Gwynn & Chris On Demand

Tyler Wade is an unsung hero for the Padres but all he wants to do is win

Tyler Wade may not play on an everyday basis, but he certainly has made his presence felt on this Padres team. He joins Gwynn & Chris to talk about his many roles, how he learned to play so many positions, and how the team feels heading to the end of the season.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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"My dad works in B2B marketing. "He came by my school for career day "and said he was a big row as man. "Then he told everyone how much he loved "calculating his return on ad spend. "My friends still laughing at me to this day." - Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. Linked in, the place to be, to be. - As a parent, you always wanna set your child up for success. So when they're struggling in school or they need help with homework, you try your best to step up. But sometimes you might not be equipped to answer. And it's better to leave that to the experts from Ixcel Learning. Ixcel Learning is an online learning program for kids. It covers math, language arts, science, and social studies. Ixcel can help your child really understand and master topics in a fun way with positive feedback. Powered by advanced algorithms, Ixcel gives the right help to each kid no matter the age of personality. And when you sign up, one subscription gets you everything you need for all the kids in your home, from pre-K to 12th grade. Ixcel is used in 95 of the top 100 school districts in the US, with one in four students across the country using the program. So don't wait any longer. Make an impact on your child's learning. Get Ixcel now. And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off Ixcel membership when they sign up today at Visit to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. From the mind of a two-foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, "What happens when you compare Bob's to the competition?" You get style, you get quality, you get beeps and boops and dings and wops and thousands of dollars and savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. I've tried to interview and today one of the real good guys, Tyler Wade joins us from San Francisco. Potter is getting ready to take on the Giants tonight, start a three-game series and Tyler. First of all, how are you? Second of all, how is this team? Take us a little bit behind the scenes and give us the pulse of this thing with 15 games to go. Is it a little different than earlier in the year? Yeah, man, I'm great. I had a good off day yesterday. Beautiful day here in San Fran, not too cold, which is always nice. But yeah, dude, the team's great, man. I feel like we've had the same vibe all year, which is very special and unique. And I think that's what makes this group super special and what makes this so dangerous is we come to the ballpark every single day with the new slate and we just try to focus on the day and win the day. So yeah, man, vibes are great, boys are buzzing, and yeah, we're just trying to finish up. Tyler, before I got to kind of feel everybody, me and Tyler pretty much talk every day, whether it's a high buy or whether it's a deeper conversation. And I have a tremendous amount of respect for the job you've done this year because it's not an easy job to do at the big league level. Just talk about your mindset a little bit, knowing that it may be a week, a week and a half before you get a chance to start. It may be longer. Just talk about staying ready so you don't have to get ready. - Yeah, man. You know, Shilty does a really good job of communicating along with the staff, F.O. and barbs and leave. And just everybody did do a really good job of communicating. Especially in the year when we got Louis and Dono that kind of explained to the role. So then, with that being said, like I was able to tailor my routine from playing everyday and platooning to, all right, let me figure out how to be game ready every single day, regardless of the amount of time that's gone between starts or at that. So I just, I credit them and I've, like I kind of told you, Tony, like I've been doing this for a while now and I've figured out routines that work for me. And I've just kind of, the biggest thing I preach is consistency. So if I can go in there and have my routine is harder than the game, and then get out to the game and just try to slow things down, then I just go out there and compete and just trust my work. - Tyler Wade has been really, really a big plus, I think, in every way for the Padres this year. Joining us on a Fryer Friday interview from San Francisco. Tyler, I wanna go back to this time a year ago. I wasn't with you guys in Oakland, but I imagine, yeah, we're going through a little different, little different vibe at the end of last season with the A's. Come to the Padres. I don't want you to trash an organization that you've left behind. But how lucky do you feel to be playing at Petco Park in front of a sellout, crowd every night and involved in a pen erase, as opposed to a, frankly, a lame duck franchise right now that could be going to a minor league ballpark soon? - Yeah, man, I mean, you said it, but, I mean, I'm extremely blessed to be here and playing for the Padres and playing honestly. Like, I've been lucky enough to play for some pretty good organizations, you know. It's been in the majority of my career in New York and playing in front of those fans and then making the playoffs five times and now coming here, man, these fans are special. It's coming up to Petco every single night and it's sold out, kind of just the energy pitch one, man. So it's been a blessing for me and being able to go to war with these guys, every single day. And the best way I can explain them, man, it's just like, it feels like some of all with the guys and it's like our eighth year playing with each other and everyone's just out there playing for one another. And that's something special too, man. So I'm extremely lucky and fortunate and I'm thankful for AJ and everybody with the Padres that wanted to bring you over here. So it's been great with that. And then, you know, with Oakland last year, man, like I said, I think everything happens for a reason. And, you know, last year, it wasn't ideal. Obviously, as a competitor, you want to put the best product out on the field and try to compete in the big leagues to make the playoffs. But, you know, like I learned from last year, I truly believe me being able just to play a lot last year got me ready for this year. And it's contributed to a lot of my success this year and things I've gone through. And, man, like I said, man, everything's a lesson and I'm just fortunate to be here now. - Tyler Wade joins us here on this Friday or Friday. Many don't know, he would have been an Aztec as if he didn't end up signing to be a pro. Talk a little bit about last year, because you and I have talked about this behind the scenes. You really feel like that experience, despite all of the chaos that