PFT Live with Mike Florio

Tyreek Hill traffic stop + Patriots win over Bengals in Week 1

Hour 2: Mike Florio (@ProFootballTalk) and Devin McCourty (@devinmccourty) discuss latest news in NFL including Tyreek Hill traffic stop + Patriots win over Bengals in Week 1

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(00:00) Police bodycam footage released in Tyreek Hill traffic stop

(19:18) Mike McDaniel on Tyreek Hill detainment 

(27:22) Patriots win vs Bengals recap

(35:15) Deshaun Watson sexual assault lawsuit

(42:05) Rams place WR Puka Nacua on IR

(43:50) Jordan Love will not be placed on IR

Now two pigeons and coach prime bemoaning the fact you can stream direct TV satellite free Look at these humans watching pro football on direct TV without a satellite dish I've been watching them watch football for so long. I feel like I could coach like you coach prime Coaching ain't as easy as finding your games on direct TV. How you gonna beat a corner blitz on third and low? I probably just fly over it Actually, that's pretty good stream football without a satellite dish visit direct TV calm at Slings TV we'd like to know do you want to take your level college football to the next level does a bulldog bark and a duck quack and a long horn? Moo with sling you get access to hundreds of games on the biggest networks all for the best price go with the obvious choice Streaming the games you love and saving on them, too That's taking your fandom to the next level visit and start watching live the college football you love the live TV you love sling After the 26-week grind 16 gather heroes hopfolds hot shots hot heads Their demeanor may vary their determination does not Fortune brought them to this moment Now it's up to them The racing you've waited for is now the NASCAR playoffs on NBC and USA All right before Sunday's game one of the stranger and more unusual stories that we've seen in the NFL especially week one Like we're getting ready for the season like what to write Tyree kill was detained by police And then we see the video of him on the ground face down being coughed There's another video what it looks like he was walking by an officer and maybe got hit hitting a leg That's and that one's not as clear, but what was clear was something happened and The moment Colleis Campbell's name got Injected into the conversation water-paint NFL man of the year he was handcuffed and cited for everyone He was trying to de-escalate and the whole thing to me Devin and this was how I felt yesterday It cries out for the truth We need to get to The truth and I don't want to hear body camera wasn't on or there was a malfunction And I I just I'm just glad we are down this road of Getting to the truth because a lot of times you got one version you got the other version and then you got the truth And I always think of when I see these situations because my time in New England We did a lot of work with police and community Relationships and that to me is the biggest thing is whenever you see these stops take Tyree kills name out of it Whatever it is is what relationship can be built right then in there There's like some kind of trust on how we're gonna operate and cooperate in this system And what I always do is I have two really close friends who are both in law enforcement So whenever these things happen the body cam footage came out Somebody throws it in a group chat and we go at it and we we don't always agree But we try to figure it out and one of my buddies who's in law enforcement the first thing he said was you can't roll up your window Like I don't I don't know what's going on But if I'm talking to you and you have limo tent all around your car he's like there's a fear right away once your window gets rolled up and I'm a guy that whenever I get pulled over not just my window. I go all four I roll all my windows down to create a sense of like hey I don't have anything going on in here. You can see inside the car. Everything is accessible. You can see that But I think my issue was once the door open a second cop comes in and I thought was entirely way too aggressive They say get out, you know It's escalated to that point get out and look like Tyreke Hill is going to get out of the car He gets pulled out he gets thrown like I just thought all of that went from You know now by protocol of my safety my concern. I'm gonna get you out of car Okay, we can we can understand what you agree or not. I can understand your concern for your safety and doing it I think it became the officer got pissed off that Tyreke Hill rolled up his window that the different things He was doing I think that second officer was pissed off and was like we're not gonna take that and I think I think it has to be about Your safety your concern and you operate in a way you were trained to do in all of these situations I don't think you can start to treat people on if you're pissed off of not I think all of us are in situations where if you're you're going through something or something happens and someone pisses you off You would like to react a certain way But that doesn't make it okay to react that way and I thought that's where when you look at the footage of it Was just like this whole thing went to a whole nother level to me was by the second cop coming in being so aggressive And I thought even when John new Smith and Kalei's Campbell came to try to help out I understand especially Kalei's Campbell walks up if I'm an officer I'm like hold hold on like why are you here? You're a large human being, but it felt like because of that aggression happened Everything else after that instantly became just super aggressive John and Smith is sitting there and one video and he's trying to call he's trying to figure out in the cops Like if you don't give me your license, I'm gonna detain you to it just all started I felt like it went straight to like how can we handcuff people right away and take control of a situation That it didn't feel like was so out of control again We I hate trying to speak if I was in no shoes because I'm not an officer I've never been in that so that's why I reach out to my friends and we go back and forth of trying to understand each other But again, I think the aggression from the second cop made everything go a little bit too far But I do I think initially Tyric Hill rolling down the window rolling up the window. I thought that