ReWild ReNew Podcast

Episode #16: Medical Medium LA Event and Empowerment

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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In this episode we discuss the Medical Medium event that took place on September 7th, 2024 in Calabasas California from the perspective of one of us having attended and the other who did not and how we both benefited from the event. The event has brought a feeling of empowerment to many and we discuss what true empowerment looks like.


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This Podcast and all related content published or distributed by or on behalf of ReWild ReNew, Amie Jones, and Eileen Crispell is for informational purposes only and may include information that is general in nature and that is not specific to you. Any information or opinions provided by guest experts or hosts featured within the website or on ReWild ReNew’s Podcast are their own; not those of Amie Jones or Eileen Crispell or ReWild ReNew. Accordingly, Amie Jones, Eileen Crispell and ReWild ReNew cannot be responsible for any results or consequences or actions you may take based on such information or opinions. This podcast is presented for exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for preventing, diagnosing, or treating a specific illness or conditions. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health-care, emotional, or spiritual emergency, please contact a qualified professional for support and treatment.

- Hi, my name is Eileen Crispell. I am a storyteller, writer, wife, older mom, architect, and a shaman. I help people heal and empower their souls. I saved my own life by applying medical medium information and I've been applying this information in mind in my family's life since 2012. - Hi, I am Aimee Jones. I'm an autism mom, a home educator, a noted gardener, a near-death experiencer, living a plant-based lifestyle, and I help people heal their souls as a shaman. I've been following medical medium information ever since 2015, and mind in my family's life has changed dramatically since. - Hi, all, Aimee and Eileen here for our podcast. And today we're gonna talk about a few things. We're gonna talk about empowerment, what that really is, and we're gonna talk about the latest event in LA, the medical medium event, because Aimee didn't get to go and I did get to go and we're gonna talk about that. And all kinds of things that we feel is pretty relevant these days. So thank you for listening and Aimee. You wanna start us out? - Yeah, sure. So, the event, I have to go there first. I have to go, I'm ready. Talk about the LA event in Calabasas. I've said that right, have a knife. - Yeah. - Yeah, because I've never heard of Calabasas before, you know, 'til a few weeks ago. And I didn't get to go, as Aimee said. Like, I am unable to travel in that way at the moment, can't quite get there at the minute. I'm hoping to get there someday. But there's a feeling to those events, I'm sure all of you who know about the event and, you know, might have watched it on playback. No, there's a feeling to the events. And I really love the way that Anthony brought in some of the conversation about the soul at the after party. And there's a couple of favorite spots that I've got about the event. One is, well, firstly, let me say one is the singing. Aimee left me a message. Yeah. (laughs) You left me a message and said, 'cause I didn't get to watch it live, as it was happening, I was traveling. I wasn't at home, I didn't have internet. And you left me a message and said, this is what he did, and he sang some songs on the guitar. That was the first bit I had to go and watch was, I just had to see him sing the songs. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Who don't know you as well as I do. Music is a really big thing for you, using yourself. And, you know, music is kind of in your soul. And it's actually one of the things that we connect on is 'cause we're both fans of the Beatles and fans of music. So just, that's a backdrop of one of the reasons I left that message for Aimee, 'cause I knew it would be a sweet spot for her. - Yeah, yeah, music for me. If I'm in one of those moods that I just can't get out, music will always shift it for me. And I say to my kids, I just want you to love music. Not because I, you know, I care how good you are, but if you can just play an instrument no matter or you can just sing or something, it doesn't matter what's going on in this world, you are free because it is my belief that that is soul connection right there. - Well, in the context that he put his singing in is that when he was eight or however old he said he was and he's trying to escape the voice for a moment, you know, to not hear it for a minute. He would play music really loud and that's why he learned to play because he was just trying to find that moment of peace for himself and the part that he's taken on this life. