Mission Darts Podcast

#4 - Training for Lakeside, Peter Wright in Germany and Your Questions

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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So Andy, before we do the big, hello, welcome back to Mission and everything, can I just confirm you've actually plugged your mic in this week? So last week we said that we can use this software. This is really easy. You just send me the link and I click it and we did the whole show and I listened to it back and I thought it doesn't sound right to me that and then I looked and the USB wasn't plugged in on my mic so it was using my building computer mic. So hopefully, look, I have a mic here right in front of me. So hopefully it's plugged in, it's working and we should sound a little bit better this week. Well, at these people I have to hear you properly, I mean, you're watching me with like probably the weirdest, I need to get one of them, I mean, we've got the screens coming. So we get with this really weird, every time I move, so there's loads of boxes and bits and things in the background, which isn't very appealing or very interesting to look at. But I'm still in an empty room because I'm moving next week so everything's packed up ready to go. So yeah, we'll get the screens up and I'll have something exciting behind us. But the exciting bit first of all is this is a regular thing now, Matt, this is episode four and we're putting it on the podcast part of YouTube so you can watch us but we're also putting it out on all the podcast channels. So if you're not just listening to us, if you're driving to work or whatever you want to put a podcast on, we're there. Now, I have no idea where to find a podcast or how to do that. So I'm guessing you're the one who knows all that in five. No, no, I don't know either now, but he does our video guys, so he's setting all that up for his mate. And I have actually checked it on my iPhone, there's a little app that says podcasts. If you go on their mission, that is dead easy to find. So yeah, if you want to just listen to us, you don't want to see our faces and Matt going in and out of zoom and all that sort of stuff, then you can listen to us on podcast channel. Well, I guess we've got a lot of topics to talk about today. There's a lot going on in the world of darts and, of course, our usual silliness. And do you know what? I'm just going to start. But it's a success for Mr. Reagan, we might have to talk about this week. I once I see it, that's, it's one of those, isn't it? Right. This is where, is it success or was it nearly success? Of course, it's success. Let's, you know, let's kick off with that. Let's kick off with the Welsh. You talk us through it, Matt, because you were, I didn't even know you were going. I didn't. I didn't. It was a very late decision. I managed to enter it with a couple of hours to spare. It was my birthday last week, having a bit of a holiday, having a bit of time. And then when I looked at where the calendar, where the scheduling was, I was doing a little bit of filming nearby and I did plan to do some more filming and I've been dying to get down to the area to do some filming for my own YouTube channel. Yeah. Now, I thought I'd have enough time to go and get that footage. I thought, well, what I'll do, I'll go there, we'll have some time at the beach. I'll go get the footage I need to get. I can do a video diary of the, of the open and I can play in the open and I've not been able to practice for weeks. We've been out doing our filming and I've been doing lots of other bits of work and things. So I've had no practice since getting back from Sweden. I've not even picked up a single dart. No. Three weeks. That's not ideal. So, well, I say not single dart. We threw some darts when we was out and about and we were just chucking in the boards and I was using house darts or other things because I didn't go getting up my car. So, no practice. So I thought, well, I'll go along. If I can get to a quarter fine or something like that, it'll just strengthen my position for Lakeside, which ultimately is the whole goal and everything I've set out to do this year, get to Lakeside and, you know, whenever you pick up a set of darts, there's two places you want to play, Ali Pali and Lakeside. Yeah. And for me, this would give me fulfillment. You know, some people set out to be world champion. Some people want to be world number one. I wanted to be a professional dart player and if I can play on the two most iconic stages in the world of darts, for me, that would be my fulfillment as a player and I'll get the opportunity to do that this year. So, the reason I'll get the opportunity that this year is because I actually made the final. Yeah. Do you know what, Matt, looking at those, looking at the scores and looking at the averages which we can do on DartConnect now and going through and I thought, and I think first round you kicked off like a 90-something average 4-0, oh my God, he's on fire. Where's he found this from when he hasn't thrown a dart? And then you put in a dodgy 60-something and got over the line and I thought, oh, I've been in that position before. So now your expectation is, I'm not really playing that well, I'm not prepared. No expectation. Always be where the dart are with no expectation and on you went right the way through to the final and had things gone slightly the other way, it could have gone the other way, but fair place to the guy at the beat when he came, he came like a train didn't he have to like three. So, but yeah, to get to the final, mate, when you literally only decided the day before or whatever it was, it's pretty impressive and more than cemented your place in Lakeside, I think you're about 70, so you're almost top 16 seats. Well, actually, there's more to that. So that's the better bones of it, but when you look at it deeper, Leonard Gates is confirmed pretty much Riley Pally and he will go to Ali Pally. So Leonard Gates is above me and the rankings he's coming out. Also Wesley Plasier is confirmed for Ali Pally and he will be playing Ali Pally. So that is two players that are above me that will come off of the rankings. So I'm actually, as well as