also helped this situation move to another level And that's an excellent point you make we're gonna show the video with audio of the initial encounter in a second, but but It's possible that one side isn't absolutely right and the other side is absolutely wrong It's possible that there's fault to go around here And when you put yourself in the shoes of a police officer who's approaching a car We know that there have been occasions where that officer is approaching a car get shot Doesn't happen all the time But it's one of the risks you assume as you approach a car in the context of a stop And that's why the windows need to be rolled down. You got a tinted window You don't know what's going on inside the car window down window stays down It's it's not a power play there some of the stuff that the officers will do is a little bit of a power play Some of the stuff you're gonna see in a second a little bit of a power play But wanting a window down is a safety play wanting the window down is I want to make sure that guy doesn't pull a gun Out of his glove compartment and shoot me play. That's why the window needed to be down But that's when things you can see it goes off the rails quickly But the reaction was still in my opinion Successive, but don't take my word for it as if you ever would. Here's the video of the initial interaction between Tyree kill and Miami Dade police I have enough to let you know I'm here Keep it down hey Keep your window down Hey Keep your window down. Keep your window down. I'm gonna get you out of the car. How's a matter of fact? Get out of the car Get out of the car. Get out of the car. Get out of the car right now. We're not playing this game. Get out Get out get out get out get out get out. We'll put a product to it Hey We can't do something you do it you understand you understand not what you want, but what we tell you you're not a fucking computer Too late Now Now by the way, sorry London that was unedited uncensored audio of the officer You don't start off with don't knock on my window like that You don't look I I can be an asshole as you know Devin part of it's the schtick and You know sometimes I'm just in that mood, but I've been pulled over a few times. It's window down It's yes, sir. It's no sir. You're in a situation where you defer to the authority that is imbued within that officer It's the badge. It's the representative of the people. This is the job. They do Yes, sir. No, sir, whatever you need sir not don't knock on my window like that not just give me my ticket I'm sure they love to hear that. I pay your salary with my tax dollars I'm entitled to my ticket. Just give me my ticket not that he said that that's a Homer Simpson reference But you have to show that your attitude is one of of just basic compliance with the situation and he wasn't complying with the basic realities of the situation but They grossly overreacted he shouldn't handle it the way he did but They grossly overreacted to the situation dragging him out of the car and throwing him face down when it was clear He was ready to comply. He had gotten the message if this isn't disciplining your child where you say oh, it's too late It's too late for that mr. No, you're gonna get your punishment now We're gonna throw you down on the ground and cuff you so you learn how to comply No, once the guy's ready to comply that should be good enough Exactly and that was my issue. I think Tyrogue Hills what he did I think personally for us in our opinions of how you might handle it can differ But at that time, I don't think he did anything to warrant a hey We're gonna take you out of hand cuff you put our knee in your back like I don't think any of that was necessary In my opinion of how I handled a situation it could be better And I think sometimes we watch these videos especially as citizens and when we say well I would have done that differently so he got what he deserved no not like not at all Just because of how he approached the situation and what he thought he's worried about getting to a game He's worried about being late. He's saying give me my ticket and and even in this it was a seat belt ticket So I do wonder was his window up or down to see that he didn't have a seat belt on like trying to figure that out He did an interview on CNN last night and he said the reason he rolled his window back up Was because he's Tyrogue Hill they're right outside the stadium people are driving by He's thinking about people seeing him which again. I can understand that again I don't know if that should be the priority in a situation at that time But to me as soon as that door was open you can't determine. Hey, we're going to like you said We're gonna now discipline our child because he didn't react like I told my kids Hey, you got I asked you something two times about a third time. Hey We're too late now. Like I know you're gonna react now. I know you're gonna listen Like we you can't treat an adult like that out there So that again, I think it'll be interesting to see what exactly happens in the aftermath of this I do think it was it was awesome to hear Tyrogue Hill after say Hey, I want this to be a learning experience I I look at this and I say is this a something they can set up and maybe go into schools or do something where they Tell the boss maybe where Tyrogue Hill talks about hey if I was back in a situation Maybe I would have handled this differently. Maybe I would have done this or a cop having a cop there too saying Hey in this situation. This is how I might want to handle it This is how maybe it should be handled. I think when these things happen that never really happens We don't hear two people that either could be in a situation where I went in the situation come up and say Hey, this is how this can be handled differently So then when other people get in these situations, they maybe can say hey I saw this because that's what athletes have an opportunity to have they have the platform to go out there and say This can be done differently We can kind of show and and give people an example of how it can be done So because Tyrogue Hill right after the game spoke about that I wonder if you know, Miami date if they come out and say hey We want to take him up on that if the Miami dolphins and they combine to say How do we do things because one of my I have a friend that works down there And I think that could