Lights Out - Old Time Radio Horror

Nature Study - Lights Out | 06/22/1943 (Ep038)

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I realize this presents light out everybody. It is later than you think. Light out of the world. Light out brings you stories of the supernatural and the supernormal. Gramatizing the fantasies and the mysteries of the unknown. We tell you this frankly, so if you wish to avoid the excitement and tension of these imaginative plays, we urge you calmly, but sincerely, to turn off your radio now. This is Arch Oberler. Nature's study. That's a charming pastime they tell me. The wonders of nature and all its infinite variety. But the most interesting and varied subject of all, I think, is the mind of man. It's unpredictable convolutions. And that's what our story is about tonight. After a brief work in Frank Martin. Tired out, run down, on edge, all in. Is that how you feel tonight? Well, if vitamin B wanted iron shortages, what's the blame? Listen. Ironized yeast tablets give you both vital substances. Yes, in easy to take tablet form. So many, many people who used to suffer from these deficiencies now tell how good they feel. How pleasant little ironized yeast tablets help them regain pep and strength and needed sounds. Often they say it's like a new lease on life. That's right. The name is ironized yeast tablets. And now, life out. Everybody. There we are. There we are, where? Look about you. Oh, my goodness, it is beautiful, isn't it? I did not know this is where we'll be going. Like a canyon, isn't it? It is a canyon. A cleft in the rocks, few people in this part of the country know. I'm sitting down to rest my poor time. Oh, no, no, no, no, Miss God, we must go on. Oh, no, where are we going? Come, now, come. On all our other Sunday nature study trips, I've never had such revenge. Oh, because we never walked so far before. Where is this you are taking us today, mister? I'm a toucanada. My dear friends and neighbors, we're exactly 15 miles from home. You could think we're out of this world. Yes, if one knows nature's little highways and byways, even in the midst of the city's turmoil, one can find nature's true isolation. Well, where do we go from here? There's a little path down through the canyon. Then we will find lichens of many varieties. Oh, my goodness, that's all. I know, I know. They are like little ferns in the rock. Excellent, mister, come on in, excellent. Oh, I remember from last week. You were no sea scratches on the face of the rock. Oh, who did it? Not who, what? The glacier. Glacier? What glacier? Don't ask me. Oh, I know, it's all about ice and stuff in the North Pole. It came down here a long time ago. Excellent, mister. Oh, yes, but I have seen New Seattle in Washington, right? There are still glaciers up in the Northern Rocky Mountains. What's the matter, Miss Garde? You seem displeased. All I want to say is this. Do you mean to say we came all this way by subway and streetcar and bus just to see some old rock scratches? Well, there isn't any place in the state that has a finer record of glacial action. How do you like that? I thought I was going to see flowers, and then just scratches and rocks. Well, Miss Garde, mister, I know he's a smart man. He knows it. Well, then maybe he knows I want to go home. I see your tires. This is all there is to see. I'm starting back now. Oh, come on, Miss Wilker. Let's get out of here. Find some real excitement. Well, I don't know. After all, mister, I know it took all the time. I'm in trouble. What's up? Something up there. Go on. Oh, no! Oh, yeah. Miss Wilkins. Miss Wilkins, she passed out, I see. You all right? Yeah. Yeah, fine. Oh, see, she's all right. Miss Wilkins, are you hurt? Oh, sure, sure. She just painted and no wonder all those rocks falling down. Oh, medical we weren't hurt. You all right, mister? Oh, sure, sure. We are all right. Nobody hurts. Oh, no. Miss Wilkins, what's the matter? Under. That rock. Legs. Oh, that's... Miss God. It's Miss God. No! Get him off. Get him off. Don't be kidding. No, no, Miss Wilkins. Get him off. Stay back. We'll get her off. Yeah, we'll go. We'll go. Come on. Three. Hurry. Come on. One more rock. One more rock. You hear that, Miss Wilkins. One more rock. No, she's dead. I'm not even dead. I'm small. Miss Wilkins, I don't know. Yes. I... I... I... Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, good. Oh, Miss God. Oh, no. No, no. Wait, wait. Look. Miss Wilkins can be quiet. Miss God, she's still alive. All right. But, uh, come... She's trying to talk. Yes, Miss God. I'm here. I'm listening. Hi. Hi. Yes. What is it that I'm... I don't know. I'm sorry. I can't understand you, Miss God. What are you trying to tell us? Yes. Yes. What, Miss God? What? I... Can't... die. What? Tell me. What? What? What? What? My... My husband... didn't die... hard to say. I... I... I... killed him. Boy... I... killed him. Boy... I... killed him. Boy... I... killed him. Boy... I... killed... Miss... Miss God! Miss God! Miss God! Miss God! She... she's dead. She's dead. (Growling) (Growling) (Growling) (Growling) (Growling) (Growling) (Growling) (Growling) You... You feel better now, Miss Wilkins? (Growling) Oh, don't try to get up. Just rest. Rest. A few minutes more or less won't make any difference. No. (Growling) Mr.... I know. Yes, Mr. Commander. I have been sitting here. I have been trying to... figure it out in my head. Why is it? Well, there must have been a fissure in the rocks. The action of frost and rain loosened them. And perhaps the vibration of our eyes is... No, no, I am... I'm thinking, why should it hurt her, not us? Well, I guess that's what you call fate. (Growling) Do you think... that she really... She owes her husband, like she said? Well, I don't know. I don't know anything about her except she was a neighbor. Yes. She lived in our building for a whole year already. I really don't know about her. I know. You, Miss Wilkins? Dallas, please. She told me she used to sing a nightclub. So, really? Oh, I'm wondering if she wasn't feeling good. She came down my apartment. I guess she felt like talking. She told me she used to work in this nightclub. And then she married this rich fellow. I sold her and she worth lots of money. And she married him. And she didn't like him very much. And all of a sudden, he died. Oh, did she... Did she tell you that there was anything unusual about his death? No. She just said, all of a sudden, he died. Like poison? Oh, are we sitting here? Why don't we get out of here, quick. Let's get out of here. Yes, Mr. Arnold, why do you sit there? Lead us the way out. Mr. Arnold, what's the matter with you? Why do you sit there looking at us? I... I didn't want to say anything before. Say what? Say what? I went over there the only way out of the canyon. The rocks have blocked it off. I'm very much afraid we can't get out. It's now you're talking to me, Mr. Arnold. But it's so dangerous. Danger is what is dangerous. I climb up the rocks. I'm like stairs. I pull up over the top and I'm up. Oh, but I insist it's dangerous. That tumble of rocks. Miss Wilkins, am I not right? Well, we just can't wait in here forever. And I'm sure that Mr. Kamara knows what he's doing. That is a very smart girl. Look at that wall, it is nothing. Oh, but I... Oh, don't worry, Mr. Arnold. I told you the rocks along here like steps. I climb up and I go and get help and soon I have you out of here. All you do is to help me up that first rock. Well, all right, if you insist. Sure, sure. Put your hands together on a grip. Like that. That is right. I put my foot in your hand and you push up and give a boost, right? Yeah. All right. Hold your hands down. I get my foot. Now, leave. Here we go. Oh, there. I am up. So, am up here already. The rest of the way to climb is easy. What did I tell you? Be careful, Mr. Kamara. Here I go. He is very strong, isn't he? What do you say, Miss Wilkins? He is very strong, isn't he? Oh, yes, yes. Careful of loose rocks, Mr. Kamara. I am all right. Test every handhold. Those rocks are all loose. You get us out of here. I know he will. Yes, yes, he will. He... He's up so high. Oh, yes. I... I just can't watch anymore. Well, he... He only has a few more feet to go and... He'll be over the edge. You're doing very well, Mr. Kamara. Sure. I saw you. Your Kamara, he always does. Oh, Mr. Kamara, what... Whooping out with him. I don't know. You suddenly start talking, isn't moving. Mr. Kamara, what is the matter? Mr. Kamara. You might... Are... Come on. I can't hold. I'm cramping his arm. Hold on, Mr. Kamara. I'll try to get up to you. Don't let go. I'll try to... No! Mr. Kamara. Mr. Kamara. Mr. Kamara. Mr. Kamara. He... Is that... No, no, no. I don't think so. He lifted up his head. Oh, Mr. Kamara. What? Hey. Hey. Couldn't hold. Oh, no, no, no. Listen. I don't tell you. Yes, yes. I'm listening. I... All broken. We'll be dead. We'll be dead. We'll die without telling. When I was boy. Celia. One haunting with my brother. He never came back. They thought he'd run away. My brother. I wanted his life. So, I... She loved him. I did him. Very him. I... She loved... My brother. Ladies and gentlemen, we leave our lights out story of nature study for just a moment to look in on an office in a New York skyscraper. It's five in the afternoon and the sector is saying... Hello? Why, yes, Bob. I'd love to go dancing. I'll be through here by 6.30. Be seeing you, bye. With all this overtime leaving me limp as a rag, you've got the pet to go dancing. How do you do it? Why, when I felt myself slipping, I found out I just needed more vitamin B1 and iron. And I got them as easy as pie by taking those wonderful little ironage yeast tablets. I still don't see how they could make all that difference. Let me explain. When you don't get enough vitamin B1 from your food, you may lose your appetite. Not eat all you need, so lose weight, strength and pep. And without enough iron, you may be weak and pale and feel all