far as I know, I'll be 15 as things stand and there's one and a half months left to go. Now, as we know, my diary is absolutely trockered. Me finding time to go into- Just go get towards Lakeside. It does, yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I've got the Masters and I've got the World Open, which are going to be taking part in Budapest, looking forward to those, but if I was going to look at, can I get to any other events, I don't know if I can. So am I realistically going to get seeded? I'm going to need to run on the Masters. And again, look, your initial thought was, can I get to Lakeside? It wasn't, can I get in the top 16? It was, can I get to Lakeside? We know how busy your diaries are and the fact that you've done that for me is pretty impressive because you part-time player and that's one of the biggest part-time, I'd say quarter-time. Yeah, quarter-time player, hardly going to events, certainly not practising like, you know, like we used to like professional players. And I think that kind of shows really what level you've always been at to be able to only do it part-quarter time and still get there. There's no disrespect to the WDF, the fact that you're a good player and the fact that you can still bang in a 90 average is pretty impressive. So I think whatever happens now, you know, whatever happens happens, Matt, and the fact is you're there and doesn't really matter, doesn't really matter who you get, you can beat them all, doesn't matter whether you've got to play an extra round or whatever it is, the fact is you've got there. So, you know, fox-ticked. And the thing is, I know where I am, I know where my game is, I'm realistic, I've never been a world-beater, I've never been a world-top-16 player, but what I've always been is hard to beat. And I made a joke when I was on the PDC, because I used to call myself the standard or the standard bearer of the PDC. But although I'm saying that as a joke, it was actually very true, because any time you look at the PDC, 128-torque card holders, when you go down, go, can I meet the standard? The standard isn't Luke Comfris, the standard isn't Michael Van Gogh, that's the elite. The standard is the mean, who's number 64, that's the standard. And I was always just above the Tor card cut-off point, I was always around that point. So if you wanted to be a Tor card holder, I was the person you should judge yourself against, because I could get a Tor card, because I got one for 11 years, and I could keep hold of it for a prolonged period of time. So if you was looking and going, shall I go to Q school, I was the guy to look at and go... If I can beat Matt, I can live on the Tor. I was sort of a joke in terms, but very realistic, the sort of standard of that. So yeah, never been a world-beater, but the thing is now, I've got three months to prepare. Now that's dangerous, that's dangerous because I've got three months to get my body right, which as we know, my body doesn't work the same anymore, I've done a lot of things in my youth, wrestling, MMA boxing, I suffer for that now, along with the repetitive strain of darts. But I've got three months to get that right, so I'm in the treatment room on a weekly basis now, I can practice and prepare to get myself ready for it. I will tell you this now, when Lakeside comes, I won't be the guy that sat here right now, and I'm going to be dangerous. Yeah, you'll be ready. You'll be as ready as you can be, and that means, yeah, you're absolutely dangerous to any player, isn't it? You're not going to be playing a lukem freezer or a luke letler or go in price. And again, it's not disrespectful, the fact is you're not, and you know that there isn't anybody playing there that you got on your day, can't be, so it makes you very dangerous. There's no one else on the field who's done what I've done. Yeah, exactly. And while we're on the Welsh, there's quite a lot to talk about the Welsh really in the end, because almost as expected these days, Bo won both. But she beat Rhianne in both finals, a mission player and a solvent. So that's exciting for Rhianne, you know, get into the fight. And again, I don't want this, any of the ladies to think, oh, well, if I've got Bo, I'm out, but because it doesn't always work out like that, but I think she is proving to be heading shoulders above the rest of the moment. So therefore, if you get into the final against Bo, you've beaten everybody else pretty much. So fair play to Rhianne, yourself in the singles final, James Cerrell won the doubles, Rhianne also won the women's doubles, so it's a bit of a mission event, really, the Welsh. Good to see. Yeah, team mission, we've got some quality players, we really do have some quality players. And again, I think with a lot of the team mission players, I think the future's brighter than the past. Yes. And I think that's one of the exciting things about the players that we've got. We haven't got someone in there really who we've signed off the back of either in the top 16 at the moment, or we haven't got that player. No. But what we do have is we've got potential. We have. I think the future is very, very bright and certainly the back end of the year, I think we're going to see some big performances. I won't be surprised to see a mission player pick up a title very soon. No, I wouldn't. And just while you're talking about that, I'm pretty sure that if I just find it, we've just signed somebody. Keelan Kay has joined Mission Darts, two-time Development Tour winner, Keelan Kay, joined Mission this week. So there you go. There's another good young player coming through. So great to see, great to see. And great to see you doing well, mate. That was nice. That was nice. Well, that's a new shirt. The new shirt, which has been mentioned, rather smart. The new Ag Commission shirt, looking pretty good as well. And the Ag Commission Darts won't be far away. They won't be far away. I'm looking like you might need a smaller size soon as well. Yeah, losing a bit of timber. That's going to continue. So by the time Lakeside comes around, I will be at least a stone lighter than I am now. And I am one and a half stone lighter than when I first started this journey. So I will