be awesome to see how that sets up and they can come together and figure something out because The truth of the matter is that stop happens often. We see these things in our country happen Too many times that we want whether it's you know, the percentages are low or whatever you want to call it It happens too often. So you can look at something like this and say hey We all can learn from this if we put it in a forefront and let people get out there and talk about it Instead of going to their sides and going to their corner and saying hey I was right. No, I was right Let's see if we can figure out how to have some common ground and give people an example how these interactions can be better And that's an excellent point because it's impossible for Tyrogue Hill and the Miami date police department to have a consensus as to how to proceed until they agree Mutually that they both have some fault here. They both did things that may be ideally And if what comes out of this is Tyree kill plus a representative the Miami date Police department goes around to a bunch of schools in the Miami area to explain to everyone This is what you should do. This is what you should expect This is what is okay by way of reaction from officers. This is what isn't okay This is why they want you to have your window down. This is why you need to comply I mean there's a lot of good that come out of that but they have to first degree on the fundamental reality that no one in this Setting can say We're absolutely right and you're absolutely exactly there's a lot of there's a lot of gray here A lot of gray here that everybody needs to own and process and understand That the goal should be to avoid the gray coming up When somebody gets pulled over and it was careless driving Coupled with the seat belt and I don't know what kind of careless driving he could have been engaged in As you're getting close to a football stadium on game It's not like a lot of open space But that was the original stop careless driving and then they saw that he didn't have the seat belt on he decided for both Here's Tyree kill from nbc nightly news talking about the incidence of sunday morning Have you seen what the police union has said about this? No, I haven't so the police union says you're driving leading up to this traffic incident Quote put quote others in great risk of danger So they're accusing you of driving in a dangerous manner Okay, and then they say in the aftermath you're saying you were cooperating right police union says you were not cooperating Right sounds like you very much dispute what the police union is saying I mean, you know, everybody has their own size their own version, you know, and I feel like they do that You know the kind of protect, you know, um The officer, which is right, you know, you gotta have, you know, your team made back You know, but I feel like at the end of the day, you know, um, if you if you like roll up on somebody All hostile knocking on their window and they already had got the ID You know what i'm saying ready for you. It's not like I said, you're not getting my ID You not get my ID. You know, it was one of those situations where it's like he go by ID, sir You know, and I let back up my window. He said let it down. I let it down Then that's when it went from zero to ten. The other officer came in just pulled me out See, I mean we saw the video that's not factually accurate. That's not how it went and it wasn't sir I mean he wasn't as deferential during the stop as he's leading us to believe there And he didn't put his window down and he did put it back up and they told him to put it down and didn't come down So that's the thing one version the other version and the truth And there's a lot of gray in the truth and that's what we need to get an agreement by both sides They have to own their role in this come together and find a way to turn it into a positive And I think the key is what what tari just said he expects the union Basically have their teammates back and I think when you look at these situations What if the teammates come in on both sides and say hey Probably could have handled this a little bit better. Hey, you probably could have done this Hey, you probably could have done that then you have an opportunity now to Come in and say all right. This is what we can talk about but I agree what you just said If both sides come and say hey Everybody has their own version of perspective of what happens then both sides walk away They go back because I thought as soon as the police union came out and said that which they usually always do They come out of support the officer with a fact or something in a in a protocol or some kind of training thing That as you watch it you're like I mean, I guess if you're gonna try to like circle it back on it and whip it around this way in that way Instead of saying like let's take this situation and say how could it be better? And again, I think when I look at this it feels like right now Both sides go back into their corners and say hey This is my version and my version this happened to me. It was wrong and then other person will say in my version This was wrong. So it it doesn't look like a win when I thought kalaya's campbell I thought the way he spoke about it after the after the situation I thought was as balances. I've heard anybody talk about it like hey He said my father used to teach me and tell me what somebody's getting stopped by the cops If you can come over and be a peacemaker and kind of calm down Both sides in the situation to find common ground He said because majority of cops are good people they're trying to get back They're trying to do the right thing and somebody else is maybe having a bad day or they're going through something There's a dispute or there's something going back and forth Finding common ground between those two people can be the best way to exit So maybe kalaya's is a guy like you said former wall to paint man in a year Maybe he's a guy can get involved in this and help the situation He's done a ton of work and multiple communities. So it'll be I shouldn't see how it all plays out And to the point of the police union doing the predictable thing is Tyree kill Accurately said they're going to support the members of the union even when they're in the wrong That's what they do. The flip side is the dolphins issued a statement last night