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's so touching to hear about it and how it's been such a coping strategy for him. What I loved about it is that as I was listening to it, I heard those songs like I'd never heard them before for one, I knew all the songs, but it's heard them in a whole different way, listening to him. And his really lovely bodyguards thing as well. - Yes. - Who was so sweet and such a good singer. - By the way, if you watch the video, I realized that the bodyguard was the guy closest to him. He was the one handing people books and stuff. - Yes, yeah, I noticed that as well. But it made me think I just missed this imperfect music. I'm not a fan of pop music. I mean, of course we listen to some, it's good to dance too and that kind of thing, but then we have a few impromptu dance parties at home with the kids and stuff, of course. But I don't love pop music. It's just so polished and pristine and with all the dance moves to go with it at just the right time. And there's just nothing about the self in there that I want to see. I want to feel that the music and there's not really a feeling I can hook onto, let's just say. That's just me, okay? And there's, of course, there are some, yeah, there are of course some pop songs that are very, very good, but they are imperfect music that unpolished. So, you know, Anthony's told us before that the soul quality can be heard in a voice. You know, just being able to hear that and to hear the effort and to hear the selection of songs. Like everything that kind of went into that, that was experiencing music at its fullest. You know, there was feeling in that, I would have loved to have been there live. - Yeah. - It really came across, it brought me to tears when they sang the song "The Weight" by the band. That was my favorite. And it was, yeah, it was really special. So that was one of my highlights. It must have been quite special. - Yeah, it was, I mean, 'cause, you know, having been there, you get up early, you're in line, you're outside, it's hot, they're handing you ice packs and fruit and it's all great. And you get to shake his hand and get your picture taken. And I actually got interviewed. I was pulling out, I was coming out of the grocery store with Alex, hi Alex, if you're listening. And there's a woman there, it's a cameraman and a woman. And they said, "Are you related?" And we said, "No." They said, "Well, would you like to be interviewed?" And so we stood there for, I don't know, half an hour and being interviewed. I have no idea where it will be shown. But anyway, that was not expecting that. And then, you know, we go into this after event. Nobody knew what the after party was gonna be like at all, but you walk in and it's a huge, huge music venue. Like you may be used to hang out in your 20s to see your favorite band, you know, two bars. But the bars are just literally covered in a cornucopia of all the food you can eat. All medical medium food. Hiled, high, just baskets and baskets of fruit. I mean, just an absolute dream. And then he's doing light blasts and they're doing, you know, the giveaways and all this kind of stuff. It's pretty high energy. And then the end to just sit there and have him serenade us. And it was just such a moment of peace after all of that. It was really, it really was just intensely incredible. And I'm glad that that came through watching it and feeling it elsewhere because it was big. Yeah, beautiful. Okay, and I'm gonna tell you the other, my second favorite bit of watching that after party. And that was just a short moment where Anthony just said about the soul. And he said, the soul could never die. Okay, so that's not new news, but he said, you know, the soul can't ever be broken. It can't, well, it can't die. And he said that he'd spoken to spirit about this. And spirit had said to him, so you really have no reason to fear because your soul will never go away, will never be extinguished. And I just was so glad to hear him say this. So very glad to hear him say this because this is something really close to my heart. And I know Eileen's as well, because we've had many a conversation about this very thing. But I wanted to bring it up here because, 'cause I thought it was really interesting that he said it and that he said it now as well. But I feel like fear of death is such a big, omnipresent thing. People are always saying to me that they're scared of death. And they often say, "I'd like to hear more about your near-death experience 'cause I have a real fear of death." And I struggle with this because I don't have a fear of death and I thought that's because I had a near-death experience. As much as I am not going anywhere right now, I have two children and I'm sticking around with everything that I'm worth. I'm going nowhere. I don't fear dying. But then I had a conversation with my 12-year-old, my eldest. And I said to a lot of people I was scared about death. She was like, "Really?" I said, "Yeah." I was like, "Yeah." I was like, "I don't get it." She's like, "I don't get it. Why?" And so I thought, "Right, it's not just me and I lean." 