Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #113 - The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie 1989

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Well... we did it. We finished out the Toxic Avenger trilogy. Now we'll never have to watch Toxic Avenger agai... What's that? There's another one? And a reboot on the way? Ah man.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes and Charlie Shaw

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. The interview from D.C. to M.P.E. with five more. One down the field. One down the field. One down the field. Was this the career? There's four of these. Yeah, there is. I don't want to talk about this. Joey, don't make me do this. I mean, but we watched it and we kind of have to talk about it. Come on, intro's in. Ladies and gentlemen, brothers, sisters, gender resistors. I'm sorry. But what you are about to listen to, which is the comic book rundown presents rundown reviews. I don't know who brings it to you anymore. I don't know really anything of any. Wait, wait, wait. Substance. Very realistically. The reason we are watching this is because of you, Chuck. That is kind of true. Okay. Okay. This is me pointing at you, Chuck. Kind of true. Only because they're on the list anyway. It was just a matter of when we got to them and I kind of forgot about them. So. Okay. We watched the first toxic Avenger because Chuck wanted to watch it. And now. Good. Well, after seeing these two and three. I can agree with you, Chuck. The first toxic Avenger is good. Relatively. relatively. So we watched toxicamender three citizen toxic. No, no, no, last the last the last of the last of the rotation of toxic. Yeah. If you watch this and doxy, no, no, very interesting discussion. No, no, no, no, no, no, I started auto playing. Okay. Yeah. So okay, so that brings up a good question. Hi, I'm Joe. That's Ron. That's Chuck. Hey, everybody. What did you guys watch this on? I watched it on Amazon, but it went through something else that I had to watch. Yeah, I had to watch commercials with it. Okay, I watched it on peacock. Yes. Same. So commercials were in the beginning, and then no commercials throughout the whole movie, which is three and a half minutes of commercials. And then I got to watch. So I got up and went to the bathroom. That's fair. Yeah. I was like, yeah, you can roll the commercials. I'm not gonna be. It's the same commercial for three and a half minutes. Yeah, you're not wrong there either. Yeah, it was brutal. This movie was the same movie as to because we had like half of the film of two in this movie, literally. Yeah. And parts of one. Well, a couple scenes from one, yes, but they were actually taking scenes from to like the whole apocalypse apocalypse incorporated scene where they're at the table talking. That was literally the scene from the second movie. Look, I don't know why I that well, they added a few things at the end. But I was happy to be the bond was still there. Yeah, he's even smaller role. Yeah, as I was as I so my takeaway from all this was like two things. One, I don't have any brain cells after washing this movie at all, because this was the thing, the weird thing is this wasn't even as bad as two. Some of the jokes were okay. I agree with Chuck. I think this was better than two. This was better than two. But I found myself going after a lot of a lot of the scenes and stuff, repeatedly saying, Oh, because it's satirical, which like, mainly everything like, but my but my issue is, when you lean hard into very bad stereotypes, that was like what satirical humor was in the 80s. And that's what they were trying to do. And this is really nine. Like, yeah, and I feel like if I was to complain about this movie to somebody who was a big fan of it, they would just go, you don't get it. You don't get it. It's satirical. And I think that person can be very wrong. I think that the person can can be wrong and sit in the wrongness and still think that this movie is okay. It's fine. But God damn it. We've already seen the movie is not fine, Chuck. You can't describe every movie as fine. I didn't say perfectly fine. I said it was fine. This movie is fine. I get why people liked it. I get why if you liked the first one, and this was like funny shit lordy humor of like this era out, and you were a kid when you saw this, not even a kid. If you were like a teenager, a shitlord teenager, I I'm starting to kind of understand a lot about my exercises. Like, why she liked this series and why she liked trombo she was a shitlord teenager. Chuck, do we need to talk? No, well, I think she was like, emotionally, but she was very much older than me. Okay, but regardless of that. I don't think she'll ever hear this. It's fine. But I we I we heard all the jokes already. So like, my takeaway with a lot of sequels and why I don't like comedy sequels is like you have to do better than the last one, or at least attempt to do better than last one. Correct. And a lot of times in like comedy sequels, it's the same fucking jokes over again. Yeah, this is now the third movie where we've watched the same damn jokes. And they weren't good really the first time. So not only is this like not good because it's now the third time we've watched it. But like, you're not even trying to be better at anything that you are trying to be better at when somebody calls you out and it probably the response is gonna be well, we're being satirical. The joke is that it's a parody of itself at this point. Like, I can hear those people saying like it's a parody of itself at this point. At this point, the joke is that we are literally reusing scenes from previous movies. The joke is that we are making fun of this movie within the movie. And that we are setting up for the fourth one. Yeah, which they do say that a few different times. I think at one point, the what's her the girlfriend's name, like Claire, thank you. She even says like, remember, in the first movie scene nine, whatever, like, yeah. Okay, why was with having a person for Red Eagle throughout this whole movie, the whole entire movie. Because it's because you can, because it's a reason to get people to talk. Like, they weren't doing it back then like they are. Like we've seen that a billion times. And also this didn't like the joke didn't land. There was no joke to it. They were just doing it for the sake of doing it. I guess that's what it felt like. Well, I mean, there was even that one part where they were doing like the flashback sequence. And like in every like third picture was her crotch is spread eagle. Like, I don't understand. I guess that's the just movie has a bunch of jokes that you that you think setting like they're setting up for something to pay off later. And they don't like I think the thing is like, I was expecting the spread eagle thing to be a running joke that eventually pays off at the end. I don't know how I don't know what I was expecting, but I was expecting it to pay off somehow. I don't know, maybe a demon shoots out or I who knows, but actually I got a dick the whole time. Yeah, something stupid like that, or she gives birth to toxic baby. I