after that body cam footage Became available and they said this doing what we would expect them to do We are saddened by the overly aggressive and violent conduct directed toward Tyree kill kalaya's camel and john new smith By police officers before yesterday's game. It is both maddening and heartbreaking to watch the very people We trust to protect our community and use such unnecessary Force and hostility toward these players yet is also a reminder that not every situation like this ends in peace As we were grateful this one did what if I wasn't Tyree kill is a question that will carry with resounding impact That's the dolphins position But again that obscures the police position obscures where they were clearly in the wrong The dolphins position obscures the fact that Tyree was not as cooperative and compliant as he could have been At the outset both sides have some blame here and maybe the police have more i'm not trying to parse out I'm just saying it's not as black and white as you as people always it's easier. We process and we move on You're right. You're wrong. Let's move on. It's not like the people's court with judge wopner There's a lot of situations that linger because everybody's a little bit wrong Everybody's maybe a little bit right. There's a percentage balance that you know Maybe never gets properly assessed, but that's kind of where this is and I think that that you know your instincts are right here We got to find a way to get everybody to come together And operate off the same sheet of music and have a set of facts that they agree to and not fight and argue about that How do we make this a positive step one come together now before we move on? Mike McDaniel and this was before the body cam footage came out. This was yesterday his press conference Talk about the situation. He was very emotional and it is worth your time to listen in here How might McDaniel address the situation here is? It's been hard for me not to find myself more upset The more I think about it And that's because of You know My teammates and trying to put myself in that emotion or in that situation that they've described emotionally And then knowing more than that. I think the the thing that Fucks me up honestly to be quite frank is Knowing that I don't know Exactly. I don't know what that feels like you try to put yourself If i'm clay is Campbell and i'm 38 years old and You're going to work and then That Whatever personal In a sense that you have relatives that you know he's never never had Yeah, you're you're a gigantic Strong Just miraculous man that has done right in all the way shapes and forms and and you know There's just elements to that. That's that's very triggering super proud of teammates being teammates And Super super proud of Our guys understanding the the civic responsibility of a platform and and intending to do right by it I could follow up on that. We've heard all summer how close his team has been to see two I like just teammates but new teammates and john and clay has stopped and come to his aid. I gotta imagine that's pretty powerful coaching moment for you It's what you hope you Great stuff from mike mcc janiel and this is just one of those things that really can't help a team come together There are the artificial ways that coaches and players try to do it And then there are the things that just happen This is something that happened nobody wanted it it would have been better if it hadn't happened But it's a way for the dolphins to come together And it is a way for the dolphins to come together with the police if they can just find a middle ground On how this thing unfolded if they can set aside the predictable circling of the wagons and come together in the middle There's a lot of good that can come out of this debon And people often ask they look at mike mcc janiel and they're like I don't understand it. He seems he just seems quirky. He seems goofy. He seems like a nerd like how do players respect that and like watching that press conference is why like to go to the press conference and and easily speak about tyrik hill and and calleis and Only hit and john new and only hit their character who they are as people. That's one thing But the fact that he openly goes and says like I don't know what they'll ever feel like as You honestly what he's saying as a black man being pulled over and being stopped by officers like Having a coach go out there and and being willing to go in the media at your press conference and talk about that Like guys understand that guy cares about me as a person And that to me is like the biggest thing of like, you know, reporter asked him, you know, john new and calleis or new Things like that goes outside of the scope of just being a teammate. That's hey. We're in here every day. We're working Like Yes, we've worked but we all have families were fathers were husbands Like we ultimately know our goal is to raise our kids the right way being our homes So when those two guys stop, they're not thinking about tyrik hill to god. That's going to go score ad r touch now They're stopping because they know what it means to be stopped by a cop as a black man and america and Everyone can go and look at the statistics or that but Every person who's ever been stopped and you're a young black man and you know for tyrik hill driving an expensive car Like there's fear usually that goes off right away That's why I said when I get stopped I roll down all of my windows right away To make sure that i'm not viewed as a threat So I have to say big credit to mike mcdano to be willing to go out there and get emotional and speak about The difference of maybe when he stopped or how he feels into ultimately say like it crushes him to know like he can't ever Be in that situation. He can't think about what it feels like for tyrik hill to be in a similar situation or calleis Campbell to knowing he doesn't have to stop he can drive by look out his window and keep going But to decide to stop and get out of the car Knowing right away at his size when he gets out of the car Instantly it makes somebody probably a little apprehensive seeing him come up to him But to go out there and do that I have to say mike mcdano go out there right after the game Not sit there and say you know what i'll give a short kind of comment on this and then I'll i'll wait for more information. You hit you said it to it