FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Live from the G&D Farms Outdoor Expo - September 13, 2024

1h 21m
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13 Sep 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that. You know Sean he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah what's wrong with the video we got? I mean the deal we got drank pretty good don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a made council. I had no dollar bounce in. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. All right away we go. FM Talk 1065 and Midday Mobile on this Friday. Glad to have y'all along the other couple hours of live local talk and the phone number. Same as it was last hour. Same has been for 15 years but if you're new that's fine. Let's jot this down. Put it in your context. 3430106. Now that works for the text line which I brought to me on with me on location. I'll talk about that in a second. And for a phone call both 3430106. And if you're cool enough to be running the FM Talk 1065 app that's free and waiting for you over at the app store. If you're an iPhone user or Google Play, if you're an Android user, you can leave us a talkback message and microphone icon on the front page of that app. You press it lets you record a message, emails it straight to the station and we can play it back here on the air. So I mentioned this I've been mentioning it for months here but today is the day and I'm here at the grounds for the G&D Farms Outdoor Expo and the people responsible for this. The responsible parties are sitting right with me here. It is Starla Davis. It's Lee Davis. Thank you and number one for having us out and thank you for doing this thing that a lot of us have said you know somebody ought to do this. Great to be here Sean. No we've we've been talking about doing this for several years and we finally just decided to pull the trigger and we knew it was going to be a huge undertaking. My poor wife I don't know how she puts up with me but she has pulled it off. Yeah it's you know every lots of people ask that question. Even if there's not an event going on that. I'm a promise to vacation after today. After this week. Mr. Owen these are sabbatical not just vacation. We've got it in the works. Yes she deserves it. This this thing we're talking about so let's describe it to folks while we all know what it is and we're going to be here. I'm excited to be part of this. What is the outdoor expo? This is a chance to get the main thing is get local vendors in front of our community. The people that are from our area some somewhere from outside the the the talk area but they're still in the Gulf Coast. It's it's an opportunity for for us to mobile is a big place and we deserve to have a big event like this in our own back door and this is a a great opportunity to do it. The fairgrounds have been great to us for letting us put the event on here. They've been really great getting everything set up and you know I don't want to toot my home because I don't have a little to do with it. My wife's all the the the engine behind this but it it's turned out great. Yeah it is. The event looks awesome. All the vendors are happy. We've got people coming in that are just they're excited to see it. Let's talk to the let's drop the caboose and talk to the engine that drives it. Thank you. Miss Darla. This is quite the undertaking. Folks sit up here you know they're ready to go today. Doors are open. This goes through Sunday right give us some hours here. Tinto 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Okay so we're gonna there's there's a time for you to get here because I mean people got stuff going on but you get off work tonight and come over or do it for your Saturday morning or do it Saturday evening or on Sunday and when they come in not only the vendors I want to talk about more the vendors but the activities going on. I was just down checking out the archery down there. Who who's who's me shooting at these targets? That's the it's gonna be an open tournament and it's the NAS program through the Allen Elementary and the H&E Archery is putting it on in our event. The National Association of Archery and Schools Program. So this is a subject we talked about before on the show that this goes on around the southeast but we really got some winners here locally. Yes these kids in our area are for lack of a better term smoking it. Yeah they are they're doing great and we want to do what we can to support them. It is really neat. I mean we like people think about the activities in school you're like okay well you're gonna play football or you're gonna play basketball or baseball or something like that but that's not for every kid. No the archery is something that is available to you girls you boys you whether you're the high school quarterback or you're in the band. You still you can you can put on a show and an archery tournament. Yeah and and they've been winning too so they're going to be doing that so there's people can watch this today. Yes yes yes. Tomorrow yes and they have a leaderboard I think on there or the times or whatever. You can look on their social media and show what they're shooting and open spots for walk-ins. Good deal. So that's going on what else has happened here when people come on by. I did just get a brisket sandwich for even throw the show. That's nice. That's a food truck. Light them beef arms going to be doing some honey extractions every day. Wait wait wait honey is it they're going to show us how they get it out? They are. They are. Okay now I'm interested here so we get a live display on how we get this honey. Absolutely. Yeah she's going to and she's here all day through the expo for people that want to learn how to how to get involved in honey but they're on high about. This is like I mean y'all obviously deal with it at G&D with the people got in you know they were already into it then covid hits and people go hey I think I need to take more responsibility for raising my own food. Planting gardens gardens and chickens and all those things. Absolutely. But the honey the honey thing that's the dessert part of this nature sugar. Yeah and I think more people are getting into this too. They are. They have hives and all that. Exactly. So uh and and and the local is the most healthy. Right. I suppose that when I was always told I'm maybe completely wrong but whatever's giving you an allergy around your area is what the bees are harvesting that helps give you what the honey gets you. That's why you want the local honey. So there you go. Get out here get I can't wait to go see the extraction part. Yeah I'm I'm interested. I'm looking forward to that. Uh Miss Charlotte what else we got going on here when people come through. Eddie Sultur's on by doing some turkey man turkey the turkey band going to be doing some calling. He walks around here calling. Yes. He walks out. I think he speaks turkey more than he does. He's he's done it all his life. He can't help it. Yeah I always say talk about in our state such a great turkey hunt tradition. Tom Kelly the poet laureate of turkey hunting and the uh the MVP quarterback of turkey hunting Eddie Sultur. Don't let him don't let him know. I said absolutely. Yeah he'll get the big head. Yeah he'll get the big head but he yeah he's going to be here. People can meet with him and I've looked through the vendors too right across from us. Y'all are set up and then there's WMSC which I see in y'all stores uh set up as well. What about somebody coming out here that says okay I want to look at this stuff and then we got to get ready to get planted at the hunting camp. Are they going to be able to make some deals here but they can make some deals here. Of course that's one of our biggest vendors and and we stock all these. They're home boys. They're Alabama boys. Yes absolutely. Yup. Utah, Alabama they yeah they're right here local born and raised uh and what you don't get here it's available at the store. At our stores. Okay that's why I was wondering too like at y'all's counter here when people walk in can people do do say hey I need this seed that seed. We can take orders here or they can call the store when we back open next week. Yeah unfortunately we just didn't have enough man power to man the store in the expo so the stores closed today but I went by yesterday and saw the skeleton staff that they were working their butts off. They were they were two-thirds of y'all. I have the best staff in the country. There's no doubt. I just wish I had more of them. Yeah well we you know we figure out I got some kids that need jobs. There you go. Bring them on. Get them working. All right so hours three days worth the archery tournament is going to be each day. Yes. If you want to do that honey extraction that kind of stuff's going to be a demonstration each day. MGM fishing teams back here they're uh they're having a little game type thing for kids too. Yeah so where was that when we were kids? I don't know. I would have loved to have been a part of it. I mean you know that's for everybody too. That is I mean yeah we're we're supporting the MGM fishing team. Well actually several several of the high school teams and uh to me that's that's the best place to put your money. Absolutely. You're investing in these kids. Yeah I mean it invested in the kids in outdoor activities. Yeah that's for sure. Not a high pad. Which is a ride. Which is a which is a tough. There's somebody gobbling right there. Which is a tough thing to try to get somebody away from an iPad but if you catch them let them catch fish. Oh yeah. Yeah you can pull them away from our pad easy. Then so that's going to y'all come on out if they want to go online so I know tickets are for sale at the door. Yes right. Yes the door do you and the online tickets now are just on. They cut off. It was ten dollars but now at the door is twelve. Okay twelve dollars. Twelve dollars at the door. Is it little kids come in? What's the age? Nine and under are free and ten and to seven pain is uh youth for five dollars. All right good deal. We tried to keep it down as cheap as we could to try to get as many people involved as we can. Well I'll tell you what it looks fantastic in here. I can't wait for everybody to come see it. It is the GND Farms Outdoor Expo. It's three days and we'll be broadcasting here for the next couple hours and be here throughout the weekend. Ms. Starla the engine of this thing. Thank you. Thank you. And caboosely I appreciate you as well. Hey whatever I do my fart. Come on my back. More bid day mobile right here on FM Talk 10065. We are live at the grounds for the GND Farms Outdoor Expo. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 10065. All right welcome back midday mobile Friday style. Glad to have you along three four three zero one zero six for a text. Got some of those to get to the phone call as well. Let's go check in with my buddy. I don't know where he is because this uh you know like he travels to get these vehicles. He also travels to get us better deals on financing. It is the globe trotting David McCurry checking in now from uh where I'm at the office. I'm not going anywhere else. You're back. Well I'll take good back. We got to go to Auburn this weekend my my middle sons are communist so we got to go up through the football game. It's parents weekend didn't it? Don't you have parents weekend? Yeah they didn't invite us though but we're still going. So what's going what you you were I mean you went out you took a trip to Florida got vehicles there. Then you were I think you were in were you in Tennessee or somewhere? Yes way Memphis Tennessee. Let me tell you it's fun flying out of Memphis in a tropical storm. If you hadn't done it yeah that's your list of things to do but were you were successful. Why tell folks that didn't didn't hear from you about that? What what you were doing? Monday and Tuesday um went down to Tampa, Orlando and um I think about 16 cars and then cat home late Tuesday night flew up to Memphis to meet with one of our lenders one of our our best lenders that um financed this course for our customers. It's not somebody we borrow money from and um had a really good meeting. It was um uh one night and most of yesterday um and it was pretty successful meeting there um they do a lot of good finance and force here and um and help our customers. I love it guys. You got the selection of financing as well as vehicles. So tell folks how to find you come check out the vehicles on the lot and the new ones coming in. We're at highway 90 implantation in theaters one miles south of ITN exit 15a. Give us a call 2513750068 or go to the website LCM motor cars dot com. The new stuff does not have pictures yet but if you give us a call we can FaceTime you walk around the vehicle send you a video send you pictures whatever you need just let us know. All right David we appreciate it. We'll talk to you next week. Have a good weekend. All right there he goes uh David McCreary at LCM motor cars and yeah we continue our broadcast as we're here at the grounds which is in the the hocklander building the big building here at the greater girl state fairgrounds are the grounds like the cool kids call it for the G&D farms outdoor expo. We'll be here doing this show till 2. I'll be hanging out a little bit here after the show and then back tomorrow my my friend number one and my co-host of FM talk one of the 65 outdoors Mike Ward and I will be doing an on location show at 11 to noon. So the show tomorrow morning will be last week show the seven day the clock show uh then we'll do a fresh show from right here at the grounds. I've got all kind of guest already lined up for this. It's being a guest lined up too. I mentioned the archery competition and we've talked about this on the show in the past. I really do y'all remember it was probably a year ago that the Biden administration was looking to defund archery programs at schools and it was it wasn't specific it included archery right it included it was said the funding federal funding for the schools couldn't go to archery programs because it was you know they were weapons or some kind of you know somebody crap like that but the uh yeah there was it was a they weren't going to fund like hunters ed they were going to remember those things. So we got the big discussion at that point not just the importance of this high school archery teams but how important it is right here at home. Well some of the people behind that from H&E archery are going to join me here in just a little bit to talk more about that and why it's important and you probably hey if you live around here you probably know of a kid or no a kid that competes in that. All right let's grab some text quickly here and then we'll talk some should he debate again or not. Okay let's go let's see here you first up here and buddy says we can hear the turkey guy. Yeah you can hear there's a couple guys calling you and about time that happened the famous eddy soldier walked by the booth and of course that he's going to make turkey sounds when he walks by the booth where Mike Ward and I are sitting. Let's see here the Gary Askin are there different discounts at the event. You know what you can check their website or call here to the grounds Gary. I know that it's like 12 I think $12 ticket for adults and you know they're 12 to or 9 to 17 they're I think they're 5 or 7 and then under 9 those children are for free which I think you should charge extra for younger children. You know that's an unpopular opinion you know events are always like hey kids under 10 get in free kids under 10 and I've had a couple in my life are a bigger problem. I think you should charge extra for kids under 10. Like hey is kid under 10 there's twice as much. Let's see if they could send me riled up. All right to the debate story debate or not to debate word out now that Donald Trump will not engage in another debate so it looks like the only other debate we will have is the VP debate which I'm interested in. I think it would be like a I think it's going to be a it's not going to be like a big prize fight because I think it's going to be a knockout. I think I really do and that's not just being partisan. I think you got to look at this and say you put walls up and you put JD Vance up and I just I think it's a I may be proven wrong but I don't think so but yeah so Donald Trump is now not going to take part in another presidential debate with Kamala Harris. Now you can look at it this way and say well you know what benefit and I know that my cohort Jeff for was asking before this debate what benefit would it be for Trump to debate. I thought it would be a benefit after his debate performances in the past have been so good but I can look at what happened. I told you I gave Trump a C. I know it made some people mad but his debate performance from Tuesday night I came to see. I do not think he did his best job at that debate. I think he got baited into things that he should enough and so him not doing another debate. What do you think should he? It says he Trump is saying he doesn't want the rematch because he's already won. I mean this is pure Trump stuff. He said he's already won the debate so far so he doesn't need to do it again. That's pure Trump but I don't you know I don't know that the outcome of doing another debate is going to benefit the Trump campaign or not so we'll see but there's the no more debates at least as it stands now unless there's some last minute change it would just be the VP debate should what do you think should he just keep his powder dry not doing again do you think there's need for Trump to debate again is there something because I'm not talking about for the problem is you know if you're a Trump fan you want to see him debate you want to see him land punches and all these things but the long-term game here is what happens in eight weeks and does that help him secure undecided votes. I don't know that he has to have another debate to make sure his voters turn out but does he need to do it to secure those votes that's a fair question. Also speaking of things that happened yesterday you don't watch that Merrick Garland I didn't it was on on the monitor in the studio I didn't get to watch it till later. Well Merrick Garland gets out and I mean I guess has the ignorance or just thinks people are as gullible as they are to come out and say hey everything's fair and there's not law fair going on yet Merrick Garland said here's quote here from his presser yesterday there is not one rule for friends and one another for foes one rule for the powerful and another for the powerless one rule for the rich another for the poor one rule for democrats and another one for republicans or different rules depending on one's race and ethnicity um end quote if that was true I think that would be a beautiful statement for Merrick Garland that's like I've told you all forever I want the blindfold on lady justice I I believe in that I just don't know how much we're seeing that out of the AG and uh and discover uh this administration uh but remember though this is the same DOJ that has a uh you know uh get out a jail card for uh for for hunter and for Joe Biden uh wants to raids after raids against Donald Trump I mean there's there's that part so don't let the facts get in the way all right so we'll get your opinions on that on the text line at 3430106 also coming back we're going to be talking about these high school oratory programs in our area and I think it's a pretty exciting number one they're going to be competing here this weekend Friday Saturday Sunday but in addition to that what does it mean for all the kids in our schools we'll talk about that coming up in just a couple minutes right here on midday mobile news is coming your way next you're listening to mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 106 5 call Sean now at 343 0 106 all right welcome back midday mobile fm talk 106 5 and we are live at the ground so day one of the gnd outdoors expo it's tonight till nine it's tomorrow till nine and then sunday till four doors open at ten o'clock each day i'll be doing this show here till two of course and they will be hanging out and then tomorrow you'll be able to swing by mike warden i'll be doing fm talk 106 5 outdoors at a different time not the normal seven o'clock