'Cause, you know, I lean, I put you in the same category as weird as I do myself, okay? So I think we're-- - I'm in the club. I'm in the club. - We need two quirks. Yeah. (laughs) But now we've got a third one. And I think, and I say to a yeah, I just don't get it because if people have a sense of faith, if they're praying to angels and asking those angels to help them, which I know most people that say that to me are doing that, I mean, so what is it that they are scared of? And usually people that say that to me are not living their best life. They are ill, they have symptoms, they have trauma and stories and all these kind of things going on. So what is it? Is it a belief that it's gonna be awful somewhere else and that this is really rosy where we are? 'Cause I don't think that's it. And I think what I extrapolate from people saying to me, "I would like to hear about your near-death experience "because I have a fear of dying." It's the unknown. And they think I'm gonna give them a piece of something that gives them something known that they can rely upon, but that's an unquenchable thirst. That's not something that you can really satiate. I think that one of the things we have to come to terms with in this life is we can't know all truth and we aren't meant to know all truth because we are supposed to make decisions and trust in faith. And that fear of what's happening at the end is pretty huge. And I do think you're right. I think sometimes it manifests into not actually living your best life, whatever that means. - Yeah, 'cause then I was gonna go on to say like, if it's fear of unknown, I don't think that's a fear of death. I think that's more a fear of living because people that say this to me usually have a large amount of fear going on in their lives. Like, what if I don't get better? Who's gonna look after me? What's gonna happen next? Like what's coming? And there's generally a lot of fear. I'm not saying I live without a scrap of fear 'cause that would be utter rubbish. - Fear is meant to help us and inform us, but unfortunately what happens is, as Anthony has explained to us, fear gets in between the brain and the soul in our head. And we can then wind up living in fear, leaning into fear, you know, being in flight or flight, which is different than the kind of fear that is supposed meant to inform you to get out of a burning building fast, right? - Yeah. - It's different. - So I think it's kind of good to sort of look at it and reframe it. I am very aware that you don't straight talk mental illness. I always say that you don't straight talk mental illness. You don't tell someone who's feeling anxious to stop feeling anxious. I'm not telling someone who's feeling fearful to stop feeling fearful. Sometimes we're in a position where we're able to look at our fears. And sometimes I think it's helpful to know what the fear really is about. And you know, I think the unknown is a greater fear for people. And I think death is actually a certainty and living is very unknown. - Well, the other thing he said is that we've been here a hundred times or more. And so clearly we've died before. So clearly we know how to do it and come back, right? - We know just how to die. We know how to be born, you know, and these are areas that science, sorry, medicine likes to jump in to. - And there must be a reason we keep coming back. - Yeah, yeah. And you know, which faith, you know, where we have fear, I always think it's kind of inverse with faith. Someone really close to me, said to me recently, if you could just prove to me that God was real, I'll believe him. I was like, I was like, that's not my job. That's your job, for one, for one, that's your job. That's nothing to do with me. And for two, like number two, faith is about not having to have proof. - Faith is like the word faith means, you know, taking a leap of faith, where you don't know, you still go, it's, so. - It's what makes our lives and our choices powerful. If we're just doing something because it seems, we're told to do it or it's so obvious. There's less power in that in the sense of the soul. And that's why we wanted to actually talk about empowerment a little bit. Because sometimes I think there's some confusion about what empowerment looks like. You know, everybody can look good in an easy life. And empowerment isn't, I don't know, this thing that you manifest in, you behave in a certain way and then your life gets easy. Empowerment is what you do when it's hard. And empowerment is learning to hold some boundaries. And that's hard. Empowerment is acting integrity in integrity. That's hard. Empowerment is coming to medical medium information even though your family's telling you you're crazy. That's hard. Empowerment, you know, we talk to a lot of people who are in pretty dire situations. And we're not placating or kidding when we say, they're the strongest people we know. It's easy to come to something. You know, when you have all the money in the world and a nice home and somebody that hope you clean it and perfectly behaving children about any, you know, heavy metal issues and you're standing in your kitchen and making your celery juice, that's great for that person. But the