FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

State Senator Chris Elliott - Jeff Poor Show - Friday 9-13-24

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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>> Hello, Kansas. We feel fun. Let me thank you for your time. You are the 40 hour week for a living. Just to send it on now, I'm alive. Hello, it's virgin. You're cold. Welcome back to the Jup4 Showed Up and talk 106.5. They just took it around on this Friday morning. 2513430106. We will try to get to your text. So if you want to try to get in, get in while you can. Joining us now, our returning champion you hear about this time every week, State Senator Chris Elliott, Senator, good morning. How are you? >> I am doing great. It has turned out to be a beautiful day in South Alabama. >> Well, I just, you would all like the weather. Wait five minutes, right? >> Exactly, exactly. And then that was certainly true this morning. >> At the same time of year, boys and girls. Have you encountered Haitian hysteria yet? >> You know, I have, and it's amazing to me, you know, the memes and the folks that are, you know, just, just excited about this. We've got an immigration problem in this country. There's no question about it. We've got an immigration problem in this state and we've got an illegal immigration problem in Baltimore County. And we need to fix it, but to focus on this one, this one thing is very, very interesting to me. >> Well, I just think the culture is so alien to, in disturbing ways, baby, that it's got a lot of people scared. And maybe that's the perception. Let me say that. I mean, I don't know how alien the culture is. I don't hang out with many Haitians in my peer group. But the perception of their culture is a such, I mean, that's all but anybody. I've been, I've been Birmingham. That's all anybody was talking about. >> Well, it's interesting to me too, that the media on the left is immediately branded any concern about illegal immigrants, racist. And I'm like, how is that the case? >> I don't understand their logic there. There's nothing to do with, with, with where he says everything to do. It's a fact that, you know, illegal immigrants should not be in the country. And the disastrous mortar policies and the Biden-Harris administration continue to lead us down the wrong path and cause very real problems to people in Summerdale and Foley and Fair Hope and everywhere in between. And it has come home and we're seeing it here. >> I mean, there's going to be political repercussions here. Even if they try to downplay it, whatever they, you know, it's almost folly to think that all you got to do is show, well, you just say it's racist and no one's going to care and they're going to, you know, we're going to just vote for our candidate. That's not the reality right now. >> Well, it's definitely not, though, but what's more concerning, especially when we start talking about presidential politics, I heard some commentary the other day. Of course, you've talked about it quite a bit is the votes are really in the swing states, right? That's where this election is going to be. One or lost, and then you can get into specific localities or counties or precincts even in those swing states. But the commentary I heard the other day was just so, so illustrative to me was that the presidential election and certainly this issue of immigration will be decided by the number of people that could fit in a decent sized college football stadium. That's who's going to make this decision for us. >> Well, as such as our system, but you know, when you look at it, we'll talk about electoral college real quick. I don't know what she's doing to really say she the vice president is doing to better herself in those situations. I mean, I'm not saying Trump's going to win, but if I'm watching this and you're watching Trump call plays, you're watching Harris call plays. You're watching the Harris campaign and you put Trump aside. That doesn't look like a winning presidential campaign to me. >> Well, it's not. And you look at the policy swings, right? And, you know, I'm against fracking. I'm for fracking. You know, for you, you know, more illegal immigration. Oh, no, I'm a guess. I was the board. I'm not the board. This isn't, these are policy swings. This isn't somebody who's been in office, learned more about a policy that adjusted their opinion on the matter. This is a lack of a value system, a lack of principles that makes her so malleable that she turns into a chameleon and can be whatever she wants to be or they need her to be today. All these folks that were riding with Biden, Joe Biden's the guy. He is perfectly capable of doing this are the same people that threw him by the wayside immediately and put her in there. She is gummy. And at the end of the day, is you think that she's your person and she shares her values way till tomorrow. It's as sickle as a weather in South Alabama. I think so. It's interesting that you put it that way because you don't think it's just a blatant like John Kerry kind of flip flop pandering to do whatever it takes to win. She's like been vice president for a few years. And she's like, wow, so this is how the world really works. We can't be like wedded to our like liberal hobby horse. I got to. I got to do some adjusting here, which doesn't seem like somebody who's ready for the present field day one does it. It doesn't. It is a complete lack of principles and that ought to concern voters on the left and the right. I mean, if you think this person is going to back you up on some of the the leftist issues, you think this is a progressive person. She will abandon you so fast and adopt something else if she thinks for one second that is