slot will be from 11 to noon tomorrow from here at the ground so make sure to stop by and see us all right i mentioned as we went into news uh to to bring it all full circle that it was i and i say a year ago it may have been less than that we were in a big discussion on the show when the Biden administration had moved and and some out of washington had moved to defund programs in schools because of weapons or those ideas and that was hunter's education but also it affected uh high school and middle school archery programs at school and we talked about how important that was and really how i think it's even bigger around here because of the success we've seen the teams from our area and then mentioned that the competition's going on this weekend here at the grounds and uh i'm joined by people make this thing happen fey and Stephanie from from h&e archery so uh so welcome aboard thanks for coming on thanks for having us h&e archery what what is h&e archery h&e archery stands for huesong and edwards uh-huh we started that when i retired from teaching school Stephanie had a couple of kids that were very interested in archery and when you do archery you kind of have to be eccentric to be able to do it and i found my tribe so the two of us decided hey don't retire just keep going in archery so we formed h&e archery it's it's exciting to be i lamented something too though looking around here thinking about my high school days and i see there's a fishing team here there's archery here you know we had the choice of well you could play football or you could play baseball or we some kids played soccer but we did you know these things but i'd leave school or leave after football practice and go shoot my bow and go fishing so i'm like where were those programs when i was young but it's great because this is for everybody absolutely it's for everybody we have a lot of kids that don't fit in anywhere else so we've had kids that uh shoot in a wheelchair had kids shoot with uh crutches we've had uh children shoot that are non-verbal that are in wheelchairs that can't really pull back so they get some assistance uh we have a h&e facebook page and we have highlighted matt stutzman he's a paralimpian and he shoots with no arms is is he shoot with his feet draw with his mouth he shoots with his feet he used to draw with his mouth now he releases with his back he's got a little strap over his back but archery is for everyone we try to include the parents as well so all the tournaments that we run we have an adult category so you can shoot from fourth grade third grade all the way up to being an adult wait there's room for adults in this absolutely let's talk about the let's go i guess over maybe ten years or whatever you think the window is to show how big this has gotten one was the first archery program in a school here mobile count archery started in two thousand and two in kentucky and then alabama's came in so we're second in this group this is a national archery in schools program there's about forty two states that do this now we have grown from having a regional tournament at brian on one day to have in three days all day long and now the last tournament we had over nine hundred children shoot that's going to be a tournament that's going to be satisfying to watch that to be there at the ground level and watch this it's amazing i mean keep Stephanie bizney quite a bit she's the brains of the group she does all of the computer work we put everything online all the scores are up within ten minutes it's all computerized uh it's archery heaven at regionals okay so how does this work so as we go to regionals so people think about how other high school sports work and all that okay you play your division match-ups and then you go to play in the archery world how does that lay out i mean you have competed at school level or you can beat school in trust school or inter-school how does that with all the schools that have teams can go to all the local tournaments when you go to regionals they compare us to eight other regionals around the state and then they rank everyone and then they give an invitation to the state tournament so there's three so there's like the regionals in state then we have a national tournament so you have to qualify by a team score or a good individual score and then after that you go to what they call world and championship oh my gosh who goes the whole way it's amazing yes sir so in terms of teams it seems just a number of people on the team or do you select like it's golf and you have a certain number team a is it four people in a team two people in a team how does it score or you take your four best or two best this year they've limited the teams to 24 okay but to get a team score it's the top 12 out of those 24 and in that 12 you have to have four opposite gender so four girls or four boys six and six and they get the 12 get a team score and then of course we do individuals as well say i'm sitting here with the people that run those two women so let's talk about this yes a challenge is it hasn't been in my house actually my daughter was more interested in both of my son you have challenged getting enough girls in the team or not is that how's that been actually some of our girls have been the better shooters oh there are listen i said it in rifle and archery yes females are the easiest to teach the most accurate because boy brains are i think we're a little steadier you are boy brains are going bang bang bang bang bang right and you know females always seem to be but but getting them interested in doing it that hasn't been a problem you can get the not for us typically most schools are going to have about half and half when you look at the national statistics it's almost exactly 50 percent male 50 percent female with the national tournament the national tournament is held in luivill kentucky every year and they have over 15,000 shooters at that so this is it's amazing it is amazing and and to see that there's a a matriculation process within competition but then you know people will often talk to you about this and we'll play golf in high school because that's something you can play as an adult shawn you won't be able to play football after you know because there was believe me there was no collegiate possibility for me to make a software scholarship but archery is that not somebody who likes to shoot archery but that's something they can do here and carry through their whole whole life absolutely you can do archery and typically they start out third grade fourth grade for elementary is fourth and fifth and you can go all the way to high school and then we offer the adults and then we have some tournaments where the adult and the child shoots together and it's a fun tournament called friendly fire so we pick the best five arrows out of the 10 and you get to shoot with your dad or your grandparent or a special you know adult mentor wow here is every year that tell us how much they appreciate and pull that makeup closer to you be able to be able to interact with their kid in a sport and they they've been able to bond with them a lot more as as you're talking my brain's running just you know self-serving with with my son on that to be able to so to get like say a parents listen to that now how they make that happen is it directly through the school or if they want to do the parent child thing yes the national archery in schools we have coaches that are certified by the state they're called basic archery instructors and they have to be we make sure that we don't have any problems with safety there's a protocol that has to be done with whistle signals and safety archery is one of the few sports that have no accidents at all in the school setting as opposed to football basketball baseball so you know let's look at our injuries let's see who is who's at the orthopedic place on a saturday morning it's probably nobody from the archery competition none uh when people get the kids get started in this in schools do they provide their own or y'all shooting recurves with the kids starting with a compound bow it has to be an original version of the genesis bow okay we're not allowed to add anything those sites so that's standardized so everybody's shooting the same all right so they're shooting that is do the kids buy that and bring bring the bow or is that do you know like you at for football sometimes there's helmets and shoulder pads left over from the previous year does that exist with the schools or how does that work some schools have their own bow that they provide and then a lot of times for christmas kids will get their own personal bow so either way some schools provide the bows and then some the kids bring their own okay and people are asking too about contacting y'all now do they contact y'all directly or they go through the school and then y'all are working with the schools how i mean they can contact us directly through facebook okay so h&e archery archery and the e all right let's see i've got more questions and male man on the text line says two of my daughters participated in archery and elementary and junior high school here in mobile with i mean the stats on that too we've had some that you talking about going up through the ranks we are we kind of a hot thing for this i mean there's been some winning team i would absolutely say alabama is feared good across the united states we have a young man and a young lady especially coming to this tournament that have done exceptionally well gunner couch i'll call him out here he's an eighth grader at grand by middle he shot a perfect 300 now let's forbid let's talk about them how that scored yes how many arrows the center of the target of course is a 10 so you get 15 arrows at 10 meters you get 15 arrows at 15 meters so total of 30 arrows so if he shoots exactly 30 in that little small 10 and never misses it's a perfect 300 and he's in the hall of fame now because of that for a perfect 300 one a towel he's going to be here today so we will be here for autographs and pictures he's bringing his bling okay cool so you can see his medals and his trophies and his which is the thing that helps probably get younger kids