This was before the body cam footage came out to just say you know what i'm going to go out there and i'm going to give Exactly how I feel in this moment be vulnerable and say it I think that's why when you look at the mind me dolphins as a team and how their players Kind of go out there and play and what they think of him It's all built around his personality his character and what he displays to that team Uh, I have a lot of respect for what he's done in Miami. Uh, it's been it's been fun and cool to watch it And the bottom line devan and I think we agree on pretty much everything We've said for the last 20 minutes or so about this, but we absolutely agree on this reality It started off from the officer's perspective as a legitimate concern for his safety at some point It morphed into punishment How dare you not comply exactly that's when you're dragged out of the car That's when you're faced down. That's when you're made to be a public embarrassment and all of this stuff goes on because you failed to comply with the initial directive to keep your window down and You know, we thought you were kind of rude to us the way to react to that isn't You snap your fingers and say all right. You've gone too far. Now. You're gonna get your punishment Now you're gonna get dragged out of the car now you're gonna get embarrassed and we're gonna make you feel a certain way on the ground Because you weren't as compliant as you could have been. That's where I think for me It went too far That whole thing could have been avoided but the consequence for Not being as compliant as maybe they would have liked at the outset and putting the window up shouldn't be we're gonna drag you out of the car Exactly and exactly and do what happened. That's that's the fundamental thing that needs to be addressed But there's still other layers and levels I think to get to the point where everyone's on the same page and I hope they find a way to get on the same page And And turn this into the biggest positive that it can be not just Miami coast to coast As we talk about it as others talk about it We can all learn a lesson from it on as a police officer or as a person behind the wheel how to properly Feel your role Devin in those situations when they happen because they happen all the time driving down the road Somebody's pulled over driving down the road. Somebody's pulled over it happens all the time Yep I agree and there's plenty of good ones, but how do we stop? The couple times or this happens and it goes sideways. What is the way to make sure it's just a stop? You did this wrong Either get a ticket. You don't get a ticket and everybody goes on their way and gets back to their homes Safely because that's what it's about. So I agree 100 percent with it. Amen All right, let's take a break one return. We're gonna talk about Devin's Patriots to copie per set Led the team to a surprise win that didn't stop new head coach rod mayo from cracking a joke or two At your Kobe's expense. That's next tier on pft live Now two pigeons and coach prime be moaning the fact you can stream direct tv satellite free These humans get the biggest college football games on direct tv and we don't even get a satellite dish enough squawk it It's coach prime bring it in sure they can get all that college football without a dish But you still got your passion you're dry your resolve your incredible career as a football icon No, that's me stream the biggest college football games. No satellite dish. Visit direct At sling tv we'd like to know do you want to take your level college football to the next level? Does a bulldog bark and a duck quack and a long horn uh move With sling you get access to hundreds of games and the biggest networks offer the best price Go with the obvious choice streaming the games you love and saving on them too That's taking your fandom to the next level visit and start watching live the college football You love the live tv you love sling After the 26 week grind 16 gather heroes hopeful hot shots hot heads Their demeanor may vary their determination does not Fortune brought them to this moment Now it's up to them The racing you've waited for is now the nascar playoffs on nbc and usa Are you planning on saying something before every game to jacobie bersett to make some cry I always I always uh, I feel like someone who has the ball in his hands every play I need to make sure we're on the same page and you know He went out there and displayed a lot of them like, you know, it's a tough guy There's a tough guy that it really doesn't matter And I talked about pulling the nose up on the plan and he did that a few times and and actually made some plays with his legs Which is uh, what's this surprising? He's like probably the slowest black quarterback in the league. No Girard man talking about jacobie bersett getting it done. They and look the bangles notoriously start slowly Joe burrow is now one in eight in week one and week two of the regular season It really is amazing when we had that stat yesterday. I couldn't believe it I didn't realize that they struggled that much and that consistent still to go into sincinati with the team that From a talent standpoint was regarded as one of the bottom two or three in the league And just work the plan have the right blueprint be physical And beat the bangles a team that some envision getting very deep into the post season some like chris sims Predicting to win it all and maybe they will because joe burrow knows how to finish May not know how to start but he knows how to finish That was impressive by the patrons that probably was one of the most impressive and unexpected wins of the weekend Yeah, and I got to start off with this because as soon as I I had already saw jacobie come out and say he cried before the game So I was already planning to to get on him in a little group chat We have but then jaraa mayo goes out absolutely crushes him about being slow So I send it to jacobie. I'm like you so you over here crying for this man before the game And he's over here clowning you after the game and we have a good laugh with a couple of us in the group chat But and I will I've been heavy on getting on the bangles because I thought like You just can't you can't perform that way when you have those expectations But I have to say I will give credit to the bangles about progressing through a season and finishing