NI vs. AI

Artificial Intelligence, Natural Intelligence, and the Moon Landings

Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

September 2nd 2024 new moon good day to start something so why not start a podcast i've been thinking about this for a while i'm writing a book which explores the difference between artificial and natural intelligence and that will be the overriding theme of this podcast i will discuss many many many subjects and it will all be under that umbrella so without further ado i suppose i should begin by saying that this will be a low tech affair i'm i do have some very good audio recording equipment but i just don't feel like busting it out and building myself a studio because i just don't think i'm that important i'm not trying to be joe rogane here you know some big shot podcaster i've done podcasts in the past and you know i mean people listen to them but this one i think is going to be a good one because i have a um a theme to go by which is again the difference between real and fake intelligence artificial means fake right so anyway um let's define those two terms to begin so the main difference between artificial and natural intelligence is that artificial intelligence is all from the outside in so programmers you know give the the ai direction directives algorithms which are very very complicated um and the ai then goes out and ingests a lot of data again from the outside and it spits it back at you and it can't really act without a prompt it's reactive not active whereas natural intelligence is from the inside out so with a natural intelligence you're able to you know change the algorithm yourself on the fly and think of but you know use different ways of thinking about things or you're able to assess the quality of the data that you're ingesting right you can look at a data set and i've done this you know in my professional career many times i've come across data sets that were kind of you know corrupt and you know you can choose whether or not you want to use that data or derive whatever you can from the data and so when you're naturally intelligent it basically means you and i by the way i'm not saying that i'm some kind of genius or something i believe that we all have the capacity to be naturally intelligent and that did i just say i believe oh that's a bad word i'll get to that later anyway i don't think i'm anything special here it's just that i happen to be thinking about these things and also i want to point out that i don't mean to dab on artificial intelligence i do believe that it will make all of our lives a lot better at some point because it will eliminate a lot of the kind of drudge work you know the drudgery and you know do things like i mean if you're a paralegal AI is probably going to replace you if you're writing legal briefs stuff like that AI can do that just fine um and it it will take a lot of jobs but it'll create new jobs too and it will free people up to be naturally intelligent so yeah artificial intelligence is just like an artificial leg if you know i would prefer to have a natural leg but if i lost my leg i would you know an artificial leg would be better than no leg so yeah it's not that natural intelligence is good and artificial intelligence is bad it's just that there are two different things and i should say that we have all been trained to be artificially intelligent and i this is by design um we are absolutely trained to believe everything that we hear and you know not question anything and the reason for that is that the people at the very very top of the hierarchy benefit from a lot of people sort of being in the dark and just doing what they're told instead of questioning things so the thing about natural intelligence too is that you can achieve true knowledge through naturally intelligent processes and you can know things that are maybe unknown to most people for example i happen to know that the moon landings in night you know the early 70s were fake and how do i know this well it's not because i examined you know a lot of camera footage or looked at the lighting or looked at the footprints a lot of times when there's a conspiracy theory i use someone's challenging the official narrative a lot of conspiracy theorists will come out with these ridiculous ideas and sort of muddy the waters that way so that no one notices the basic fact that the the official story doesn't hold up so how do i know that the moon landings were fake well first of all i'm going to give them a lot of benefit of the doubt as i think this through um first of all if you were to take an airplane from new york and set it on a course toward la and just say all right you have to stay on this heading the whole way and um you can't turn you'd have to be exactly dead on if you were off by one degree you would miss la by hundreds of miles now la is 3000 miles away the moon is 300 000 miles away so the moon is as it turns out about a thousand times bigger than la so this actually works so they made a perfect shot you know those nasa folks they were they were very very smart and i'll give them that let's say you know the moon's moving targets 300 000 miles away the earth is moving um they blasted off on a perfect trajectory perfect heading and um didn't encounter any atmospheric disturbance that would have knocked them off course and you know bam so there they are sailing through the vacuum of space toward the moon at mach nine okay mach nine is faster than any missile that i'm aware of in the us arsenal today but we'll give them that those those nasa engineers back then were really smart and they managed to make a missile that could go mach nine and the astronauts you know think about them and the g-forces i mean my god they would have been crushed but you know let's just say those guys were really in great shape and they survived the g's and they got out of the earth's atmosphere and they're heading through space and then they hit the valent van alan radiation belts and um you know i happen to know that the the lunar module was not radiation proof and neither were the space suits i've seen both