fired up to get into it too to see here's somebody and then tomorrow he'll be shooting if you'd like to uh come watch gunner shoot we also have mckenzie Thompson she is now shooting for cosy middle school she shot for dogs in her immediate last year she is also a national champion as a fifth grader she's going to be coming out here to shoot so we we think oh well that's our local people but they are amazing we've got some great coaches out there that have been coaching for years that have some good creds too so alabama's a hotbed it is exciting so and you talk about the uh what's going to be shot here is people come watch it obviously i saw the targets but i did see the 3d targets as well so how's that work is is that part are you shooting 3d in competition or is it targets for the school competition what how does that for this tournament we have a bullseye tournament which is the regular targets and then we have the 3d targets as well so on alternating hours we're going to be shooting different schools walk ups and when it is a tournament we do have medals that we're going to be giving away oh i saw them off it yeah sunday we're going to be giving all those away too so uh anybody that wants to walk up we have bows we have arrows we'll show you what to do okay wait no because you you said i could walk up too but folks can absolutely but people can walk up they come in and sure yes so if the you know mom and dad are interested in bringing the kids behind to see if this is what they're into yes sir yes sir yes sir okay so that's today tomorrow sunday yes sir uh this is fantastic y'all thank you for what you're doing thank you for giving uh a voice to these kids out here and congratulations to our awesome to be feared alabama teams absolutely thank you for having us thank you for having h&e hey we want to shout out to allentown elementary archery as well there are partners in this and they got us in this gnd farms expo so we appreciate them and coach uh patrice dire so we're working with them as well and hope everybody comes out man i can't uh can't wait to watch them compete uh Stephanie Faye thank you thank you coming right back more mid-day mobile right here on fm talk one of six five we're live at the grounds for the gnd outdoors expo this is mid-day mobile with shawn sulliman on fm talk one oh six five right so welcome back fm talk one of six five mid-day mobile live from the grounds gnd farms outdoor expo today tomorrow and sunday a really cool story about the high school really junior high school and high school archery programs in our state and it is it is i mean it sounds like cliche ever though there's something for everyone there really is and you can have you know somebody who's a uh an athlete on all the teams at school be great in the archery program get somebody has no interest in those programs uh being the archery program and uh they can yeah have you heard it uh they can matriculate up through this and and and win and so many teams from here have come out and watch the a tournament over the weekend today tomorrow and sunday adam asked because i guess i mentioned it and didn't explain adam said what's a 3d target so 3d targets in archery competition look like critters and maybe there's some 3d target that doesn't but so a bullseye target which you picture right the the big bullseye uh you know the co-incentric rings on it on the stands on the easels there so those are here but 3d like there's a 3d targets in my yard you have them they can look like a deer or a pig or a coyote or a elk or a bear or whatever and it's a little different kind of shooting but both of those competitions are going to be going on uh pat says i played baseball soccer and archery in middle and high school best people i ever met were on the archery team pat you know it's like a lament but you know time marches on uh but i watch it and to have like uh mary jim Montgomery here with their fishing team all the local schools with their archery teams here and knowing that those programs are available they just weren't when i was in high school i graduated and way back uh 1990 so those programs weren't available and i remember seeing this at a collegiate level like when years after i graduated from the university of alabama they saw the college fishing teams bass fishing teams and the scc and like where would because believe me there weren't okay there were no sports at the university alabama i was going to be able to make the team on uh we played uh rec legal across was his closest i got to that and flag football um but something like if there had been a bass fishing team when i was there oh my gosh that would have been excited i've been excited for that so there are more opportunities i think it's good and yeah it's uh it's open to all the kids and like i said there's some really knock out archers coming from our area all right uh let's see here a couple updates we've mentioned that trump not uh going to debate again uh do you think you should do you think it's a win or a loss here uh let's see uh this texture said unnamed texture trump should debate again but only on fox okay but then do where you get if you do that and you know what i would love to have happen and and is to have no outlet better than another one wouldn't it be amazing if the moderators were so straight down the middle that it doesn't matter if it was on nbc abc cnn fox that there would be no difference you you are correct and i get it you have lean with the moderators there shouldn't be you should watch a fox a debate on fox and go gosh they're not giving trump any advantage and you should watch a debate on cnn go gosh you're not giving Harris any advantage that's what you're supposed to have but you know we've balkanized in in the world of cable media and that's what happens uh tony and sims says i think donald trump made a wise decision not to have another debate every time he opens his mouth it's another opportunity for him to say something that will lose the election for him i don't know who's coaching him or who his advisors are whoever they are they missed some golden opportunities in the debate he could have just let his response he could have led his response so many times did you notice she just avoided your question oh he could have led his response that would have been great tony i think that's right because that's why i played the clip on wednesday's show i played several clips but the one where the first question to couple of harris was you know are you better off now than you were during trump and she immediately said well i was born a middle-class child and i went to school and i like to play with puppies or whatever she said but she didn't answer the question now that's i'm not saying that that is something that's germane the democrats because republicans do it too but it was a extreme example of it you're right tony i don't know and i don't know if people can advise him and we've talked about this before can you can you have trump be successful not being trump can you can you try to govern the engine so much that it stalls out right and that is a worry but i i do believe in the debate against biden not just that biden was a stuff suit there right a weekend at bernie's kind of moment but the muted mikes he he would let biden wrap himself up and and mess himself up without even having to chime in remember how there was all this discussion about the muted mikes in this last debate but they didn't completely mute them because there were many times like if you were if harris was responding to trump or trump was responding to harris that they would have both mikes on did you all notice that during the debate i i don't know if it's the greatest undoing ever but tony i agree i and why he got baited into stuff like you tell me no one coached him up that they're going to try to get you baited up on the uh... or baited into a discussion about the size of your rallies i mean former president obama had already done that at the d_n_c_ come on so um it's uh you know it's uh i mean it's predictable that's for sure all right uh so jerry and four morgan are talking about the kids archery so i guess they can't use sites or release what type of rest is allowed i don't know i'll go down there and look and see what they're shooting uh if it's just gonna be a shelf rest jerry or if they're if they can shoot you know mechanical rest i do not know um but they're shooting wheel bows which is interesting they're shooting those genesis wheel bows where i thought like because when i started with boy scouts and all that we shot uh everybody shot recurves right stamina archery recurves which i still have some in my house as and they're still fun to shoot all right uh hours okay yeah the hours but hours are nine tonight till uh and then tomorrow ten to nine today ten to nine tomorrow ten to nine and ten to four on sunday more information if you go to g and d outdoor expo you get that on there or you can just call up here the tickets are not for sale online somebody's asking not for sale online uh that ended yesterday but they are here at the door at the grounds just come on up get your tickets and come on in all right uh let's see the uh this story for a second we got just a minute left here but this came up on the show yesterday a lot of y'all were texting in about what went down at fully high school with that lockdown well this story from uh uh for said according to a statement from fully high school principal Jessica Webb the fully police department involved in county sheriff's office responded to lockdown procedure yesterday morning uh the quote here uh said this morning fully high school was placed on lockdown website and it said the campus has been secured all students are safe please do not attempt to approach the campus till they remove security perimeter so all that went on yesterday and then they had the dismissal process and now it comes out that it was not a gun remember there's so many rumors yesterday that the gun had been there was a fight broke out and then somebody had a gun he looks like that was not not what happened they said uh let's see they had a press conference here and uh police chief of all went down