epic game. Four and three is not. Not what you want. It's okay. This time of year, Paulies. He's leaving superstitions. Tom. Safe travels back. Yeah. Safe travels back, buddy. And, you know, listen, if he lands in Wales and they start playing like they were before he got here, you know, that would, that would be good. But, listen, we did not kiss the roach this morning. I don't know how to feel about the rally roach right now. I still have a very good record, so I will give it some sugars and we'll see what happens. I've got for you guys a pretty interesting, well, no, let's do their requests. We got a couple of requests. It's loose. When Ben's not here, we don't really have to stay on track. We can kind of do what we want. And Diego in the chat wanted to hear the voice of God, who is our voice guy. You guys have heard him. We're going to have Enos Harris coming up next, one of the greatest flubs in what's history. Yes. You know, Harris, son of a bitch. We, uh, yeah, we were playing a clip last week, the voice guy just ruining my day, taking forever to cut one simple liner and, and we had talked about a clip that we played in April and he could not get this. He could not say Annie Heilbren's name, right? Could not say. And we said we would find it tracked down the audio. We actually never ended up getting back. We forgot. So Diego's losing his mind in our chat right now. So please, please, I'm begging you, please, please play that clip. It was so funny. So here it is. Please, man, that's what we're here to do. It's actually pretty timely because with Ben was leaving that weekend for something weird. I don't remember where he was going in April, but he was leaving. And so we had to make a new open for the round table that said hosted by Annie Heilbren. That's right. Not hosted by Ben Higgins. And that's what led to this alongside Stephen Woods, Craig Elston, Chris Hello, and Sam Lovett. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren, Heilbren, Hi, Heilbren, Heilbren. Yeah, what am I? What am I saying? God, Jesus. Hi, Heilbren. Hi, Heilbren. Hi, Heilbren. Hi, Heilbren. Hi, How are you doing? Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Heilbren. Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. As I've told you in the past, like, he sends me this long ass. Yes, thank God. They got for it. I get the whole thing. Good. That's good. I hate that it's extra work. No, listen, it's like a nine minute file for a 20 second liner. I hate that it's extra work for you. I do. That said, we would miss out on all of it. If he cut that and dumped it in the trash and just gave you the finish product, it would be the worst. I'll do it one more time. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Heilbren. Heilbren. Heilbren. Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Bruhne. Bruhne. Annie Heilbren. Me, Jesus. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. That might be it. It's that time, Friar Faithful. Time to discuss everything going on with the Padres. We've gathered the entire 97-3, the fan crew together, to bring you the most in-depth discussion on the Friars in our weekly Padres Roundtable, presented by, I'm sorry, presented by San Diego Roundtable Pizza, alongside Stephen Woods, Craig Elstin, Chris Elo, and Sam Levitt. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. There's your host, Annie Heilbren. Here's your host, Annie Heilbren. Nailed it. Okay. That is, now I've forgotten how to say her name. I don't know how to say it after listening to him fumble around with it. But he is, obviously he's a pro, and I, again, I am sorry that he sends all of that, but I'm not. It's so good. It is so, so good. Annie hates that somebody he said in the chat, Annie. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to relive, you know, a memory that you didn't like. Hey, Annie, nobody has ever said my last name right on the concert. It takes them. Rindell? Yeah. Rindell. Randal. Randal. I get wood. Rindell. Scott Wood is something I've been called in my past as well. So there you go. Yeah. Diego, I'm glad we can make you. Any other requests? Any other requests? I got one this morning. Somebody asked me right out of the shoot, if I would do for Ben, my Michael McDonald. And they said, since Ben is out, they wanted me to do, I'll keep forgetting, not in love anymore. I'll keep forgetting. Things will never be the same again, I'll keep forgetting. So there you go. Another request knocked out by you guys. So we will be back very shortly. We're going to have Eno, Sarah's coming up next. I do have for you guys. I want to try to put your mind at ease. I just saw this on Which of these struggling contenders should be most worried? Where did the San Diego Padres fall in this group of seven? You want the answer now? Kind of. We got a couple of minutes. We got a couple of minutes. They're not on the list, Paulie. They're not even on the list. They rank them list of contenders to be worried about. Yes. Which of these struggling contenders should be most worried? Written by Will Leach, you know, listen, says a lot of these. Everybody knows it looks like we're not going to have a hundred win team for the first time in a full season since 2014. Many reasons for that. None of the teams that were great over the first half have been very good in the second half. Padres have been a little, little different. They have actually been good in the second half, but they're talking about a team. So the number one team that if you are a fan of the Cleveland Guardians, you should be a little bit more concerned. Not that you're going to make the playoffs and there's a really good chance that you're still going to win the division about 85%, 99.9% chance to make the playoffs. But they are, their offense is skidding a little bit led by Stephen Quand. They've got a number two, the Braves. Very impressive that they've even stayed over 500 in the second half. They have had so many injuries, people continuing to drop for that team. So yeah, I think I don't think that's news to Braves fans, but they, after all their guys got hurt, I don't know how much they were really expecting to contend. It is kind of a miracle that they're still in it, but he says, if you're a Braves fan, you are, are pretty concerned. The twins. The twins were 45 and 36 in their first 81 games. They are 33 and 32 since. And Rocco Baldelli is having closed door meetings three weeks before the playoff start. It is, he has ripped his team. He said that was an unprofessional series of baseball. He just played. I'm not commenting on anything else. I don't think anything else has to be said. So I don't think it's all smiles in Minnesota. The Baltimore Orioles are 32 and 34 in their second 81 games. In the second part of the season, they are not, they have nothing at the back end of their bullpen. They do not know what to do to be able to close out games. The New York Yankees, 32 and 33 after the first 81 game. Bottom American League teams. A lot of American League teams, Los Angeles Dodgers are now, they're 37 and 28, but they have them sixth on the list. They were 50 and 31 in the first half, 37 and 28 cents. Right now they said, look, your game one starters, Jack Flaherty after that. Who knows? Yoshinobo, Yamamoto look good in his return, but there's still a lot of questions. But then again, they are the Dodgers. And a lot is expected of the Dodgers. They were expected to win, they were expected to win 115 games this year. That's not going to happen. And then the last one is the Philadelphia Phillies. And again, San Diego Pottery is not even mentioned in this as a contender to be worried about. Probably because of a strong second half, they have kind of fallen back into that 100-ish mode lately. Three weeks left in the season, time to turn it around. They did make me feel just a smidge better that they weren't even mentioned on here. Yeah, we talked about it. We're not smashing the panic button yet. No, I'm a four of 10, which is a very low number for me. Yes. But I literally, I saw that now. I was reassuring to hear. I kind of took, I was like, oh God, where are we going to be? And I go, oh, we didn't make it. They were number like two on that list. That four turns into six. Yeah, four jumps to a six, thanks to Will Leach's article. But they weren't even mentioned. So maybe it went down to a three. We'll be right back joined by our beloved, you know, Sarah's from the athletic, one of the smartest guys in baseball going these days. We'll talk to him about the pot raise, everything else going on in the world of baseball, our smart weekly baseball segment with Eno coming up next. He's better over here. AT&T customers switching to T-Mobile has never been easier. We'll pay off your adjusting phone and give you a new one free, all on America's largest 5G network. It's at to switch today. Pay off up to $650 via virtual prepaid mastercard in 15 days, free phone up to $830 via 24 monthly bill credits plus tax, qualifying port and trade and service on go 5G next and credit required. Contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits to credit stop and balance and required finance agreements do. 