person who doesn't have the money to buy celery or supplements and is doing what they can anyway, that's empowerment, that person is strong. - I spoke to someone just this week who just humbled me. And of course I won't share her details or her story. I just would say that this is a person who I speak to a lot of people who struggle. And this person was someone who struggled enormously, enormously and was really, truly alone in the biggest sense that I've ever spoken to someone. She was really, truly alone. And speaking to me was uncommon because she hadn't spoken to someone a really long time. And this person, was wonderful. Like their soul was wonderful. The whole world had turned against them. Like their whole world, let's say. And I'm talking to this person and I feel this person's soul. And I say to her, I hope you realize how incredibly you're doing. And she was like, well, I feel like I'm failing. And I said, as Eileen's saying, if you've got a body that you can stand up and walk around in, and then you're able to go into your kitchen and you're able to go and make your lemons, just like anyone can do that. If you haven't got a body you can even stand up in, you haven't got anybody there to help you and you still do it. I mean, what kind of soul are we dealing with there? That's the most... - I'd use an expletive like my son, but that's one, you know what, strong soul. That's an incredible person to keep showing up every day no matter what. - And the level of empowerment in that person's soul, and this is the inverted, yeah, and this is the inverted world that we live in, is because of that person's circumstances. The world looks at that person and goes, they've lost their mind and walk away and leave them alone. These are the people that we should bow down to, like I still, a few days later, I'm really humbled by this person and she keeps popping into my mind. I'm so grateful that I spoke to her and I know I will not forget her. And I'm sure I am not supposed to, because to really experience another person's soul and to hold that and to be moved by that is such an incredible thing in this world. But, you know, it takes incredible courage and incredible strength to make these acts of faith. But, you know, if not this lifetime, you're gonna do it in the next, and that's fine, because if you don't do it this lifetime, you've got another go round. But, I'm gonna say this to you. I know I'm triggering people here as well today. (laughs) I know like one of the people we check on and I can hear the comments, but I'm just going to say it anyway, okay? 'Cause it's just a trigger. I have them, we all have them. And, but, you know, I'm just gonna say like, Anthony's been talking about old souls and how some souls are so old and they come in, no ego. So, what I take from that is, the longer we've been around, the better they get. But, you wanna come back and be a big old weighty soul that stirs a few things up and can carry some load. Like, I do. (laughs) And if not, that's fine. - That'd be when I've been accused of being a potster, then that's maybe, 'cause I'm an old soul. (laughs) - Maybe, but like, you wanna, I wanna come in ready for the world that we're in again, where we're in. And this is another thing, Anthony was talking about. He said, "We're at the frontier of time, and he, you know, he speaks about this." - He keeps making such a big deal out of it, that you know it's not for, he's saying it for a reason. - Yeah. And we will sit around going, "What does that really mean?" You know, but here we are, these souls. We are, we know we're in a spiritual war. You know, I like to use that phrase, know the game you're in. This is what I mean. Like, you're here to make your soul better. Anthony also tells us we're here to heal and perfect the soul. But you know that already, because that's why when the chips are down, you're still all trying, and you're still reaching and searching to try and make things better. Because you have this thing within you that is here to heal and perfect the soul. So, Anthony's told us, but I think we, we know that within. But this is the game we're in. We're in this spiritual war, and we aren't really here to, our souls are here to sort of make decisions about what's next, about where we are now empowerment. Where do we stand? Are we gonna let the fear that is there within all of us? How much of a voice are we gonna give to that? Are we gonna find that courage and that strength? And as I say, it's okay. Like, there's another go round for all of us. The soul doesn't, doesn't die. But what is the choice that you're, you're so really wants to, wants to make. - Fascinating for me to see you so excited, not having been there. It's good, right? - Yes. - Because when you're there, everybody there is talking about the people who aren't there, frankly, and how they wish they were there. And I just kept seeing you there as like, you know, the center of the party, Amy. It's like lighting the place up. And truly everybody, you know, wants everybody to be there. It's really an incredible thing. And to know that that