the school superintendent eddie tyler saying this came from facebook post from concerned parents about a fight that allegedly broke out the student pulled a gun but no shots were fired but they said there was not a gun or even a fight yesterday so i guess it was uh a shutdown for no reason yesterday or not for an actual event all right coming back dr shawn powers university south alabama joins me we continue our broadcast live here at the grounds for the g_n_d_ farms outdoor expo come see us there will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and i would ask that you please try to um keep down the loud cheering and the clapping there will be no booing and no unruly behavior with that this is painful and it will be for a long time don't fall baby that's right this man knows what's up after all these are a couple of high-stepping turnt turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper no step too high for a high stepper this is mid-day mobile with shawn selvin on fm talk 1065 where shawn's a tough guy i mean i think everybody knows that you know shawn uh he took some licks he hangs in there yeah what's wrong with the beer we got i mean the beer we got drank pretty good don't it did you hear what i said so this is a bade council i had no doubt about them that doesn't suck if you don't like it you're bad last question were you high on drugs last question kiss my **** right away we go fm talk one oh six five and mid-day mobile hour number two on this friday and we are live at the grounds of the g_n_d_ farms outdoor expo day one today open till nine o'clock tonight tomorrow same uh ten a to nine p and on sunday from ten a to four p and people are asking about the archery program here on the uh text line they're going to be doing that today tomorrow and sunday yeah you may have kids out here that are competing obviously you become seeing them but they have program here where you can bring the family and see maybe see if the kids are interested in this archery program they got the bows they got the targets they'll let them shoot in between rounds there so check it out it's on the uh the east side of the hocklander building here at the grounds it's the big building where it's all going down so make sure you stop by and see us when you walk in we'll be doing this till two hanging out here this afternoon and then back tomorrow for special fm talk one oh six five outdoors on location hey this segment the show brought you by one eight hundred god junk that's my man tre bennett with one eight hundred god junk sixteen years of getting rid of all of our junk in bopio and ballwin county if you got junk at the house in the house around the house at a storage unit at the office you've been saying i'm going to get around to it when i get around to it well here's your round to it dog uh it's my man tre with one eight hundred god junk so you go online to one eight hundred god junk dot com or give him a call the name is the number one eight hundred god junk and just make an appointment have them come out and it's this easy they find a day that works for you time that works for you you're there they're there you say hi they say hi you pointed the junk you went gone they quote your price right there on the spot you say yes they get to work right then and get it gone and leave the place they just got the junk out of looking better than before not just because the junk is gone but i've used them personally if they sweep up afterwards i mean they're like oh thanks guys y'all don't have to you know it's fine sir it's that kind of service so find the service that we're all using you should be too got junk you need to get gone use my buddy tre with one eight hundred god junk all right and it's good to get these men together on the show we've done this before on fm talk one oh six five outdoors but i don't know if i've ever had the two of them in one place on midday mobile of course my partner and my buddy from fm talk one oh six five outdoors and all the other days of the week mike ward good to be here john good to have you here good show here yeah it is a good show and there's a lot a lot to see and i think while you do this uh we're talking about this earlier if y'all hadn't bought seed getting ready for planting season so that's kind of what gnd farms is known for they do a whole bunch more and y'all are going to see but they're known for it and so they're here wms seeds here so just a holler to folks like us and we're thinking about here in the next you know next month or so getting planted at the camp good day to get your seed you know come by get the seed orders filled get those things done and then go check out all the other stuff going on in here a lot of vendors here a lot of good stuff got any breathing here you got any sauchers here yes got the safes here yes you know got uh real rods you can buy they got clothes you can buy they got all kinds of stuff here it's it's a really good show it is exciting to have it going on here and in addition like we said to all the vendors you got activities going on each day in the archery program and they're going to show us how so dr shawn powerson's here university south alabama uh and dolphin alan sea lab and i know you deal with marine things but have you ever seen them extract honey before from bees i have not so they're doing that over here this is like i love honey i've never i mean i've watched it like a video or something but they're taking it and running out of the bees kind of freaked me out man wait a second wait a second so a man that deals in marine the marine world how many times you come on and talk about the biggest sharks in the gulf with me and he just so dr shawn powers just said but these i just i'm just telling you i just yeah i could deal with the sharks i think it's safe response yeah yeah i would take it okay here we go so three of us here and we could talk about this on the text line this is a what would you rather gulf coast edition what would you rather and not if you have an allergy say you're not allergic would you rather get stung by big old hoss bumblebee you know big carpenter bee style that big that size bumblebee or get stuck from a catfish i'm gonna vote first bee sting dr powers catfish might happen to be tons of time four big bees that's right but i just want i'll take four of five of them before i get a catfish yes stuck in my foot anyway obviously that's why i'm not an endomologist that's right that's why it was ikthi not endo yeah exactly no but this is an amazing show i walked around and i've been looking at stuff and the bait weather the wife will divorce me if i come home with this yes i mean well you won't know do you try though that's right you got at least try and my daughter doesn't need all of her college fun no i mean i can definitely get away she needs work to anyone argument to make is listen i'm honey i'm here at the end of my life okay and i only have so many more years to enjoy the things i want you have your whole life to pay off college loans so daddy is gonna so this is see try to pitch that one it sounds like you've practiced i've practiced it i've never preached it but i have practiced it before but you know what i like to is i see you at every event that's like this and something that obviously your number one job your scientist researcher but you realize that i don't know when it happened it's happened before you and i ever met that the other part of doing this science is to reach out to we the people and make it available to us whether it's in written form spoken form involving people i mean there was often it was just separated there was the fish in world mind we're the fish in world and they're the scientists over there but we weren't you know with the exception of dolphin on c uh dolphin alabama c c fishing rodeo there wasn't that connection you make that connection all the time is that is that purpose for us that you said it is purposeful or you just like to finish nope i like to finish i love the fish uh that's why i got into this business but it really was the first and most valuable lesson bob ship dr bob taught me was i watched him i mean bob thought it was every scientist especially those who work on natural resources uh job to to realize that that we do this for the public and there's nothing wrong and in fact is everything right about reaching out to the public it doesn't compromise your scientific standing just to hear what local fishermen have to say or hear what hunters say and it it really is when he did it it was revolutionary he was widely panned for it he was heavily criticized i told this story don't listen this because science community because it was not supposed to do that there you go you're going to be biased if you listen to fishermen and to hunters and it just never made sense to bob uh so he continued to do it i mean now the pendulum is swung and now they encourage us and they want us to have outreach but when bob did it like i said not only was it not encouraged it was downright frowned upon isn't that something like to think about that somebody's i did not know that no and i didn't know that you know he was absolutely a leader in doing this bob was a great guy and great getting scientists out of you know the quote unquote ivory tom and and getting them to to realize and you know explain to fishermen or explain to hunters why we have those limits and we may be wrong we're always trying to get more science and more influence also you know uh bob and that i do this all time we call out the feds when we think somebody has gotten it wrong and we have some evidence to say that say it but on the flip side when we think they're doing it right say say that you're being you're being honest and fair arbiter i'd listen i appreciate it but i also just downright just enjoy it yeah i mean so you're enjoying bob art you just happen to be a b h d level in it but you're a fisherman at heart and i do like the fact that it it gives us confidence all right because when if you never disagreed with the feds okay at this level if you never disagree with the feds then we would have trouble believing everything but the fact that there you disagree with the feds