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The fan, always exciting to talk to our pal, you know, Sarah, so I'm about to hit him up for some recommendations. It's going to be going to Oracle Park for the first time tomorrow with my family, excited for that, going to go watch the boys play on the road, yeah, first time. Beautiful stadium. I hear, I mean, I saw it from the outside and it looks incredible and I will be inside. It's probably going to be butt cold to their own. One time, one to one game, it was the Buster Posey game where you got hurt. Really? Was that the game sitting in the left? How did I not know this? I've told you. I've said it before. I don't pay attention. I know. It's not. I just forget. It was wild. From way out there, you knew something was something bad that happened. Yeah. That's a big one. And yeah, that changed the course of baseball. It really did. It changed the course of baseball history. We'll talk to our pal, you know, Sarah, after a quick check of traffic. It's time for the super polish, just to be named smart baseball weekly segment with Eno Harris, Sarah's son of a bitch, brought to you by seven mile casino, just seven minutes from the ballpark by the Bay in Chula Vista. Here's Eno, Sarah's with Ben and Woods on 97 3, the fan. All right. I'm going to be leaning heavily on you this morning, you know, making my first trek to Oracle Park tomorrow night with the family. And listen, I know that your tastes are a little bit more refined, much like bends. But I want to get your must haves at Oracle Park before we get into spin rate and exit Vilo and all of your favorite things to talk about. So how much beer? Oh, so here's the thing. I'm going to be with my two little guys. I'll have probably a beer, one beer. Oh, no. I think you can do. All right. Hold on. We're losing you a little bit. There we go. The cool thing you can do is enter through something called 58 social, which used to call the public house. And it's, you can enter through there and they have some cool appetizers. And if you're here all early, if you're not, you can even, you can get a beer in a plastic cup there. It'll be the best beer selection. It's like a chalkboard beer bar. You know, we're like, yeah, they have, they have good options. So that's a good way to enter because it's right there, a certain king. It's the way you'd be entering anyway. So you can just enter through that, get your beer in a plastic cup and go in, you know, to the park that way. So that's the best way to get in. And then once you're in, yeah, there's the garlic fries are the thing that everyone talks about. They're everywhere. You've also got a crazy crab sandwich. That's behind home plate, if I got it right. But that's, that's pretty good. I like the poke bowls, especially because they're kind of a healthier alternative to some of the stuff that's out there. I'm not really worried about healthy alternatives, you know, I'm on vacation for my wife's birthday. I'm not, you know, you're, you're barking up the wrong tree here, man. Somebody said the carol corn is you have to get it. They said they actually give you a fork to eat it. So I'm looking forward to that. Looking forward to grabbing them. Have you not? Oh man, apparently it's a, it's a huge, huge deal. Well, and, and obviously, you know, a huge, huge series and, you know, the Padres, they're not, they're not stuck in neutral per se, you know, there's a lot of tired kind of tropes we could throw out about them. Probably not playing their best baseball right now, certainly a little bit sloppy last night. But also ran up against Brian Wuhu who I, I knew he was good. I guess I didn't realize he was that good for the entire season. Yeah, he's a really interesting guy because he's one of a handful, maybe about 10 pitchers in starting pitchers in baseball that have really above average strong four-seemers and two-seemers. Yeah. So he threw a lot of fastballs last night. But by, by having both kinds of fastballs and then both being good, he's able to really keep people off balance and then he has two, two different breaking balls as well. So it's kind of funny when he came up, there's some of those kind of like, oh, it's fastball slider. And I'm like, yeah, but it's two fastballs and it's two sliders. And he's got great command. So yeah, it was a, it was a well-pitched game last night. I thought, you know, I thought King pitch well enough to win to, but- hundred percent. Yeah. It was just, you know, when you go into Seattle in particular, their, their park augments strikeouts more than any of their parking baseball. So it's not surprising to kind of go in there and strike out and not score as many runs as you expect. Yeah, which is, you know, again, for, for the Padres and again, as good as we was, what did he have five, six, six Ks last night, I mean, it wasn't, it wasn't through the roof, but the Padres have been a really, really good team about, you know, they've been putting the ball in play. But, but it's, you know, sloppy defense last night really burned them. And listen, I, I like the new lineup. I like Xander sliding back over to short, getting Solano's bat in there, he gives you a really good AB, Luis Arise, you know, never strikes out, never takes an over, was able to, to muster up a hit late. And I just, I'm not super panicked about this team as it stands right now, you know. No, no, I, I think all the pieces are there and, you know, I know that the Mets are coming on strong, but, you know, in terms of projections from here on out, the Padres are clearly a better team than the Mets. And I think it's actually good news that the Braves are falling back because supposedly the Braves are a better team on paper too, so, you know, I, I think the Mets, you know, they have to, you know, just think about the Mets versus the Padres. The Mets rotation is clearly inferior to the Padres, you know, the Mets bullpen clearly inferior to the Padres, so, you know, the, the, to have them beating up on the Braves, that's fine for the Padres. I think they'll make it in. And then it's just a question in the postseason, if, you know, sort of everybody's healthy and playing their best ball, I'm happy to see Tatis hit homers and have homers. I think that's a big part of, of making this team a more dynamic offense. There's no questions. I'm going to, you know, Sarah's here on Ben and Woods this morning and I saw last night like Benny texted the group chat and he goes 115.6 off the bat for Tatis. And then I looked this morning and that was the, that was the fourth hardest home run he's ever hit. Which blew me away when he's locked in is such a game changer and it just, it is a joy and again, doing it with the glove, the, the play he made the night before when he threw out Polanco trying to stretch a single into a double, the home run he hit, the last two nights have been absolute missiles. So to see him coming around, yeah, man, sky's the limit, I think. Yeah, you know, manning him that, you know, it's, that's the, that's the heart, that's the power. And then, you know, I think AJ, there was an article today by Ken Rogenfallen and the athletic about how this is, you know, AJ's best job of putting together the pieces around, you