Lights Out - Old Time Radio Horror

The Author and the Thing - Lights Out | 09/28/1943 (Ep052)

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15 Sep 2024
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Iron eyes these presents fight out everybody lights out bring you stories of the supernatural and the supernormal dramatizing the fantasies and the mysteries of the unknown we tell you this frankly so if you wish to avoid the excitement and tension of these imaginative plays we urge you calmly but sincerely to turn off your radio now this is Frank Martin before bringing you the final lights out play tonight a word from iron eyes yeast friends are you getting all you could get out of life or are you so rundown we can on edge these war days that good fortune good friends and good fun often pass you by well if vitamin B1 and iron shortage is what's to blame try iron eyes yeast tablets they give you these exact two substances they've been a splendid benefit to people who used to suffer from these shortages today these people tell of glorious prep strength and needed pounds regained so now they can really enjoy life again that's right the name is iron eyes yeast tablets enough lights out everybody but it was got her answer the phone please yes mr. Obler yes oh yes with Harrison here he is mr. Obler yes mr. Harrison oh thank you hello Joe how's the Phantom Lady yeah yeah my in trouble have a last light side I just don't know what to write about oh I got plenty of ideas but oh well men dying in foxholes and what am I doing think you're fantastic well thanks very much but I still insist that I ought to be yeah okay sure I'll make this last one a good one and then that'll be that if I live through it huh no no I was just talking to myself I've been doing that rather consistently these last few days I guess all those zombies and ghouls look rude so finally caught up with me I know I know two aspirin and a glass of water every half hour I care miss Harrison don't worry about me I'll get the story written a night of I have to talk to the devil himself to do it all right yeah sure oh fine fine call me back in an hour and I'll have some kind of a plot figured out I hope get my regards to Norman talk you later well Miss Goddard let's get to work yes sir what time is it anyway 11 32 sorry I have to keep you working so late that's perfectly all right I know you have to have that play done by tomorrow morning I'm glad to help you're an angel angel that's a strange word to use here in this room where I've thought up so many demons and monsters tell me or maybe you won't want to tell me what is over working with me and these lights out plays do you ever get frightened well do don't you yes I do get frightened many times there was a time I'd have found that very amusing tonight tonight is there something wrong Mr. Ogle I don't know tell me did you ever sit alone in a room at night and have a premonition I mean suddenly get the feeling that somewhere in the house perhaps in the darkness in the next room something was waiting something of malignancy and evil it's a matter with me if I keep on talking like this they'll be using me as exhibit eggs in the psychopathic ward come on let's get to work yes well start out next week's play with the regular lights out opening lights out everybody chimes later than you think gone first characters named Hellman called Hellman Jack Hellman HTML man to us he commits a murder and he oh what's the use I can't write another one of these things ghosts and groans and blood I tell you I can't do it I can't do it mr. Overler I'm sorry look here Miss Goddard you better run along but I just can't write anymore tonight but the cast they'll be standing by the rehearsal devil with the rehearsal I'm not gonna go insane writing these things for anybody not now run along please try to get some rest and you come back early in the morning we'll see what we can do just as you say are you sure you're all right please go all right good night good night what's come over me anyway why did I tell her to go I got to write this play Premonations she must have thought I was getting soft me oh who's there oh well I am in bad shape the wind rattles the window and I lights out author goes and that's there's a headline for variety I gotta get down to her quarter to 12 Joan such a call back in an hour I've got to have some kind of a plot by then let me see how about a press agent named black killing a man named white and black and white murder oh that corny maybe I could use a story about a Hollywood producer let's see Johnny hour he meets a girl and then's afraid because the girls are oh is that out of character how about Nero chopping off heads in the Roman circus and certainly it's quiet in here yellow day for quiet now that I've got it I I have got the jitters what the devil of I got to be jittery about things are what they are if anybody knows that I do to maintain makes for unless you're talking about curved space and then that has hold on to what they've gotten anybody who's in this war for proper thought of his bones broken off and what the devil am I talking about okay I'd better stop kidding myself I know what's wrong I want to write it and yet I don't what's the matter with me afraid to put it down on paper what have I got to be afraid of he goes get it over with and outline of title undecided play opens in the cell of a monastery in the Middle Ages a mystic is coward in the corner of his room outside a mob is clamoring for his life it appears that a horrible crime has been committed in the village below a horrible monster at torn a woman it appears that this creature brought into being through the