somehow is felt outside of the confines of being actually an event, the event feels really good. Because what happened for me in both events is that even though I talked, I'm lucky 'cause I do get a lot to talk to a lot of people. So I'm not, I know I'm not the only one out there doing this stuff. But to be face to face with thousands of people who are doing this medical medium stuff and healing themselves to know it really isn't just about me. We really are part of something so much bigger and greater than any one of our individual healing, but it put more importance on the fact that of our individual healings. And we know it gave us such a sense that we're even bigger than the thousands of people who could show up there. And, you know, people feel so isolated. It's the number one thing we hear. People feel so isolated in their healing, but you're not. And it's because of these events and social media that we can have some glimpse of how unisolated we really are. So it's nice to see that, you know, even not being there, I knew you wanted to be there, that you have that real sense of that. Yeah, I'm laughing because I obviously sound like I'm really a fine love today that's covered across. But there was just, there's so much that he said that this is often the way the more Anthony says these days, like the more it makes me want to ask 10,000 more questions. Right. It just like brings a whole load of other. And the frontier of what? What are we in the frontier of Anthony? Tell us. Yeah, absolutely. But, yeah, I just want to say, like, as I say, you don't straight talk fears. I know they're complex. But I will just say fears are formed by our wounds and the trauma and the abuse that we've experienced and the heartbreaks and the gaslighting. I know, I know that's where it comes from. So I'm not just saying we blink that away and roll our sleeves up. But I will say, I always bring everything down in a really simplistic term to who wins. You know, I was saying about that soul that really humbled me. You are not your traumas and your heartbreaks and the gaslighting and all of that. Like this woman was not what the world told her she was. She still held on to that, which, even as I say it now, I mean, it kind of chokes me up because she still held on to that and she hadn't let that go. And this is the thing, like, who is going to tell the story for you? Is it going to be the perpetrators of the abuse? Or is it going to be your soul? Can your soul step out into that? And I know there's a process to it. And I know you've got to be doing your heavy metal detox immediately to move through that. You've got to be doing things like the stone meditation to let go of those years and years and years of resentment and anger and anguish and all of that you've been holding on to. You've got to be doing these things as well. Well, let's back up a minute. The thing you're always usually telling me, like you've got to be using your will to make choices for your betterment, whatever that is. If you can't do the stone meditation, if you can't do the heavy metal detox immediately, whatever you are choosing to do to help yourself, whatever will you are bringing up inside yourself to help yourself, that it is the power of your intentions. That's so important. This is why we say, know thyself, know thyself, know thyself. Do not lose yourself to the darkness that is trying to take you down. Do not lose yourself in the spiritual war. No matter what happens to you, if you remember who you are and people say, they come to us all the time. I don't know who I am. And we see it so clearly who they are. Well, I mean, part of the gift of being able to talk to so many people is it's very, this is what I learned when I first actually started taking on clients. Is there were things that I had to learn as a practitioner that I could only learn by taking on clients? I couldn't learn them in a classroom. I couldn't learn them from a teacher or guru or anybody. And one of the things I quickly learned is just how different everybody in their soul is. And I could see who they are. So clearly, because I see so many people that I see the differences in people. And you know, but you know who you are better than you think. Who you are isn't your job. It isn't what you're supposed to bring to the world even. It isn't some search for your purpose. You just literally can't help but be who you are to a large degree. And you don't want to lose that to the naysayers and the people who say you're not living your life right. I had a family member who wound up in a situation that I wouldn't wish on anybody. And a bunch of us in the family got together and we're trying to help her and she refused the help. And I really didn't understand why she would refuse the help. But a friend of mine who had been in her life in a similar situation to my family member said, "I understand why she's doing that." And I said, "Please, can you explain to me because I want to understand?" And she said, "Because she doesn't want to be in a situation where anybody would try to control her because of what has happened