know, maybe last year with a better team on paper and had more stars or whatever. But this year, you know, it seems like the complimentary pieces really work. So if you have Tatis and Manny in the middle of the order of providing power, what's the best way to supplement that is, is actually sort of contact and getting people on base and, you know, putting balls in play when they're on second base and stuff like that. So, um, it's a really, it's a really nice to put together team talking to our pal. You know, Sarah's here on Ben and Woods this morning. So, you know, this is a kind of a rambler here, but I'm watching MLB network yesterday and it's on and Dan police acts on and I liked Dan police, I liked watching him pitch. I like his commentary, but something caught my ears. I was kind of walking by the television and he did the thing that a lot of old, older players do when he says, well, you know, and this is just the state of pitching. He's chasing V low and everybody's chasing spin and it kind of stopped me in my tracks and I hit me and I went, did guys in the 80s not try to throw harder? Did they not try to spend their curve more? Why is this consistently? And I know this is true. I know that guys want to throw harder. I know guys want to be able to spin the ball more. Didn't they used to? They also wanted to throw hard back with like we, do we romanticize pitching in the, the 70s, 80s and 90s as, oh no, these were all craftsmen that never walked anybody and they just nibbled the corners. They all threw 86 and I'm sitting there going, I vividly remember Doc Gooden reaching back with everything he had to throw 96 when he was 20 years old. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like why every time you put on a broadcast, you all you hear a smolt or whatever, like all these guys just chasing the spin and this v-low and I'm like, ah, guys used to always like to throw hard too. That's never really changed. Yeah. I think one of the most amazing things about baseball is this equal librarians at times. I mean, the walk rate in 1986 was 8.8 percent. The walk rate in 2024 is 8.2 percent and in between it's never been higher than 9.1 percent or lower than 7.7 percent. So it's like, okay, you know, it's just romanticizing. Yeah, you were just, that's what it is. We did a segment yesterday. What is something that people romanticize but is actually horrible? And I'm going, I should have said pitching in the 70s, 80s and 90s. We romanticize it, but a lot of it was bad pitching. You know what I would like to say is middle, middle infields of the decade because I grew up in Atlanta and we had Jeff Blouser, Raphael Bellyard, Mark Lemke and like, I do romanticize them because they were like my heroes going off course. I've looked at their numbers recently and been like, yikes, like what was I rooting for there dude? It just blows my mind and I do understand and you had like, you had the comments from Whitmerafield last week, you know, guys are, guys are just rearing back these days, throwing it as hard as they can. They have no idea where they're going and I just, I think to myself, if you have no idea where the ball's going, you're not pitching in the big leagues. You're just not. Yeah. There's some guys like that, you know, like Joe Boyle here in Oakland and you know, he's up and down and in the minors and you know, he's got to figure something out. You know, Edward Cabrera on the Marlins like has real hard time commanding things and you know, yes, he gets chances but that's not the norm in baseball. I would say, you know, if there is an element of truth, here are some things that have changed. So the amount of sliders that we throw has changed. So in just in terms of, you know, the, the, since we started tracking this in 2008, you know, sliders were throwing 14.5% of the time. Now we throw them 22% of the time and it's kind of rising every year. So that's, that's a different. So we throw more sliders. We throw fewer fast balls. Another thing that's changed is we throw more 14 times off top of the zone. I looked at it and the difference was over the course of the season, you know, something like 12 to 15,000 more balls at the top of the zone. That sounds like a lot, but you know, we're talking about games and games and games and games again. It's like, you know, it's like a, you know, four or five more per game or whatever it is. But, but it's still a lot. And so 15,000 more balls high in the zone where it's harder to avoid the, the ball, right? Right. You have more places to get hit. If you, if it's low in the zone, you just jump over it or, you know, you're, you're, there's two sticks down there, your legs, you know, so, so I think it's that. I think there's a, there's that then I have looked into the, the, the free agent market and I have stuff plus and location plus. And so I looked at how much every point of stuff plus was worth on the open market and how much every point of location plus is worth on the market and teams are paying for stuff over location. So to some extent, and that's because stuff is more consistent year to year and location comes and goes. So, you know, there are some truths in what he's saying, but it's not that everyone's rearing. Oh, and the last thing is, uh, pitchers are pitching closer to their maximum. So we used to have the, the lead you see about three miles per hour between your sitting deal on your, on your fastball and your maximum and now it's closer, it's like under two. So there's some truth to what they're saying, but it's not all just like, oh, these guys are all idiots that have no idea what the ball is going to not. That's not the truth. The truth is we throw higher in the zone, we throw harder, we throw closer to our maximum and we value stuff, those, all of those things together do add to more hit by pitchers. They do. Absolutely. And, and that's, that's which point as to police acts point, you know, I, what I was growing up, it was, oh, you never throw your fastball up. And if you're going to get it up, make sure you get it up. You want to work down in the zone. And I think all of the changes in pitching in the last 10 years, even, even the last five years. Isn't it all just teams trying to be more economical and essentially be better, build better pitchers and, and, and if I'm a GM, I'm going to be honest with you. You know, I'm, I'm probably paying for stuff. I absolutely will, would pay for a guy with ridiculous stuff, uh, over a guy that, well, he looked, I mean, Kyle Hendricks is a fun watch sometimes when he's on, when he's off, it's not great. It's easier to say that when you have Ruben the Ableton. Exactly. And, and you got Ruben the Ableton that can teach a guy a new pitch shape and stuff. Again, they, they act like baseball has done all this haphazardly and, and they're just chasing guys that throw a hundred. When in reality, in my mind, I'm like, don't you guys see they want to build better pitchers and more effective pitchers? Yeah. Yeah. And, um, I mean, a big thing is that the batting average on a ball and play is year and year out over the course of history, about 300. And the batting average on a strikeout, year and year out over the course of history of zero. Right. And so, you know, you take your chances with the stuff. So you optimize for stuff and you, and you go for that. And, and it clearly haven't had an effect on walk rate. So we're not right. It's not like they're walking everybody. Um, and so I think that's an argument for like the command is actually been fairly steady compared to where it was before. I mean, I, that's the thing that we, the thing that really happens is you watch, I watch a lot of Greg Manic and he missed his spot too. I don't like people try to run a stand like he never missed this spot. Yeah. And like, you know, and that was the guy that was the best at it in the history of ace. Correct. So, you know, we, we remember when a guy, um, misses his spot, you know, we remember when Suarez like throws a fastball to the wrong spot and gives up a homer because that's a big moment. And that's, you know, we have emotions attached to it. And that's the, that's the, that's, I'm going to say the failure of the eye test, but