incantations of the sorcerer was the concentration of all the evil and man's hearts and minds a tremendous force of fiendishness and inhumanity put into living flesh to roam the world and commit unspeakable hot of all the drivel a tremendous force of fiendishness and inhumanity put into living flesh to roam the world and commit unspeakable well drivel or not there it is on paper me own monster conceived in my own mind congratulations papa have a cigar conceived in my own mind that's what that crazy monk said in that book that wolf gave me I wonder who gave me that book conceived in where's that book anyway it ought to be I even mark the page and I say unto thee that if thou shalt be evil and do evil and think evil and let thy mind rest upon this evilness in the light of day and in the darkness of night for seven days and seven nights there may come into being a thing of evil and it shall take the form of the evilness of thy thought written by a half-starred mystic more than ten centuries ago and I funny I should have thought of those words tonight I've been thinking about them for a week shall take the evil the form of the evilness of thy thought seven days and seven who who's there you you and my mind yeah you you're just in my mind no no you don't exist I tell you I thought you're at your dream I said a dream when I wake up door it is for you it's got to be a dream come in come in get me out of the stream get me out of the stream don't you have open doors anymore what's a big idea sitting in here it's not a dream it's it's still they are it's what's cooking he like it out oh now I don't stand to look at me get out can't you see it can't you see it doubt get out of here what they get see in here what behind you look behind you well there's nothing behind me but the wall you are they what is this anyway a preview I get out of here all right all right now let's have it what is it's a preview of a new play why am I glad you're quitting lights out after all can't you hear him oh here who you lie behind you behind me what what's the matter with you anyway harsh don't you feel well you keep staring back I must be a dream must be a dream what's that dream you're tired and what's the matter the pink elephant's beginning no no no no no you think to my brother no no no you lie oh no I'm up or up or the police simply right away my brother please simply simply my brother my brother my brother how much time we got to go on this shift here to hold it here comes Frank's and not regain squad 39 and 48 go to the children right would drop making a disturbance claims is brother it by a monster squad 39 you go to the children Redwood wrong place but I am not drunk I'm a sober as you are I don't get for you thick headed for look it's there behind you huh what thing the monster look at it believe my brother oh I have heard of a scene snakes and pink elephants but this is the first one I've seen it's bad off age old but he don't look tight oh you never can tell in the valley there look at the two of you can't just see him can't you see him slobber there in the court hey maybe we better take him down to the station let him cool off in the can for a while yeah stop staring me the two of you why would you believe me why won't you see Clarence maybe this guy's in the living or you're not too something happened to his brother they'd be somewhere around wouldn't there under ain't nothing in this rule you've done what do you mean I thought of the monster seven days is a matter she enjoy the guy's not let's find out who is what's your name young fella yeah what's your name quiet down now what's your name I was there is a thing a sister and grinds me why don't you see it to help me come on come on now what's your name let's have it what's your business what do you do for a lady well radio I write radio what's the radio over her she ain't you the guy that writes them screwy lights out things Tuesday night yes help me please please help you oh oh this is the guy that writes them ghost things I was telling you about you know over the radio over the guy who always makes his cops I wish you get it it's one of them gags one of them publicity guys oh you infernal no wait a minute fella watch your tongue I tell you it's not a gag it's here here in the room it took my brother in it hey can't you hear it can't you hear it it's laughing and infernal life listen to it okay young fella potato gag you better take a bromo back to bed now listen you were going to hang around for a while so take it easy come on sure let's get out of here there's no way wait don't let me don't it's here I gotta get out that's it I've got to get out and find someone believe it won't let me out no no don't come at me please come back come in come in come in I was just driving by and I know the Mercedes get out of here get out what I'm not I'm not what's the matter what are you staring person who's living you got to get out you gotta get out you gotta get out of here where's it help no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ladies and gentlemen the time has come to take a moment's intermission in tonight's lights out story the tale of a weird and horrible monster dreamed by its author into actual existence in this moment let's return to the world of stark reality where a man is saying don't talk to me about having fun tonight I feel too tired out same as last night and many other nights I'm getting thin as a rail to generate eaters sleep as I should I feel like I'd never be able to enjoy life again now wait a minute lots of men and women who used to feel that way have found it was due to simple vitamin B1 and iron deficiency if that's your trouble try