kind of surrounded that organization over the past couple of years, you feel like, yeah, you kind of hit on it. You feel like that kind of helped you get ready. How so going through last year did that help you prepare for the roles that you've had to play this year? - Yeah, I mean, I hate to say this to you, but I just felt like you're kind of naked there, man. Like, you still really have help. So you kind of are just, you're forced to do things on your own, right? So like, you know, just me being able to just figure things out, man, like we talked about it early in the year, man. Like, I went to a no-stride last year, just like pure coincidence of something that I felt. And no one told me to do that, just something that I felt, man. So, you know, it's just, you know, I think God's got his ways to put new situations that benefit you. And I just felt like that situation benefited me. And it brought me into this year. And I kind of just been rolling off what I learned last year and built up. - Tyler, how many gloves do you bring to the ballpark with you? - Man, I have a sport, dude. I, it's a lot, it's a lot, it's a lot, but you know, it's like I said, man, that's also been one of the biggest blessings in my career on being able to be athletic enough to play all these positions. So yeah, I mean, man, if I need five, I can care less, man, whatever helps to see. - Real quick as a follow-up to that, you're a major league infielder. And, you know, you play next to this guy. We watched Manny Machado as fans, maybe, you know, media people, Tony watches it from a little different angle 'cause he played in the big leagues, we didn't. But when somebody is that good at what they do, and I'm just talking about his play at third base, I mean, how do you, how do you couch it in your own mind? I mean, standing next to this guy, you can't watch him 'cause you've got things to do and bases to cover. But, you know, what is, what is the feeling in, you know, in your mind and everybody's watching Manny do what he does? 'Cause it amazes all of us. I wonder if you guys have a similar feeling. - Yeah, pisses me off, he makes it look silly. (laughing) That, 'cause there, dude, I'm telling you, there's plays where you can, if, whether I'm on the bench, or if I'm at shorter, second wherever I'm at, like, there's times where like, you're sitting there, you're just watching, you don't have a base to cover, whatever you're doing, and you're like, that ball's down the line, or that ball's in the hole, and sure enough, man, he's got it, standing up onto feet, and he's not even looking, and he just throws it from the ground, and it's hitting crony, or whoever's out first in the chest, and it's special, dude. It's something that I've seen from the opposing side, and now that I'm on it, I see it every single day. It's pretty special, and two men, like, I don't think a lot of people see, I mean, Tony, you know, Chris, you know, like, you've just done a lot of work, man, that's just not, that's just not, he's just out there, he's doing his thing, but he's putting in the work, too, man. So, being able to do that day in and day out, man, it's special. - Tyler Wade joins us here for our Friday, and Tyler, we often, those of who have been in this game, know about the dog days of August. Just talk about how the mindset changes, once the calendar changes to September, especially when your ball club is in the thick of it, as the Padres are, do, I know none of the aches and pains go away, but I would imagine, once that calendar turns to September, there's just a different vibe about everything from that standpoint, it clearly, this team is in a full sprint mode right now. Talk a little bit about that change over, like once that calendar changes in the mindset that comes along with it. - Play-off baseball, man, it's meaningful baseball, I feel like this is the time now where you get your mind ready for the pennant race, man, and going into the playoffs, man. But, like I said, I kind of said this earlier, man, we talked about ourselves, I'm like, hey, it doesn't matter what month it is, what day it is, what day of the week, it's just the street every single day, like it's a playoff game, man, and that's something that's not easy to do, and it's a credit to these guys every single day in and day out, we've held each other accountable, and have been able to do that, man, I just spoke of it on each day, like not looking too far ahead, and not looking in the past, or the future man is just staying present, and I think that's been a big part of our success. - Tyler, last thing, we appreciate the time as always. You talked about the brotherhood, you talked about the way this team gets along and goes to work every day together. When one of your guys, you know, one of the guys you go to work with every day, gets sent to the minor leagues, I mean, Luis Campesano, I'm talking about, I'm talking about Waldron happened a month ago. Where do you go on that? That is a tough one, I'm sure that almost every guy to a man on this team tried to talk to Campesano or has contacted him and roots for him to do whatever he's got to do to get back here, but this is part of the business, I'm sure you understand that, but how do you deal with it? - Man, it's tough, right? I mean, he's such a good dude, Waldi and Luis, so man, it's tough, man, but I think everyone understands it, like, it's part of the business, side of things, unfortunately, when you have options, it just sucks, regardless of how you're doing, or, you know, it's just like, I've been that guy for so many years, so I feel for him, but man, they know, man, they know they're a big part of this, and we need them going forward, so I think both of them are professional enough to understand what their role is and do their thing, and we'll be back soon helping us in the playoffs, so I think everyone kind of talked to them and made them feel at ease with the move, but man, they're a professional, man, they're great people, and they understand how valuable they are to us. - Well, there's no question Tyler Wade has been valuable to the Padres, and I know he will continue to be moving forward, Tyler, we look forward to the last 15 games and whatever's after that. Thanks for everything you've given this franchise and these fans this year, it's been fun, and we look forward to more good times. - Absolutely, hopefully there's more coming from it, so thank you guys for having me. - My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man, then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friend's still laughing me to this day. - Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. Linkedin, the place to be, to be. - As a parent, you always wanna set your child up for success. So when they're struggling in school or they need help with homework, you try your best to step up. But sometimes you might not be equipped to answer, and it's better to leave that to the experts from Ixcel Learning. Ixcel Learning is an online learning program for kids. 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