the right way That is that is the most important thing about being in a season that you have to get better But I do think they can't start this way But to get to the Patriots I got a lot of backlash when I picked the Patriots last and I stand by picking them last But people have to know because I picked somebody last doesn't change Where I am as a fan. I am a Patriots fan. So I'm in the game sunday I'm rooting for these guys that go win. I hope they win. I told david Andrews I said, I hope y'all hung what I said on bullets and board material and you go when every game and you're like f deadman McCordie I said, I'm all for that. I hope you guys go and win and do well But I think it showed and we talked about a little bit in the last segment I think it showed what these guys think of jarrod mayo how they feel about him as a coach You saw so many of these guys walking back to the locker room screaming Oh, what y'all thought what do you think was going to happen? We're going to show them of like this team has been built up all it is Energy and anger of everybody saying all these bad things about them And me included in that same circle and they're like everyone thinks this way But they don't know what we have here And I think that starts with jarrod mayo of being a coach That not only is going to get the exes and those and you know a lot of people walked away from this game It was like this is an old school bill bellet check game point Like I was trying to tell people that from the whole time like jarrod mayo play for bill bellet check He coached under bill bellet check Yes, this player's coach and him, you know, the boston media was killing him all he wants to have a good relationship We got at his core He is a hard nose middle linebacker who wants to work his butt off to try to win And that's what this team looked like they looked like they were going to outwork Cincinnati for however long it was going to take and it was it was fun to see as a patriot fan Them go to Cincinnati and do what they did because it it let you know This team is going to fight all year and try to figure out ways to go win One of the things that happens in the NFL dev and when a team fires Ahead coach a team finds a replacement who is the exact opposite opposite of the last coach in all ways Personality approach everything and I thought it went so badly last year for the Patriots That they would have scrapped the pre-existing plan for jarrod mayo to be the successor everybody's gone We got to clean the decks. We got to start from scratch They didn't go exact opposite, but I think jarrod mayo is different enough from bill bellet check It's kind of like a best of both worlds. We got some continuity with our approach given the roster that we have But the personality and the approach is different enough that it's the kick in the ass that maybe the organization needed Yeah, I think you know from our relationship with with mr. crab robert craft the ceo to patriots He tells you right away. What bill bellet check was able to do there is unprecedented like they Respect and love everything he was able to do for the organization. He changed the organization Totally like turn them into a dynasty all of those good things. So the ability and Availability to have a guy that mr. crab was a part of drafting in 2008 He's gotten to know jarrod not only as a player but when jarrod walked away from football or attire in 2015 It his next job started with a relationship. He got and built through mr. craft So it's not like these guys stopped being friends. They continue to be around each other then when jarrod came back in the building mr. crab he's to come to all the different meetings and I remember sitting by him in meetings and he would come in a meeting and You know bill would start off the meeting and then you know Sometimes he would be in there a little after and we would jump right to defense and jarrod would now be up there talking And you know mr. crab would turn to me you go. How do how do guys like jarrod? What do you think about jarrod? So this was a guy that they knew in the building Hey, it's going to be fun and cool to see how he grows and I think that was a unique Chance that the patrons had of having a guy home grown that they watched grow up Learn under what they considered the greatest coach of all time But also be a different person and you see that with this team They still have the bill bell check foundation of fundamentals hard-nosed tough football team But just a little different approach on how jarrod mayo is I hope that in response to the question from mr. craft you praised jarrod mayo and will hold over him for his entire career with the You had the chance to torpedo everything and you didn't so he owes you Bigly I mean, honestly, it probably owes me A little percent of that coaching contract and I am all for it. I'm different. I'm different as up. Hey his first contract Do what you got to do. I don't need anything when he gets that extension over there That's what i'm going to come back and say. Hey, i'm just saying guy asked me a lot of questions I could have said I have no idea why you're back in this building. You're really just a businessman But I didn't I praised him and look where he is now. So that's a good point I'll probably hire you as my lawyer to get that done By the way the word bigly possibly reentering the lexicon tonight That's maybe why it reentered my brain this morning, but enough of that. Let's take a break when we return a new legal issue British on Watson and the Cleveland Browns Not the Browns directly, but it's an issue that they're going to have to Figure out as we try to figure out what this new case is about and what impact it could have on Watson moving forward We'll discuss that next year on pft live Brown scored back to shawl watson was sued yesterday in houston another plaintiff making very similar allegations to the 20 plus plaintiffs who flooded to the courthouse in early 2021 preceding the 11 game suspension we were under the impression that that phase of The de shawn watson off field situation was over that if there was going to be any new litigation It would be from some new incident when I first heard about yesterday dev and I thought Well, did he do something recently the incident was october of 2020 Usually you got a two-year window to file the lawsuit But under texas law for sexual