going to get her one of those hundred thousand bucks in one of these six eight Swiss states that they need. She'll do it in a heartbeat. Yeah, I mean, she's not she's she's she's just kind of everywhere right now and and won't the weird thing is she can't be pinned down. Not doing a whole. When I say, when you look at what she's doing, and let's leave the policy out of it for just a moment, but tactically, the appearances, the lack of media appearances, the choice of rallies and the number. I mean, it doesn't look like that as a candidate. It doesn't look like that's a winning strategy. However, I'll say this. I think the thing that keeps the Democrats in it is just that, you know, and always hear this. I don't know if this is myth or real or what. That it's a they have such a ground game. They have people everywhere registering voters, knocking on doors. That's what makes the Democratic Party have a shot at this contest. And it may very well be effective, which is what scares me to death is is that you have voter identification and get out the vote efforts that are going on right now that are so keenly focused on this very few amount of people that will decide the, the, you know, the outcome of the selection. And it's so many of us have made up our mind. And, and to me, the choice couldn't be clear. Here's a, here's a guy with a proven track record, right? The president is a proven conservative track record. You can like his delivery, not like his delivery, you know, like his personality or not. The track record speaks first and for itself versus, you know, the vice president, who is all over the place has, has no principal approach to anything will sell out the levels and the conservatives alike in them and the moderates, just to get an extra vote, whose record is just as scary as it can be, and may change tomorrow. And so I think that at the end of the day, you've got people that are going to vote for President Trump, or they just can't see him and so they're going about the other way, or, or you've got people that are so mad at President Trump, that they'll just vote for anybody in the city in order to vote against him for anything, or any reason. And I think those are her voters. That's her base. Well, I just did not reliable enough for my, I mean, if I, she's my candidate, I'm worried. I really honestly am. And I think about this, like, well, you know, it's hard to look at this, you know, because I'm the right wing talk radio guy or whatever. So, yeah, what you say is dated, but have we ever seen a presidential campaign? And this is a big office and this is the leader of the free world. Have we ever seen a presidential campaign? It just seems like it can't be bothered to do just a little blocking and tackling things that presidential campaigns do. They don't think they have to. They think they just have to scare you and convince you that President Trump is dangerous, which of course he's not. He kept us out of wars. He kept the economy going. We saw, if you look at just the facts and fingers of what was achieved during the last Trump presidency, it was, it was very impressive from a conservative standpoint, very impressive. So, all they're trying to do is, is scare you. I mean, take, take this into account for a second. Kamala Harris is the candidate of Bernie Sanders and Dick Cheney. Now, what kind of principled gymnastics do you have to do to get that? And the answer is, you just have to not be Donald Trump. And that's a really crummy way to take a present. I'm just thinking about that. That is, that is remarkable to be the president or the candidate for Dick Cheney and for Bernie Sanders at the same time. But I mean, you know, most of this listening guys will be like, well, those are like, while they are very different parts of that political spectrum, they are not good, right? Well, I certainly would agree. You know, when you, when you look at what they've said, how they've been supported President Trump in the past, what, you know, crazy ideas Bernie Sanders has. But, you know, the underlying point there is, she'll say anything, do anything and be anything to anybody just to get your vote. And that to me is just patently offensive. I guess I don't, I don't even know if she'll say anything because she doesn't look like she wants to talk. I mean, that's just, that's the thing about it. Like, the media are in your back pocket. Why aren't you doing like the view or all of these like just, you know, shamelessly sycophantic media outlets that you can right now. Maybe she does. They're doing it for. They're doing it for. She doesn't have to. But, I mean, if you, Senator, you're, you're a, you're a politician, the only sycophantic media, when you go on, is this station. But if you had that ability, like you could just go on and show up at like WK or G or wherever and they would welcome you with rose petals. I mean, it's a no brainer. So, like, I don't, what I don't understand is like, is she just waiting to do that or I think it's this because we saw the same behavior which he ran in 2020. I don't say lazy, but she says I have a work ethic to do it. She doesn't want to be bothered with it. Well, and, and again, I think that at the end of the day, this, this race is about whether or not the folks in those swing states, the limited number of folks can look, look past some of their. Personal objections to the personality of Donald Trump and can realize that the contrast is very clear, a history of a liberal progressive. Or, or a conservative whose policies speak for themselves and lead the country in the right direction and just don't get caught up in all the media hype and nonsense. And then platitudes that are being spewed out there. Donald Trump tells it like