Truth Talk ep #1

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
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Hello and welcome to the first edition of Truth Talk Radio. I'm one of your hosts, Paul Webster from Haley from Brantford, Ontario, Canada. And sitting here with me is Chance George, fellow quote conspiracy theorist, and wow. We can hear the lag in the other room already as we're using this new interface via the interweb. The lag in the other room, thank goodness we went to the next room because the lag I tell you folks is about 10 seconds behind. So I can hear myself and the next room is quite comical anyways. Anyways, the topic of focus for the week, is there such things as the bad things happening in the world? Is there any truth to these conspiracy theorists ideas and what is the meaning of the word conspiracy? You know, it's actual definition, the way it's conceived to the general masses. Anyways, you people are all welcome to call in. We've got tons of clips, we've got the document cams, shots, and all kinds of neat things we're learning in the system and who knows how it'll go. But call in and let's argue. All right, on our first edition, we might as well start explaining what the actual word conspiracy theory means. By actual definition, a conspiracy is an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or what is that word even? A serpentitious, a serpentitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons. Now I can see how that would be really hard to imagine that there could ever be two or more persons at one place at one time thinking of an evil or unlawful plan. Now by definition of the word theory, I don't even know why I have to look at stuff for people. This should be pretty much self-explanatory, but by the definition of theory, which is a set of principles on which a practice and of an out of an activity is based, a theory of education, musical theory. So basically, if you are studying something and you have ideas about it or you're practicing something in a way, you're using a theory, if you are using a conspiracy by making an evil thought between one or two more persons, you are now guilty of a conspiracy theory. Whenever an event happens, there'll be many opinions. If I see an event that happens and I come up with my opinion, I have a conspiracy theory if it's about two or more people committing a lawful event. It may be completely different from Paul's conspiracy theory, but there is a conspiracy if I think two or more people are colluding on an event. So why are we going off about this? You should probably ask and you already know what the word conspiracy theory means and the words mean together and everything else. You know what this means. Why are we asking this? Because over the last seven years, for me, 10 per chance or 12 per chance, I don't know, but in the last half decade per year. So I've learned a lot of stuff about things thanks to the internet and say what you will about the internet. There's a lot of stuff on there that you can prove beyond a shadow of a shadow of a doubt, intricate and spades. There's no denying it. Some of it is undeniable. I don't care what it is. Some of it you can prove wrong and you do, but some stuff is there and it is in your face and you can't deny it. In the 70s and the 60s, there were the 10 foil hat conspiracy theorists running around with their ideas, which they got out of libraries and books in their brain that worked as a computer like it should have back then and they discovered a lot of things and they try to tell people and it's a lot of information to get across to somebody and it's pretty far-fetched, although they can prove it by showing them books and articles and documents and magazines and all you got to do is put it together. Why are we trained? Why do we put up a wall in our heads as soon as you hear the word conspiracy? I proved it again by telling, talking to my friend before I came here, I was telling him I'm going to put a show on and I said the word conspiracy and his lips automatically curled upwards in a smile. Now why would that happen? I said, I pointed at him and I said, why did you just smile? That is a programmed canned response. Why are you automatically, when you hear the word conspiracy, programmed to think it's a joke while there's actual evil going on in the world, we are programmed to smile about it, now when the word conspiracy means two people getting together to do bad things and we inherently want to be good humans, why do we not care about this? That's what we want to talk about today. That's what we want to call you to call in about because I'm trying to talk to somebody and they know all the scores of all football and they know all the stats about their, but they know nothing about what's running the world. I don't say I do, I'm just interested in it and that's all I want people to do is be interested in it, that's the most important. If everybody knew about a conspiracy, it can't happen, but all everybody does is just put up this mental wall and we can show you through the scientific method how the wall is put up. Just for instance, the tip of the iceberg is in the 60s they started a plan where I'm pretty sure the 60s should correct me if I'm wrong, look it up and I know that there was a plan with the TV to literally brainwash and subliminalize the general public to the point where they're suggestible and that was the whole idea by the powers that be, the people that have all the money in the world and don't need any more money. Their next thousand generations are set. Now think, what would you do then? How did the Romans control their people? How did anybody ever control every single empire that's ever existed as always seek control of their people? And now all of a sudden, in this day and age and the "smart intellectual day and age" we, the people, decide to not care, that's why we can, I want to prove what's going through people's minds when we say the word conspiracy, like I was saying, the tip of the iceberg is where they sat thousands of monkeys all over study, over study, over study, a hundred at a