when it's these you know these things it does give me and i maybe this anecdotal for me it gives me more confidence when you say yeah they got that part right because you told me the other things they didn't get right and you showed me the science and then you say this it makes it like y'all aren't reading off of a script y'all are really doing the work here locally and saying the feds are missing this one or hey Sean and this one the feds probably do have this right yeah and it helps for me actually be in a state like Alabama with our conservation commissioner and a really science-driven now conservation department because i mean there's a big risk in scientists coming out and criticizing the feds the feds control thought about that's why 95 percent of the grant money i mean so you do need to find your allies and find your back and and there's times you know i've to have differences of opinion with scott bannan we talk about it and there's times i have differences of opinion with with the feds and yeah but it is a risk so it isn't to to go out there right that's why i mean it's important i mean from what when dr. ship was doing it and and getting you know his community his world of of scientists out there going you do not do this so you doing it now and risking things with the feds when you see something wrong but the way i see it is it just gives us so much more confidence as the people yeah right to go gosh they are being a fair arbiter because now when you tell me something they did is okay i know you called out the things that weren't okay it gives me confidence that you're saying something that is true because actually and to be out there in the public sharing these because a lot of us will disagree with with federal policy will disagree with different policies but it's buried in a journal article like it on now i would have said in the library but now on the on the internet but it's one thing that you need that but you also need to go out and tell people what we know and and this is my big pitch to my scientific colleagues we focus so much on being hesitant to talk because we're afraid of what we don't know right that we don't acknowledge well we know about ninety ninety five percent of the problem and if you're fixated just one to five percent you don't know uh... it needs to study analysis yeah exactly i mean share what you know and also say i don't know i mean it's an okay thing to say all right we're coming back more of our conversation with Dr. Sean Powers is Mike Ward and i we are live right here day one of the outdoor expo gnd farms at the grounds combined see us today tomorrow and uh sunday [Music] This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five [Music] all right so welcome back FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile line from the grounds right here for the gnd farms outdoor expo that's fun hanging out with these guys these you guys i hang out with you know what i'm not doing radio shows Mike or Dr. Sean Powers and it's uh crew we see you know i mean i'm not thinking about that like Mike and i are drawn to these events obviously doing doing radio for many many decades and these events both being guys in hunt and fish but it's also like Dr. Sean Powers who likes to fish but is by trade somebody that uh is a scientist and a researcher and he's out here spreading the word and you do it i i really don't know of an event where i don't see you at or somebody with y'all so kudos to you on that and me too Sean i'll say everywhere i go right you know and it's just what other man i'm not trying to pick fights here but what other scientists do you see you know that deal with uh you know either fish or game do you see it at the vents now we see folks like curls got banned and things you know on on the marine resources side how many scientists do you see that's all right and it's and it's something and you and you are not only uh resting on your laurels you're you're uh you're you're bringing people your students you're saying listen if you all go and do this here's a science part of it but you then give them the here's the outreach part of it oh yeah and we talked about that the fish and rodeo or any other events that we bring the students to the most valuable thing that they they can learn is how to you know explain you know what they're doing to to an interested fisherman or interested in 11 year old you know so no it's it's a great opportunity they all hate it at first but i think a lot of and if it's not right for them there's other fields in science that that they don't need to be forward facing with the ball that's right gone that that could definitely use their skills and there's also a translation you know i it was lucky enough early on to go down to dolphin on sea lab sort of events they had with students down there and i go speak to them as a person for media i guess they figured out other person media that also spent time on the water but they're saying hey how do we get our information out to people and something i've seen from dr powers here is you get the information out in language we we all speak right because he's doing radio sharing right and he but he speaks normally when he talks about things so you can understand it because some of this stuff is Byzantine some of this stuff is complicated it's actually i've often said the smartest person out there is the person that can take this very high level subject and tell somebody quickly what that actually means right there because then you instead of drowning them with stats or something i'm gonna pull that mic up a little bit there you go um so and one of the reasons actually i wanted to come on when you invited me on the show today it was just an excellent opportunity talking about reaching more people is i don't think people realize that that fishing in alabama isn't just for people who who can own a boat and we joke we said could afford a boat actually nobody can afford a boat we just we just get a ride back there well you might be able to afford it but you can't go fishing exactly those that go fishing those don't in this shows like this and opportunities to highlight just what an amazing amount of access we have in alabama i know that you know there's a there's a big push to to get more and more educated professional it type of people moving into the state uh the state recognizes this and and i was shocked to learn this but like number two or three on the list of why people uh these people highly desired professionals choose a place is outdoor recreation i mean you know salary schools are always right going to be up top but outdoor etc but if all things are equal on those then outdoor recreation it's a fight ahead and leave wrong it's what i would be looking for i've been spoiled and you don't realize that till you talk to people from other places or move other places what we have and what i like you're talking about under the states making this clear is the things that you don't have to have a a boat you don't have to have a hunting lease you don't have to if you want to camp canoe fish hunt hike these are all things i like um you can do these things on a budget yeah you don't need a four wheeler no do them all you don't need a boat uh that there's you know obviously once you get somebody hooked on it then those things naturally start to to develop in your brain which is good for the economy too yeah but you could have just you know you could have somebody could have a canoe or kayak and i mean see the kayak fishing things got there are people i know that kayak fish they could super big yeah and those are guys that could probably go into a center console or something but they choose that they like this fishing better and they're at one level of it but the the kid that just graduated college can buy that kayak and and go fishing in the marsh fishing in the full saltwater fresh water i mean there are so many things i mentioned this off air working in the music radio business so many years and people come through town they hire somebody from wherever right and i was the the homer the local guy and i'd hear these people go there's nothing to do and i look at them slack jaw and say guys look around i mean you got even if y'all don't like to do you know hunting and fishing you've got beautiful beaches because you nothing go down and lay on all day and go swimming you've got beautiful things to to go do you i said y'all realize you go another three hours and you're in the mountains you can go up to cheat hall and i mean there's things are everywhere no and think about that it's such a part of the culture of folks that live in south alabama that i mean you don't think twice when you see people fishing off the side of the road you don't think twice when you pass a pier and it's full i mean the i mean people do this i i've met a lot of uh of workers uh from you know in professional doctors surgeons to uh an electrician and during their lunch hour they're bringing their fishing pole and casting from mature lot listen you look at the shore yes and you look at just fishing in general in our area and it may be in different parts and countries different but here everybody who's anywhere from i'm waiting on i live up to my check every two weeks right to the person that's a multi-millionaire and what combines them i don't know how many other things combine they're both fishermen all right but you know and i don't know you look into so many other pursuits i don't know that that exists that from from every different socio-economic thing yeah they're represented in it they're doing it at different levels but they love fishing oh yeah and there's obviously a huge disparity between somebody who who has a big offshore boat it can go offshore versus somebody off chicken saw creek or someplace that i mean they're both catching fish though but they're both catching fish and often there's nothing that frustrates you more than when you come back in your big boat from offshore and the guy's like yeah we caught fire speckle trout would you catch it all right nothing yeah well i'm like i'm part 40 gallons of gas and i cut nothing the old analogy the people on the land are trying to cast