be another stone lighter that is part of the plan and part of the diet tree and part. This is it, right? Because when you get older and you start suffering a little bit more with niggles and injuries, you've got two choices. You've got to stop or you've got to work harder than ever. And I would say because of my body and how it is, I would say I would be one of the hardest working dalplers to get me ready for a game is a process. Yes. And the thing is, I'm willing to do these next three months, I'm willing to put everything into it. You're almost the Tiger Woods of darts these days because his body's completely broken. And I think he can only like play if he walks very slowly and he has to have three massage sessions and he has to somebody has to adjust his back and has to have everything. It's like you in it is like, right, Matt, you're playing at two o'clock. So if you can start getting ready at seven, you know, that's it. That is it right there. And that is why I'm confident I'll be better at lakeside because the tournament, you said it there, I started off 95 average. I was running 100 for most of the game. We were just missed a bit at the end there to bring it down next game. I was in the 60s because I had to see, I mean, these eventually I've practiced boards very often, I sat down for an hour to an hour and a half and then when I went back to it again, I couldn't feel darts. So, and then you notice I've got better towards the back end of the day. That's because more frequent, yeah, the boards was more available to practice in between games and the games was coming quicker. So with lakeside, I've got to get ready for one match. Yes. And that's it. I leave it for a few days, one match. That's going to soon. And that's why I'm going to say this now and I'm going to stick like this three outcomes at lakeside. Outcome number one, I get it wrong and I don't play well. And if I can't get myself ready for one game, I don't play no more. Yeah. Because I'm not going through all this process, I'm not putting all this effort and working if I can't do it, if I lost it. I win lakeside and I guarantee you now I will never throw a competitive dart ever again in my life if I win that title. Okay. Yeah. They will be the last starts I play. Now, this for you, this is the outcome. You're probably going, ah, no, because I really want a bit more match time next year. Yeah. I don't like that. I'm number three. I reached a quarter fine law, the semi-final. I play really well and I go out in a really good game and I think that there's more on the table. Yeah. No, don't want that. Come on. Can you just win? Play. That'll be great. Having fun in Wales, and there was another song going on, fun enough, PDC in Germany, which you won't have seen any of because you were either on the beach in the arcades or plain darts. But, um, are you right? Well, I think you're still that coming. Yeah. I've seen a lot of clips on it and very emotional, wasn't it? Well, yeah, big slipper in the final, who's we know is on fire, played brilliant little little like he was winning it. I watched a couple of Peter Rice early games. He was using Whitlock darts and actually Whitlock start and then come say, as I said, Simon's going home now. He's taking his darts with him so that anyway, funnily enough, the next game Peter changed his darts as he was just something completely different. I mean, that's the thing that gets me with Peter, the Whitlock, you know, the Whitlock is such a weird, aggressive, funny cuffs dart. And then he goes to like a ring dart, but it looked quite fatty. Wasn't the slim ring dart that he normally use? He's like a two-tone and I'm like, they're not even close. And then he goes on and wins it. And I'm like, well, who saw that coming? Because I thought Peter's been going downhill for a while. So who saw that coming and he played brilliant. So there's one person who saw it coming, though, on Peter Rice. Yeah, that's fair, sir. Look back through his interviews. A couple of interviews ago, he was saying, I'm going to win titles soon. I still got majors in me on this sort of thing. When everyone else lost faith, he didn't. Yes. And that is one of the things like a lot of people make noise around you. A lot of people tell you you can't do something or they want to react very quickly to a negative result or Peter Rice didn't believe any of it. And that, I think, is something to look at with Peter Rice and go, how strong is Peter Rice in a world where all the pundits, all the fans, everyone were telling. People were telling him to retire. Yeah. Well, I always thought, yeah, I've always thought other than age. So, you know, if you're 60 plus or whatever and your eyes are going and your body's not the same. I have the equation, I've always thought you don't become a rubbish dart player overnight. Either something changes in here or something goes wrong with your body or something outside of darts messes you up and that's you down for, you know, it's very rare that somebody who's won world championships, been world number one, suddenly just falls off a cliff unless something major has gone wrong and we know that that's happened to certain people in the past and it's very sad when it does. And I know Peter has had family, there were some family problems with illness and what have you. But you don't lose it and he's not old enough to have lost it. So I was always thinking, has he still got the belief and you've just said it right there? He still believed. So if he still believed and you still got that ability, it's a matter of time, it's a matter of time before you come back. That expression, isn't it? Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good way of putting it. Yeah. Almost an algorithm that I like it. Tell me about so much going on in the world, tell me about champions week, super serious. Interesting week. I mean, I was all kind of Scott. I thought Connor Scott was going to pick up the title, another mission player, a player playing fantastic darts, top of the challenge tour. But it went to Marvin Van Velsen, probably one of the surprise packages, but do you know what? I covered Marvin Van Velsen's week, not too long ago on commentary. And while I was there, it was the week he didn't win. So it's the last series. Okay. And I said, this guy's a player, I like this guy, there's some about him. And then he won a week. And I was like, okay, that's an achievement. That's a step up for him. I certainly didn't think you'd go win champions week, but he has. He had the heroes. Welcome. When you got home, this guy can play. Yeah. We covered from Dartitis, which was just an issue we had that a few years ago. And I think the thing with that is you value things. It means so much more to you. You appreciate it more. Like, again, I'm going to go back to me again, of course I am. At the weekend, going on stage in a ranked final before you just feel like, this is me, I deserve this. This is where I shouldn't be, all these things. Now you go up there. It might be the last time I ever do that, but I'm aware of that when I'm going on there. And I appreciate that. I actually said that to Andy Davidson afterwards, because afterwards he was like a little bit like I said, look, just make sure you enjoy this moment. Now Marvin doesn't need to be told that. He knows to enjoy the moment because he probably didn't believe that was going to happen when he had Dartitis. He probably, at the point of having Dartitis, his goal would be to turn up on a Monday night and be able to play with freedom and just release the darts. And he wouldn't have cared if he averaged 80, 90, 40, 30. He wouldn't have mattered. His goal would have been to play with freedom. So the fact that he won 25,000 pounds in now what is probably the biggest event outside of professional darts, the Super Series, or certainly one of the most watched, or the most exposed, or the most accepted, in regards to that, he would have appreciated that moment so much. He was probably one of the players, like if Jimmy Vanski would have won it, who he beat in the final, Jimmy Vanski is on a journey. Now, I'm not saying Marvin Vels is not on a journey to the top, but Jimmy Vanski's been winning DVID-19 event, he's doing one challenge tours, he's on his way to the Pro Tour. We're pretty sure he'll probably be there next year, whether it's due school or challenge tour or however he gets there. We think Jimmy Vanski, he's got a World Championship spot vault, he's at Lakeside, likely to get one for Ali Pali as well. So Jimmy Vanski's on a journey where if he'd have won that, he probably felt it was more of a stepping stone, or it's something on the way too, where for Marvin, that was potentially his crowning moment, his moment that we're living for the rest of. And he had 180 in the last leg, three all, 25 grand on the line, and he's maxing a 180. It's just brilliant. I love it when people do that, because it means you know, well, yeah, that's just me against you, but it means you're not thinking about the moment. We've all been there and thought about the moment. I famously missed four darts at the double ten to beat Gary Anderson when he was World Champion in the PDC, and it was because I was in the moment. I'm sort of over there thinking, I'm going to beat Gary Anderson, he's World Champion, I've played great, I'm going to be talking about this for years. And all that's going through your head, and if you can get rid of that, and it's just another double ten that you've got a thousand of in your lifetime, just pop it in. That's where you need to be. I don't need to tell you that. You know that very well. I've got a story I can share on that, very, very similar, because you said Gary Anderson, which is what made me think. Oh, don't mention the 170, Matt, nobody's ever heard that story before. No, I'm going to mention what happened a few days before, actually. Oh, OK. So it was a four day event in Milton Keynes, I'm playing Gary Anderson, five, five, I have three darts at double sixteen, my favorite double. If you said to me at that period of time, Matt, you've got three darts at double sixteen, or we're going to shoot you, I'd have been like, OK, I'm going to be, I'm fine. No problems. I missed three darts at double sixteen. Gary Anderson took out like 82 or 88 or so, I beat me six, five. I was good. And then the end of that phase, two days later, Gary Anderson was second round. I played Kai Fanglang, first round, beat him to play Gary Anderson. Now, so on the moment I saw the draw, I was going, oh, Gary Anderson, Gary Anderson, and my brother's messaging me, like, don't overlook this guy to get to Gary. You've got to beat him first. And I beat him. And he's like, and it was six, five as well. And I believe Kai Fang, Mr. Dartatops, are 160 to win the match. And then he's like, oh, right, you shouldn't have, you look like you overlook that. And I'm like, no, it's fine. I'm going, I'm gunning for Gary. I'm gunning for Gary. And then I beat him with 170 finish. Oh, yes. Yeah. There you go. You got the end. Nobody's ever hit that story before. I think it's on about 150 different YouTube videos. But anyway, final one, women's series. Final week end. Yeah. Final weekend this weekend coming up. Yeah. So at the end of this weekend, we'll know who's going to be in the world championships on the women's tour. Yeah, we should obviously record this during the week, but it's going to come out every Sunday. So it's a good thing. Well, it will be out to before the end of the women's series. So we're still not going to know who they're going to be. So, you know, who's winning it? Oh, I was winning it, but Bo's already got those positions in the Grand Slam Underworld Championships off the women's match play. Yes. So Bo's already going to be in position. We know she's going to take the Grand Slam, she's not going to take Ali Pali. Yeah. So two players off both. You can't do both. That's due to the Grand Slam. Oh. Oh, sorry. She's not going to do Ali Pali. She's going to do Lakeside. Lakeside, yeah. She's going to do Grand Slam and Lakeside. Yes. Yes. Okay. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. So there's two positions available. At the moment, it's looking like Fallon Sherwick and Noah Lin Van Louven for the world championships. So Noah's not going to take Lakeside either then. Oh, well, sorry, he isn't going to do Lakeside, right? Okay. But that's at the moment. That could change because look at people that are playing well at the minute. Gemma Hater, McCurris, Suzuki, Rianne's been playing very well all the year. Anastasia getting back to a bit of form as well. Crena Gulliver's always dangerous. And Paige Paulin, oh, what a player she is. Since she's 16 years old. Okay. Fantastic player. I'm going to be on the next big star then. I tell you what, youth women's is incredible at the moment. There's one, like Ipswich, which I think she's called Ruby. She's decent, Sophie Kinsey, I think it is, popping in 18 averages, like 15, 16 year old. Wow. So the women's game is going to be in a very good place in a couple of years because there's some really good ones coming through. So these ladies at the top need to be looking over the shoulder because there's some. I can't believe we've got 20 minutes in that and we haven't spoke about our big news. What's happening on Wednesdays every week? It's dying next week. Oh, hang on. We're going to get to see that episode, actually, by the time this goes out, we'd have seen episode one. Yes, we will. Series two, episode one, right, Miyaki. Do not miss that. That is just going to be so good. The new series is so good. Some incredible venues and some other incredible venues for different reasons, really. And it's going to be the same time every week. 7 o'clock, I believe. 7 o'clock. Every Wednesday, probably leading you all the way up until Christmas, right about now. Yeah, yeah. So that is super exciting starting next week. I know, obviously, we've been away. We've had holidays and we've been away filming and everything else and the content hasn't been there and it's been noted, people have noted it, but we've been banging some shorts out and people are loving the shorts. You know, just something a little bit different, loving the relatability of some of the shorts that we've done a lot of them from our memories of playing in dance teams, in put teams and things so relatable to people. It's because it's just so, like you say, every league has that guy. Every team has this guy. Every night has this guy. And there's always one and I remember I went across and watched because the misses is playing some darts in local leagues and things. And I went along and I sat there with a pen and paper and I just made notes of people and yes, they've exaggerated versions of what they are, but that's what makes them funny. And I just sat there and I'm like, that guy is like, got every excuse for why you can't have a go on the card. That guy goes on the card. This person is only just turned up, played and gone. That person wants to leave the second they've played. This person is clearly trying to do everything not to mark. He's going for a dream card, he's going for a no toilet now, just hoping someone will step in and start the game and they'll come back in the room again. Someone complaining because someone's playing pool on the other side of the room. I mean, I got one that's actually not relatable because this doesn't happen in every team, but it was a team we used to play and there was a guy in that team that never took his coat off, like never, so the middle of summer is 30 degrees more, but t-shirts are absolutely sweating. This guy's playing in the back of the bomber jacket and he never took it off. And I'm like, you could, at dance, you see things that you just, when you relate back to people, do you remember that guy who was playing his coat off? What was that all about? Like you say, the guy that's chattering every time he throws three darts, I've got comments today. I've printed off some comments and questions, isn't it? I love this. Yeah. This is something I've really wanted to do, like, so just to introduce, because me and Andy's obviously spoke about this, just to give you an idea when you're watching along, what we're doing is certainly when Rait Mallock is out as well, we are going to be looking through all the videos, whether it's a practice tip or thing, we're going to look at every single comment. We're going to pick out some of those comments and we're going to address them right here on this channel. We're going to answer them the best way we can. So, yeah, get a comment in a way if you've seen something you've ever said. Whoever sent us the great questions or the great comments, you're going to get a shout out. And the first one relates to the question that I posed the end of last week's podcast, which was the one time I was on stage at the UK Open, who beat me. And steady, steady, 6-8-1-4 has got, I believe, Andy lost 3-4, which is correct, to John Bowles. Do you remember John Bowles? Yes. Look. Hey, Ellen's man. Yeah. Yeah. It's a breeding ground over there. And he'd also, same guy, because we were asking for your top five players without tour cards. And we said Connor Scott and Wesley would nail down for the first two. So his suggestion was Harrison, which I know you're a fan of, is 30 Harry, Grieves, which I think we touched on, Bowles, and Janssen. Now, Oh, Danny Anson. Yeah, Janssen, isn't it? Yeah. Not Janssen. Yeah, Danny Anson. That's the Bolton in you coming out, isn't it? Yeah. And he's also putting Big John Anderson as an extra. Which we never mentioned Big John, did we? So that's an interesting question. Because his form's quite not been, I think that's very short-minded that the forms just not been there. So you don't select him, but longevity and yeah, I get the argument. Yeah. So onto the next one, Ryan Price dash OV3FZ, so I'm guessing his name is Ryan Price. It might be OV3Z. It could be, you never know, in this is 2024. So he's picked out a episode of "Rate My Ugly" from Series 1, and I thought you could comment on this because he's put on this episode, it looks like you've picked the worst board to review. Granted, the best boards with cameras would have been a good idea to review, but there must have been a reason why you picked the worst board. Barrett's in Northampton. I'm not sure. I haven't got the "Rate My Ugly" episode next. I think it was, in general, you talked about, yeah, you can talk about the "Rate My Ugly" in the past. In regards to the Barrett's, I think it was. And when you say "Cameras" on the board, I think