don't know. Maybe maybe her she's have to have it spread open because all of toxic is come because when she does have the bedpan, it's all like the pee is all like green stuff. Maybe it's so acidic in there that needs breathing room. Yeah. Okay, sure. Like something like yeah, I mean, you're applying a logic to an illogical situation. But that's the kind of thing that somebody like you were describing would say like, Oh, yeah, it's because she's having sex with toxic toxic eventual time and he shouldn't toxic come in her. So of course, she has to have her legs open constantly. But that makes no sense. No, it's like the fact that he is a toxic person, and not just toxic in a bad way. He literally would be killed. Yeah, literal toxic person. Yeah. Anytime he has sex with her would be killing her. Right. And he never takes off his um, leader hosings. So you know, I was very confused on how they actually have sex. It's just a lot of dry humping. Like is is he? Are they dry humping or is he like a duck at the whole time? She goes down on him later on in the show with his pants on. Well, they're under the covers. But we don't know. She may have pulled her hands down. If we could real quick, maybe maybe it's over the panty, you know, like, yeah, I mean, head over to YouTube to our YouTube channel. And in the comments, write what shirt you think Joey's wearing. And we will reveal it at the end. Because I have, I have my suspicions, but I haven't seen enough of it to guess enough just yet. I have seen this shirt. So I'm out. That's true. Okay, go ahead and over there. Do that. You speak your shirts. However, link in the thing. So, uh, Joey, set me a yeah. Oh, yes. We got a cease and desist from Disney. For yes. Rogue in the hut. Uh huh. Now, as far as I am aware has never ever once been in a Disney movie. No, so I an intellectual property of Disney. I explained it to Chuck. Uh, I think because it asked for a tag. And I put Star Wars as a tag. And so then if whoever is following those tags sees a hut creature, I think that's why I got taken down. Now, mind you, I went back, I reuploaded it, changed the name a little bit and changed the tags. So the shirt is back there on T public. Um, if you didn't, if you didn't name it, Rogan D's nuts, I'm going to be so upset with you. So anyways, just got to go reread. Hold on. But so we've so officially part of my art has been cease and desist. Is this like checking like, uh, like, uh, it is. I'm going for you. It actually is. Does that get a gate ceased and desistened by Disney for a piece of art has been on my bucket list since I found out they were doing it to people. The best joke we've ever come up with of Rogan the Hut. And it got flagged and I that, you know, God, God bless y'all. Go buy the shirt. You deserve treat yourself. You deserve it. Head over to red bubble or tea public. Uh, specifically tea public, I think we said. They got the better shirts. Yeah. Yeah, they got the better shirts. Better quality. It's a better shirt or you can get over it. Head over If you signed up at the 301 tier for one whole year and then you send us a screenshot of you signed up for it, you will get one of those shirts first by people. So far, nobody's done it. Why? Why? Why? Because you're a loser? I guess so. I guess you're a big loser who doesn't want a shirt and directly help support this show. Uh, Ron, I got to ask you specifically. Um, do you feel like toxic Avenger collectively as a story? Tells a good like arc of a hero? Well, Chuck, no. All right. So like, I'm trying to think of all the like the literary heroes, right? Like, like all of the, like the, the story arc. So there's like the tragic and the modern and the romantic and the, and the chivalric and what is he? What is his like classification of hero? So that's New York. Jersey's first superhero, I guess. Yeah. He's also not New Jersey's first superhero. According to them, they are. He is. But, I mean, didn't like Felkin come from New Jersey? Wasn't that part of the thing? Yeah, I think it's from Jersey. There's definitely somebody from Jersey. The good name Mike does the sandwiches, I think. Yo, I actually had that for dinner. Uh, I'm a, I'm a skur for a, for a good grinder and, um, Jersey Mike's makes a really solid original Italian. I love Jersey Mike, man. Yeah, I'm a, I'm a sucker for it. I mean, like, it's not the best so I've ever had and there's better in town, but a time of recording, it's a Sunday and, um, the place that I usually get subs is not open. So Jersey Mike's not terrible. Love the juice. You gotta get Mike's juice, man. It's good stuff. Uh, Ron, have you ever seen this movie? This is my first time watching this one. Is your first time, Joey, your first time watching it? First time. So I realized halfway through that I've seen this movie before. Are you sure just wasn't thinking you saw the second one because half the season was the second one? So no, because it's the only scene in this movie that isn't a repeat. The part where the devil/peraman CEO guy, whatever he's supposed to be, would be, uh, wish Tim Curry. Yes, literally wish Tim Curry. Uh, I see me. Come on. It's 2024. I have to try Timo. Yeah. The Timo. Timo, really. Um, it's one like trying to, like he puts the bus on the, on the, um, cliff. Yeah. The rewinds. Yeah. And I really get ragged off though. He does ragdow all the way up that cliff, which made absolutely no sense. Of which was a rewind, which was great. I realized at that point, I've watched this before on television and it was on G four. That makes sense. Yeah. So like they, they arity originally, but they blurred any of the like the nudity out. And I believe they did it like, it was like a Labor Day marathon where they ran all of them. Well, can I remember, um, attacking the show, having trauma, is it? Wait, is it? Lord Kaufman, is that the? Yeah. Yeah. He had him on a few different times. So like they were friends with Lloyd. And so they, I believe he did something for them. They like made a movie together. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So showing the, the trauma films makes sense on G four. Back when G four was actually good. Is it even anything anymore? Oh, no. And it came back for like, oh, that's right. It was on Twitch or whatever. And I died again. Like it's completely gone now. That's because nobody, I mean, they had like Kevin. What's his name? Kevin. Kevin prayer. Yeah, they had Kevin per come back and they had, I think the X play guy. Yeah. Adam, Adam, something. He came back and then a whole new crew. Um, I feel like Morgan came back too and some sort of role. He came back for like the inaugural episodes. Yeah, the one they all did. They all did. Olivia Munn came back, which I mean, that was, I mean, here's the whole reason why I watched the show back in the day. Yeah, she was really good. She was really funny on that. Yeah, she really was. And she's kind of the reason why I watched some of like the movies that she's been in. Yeah, that's been great, but I've watched them. Yeah. But like, they weren't ever able to get a TV deal. They were just trying to make enough content to stay on Twitch. And like