as far out into the waters they can the people in the water are trying to cast as far into the land as they can hey we're coming back that's a big mobile we'll be right back this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk one oh six five right so welcome back mid-day mobile we are live at the grounds for the gnd outdoor expo day one here uh vent's going on until nine tonight ten a to nine p tomorrow and ten a to four p on sunday hopefully get out and check it out also while you're out and about go see my man ron at mobile baked coins and find jewelry fraction something new to my vocabulary fractional silver ron what is fractional silver yeah fractional silver fractional gold they're just a mouth less than your standard one toy outside so like ten pounds quarter ounce and half ounce gold and silvers are just smaller there there's a higher premium on them but if everything's relevant when it comes time to sell them most places should pay you more than if you were just selling a one ounce now that's the spot price divided by four plus a premium and it's a good way to get started not everybody can afford to buy a full ounce at a time so you can buy fractionals and that if you want to have a full ounce you can trade up and usually get the money back because well you'll have a credit coming because of the fractional it's worth a little bit more than the whole outside i like it also you mentioned the other day which led to me getting text and people asking questions i and i said i don't know go ask ron you said in the coin world right and so we talk about precious metals and then a multiplier of value right when people buy those precious metals in coins and you were going through some of the coins you had and you mentioned zombie animals okay and i was like what and then people were asking me on the text slide you said zombie panda what the what the heck is going on down there yes i mean i tell you what the advertising workshop we did that at one time with you and we sold our complete everything but one coin sold within about 24 hours people coming in from listening to your show so you're all people want these zombie animals another hundred of each design all the way they should be here monday okay explain explain to people to hear so they're so they're an animal but they're zombies yeah they take they have the company that does them basically signed a contract with different mince to be able to reproduce the design like the chinese panda and then the taku do zeal and these different designs with cute turtles and cute pandas turn in to not so cute zombie turtles and pandas really cool stuff and they do and silverback notes too which are it looks like currency and of course it has silver into the actual current built into the currency and has a larger design of the different animals so and they're all very affordable come by the shop we have one of each on display only but the rest of the supply should be in so people can actually start picking them up again monday good stuff tell people how to find you we're located at 2204 government street in midtown mobile they can find us on the web at mobile bay coins dot com or just come by that shop you know it's way 204 government street they hey there you go ron appreciate it we'll talk again next week thanks john all right there goes ron mobile bay coins and find jewelry continue our conversation uh we are here at the gnd outdoor expo and uh you're gonna be let's see when people walking in here you're gonna see somebody was asking me hey mike can help me somebody asked me did they have any camo bibs i didn't i can get to see all the camo shot you know i'll walk around look i didn't see but there there might be a one down here to the end of that camo is here we have not identified whether there's bibs or not yeah not sure um and talking with uh mike warden dr shawn powers university south alabama dolphin on the c-lab all right uh snapper wise too i've talked to kurtleman and about that that it looks like we have enough uh tonnage in the park you know to be able to fish probably through the end of the year now let's pull back from all y'all's research trips what do you see and what's your you know score alabama's red snapper population right now all right so let's i want to finish up just that first other segment where we talked about i want to encourage people if they want to go outdoors if they want to go fishing there's a website called seek alabama dot com it's a brand new website for the soap department of conservation alabama dot com and it's it's a great place to put all the information and you can see about any outdoor opportunities it's a wonderful idea we're going to be over the next two years working with them to kind of map the whole coast highlight where we need more access points because not everybody has fair access uh where there's opportunities we're a lot better oh we are a lot better like do you want you launch wise the last ten years we've done a lot better on those no doubt we still got a lot of work to do we do but we have gotten like it's nice to see the number of launches increase but now i've been talking to scott banding chris blanket ship that that they're they're definitely been doing a wonderful job on boat access but scott and i and another professor steven seifers uh at university have been talking to scott how how do we get more accessibility for for maybe some of those uh areas that that aren't as affluent that that don't have boats yeah i mean like how do we have how do we start opening back getting with a big thing access for everybody and especially for some of these communities and the in the upper bay area and the delta that that we haven't spent enough resources on yeah that is tough i mean you think okay we got because they're gonna say cedar point got a great you know right here they're reopening of gulf state pier so those are those are great but yeah you are limited there are some places you know there's shoreline access but you think more you think more piers more more structures we're not done yet we're so we have a project uh congressman carl thought that this was very very important so congressman carl directed a large grant the university's way uh to look at this coastal access issue and see what we can do to expand access where we can you know figure out there's a whole lot of publicly owned property so do those sites make sense uh you know where does it make sense from a sensitivity point of view maybe we don't want people walking around that uh sensitive environment so we're going to be doing that over the next year and a half and the the other thing we're going to be doing is look at the communities and interview people in the community and see what they want to do all of this you're right alabama is way of head of of almost all southeastern states as far as easy access to fishing opportunities uh no matter whether you own a boat you don't own a boat uh but you know we could do it better and we convinced congressman carl that this was a good idea uh and he bought in and he delivered for us with some funding and now it's our turn to deliver and eventually everything will migrate to this seek site where we'll have more interactive maps for people to use things like is there restrooms here uh what type of fish would you catch there uh so look for that over the next couple years i know uh good looking website i just opened it up yeah it was the first time i did uh you know the conservation department innovate alabama it is a big push because again it is one of the reasons people choose to live in alabama so absolutely so seek we'll talk about this uh i'll probably remind you this from the outdoor show tomorrow um so on snapper get back here snapper score like because i mean it's even with the reduced tonnage which we have which i you know and then they added some more back i think we're at six five eighty six forty something like that yeah um that we're gonna all keep fishing through the rest of the hopefully i'll go on sunday good to go um but how does it look from because you all do these you put the rv's down you have the grid you so what are we looking at out there so we're looking at uh and again we're about to do all of our what we call post-season survey still because there used to be a non-day season so it used to be easy to do pre and post and now we call it our fall survey and we'll have a better idea of uh things like average size the catch per unit effort the abundance it looks like you know the the trends are still there that that the average size especially in those close reefs the well-known public reefs it is still low it's you know compared to history or recent history uh and but as you go offshore you get higher and higher average sizes and that makes sense and that makes sense and it really is a balancing act i mean you you can't go when you had nine-day seasons the average size was gigantic i mean you know we also burned up the quota quickly because the average size the average size of people who don't do this all the time it is i said there'd be no math on this show but there i mean it is the there's a quota and so people understand this is in tonnage not individual fish so the quota is out there and then the the equation is the average size of fish number anglers so if you move the average size of a fish from four pounds to eight pounds you significantly could cut the season length and half correct catch the catch less number of the fish yeah exactly so you know in some ways uh it really is we think the stock is totally sustainable where we the catch rate actually hasn't decreased it's just the size so the number of fish you have to put back because they don't make the 16 inch minimum it is increasing so you have more at the height of the three and nine-day seasons that you know the average size was close to a nine-pound snapper yeah uh and you only threw back one of every two fish now it's more like one of every three one of every four are legal so you're throwing back a lot of fish but the exchange for that is that the public has more days and there are still people even near shore that can find big fish i mean it's just becoming more challenging