assault. It's a five-year statute of limitations Which would explain why this case is able to at least be pursued It doesn't mean the allegations are true, but it is a lawsuit that has been filed into shawl watson now has to deal with it And one of the big questions What will the league do about it? Will the league view this as something that Hasn't previously been addressed in the discipline of de shawl watson and secondly And i've got the lots of lots in contract with the browns There's language in there that basically says as long as he disclosed these things us The ones he disclosed to us in writing before he was signed Those can't be held against him if there's something he didn't disclose If this is a case that he didn't share with them and he would get suspended There's a way the browns could rip up the rest of the contract and avoid the 92 million He's owed after this year So there's some high stakes involved in what happens with this case It's all still very early, but this is the kind of thing And again, these are just allegations They're very similar to the allegations made in the past Although the sex there's a sexual assault twist on this one that is different from most of the other cases But this is something new. We thought this was over watson might have thought it was over as well Now at some level the league had no comment, but the league's gonna have to address it The browns are gonna have to address it and watson clearly is going to have to address it in court For the browns do they need the league to do something for That part of the contract to be able to say we're going to release you and rip it up Does a league have to suspend him or something before before that to happen That's a great question and the contract is a little convoluted on this point I tried to parse out the language last night I think at the end of the day he has to be suspended before the browns could exercise It's paragraph 42 of the contract where they could avoid the future guarantees and move on from de shawn watson So the league would have to suspend him and when the league went forward back in 2022 With it's in house process that now has An independent person judge su robinson who heard all the evidence The league picked a handful of cases of allegations to use in the case against de shawn watson And if i'm the union my first argument would be That was your chance if you knew or should have known about this other one that was just filed and you didn't go forward with it then That was your opportunity to do it I think the league as a threshold matter would have to show And the union would likely fight them on this that they didn't know and had no reason to know about the lawsuit That was just filed Now that's going to be a key. Can they even proceed? Will they proceed and the browns won't be able to do anything unless the league successfully proceeds and gets him suspended at least one game Yeah, all the legal stuff. I'll let you handle that. That's that's above my pay grade But I think From my time in NFL the interesting thing of all of these situations guys have big contracts And you spoke spoke about suspension is as a player you should always know Suspensions can avoid Guarantees in a contract a contract. So When you look at these things right away you look at how's this individual been playing and when you look at de shawn watson It hasn't looked good and you look at sunday against the cowboys me I was talking to my brother about this Going back over the game you look at cleveland's defense, you know, we were on our show sunday night And we were like, hey, this defense hasn't looked good to last two outings against houston against that I was wronged about this this defense didn't play bad defense They gave him really two drives other drives. It was like 15 yards 13 yards 17 yards And that set up a field goal coming off of turnovers from the offense the defense didn't have an opportunity Mainly because of how poorly the offense played and this team now has been talked about a lot, you know Since sunday they've thrown in other quarterbacks joe flacco jacobie percette all of these quarterbacks have really Handled and performed in the offense better than de shawn watson has played. He's had some games in there I've talked to calvanoi played against baltimore last year where de shawn watson was running He was throwing he looked somewhat like the old de shawn watson But now you look at what's going on. It's like hey cleveland are they really looking right now saying hey We got to find a way to get out of this because of the way de shawn watson is playing Hey devin I I really can't recall with any clarity what i said during yesterday's show because of the whole sleep deprivation thing for the last week But i'm pretty sure that when sims and i were talking about how de shawn watson looked yesterday. I said the browns would Would probably love to have something fall out of the sky where that where he could be suspended and they could get out of those guarantees Because that's how ruthless teams are they know they made a mistake, but they can't get out of it They own the balance of the 46 million this year 46 million next year 46 million a year after that fully guaranteed and The only way out is if he would get suspended and they could void the guarantees and and boom there it was I had no idea this was coming and boom there it is It doesn't mean it's going to give them that get out of jail freak card, but it's at least on the radar screen No, exactly and every team has done it. So if you're outside you might not know, but anybody's been involved in it You know teams are looking to do that to get out of bad contracts All right, we got to take a break more on the rams and their injury issues when this tuesday edition of pft live continues right after this Draftkings is the number one place to bet touchdowns and new customers can bet five dollars and get two hundred and fifty dollars in bonus bets Instantly plus get one month of nfl plus premium download the app and use promo code pft live when you sign up There's always please bet responsibly. Okay, the rams had an issue with hooking a poo in training camp knee week to week now same knee injured pcl sprain week to week On injured reserve that means he will miss it list four games That that It's almost like they've never had cooper cup and puka to cool a