in. I see. And you say ironage yeast tablets supply both vitamin B1 and iron? Right. It's ironized yeast and it's famous two-way help. That's been of such surprising benefit to so many men and women with these deficiencies. So if you need more vitamin B1 and iron, for your own sake, get ironized yeast tablets right away. Then see it before long you aren't saying. How wonderful to feel peppy and rare to go again. That tired feeling is gone. That put on pounds I needed. I wish I tried ironage yeast tablets longer ago. And now back to our exciting lights out story of nature study. Two people have died in Hidden Canyon on a Sunday morning. Two people have died with confessions of murder on their lips. This working? Where are you? Miss Wilkins, are you hiding? Miss Wilkins, you shouldn't have run away like that. You shouldn't. We'll work something out together. We'll get out of here. Oh, there you are. Why did you hide back here? Nothing's going to hurt you. Nothing. You're wrong. You're wrong. I'll never get out, never, never, never. But why should you say that? This canyon is well known sooner or later at any moment. Someone will come along and see a sound here. No, never, never, never. Now, that's no way to talk Miss Wilkins. They are dead, aren't they? I don't think of them. I've got to think of them. They're me. Me? What are you talking about? You think I haven't got a brain in my head. You think I don't know what I'm talking about? What I do, I always do. I'll let everybody think of them, but I know more than you or anyone. And I know why they died, I know. Miss Wilkins, I don't know. I'm calling you. Listen to me. I'm telling you. I know why they died. Yes, of course. Was that true to me? All right. Miss Garde died. And she committed a murder. Yes. And Mr. C'mine died. And he committed a murder. Where? That's why I won't get out of here alive. I committed a murder too. I committed a murder too. Oh. That's, that's unbelievable. Oh, you're, you're just saying. Oh, not true. But you. Well, how? Married. All I wanted to do was get married. What? Married. We're going to school together. The same woman carries the same woman. We came here to go to work. Always together. My best friend. Everyone said my best friend. My best friend. Uncle Joe. I met him personally. She met him. She said she didn't like him. But I knew she did. She did. At the party I came into the room. His arms had been around her. I knew they had. He couldn't fool me. She couldn't fool me. It was her fault. Not his. My best friend. Joe was for me. Not for her. He was thinking about her. He kept on thinking about her. Pretty all right. She was pretty. But he was for me. From me. A night I'd like if thinking if she was dead. If she was dead. She had to be dead. She had to be dead. Ms. Wilkins. For five years. I've known you for five years. What you are saying isn't true. I know it isn't. Your mind. All that happened. You couldn't really. I'm brought to stop. All right Ms. Wilkins. You listened to me. I killed her. I killed her with poison. And I'm going to die the way they did. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. You're out of your mind. Now I know exactly what I'm saying and doing. You know how long I've waited for this moment. Mr. Arnold. Five years. Five years. Every night for five years. Every time I was alone in the dark. I've been waiting for this moment. I don't have to wait any moment. Why not? Because it's here. It's here in the canyon. Waiting. Waiting to kill me. There's no one here but you and me. They know. No I know. I tell you there's no one in this canyon but the two of us. And their bodies. What? What's over there? Oh nothing but the shadow of a rock on the canyon wall. Not a shadow Mr. Arnold. What are you talking about? Not a shadow Mr. Arnold. I see it plainly. It is a shadow. Not a shadow Mr. Arnold. Why do you keep saying that? It's coming closer. The sun is getting lower in the sky. It touches me. I'll die. Don't say that. The way they die. Stop talking nonsense. Get you out of here. Someone will come along. Up there. Is there anyone up there? We're down in the canyon. Get us out of here. No. You just sit there and relax until somewhere. Miss Wilkins. Miss Wilkins. Dead. Bottle. What? Poison. You killed yourself. Why? The shadow. Yes. Touching you. Only a shadow. But is it? Yes sir. Someone. Someone get me out of here. Get me out of here. There we are. You lie there. Mr. Kamari. Miss Wilkins. Miss God. And now you, Mr. Kamari. Now, all of you lie there and listen to me. It's getting quite dark. And while it's still light enough so that I can see you, I... I want to talk to you. There you are. I've got to find something out. Listen to the wind. Just come up. The wind. It molds around the rocks, but I'm not moaning. You hear that Miss Wilkins? I'm not. I'm just talking to you reasonably. It's been so many hours. Yet you hear I'm talking reasonably. Please. Please understand my friends. I didn't mean for this to happen. I