the internet's fucking shitty, you know, like the internet shitty and the the women specifically had to deal with a lot of bullshit when they were doing the relaunch and everything. And like, I remember at one point, they took like an hour to like address it. They're like, we see the fucking comments. Like treat us like with respect, we are knowledgeable people and we know what we're doing. And you just writing these heinous comments to us, like doesn't fix the problem of what, you know, all these issues, it was weird. But well, it also didn't help that they didn't really have a lot of content either. Like they had talking the show and they had X playback. But that wasn't holding, you know, the network together. And, you know, they tried a couple other things. I think they had like a D&D. You do a live play for a while. And a couple other things that I watch. I was trying to watch us trying to give it the views, but it was rough. I think I remember at the very end, because like I said, there was on cable at the very end, they just kept thing kept showing old like skits and old clips. Yeah, previous shows and I basically that last week and then like, all right, sign on, then we're gone. But it's hard when you don't have stuff already pre-recorded, you know what I mean? Like the thing that made G4 so fucking cool was they had the original Ninja Warrior, which was like 20 years old at the time. They had Brainiac. That was a UK show that they just got the rights to. Like, there's a lot of stuff that kept that show really going and they had a couple original stuff. I remember Code Monkeys, which was the main, I love that show. It's a six, six 8-bit cartoon. Yeah, 8-bit cartoon, which they got two seasons. It was fun. I loved it. It was fun. Even the original one had a show, I don't know if you guys remember, it's called Portal. So this was like way, way back and like they had it was like an episodic show, but they were using MMORPGs to like shoot all of the like, like action and stuff. Like he essentially was like jumping through all the games. And like he would talk to like the other people. It was really, if you guys can find there's a really good documentary about the show specifically and how it was all written. It was pretty much just like a small crew writing it and stuff and it was really good. So go check that out. It was really good. That's my idea of what you guys are talking about at all. So well, because we don't want to talk about this movie because the stupid answer. Dude, okay, so what the hell is it with this month and movies dropping the F-bomb? Yeah, well, I mean like I wasn't surprised in this. I don't know why I was surprised in Predator necessarily because once again I would like to say Jesse did get a pass. As part of the community he got, he gets one. So if he doesn't get in, I didn't know Jesse was gay. No, as honorary part of the council, I'm giving him a pass. Oh, gotcha. He is, as we say, invited to the Suarez, okay? Like, gotcha. You have to allow the conspiracy nut. But there was a lot of anti-gay stuff in this movie. There was a lot of it. Ron, it was satirical. Oh, yeah, yeah. Ron, it's satirical. Also in the late 80s, so. Yeah, it was okay. I mean, the stereotype like, um, your skies in the beginning was like painful. Yeah. Did they change, um, the toxic Avengers voice in this one again? No, same voice. Oh, because this sounded super- It changed the guy who played Melvin, though. Yeah, yeah, I saw that. That was hideous. Uh, he was offering a chance to come back, but, uh, he didn't know what he wanted nothing to do with this. Well, according to the idea, it was because of pay issues. Now, I'm sure it's probably that that could, there was that one documentary you said you watched after the documentary. Yeah, the documentary. It's on Amazon and I, for the life of me, can't remember what it's called now. But like, he just disappears after this. Yeah. Like, he wants nothing to do with toxic Avenger. He just kind of goes into hiding for a long time. And then like in like 2015, I think somewhere around there, starts coming back and actually doing conventions around, around it and stuff. But yeah, like he hated this and just didn't want to do it anymore. And he won movie, you know, it was like, yeah, it was weird. That sucks. Um, yeah, I could have done without Claire singing in this movie also. Was she actually singing and playing the accordion? Yeah. Oh, that's what I was gonna say. Um, you had mentioned you thought the voice was different. Uh, if you recall when we did the second one, I think I had said that they had shot both of these back to back. So it would have been the same guy. Gotcha. And that makes more sense when you look at the background characters and all of them are literally the same characters. Yeah. Also, um, there are a couple spots in the movie where they had like this really weird, like, um, it almost sounded like somebody was up against the microphone blowing in it. They just left into like the noise. It was like, but it was like a whole part of the movie that you couldn't even like wherever the hell was going on. It sounded so messed up. I think I remember that part. I think I remember hearing that part. Oh, yeah, the audio issues. Yeah. They just, they just opted to not take it out. I'm sure it was like an itch, like a problem. They didn't mean to do it, but they were just like, we're not editing this. Like we're not, we're not going to do anything. You know, how probably difficult that would have been in like the 80s. It's hard to do now in 2024. That's why all the booms are heard all the time because nobody's going to go in and take that out digitally and I mean, you have to do it like that. Yeah, you have to understand this, the budget of this movie was only $2 million. So they go, we offer the guy 30. 30. I got a crack at that. That was one of the good jokes. Oh, man. The fact that they got two mil to make this, but it was two million for both movies. Remember that. Yeah. That's true. So that's why they did. I did. It was the same time. It did feel like Toscovar's face was better in this one than in the second one, but I did change. That's for certain. Like it was not the same one as the first or second movie. It looked different. I don't know, but there's a part of me that wonders if it broke, you know what I mean? Like, they just like ruined it and they had a bunch of extra backups. Probably. So probably they filmed that scene where he melts last. So like, you see him like, or maybe they filmed that first and you see him like poking his face. And that's probably why it got changed throughout the movie. Yeah, because it actually got ruined. Could have been. Especially since the Toxie 4 doesn't come out for like until like 2002. Oh, holy shit. It's later. It's like a game. Oh, no. Oh, no, no. The scene when they're playing the video game, right? And the dude walks over there and is like five levels of doom. It kicks. I don't know why, but that was fucking hilarious. No, it's weird. It's like it kicks. It kicks is like, that's like a slang like that my like, I don't know, 16 year old Nieces, her second cousin, I