he is. I don't agree with 100% of what he says. And I know, well, you know, I know people like 100% nowadays, but you have to remember the old Reagan adage, you know, find somebody who's your 80% for him and move on, you know, and that's your guy. And I think that's what we need to do with President Trump. Showed by state Senator Chris Ellie here on the program back to state politics and back to this Haitian discussion. You hearing from Lance Bell or anybody about any of this stuff going on. Oh, yeah. Quite a bit. Senator Bell's a good friend. We talked, we talked frequently to each other and he and I are, we're actually headed to the Texas border next week to learn from some lawmakers down there and policy experts down there about what state actions. We can take to really try to make it tough to be an illegal immigrant in Alabama. And that's something that I think you'll see more of in the upcoming legislative session is, you know, this is a federal issue, no doubt. It needs to be solved by the federal government, but the federal government is absolutely failing us. And so what we're going to try to do is figure out what options do states have, what have worked, what has worked in other states, what can we apply here in Alabama to make it tougher to be an illegal immigrant here in Alabama. Well, how much of it is this Senator, not necessarily that they are here illegally because it appears, the Biden administration just let everybody come across the border of the kind of legal status. So that's really where your hands are tied because they are here legally. And it's like so much you could do with that. Well, you can do things and we've been talking about this already that make it harder to get a driver license, harder to get a license plate or title a vehicle that makes you, you know, enhance criminal penalties for lying on work applications and things of that nature that will trigger extradition and make it so that we are working within the federal system that we don't have a choice but to work in. But, but figuring out a way to work that system to our advantage as much as possible. No, you watch this and you watch these people in these different places around the state and I mean how long until we get something in our backyard dealing with Haitians. What's the, I mean, what do you do there? You know, like what's, is there anything you can do at the state level? You know, that's, that's what we're, we're hoping to learn from our, you know, our brethren in Texas is what have they done that has worked, what have they done that has been a challenge. You know, I'll tell you, if you look at Texas Governor Greg Abbott was one of the first to start busing illegal immigrants out of Texas, right? What did it do? It immediately changed the attitude in the sanctuary cities and sanctuary city mayors that started feeling the crunch of what illegal immigration does to your town and your city. And again, you know, for the longest time, illegal immigrants for something we put up with here in Baldwin County, it looked a little different at the Walmart. Okay, it was what it was, you know, the construction crews looked a little different. Okay, we're glad to have them here, you know, whatever, but we are seeing serious changes in our schools now. We are seeing problems with failing schools because the English second language population is so high and it's just increasing to the point where our literacy act, our numeracy act issues are just getting getting pretty bad pretty fast. And we're going to have to, we're going to have to address it and we're going to do whatever we can at the state level to do so. Well, I think, and this is it. We'll get out of here on this, but do you think there are some, maybe some bad actors, some bad third party actors here? And maybe it's the exploitation of this, this migrant labor coming in lower way, or they have a lot to pay them as big of a wage or is it, you know, we talked a lot about this Haitian stuff and these sponsors or these NGOs acting as a third party. There are people kind of like taking the situation and the system and maybe capitalizing on it. There's no doubt. I mean, that's absolutely happening. This is all about money. All of it has been about money. It's about money in a failed state in Haiti. That's why that's why they're leaving the drugs, right? And it's about money and control and warlords in Haiti. It's about folks taking advantage of them here and the cheap labor and their desperate situation and not understanding and not realizing that this goes to NGOs as well. They may think they're doing good, right? They may think they're trying to help folks, but at the end of the day, they're putting an unbelievable strain on our communities, on our school systems. And it is one of those strains that cost real dollars. And so as a protector of taxpayer money, we need to make sure that we do the best we can to make sure these folks do not bleed our communities dry. And that is what we're seeing. We're seeing in hospital ERs and waiting rooms. We're seeing in our schools. We're seeing it when we start talking about issues at DMV and insurance on vehicles and uninsured motors, all these types of things. We just got to get a handle on it. Senator, we'll leave it there. Maybe I'll see you around Montgomery, but if not, have a good weekend. We'll do it. Thanks so much for the time. All right. Stay centered. Chris Elliott there. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff Porte Show at Fintalk 106.5. Just to send it on down the line. Hello, it's Virge and your gold miner, let me thank you for your time. You were looking for the iron week for a limit. Just to send it on down the line. This is for the one who drives the big deal.