that's the reason why the eye test doesn't work so well for me is because we have emotions as human beings and those emotions affect what we remember. And so your emotions affect, like, because I'm on a psychology major, so, you know, emotions affect how much you remember something. So you're just going to remember those big ones a lot and not remember, like it's like the Derek Jeter thing, you're going to remember him running into the stands and getting that ball. You're going to remember the jump throws because they're exciting and you got, and they won the game or they got the out and you're like, whoa, and you're just not going to remember the singles that went past the diving Jeter. Yeah. That's the, that's the need at this point. But like, you don't still remember those because they were kind of boring and banal and they happened so often you didn't think about them. So that's, that's sort of why the eye test, uh, can, can kind of fail you sometimes. A hundred percent, you know, you are brilliant. This was one of my favorite spots that you've ever done on our show and you've done some great one. Thank you so much. And if you're going to be out at Oracle, I'll be there tomorrow night. Maybe we can run in each other. If not, we will talk to you next week. I will be there. I'll come. Where are you sitting? I have no idea. My wife got the tickets for her birthday. So I, I'm just along for the ride, but I'll, I'll text you tomorrow when we're in there. All right. All right, buddy. Have a good one. The great, the great. Yeah, Paulie, it, it really sticks in my craw and again, you know how much I love the game of baseball and I, I, for all my old head takes, all my old, my Kendrick Lamar takes. I'm getting roasted for that on the daily. When it comes to baseball, I, I just, I love it and yeah, is it in perfect hundred percent? But to hear every analyst these days, crap on the guys, every single game makes me nuts. Yeah. You don't really hear it in other sports. You just don't. Yeah. And it just, it's every single game. Thank you. You know, for that. All right. We got a round of report coming up next. Excited about this. I'm embarrassed about one of the stories you're going to be doing, about my beloved fighting Irish. This is actually embarrassed. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Let me tell you how to beat you coming. Welcome back Ben and Woods 97 3, the fan. It's great to be here with you, got an hour left here and then I'll jam over into the next room. Grab a slice of delicious round table pizza, fresh piping hot, fresh pizza. And sit in. We'll do another hour of a pod race talk. And looking forward to that. I think Annie's going to host today. Sammy Levitt's going to be filling in me, Elo, Elston, Annie and Sammy. It's good crew, man. It's solid. It makes the round table a little bit more bearable. I was really tired when I got in this morning. I feel great now. I feel like I'm just flying a lot of energy. Yeah. Three hours. Down already, Paulie. And I feel like it's been a good fun show. We've laughed a lot and we've been up to our antics again, Paul. It's weird. Ben must dread going out of town because he knows there's going to be like a prank call or something's going to happen. You called me yesterday afternoon. How can we, what can we do? What can we do? So we did something. It's something yesterday and like I'm sorry, it's the long teeth. It's a long teeth. You're going to have to, you're going to have to tune in tomorrow at 6 a.m. to find it up. And we'll tell you exactly. Well, we have to spare probably a little bit of details right now. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. But we got, we got something for Benny. I texted him just now, Benny. Just remember we love you. I actually can't wait for this. He is going to be, I, I have no idea how he's going to read. I don't either. I, I thought to myself yesterday, Paulie, he could be livid, legitimately mad and hurt. It was bold. It was a bold, bold decision by Paulie and myself. And I showed my wife and she was, I'll say that she was taken aback. That was bad. So he's yours. Making, got on for work yesterday. I showed her. I go. So, what's in, I did something today? Yeah. We did something bad. For Ben. Yeah. And showed her and she goes, Oh, yeah. Why? She's, what is wrong with you? Hannah, like, clutched her perfect chest. And I said, yep, that's happening. So I just texted Benny, Benny, just remember we love you. He has not responded yet. So he's probably on his way up to LA right now. So you guys will have to tune in tomorrow at 6 a.m. where we will get to the bottom of what, uh, oh, what we did. For now. Let's move on to the final report and get things started here with our addition today's addition of the Rindle report. We'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed. Are you laughing, Deatch? It's the Rindle report. Hey, Paul. How you doing? Okay. How are you? On 97. Are you ready to bless the mood? I need some help, please. That was good. Can I get a hoe here? Yeah. All right. Still has a response. No, I'll say it's gonna be a good one. Yeah, well. All right. Let's get started here. College football. Yeah. The tease was, uh, how did you phrase it? Let me show you how to show you how to beat you. So it was a do do this story on Monday for us on this hammock, the head coach for Eastern Northern Northern Illinois University took down Notre Dame over the weekend. He played the video of his post game interview for touchdown favorites for a rough one for you guys. It was. And we played the audio. I mean, he was, he was so, it was so emotional and it was beautiful and it was powerful. What sports is all about? We say, you know what? I am a huge fan of this guy. And, uh, look, everybody wanted to talk to Thomas hammock after that moment, after that win the interview and all of that. And he went on, uh, this was, it was bar stool. Yeah. A part of my take, he went on with those guys yesterday and they asked him about his relationship with Notre Dame head coach Marcus Freeman. And this is, I don't think you see this very often. And I think it speaks to the character more to the character of Thomas hammock. Yeah. So I saw that you offered to help out Marcus Freeman after the game, like, was that right after the game where you said coach, if there's anything we can do to help you guys for the rest of the season, if you want to, if you want any of the stuff that we saw and tape that we took advantage of, you're happy to help him, um, that's it. I feel like that's an unusual thing for a coach to offer to an opponent that they just beat. Um, do you think he's going to take you up on that? Yeah. I mean, yes, they can be up on it. And we've talked, uh, on the phone a couple of times and exchange text messages. It was my first time meeting them. Obviously I have a lot of respect for him as a head coach. I want him to do well, um, you know, for obvious reasons. And you know, just because we competed don't mean we can't help each other or try to assist each other, uh, to make each other better. You know, sometimes when you become a head coach, uh, you don't have many people you can really, uh, rely upon because nobody's going through what you're going through. And I understand, I don't understand what he's going through, but, uh, I have an idea of some of his ideas, I can help him and help, um, him achieve the, the type of things he want to achieve. Uh, that's what it's about, um, you know, paying it forward, that never going to play us again. So, um, we will never be a common opponent and, uh, you know, I want him to, I want to see him win a national championship. Yeah. He's got a program that can win a national championship. So yeah, I don't know how often that happens. Yeah. We're never going to play each other again. I want to show him, Hey man, this is what we saw and this is what we were able to expose in kicking your ass. Yeah, we saw you had a horrible quarterback that you paid $2 million in the transfer reporter from portal for, for an NIL, I mean, I can't even talk so mad. Now we saw the character of Thomas hammock. I believe that this was authentic 100% such a sweet, sweet guy. He wasn't doing it like, hey, man, I can see other people though going, uh, uh, uh, this is going to make me look good. Hey buddy. Hey little guy. Hey look guy. Let me get. Come on. You want some help? Like I can see it being a little condescending. Yeah. From from somebody else. But I loved it. I do love it. It is a good and clearly Marcus Freeman needs all the help that he can get. So thanks for bringing that up, Paulie. Hey, no problem. Thank you. Give me one second here. I'm going to get this, uh, up and running on our video stream because, uh, we got a reaction here. Let's see what happened with Joe Buck and his bride, uh, Michelle Bisoner Buck. I did. She had a freak accident injury. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was a, it's a freak accident. It's a freak. She broke her ankle. She did. On the golf course with her husband, Joe Buck. Correct. And everyone, what, what's going on? Well, apparently as the story goes, Joe Buck was teeing off and his wife was standing somewhere where she could have gotten hit with a ball off to the left. And he. Yeah, the audio. You let me tell the story. I watch it. I'm just kind of setting it up because Joe Buck, like Adam Schefter, I think tweeted this out. He's like another ESPN. Yeah. Yeah. For himself. Yeah. Mexico separated his shoulder or something. So, uh, Joe Buck had to respond after this news broke. I'll play that for you. Right. Now. Now. Here's Joe Buck. The date, July 7, the, uh, location, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Uh, I was getting ready for the American century championship in Tahoe and Michelle and I are with our kids taking care of thought we'd go play a few holes and have some fun. There. She's sitting in the front seat. Yep. Uh, yeah. And we got to 10. And I said, why don't I hit a couple of drives off 10 and then we'll go get something to eat. There's a little left to right hole and Michelle has been known to do headstands during the course of our courtship and marriage and even prior to even Joey, uh, arriving on the scene. And so she did a headstand at the end of the tee box for good luck out into my left and at the exact moment that I was teeing off, uh, she decided with her feet in the air to do the splits, thereby dropping her right leg a little bit to the side right in my line of fire. I had golf ball made with little designs on it. My tailer. Into the inside of her right ankle and shattered it. It's a, it's a one in a billion shot. So that's why, um, freak accident, total freak accident, couldn't, it's like, if you were having a competition, you would never ever be able to do it. Never. This was like God or the universe just directed this ball right into my ankle. Oh my God, I can't even know. And I bet Joe Buck swings it pretty good. He's a rich guy. He is a celebrity. He's got a lot of money. He's a lot of golf. Probably plays a lot of golf can probably, probably pipe it pretty well. So again, she's doing a headstand and a handstand for good luck as he's teeing off off to the left. And then she just does the splits. If it comes down to the line of fire, like had she gone straight up straight vertical up and down headstand, she might have been okay. Just far enough to be in his sights and, Oh God, that had to hurt the thought of someone so driving a golf ball into your ankle. It is so hard that it shatters your ankle. I mean, bro, I've hit my ankle like with a bat before or a club. I always hit mine with a butter. It's kind of crazy. And it hurts. It hurts like a son of a, you ever hit been hit with a ball playing on the course? Remember I got smoked by a ball one time. Somebody hit it over and it was on a bounce though, but it hit me pretty good. No, I don't think I have. My dad got hit in the neck one time walking off the green, walking off the green and Paul was right there. I was probably 13 and he just goes, you can hear like the and it just goes boom side of the neck. And he's seeking. He didn't even drop to his knees and he looked he's like, Hey, now I'm 13. I never heard my dad get that upset. I don't, I still don't think he cursed. And the guys were like, dude, we're so sorry. And he like a big old welt right right on the side of his neck could have killed him could have absolutely killed him. If you're playing golf, be careful, be careful, do hands stands behind people in their line of fire. I'm glad she says, dude's just trying to cover up the fact that he was hitting the ball at her to get her to stop doing effing handstands. I told you, I told you you keep doing it. This is my nightmare. Yeah, it's like the, the William tell like, Hey, let's put this apple on your head and let's see if I can get it off with it's like a jackass stuff that they were doing basically. Holy cow. All right. And then to wrap things up really a powerful story yesterday out of Nashville, Tennessee. This is unreal. I know exactly where this happened. I've been to Nashville once. There is a pedestrian bridge that goes across the river there right in downtown right outside of downtown where the Titans stadium, NRG or a Nissan stadium, I think right there next to the stadium, big pedestrian bridge. And John Bon Jovi happened to be on that bridge filming a new video. Yep. I don't know if it was for that song or maybe a new song, but I saw this story. I go, I hope he doesn't play it because it's going to make me laugh and this is not a funny story. No, it's not. It's every time I hear that, it makes me laugh every time. It's very serious story. Luckily, it has a very good ending, so I feel okay playing that drop. But yeah, Bon Jovi is on this bridge, filming a video and he noticed that a woman was standing on the wrong side of the railing of the bridge and we know what that means. And he walked over to her and was able to convince her not to jump and he helped her back over the bridge. There was like city cameras on the bridge. I'm showing it on our live stream if you're watching, but you can just see him. He walks up and he just, you know, softly approaches like, Hey, how's it going? What's going on? He gives her a big hug pulls her back over the railing and it's just like, I got emotional when I was watching it yesterday. It's unbelievable. And he saved this woman's life, playing again a few more. Good for him. Number one. Number two, again, top five drop of all time. Yeah, there he is leaning over saying, you know, hey, it's okay, giving her a hug and just jump on Jovi, man. That's very sweet and very awesome. And, you know, saved her life. It's brilliant. You know, you want to think you would, you would obviously try to do the same thing. Big hug. If you were in that position, if you were in his position, but I don't know what do you, I don't know what you say to somebody that's. I mean, look, you obviously run the risk of them not listening and you're right there. Of course, you take the chance though. Of course, you go up and try to try to do that, but very, very, very, very cool. Awesome. By John Bon Jovi, who I've always loved. Big fan of John Bon Jovi, even, even in the Corona K. Thank you, Paulie, for that rhino report. We have coming up next, well, a threesome. Ben & Woods 97-3, the fan. Paulie, let's get, let's get sexy. Can Ben & Woods interest you in a threesome? A threesome would be fun. Oh, not that kind of threesome. Dang it. We're talking endarounds, the best Titans in the world. He must work out. And going all the way in this game of inches. Nice. It's the NFL threesome with Ben & Woods, brought to you by Hamul Casino, fun above all else on 97-3, the fan. Personal file, 69 offense, he's giving them the business. Yeah, it's the NFL threesome. We do it every Thursday here on Ben & Woods, and we're going to give you the Thursday night football preview. Going to give you the most enticing game on the schedule. And if you are a gambling man or woman, the bet that we like the most, so that's kind of the new structure of the NFL threesome. And obviously tonight's game, listen, Battle of the Undefeated's, Paulie, the one and no bills against the one and no dolphin. Somebody is going to leave here at 500. Buffalo did not look good for a lot of their game on Sunday last week. They did rally in the second half and the