that just confirms its Barrett, because that's where they had the cameras on the thing. So that wasn't the worst board at all, that was actually probably the best board. Sometimes the video doesn't show it because actually the other boards were in the snooker hall. The pool tables and snooker tables in between the shots, this was in a separate room at the back where they'd play their Super League or you'd play your maintenance. It was the match board rather than the tournament board. And I think sometimes these people, when they send in a request to go to a venue, they only play it on match night, when all the pool tables have been moved, they forget that we walk in on a Monday afternoon and go, "Right, what can we play on?" Or whatever day it is. So you can't always compare like the like here. I'm sure on a Thursday night league, when everything's been moved and it's all set up, it's magnificent, but we can only race it the time we go in. Well, to add to that, we know what Series 2 of "Rate My Okey" is. We know what Series 3 of "Rate My Okey" is. We know we want to eventually go into Europe with "Rate My Okey", but I suggested over dinner one time, I says, "Andy" and "Andy", Andy's not a two-split person, Andy's our video guy, keeps it simple, you know, same name is great. As I said, how about we do "Rate My Okey" Super League edition, where we go around, everyone's venue and we rate their Super League and everyone's like, "Fantastic, what a great idea." That could be a great series, but Andy, Cornwall, turn around and he goes, "Ang, on a minute." He goes, "Just thinking about this, when I go to Super League night, it takes 30 minutes to set the room up how we have it for Super League." And I thought, "You're right, because I remember the same. We'd have to get there early, put the board up, put the practice board, make sure the tables are right, put the compute to where it needs to go. We'd go into a venue that wouldn't look like it looks on Super League night." And because of that, I think it'd be unfair. The only way it could work is if Super League teams and venues get hold of us and say, "If you come on Tuesday at 2 o'clock, we'll have the room set up out with you on Super League night." That's the only way we could do it, because, I mean, we're all used to the place. You have to be on the same night as well, you know what I mean? If you went to one area, all the Super League's be on the same night, so it'd be very, very difficult to do. It would, but something, and fully enough, you mentioned Europe then, which leads me back on to the next question. This is Durky B, "Any chance of coming to NL, which is Holland, isn't it, to Vincent Bandavort's shop?" Well, we might be doing some shops very soon in regards to a tour and an episode and a series that's coming out. The main thing I can say about that is, "I am probably Andy's biggest nightmare, and I am probably the most ambitious person when it comes to the YouTube channel." And I say to Andy, "Andy, let's do this," and he goes, "Matt, that's about six grand." That's about six grand, the six weeks of your time. And he's like, "We can't do that right now, but this is how it works." Andy needs to look at the budgets and the do's and the don'ts. I get ambitious and I put stupid suggestions out there. Now, the more subscribers this channel has, the more weight I've got to go to Andy and say, "We've got 20, 30, 40,000 people who need entertaining, they need this content, get the budget sorted." And then Andy can't turn around to me then and go, "Matt, we can't go five grand over to Europe. We've got to take three people over there, all the cameras, all the bits, we've got hotels and travel and all this stuff." Now, the more subscribers we've got, the more weight I've got to... I've got a list, and I mean a list of stuff that Andy always has to try and look and filter me through and say, "Can't do that yet. We can maybe do that one, you know." But we've already in six months done on Gone, I think we've done our six months plan, or sorry, our 12 months plan in six months. So maybe our five-year plan might be two years. Well, I've got to America as well. I want to be over in America, Canada. I want to break my up towards Mars or, you know... See, this is what I have to deal with. I've got to be with the first people to play darts on the moon. I mean, I don't know, is that in the budget? I don't know. Anyway, maybe not. So... I would have spent the budget by February, I think, in the other one. Yeah, by the second of January, I like... Matador darts, at Matador darts, which I think is another channel, have asked, "My local snooker club used to have..." In fact, this is a comment which I wanted to come out on. "My local snooker club used to have an open dartboard and two booth dartboard rooms you could hire about six years ago, and they got rid of them. This year, they've put up six boards, even getting rid of a max table to accommodate four more new boards and put an extra board up on the existing board they already had. Monthly tournaments, Super League, two local teams later, and they're buzzing from them revenue. It's generated. I thought it was a great comment to go... We had to go a few years ago. It didn't take off, and now look what's happening to the world of darts. Okay, interesting. Also, I believe he's from the east of the country, so it's an orich-y sort of way, which, if that's the case, maybe we have to add that to the list of places we need to go because I also know Arrowheads is over there as well, that new shop that looks incredible. I think we've got to get there. Maybe we need to pay a bit of a trip over to the east side of the UK. What's that for you, Andy? Just a six-hour drive? Yeah, just clap to Nancy again, isn't it, six-and-a-half hours, but yeah, it's interesting that a local snooker club now sounds like six years on is now a local darts club. That's a sign of the signs. I don't think snookers are fashionable with young people anymore, and darts certainly is. It's a sign of what we've seen out on the road where we've gone, whoa, didn't see this coming. This is, wow, this is amazing. But what I do see with that, snooker clubs doing that, but at the end of