time or whatever it was with things all over their heads, contraptions stuck to their heads, recording brainwaves, watching TV. That's what they did. Another room, watching single TVs, and the TVs run at "flicker rates." The flicker rates work in a hypnotic basis, whereas if they're set to a certain flicker rate, you won't pay attention so much. But if it's at a certain flicker rate, you're paying attention and therefore suggestible. I remember my little brother, when he was a little kid watching TV, he'd be the smurfs or something like that. And I'd say, "Hey, Mike, Mike, Mike, no, my brother's name is Mike, a guy in the control room says what? My brother, Mike, I'm like, "Hey, Mike, Mike, he's watching TV and he can't hear me. He's literally watching TV and he can't hear me." Now, if that's not literal hypnosis, I don't know what it is. And when they put those monkeys on the thing, they didn't put the TVs out until it was hypnosis state. Anyways, call in and let's talk about conspiracy theory. The Wikipedia definition of conspiracy theory explains an event as being as a result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or more broadly the idea that an important political or socially economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public. Now, is that a plausible thesis? Could that ever happen? Is there two or more people in the political system actually trying to gain some kind of control over your life? Or are we just going to not care about that? It just buckles my mind that when we can prove it in this day and age with the internet. It's not these crazy people running around with the libraries with all this information in their heads and they can't get it up. It's right in front of our face now. We're going to take the internet away with SOPA and ACTA. This is our final chance to figure all this crap out and instead we know all the stats about our music. Like, I'm guilty, I'll tell you who all the members of Michigan are, but I sure can't tell you all the members of parliament are, you know, so we're as a society doomed if we don't start figuring this stuff out and that's all I want to say. I want to start waking people up at least 2% and that 2% will grow like a ripple and a pond. So, anyways, the work and conspiracy theory has been trained in our minds over the last 40 years, 50 years, as soon as you hear it, you're to think tin foil hat, crazy person. There's a million examples of it on TV and the Simpson episode where Lisa stood up against the cameras, they put up surveillance cameras in town in Springfield and they had a town meeting and Lisa stands up and said, "Hey, that's against the Constitution, we have rights." And they'll laugh at her, right? And that's a literal mind control to a 6 and 7 year old when the whole town laughs at somebody who wants to stand up for their rights. So we all think that's all, "Oh, yeah, yeah, no, no, they're actually saying that that's happening and it's bad." Not to a 6 and 7 year old, they're seeing the town laugh at the person who's supposed to be smart. You see, there's a disconnect between us and the little people. We see that as, "Oh, yeah, the people that write the Simpsons, Matt, groaning in all them," they know they're trying to put the message out, subliminally to us, that we've got to start watching over these cameras. But not the 6 and 7 and 4 and the 8 year olds that are watching and their mom and dad don't explain it to them because they're sitting there having a smoke and a beer or whatever the case is and eating their hungry man. And for all the examples, I've queued up a few of how the media can subliminally and on purpose. I realize that there's proof of it and I don't have time to look everything up, but we're all subject to work all day. But there's proof of it and just before the show I was able to pipe in a few things on YouTube and there they are and here's, just for instance, here's George W. Bush warning us of conspiracy theories. And think about the President of the United States is saying, "Do not tolerate conspiracy theories." That means, that means, "Do not look up what happened. Do not listen to anyone else's side. Can you wrap your head around that?" Anyway, the off-watch play, I'll try and let George Bush speak and I hope you can hear it, the speaker here. Do it up, modern technology, modern technology. Okay, well I have a quip here, and the title of it, no, there he goes. Now let's go back a bit, George. We're going to go back a bit and let you hear him say, "Do not tolerate conspiracy theories." Here we go. And here we go. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11th. Now can you believe that? Now he calls a conspiracy theory, which is by definition, two or more people colluding. Two or more people. Do not tolerate anybody that even thinks that two or more people got together and conspired to do something. Okay? Now here's another, oh, number to call in before we go to the next clip is one, okay, one, three, four, seven, eight, three, eight, eight, three, zero, two. That's one, three, four, seven, eight, three, eight, three, zero, two. You can call in at any time and I'll give it a chance here. It's just a back fall up on some of the random rant that he's going on about that you people may be disbelieving or trying to push aside. When he's talking about Flickr rate, if you type in to Google, Japan, 14,000 children affected by seizures due to Flickr rate, they literally tested out the new Pokemon game. This is one of the games that my children apparently watched all day long, so it generally affects me, is they were testing it out, trying new Flickr rates. In the middle of their Flickr rate testing, they hit a Flickr rate at a speed that made 14,000 children across Japan go into seizures simultaneously across the nation. I don't know if anybody cares or that would be important or anything, but it just shows you the power of TV. At the same time, you're going into a beta state where your brain is practically sleeping. You're not basically tearing apart the information like if you're reading a book. You wouldn't be questioning what's