of them up close at the air and space museum in d_c and but we'll just say that you know they made it through the van alan radiation belts without getting radiation sickness and and just being horribly sick and now here they are hurtling through space at mach nine on a perfect course toward the moon here's where it all falls apart for me how do you go from mach nine to a nice soft landing in the sea of tranquility on the lunar surface um you know the moon doesn't have any atmosphere so you're going from mach nine there's nothing to thrust off of there's no deploying a parachute somehow you make a nice soft landing on the moon BS out of here not buying that also how do you blast off from the moon there's no atmosphere there's nothing to thrust off of and you have to make that same perfect shot to get back to earth uh and achieve a speed of mach nine yeah three hundred thousand miles in 52 hours this comes out to about mach nine so yeah i know it's fake based on that and i gave them a lot of benefit of the doubt you know they made a perfect shot they made it through the van alan radiation belts they um achieved a really high rate of speed they weren't crushed by the geese but you know i don't believe that they were able to land on the lunar surface you know it's just it falls apart right there for me so that's like kind of how natural intelligence works you think about the the facts and you know you're going to find a lot of times that the narrative that you've been sold is complete bullshit um i'm not sure why the people in charge do this i think they're kind of gestures and they sort of get off on the fact that people fail to see through these ridiculous stories that they tell us but um or maybe they just you know they need us to be deceived for whatever reason but it doesn't matter so the only thing i'm going to ask as you listen to this podcast and future episodes is that you suspend belief and that starts with me don't believe a damn word i say but also question your own beliefs because if you believe something by definition you don't know it right if you know something then there's no need to believe it so question all your own beliefs and um try to firm them up into knowledge because if your belief comports with reality then you don't need to believe it anymore you can just know it i i went through this with um my conception of god you know for a long time i kind of believed in god just because of Pascal's wager i mean why not if there is no god you don't really lose anything by believing in it and if there is a god then you gain you know by believing in it and trying to serve it but i came to actually know god through you know meditation techniques and personal experience and also logical arguments such as the fact that everything can't come from nothing that's an absurd absurd absurd proposition that everything can come from nothing and uh i use that with um atheists once in a while i know this guy is really smart scientist whatever and he's like oh you know why would you believe in some sky daddy and i'm like well you know uh that's not my conception of god you know that's more like Santa Claus guy with a white beard taking a list and you know seeing who all the good little boys and good little girls are and bad little boys and bad little girls you know that's Santa Claus that's not god and so i'm like all right smart guy so what happened before the big bang so nothing all right so don't you see where you're making a leap of faith here and delving into mysticism first there was nothing then there was an explosion then there was everything you know obviously there's a hole in your logic here and then they actually see that when you point it out to them but my point is um you know please suspend belief anything you think you believe in including a lot of things you think you know those are just things that you've been told so for example imagine a kindergartner and his teacher says hey johnnie the the um sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day and johnnie goes home and he says hey mommy teacher said the sun rises in the east and you know sets in the west johnnie doesn't really know that at that point he believes it because his teacher pulled him and he trusts his teacher and he doesn't really know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west until he goes out and observes it for himself at some point in his life and then he knows it and it's the same way with any belief you know there are a lot of things that you think you know that you actually just believe because you've been told and so that's my main ask of you the listener suspend belief don't believe a word that i say don't believe anything that you believe and keep an open mind and a skeptical mind at the same time those two things are key to improving one's consciousness in my experience be open-minded that may be true but also skeptical it may not be true you know this guy is maybe there's a lot of shit here but access your internal abilities to arrive at the truth and and so doing your consciousness will improve and you know your cognition and in my experience everything in your life so yeah it's not about manifesting reality you know you do tend to bring things into actuality that you think about but it's not through some mystical process it's more like materialization you have this idea you get passionate about it you start to really feel it and you go after it and then it happens you know that's how that whole thing works it's not oh you know i'll ask the universe for a Ferrari and then i'll get a Ferrari it doesn't work like that bro so yeah what else there was one last thing i wanted to say oh i just wanted to say i'm not a conspiracy theorist i'm a conspiracy realist and i don't believe any ridiculous conspiracy theories but what i look for is holes in the official narrative and there are usually holes in the official narrative about some very you know big basic things so yeah i think i'm going to be posting this every monday but we'll see so check back subscribe or whatever i don't know how they do that and i'll talk to you next time bye