line up Imagine how good they could be if they consistently had both of them healthy and available to matthew staffer That was one of the things I wrote down leading into opening weekend of what does this team look like with both These guys healthy and then I remember puga got her in training camp But I saw all the things I had he'll be ready to go week one week And then he gets out there and he gets hurt and he's just looking he's just like matthew staffer So unbelievable in that game you have your stu your two star in tackles Don't play one of the backup tackles gets hurt and he's still in there throwing the ball all around Cooper cup looks like old cooper cup different than last year and then you're just like how do they get over Puka nukula getting hurt and going on ir It's just like can they maintain and him be able to come back And be the same type of player we saw last year he's younger. So hopefully when he comes back He's healthy and he can play somewhat to the way he played in a level he played at last year matthew staffert is the low key toughest sob in all of sports He never says a thing about his injuries. He never tries to embellish it make excuses Hey, I got three broken toes like ben rottesberger said after his ricki year when he lost to you guys Well before you were even with the Patriots never any attention to it. Just go out and go about your business The problem is the Rams have a lot of injuries to work through all right speaking of injured reserve Jordan love will not be on injured reserve. What does that mean about when we will see him next? That's next year up bft Friday night in brazil late in the game packers trying to pull out the victory Jordan love got caught up between a couple of eagles got rid of the ball hit the ground hard it looked Very bad at first. There was video of you can see something pop in the knee It's an mcl sprain. I'm told that based upon what they thought on friday night The mri was as good as it possibly could have been and i'm also told he's expected back debon week four week five or six And that would explain why Jordan love was not placed on injured reserve because you have to miss at least four games They're holding out hope for him to be back week four Have him out week two have him out week three and maybe he's ready to go I think they have to just make sure they don't rush this this guy's a future He still looked pretty good coming back open in a week Against philadelphia throwing the ball all around the field. So I just think they can't rush this understand It's a it's a big season for them a lot of expectations coming in different than last year You look at the the schedule right there if they could get them back against the Rams I'm sure they would feel pretty good. You know titans colts bikens it mixed in there some tougher games a little bit of figuring out but You bring a guy back too early from a knee injury how he can move around jordan loves a mobile guy What he can do what he can't do him understanding that I would be very nervous about bringing him back early I would err on a side of caution with this I know we got to go to break Any second now, but debon malik willis just got there like how how in the world do you get a guy ready when he just got there? I think you play towards what he knows you sit down with him when he comes in all right How do you feel about these do you go out there and you practice you try to find where he's comfortable at and I think with the floor I think he's done a good job of understanding that I think getting jordan love and having to go through that him as a young guy Probably what err Rogers could do compared to what he was doing So I think they've have some experience with that, but you have to go to what willis knows not necessarily what you know What you want to do There was a report they reached out to ryan tanhill tanhill wasn't interested because he don't want to come back for two or three games He's gonna he's gonna wait for a spot where you can go and play for the rest of the season All right quick break and we'll wrap up this Tuesday edition of pft live right after this Made reference to this earlier in the program There's debon Up on the box at the suggestion of his brother jason mccordie because as I said They put you between uh between excuse me the redwoods out there with maria taylor and chris sims chris sims a giant straight down the beanstalk dason garret six two. He's a sneaky six two Uh those buck you know, it's it's funny debon. I used to like stand Um, you know with folks who were not as tall as me behind certain desks and I would see that they'd give them a box But then they put me next to dan patrick who's six four chris sims who's six five. I didn't get no box This new studio. I love the new studio There's there's no desk. I don't get to stand behind a desk. Give me a box. Give me something I'm just exposed out here and it doesn't help in this new studio because there's no desk Maria always has her heels on now. So now it goes from six to top standing between two people were like six five and six four So it's all good. I tell people I was fast and I was strong I don't get to show that anymore. So they look better than me because they're tall people. I just don't I wasn't blessed that way What's your official height? 511 We're the same height People think i'm five too. Can you tell the world that I am your height, please? I saw you posted you next to jason garret. He's like, I swear people. I am not five six. Yeah Gloria he's not a giant like I was around peter strager peter strager is like six four You're average height you could have played in the NFL back in the day. Gloria people think i'm five. Oh, not there's anything wrong with it But i'm not Now two pigeons and coach prime bemoaning the fact you can stream direct tv satellite free Look at these humans watching pro football on direct tv without a satellite dish I've been watching them watch football for so long. I feel like I could coach like you coach prime Coaching ain't as easy as finding your games on direct tv. How you gonna beat a cone of blitz on third and long? I probably just fly over it Actually, that's pretty good stream football without a satellite dish visit direct At sling tv, we'd like to know do you want to take your level college football to the next level? 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