and it really is what the stakeholders want i i can tell uh commissioner blanket chip and kernel banding that that we got way enough new individuals coming into the population we are not overfishing it in terms of that now are you getting what we call your yield per recruit the the average size that you want or the problem is different fishermen have different i mean as somebody who can only go out there once or twice and can control his calendar maybe they want a big fish because they're not gonna go out that much maybe somebody like you or i that's that that that just don't know when we can go and every time you got squeeze out and hey as long as we catch two 16 inch snapper we're fine yeah uh so really it is uh but we're still seeing that now the average size is starting to tick back up because we've harvested less uh the last two years uh the quota we were our high point was about a million one three or four years ago and now we're roughly harvesting half that so we would expect the fish size to start taking back up and it has and we know that from this fish or asking right here what's the average size now oh i'd have to ask marine resources because they're talking about the average size at the fishermen harvest okay uh and i think it's still around 18 19 inches okay so is the average size the average size in the population is much smaller because it's always skewed so i i just know the population sizes but i you know again it's i could go below 16 inches right yeah they're the legal limit yeah it's really a question of how many discards the good thing though and if you're in shallow waters when you discard those fish when you throw them back yeah more than likely they're gonna live the survivability is because there's no barot trauma issues and those things uh now you know hopefully there's not a shark shark or a dolphin around uh but most of those are going to live in those shallow water depth so and i mean so what i've heard from fishermen is that you know that 12 to 20 mile zone offshore is the one that's kind of getting hammered the most but once you start going past 20 definitely 30 40 miles than the average size is fine and the catch rates are okay so it's not as good as it used to be still out 30 40 50 miles it's not as good as it used to be uh you could go to one spot used to and catch a limit right then and be done but now everybody that i talked to out there you have to go to one spot you catch one or two or three then they kind of stop biting you go to another spot catch one or two and then go to another spot so you have to jump around a lot more than the more like fish it yeah yeah instead of catching it's more like fishing that's right so it's not quite as easy as it used no and i i do still plenty of fish out there there still it's just a question of of the size and i do think particularly those deeper areas are going to recover first uh or their size is going to increase with these lower catch levels i've told scott i i'm pretty comfortable if we can keep the number around five six hundred thousand i think the average size will take back up it will never get back to to the good old days which which is like six or seven years to go but remember now i will say just like three or nine days season i can get you a gigantic average size i don't want to direct i don't want to ever go back to the good old days keep it like it is right now but i remember though on the really bad old days when i started this in 2003 with dr bob it was like a big deal if you caught a 16-inch snapper i mean i remember measuring and measuring and like oh my god we caught a legal one and i mean you know so definitely the side like from start fishing the eighties and we could catch a lot the foreigners made people out there snapper fishing but the we didn't catch as many big fish where we're fishing but that was fishing closer you know 15 miles an end but we could get fish there were numbers but the bigger ones weren't there we went through the bad days there and yeah i mean you could facebook uh reminds you of where you were 10 15 years ago you see the size of snapper you're like oh those were different days but we were only fishing seven days for fishing on days and i think that's the big thing the challenge for for for the management for scott and those guys re-engage with the fishermen find out what the average fisherman wants we all think that the maximum benefit is extending the number of days for hotel owners or or restaurants and those things but to let's do that again let's check again let's see what fishermen's attitudes are is it to the point where people are so frustrated with the size really close to shore that they stop going fish yeah and then that has an economic impact so right now i guess the point is it really is a question of optimizing this fish for the maximum public benefit if you want to measure that dollars that's fine if you want to measure it an angler satisfaction however you manage it but we have that choice now because the stock is healthy enough uh and if we fish it harder the average size is going to go down if we fish it less and we know these things now we have good quantitative information to direct that and really it is you know who do you manage it for you manage it for the public you know so what do recreational anglers want what do commercial anglers want the most right now we think it's number of days but we should check that all right coming right back more of our conversation dr shunt powers my board and i here at the outdoor expo gnd farms at the grounds open tonight till nine tomorrow four to nine sunday it's uh tomorrow tomorrow is 10 to nine and uh sunday is 10 to four all right i'll get it all straight we'll be right back you're listening to mid-day mobile with shawn sullivan on fm talk one oh six five call shawn now at three four three zero one oh six all right so welcome back fm talk one oh six five and mid-day mobile we are live at the grounds that day one of the gnd farms outdoor expo going on today tomorrow and sunday come up and you've heard you have people been commenting on text line now here's somebody turkey call that's eddie seltzer so i think with us at first hours you have the the poet laureate of turkey hunting in alabama is tom kelly the poet laureate the mvp of the game is eddie seltzer absolutely so you got two different like a big tom kelly fan big eddie seltzer fan they are not alike they both they're alike in the fact that they love unturkeys and then but eddie is an incredibly entertaining guy and it is his birthday today so happy birthday to eddie seltzer's birthday and he's here and he'll be here for the next two days at the outdoor expo maybe we'll get them on with us tomorrow here come on tomorrow with us fm talk one of six five outdoors from 11 to noon tomorrow all right uh sit with us too dr shawn powers university south alabama and uh dolphin alan c lab talking you know talking all things uh the water around here did get questioned i mean sharks are always a question everybody always talking sharks um lord knows that uh i don't know i think the tv news is one of the most exciting groups about the recovery of sharks because they get to do breathless reporting from the beach at the sharks are seen on the beach and i often ask like well we're i mean if they were bellare mall it's a news story to me you know if they if we saw them out here at the outdoor expo and they're making their way through the door that's uh you know when they're in the gulf i'm like that's kind of like where they are uh people are just more uh more than a year something yeah which i think i think way more i think way way more you're looking for a lobby that was pushing this would be tv news like hey what can we do have more sharks so we do more news stories about sharks but sharks has people's attention you said they didn't used to be so so that's the question that we have to answer how far back we go and so like you know my age i've only experienced oceans and gulf with reduced shark populations because of over harvesting because of uh industrial long lines and those things but if you go back to the 30s 40s and 50s and we did this at the rodeo a couple of years and said you know to different age groups so do you think there's more sharks do you think these sharks are bigger than ever and all of the people 50 years and younger said yes all the people 60 and above said these aren't big sharks compared to what we used to get i mean i don't think they're any bigger than what they used to be years ago but the number has definitely been way more yeah way more than the recent past i would give so here's how you tell Sean i mean back when we snapped fish a lot never had shark eat our snappers or i don't think i don't ever remember years ago having that kind of problem and catching king michael never had a shark eat our king michael now you can't already keep it okay because yeah so i mean it's the protections they've given sandbar sharks over the last 20 30 years and now you see a sandbar shark population that that's still protected uh because the federal regulations aren't changing quickly enough uh and you know anybody's been out there and sandbar sharks are the main ones that are going to bite your snapper uh there's no problem with sandbar sharks there there's some sufficient but we go back into the archives and i think i told you this before we went back into the hemmingway archives in the Bahamas and hemmingway used to talk about how it was impossible in the 40s and 50s to uh land an intact blue marlin or tuna in the Bahamas because the sharks were so bad there's a quote about it there's a quote that says we couldn't keep them off even with the tommy guns so obviously that is highly illegal these days but the fact that you know so it shows you and in fact one of the ways hemmingway got so entertained and engages he wanted to make reels and rods that he could get those fish in fast enough before the sharks got faster ratios all right we got to wrap it up for now we'll do it again tomorrow fm talk one of six five outdoors uh appreciate all the text coming in as well and uh we'll pick them up tomorrow paul fine bomb show all the way next