the day, that's where darts is going now because the traditional English boozers that had a board over the fireplace, they're gone. They're going to food and getting chefs in and things. So we're going more to all, as you'll see, we're a rate marketer. It's more snooker halls and things, but with that, I think we're going to see an industry change as well because those snookles and venues are used to making money on a light fee. I go play snooker, it's £10 an hour for the light to be turned on. I reckon we're going to see that in darts. Now, we've seen this. We've traveled the country in regards to filming rate in my Rockies, and we're seeing more and more, it's £5 an hour, £10 an hour to play darts. The increasing cost in materials, dartboards, I think this light fee is going to be industry wide and industry common within the next five years. So I've got two takes on that and I see both angles, and angle number one is, my head says I don't like that. I don't like learning for darts because I'm used to going into venues where there's a board, I chop my darts, I usually buy three or four pints, my money's spent, however, if I go into a venue and there's a brand new dartboard up there and proper lighting, I'm thinking rate my hockey, and I think, wow, then I'm quite happy to pay. So I think it depends on, if there's a board up there that's been rotated 18 times, it's on its last legs, there's one spotlight over it, I'm sorry, but I'm not paying. I'll spend my money over the bar with you, and thank you, but if I go in a venue and it's everything's brand new, new boards up there, then I'm quite happy to pay an hourly rate, and those are kind of my two takes on it. Well I fully agree with you, I don't like it, that's probably part of what I've grown up in and around that is going to be in your play darts, but it's coming. Yeah I think so. It is coming, I don't think there's any stopping this, this is the way it's going. Some dartboards now, 70, 80 pounds, you've got a dartboard up, now you go into a venue, how long is that 70, 80 pound board going to last, and what is the profit on a drink once you've acted in all the cost of it, I think you're like drinking, yeah, yeah, I get that. How many times do you need someone to drink in a game of darts, just to cover the cost of the board? And essentially the young ones now don't drink as much, so it's coat, tap water, what whatever it is. So I do see that angle from you there, I do see that maybe it's just a different world now and it has to be done differently and you know, the pain by us. And also the supply and demand, how many places have we been where there's eight boards and they're all being played on. So in that case, you're going to need to meet, remember even in series one when we walked in and we couldn't, there was not a board to review because it was full and they said, you're going to have to come back an hour. Yeah, you're going to have to come back about six o'clock night because it would butt out. So if that's the case, then it's going to have to be chargeable, isn't it? Otherwise. It's the way it's going to have to upset the tone to show that it is doable. I think some places have really embraced it, like Barrett's in Southampton, when they had the computerized and the graphics and all those different things, they did some really good stuff. But I can't see and I'd just be really interested in getting some comments on what people think about this because it doesn't sit right with me in the fact I don't like it. But on the same aspect, the business man in me, I see it and I've seen nothing but this taking over. I think this is the way it goes and there's no stopping it. So, Daniella, Daniella, Sedearing, I think it is, what categories will there be in the Red Markey home edition that will be different from the normal one? So I think we can talk about this, we've done the filming and we decided we weren't going to go with the 10 categories thing because everywhere is going to be different. So if you want to talk a little bit, Matt, about what we did? Yeah, so when we got there, originally we had a criteria, we had what was going to judge and what was going to do it over and then we got to these homes and we got to these venues and there was amazing. And we almost didn't want to do a rate my office with what we'd rather do is showcase how good it was, the considerations, everything that went into it because I think it would have been hard behind it which we don't do a rate my office, which we don't speak to. It's not personal, wasn't it? And it looked like a showcase was so much better than a grading system. So we're going to highlight all the good stuff, everything they've done. I mean, harsh Andy, of course, found a huge thing to find something. I'm going to give you a spoiler here, he marked someone down because they had a fan, got an air conditioning unit in their shed, in their back garden. Look, it's the same anyway, you can't have a fan, your darts don't fly properly. If you've got an air conditioning, you can get the room cold and then turn it off. It's just genius. Joba 2744 has said, can your stance affect the darts and the foot placement? So I think what he's saying is standing in a different place, affect how your darts go. Foot placement is the very first thing I ever teach when I coach. It is the most important factor. And everyone will tell you the different things are the elbow, the follow through, all these different things. The most important factor is foot placement. Because what's the point in having a Ferrari if you've got no tires? The engine might be the best engine in the world, but it's going nowhere. And it's the same with this, foot placement, foot placement sorts out your alignment, your body alignment, your centre of mouth, your hip alignment, which will cause potential rotation, which means then you're using core muscles. There is so, so much just by having your foot out by a couple of inches, could have you out by two and a half to three darts boards, just by having that alignment wrong. And then you're painting something else to make the dart fly straight and you're trying to make two wrongs make a right. The basic way to look at it, in a simple