final score looked like they blew them out of the water, but they came out really slow. And the dolphins almost lost to the jags. They only won 20 to 17. So tonight is going to be a battle of, you know, listen, everyone wants to see two against Josh Allen and the line right now is dolphins are favored at home by about two and a half. I'm probably staying far away from that. I just, again, betting on the NFL is always a difficult prospect early, you just, you don't know what to have. I mean, I'm trying to decide, did Miami played down or is Jacksonville good? Exactly. I don't know. Exactly. All the weapons on Miami, you really need, I'd say you need about, say you need about a month in the NFL to see like, hey, how's the new offensive line holding up? Used to be the quarter mark. Yeah. It's now, it's like probably about four games until you feel like, okay, I got a general idea of, you know, the, the real deal and guys that are just not going to have that season. You know, I'm looking over the schedule this week and, you know, for week two, Paulie, I'm looking at it going, all right, I'm not seeing any that really, I'm seeing a couple that I'm like, yeah, I'm interested to see how that goes. I think obviously bangles and chiefs is, is your big division rival. You are, are talking about, um, Joe Burrow against, against Pat Mahomes and, you know, Joe Burrow finally answered the question yesterday and it was funny because I don't know if you saw this going around this week. I told you invent about it. I don't think either of you had seen it. Somebody who got video of Joe Burrow, uh, he's had wrist problems. So he's massaging his wrist. Might I recommend Joe QC kinetics 6, 1, 9, 6, 1, 4 pain. Uh, he's massaging his wrist. He, they're, they're cutting to him all the time and every time they cut to him, he's like kind of rubbing his wrist. His wrist is killing him picks it can't pick up a Gatorade bottle to like drink it. It's too heavy for him. I've been there. I've been there. When my wrist hurt, you guys know I couldn't do anything. If I banged it on a table, I was done. This is an NFL quarterback who also did not have a good game. Uh, bangles are all in one right now. So they asked him about a yesterday goes, Oh, no, I haven't seen that going around. Everything's fine. That's what they're going to tell you. So I don't know how to, how to, I'm assuming that the chiefs are going to roll because they looked really, really good. Uh, but that's my, my, that's my most entertaining game of the week. What about yours? I think mine's actually tonight. Tonight's a good one. It's a real good one. I think those are going to be, it's going to be an even matched team. Yeah. I, I think maybe I'm just bitter because Cincinnati ruined my survivor pool with everybody else. And Michaels and Adams, but they look, they look terrible. I think Kansas City's going to roll them this weekend. Yeah. Kansas City extra rest already. They played on Thursday night last week. And so they're going to be well rested at home against team that did not look good at all getting beat by the Patriots for the bangles. So I, I think that's going to be a bit of a blowout and I was looking at all the other matchups on Sunday. I'm like, yeah, I'll, I'll have red zone on and they'll go to all the, all the different games, but there's not a lot of enticing matchups, New York, Tennessee, Seattle, New England, the Giants and commanders, that is just a chargers panthers. Like it's, it's not a great week of games early on, by the way. Yeah. Week two, week two, the one, the one I like, I really, I really enjoy watching the Detroit Lions play football. I just do. I like them a lot. They're fun. Now I'm surprised by this line. I do. And I looked at this and Baker Mayfield had a really, really good game and Tampa Bay is going on the road and they're getting seven and a half points. So I, I'm looking at that going, all right, I'll take Baker Mayfield. That is easily the biggest spread of the weekend. Yeah. I'll, I'll take that seven and a half points. And that's, that's my, that's the one I'm going to, I would actually come on. Tampa Bay plus the seven and a half. Yeah. Tampa Bay plus the seven and a half. As much as I love golf and as much as I love what the Lions are capable of offensively, I think, I think Baker can hang in and give them a touchdown and, and, you know, half a point. I like that bet. And I, I kind of with you on the Chiefs. That's my best. Mine is five and a half feels like a no brainer. That's a touchdown. That is touchdown difference in your golden. I think at home, extra rest, bad team, bad opponent, give me that all day. The question is moot, puts in the chat, anyone know what Mayfield's quarterback rating was this week. What do you do? Based on that calling? I got two numbers for you, 49 and 149. You're going to figure it out. I can't do this. I'm not doing this. Oh, Christ. Number one, the Sean Watson's quarterback rating number two, Baker Mayfield's quarterback rating. Okay. Yeah. 149 or 142. Yeah. Dude. Christ. So Cal yeti said this week for sports betting the NFL is going to be tough. It ain't. Let me tell you something. The NFL is always tough. It is always, always tough to bet. I find college football tougher to bet. Oh, I find college football a delight when you have like these 31 points spreads, at least you know, in the first couple of weeks, that's so many points. And these, the good schools, the top 10 schools that are playing these low level teams, they get, you know, 29 point favorites and all that they do cover, but those are terrifying to pick. What's tax under? Yeah. And bet against Notre Dame and that will, you will, you will make yourself some cash. As tax under for me has hit 40 times. I mean, it is like, honestly, because for some reason, I mean, they were heavily favored in the last game. No, they weren't. They were, they were slight dogs in the last game didn't score a point. So the, the under for the Aztecs hits a lot and NFL for me has just always, I've never been good at it. I've never, ever been good at the NFL and I, and I don't enjoy betting the NFL. I love betting college football and baseball, but, um, Sandy was state at Cal Saturday night, seven 30 on ESPN. What's the line? The line is Cal minus 18 and a half and the over under is 47 Danny O'Neill may not play. So they're backup options. I'm, I'm really unfamiliar with, uh, to this point. So yeah, I, I think Cal minus 18 and a half to an O playing well. But yeah, that's, uh, that's our NFL threesome. So tonight we'll, we'll have some coverage of, uh, the game for you tomorrow. We'll talk about, you know, potteries tonight, no potteries tonight. So good football game, good football game to watch. Give us a little something to do. All right. We'll come back next. We'll wrap it up. I don't know if Sammy Levitt's in the building yet. He might be, if not, we will, uh, we will wrap it up and get you ready for the round table here on Ben and Woods 97 through the fan. Real segment of Ben and Woods today, been a fun show. Miss you, Benny. If you're listening, we love you. And we're sorry in advance. Remember that, uh, tune in at six AM tomorrow. Got a round table coming up in about 24 minutes. And as a stay tuned right here on 97 three, the fan going to be doing one hour of a pot raised talk. No commercials, uh, probably, I don't know what kind of shape I'm going to be in, uh, in the morning. And I'll tell you that, uh, right now I'm, I'm, I'm not quite sure. What it's going to look like. What's going on? What do you do? Do we have traffic at all? No, probably don't. We do. All right. Go to traffic and I'll, I'll tell you. So what's going on? We got no Padres game tonight. We don't get you tonight. You got a little Thursday night football, but there, you know, no high stress Padres game to keep you up tonight. No, no, I, I will be attending a, uh, a gala this evening. And it's the first gala I've been to in, in quite a while. And normally when I get invited to galas, uh, especially mid-week, uh, ish, uh, I, I would typically always say no, I can't make it, but I got a DM a couple of weeks ago. I haven't even talked about this yet, uh, cause I'm very nervous, but