ironized yeast tablets ironized yeast tablets that's right ironized yeast tablets give you vitamin B1 with iron the exact two substances you need when you suffer from these deficiencies it's this two-way help of ironized yeast has been of such splendid benefit in such cases yet the cost of these pleasant little tablets is only a few pennies a day gosh maybe I ought to try ironized yeast tablets by all means do if vitamin B1 and iron deficiency is what's getting you down then see if pretty soon you aren't saying it sure swelled if he liked myself again I've got back my old time waiting pep it's like a new lease on life I'm certainly glad I tried ironized yeast tablets and now back to our final lights out story what's going on here let me tell you to go to bed is that the way to act we put your screaming all the way down on it oh no what did she come from she her corn give me a gun that thing in the corner there won't you look at it won't you believe me give me that gun to me they're gonna shoot it I'll shoot it then we are stand we are next to have a slug huh you got it coming through that bird that'll burn you for to show his minions Clarence McMinser and I'd like to be the guy that pulls a switch all right right in here sir you've got five minutes yes I know I know home is again I've been waiting for I got here as soon as I could looks bad over very bad what do you mean I didn't do anything I tell you didn't oh yes I know I know but over there you can't do a thing like that and just walk away from it what I've explained it to you I've explained it to everyone a hundred times a thousand times when anybody believe me now look here watch I'm your attorney I want to help you a great number of people want to help you and we certainly can't do a thing and that you cooperate yes that's what I said cooperate what do you want me to do tell the truth the whole truth I told you I told you yes I know what you told me a horrible thing that you conceived in your mind came to life and did a number of peculiar things but or see here surely you don't think that even the most stupid jury on earth is going to believe that nonsense you don't believe me well I've heard many peculiar alibis from my radio clients in time but well listen if you want to plead temporary and say I'm not insane I'm not insane I'm not and let's hear a sane explanation of what happened that night I told I told you everything just the way it happened my brother yes yes yes I know well your brother came into the room and was eaten up by this monster and then that girl oh what's the use apparently want to die I've tried so hard to make you understand I've tried to make you understand that if you don't stop this infernal nonsense and hurry up and tell me the truth of what really happened you'll either find yourself taking a one-way walk to the electric chair or wake up in a padded cell in an asylum for the criminally insane the fact of the matter is they've already appointed a lunacy commission to pass on your case lunacy oh see here arch wait no wait let me talk go right ahead that's what I want you to do maybe I am insane I don't know at first I told myself was nothing but a nightmare that I'd wake up and find it it all been nothing but a weird dream that never really happened but it's not a dream and no one will believe my story not even you know it's such an irrational story how can you expect anyone to believe it now take that part about your brother being devoured alive by this monster it happened it happened just as I said it it's common knowledge that your brother is pre-induction vacationing up north with your mother he came back you mean they are coming back I sent your brother a wire to come back and bring your mother home at once they ought to be here today my brother's dead well that's your preposterous story this this thing this monster who's supposed to have committed all these crimes where is he where did he come from where has he gone to I I don't know did the police see him no did anyone see him no oh arch arch if you're going to think up an alibi to save yourself for heaven's sake think up a better one than that one I'm not trying to think of alibis I'm just trying to explain what happened to you and maybe to myself I haven't believed much during my life except perhaps that somewhere there was a power that went beyond life and death what happened to me isn't explainable any terms that you and I but mr gang I tell you what did happen I thought of a monster for seven days and seven nights of my own mind and like that profit of the middle ages war and the evil thing came to life and yet only I could see it and hear it and do you see and hear it now no that's what I can't quite understand perhaps the horrible thing only has life when I think about it intensely but that's it it only has life when my thoughts give it life like an idea don't you see mr gang like an idea only exists when you think of it your thought gives it life and that's the way it is with that terrible thing listen listen listen do you hear him there there he is in the corner I tell you he's there don't you hear it blubbering and slobbering I see it now I see it you think I'm not afraid of you anymore you hear I'm not afraid I'll kill you until you until you until you are you to a god I'll kill you. He's gone insane. Look he's gone insane. What I tell you all read your writers are crazy I've had meetings with several of them. General my radio was my son. Oh he's also the first thing I had to explain. Dr. Schimmick put down my bottle. Are we a lunacy commission or lunatics and you told us. I know how strongly you gentlemen feel about this matter but after all we must come