NI vs. AI

DNA, Chakras, and Conspiracy Reality

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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and I versus AI podcast episode two this is my third take on this I recorded one on Saturday the seventh one on the 10th and wasn't too happy with either of them although I did say some kind of cool things so I'm gonna try and get it right this time I'll start off by re-tapping episode one which in which I defined N.I. versus AI and the main difference is that natural intelligence comes from within it's inside out comes from within you you affect the world you're a creative force and artificial intelligence is sort of told what to do it's given its marching orders by its programmers and then it's given its data and when prompted it will return some result for you not only computers have always been but yeah it's not self-aware it's not it doesn't have agency it doesn't really have an effect on the world it can't decide to do something and then do it it can't change its own algorithm change its own way of thinking and I also mentioned that a lot of people are artificially intelligent and that I'm open in other words they've you know been told you know what to think how to think what to think about and that's pretty much all they do what they're told and believe what they're told to believe and you know it's kind of sad but that's how we're trained because of again recapping the conspiracy reality in which we live it's not a theory you know there are there's a hierarchy in there are people at the top of it who are kind of a bunch of clowns and they act from all appearances they don't seem to like us much or think much of us but they do everything they can to make us artificially intelligent so we can run their machine and make them richer and do everything they can to suppress our natural intelligence so that we don't question things all right so that's the recap today I want to talk about biology and spirituality and you may think well that's kind of weird white you know those two things aren't related they are and I am not you know I'm open to the idea that perhaps one day AI can become sapient you know when I say AI I mean machine AI can become sapient within a non-organic body but I don't see that happening now and I want to talk about the organic body and the other bodies that we human beings have so in Hinduism for example I believe you have one two three four four bodies the physical body is called the shit body in Hinduism and you know this is where most of us live physical body is encased in the emotional body and connected to the emotional body through the gut and actually through all of our aches and pains and feelings of elation and all that you know the physical body does affect the emotional body and vice versa you've heard thinking with your gut well it turns out there are more neurons in your digestive system than there are in your brain so you know that's valid you know go with your gut that's like go with your emotional kind of base response and then the emotional body is enclosed by the intellectual body and the intellectual body is you know obviously you're connected to your brain and it's how you think about things and again you know these things are all connected they all affect each other the intellectual body is enclosed by the spirit body and the spirit body is enclosed by the opera the highest self I like to think of it as you know if 3d reality is a video game or virtual reality the player is the ottma and let's talk about getting in touch with your highest self your soul whatever you want to call it back to biology DNA now your scientists today will tell you that only about 5% of your DNA is used for encoding every single cell in your body which is amazing when you think about it so what is the other 95% - according to your scientists it's junk DNA which is stupid because nature doesn't waste anything closest thing to junk in nature is heat right heat is kind of the garbage dump of the the energetic world all energy that reaches its entropic state and is kind of used up ends up as heat and even heat is useful right because it will kind of suck to have to live in absolute zero all the time so nature doesn't waste anything so the idea that nature would waste 19 out of 20 parts of our DNA is absurd your science is junk what science should be doing is looking at that other 95% of DNA and seeing what it does I have some theories on that but I won't bore you with them I happen to think that one of those theories is that somehow it encodes your your soul carries the lessons that your ancestors learned and things like that linguists have looked at DNA junk DNA and found that it resembles language so maybe at some point science will become enlightened and decide to figure out what that so-called junk DNA is actually all about it's kind of funny because science is always like that right there's always something that we can't observe directly like electricity right just a couple hundred years ago people saw lightning you know they felt sparks on their sweater or whatever they saw the effects of electricity but they couldn't explain it right so science eventually figured it out and I think it's going to be the same way with a lot of so-called paranormal phenomena which are you know basically sort of seen by quantum physics experiments entanglement and so forth so the point is biology in the physical world are not entirely separate from the naturally intelligent you the player your highest self the one that's really pulling the strings and you know another example would be like the chakras and we'll go back to conspiracy reality for a second here the rulers of this realm try to keep us all kind of trapped in our red chakra our butthole chakra you know the sacral chakra which is concerned only with survival and it's you know very fear based and you know that's what the whole monetary system is all about and if you do happen to raise your Kundalini out of that then they want to trap you in your second chakra your sex shot chakra your don't add your orange chakra make them into you know sex fields and that's why things are so hyper sexualized and then if you do get out of that then you attract their attention oh this guy might be a middle management material he's up to his solar plexus chakra you know solar plexuses willpower and you know control over one's life things like that and then you know here's where they get scared because they are not there themselves I don't think and that is the heart chakra the green chakra the G and Roy G bib you know the center this is where you love you know this is where you are able to realize that you're just one of the brotherhood of men you know and you're able to care about other people and care about the world and care about animals and you don't care about things that's that's the heart chakra and then of course you go above that you're in the throat now the blue chakra communication being able to express yourself go above that now you're in third eye which is misunderstood a lot of people think it's woo-woo you know to live to the USP it's not it's just cognition the example I gave you is the moon landing is an example of knowing something through the third eye right you've taken a bunch of information thought about it and arrived at the truth that's the third eye and then the crown chakras the one that I myself very rarely open that's the top of your head and that's what connects you to you know spirit or creator or source or God or whatever you want to call it so yeah and all these things are of course you know connected to your biology in very tangible ways so you've got physical reality writ large think of the physical body right and it sounds weird just last time I told you and this time I told you natural intelligence comes from the inside out and you think well you know that's the shit body right but no the shit body is connected to the other bodies like there's a larger reality which is we can observe the effects of it just like the ancients observed the effects of you know lightning but we can't really explain it yet you know there's all this other stuff going on and intuition you know and love and spirituality and you know these things are real and our physical reality is in a way you can think of it as kind of a cage or a prison or a box or something in which we're our spirits are constrained within these rules of physical reality but they're not really only the shit body is constrained by those rules and even then you know miracles happen all the time with people's bodies people heal themselves from disease by just telling themselves that they're healthy and stuff like that you know the placebo effect whatever anyway so if you want to access your natural intelligence meditate go within your shit body you know feel your energy rising up through your chakras do exercises yoga whatever to unblock those energy flows and control your breath that's very important breath is life so control your breath control your life I'll give you I'll leave you with two meditation techniques that are very simple that anyone can do and if you do these for five minutes a day for two weeks I promise you your life will get you know better your consciousness will improve and if not then what did you lose five minutes a day for a couple weeks all right so the first one is think of four syllables that mean nothing just gobbledygooks you know syllables that mean nothing blah blah blah blah blah and close your eyes and just let that silly mantra go through your head until it's all you can hear that'll the fact that there's no meaning attached to those sounds you know will help to clear your cluttered thoughts out you know just sit there and breathe deeply and focus on your mantra as much as possible if you can do that for five minutes you'll see but you probably do it for longer and then the other one is the old-fashioned good old Ohm this one is resonant so it's it helps if you actually vocalize it you can vocalize your silly mantra too but ohm is actually a powerful frequency so you can sit with yourself it's best to do it after exercising and just the frequency is something like and then you inhale so inhale deeply and exhale ohm and do that for five minutes and yeah you'll feel something and you know good luck I hope you're able to get your energetic body moving up through your physical body and feel all those connections and feel how the greater reality is far bigger than the physical reality and far faster you know speed of light is about as fast as you can go in 3d space but you can go a lot faster than that in quantum reality and the realm of consciousness in your natural intelligence so good luck may you be naturally intelligent may you not believe anything including all the things you believe and including everything I just said until you see it in action for yourself or have arrived at that truth for yourself and until next time have a great day night morning whatever is where you are peace