guess she is second cousin. And I was like, when I heard it in this movie, I was like, holy shit, there it is. It's we've come full circle. Like all the slang for the 80s is now popular again. And they think that they came up with it, but it's actually just all this old shit. I never heard it kicks. That's that's new to me. Well, they are also British. So like, they got that too. This I get that British slang over here once in a while. Do they call you a cunt also? Them specifically know other people have a lot, but so can we talk about how Toxie didn't recognize the chairman at all from the first movie or second movie? Yeah, like like, I get it that he's dumb. Like, but he can't be that like he's hammering in the signs that says condemned building. Yeah, exactly. Like there, the guys are obviously evil and Toxie is just, but also, I mean, he was saving up $357,000 to make his girlfriend not blind anymore. So, you know, even for that, that was literally the amount of money the chairman gave to him on the side. That's right. Yeah. You have to save up for anything. Yeah. Also, why was there, why was there a blind church? That blind church was in the first movie or second movie? Yeah, that's a recurring joke. Yes, because if you recall, like, the church was full of blind people. And then the like old folks home or something was also full of a bunch of blind people. I thought that was just a blind person sanctuary. Maybe. I don't know. Yeah, it's like a bird sanctuary, except, you know, and of course they lean into like the black church stereotype because they're all blind, which I thought was like weird. Like, it was almost like, I wondered if they were trying to parody blues brothers. Like, you know, when like in the blues brothers, when like they're in the church. Yeah. That's my only thought. I couldn't figure it out. I just I was, I did enjoy the two blind guys who kept bumping into each other. That was, that was a nice little reoccurring joke. I did, I did like that. I, the payoff wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, but it was fine. So when Claire does finally get her sight back after the operation, she opens her eyes, sees the doctor and screams. Yeah. And then sees Toxie and is like, Oh, this is exactly what I thought. I know that he's hideous. She touches his face. Right. But it reminded me, like, so that joke is, I mean, it's an obvious joke. I will say that it was done better in Futurama, where Zoryberg does an operation on his girlfriend to give her a better, like a nose, because she can't smell. And as soon as she smells like flowers, she thinks they're disgusting. And then she smells him and is like in love with him again. So the joke was just translated better in 2000 something. I don't know. Have you watched the new season? Yeah, I have. So far so good. Yeah. Okay. So did you guys notice that they had a lot of scenes in this movie, like every scene where they just kept going on and on with the same thing, like where they could have stopped with it, like after the first 30 seconds of it, but it was just like a continuous, like every scene had to be like super long and never ending like running joke of all right movies, but they could have made this into one movie and saved us, you know, two movies, like it could have been three movies and four movies by cutting out all the like the continuously seeing Claire screaming and his mom screaming and the tiny Melvin running around like oh and also whoever decided that screaming kids should be a sound bite for this movie that is continuously played. I hope that their dick falls off. But Ron, it's satirical. It was satanical. Okay. Yeah, no, it wasn't great. There was one scene. So it was right after Toxie agrees to sign on for Apocalypse Inc. And you've got the one girl, she is being like escorted down like a hill by a guy a suit. And then there's a blind guy talking to somebody else. And then the blind guy gets like taken away. Like that scene is happening about five minutes later, that scene happens again in the background, because in the foreground is Toxie cutting the ribbon for something. And I'm just like, they what the hell they did. Yep. Oh, shoot all at once. Yeah, I think they just zoomed in. We've got three cameras guys, we need to be using them all at once. We don't want to waste any of these extras that have to pay them for another day. Yeah, not wrong. Toxie trying to commit suicide was pretty funny. I do the motorcycle. Yeah, like that, that was that was kind of humorous. But did you notice that like for the couple scenes after that, like his actual like mask was paler than it was before? Yeah. Yeah. And Claire was paler. Like three is just bad lighting. And this one, okay, one good thing that is going to come out of this movie though, is my friend Lee watched it with me. And she's like, I'm going as Claire for Halloween. So like, I mean, you think about the way her costume or her outfit is. That's not a bad thing. Okay, but are you going as somebody going as house a Avenger? Don't we get the joke? I mean, probably not. Get with Melvin. Absolutely. Oh, you can so be Melvin, dude. Listen, I'm a bit big for Melvin. No, he was tall. No, he wasn't. That's not what he's talking about. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, big penis. Got it. Okay. I mean, it's not quite the classic that the mother-in-law jokes were in this one, but that's like, yeah, I okay, so many of the jokes were so terrible. They were like, just I keep coming back to it. But yes, but not highly offensive. Yeah. They were offensive and they weren't funny because we had already heard all of them. Like, yeah, they just recycled all of the jokes. Yeah. But the thing about it is they, if they wouldn't, if they would have like not stuck with being the, you know, over a satire of the satire that we made of satires, this movie probably would have been a little bit better because like, some of the stuff like when she's walking around trying to find shit, when she's blind and she's like, this smells important. That was funny. When, again, when she said it's important, across the tops of Apocalypse Incorporated, yeah, you literally just pick them out the last movie, like whatever. And then like, when he's there and he's like, oh, all of my co-workers are beating my friend senseless. Like, that was funny. Right? I do want to use that at work. Him slowly turning into a bad version of Donald Trump was, or today's version of Donald Trump, I don't know. Same difference. Yeah, but like, or when he pisses on the devil, that was fucking hilarious. Like, what? Again, it's his everything like toxic, wouldn't that actually make the devil burn more? Not necessarily. It's the devil. Just because it's toxic doesn't mean it's flammable. Okay, fair enough. Did you see anything in the research area that the devil suit was used for anything else? Okay, so no, however, speak of the devil suit. So Rick Collins, who was the chairman who played the devil, said that during production, three child extras were scared of him in the devil makeup. When he convinced the first two children that he was only, that it was only