Informally God

Trump vs Harris Weigh In


Broadcast on:
14 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

- Hi guys, welcome to another episode of informally God. I don't know if this is, you know, so much, well, it is an episode, but it's more of a reaction video, my way in on Trump versus Kamala Harris. And without, you know, so much bias, and I don't even really mean to be funny here, but how I feel about that debate is how Trump was looking at Harris or not looking at Harris the entire debate. That man paid her dust because that's exactly what she needed to be paid, dust. The only two things that, you know, I took away from that debate were, number one, the devil is in the details, and number two, Jesus wept. It is very, very important because, you know, what you saw displayed from Harris and the Democratic Party, and I don't really wanna make this about Democrats versus Republicans, because everybody is pretty much a mess, a spiritual mess at this point. Rhino Republicans, it's just people, you know, really reveling in the devil, reveling in being evil, reveling in really the tactics that you saw displayed by Harris. It could have been her or anybody, but the deflecting, the not answering the questions, the constantly blaming and accusing and, you know, putting the opponent constantly on the defense, instead of answering the questions and making this a real debate, the gas lighting, you know, turning everything around. You know, I'm not the cheater, you're the cheater, I'm not the liar, you're the liar. You know, it was just kind of like watching the devil in, you know, all of his glory. And it's very important, you know, when you are faced with the devil, not to get caught up in his details, because that's the tactic of the devil too. You know, when you're not paying attention to yourself and you're triggered by the devil outside of you, because you're not paying attention to the devil inside of you, then you begin to interact and engage with the devil in such a way that, you know, he's winning, he's pulling you out of yourself. The devil is in the details. The most important point is what Trump said at some point, you know, during the debate and, you know, in his closing statements. Where is Joe Biden? Who is currently the president of the United States? What administration is currently running the country? Who is Kamala Harris? She is the current sitting vice president of the United States of America. What is she doing? This country looks like a garbage dump and she is currently a vice president of this country. Her administration is currently running this country and it looks like a garbage dump. What more do we need to talk about? You know, this is like apex devilment when you want to engage in debates and you want to engage in these phony competitions of what you're going to do, when what are you doing right now? You have a job right now. And I don't know about you, but I live in probably one of the bluest, most horrific blue states that there is right now, which is the state of Massachusetts. And I would invite you at any point in time, especially the cities of Boston and Cambridge, just to have a gander at these cities. They are, you know, so blue, it's ridiculous. And they are garbage dumps, they're nightmares. It's a horror story. And it's just an example of what Kamala Harris and her party are currently doing right now. Homelessness is out of control. And one of the reasons homelessness is out of control is because of the migrant crisis. There are many, many, many, many, many, many, many migrants who are here, you know, who are being exploited themselves also by the Democratic Party, you know, there was news coverage, you know, just a couple of weeks ago of, you know, they were interviewing a Haitian migrant family, sleeping outside of a metro station in Quincy, just sleeping there, just chilling there, like as if they lived there, you know, and this is what they're bringing you here for too, to exploit you in all different kinds of ways. They're bringing you here to sleep on the streets. They're, you know, bringing you here to sleep in shelters. They're bringing you here to guarantee votes for themselves. They're bringing you here to create a permanent underclass of, you know, an underclass, you know, that they can depend on for votes, that they can use you for to unionize jobs, that they can use you to socialize healthcare, where they can really continue to weaponize the social services arm of this country, which is really only supposed to be used, you know, for emergencies and first and foremost, for the people who were born and raised here. But a migrant family, you know, living, you know, outside of, you know, a train station. And then, you know, the day before that or a day after that, you know, there was a political guy who was on the news, you know, in this city, you know, who was talking about the Boston Common, which is, you know, a really big park area. A lot of tourists go there, you know, in the heart of downtown Boston, which is just, it's a dumpster fire. It's very dangerous. It's overrun by homeless people, because it's surrounded by, you know, numerous government agencies, you know, Boston Housing Authority, homeless agencies. And it is just, you know, it's been a problem for a really long time. But this, this political guy, I think he was like a congressman or something like that. He was talking about human trafficking in this park area, human trafficking. And he said, the problem is, you know, we really can't do anything about this because we just don't have the police. We don't have the police. And, you know, this is what it looks like. This is what our country looks like. Rampant violence, a free for all. And this lady is sitting here debating about, she's the vice president of the United States. And under her currently, as a vice president and her administration, my city and my country currently looks like a garbage dump. What more do we need to talk about? We see what it is. I mean, unless you don't see because you're in complete darkness and your anger and your hatred is blocking your ability to have any sound mind and to be able to see anything clearly. It's just, it's insanity. Well, I wouldn't have looked at her either because it's like, what are we doing here? Jesus wept, he wept. Because people are truly in the darkness. If you can't see what's going on right now and you can't see that this country is in a state of emergency, I don't know what to tell you. And it's in under, you know, in a state of emergency while this lady is a vice president, it's a tactic of the devil. I have destroyed everything. I have contributed to destroying everything, but I'm going to give you a plan about what I'm going to do for an even bigger position. Are you insane? I'm looking at news footage and news feeds every day in my email, like just totally gaslighting. I think these people have like Munchausen syndrome or something like that, but it's just the complete like gaslighting. You know, Trump is afraid of her. You know, he can't take it. He's so intimidated by her. Are you insane? Are you insane? This is a tactic of the devil. Just continue, you know, it's just insane. But like I said, the two takeaways are Jesus wept because people are in complete darkness and, you know, the devil is in the details. When it speaks for itself, there is no need to debate. You know, you are currently, you know, it's like the boss of your company and your company looks like a crap show, but he's telling you that not only, he's not even addressing the fact that it's a crap show. He's telling you that he wants to now become president of the company. And he's, you know, advocating for it, even higher, like, what, what? You can't even do the job that you're doing now. What are we talking about? And why am I being forced to debate this? This is complete insanity. So those are like my, you know, my wanes here. This country looks like a garbage dump. They, you know, the Democratic Party, Rhino Republicans, this lady, they were active supporters of defunding the police, you know, putting these people's lives in danger. They were for rioting. They were for, you know, tearing apart neighborhoods and cities, therefore the socialization of, you know, this country, they, you know, as Trump said during the debate, they're Marxists. They are, you know, soulless Marxists and agents of chaos. This party, the Democratic Party has, it can't go any more far left than it already had, it already is. And therefore, you know, their tactic is to keep their party relevant. You know, this party was, you know, for, you know, slavery, you know, the history speaks for itself, you know, before the Republican president, Abraham Lincoln set the slaves free. They're constantly for, quote unquote, progressive values because they're constantly creating dumpster fires in order for their party to be needed. You know, they push you down a flight of stairs and then offer it to help you recover. We don't need any more problems. We need solutions. We don't need, you know, for you to keep creating problems in order for you to feel needed or in order for your party to be needed. This is, you know, it's insanity. And on that note, I will talk to you guys in another episode of Informally God Soon. Thanks for listening. Bye-bye.