I got a DM from Sheila Seidler, uh, the, the widow of our beloved, uh, owner, Peter Seidler. And she invited me, wanted to know my email address and wanted to invite me to the Lucky Duck Foundations showcase for a. And I, uh, said, of course, I mean, if Sheila Seidler asked me to do something, I'm going to do it. And so I. That's an easy. Yes. I, my heart like fluttered a little bit. And I said, okay. Great. I'm in. And black suit, black tie. Well, so that it's one of the myriad of things I'm nervous about. Okay. Is the dress code and you, let's decipher this together. Like you can't dress like Peter would dress. No. Peter should dress like that because while he's Peter Seidler, you can wear a four X sweater. Correct. And like jogging pants. Yeah. It's very eccentric. Everyone expects it. So the dress code for tonight's gala poly is, uh, let's keep it effortless, effortlessly stylish. Well, I don't have that. What does that mean? It says think smart casual, jeans, slacks, polos, dress shirts, skirts or dresses are all perfectly appropriate. Kindly avoid tank tops. Damn it shorts flip flops and athleisure wear, which I'm wearing currently, uh, to keep the evening polished. So I said, no baggy tank top and joggers tonight. So I said to Hannah, I said, so shoot no ties. She goes, no, you're not wearing a suit, no tie. Just wear like nice pants and a button down shirt. I go, okay, I can do that. So I guess that's, but then I feel like I'm going to walk in and every, it's, it didn't tell more. It's fancy. Everyone's going to be in a suit. I feel like you go suit. No time. That's what I said. She said, no. So I'd rather be back. Keep in mind, I'm an idiot when it comes to dress codes. Anytime it's there, there's a wedding or an event and I read the, it's like, you know, summer business casual. I go, what the F doesn't. I don't know what that means. But I'm obviously, I'm not great. Like I'm, I'm, I'm nervous, obviously. This is not, this is a bit outside of my A, my comfort zone and B, my circle, right? And so. So I thought. I love the Duck Foundation. Are they raising money? Yeah. Yeah. You said it's a showcase. And there's, you know, there's a dinner and there's a Sammy, a Sammy. There's a dinner. There's appetizers, cocktails, things like that. So number one, you don't want to over drink when you go there. If you have any at all, you want to just make sure you keep it at one. Nobody should, but especially the guest of Sheila Seidler, I would say, don't do that. So I'm very nervous about that hobnobbing with the rich and famous is not, I'm not great at it. I'm not great at it. So that then it came down to, but I, I'm so honored. Number one, I want to get that, you know, out there, I was absolutely blown away. And when I told my wife, I said, we are absolutely going, 100% going because of the honor. And I just, I'm very, very honored to be asked. And then I looked at, I looked at what they're auctioning off tonight and I said, Oh, well they're, they know I'm in radio. They know I don't make a ton of dough. They had us pretty well. We did pretty well together, but they didn't, you always want to invite rich peoples to your gala. Sammy Levitt joins us on the program as well. Where we discussed going to a gala tonight was invited by the lucky duck foundation. So I'm like very honored to go, but I, I'm also like, I'm nervous because I get nervous really about everything. But so I'm looking at some of the, the things that they were going to auction off at the event. Now they didn't call me there like, Hey, we got to get the rich guy here. Like my, my father, he gets invited to every gal. He probably turns down for gala's day because they want a guy there that has a scratch, right? But as a guest, you feel obligated, hundred to spend some money. That's why you're there. It's a fun, right? She gave me the tick. She gave us tickets. So we are going as her guests and I don't want to walk in. I'm not, you know, I won't mention them because he's on a golf vacation right now, but I'm not going to go in there and just eat, drink. Yeah, and, and just take advantage of everything for free, just eating all the free appetite. So you feel like you're going to have to spend some money. So I was like, okay, well, let me check out and see what they're offering to things to bid on. Right. How about, and Paul, if there's anything that jumps off the page, you know, your birthday is coming up. Let me know. Yeah. We spent some time this morning. We did have no idea what to get me this, uh, I, I couldn't, I couldn't get down with this. All right. Well, how about a Rolex Submarine or watch starting bid is not have a nice Apple watch, but I think a role starting bid is, uh, is $9,000. Oh, wow. So that's one. Oh, or Polly. I could send you and Megan to the Luskot, Los Cabos beach house vacation, $12,000, okay. I would take that could do the potteries owner's box experience. Don't worry. I won't like leave you stranded in the middle of a pennant race to go to Cabo. Go on the off season, right? Yes. So tickets to the owner's box for grand. That'd be fun. You're, you're really looking for like the, here's the four tickets to the zoo type. It's like that thing that, that might fit more of a, more of my budget. Yeah. Here's the, uh, Punta de Mita beach vacation, the 15, uh, large for that, a trip to Las Vegas. Polly, you guys like Vegas, 7500 here. Nice. The East Cape Cabo beachfront. It's, uh, it's the only three grand might be all swing. What's the, what's the cheapest? So yeah, what is the cheapest? There's super sports package, $15,000 final floor game. So they have, they're going to give us the paddles and oh, here's a, uh, Oregon vacation house. I'm going to do 7,500 on that. They're going to give us the paddles. Oh, so it's like a lie. It's like a live auction. So they may have the baskets of things that you can walk me, write your name down. Right. 250, 300. I got, I'm down. I, I totally agree with you that this is a situation where if, if you can find something that's within reason for your price range, and that's not a knock on you in Hannah, but you know, if you can find something within reason, you don't own any sports franchises. Correct. But if you can, this is the situation you should, you should bid on and try to, yes, try to do your part. Uh, Manny says, where is the movie night package? 100% every auction that's got, has ever existed as a basket with some Mike and Ike's popcorn and a blank. I just snotted that I could picture it with the, the bag of popcorn, the milk duds, the Mike and Ike's, and then like four free movie passes. Even that thing goes for 175. You know what I mean? At, at the auctions, when you try to raise money, so, so I don't know, they, I don't know what to wear. Be, I don't know how to act. I see. I don't know what's money to spend. Well, I think the, the dress is pretty easy. I mean, look nice. Jacket pants. I think jacket. No tie. You can take the jacket off if you deem it too much when you get there. So listen, there are people that can pull off the, Ben wears it on the news every night. He can pull off black slacks and a blue jacket, Eric Grutner, it's huge in his war. He always has the different blaze or whatever. I've never been able to do the mismatch. So mine is a, I'll be wearing a suit with no tie, Hannah said no. She said no. Why not? She said it's too much. It's a, I mean, this is going to be a nice, a really nice fundraiser event. Well, it said jeans. And I'm not wearing jeans, obviously, but I don't want to be overdressed. You don't, you can't wear like a pair of slacks and a shirt and a jacket. Yeah, I don't have a matching jacket. All my jackets are suit jackets. Oh, they don't look good with the slacks that I have. You know what I'm saying? I also don't know how to act. Oh, that you'll be fine. Would see. See, I actually think that you don't give yourself enough credit. I think you are one of the more people persons I know. Say that, but it's my personal, you know, I think, I think you're, and this is not me psychoanalyzing you. I think you feel like you, you maybe have more trouble in those situations. I, I watch you, like when you come to the ballpark or you're at a live. People