to her." So even though the way you perceive her choices aren't what you would choose, she chooses them because she's in control of her life that way. And I suddenly got it. I was like, "I get it." And that's so important. I know given what she'd been through, it was really important that she choose for herself. Even if I don't think those choices are great, the fact that she was choosing for herself was really important for her soul. It was how she was not getting lost in the abuse that she had incurred, that she was now making choices for herself. And I think that's really that's empowerment. Like we can look at a lot of people's situation and we can judge them. But I don't like to do that because I don't know what they've been through. I haven't been through it even if they've told me about it. And what's really, truly important is that we are using our farewell to choose for ourselves, make choices for ourselves, empower ourselves to do what we can for ourselves. And in service to others, you know, healing oneself is in service to the light, in service to the bigger picture in this world. It's not about using the car you want. Right? It's about choosing to know your soul and to keep a hold of your soul so that you don't get lost in this world. I hope that makes sense. Yeah, like, I would tell me if this is the same sort of thing. Like I would say, I have this little saying to myself, where, you know, people might mistake Eileen and I for thinking that we did, because we know a thing or two about the soul, we might not experience so much of the daily trauma. I'd just say like sometimes people, like I sometimes I feel like yeah, sometimes I feel like I eat gaslighting and betrayal for breakfast and then roll up my sleeves and get on with the day. So, you know, it's not true. But when I say to myself, when I find myself feeling that, now number one, I know compassion is important. So I say you'd be wronged. You know, I hear myself because no one else to hear it. So I'm going to, I'm going to be my own support there. And I see that in compassion, but then I say, and I do actually say this to myself, I say, Amy, stay effective because I know that if I stay in my wounds, I'm no good to myself. What kind of mother am I? And how the hell do I help anyone? You know, and stay effective. I have this other saying. Let's share here with you all my little sayings. There are many. This other one. And I just say fix your eyes on God. And I do, I'd say that and I'm like, it snaps me because it snaps me back because yeah, you know, there's some ugly stuff going on and there isn't everybody's life. But know the game you're in. This is a spiritual war. I have a job to do. Let's do it. So and goes back to, I want to come back in the next lifetime with a big old weighty soul that learned a thing or two in this lifetime. But let's do the thing. I don't want to have to deal with this problem anymore. So let's move past it and I'll deal with the next problem, the next level up. Yeah, and I don't want it to define me. You know, I'm more than that. That's just the circumstances of this life. And go, let's go right back to death. One of my favorite topics where I open things up. Like when you, when you leave here, you leave the circumstances. You leave the ailing body. You leave the circumstances. Like all that's gone. And then you just have the soul. I just, I just want to come to that soul. Like these circumstances, yeah, I can use them to really grow my soul. And that's what I mean. Yeah, when it's time. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, when it's time, not before it's time. It's just important to say that because I think a lot of people just have that feeling. I don't, it's so hard. I don't want to be here anymore. And I think, but what you're saying is, I heard it said a different, quite a slightly different way. He said, pretend that you choose your situation. And he was very careful to say, nobody would choose abuse or any of these very difficult situations there. And we're not talking about Eastern philosophy here. But what if you had chosen this? How would you do it? Why did you choose it? What are you going to get out of it? How are you going to change it? Show up like, all right, what am I going to do? I choose a situation. So now what am I going to do about it? It's just flips the switch from victimhood to victimhood and coming about it. And that's a very difficult thing for some people to do. And that's understandable because of the wounding they've had, because of what they've been through, because of the metals in their brain, because of the neurotoxins that they're dealing with. So we're not saying that flipping that switch is necessarily easy. It's like Amy was talking about, you don't talk to fear, you don't talk fear down. So we know it's difficult, but that is the goal to overstep the fear, to overstep these things that are keeping you thinking you're a victim. Because it doesn't, no matter what happens to you, as a human being with a soul, you have an opportunity to turn it into soul growth and something amazing. That's