took you to Hidden Canyon to show you the lichens and the glacial actions on the rocks. I didn't want you to die. And that's what I've got to talk to you about. There you are. Why did you die? It was all quite accidental. Wasn't it, Miss God? Answer me, Miss God. The rocks that crushed you, all quite accidental. It wasn't because you had committed the murder, was it? All quite accidental. Wasn't it, Miss God? Wasn't it, Miss God? Strangely, my voice echoes between the rock walls. I will talk to you, Mr. Kamathin. You climbed up the rocks. A cramp in your arms. You couldn't hold on any longer. You fell. That was all accidental. Wasn't it? Wasn't it? There's no reason for me to shout like that. Yes, sir. How quiet it is. And dark. For years I've never been in the dark. That night, all the lights on in my house. I even sleep with the light on in the room. Never been in the dark for years. Well, I'm in the dark at last. Of all. The three of you are dead. And so I... I'm alone. Huh? Oh. Oh. A bird. An owl. Yes, of course, an owl. Miss Watkins. You shouldn't have taken that poison. You should have stayed alive to talk to me. As long as there's someone to talk to. When there's no one but the dead. That's the frightening thing. And I don't like the dark. And now I'm in the dark alone. That's the frightening thing, yes. Oh. Your faces. Why do I see your faces? Oh. It's the moonlight. How quickly the moonlight in your face. Yes. I... I don't think I'm going to look at you. You're going to sit here all through the night. My eye is closed. Yes. I will. I will. Oh. How long have I had my eyes shut? All night? Is this... Is it light against my eyes? I know it. All right. I will open my eyes. Moonlight. So bright. Filling the canyon. The walls. So very bright. Shadow. Shadow on the wall. What? Moving along the wall. Shadow of what? Miss Wilkins. You said the shadow, Miss Wilkins. You... You're smiling. Mr. Kamarind, you too. Miss God. All of you smiling... Is... It... The moonlight or... Are you... Really smiling? Why are you smiling? Why? All right. I know. You know. All right. My eyes are opened. And when the shadow touches me... When the shadow touches me... Oh, who? Who? Who's... Must have gone down here. Right. People... Oh, down there. Anyone down there? Anyone? Yes. Yes. Mr. Kamarind, who killed his brother? Miss God, who killed her husband? Miss Wilkins, who killed... If I'm down here... Come and get me. I've waited for you for 15 years. I've waited my wife! You hear me? I've waited my wife! Well, Mr. Oberlin, the wages of sin, eh? I suppose you can call it that. Whether one believes that wage is exacted by conscience or ghost or God, I think the progress of man has proved that you can't violate the basic human moralities without eventual retribution. Certain slant-eyed individuals together with their goose-stepping and patriots are rapidly learning the truth of that truism. Which reminds me of next week in vatosphere. Oh, you mean Saturday night bus? No, the Tuesday night variety. But I'll tell you about that in a moment. If vitamin B1 and iron shortage is what's keeping you underweight and underpar, why go on that way? Ironized yeast supplies both vital substances, in easy-to-take tablet form at a cost of but a few pennies a day. Now, a rundown condition may stem from other causes. If in doubt, see your doctor. But if you simply need more vitamin D1 and iron, remember, ironized yeast has been so successful in so many such cases that it's sold on this no-risk, money-back basis. If you don't begin to eat better, look and feel better, the cost of the first bottle will be refunded to you in full by ironized yeast, box IY, Rawway, New Jersey. And now, what's this about a Tuesday night boss, Mr. Ober? Vatosphere. That's the amazing diving bell developed by Scientist BB, which has enabled divers to go under the sea to amazing depth. Next week, we go down under the sea in what is one of my favorite stories, and I think it'll be one of yours after you listen to it. Two men start under the ocean in search of a diving record and the excitements which follow happen as usual, next week. Yes, tune in next Tuesday again for Archibler's Amazing Story, Vatosphere. And if you need more vitamin B1 and iron, be sure to try ironized yeast, the one and only ironized yeast, with the big letters IY on the package and on each tablet. It is later than you think. All off for the treasure hunt, folks, all off for the treasure hunt. Just hunt up discarded white shoes in your storeroom or attic. Make them attractive and good-looking again with Energene Chew White. Save a number 18 Chew Rash and coupon for another pair of shoes. Use Energene Chew White because it's made only with the very whitest pigment obtainable. Energene Chew White spreads over shoes easily and dries even late to a real white, never a dingy off white. Yes, to keep white shoes looking better longer, use Energene Chew White. wide. This is the Columbia Broadcasting System. [BLANK_AUDIO]