love you. Thank you. Thank you. And you interact really well. I don't think you give yourself enough credit. I agree. In fact, I think you will thrive in this situation. This is tonight. It's not. I think you're going to be fine. This is a good video. The, the money part of it. That could get. Look, I'm, I'm sitting next to Sheila Seidler and he's raising her paddle. Do I just egg her with me? Maybe she'll get my birthday. Maybe she will. Put to your point, maybe there will be ultimately some, some smaller budget item. Yeah, the movie. Oh, Hannah, I hope you get ready for a movie night. You could, you could also, hey, you know, throw up your paddle and what happens happens. I come in tomorrow. Guess who holds a brand new Rolex Submarine or what 13 grand. Somebody said in the, in the chat, go full top hat, full top hat, tuxedo. Just show up like a big dumb idiot. So that's tonight. So again, Paulie, I feel just kind of slouching in the chair when you walk in like, you're my dumb and dumber suits. Oh, Christian, that makes a good point. Just place the very first bed. Do I have four thousand? Yes, you do right here. You know I'm going to win it. You know I will. Oh, yeah. Can't play that game. Yeah, it's very dangerous. So, yeah. All right. Well, I'm going to. What a wonderful, such an honor. What a wonderful thing to do. What a wonderful invite. That's all it was. It was very special to me. Very special. You are notorious for ambient purchases. Correct. Take a little ambient. Get a little loopy. Can you imagine? And you have no idea what you bought. So pop an ambient, like like 20 minutes after you get there and let Hannah drive home. And let's just see what you got. See what happens. I'm running around pantsless at the Lucky Duck Foundation. No, I promise if she'll, if you're listening, I will not embarrass you. I probably won't say five words at all. I'm very, very honored and touched to be included and asked and it's going to be a really special night. And look forward to spending some time with Sheila. I've talked to her briefly, but I had when I met Sheila for the first time and the only time we did the whole show about Peter. We love Peter. Yeah. She thanked us and wrote me a really sweet email and sent me a really nice package for all the guys. And it was really, really a sweet moment. And so it's been part of the reason I've acted the way that I've acted this year is because that's Peter never panicked. Every time we talk to him, he never panicked. He just was not a guy that panicked about this baseball team. And so I've tried to take some of those lessons from him this year. But first time I met her, I got to talk to her. And I remember out of the corner of my eye, my dad was with me down on the field. And he was talking to AJ Preller. So I was listening to her, but I wasn't hearing her because all I could hear was my dad behind me. Like, so you look, what are you looking at in the market? Do you like it and catch her? And I'm just like, ah, I had to play interference there. So I wasn't able to really get in deep with her. And I'm very excited to spend some time with her tonight. And just again, very, very touched and on. Yeah, wonderful. Yeah. It's going to be a lot of fun. So much fun as the round table is going to be here in about 10 minutes. Yeah, I mean, they got me in here. You know, I'm not used to sitting in traffic to get here because I very rarely drive during rush hour times, like in this city in general, like I just don't. I never do. I just don't. I just don't. And when I do, I lose my mind. Yeah, it's brutal. It's in there. It was, it was nine 30. Yep. Still backed up. So they got me here. Yeah. Got you here. Ben out. Ben out. Tony on the road. You're not open. No. Hey, I know. Okay. Do you tell Adam that she day off? He knows. Okay. Since what does he care? But you, you, you know, you know what Adam does. It's, it's not a demand. It's an ask. It's not a must. It's an ask. Now it's not even a really aggressive ask at all. There's not even usually like a double up on the ask. We don't know what that means. We only get aggressive. Yeah. See, I don't. I, I just get, I just get asked and if I, if I didn't want to do it, he would say all good. Like it's, there's like a slight, you know, really good way. He has a good way about it. Yeah. Where he says like he's almost so nice to me. Yeah. At least about it. That it makes me, of course, want to do it. He does the thing to me and he is, he always starts with the preamble of listen, you can say no if you want to and I'm like, well, now I have to say yes, because I'm a big old yes man. I like to, I like to help as much as I can, but I, I, it, he gets me almost every time with that. That's to the point though, where I'm like, I can't, I sometimes I'm like, I just can't do it. Man, there's just no way. I tell you guys what he did to me the other day. He told me I could tell this story. So I, what was it Paulie Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, I had a rough one. I woke up early, got here at four o'clock in the morning, it was not feeling great. Just not having a good day. And he came in after the show and he's like, you got him like, no, not really. I'm just kind of just having a rough one. He's like, oh, sorry, man. If there's anything I can do, I go, I just, I need to sleep, dude, I'm, I'm cashed. And he said, okay. Yeah. So I did my production, went home, fell asleep. I laid, got right in bed, laid down 11, 15 phone rings. It's Adam. There we go. Hello. Hey. Hi. What are you up to? Nothing. Just chilling. Hey, I just wanted to let you know if you need anything. I'm right. I'm here for you. And I go, oh, thank you, man. And he said, did I wake you up? I go, yeah, he goes, oh, no, I go, but I told you the one thing I needed was sleep. You call me right in the middle of my sleep. He felt so terrible. I go, you know what, man? It's fine. I got up. I had lunch. I went back to bed. Everything was fine. But he is that kind of guy. He is that kind of guy. He is a sweet angel. Sweet angel. So hopefully I don't embarrass the entire crew tonight. Paulie. I think you're going to do great. And they'll have some. So that seems that's fixable. I almost want to drive by at five. See what I was reading like three different and then run home and change. It's fairly close. Run home and change me like because I don't want to be overdressed, but I certainly don't want to be underdressed. But I see, I think you could roll with a suit, no tie and probably be okay. Even if you're a tad overdressed, I'd rather be a tad overdressed than underdressed. I will tell you, I really mean it from a social perspective. I don't think you'd give yourself nearly enough credit. Don't say you to me are like, you to me are like a chameleon. Like you can fit in in any type of environment, setting, crowd. We'll see. I'm telling you. This is a different one. And Hannah too. Yeah. This is a different one for me tonight. They're going to be fine. So just to bring it all back home here before we got about a minute left, we kind of eluded to something that we did for Benny or to Benny with for him. Yeah. On his trip up to L.A. this weekend to do a little golf and would you said you texted I did. Ben. He said the thread with all three of us. He said, Benny, just remember we love you. Ben's responded. What do you say? He said, Oh, no. Oh, yeah. He already knows. He knows something. He has no idea what. No idea what. But we will tell you that whole story, 6 a.m. tomorrow. Yeah. We'll have some. Bring in my new maybe a new sailboat or something that I buy tonight. You never know what's going to happen at the lucky duck. But thank you guys for tuning in to the it'll be for a good cause. Yeah. The best. The best. Hey, what would be your sideline? Exactly. What would be your sideline? Go for it. Just live like Peter. All right. I will believe you mean. Enjoy that Rolex. We'll be in tomorrow round tables next right here on 97th through the fair. Trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with North sides and bullion as you're not so secret ingredient, you can skip the drive through and do dinner at home. 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