makeup and even offered for them to feel it, they did and were no longer scared. However, when the third child tried to feel it, he did the devil scream. And since then he has admitted he felt bad about doing it. That's fucked, dude. That's messed up. Why would you do that to a kid, man? That's really funny. I mean, fuck early, early trauma teacher. No, no, it's trauma, early trauma. Early trauma. Yeah. Yeah. Like it was, we didn't fuck them kids. It's enjoyable. Yeah, the only because there wasn't any stuff on NDB. That what I just said, it also talks about how half the footage is from the second movie. Mark Troggle, the original Melvin, didn't want to come back or didn't return. One scene was filmed inside an actual video store instead of a set. So I don't know if that very beginning scene was. Can you imagine if they were like, Hey, can we, can we shoot in here and everybody's excited about it? And then they just fucking trash it. I don't clean it up. Oh, that would fucking hold. That's where half the budget went to. Do you think that the satirical joke is I can't believe they paid us two million dollars to make these movies? Yes. 100%. Yes. Yeah. Because that's what it feels like. I just. Yeah. Okay. So Chuck, because I know you're a big huge fan. After I got done watching this, I watched the first episode of toxic crusaders. Oh, fucking low toxic crusaders. Oh, holy shit. Dude, it's so good. Dude. Okay. As a kid, I don't think I would have appreciated it as much as an adult. I didn't watch it as a kid. I remember watching it. I remember watching it like the whole setup. Thinking it's good. Yeah. We're the bad guy like the bad guy's henchmen's like, he wanted me to send this radioactive waste to Tromaville, but I feel like it's going to be a bad idea. And he's like, why is it a bad idea? And he's like, Oh, you know, some hapless nerd is going to fall into it and become a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength. It is speaking very much written for adults. It's very good. Yeah. But they they say that. Okay. So that that show that episode is like 29 minutes long. Yeah. They say we're part of the TV show. Sure. Well, no, it was 29 without the commercials. Like yeah, the first episode was like an extended episode. Okay. Yeah. But they say, hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength 12 times in that 29 minute episode. We get it. What did you say? Do I five times in this movie? We get it five and a half times during this movie, because they said like half the line at some point toward the end of the movie. Yeah. Yeah, it's good stuff. It was. No, I'm sorry. Toxic crusaders. Not. Oh, sure. Oh, okay. Yeah. I would. Okay. I did. Did you watch it on Amazon for free? It's not for free. Yeah. Yeah. Please. I mean, I may watch more of it because it's so good. It was it was terrible, but it was good. Only got one season, right? Yeah. I think it's like 15 episodes or something. I felt like the jokes were like freakazoid level good. Yeah. Like they're very inside baseball-y and also they like weirdly do take a really strong stance on like environmental, like environmentalism and stuff. Like it's real. It's a good show for planet. Well, Lee asked if we got a crossover with Captain Planet in this and I'm like, I don't think so. I feel like Captain Planet. So our next shirt should be what Captain Planet fighting toxic crusader. Yeah. It's them fighting and go, why are we fighting? Aren't we doing the same thing? That's a good one. Well, Captain, Captain Planet had Captain Pollution, who was the version of him where he was orange. But the Captain Planet IP is under such lockdown by the Captain Planet Foundation that they will never let that like let it go. Like they're so protective of it. They don't let anybody make anything like merchandise or anything. So what you're saying is I might get my second teeth in this. You might get your second strike, which is personally, if you can get it by the Captain Planet Foundation. Hell yeah. What if I maybe I'll just make him different colors. Yeah. Well, I mean, I just watch the chapter. Watch the trauma, the one that slams us. Oh my god. That might actually be better than Disney realistically. I mean, Lord coffee is still alive. Isn't there? He could. I do. There's. We might have talked about it when we come fight me. Like, super seven just released a bunch of action figures. Like, so like the IP cells. I have, I have toxic crusader on my wall and a touch crusader and toxic avenger right next time on my wall. And I have the super seven figure, the ultimate's one, which is the super articulation, which he glows the dark. That's just mop. They come with the mop. Yeah, because I'm up with American flag on it. Nice. Yeah. Glows and he goes in the dark. He's pretty pinned back there. Otherwise, I'd pull him out. I fucking, I love toxic crusader. Not this movie. This is all crusader. You like you hate this movie as much as the town folk hate Skinny Melbourne. Yeah. I love how they, he changes back. And even his like a girlfriend who loves like, I know that's his mom is even like man, making fun of him the whole time. Like, the dude can't. Well, yeah, but very realistically, like his mom all throughout like this one. She was writing off of his coattails, like for popularity. And then when he became unpopular, it like broke her heart and killed her because she couldn't talk to everybody in town about her kids. Amazing. Yeah, she was gonna, he got paid. What was them? About three hundred fifty seven thousand. That's what it was. And she wanted a microwave. Yeah, that's what it was. She wanted a microwave where microwaves just becoming like mainstream at that point in 89. I feel like they'd been around for a while because I feel like the microwaves of my grandpa had up until the last couple of years was from like 1970 something. Yeah, it was like the 70s because I think like the 50s is when microwaves originally came out. I can't look it up because you know, I'm on my phone. Oh, now it's a race to see who gets to look it up first. I'm looking at a microwave compact compass cavity megatron no magnetron sorry to the vice that mitts microwaves was first invented at Birmingham University in England in 1940. So, when did they become commercially available though? Uh, yes. I don't know. How much money did he get? Three hundred and what? Three hundred and fifty seven thousand fifty seven thousand. What kind of fucking number is that? The first patent was filed in 1945 for the microwave. Okay, so I put it into the inflation calculator of what that would be in 2024. That would be nine hundred and four thousand five hundred and nineteen dollars and ninety six cents. The cumulative inflation of a hundred and fifty three point four percent. So, not unreasonable amount of money. Almost a mill. I mean, that's life changing money right there, dude. True for some of us. Some of us play Warhammer on. You know what I mean? Like, That's a big of a change. So, I brought it up earlier. I really did. I thought Toxie melting. I thought that looked kind of cool. Yeah, I looked all right. Yeah, I thought the cool. I thought looked really good. The scene took way too fucking long, but I saw I I mentioned that earlier than all their scenes took way. Yeah, but the the devil when he when he transforms into the his full complete full final form, that was another one that Frieza. I thought it looked okay. Minus the arm just sticking out of his stomach. Why was he constantly covered in fucking jizz? That was I did kind of laugh with movies that were watching where things are spitting out calm everywhere. You know what? The seventies and eighties were obsessed with jizz monsters. You know what? And they probably because like both those movies came out after this one, technically, but this would have been shot. No, this is 89. So this is this day nine. We we're we're we are now going in chronological order. Right. So they would have seen the first alien. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's all satirical. It's my point. The them spitting calm is satirical to alien. I mean, you know, the devil coming out of his chest, like, which that, I guess kind of surprised me. I just figured he would like transform into the devil, not do a jig on the ground, and then get ripped out of a chest. Well, he did go down to Georgia. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, Johnny, that's a piece of shit. You ever think about that song? The devil went down to Georgia? Johnny's a fucking asshole. All right. The devil is down on his luck. The dude is like behind on his quota. He's just trying to put food on the table for his family. And Johnny, who fucking cheats mind you. All right, doesn't play nearly as good. So I'd like to see the Georgia scores. And then he's just like, yo, devil, if you ever want to fucking lose again, come find me, you bitch. It's like, you didn't know the devil, I'm like objectively played better. Fuck you. Johnny fucking, but the devil had a whole band of demons with them. That's what made it better. I got nothing. You know, I can think of this. Here's something I need you to look up, though, Chuck. See how much a solid gold fiddle would weigh to see how much gold he got to see how much that would be worth now because that song was made what like 1976 or something. Okay, whole place. So while Chuck's doing that, one of my last notes is so God made Melvin back into the toxic Avenger. I really thought he wasn't going to give Claire her site back as the hell do that. That's some shitty, shitty God powers there. See, I thought that he instead of turning him into the toxic Avenger, he was just going to make Melvin look like a normal person. Not too much too easy. I know. So the average fiddle weighs about 1.3 approximately one 25th cubic feet of dried sprue. So a total, if it was gold, would be about a bit over 48 pounds. A gold fiddle would weigh about around 30 pounds because gold is 35 times denser than wood. The violin typically weighs about four grams at a price of 42 dollars per gram. A gold fiddle would be worth five hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars. Wow. Damn. Yeah. So the strings made out of gold too? I believe the entire thing in the rod. Yeah. Okay. The bow. We had all men. Okay, I just didn't have the strings with the bow. That's why it sounds so cool, Joey. That's fair. We need plans. Okay. All right. So, Joey, kill count. Got kill count of eight. And wait, what? Yeah, eight. That's it. And one lost limb. There was a lot of talking in this movie and not a lot of disemboweling, like in the second one. I gotta go back a little bit. But for the second one, we had like 29 kills. So, toxic Avenger tearing apart an entire town, a little corporation taking on the devil himself, had not even a tenth of the deaths of Batman. Correct. Correct. Yep. Now, if you combine it with the second movie, because both movies are made together, we have a total of 37. Which is still not half as many kills. Okay. But if that was the case, then like, the Lord of the Rings would be like, what, 19 kills total? No, no, we all wouldn't movie all 12 hours long or sorry. Right. But the only one kill, Joey, that was the whole point. But still only count is one kill. Yeah. Anyway. Are you Sean Connery? I don't know. Yo, can we give him a plate of Sean Connery? Let me make another one right now, right now, the shirt. The Sean Connery is dead, so we have my act. How come they never did the joke? Like, I realized it's the Lord of the Rings and it's not jokey, but the fact that he never like whacked an orchai in the head and they go, you have my act. And then like, take it out of his skull. It feels like a missed opportunity for a good joke there. I don't know. There's another shirt. Oh, God. All right. So you make your money, Joey, just pump up the shirts, man. Yeah, we're buying them though. We're the ones buying them. So I'm not really making any money. You got to keep there. So then somebody randomly finds it and they get, you know, that's true. Got to post it on the threads, man. I might actually throw it up in the discord. That's true. I mean, I have literally not looked at discord in like, are you even a member on the discord anymore? Me? Yeah. They never took it away after I quit paying for the Patreon, but I don't know. Oh, it automatically, it automatically deletes you. No, it doesn't because I hadn't paid for it. I was still a part of it. It's only because I tried to tag you in it the other day and in something and I couldn't tag you anymore. Gotcha. Can you go? Are you only looking in the comic book rundown one? I haven't looked at anything on it. No, I'm saying you might only have access to the comic book rundown. Oh, yeah. That's possible. The last thing posted in the comic book rundown was by Pony on May 11th. So a few months, we need to go over that. We have to pony our one true fan that doesn't even like our show. Yeah, sure. It doesn't even actually listen. That's how you know they're real. I told you that's how you know you're real fans. Same logic applies to lead a showdown. The true fans don't listen to the show. That's fair. Yeah, none of us listens to the show, Chuck. Yeah, yeah, because they haven't come out yet. Run. Take it up with your boss. Yep. Bingo. All right. So we had village monologue, government interference, comic book logic, betrayal by a friend, origin flashback, reformed bad guy because I consider talk to becoming a bad guy and then reforming himself. Sure. Product placement, talking trope, sexual and unidos hero kills nudity, cameo and breaking the fourth wall. And the two cameos that we had, Donald Trump on his book. Yep. In the Twin Towers. That counts. Don't worry. Don't worry. We can't run much longer. Oh. Do you see it? No, no. Got it. Continue. Oh, man. This looks like shit. I mean, it like it, it's purposely looked like shit. Yeah. There was parts where I thought they were using footage of other movies. Like again, the scene with the devil trying to do like the the boss on the cliff and a couple of the other ones legit thought it was like like a super centive footage that they were just splicing in. You mentioned super said that I got something to talk about later. Oh, sweet. So I really did legitimately think that that