why I love the Victor Frankl story. It's classic, and there's lots of stories like this out there, but so he's in the concentration camp in World War II. He's a psychiatrist with all of this understanding and background of the brain and psychology. And he stays alive because he figured something out, and he wants to write a book to help people. And he did that. He got out, he survived, he wrote the book, and it's helped millions of people since then to understand how to survive difficult things. It's like the, I don't know if I said this on the podcast yet, but I discovered St. Maximilian. Amy, did I say this? Yeah, you did. Yeah. So here's this man who, again, had a reason to serve, he didn't survive Auschwitz. But while he was there, he inspired millions because he kept designing God and not on the darkness. The Tales of Survivors. Yeah. A survivor's tale contains within it the blueprint for how to survive, for how to be in this world. It gives you information for yourself. And here's the thing is you all have a survivor's tale because we are all here in the frontier of time, in the spiritual war, hanging out together, surviving, hanging on by fingertips at times. And you see, and this is what I said to this wonderful person. I spoke to earlier. I was like, your story will save a thousand lives, I'm sure. Because it's the code. It's the code for how to conjure up the human spirit. And that's why I love looking back into past and to history. And I always talk about World War II and stuff like this, because how did they do it? How did they get through? And the power of the human spirit and hearing the story ignites something you need to say. Okay, I'll rise again. I'll take it on. I'll go again. I'll try a little more. You know, what I didn't expect is, so I've been to two medical meeting events. I've flown to LA and backed twice in four months. I'm stronger than I've been in years. I'm stronger than I was before the first event. I didn't expect that. I wasn't thinking something I was thinking about, but here I am. And I've seen that in many, many people who went to these events, even though they didn't think they had the money, the wherewithal, the strength. They thought maybe they were still too fatigued, but there was something about being there that inspired them to push their edges in a positive way. And they became stronger for it. Their soul became stronger for it. They even became physically stronger for it. And I'll tell you personally, maybe about six to eight months ago, I kept hearing Anthony say, you can heal. Everybody can heal. You need the faith to understand you can heal. And I decided to work on that faith piece for myself. I just started to just believe no matter what, I could become completely better. And a number of things began to shift from me. And I honestly wasn't sure that I had the stamina to do the first LA event, and I came home stronger. And I had no question that I'd have the stamina this second time, and yet I still came home stronger. And I think that we all have that hero within us, to wherever we are, to get to the next place where you feel stronger at the very least in your soul, than you were the day before. And that, because that comes from just keep showing up to whatever, however you can show up. It's really so important. Yeah, and it's lovely to you say that. And the events themselves, the fact that they've taken place, there was someone who just longed to be able to get there. Watching them, the fact that they took place feels... Right, the fact that they just actually, yes, existed, that they happened. It feels biblical, it feels like something's shifted, that these are happening now. As I've said before, probably on this podcast, everything that comes out of Anthony Smith that's new. I'm like, why are you telling us this now? Because you've known this, you were probably like seven years old. What's changed that you're able to do? So yeah, I think it feels like it's a shift. Something big has happened, and we're able to be part of these events now. Yeah, you know, with what I'm about to say, I'm going to frame it. I am in no way, shape, or form about to say that Anthony is like Jesus, because we know he's not, I don't believe that. But in the Bible, Jesus would heal people and say, don't tell anyone until a certain point when Jesus felt like the timing was right and things were going to be happening. He allowed people to talk about him healing people. And for me, that it feels a little bit like that moment, like Anthony is suddenly saying more stuff. He's having these events. The events are changing us as a community, bringing us strong, making us stronger as a community, whether you're there or not. And it feels like that moment when Jesus like, go ahead and tell people now. You know, I feel like, and it's funny, because I came home from the events on Sunday. On Monday afternoon, I went to go drop off stuff at the dry cleaner from my husband and go to the grocery store and catch up with life. And I walked into the grocery store. This is not my usual experience in the grocery store. I