sport science sense, is what you are connected to the floor with, what is rooting you in, that is the base of support. So what we do, we draw around the base of support, which will give us a shape. Now a lot of the time, that shape that we draw, you will see come out on the dart board. And I show people this a lot all the time, that actually your foot placement being off like this means you're going to go low five, travel 20, high one, that'll be your miss. And you know, how do you know that? Just looking at your feet will show me how you're going to cut off the dart board. But anyway, we draw around that circle. Then we take a sense of mass, which will be your core, the center of your core. We draw down that line, that will be our central line of gravity. And where that hits within that shape will determine for me, what you need in regards to a lean, what you need in regards to an elbow position and all these different things. Now, if that's out, it doesn't matter how much you concentrate on your grip, your dart, all these different things, if the foot position is out, you get it, because it's always going to be wrong. You're always going to be honest. Oh, then what you'll do, you'll start your twist, and then you go, oh, I get an aching my lower back when I play, because you're using muscles to support you rather than just your natural stance. And, you know, when we look at musculoskeletal system, very, very fancy way of staying your bones and your muscles, their primary function of the musculoskeletal system is movement. So if my bones want me to be this way and my muscles want me to be this way, all that does is cause tension, which is going to cause rotation or aches and pain. And I can't even count the amount of people I've seen that have stood a long way to one side or a long way to the other, and they've developed this action like this to get the dart in the right place, you know, and then you go, oh, let's just go back to the beginning. And I've got one final one for you, Matt, this week, and this is an interesting one, because this is a basically, this is a big journey, big journey two, four, five, and I think he wants us to pay him a visit, because he said we could do a nice video where you can hear my vaguely uninteresting story of how darts helped save me and survive after a life-changing heart attack. Matt Edgar could rate my hockey, which is in my shed, and he could fit me for a set of darts and taste my stock of beer and whiskey. And Alan Soota can play me best of three, and your new tech guy can make it all look good. I thought that was a great way to, the great comment on that one. So thanks, big journey two, four, five, that does sound like a day out that we all enjoy. And I'm guessing from Newcastle. Well, I'm guessing so too, yeah, and that's a part of the country that we haven't been. Yes. Yes. But we will be doing. That's all your comments and questions for this week, Matt, anything else on your mind? Nothing. I can't wait till next week. You normally put me right on the spot like you did last week with that. Right. And it's got five players that haven't got a talk on. Oh my God. Okay. Okay. If you want that, you're going to get it. Let's go with a conversation we had earlier. Top five female dark players who were going to the final women's series of the season. Top five female dark players in 24 right now. Right now. There right in my head straight away but can't have her because she's a, okay. So the top five. If anyone doesn't say bow grieves in their top five, please unsubscribe now and never come back. So top five players on current form or top five players that will be there. Top five players. If you had to pick a team to go represent England to represent the world against Mars attacks. Yeah. Okay. So therefore I'm going to leave training all of her out, but she would have been in my top five, you know, players that will be there because of what she's done, but I don't think it forms out good these days. So I'm going to go bow grieves, Rihanna Sorvin, Fallon Sharrick, Lisa Ashton, then I'm between two, do I go to detail or do I go on a stage? If I'm current form on guy a stage. Okay. Controversial. I would have, I thought if he was going to, I thought you would be looking at McCurra Suzuki. Oh, yeah. Or the Gemma Heter. Now that's a name. I don't really know. So you'll know it very, very soon. I think we'll also have Paige Pauling into that in the very, very near future as well. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Would you have gone data or would you have gone on stage in? I won't have gone either. There's a fence over there. No, it can be very interesting. And like you say, by the time this comes out, we'll probably be right in the middle of that. So good luck to all the ladies for that and hope it goes well and we'll see who gets through. And the next time we'll see people, they'd have seen Rate Mayaki series two. Yeah. So we'll be very, we should have some good comments. We should have some, some, just before we, before, so there's going to be a teaser coming out for it very soon. I'll tell you right now, because if you watch this, why shouldn't you get a little bit more information? It's from Clackton on C. And we went to Clackton on C. We've hopped in this car for, we've done Rate Mayaki. We're going back to the car. After 10, 11 o'clock at night, and there's a guy in the car park, sat, so he's got his misses in the front seat. He's pushed the seat of the driver's seat forward, and he sat in the back, near guitar. Just like, like you do, like you do on a Monday evening, you sit in the car park, you miss his in the front, and you're on the back seat playing a red tune. Absolutely. You couldn't make it up that. Oh boy. I'm telling you. You go away. So yeah. I've seen it like it. Amazing. Amazing. Good to talk to you as always. Don't forget to like and subscribe guys. This is now going to be on the podcast section of YouTube, remember, not on the main section. And we'll see you Wednesday for Rate Mayaki. Do subscribe because then he's got no choice but to go along with my ideas. Yeah. And I'll see you next week. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. - See you soon. You