to a decision on his mental status as chairman of this lunacy commission I feel that it is incumbent upon me to shall I say summarize the facts that they have been placed before us. First it is an established fact that a murder and a very horrible murder has been committed. The police officer has testified very conclusively that our trouble was there upon the scene of the crime and that it was absolutely impossible for anyone else to have committed the murder. In other words the man whose mental status we are to determine is a murderer. Consider further facts. Does he wear conventional shirt? Another fact. Does he participate in normal activities such as drinking, dancing, fraternal orders and similar beneficial social activities? No no no no no no. I pile fact upon fact have you gentlemen ever listen to his plays. A part of what are some of the distinctive features on these works? Vices. Strange vices. Whispering vices. You know that gentleman always whispering vices. The vices, the vices. Gentlemen I am of the firm opinion that we are dealing with a very definite case of Dementia précocks in its paranoia for. No. No. No watch. No. Lifetime in an insane asylum. Oh my I'm not saying that. No. No of course you're not, son. I don't excite yourself anymore. Please. Why don't you make me go? If there was only some way I I can make them see the thing as I said. Mother you believe what I told you don't you? Yes yes dear of course I do. If Eli would only get back. Eli. But I told you Eli would you're like the others you don't believe me now I know you don't you will believe I'll make you believe. Think. Think wherever you are listen to me. I think of you here I think of you I give you life I give you life. You hear mother? You hear it does exist it does. No don't get so excited. Bear mother. It's right behind your turn see believe. You see mother. You see it I'm mad at saying I'm mad at you. No. No my mother. My mother. No. No. No my mother. No. No my mother. No my mother. No my mother. All right all right. Hello. Oh yes John. Midnight already. Yeah I've been sitting here very comfortably and I finally thought of the plot line and believe me it's quite a brainstorm. I die. Sure sure it's my final broadcast so why not I'm not gagging listen to me. You know it's all about a monster that I conceived in my own little bitty mind and it comes to life. Honestly I haven't had a cooking hours. It's going to be one of those you know crazy stories inside of a story. Now listen the way I've got it figured out is this now I'm supposed to be sitting here thinking of this horrible monster and suddenly I turn around and there is he and my young brother comes in and this monster eats him up alive and then Mercy McCamish comes in and she. Wait a minute wait a minute Joan hold it for a minute. I think someone came in. I imagine it's Bernie I'll see who. No. No. Joan you listen. That thing it's true this time it's really happening. Well Mr. Robler. Mr. Robler where are you I'm way down here what are you doing down there didn't you hear the play I'm dead. All right Frank I'll come back to earth long enough to say goodbye to our friends after you had your say I've got a word of cheer for you folks who are underweight rundown jittery often tired out if vitamin B one and iron shortage is what's getting you that way remember iron eyes yeast tablets give you the exact two substances you need of course a rundown condition may be due to other causes if in doubt see your doctor but if your trouble is simply vitamin B one and iron shortage remember iron eyes yeast has been a such splendid help in such cases that it's sold on this money back basis if you don't begin to eat better to feel better and so sleep better the cost of the first bottle will be refunded to you in full by iron eyes yeast box I why wrong way New Jersey and now how about those farewells Mr. Robler yes after a full year of blood and suspense and death in the night the time has come to put lights out of way and go on to other things thanks to those people behind the scenes with help so much engineers some man actors now starting next week at the same time iron eyes yeast is going to bring you a new version of an old favorite big town yes big time and if a note of reality of our times has crept into a play now and then forgive me but even a fictionizer can't always forget that there's a very real war going on for very real human issues so right now it's goodbye from a man named obler and a cordial invitation to listen into the show that exceeds lights out big town yes big town the thrilling dramatic pageant of America's mightiest metropolis as mirrored by Steve Wilson's courageous newspaper the Illustrated Press listen as Steve takes you behind the headlines for the stories that are the lifeblood of a great newspaper remember next Tuesday at the same time big town and if you need more vitamin B one and iron be sure to try iron eyes yeast but remember there's only one iron eyes yeast you'll know it instantly by the yellow and orange package and buy the big letters I Y on the container and on each tablet if you're in the middle of fall house cleaning stop and listen to this save time and money by taking out dirt and grease spots from your furniture and rugs yourself right in your own home use energy cleaning fluid energy takes out dirt and grease spots almost like magic it's quick easy to use just moist in a cloth with energy brush gently on the spot as directed on the container that's all you do so spruce up those home furnishings of yours by a large economical container of energy and cleaning fluid and keep things clean with energy this is the Columbia broadcasting system