walked in and one woman in this section just started asking me questions. I have no idea who she was about nutrition, and I answered them. So she said, are you a nutritionist? And I said, no, but I saved my life through nutrition. And she said, oh, what should I do? And we wound up having a conversation. I worked down two aisles, ran into a woman I know who owned a local restaurant, wound up high-dab, if you're listening, and wound up having, she said, I didn't even know she followed me on social media. And she said, oh, I see you were at the medical medium event. I was like, yeah, I didn't even know you knew about them. She's like, well, having some health issues, wondered if you would help. So I had a long conversation with her, went to check out the woman at the checkout, started having me a conversation about, what do I eat? Why do I eat it? It was like literally every person I ran into seemed to, I felt like I had a flashing sign above me that said, ask me about food, ask me about nutrition, ask me about medical medium. And that's not my normal experience going into the world. And I felt like I was literally carrying this glow from the event that said, and I felt like suddenly, instead of feeling weird about talking about it, I felt really empowered to talk about it. Something shifted. Something is definitely shifting, and I can feel it. And I hope it's a good thing. I hope I'm doing it. And feeling more empowered in their journey to heal. Yeah. I hope it's like vegan food, right? In so much as 10 years ago, seven years ago, say, if you went somewhere and you wanted vegan food, it was like, huh? Well, one of the people even said to me, well, how do you get your protein? And I kind of just kind of shrugged my whole shoulders. I was thinking about, what do I say about that? And they said, it's probably not even really important. That's probably a myth too, isn't it? And I was like, yep, proteins and everything. And they're like, okay, I got it. That's it. So I think the tipping point, yeah, and I think a tipping point will be reached. Anthony's told us about wars that he's won in the past. You know, there's some big ones on our hands still, but he's told us about Lyme disease being moved to viral from bacteria, like big shifts that have happened. And I'm hoping that these events feel that, that they sort of fire people up. I tell you what though, I don't care. It's not that I don't care. Whatever happens, this is the hill I die on. Like I am, you know, this is my empowerment. I'm so sure of the power of this information. But whatever happens around me in the world, this is what I will continue to do. And I find a great deal of peace in that. Yeah, I agree. It's like a choice has been made within your soul. It's that song that he's saying, I won't back down. I think Johnny Cash and that's a cover, the Johnny Cash one, but I know it from the Johnny Cash song version. I won't back down and I'll stand my ground. And that's it. Like, you know, when he talks to us about the plotters and things like this, I listen to it all, but I'm like, no, I got it the first time. You told me, I got it, I'm good. I don't need the details, but I'm going to listen to them anyway, because I want to be informed. But, you know, I don't need it explaining many ways. Well, it's in those plotter podcasts are really fascinating, because I think one of the things that's hard for a lot of people to come to is that there are really people like the plotters, I won't even say their name in the world, that there are really people who will just go after you and try to take you down and try to take other people down. And I think that lots of us just have this feeling that most people are generally good when they're not. And that's how we get ourselves in trouble. And so it's a sense of freedom, actually, to understand that there are people out there like that, and it's okay to be discerning. Yeah, and who doesn't want to hear the story of the guy that overcame the bullies? Justice. It's the story of justice. Exactly. So I'm here for the story, but I'm just saying it's like that Jerry Maguire moment where it's like, "You had me at hello." Like, "You had me when you told me it was bad." I'm like, "I'm there." The soul has made his choice. Sorry. I'm departing this earth on this path. Well, I'm so glad I actually-- It's been an interesting talk. Yeah, and this is really Amy's and my first opportunity since I came back to dive into it. So you've got front row seats to it, right? Yeah, and if I've been a little feisty, it's just because I'm excited. That's what we like about you and your feistiness. All right, everyone, we're going to sign off with the giggles here today, and we hope that you remember just how powerful your soul is today and every day, and we'll see you on our next podcast. We started Rewild Renew as a way to coach and empower others to heal and connect with their souls. The views and opinions you will hear on the Rewild Renew podcast are ours and are not meant to be medical advice. Please seek professional assistance if you feel you need it. [BLANK_AUDIO]