was what it was. I to this day, I mean, so not totally convinced. I also definitely last time I remember watching this. Remember that bus being white and having a bunch of like other language, maybe Korean or something on the side of the bus, but maybe I'm just making that up. Maybe, you know what I mean? Maybe I'm just making that part up in my brain, but I feel like that was definitely part of it. I'm going to say like four out of like 927. That's like bad. Like not. But it's like, you know, you know that they were doing it on purpose. It's all satirical. Yeah, it's all satirical. It's satirical to the big budget, you know, action movies of the eighties. Yeah. Yes, definitely. Yeah. Oh, all right. Well, that brings us to our score. Nope. No, we had a boob count. Okay. There were four boobs in this movie. Did you count Claire's? Yeah. Okay. Because like, so her and then the pain and girl that was in like the flashback of him signing the contract contract, because there was there was one part. Was it when she, when they first do it, and she can see again, she's like trying to cover her boobs up the whole time. And I'm like, really? We're not going to get away. So they have them covered up for a really long time. And then like there are like three different like little flash scenes that you actually see them in. Well, she accidentally let's a nipple slip out when during that scene where she's like trying to keep herself covered the whole time. So I figured you'd give us like a point two five on that. I wasn't totally sure, but now you end up seeing it. You know, one set one one boob. So, no, no, one one boob is a boob. If you only see one boob, it's only a one count. Right. But if you see the same pair of boobs, it's still. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's still only one pair of boobs. Yeah. Let's see. Hold on. Yeah. It's the other Ron. Rule. There it is. He's your engine. I know. I know. All right. Now we can score score. All right. Is this a toxic adventure movie? Yeah. In the worst way possible. It's a toxic adventure movie. This is not as some who really did love the first one. As somebody who loves toxic crusader, this is not good. Like I said before, it's all the same jokes that have now run its course and anything that they anything that you pick at, they're going to just say it was we did this satirically. That's the joke. I don't think any of the jokes land. I have to objective like there's a part of me that wants to score this high because it's still toxic Avenger. But it's not good. It's not as but what did I give the second one? I ranked it low. I know that. Hold on. You gave the second one a 5.1. Yeah. Oh, shit. Okay. What was I thinking? Holy God. All right. So this one, this one is better, but I still don't think it deserves to be scored that high. I'm going to say a 5.2. It's a little bit better, but I'm going to put it in the middle. This is what I'll say. If the fourth one, if the fourth one is this bad, I will genuinely score it appropriately. Okay. Okay. But I did like this, but if I'm going with your logic of I have to compare it to the other stuff I've watched. That's fair. Yeah. Like I did technically like this better than that one. I just don't know what I was thinking when I gave that one off. I probably was trying to pad it score a little bit because I knew you two were going to nuke it off the face of the earth. Yeah. Can I definitely when I got done watching this, I looked at my bottom half on my list and I'm like, yeah, I would watch this over that. I'll watch this over that. So yeah. Keep all that much. Yeah. If you say you'd watch steel over this. According to my list, yes, not a chance. Oh my god. I gave look, I gave the second time. At least got boobs in this one. 2.5. And I definitely think this was worse than the second one. So but that's me. Yeah. Ron, what are you guys? Ronald. All right. So I actually like this one better than the second one. And it was still whole not great. But I actually think I liked it better than either of the other two. I gave it a 2.75. I mean, mostly it got that score just because we got to see boobs. Yeah, fair. That's what, you know, it's a fair, I think it's a fair choice. I had it. So it got the extra score because we had boobs. And then, of course, I had to make it a better score than Tox Avenger 2. And I think I gave that like a 2.1 or something like that. So yeah, I would lose this. Yeah, 2.1. Joey, what did you give this one? So I liked a few things in this one. The budget joke really cracked up at that one. The ragdolling was kind of fun. That was it. Like I said, the melting was toxic. Talk to the melting was kind of fun. And then I gave it a few points. Well, a couple of like point something because the I realized when they go to Japan after Tox Avenger rips off the Devil's Head and throws it in the air. And it lands on the ball, Japanese guy, the announcer that is with him. I recognize him almost immediately. And I'm like, is that really? He is in a Super Sentai show called "Russia Sentai Takuja" where it's all about the trains, Chuck, we were talking about the Dick Train. He's the conductor on that show. Yes! Dick Train Megazord! Do you know the Dick Train Megazord? I don't. Right. Oh my God. So it's a Super Sentai, which is what Power Rangers is typically pulled from. They were definitely not going to use this. So the whole theme is trains. Yeah, the whole theme is trains. And it's actually kind of cool because they can like trade their morphers off. Dude, this season? Okay. So I watch, I list to a podcast called "Ranger Danger." And they are taking a break from Power Rangers because it's literally killing them. And they decided to watch Sentai, this Sentai season. And holy shit is this. I'm watching it with every episode. And this show is fucking amazing. It's really good. All the Super Sentai... It actually has a story plot. Yeah. Which Power Rangers never does? Well, it makes a big deal. Sentai was kind of made for like, teens and adults. It wasn't made for kids. Kids and teens, really. Yeah. Okay, whatever. But early were kids and teens. Yeah. But regardless, this thing comes, like the Megazord is a bunch of trains that come together. And then there's one, like, it's like the fourth episode. The fourth episode, uh, fourth or fifth episode. It was really early on. Um, the, the red train, for some reason, decides to have like a, a giant dick out. And it just like, it hits the monster out first. I don't remember why. There's one, the one scene I saw was it gets like put in a sarcophagus or like a coffin. And it uses the dick to punch its way out. Maybe that's the... Yeah. It's fucking rad. It's a last one. Yeah. Dick train is awesome, man. Hey, so they're never bringing that one in. Well, you only had to do one cock push-up. Yeah, true. Yeah. So, yeah. So because of that, because the conductor is in this, this show, this movie, I gave this a 2.25. Yeah, that's fair. Which is still lower than what I, I gave it last one. Last one, I gave it 2.5. Um, well, yeah. So that gives us a combined score of 3.4, which drops it in at, oh, number 93. It, yeah, that's fine. Just behind blade trinity. And just above Superman three. That sounds about right. That was my trinity before I watch this again. Yeah, blade trinity was a 3.4 one. Yeah. So we would barely watch this just above this. That's great. I would say, I would say the same amount of jokes landed. So it's a perfect, it's a perfect spot to be in. Accurate. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Well, you can find me at Hit that three on one tier that directly helps support this show. And most importantly, you get access to the discord, hop in there, chat it up with other great like-minded people who love D and Minute War gaming and NFL and hockey and sports and comics and video games. They're constantly looking for people to play games in there and stuff. So hide over head on over You can find me in that discord in the it's on a sphere and on a sphere, anus fear. You can find me in all of the sections of the professional casual, just ionosphere, ionosphere. That was- You can find Chuck in the anus of the professional casual. That's accurate. Yeah. That's where I'm usually chilling. Do it directly support. Of course, also head over to who if you're not watching on YouTube, head over to the YouTube, give it a like, give it a subscribe, give it a notification button bell. So Chuck, what shirt do you think I'm wearing? Is it a- Okay. So the more I looked at it, I think it's a Black Panther t-shirt, but I original thought was Powering to Zeo Gold. Yep. Is it really fucking? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good fucking shirt. All right. It looks super soft. Oh, I got- I can't remember where I got it from. Some some jank website or I'm not gonna lie. I got this and a more dragon hoodie. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. It feels great. It's nice. I don't- who wrestling shirts that were like muscle shirts, because it said that it was the comfort, I forget what the canvas comfort or something like that, which are like stupidly comfortable, like kind of stonewashed shirts. And I love them. But when I got them, they're like the high performance, like polyester shit. And I was real bummed out. Like where it feels like you're wearing like a fucking like glove that you can't breathe out of and shit. Yeah. It's like so fucking Taiami. I was so bummed out. But Ronald, where can they find you? You guys can find me on Instagram and TikTok. I had good at this game. And you can find my art on Instagram and good art this game. Joey, where can they find you? You guys can find me on Instagram and threads at comicbook rundown. Email us comicbook rundown at, rating reviews on your podcasting of a choice. If you do, we'll come up or come. Yeah, we will. You have to pay after for that. There you go. We will read it on the upcoming episode. Sorry, but bad. It'd be like coming by the time we fucking got one. That's for sure. Anybody else's dick not work? Yeah. Yo, that's when we need a Bluetooth like sponsor right there, baby. There you go. Can you not leave a reward or a review? Yeah. We've got merch over Redbubble and Tea Public with merch coming periodically and go to that merch before everything is taken down. Yeah. It literally is becoming limited edition at this point. So get over there. I really wish I would have gotten it before. I didn't buy it. I was trying to wait, but anyway, yeah, I'm going to have to go. I have so many shirts together by now. I got a I sadly I was unable to I have to maybe look more, but I was unable to actually change the name. Oh, bummer. Yeah. God, that's broken these notes. Yeah, broken these nuts. But yeah, so our song. Oh, yeah, that's what our song was done by Cam, Dr. Dr. Father Cam. Father, Dr. Cam. Now call him. Call him doctor. No, that doesn't sound better. Never mind. Yep. When you say father, it sounds like you went into the, you know, we're in the cloth now, but that's fair. Yes. Well, I mean, if oh, I thought it's what we were trying to do. I mean, you could call him dad. You call him daddy doctor. Dr. daddy. Well, like I said, you can't make it sound good. And Joey, what's our next show next movie that we're covering will be robo cop to from. Oh, fuck yeah. I think I've seen this one. I also don't remember. I've seen this movie. Maybe twice in my life. And I have, I think I've seen it one time all the way through. Yeah, I don't I don't remember. So I definitely had all the action figures from it. I remember that. I remember playing I played the game, the game for Nintendo way back when but that's it. Y'all remember so real quick. Because Robo cop or Terminator. Oh, yeah, it was fucking awesome. Yeah, it was. But the cartoon show. Robo cop the cartoon show. Where they introduce a lady Robocop. She's pink. Now I don't remember that one season. It's very interesting. And there was a Robocop live action TV show. It is currently streaming on Amazon. Yeah, there was like four or five different movies. I think it was like something long. I don't remember that. Yeah, because I thought about throwing those on to the list. But I'm not sure yet. Sure. And this is when did robo cop to come out? Sorry real quick 1998 1990. Okay. So that would make sense. Yeah. It's also famously was in linked up with capital carnage, which was a WCW paper view, where robo cop shows up to save sting from a cage. Uh, highly recommend looking it up. It is the most ridiculous fucking thing ever. But he shows up and rips the door off. So this is now the second movie where we've seen a sting inspired storyline based off of a movie. Does he roll up in a cop car though? No, he very, very stumbly tries to get down a ramp, because he's in full full Robocop gear and he faces, um, Sid Vicious. He must have been suspicious. Sid Vicious and, uh, uh, brick flare because for whatever reason, Sid Vicious is in the, uh, for horsemen at that time. Highly recommend go check it out. Capital carnage. It was fucking rad. Okay. And on that note, thank you all for listening. Will, uh, catch you next time. Bye. No scooby doo. Oh, yeah. That you said scooby doo, just shut it off. Thanks so much for listening. If you enjoyed this show, check out all the other great shows here at the Professional Casual Network. Like what, Danny? I'll tell you on Mondays, we've got the Lost Omen's podcast, our Pathfinder 2E actual play hosted by me playing through the Extinction Curse AP. Also streaming on at 7 p.m. Eastern Time, you can check out, oh yeah, the power phase, our Marvel Crisis Protocol live battle report show. On Tuesdays, the podcast version of, wait, did I roll a wild? Our Marvel Crisis Protocol Pivlog is available. On Wednesdays, alternating releases on Patreon, we have settling the Southlands, our homebrew Wolforp actual play in the Slytherin, a Pathfinder 2nd edition actual play. And on Thursdays, live at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on, we've got, wait, did I roll a wild? Our Marvel Crisis Protocol Pivlog. You can also check out back episodes of Elite 8 Showdown and the first 39 episodes of the Lost Omen's podcast, the first 24 episodes of Settling the Southlands, and the first handful of episodes on the Slytherin on the YouTube at