being told to you if you're listening to a speech or you wouldn't be sucking in the information if you're being entertained by something. You are literally going into a sleep state, becoming subject to any subliminal subconscious implement that they put into there. At the same time that you're subject to all this information that could be just implanted in your brain, you have things like the Bush government, for example, spending $84 billion during his administration putting things on to TV programs. As if we're not broken off and don't have things to spend money on, we're going to spend money on TV programs. What kind of things would we put into TV programs? Well, suggestible events, as in six months before 9/11, they put up the show known as the Lone, the Lone Ranger, it's a spin-off of the X-Files, the Lone Gunman, that's what it is, the Lone Gunman, basically for six months before 9/11, the CIA put in propaganda placement where they put an episode actually depicting a plane being hijacked by Al-Qaeda terrorist groups and flown into the World Trade Center in New York only to start a war to further sales of ammunition and oil takeover. If that's not propaganda placement in a TV show, what is? So not only are they making you hypnotized, putting things into your mind, and then sending people out into public to make fun of the only people who aren't watching TV, these crazy conspiracy theories, theorists who are questioning things, questioning that is it possible that two or more people have colluded in an evil event, it kind of like boggles my mind at past conspiracy such as there's no such thing as a mafia. In the early 50s, it was said by J. Edgar Hoover that there's no such thing as organized crime. Does anybody now looking back on that thing, that could be true, that there's no such thing as organized crime. That was put over the public. That was put over the talking point to the public. If you go back even further, you would be killed to the death if you were to say that the Earth is not flat. Now we've got a flat planet, and if you were to say, "You know what? I think I'm going to go for a boat ride and I'm going to sail all around the planet, they'll kill you," because it's not possible, because it's flat planet. Now this is hilarious now, it's not even a question, but could you imagine living in times when you put the death for thinking about a conspiracy theory? Paul, what do you got? Why is it now though? Why is it now that we believe it's in a society that's the way it's been? What Chanchet said? That's the way it's been for thousands of years. Since the beginning of society, the Mesopotamians would kill people for doing bad things against the society. If you stole bread, you're dead. If someone said you did, you're dead. Why is it now, now as a society, we are perfect. All of a sudden there's no bad things going on, and it's all here on the Internet. We can absolutely confirm it on the Internet. We can absolutely confirm everything on the Internet, and nobody wants to look at it because they're told that conspiracy theories are bad and you're crazy and automatically like my brother, you put on a smile, you put on an automatic smile. We can prove just like trying to talk to my brother when he was watching TV, and he can't even listen because he's on an absolute subliminal state that they programmed and trained their monkeys until they had it down to a home craft. Like Chanchet said, the kids that died from epilepsy seizures from playing Pokémon, and literally they did that on, they didn't try to kill them on purpose. They tried to put them into subliminal state so they want to play more Pokémon. You see? They play more Pokémon. They play more hours than hours and they want to buy the next edition and they make billions. It's all lobbying and whatnot. Anyways, we had a CSI clip. How about you queue up the clip in the other room there from the bunker? Mike, you queue up clip number four. Number one. Sorry. Cue hard. I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys at Nickle's worth. Banks are going bust, shopkeeper's keep a gun under the coder. Punks are running wild in the street and nobody anywhere seems to know what to do and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. We sit watching our TVs while some local news jester tells us that today we had 15 homeless eyes and 63 violent crimes as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad, worse than bad. They're crazy. Like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is please at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radios and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone. Well, I'm not good to leave you alone. I want you to get mad. I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to ride. I don't want you to ride to your congressmen because I wouldn't know what to tell you to ride. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say I'm a human being. Goddamn it. My life has value. So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it and stick your head out and yell. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. I want you to get up right now. Get up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. Things have got to change. I'm going to take this. You've got to get mad. Excuse me. I know what to do. I'm going to take this anymore. Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oral crisis. But Christ, get up out of your chair, open the window, stick your head out of jail and say I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. All right. That's the mad prophet himself, Howard Beale, from the 1976 classic Network. I know that none of us were alive when that was on TV, but I mean it's blatantly in your face a movie completely telling you that not only is everything on TV have made up complete lie, but that we have you completely hooked on it. We are completely lying to you. Cue up right away, network number two. This one's blatantly telling you about how the TV is made up lying. Oh, sorry, the mad prophet of the ear waves, Howard Beale. Edward George, ready to die today. Edward George, ready with the chair of the board of the union broadcasting systems. He died at 11 o'clock this morning of a heart condition and war with us. We're in a lot of trouble. So a rich little man with white hair died. What does that got to do with the price of rice, right? And why is that woe to us? Because you people and 62 million other Americans are listening to me right now because less than 3% of you people read books because less than 15% of you read newspapers because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube. This tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, folks, prime ministers, this tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world, and woe is us if it ever holds in the hands of the wrong people. And that's why woe is us, but Edward George, ready to die. Because this company is now in the hands of CCA, the communication corporation of America. There's a new chairman of the board, a man called Frank Haggis, sitting in Mr. Ruddy's office on the 20th floor. And when the 12th largest company in the world controls the most awesome god damn propaganda force in the whole godless world, woe knows what shit will be better for truth on this network. So you listen to me, listen to me, television is not the truth, television is a god damn amusement park, television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobat, storytellers, danceers, singers, joggers, side show, freaks, lions, famers, and football players. Where's the board of killing business? So if you want the truth, go to God, go to your gurus, go to yourselves, because that's the only place you're ever going to find any real truth. But man, you're never going to get any truth from us. We'll tell you anything you want to hear, we lie like hell, we'll tell you that co-jack always gets the killer and that nobody ever gets cancer in Archie Bunker's house, and no matter how much trouble the hero is in, don't worry, just look at your watch at the end of the hour, he's going to win, we'll tell you any shit you want to hear. We did illusions, man, none of it is true, but you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creams, we're all you know, you're getting to believe the illusions we're spending here, you're getting to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal, you do, whatever the tube tells you, you're dressed like the tube, you ain't like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube, this is mass madness, you maniacs, in God's name you people are the real thing, we are the illusion, so turn off your television sets, turn them off now, turn them off right now, turn them off and leave them off, turn them off right in the middle of the sentence I'm speaking to you now, turn them off! Anyways, that was Howard Beale from the Movie Network, again put out in 1976 before we were born talking all about the New World Order, which in fact does exist people, and if you don't believe it, look it up, look it up, there's tons of stuff on it, well you got the internet, there's about how much time you go left, Mike, just three minutes left of the show, I don't think we got time enough to go through everything else, I had a couple more clips loaded up to illustrate how propaganda behavior placement is put into the media, to the TV, for us to suck up in our subliminal state and then go back out and pair it to our friends and pair it to anybody else that thinks otherwise, because they're trained to think a conspiracy theory is crazy, is nutball talk, anyways, I was going to go on about how the government, just recently in the last couple months, I don't think it's actually implemented yet, but it's passed in their house, if you criticize their new carbon tax as a business, if you're a business and you say that the price of the pop just went up by 25 cents or by 50 cents or by whatever, 50%, the price of the food went up by 70% because we are now paying more because of the carbon tax. There is literally a law just put in place that if you put that on your advertisements or you tell your customers that as a vendor, you're going to be charged up to a million Australian, I don't know what that works out to be here, but even if that's 100 bucks, I don't care, that's wrong and I'm sure millions of more than 100 bucks, but that means you're not allowed to say that the government is colluding to take your money, that's literally, and so we had George Bush telling you what a conspiracy day, you're not allowed to talk about a conspiracy to let us not tolerate the spirit outrageous, conspiracy malicious conspiracy, we have the Australian government, I was going to queue up an episode of CSI where they're sitting around talking about the villain and he's a quote unconventional college professor that quote teaches his students about fluoride and chemtrails and the person asks what are chemtrails and the guy, they're all cops in a room and he says chemtrails are what they think comes out of the back of jet engines or something and she says fluoridation, they go on to call the guy an unamerican bastard because he's talking about this. We got 30 seconds left of this broadcast, people and I just want to thank anyone that's even tuned in or listen for a second, it's been a bunch of rants and going offs and it's too bad nobody called in but we'll try and do this a little more often, I'll post it a little before our end and we just want to wake up our friends and we try and tell them it doesn't work, so this is Paul signing off, yeah once again thanks for checking it out, our whole point is if everyone's on the thing, no one is ever going to do anything about it so start here, we're going to do more shows, we'll pick a topic every week, next week, 9/11, week after health, fluoride, genetically modified, call in, especially if you disagree with us, anything that you think is complete bullshit and we will try and break it down without calling people names and doing the ad hominim attacks, we'll go through facts, research, share with you, see you again, you can check out our page on what, your chain and Facebook, thanks for your end, see you next week, see ya!